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biographers who wrote fantasy
Showing 17-24 out of 121 results
Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)

poet, diplomat, politician, lyricist, autobiographer

  • University of Chile
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
World Literature 1999
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Windows that open inward
Selected odes of Pablo Neruda
Canto general
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Corazón amarillo
Confieso que he vivido
Late and posthumous poems, 1968-1974
Canción de gesta
Cien sonetos de amor
The Poetry of Pablo Neruda
España en el corazón
Plenos poderes
Memorial de Isla Negra
El crimen fue en Granada
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
100 Love Sonnets
Love Poems
I Explain a Few Things
Odes to opposites
Las manos del día
Las piedras del cielo
Una casa en la arena
Twenty poems
Odes to common things
Abriendo Puertas
Incitación al Nixonicidio y alabanza de la revolución chilena
Libro de las preguntas
All the odes
Mejores Poemas de Amor, Los
Fin de mundo
Arte de pájaros
Cantos ceremoniales
Full woman, fleshly apple, hot moon
Geografía infructuosa/Incitación al Nixonicidio/2000/El corazón amarillo/Elegía
The Heights of Macchu Picchu
Né pour naître
Neruda at Isla Negra
Odas elementales
Antologia poetica
Pablo Neruda. Por Las Costas Del Mundo
Regalo de um poeta
El habitante y su esperanza
El río invisible
Cantos ceremoniales, Plenos poderes
Todo el amor
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Antologa General
Nuevas odas elementales
200 Poemas De Amor
Los versos del capitán
Los Mejores Poemas De Amor (Poesia)
Geografía infructuosa
El cuaderno verde del Che
La rosa separada
Fulgor y muerte de Joaquín Murieta
El mar y las campanas
Pablo Neruda and Nicanor Parra face to face
Jardín de invierno
Neruda's garden
Homenaje al poeta Federico García Lorca
Canto General
On the Blue Shore of Silence
Five Decades
Selected poems of Pablo Neruda
Tercer libro de las odas
Ode to typography
Full Woman Fleshly Apple Hot Moon
                PS Paperback
La espada encendida
Que despierte el leñador
Las uvas y el viento
Defectos escogidos
The Complete Memoirs
Isla Negra
Canto General, 50th Anniversary Edition (Latin American Literature and Culture, 7)
Las piedras de Chile
Discursos Ante El Senado Soy Un Escritor Elegido Senador Por Los Obreros
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda
Canto General/ General Song
Intimate Infinite
Por las costas del mundo
Cuadernos de Temuco 1919-1920
Things that dream
Ruko, o pr̥thvī
Para Albertina Rosa
Poemas de amor
A new decade
Los Versos mas Populares
Résidence sur la terre
Antologia Poetica De Pablo Neruda/Poetic Anthology of Pablo Neruda (Clasicos Esenciales Santillana)
Nueva canto de amor a Stalingrad
Jardin de Invierno, Libro de las Preguntas, El mar y las Campanas, Defectos Escogidos / Winter Garden, Book of Questions, The Sea and the Bells, Chosen Defects
Sublime blue
Obras Completas I - De Crepusculario a Las Uvas y El viento 1923 - 1954
Antología poética, 1
Tentativa del hombre infinito
Obras escogidas
Five decades
Viajes al corazón de Quevedo y por las costas del mundo
La Barcarola
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda (Latin American Literature and Culture)
America, My Brother, My Blood / America, Mi Hermano, Mi Sangre
El libro de las preguntas
Cartas de amor
Neruda joven
Essential Neruda
Habla Neruda
Poemas de amos
Antologia Esencial - 373 -
Vingt poèmes d'amour et une chanson désespérée
De "Odas elementales" a "Memorial de Isla Negra", 1954-1964
Arte De Pajaros, Una Casa en La Arena / Bird Art, A House in the Sand
Tercera residencia, 1935-1945
Yo respondo con mi obra
Cartas de amor de Pablo Neruda
America My Brother, My Blood
Su Mejor Poesia
México florido y espinudo
La poesía no habrá cantado en vano
Twenty poems
Cartas a Laura
New poems (1968-1970)
Der unsichtbare Fluß. Ein Lesebuch
Splendore e morte di Joaquín Murieta
Pablo Neruda
Prologos (Problemi Na Prekhoda V Bulgariia)
Chilenische Lyrik im bewegten 20. Jahrhundert
Toward the splendid city: Nobel lecture
Obras completas
All the Odes
Maremoto, Aun, La Espada Encendida, Las Piedras del Cielo / Seaquake, Still, The Flaming Sword, The Stones of the Sky
Residencia en la tierra
Crepusculario/El Hondero Entusiasta /Tentativa del Hombre Infinito / Crepuscular/The Enthusiast Slinger/ The Attempt of the Infinite Man
Epistolario viajero, 1927-1973
Antologia Popular-neruda
Pablo Neruda
Epic Song
Canto general
Canto General I (Clsicos Universales)
Navegaciones e regresos
Der unsichtbare Fluß. Gedichte 1923 - 1973
Nerudiana dispersa
Obras Completas I De Crepusculario a Las (Obras Completas)
To the women of the world
Viele sind wir
Discursos Premios Nobel
7 de noviembre
Nerudiana Dispersa I 1915-1964 (Obras Completas)
Lo mejor de Anatole France
Los Mejores Poemas De Amor/ the Best Love Poems
Poemario da a Entrevista de Guayaquil 1822
Inaugurando el año de Shakespeare
Poesia de Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Reads His Poems in Spanish
Vinte Poemas de Amor e uma Canção Desesperada
Pablo Neruda y Nacanor Parra
Poesía de amor
Bibliothek Suhrkamp, Bd.99, Gedichte
Mensaje de paz y unidad
Balladen von den blauen Fenstern
J'avoue que j'ai vécu
La insepulta de Paita
Book of Twilight
Los poetas del mundo defienden al pueblo español
La Lampara en la Tierra - Alturas de Macchu-Picchu
Even This Twilight
Regalo De Un Poeta/ Gift Of A Poet
Para un castillo de penas
Pablo Neruda: the early poems
Evrensel Sarki / Canto General
Antología poética, 2
I͡A︡ budu zhitʹ--
Peace for twilights to come!
Obras completas (Opera mundi)
Para Albertina Rosa: Epistolario
La serenata épica de Neruda a México
Canto General (Contempora)
Pablo Neruda para niños
Nocturnal collection
Obras completas II
Canto general
Pablo Neruda acusa
Vinte Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada
Spiritual passports
Oda a la tipografía
Un canto para Bolívar
Romancero de la guerra española
Antologia Essencial
Cento sonetti d'amore
Glanz und Tod des Joaquín Murieta
Cuadernos de Temuco
Poetry of Pablo Neruda
Selected Poems
Oda a la typografía =
Poemas de amor
YasadIgImI Itiraf Ediyorum
Hrozny a vítr
Discurso de Stockholm
Pablo Neruda - Obras II / Rustica
Itinerario de una amistad
Windows That Open Inward
Dulce patria
De arte de pajaros a el mar y las campanas/ From The Art of the Birds to the Sea and the Bells (Obras Completas / Complete Works)
Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Then Come Back
Las cosas rotas y otras 60 odas elementales
Ayaklarina Dokunurum Golgede
Regalo de un poeta
Correspondencia entre Pablo Neruda y Jorge Edwards
Antología fundamental
Huellas de dolor y esperanza
Discurso pronunciado con ocasión de la entrega del premio Nobel de literatura, 1971 / Pablo Neruda
Résidence sur la terre
Yo acuso
Antologia Fundamental
Defectos escogidos ; 2000
Viente Poemas De Amor Y Una Cancion Desesperada Cien Sonetos De Amor (Ave Fenix)
Carta a México
The house at Isla Negra
Óda na typografii =
Crepusculario/el Hondero/tentativa Del H
Elegia: Obra postuma (Biblioteca breve ; 418 : Poesia)
Generación del Trece
Cuatro grandes poetas de América
Love Poems
Antología poética
A La Orilla Del Silencio
Antología poética
Antologia Poetica - Bolsillo -
A Estos Yo Canto y Yo Nombro Escritores En La Obra de Pablo Neruda Antologia
Chant général
Cien Sonetos de Amor - Veinte Poemas de Amor
Neruda y México
Bestiary-Bestiario (Harvest Special Hb292)
O Partido Comunista e a liberdade de criação
Ve Asktan Olacak Olumum
El fin del viaje
Three odes
Εκατό ερωτικά σονέτα
Kuruntular Kitabi
We are many
La poesía póstuma de Pablo Neruda
Libro de las preguntas seleccion
Todo Ileva tu nombre
Poesías escogidas
Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda
Um geboren zu werden
Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Basic Anthology
Eikósi erotiká poiimata ki ena tragoudi apelpismeno
Yuz Ask Sonesi
Canto General (Latin American Literature and Culture, Vol 7)
Lo mejor de Pablo Neruda
Homenaje a Pablo Neruda
Nuevas Odas Elementales/tercer Libro De (Contemporanea)
A New Decade (Poems 1958 -1967)
Frascos rojos en Maldonado
Pablo Neruda lee su poesía
Oda a la lagartija
a la Mesa Con Neruda
Discursos parlamentarios de Pablo Neruda
Seleccion De Poemas
Chile en el corazón
Los Mas Bellos Poemas de Amor Latinoamericanos
Habitante Y Su Esperanza/anillos
Hungrig bin ich, will deinen Mund. Liebessonette
Poesía política
Bir Yildiza Övgü
Canto General II (Clsicos Universales)
Then come back
Fifty Odes
Pablo Neruda, letzte Gedichte
Yeryüzünde Konaklama
Twenty Love Poems, Q
Pablo Neruda y Nicanor Parra
Venti poesie d'amore e una canzone disperata
America, Mi Hermano, Mi Sangre
Veite Poemas De Amor (Mexican Authors)
Antologia Fundamental - Neruda
Antología poética
Kaptanin Dizeleri
Book of twilight
Gei yi ke xing de song ge
Attraverso l'oscuro splendore
Ik ben
La solitude lumineuse
Pābalo Nerudāra āro kabitā
Cuando de Chile
Venok Nerude
Memorial de Isla Negra
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Mexico florido y espinudo
Jeg bekender, jeg har levet
20 Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada-C/CD
Um geboren zu werden
El habitante y su esperanza. El hondero entusiasta. Tentativa del hombre infinito. Anillos
Las furias y las penas
Cantos de Pablo Neruda
Poesía de amor
Pablo Neruda en breve
La barcarola
Aquí estoy
Nieluda shi xuan
Obras completas
Cuatro poemas escritos en Francia
Huellas de dolor y esperanza
Comiendo en Hungría
En Defensa de Manuela Sáenz
Heights of Macchu Picchu
Diez odas
Adiós a Tallone
Correspondencia entre Pablo Neruda y Jorge Edwards
Arte de pájaros
Pābalo Nerudāra āro kabitā
Odas elementales
Dos odas elementales
Algunas odas
Presencia de Ramón López Velarde en Chile
Er shi shou qing shi yu jue wang de ge
Heights of Macchu Picchu
Obras Pablo Neruda (Obras)
Los versos del capitán
La copa de sangre
O coração amarelo
Centenario del poeta Pablo Neruda
Canción de gesta
Pablo Neruda, Héctor Eandi
Selected poems of Pablo Neruda
"La nave" e altri testi
Poemas de Amor - Nueva Edicion
Dogs nad ang don bzhi pa
Residencia en la tierra (1925-1935)
El hondero entusiasta (1923-1924)
Canción de gesta
No Royalty A/C We Are Many
Oda a las flores de Datitla
Incitement to Nixonicide and praise for the Chilean revolution
Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada  Los versos del capitan
Poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda
La Biblioteca Nacional y Pablo Neruda
بابلو نيرودا ، قصائد مختارة
Poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda
Neruda y México
México florido y espinudo
20 poemas al árbol y cactus de la costa
Libros pintados
Cantos de amor y de combate
Que despierte el leñador
Canto General II
Cartas a Gabriela
Canto general
20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Pablo Neruda
Antología esencial
Antología elemental
Pablo Neruda
Os versos de capita o
The unknown Neruda
Cantos de amor
Incitement to Nixonicide and praise for the Chilean revolution
El habitante y su esperanze
Canto General (Ayacucho Library Collection Ser : Vol 2)
Poésie impure
En el corazón de un poeta
Letter to Miguel Otero Silva, in Caracas (1948)
Twintig liefdesgedichten en een wanhoops zang
Fin de mundo
Love poems
Don Alonso de Ercilla, inventor de Chile
Neruda, el hombre y el poeta
Οι στίχοι του καπετάνιου
Neuvas odas elementales
Oda al mar
Antologia popular de la resistencia
Poesie e scritti in Italia
Libro de las odas
4 poemas de Pablo Neruda y Un amanecer en la isla
La rosa separada
Canto General I - 86 -
Pablo Neruda Reading His Poetry in Spanish (Swc 1215)
To the women of the whole world
Los mejores versos de Pablo Neruda
Discorso di Stoccolma (conferenza Nobel)
Ode alla tipografia
Poemario de la entrevista de Guayaquil 1822 en la épica voz de Neruda, Genta y Castillo
Alturas de Machu-Pichu
[Gimny Kube i Drugie Poėmy
Body of a Woman
Città, città di fuoco, resisti
Canción de gesta
Confieso que he vivido
Confieso que he vivido
Bestiary. Bestiario
Address to the sea
Сеопшта песна
Beleidigtes Land
Hypsē tou Matsou Pitsou
20 [i.e. Veinte] poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
El mal y el malo
La coppa di sangue
Antología esencial [de] Pablo Neruda
Selected poems
Antologia Poetica 1
Antologia Popular-neruda
Pablo Neruda Poemas
ʻEśrim shire ahavah ṿe-shir eḥad meyoʼash
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Antologia Poetica 2
Poesías completas
Four odes, one song
Walking around
Antologia Poetica/an Anthology of Poems (Poesia)
Agar bā shumā sukhan bigūyam
ʻEśrim shire ahavah ṿe-shirat-yeʾush aḥat
Pablo Neruda-Claudio Véliz, correspondencia en el camino al Premio Nóbel, 1963-1970
מבחר שירים
Venti poesie d'amore e una canzone disperata
Una casa en la arena
Canto general
Pablo Neruda e sua poesia eterna
Poppy Z. Brite
Poppy Z. Brite (born 1967)


The Living Dead
Courtney Love
Shadows over Baker Street
Soul Kitchen
Love in Vein II
The Value of X
Exquisite corpse
Are You Loathsome Tonight?
Antediluvian Tales
The Century's Best Horror Fiction. Volume 2
The Devil You Know
Self-made Man
Drawing Blood
Crossing the Border
Lost Souls
The Crow
Love in Vein
Second line
Best New Horror 4 (Mammoth Book  of Best New Horror)
The Lazarus heart
Plastic Jesus
Swamp foetus
Swamp Foetus
His mouth will taste of wormwood andother stories
Wrong Things
Eros vampire
Guilty but Insane
Contes de la fée verte
Seed of Lost Souls
Sang d'encre
The Lazarus Heart
Penis Is as Penis Does
The Crow The Lazarus Heart
Self-made man
Plastic Jésus
La belle rouge
Ames perdues
Swamp Foetus: A Collection of Short Stories
Éros vampire
El arte más íntimo
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991)

translator, Esperantist, autobiographer, journalist, Nobel Prize winner

The fearsome inn
Wandering Stars
Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Bronze Level
Short stories
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Bronze
Enemies, a love story
Dark Forces
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Copper Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Reader's Companion -- Bronze Level
The King of the Fields
Shadows on the Hudson
The Manor
The penitent
A day of pleasure
The Family Moskat
Love and exile
A Friend of Kafka
Best Short Stories -- Advanced Level
The certificate
Old love
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Junior Great Books -- Series 4, Book 2
Satan in Goray
The magician of Lublin
Conversations with Isaac Bashevis Singer
The estate
Alone in the Wild Forest
Mazel and Shlimazel
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Isaac Bashevis Singer, three complete novels
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
An Isaac Bashevis Singer reader
The death of Methuselah and other stories
Reader's Companion--Bronze Level
Joseph and Koza
The séance, and other stories
Gimpel the fool and other stories
Reaches of Heaven
Prentice Hall Literature
More stories from my father's court
In my father's court
Elijah the Slave
Naftali the storyteller and his horse, Sus
Power of Light
Passions, and other stories
The fools of Chelm and their history
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Reader's Companion--Copper Level
Yentl the Yeshiva boy
The Golem
Stories for children
A young man in search of love
A crown of feathers and other stories
A young man in search of love
The topsy-turvy Emperor of China
Isaac Bashevis Singer
When Shlemiel went to Warsaw & other stories
A little boy in search of God
A tale of three wishes
Encyclopædia Britannica
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
The Manor and the Estate
Why Noah Chose the Dove (Sunburst Book)
Gimpel the Fool
Short Friday, and other stories
More Sewing for the Home
When Shlemiel went to Warsaw & other stories
Nobel lecture
Short Friday
The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer
Der Knecht
The Spinoza of Market Street
Selected short stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer
Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories
The parakeet named Dreidel
The magician of Lublin
Mazel Y Shlimazel
El Certificado
The wicked city
In my father's court
Gimpel the fool
A crown of feathers and other stories
The Fools of Chelm and Their History
Mayn ṭaṭn's beys-din shṭub
The Magician of Lublin
Spinoza of Market ST
The Spinoza of Market Street
Day of Pleasure and Other Stories for Children
The Golem
Lost in America
Crown of Feathers
Death of Methuselah
Spinoza of Market Street and Other Stories
Short Friday, and other stories
Shadows on the Hudson
The Topsy-Turvy Emperor of China
Golem, El Coloso De Barro
Zjawa i inne opowiadania
Un jeune homme a la recherche de l'amour
Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories
The king of fields
Shadows on the Hudson
Tales of the Heart
More Stories from My Father's Court
Remembrances of a rabbi's son
El Certificado
Teibele and her demon
The image
Der König der Felder
Isaac Bashevis Singer Stories V. 3 Brazil
Isaac Bashevis Singer Stories V.2 Kafka
La Muerte de Matusalem
Ein Tag des Glücks und andere Geschichten von der Liebe
Thall 's a-bhos
Satan In Goray
Sombras sobre el Hudson
Simple Gimpl
Der Kabbalist vom East Broadway. Geschichten
Short Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer
My Fathers Court
Un jour de plaisir
Sombras Sobre El Hudson
Dashuri e vonë
Gimpl tam
Eine Kindheit in Warschau
Mein Vater der Rabbi. Bilderbuch einer Kindheit
Short Friday y Other Stomes
Le Petit Monde De La Rue
Mazel and Shlimazel, or the Milk of a Lioness
Verloren in Amerika. Vom Schtetl in die Neue Welt
Zlateth la chèvre
Der shpigl
Satan in Goray
Di familye Mushkat
The Penguin collected stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer
El Esclavo / The Slave (Afluentes)
Satan in Goray
Das Landgut. Roman
Der Tod des Methusalem und andere Geschichten vom Glück und Unglück der Menschen
The Parakeet Named Dreidel
Sombras Sobre el Hudson  Shadows on the Hudson
                Zeta Clasicos
The Complete Garden, 1921, 440 pages with 63 plates.
Nobel Lecture (English and Yiddish Edition)
A young man in search of love
Der śoṭn in Gorey
Le Fantôme
Mas Historias de La Corte de Mi Padre
Le Certificat
In my father's court
Spuscizna (The Estate, Polish language)
Isaac Bashevis Singer Boxed Set
Schoscha. Roman
In My Father's Court
Le petit monde de la rue Krochmalna
Gimpel der Narr. Ausgewählte Erzählungen
Gimpel the Fool and other tales
La Casa De Jampol
Le certificat
Naftali the storyteller and his horse, Sue and other stories
In My Father's Court
Isaac Bashevis Singer : The Collected Stories
The Sance And Other Stories
Miłośłc i wygnanie
Der Zauberer von Lublin
Amor y Exilio
Schatten über dem Hudson
Magician of Lublin
La corne du belier (French Edition)
The Last Demon
Jentl. Großdruck. Erzählungen
[ha -Nahalah
Aspects of I.B. Singer
Elijah the Slave
Max, der Schlawiner. Roman
Yentl, bahur ha-yeshivah
Old Truths and New Clichés
Le manoir
Denʹ ispolneni︠i︡a zhelaniĭ
Gimpel der Narr
Der soṭn in Gorey
Der ś oṭn in Goray
Massel und Schlamassel und andere Kindergeschichten
Naftali the Storyteller and His Horse, Sus
Gimper Le Naif
Mayn ṭaṭns beys̀-din shṭub
The family Moskat
Day of Pleasure
The Penitent
A Friend of Kafka, and Other Stories
Der Golem.
Séance, and Other Stories
Los Herederos
Old Love. Geschichten von der Liebe
Di familye Mushkat
When Shlemiel went to Warsaw & other stories
When Shlemiel went to Warsaw
Das Visum
ha- Mafteaḥ
Le Spinoza De La Rue Du Marche
La destruccion de Kreshev / The Kreshev destruction (Spanish Edition)
Selected short stories
Shelumiʾel ish Ḥelm ṿe-ʻod sipurim
Collecter Stories of Bashevis Singer
El huésped
The King of the Fields.  1988.  dj.
The family Moskat;
Als Schlemihl nach Warschau ging. Acht Geschichten.
Isaac Bashevis Singer And The Lower East Side
Satán en Goray
Passions and Other Stories By Isaac Bashevis Singer
Der Soṭn in Goray
Le magicien de Lublin
Gimpel the Fool & the Man Who Came Back (Swc1200)
El huésped
Miłość i wygnanie
Le magicien de Lublin
Mayśes̀ fun hinṭern oyṿn
Seans i inne opowiadania
La Mort de Mathusalem
Family Moskat
Di familye Mushkat
Li͡ubinskiĭ shtukarʹ
Isaac Bashevis Singer, in the World of Chaos
Old Love
Histoire des trois souhaits et Autres Contes
Krochmalna No. 10/in My Father's Court
Satan in Goray. INSCRIBED.
Mi-Ṿarshah ʻad Nyu Yorḳ
The Spinoza of Market Street
Short Friday
Un dia de placer
The power of light: eight stories for Hannukah
Perdu en Amérique
Cuando Shlemel fue a Varsovia y otros cuentos
Yom shel ʻoneg
In my father's court
Love and Exile
The fearsome inn
In My Father's House
O penitente
The family Moskat
Simpele Gimpl en andere verhalen
Isaac Bashevis Singer : Writings on Yiddish and Yiddishkayt
King of the Fields
Der śoṭn in Goray
[The Family Moskat ] [By
More Stories from My Father's Court
Shosha / Isaac Bashevis Singer
Le distese del cielo
Ḥakhme Ḥelem ṿe-toldotehem
Dekoning Van De Akkers
Shrewd Todie and Lyzer the Miser & other children's stories
SCUM. Translated by Rosaline Dukalsky Schwartz.
Il golem
Death Of Methuselah and Other Stories
Love and Exile
Short Friday, and other stories
On Literature and Life
Der ḳuntsnmakher fun Lublin
Un Amigo de Kafka y Otros Relatos
Why Noah Chose The Dove
Rasskazy dli͡a deteĭ
Yarmeh ṿe-Ḳeyleh
Levad be-yaʻar ha-pere
ha- Śaṭan be-Gore
Satan in Goray
Enemies, A Love Story, Noonday Press, Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux
The magician of Lublin
Stories for Children by Isaac Bashevis Singer (1984-10-05)
Di familye Mushḳaṭ
The Spinoza of Market Street
Una boda en Brownsville
The Seance
Der ḳuntsnmakher fun Lublin
Séance, and Other Stories
Krochmalna no. 10
The Estate (English and Yiddish Edition)
Fokusnik iz Li︠u︡blina
The sGeance and other stories
הקוסם מלובלין [תכניה]
Gada u-vish-gada
In my father's court / Isaac Bashevis Singer
Penitent, The
Satana v Gorae
The Wise Men of Chelm and the Foolish Carp
De nouveau au tribunal de mon père
Old Love by Isaac Bashevis Singer (1979-10-01)
Family Moskat
The Spinoza of Market Street
Teni nad Gudzonom
Sztukmistrz z Lublina
Enemigos, una historia de amor
An Isaac Bashevis Singer reader
ha-Śarid she-notar
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Liublinskii shtukar'
The magician of Lublin
Love and Exile
Short Friday, and Other Stories
El huésped
El huésped
Zlateh die Gei .
Der ḳuntsmakher fun Lublin
The "Safe Deposit"
Stíny nad Hudsonem
Sbornik rasskazov
Di familye Mushḳaṭ
Short Friday
The séance, and other stories
Friend of Kafka and Other Stories
La familia Moskat
Di familye Mushkaṭ
Masaʻot Bashevis be-Erets Yiśraʼel
The Certificate
Zlateh the Goat
The Slave, Enemies, A Love Story
Staré lásky
Imagen, La
Der Śoṭn in Goray
Satan in Goray
Spinoza of Market Street and Other Stories
An Isaac Bashevis Singer Reader
Le domaine
Shalosh mishʾalot
Shosha, A Novel
ʻOśeh ha-niflaʼot mi-Lublin
Haengbokhan pabodŭl i sanŭn maŭl, K'ellŭm
Dui boner galpa
Pierdut în America
Spinoza of Market Street
The Fools of Chelm
Isaac Bashevis Singer's Extraordinary Work
Family Moskat
A friend of Kafka
Bet ha-din shel aba
Sefinah le-Ameriḳah
El mago de Lublin
The King of the Fields
Stories for Children Isaac Bashivis Singer. Includes Zlateh the Goat; Wicked City; Lemel & Tzipa; Lantuch; Ole & Trufa; Elijah &
Satán en Goray
Le roi des champs
The slave
Illan tullen, yön pimeten
Enemies, a Love Story
Love and Exile
Le blasphémateur
Singer Short Friday
Manor and the Estate
The Penitent. a Novel
Une histoire de paradis et autres contes
Satan in Goray
Passions, and Other Stories
La familia Moskat
Isaac Bashevis Singer Conversations With Writers (L069 Cassette)
Le Spinoza de la rue du Marché
King of the Fields
Mishpaḥat Muskat
Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories
The fearsome inn
The Magician of Lublin
The magician
Spinoza of Market Street
Szatan w Goraju
Zortzi kontakizun
Gólem, el coloso de barro
Satan En Goray
Una ventana al mundo
Enemies a Love Stor-2
Ung man söker kärleken
Späte Liebe
An Isaac Bashevis Singer Reader
In My Fathers Court-C
(First Printing) Shosha Hardcover By Isaac Bashevis Singer 1978 (Sosha)
Satan in Goray
The séance and other stories
Naftali baʻal maʻaśiyot ṿe-suso
Un amigo de Kafka
Der bal-tshuve
Der ḳuntsnmakher fun Lublin
Gimpel the Fool.
Sombras sobre el Hudson
Shammai Weitz
Stories for Children
La casa de Jampol
Il re dei campi
Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories
Image and Other Stories
Love and Exile
A Friend of Kafka
"The Safe deposit" and other stories about grandparents, old lovers, and crazy old men
Der Kabbalist vom East Broadway
Yentl the Yeshiva Boy and Other Stories (including Short Friday)
Keci Zlate ve Baska Öyküler
La Corne du Bélier
Anime perdute
A Day of Pleasure
The Magician of Lublin
Bet ha-din shel aba
Maduʻa baḥar Noaḥ ba-yonah
ha- ʻEved
Collected Stories
Bet ha-din shel aba
Cuentos Judios de La Aldea de Chelm
Noahs Taube.
No Tribunal de Meu Pai
Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories.
Mazel and Shlimazel
The Séance
Magician of Lubin
Als Schlemihl ging nach Warschau
La muerte de Matusalén y otros cuentos
El Spinoza de la calle Market
Ṭaibeleh ṿeha-shed shelah
Los herederos
The Image and Other Stories.
Old Love
Enemies, a Love Story
When Shlemiel went to Warsaw & other stories
Ellis Island oral history project, series NPS, no. 042
Yentl, the yeshiva boy
Mazel and Shlimazel
Isaac Bashevis Singer reading his stories
Friend of Kafka and Other Stories
El esclavo
Scum. Trans. by Rosaline Dukalsky Schwartz.
The gentleman from Cracow
Spinoza de la rue du Marche et autres nouvelles
ha-Ḥozer bi-teshuvah
The Manor
Shosha (French Edition)
El penitente
A Crown of Feathers
Der bal-tshuve
Keyla la rossa
Ung man söker kärleken
The Manor
Lubulin di mo shu shi
King of the Fields
Gimpel the Fool
Passions and Other Stories
Strasti i drugie rasskazy
Mazel and Schlimazel or The Milk of a Lioness
Un amic de Kafka
Judecătorul de pe strada Krochmalna
Gimpel, el tonto
Subbota v Lissabone
SCUM. Translated by Rosaline Dukalsky Schwartz.
El seductor
A day of pleasure
Dekoning Van De Akkers
Un amic de Kafka
Li Łublinskii  shtukar £
The gentleman from Cracow ; The mirror
La distruzione di Kreshev
No Royalty A/C Gimpel the Fool
El mago de Lublin
Mayśes̀ fun hinṭern oyṿn
En el tribunal de mi padre
פונדק האימה
ha-Ḳosem mi-Lublin
Una ventana al mundo
Golem i drugie rasskazy dli︠a︡ deteĭ
Ḥurban Ḳreshev
Ombres sur l'Hudson
Isaac Bashevis Singer Read
Shalosh mishʼalot
Der Geschichtenerzähler
Die Narren von Chelm
Der Kaiser von China, der alles auf den Kopf stellte
La Destruction de Kreshev
Tully Filmus
Syn iz Ameriki
La familia Moskat
Quand Shlemiel s'en fut à Varsovie et Autres Contes
enemies, a love story
Jacqueline Wilson
Jacqueline Wilson (born 1945)

autobiographer, actor, playwright

  • Coombe Girls' School
Video Rose
Starring Mark Spark And Video Rose
The monster story-teller
Jacqueline Wilson's twin tales
Jacqueline Wilson Dream Journal
Girls Out Late (Girls #3)
Girls under pressure (Girls #2)
The story of Tracy Beaker
The Suitcase Kid
The Lottie Project
The Mum-minder
Girls in Love (Girls #1)
Dustbin Baby
Double act
The Worry Website
My brother Bernadette
Girls in tears (Girls #4)
Starring Tracy Beaker
Clean Break
Bad Girls
The Diamond Girls
The Bed and Breakfast Star
The Werepuppy
Lola Rose
Buried Alive!
Best Friends
Love Lessons
Elsa, star of the shelter!
Hetty Feather
The Dare Game
Jacky Daydream
How to Survive Summer Camp
Waiting for the sky to fall
Diamond Girls
Three for Tea
The illustrated mum
The Werepuppy on Holiday
Take a Good Look
Mr. Cool
Jacqueline Wilson Quiz Book
Connie and the Water Babies
Totally Jacqueline Wilson
How to Survive Summer Camp
Beauty and the Beast
The Longest Whale Song
Teddy at the Fair
Mr Cool (I Am Reading)
Monster Eyeballs
Cat Mummy
Hide and seek
The Monster Story-Teller (Corgi Pups)
The Worst Thing About My Sister
kids' night in
The Werepuppy and the Werepuppy on Holiday
The Dinosaur's Packed Lunch
Lizzie Zipmouth
Truth or dare
Lily Alone
Lizze Zipmouth
My Sister Jodie
Mark Spark in the dark
The Lottie Project
Wave Me Goodbye
Girls in Tears (Girls #4)
The Jacqueline Wilson Collection
The Cat Mummy
Take a good look
Girls out late (Girls #3)
My Sister Jodie
Verliebte Girls. ( Ab 12 J.)
Girls in love
Christmas Adventure
Interview with Jacqueline Wilson (An Interview With)
Dustbin Baby
Making hate
The Mumminder
Vicky angel
Jimmy Jelly
Little Darlings
The World of Jacqueline Wilson (Mini)
Big Day Out
Girls in Love
Four Children and It
The killer tadpole
My Brother Bernadette
Paws and whiskers
Jacqueline Wilson Biscuit Barrel: "Cliffhanger", "Buried Alive"
The dinosaur's packed lunch
Die fabelhaften Barker Girls
Ricky's Birthday (Nippers)
Girls halten zusammen
Tracy Beaker Gets Real!
Bad girls
Opal Plumstead
Das Kofferkind
An Interview with Jacqueline Wilson (Telling Tales)
Tattoo Mum
Twin Trouble
The Tracy Beaker Trilogy Jacqueline Wilson
Bad Girls
Sapphire Battersea
Ma chère momie
The Jacqueline Wilson Treasury
Girls - Stürmische Zeiten
Rat race
Hetty Feather
Deep blue
Little Stars
Sophie's secret diary
Sapphire Battersea (Hetty Feather)
Jacqueline Wilsons Funny Girls
The Story of Tracy Beaker
La Double Vie de Charlotte
My Secret Diary
Little Darlings
Jacqueline Wilson Annual 2011 The Official Jacqueline Wilson Mag
The Illustrated Mum
Sapphire Battersea (Hetty Feather)
The Dare Game
Vicky Angel
Jacqueline Wilson Biscuit Barrel
Falling Apart
Mr Cool
Teddy at the Fair
La niña de la maleta
My Mum Tracy Beaker
The school trip
Girls Under Pressure
Four Children and It
Mon amie pour la vie
Girls in Tears
Jacqueline Wilson's Double Decker
The Power of the Shade
Is There Anybody There? Crystal Gazing
Jimmy Jelly
Na krawędzi
Girls in love
Ffrindiau gorau
Little Stars (Hetty Feather)
3 filles et douze coups de minuit
Clover Moon
Starring Tracy Beaker
The Other Side
Girls out late
Vicky Sigue Conmigo
Le Couteau sous les yeux
Come Back Teddy!
Peth Gwaethaf Am Fy Chwaer, Y
Trois filles (et dix kilos en trop)
Clover Moon
We are the Beaker Girls
Dziewczyny się odchudzają
Jacqueline Wilson Diary
Children's Writers' & Artists' Yearbook 2008 (Children's Writers' & Artists' Yearbook)
The Tracy Beaker Quiz Book
Is There Anybody There? Spirit Raising
Jacky Daydream
I Wish I Had An Uncle Dick
Tracy Beaker Trilogy
The Illustrated Mum
The Primrose Railway Children
Lowri angel
Tracy Beaker Box Set
The Worry Website
Girls Under Pressure
Hetty Feather
Sapphire Battersea
Let's pretend
Monster eyeballs
Jacqueline Wilson diary 2016
The Cat Mummy
Great Books to Read Aloud
Girls under pressure
Lola Rose
Mr. Cool
Candyfloss X4 Audios
Girls in Tears
Totally Jacqueline Wilson
Emerald Star
My Mum Tracy Beaker
Emerald Star
Double Act (Plays Plus)
Chicas enamoradas
My secret diary
Best Friends
The Werepuppy
Wave me goodbye
Stacks of Stories 3Hr Double
Four Children And It
Buried alive!
Teddy Goes Swimming
Opal Plumstead
Mark Spark in the Dark
The Jacqueline Wilson Daydream Journal
The Jacqueline Wilson Double
Lulu Bouche-Cousue
Das Spiel mit dem Tod (Truth or dare, dt.) Kriminalroman
Nobody's Perfect
Longman Book Project : Fiction : Band 1
Iar Mr Cool Spl
Jacqueline Wilson Hobby Journal
The butterfly club
Girls in tears
Girls under pressure
Doble Funcion
Wave Me Goodbye
Jacqueline Wilson Pet Journal
Mark Spark in the Dark
Jacqueline Wilson Christmas Cracker
Love Frankie
The Tracy Beaker Trilogy
Abril En La Basura
Freddy's Teddy
Happy Holidays
Rent a bridesmaid
Jacqueline Wilson Journal
Les Vacances du chiot-garou
How to Survive Summer Camp
Connie and the Water Babies
My Brother Bernadette
                Red Bananas
Girls Out Late
Girls Out Late
The Monster Story-Teller
Girls Under Pressure
Hetty Feather
The illustrated mum
Green Glass Beads
Merched drwg
Hetty Feather and Sapphire Battersea
Runaway Girls
Lola Rose
Little Stars
Jacqueline Wilson's Superstars
Book of You
Baby Love
My Brother Bernadette
Mark Spark in the Dark
Lola Rose
Dziecko ze śmietnika
Dziewczynka z walizkami
Worry Website
Jacqueline Wilson Collection 10 Books Set, Titles includes - the Story of Tracy Beaker, Starring Tracy Beaker,Dustbin Baby,Vicky Angel,Lily Alone,The Worst Thing About My Sister, The Mum-Minder.
Secrets and Dreams Boxed Set
Corgi Pups (Corgi Pups)
Worry Website
Jacqueline Wilson Double Decker
World of Jacqueline Wilson
The Worry Web Site
Tracy Beaker's Thumping Heart
Evde Tek Basina - Çilekli Pasta Kitaplari 3
Jacqueline Wilson Friendship Journal
We Are the Beaker Girl
Emerald Star
The Jacqueline Wilson dream journal
We Are the Beaker Girls
Starring Tracy Beaker
Les malheurs de Millie Plume
Palgrave Handbook of Prison Tourism
My Brother Bernadette
The Worst Thing About My Sister
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2008
Vicky Angel
Best Friends
Kocia Mumia
Jimmy Jelly (Piccadilly Pips S.)
Born lucky and other tales of the past
Buried Alive!
The Story of Tracey Beaker AND The Worry Website
The Story Of Tracy Beaker & The Dare Game
Big Day Out
Diamond Girls
New Novel
3 filles et 9 bonnes résolutions (French Edition)
Hetty Feather's Christmas
Vicky Angel
Dziewczyny się zakochują
Amigues en pijama
Little Darlings
A la semaine prochaine
Diamond girls
Four Children and It
The Werepuppy
Mi mamá es la bomba
Jacky Daydream
Rose Rivers
Bad Girls / The Bed and Breakfast Star / Buried Alive! / Cliffhanger / Double Act / The Dare Game / The Illustrated Mum / The Lottie Project / The Suitcase Kid / The Story of Tracy Beaker
Love Lessons
Wave Me Goodbye
Jacqueline Wilson's Biscuit Barrel
Magical Friends
Bed and Breakfast Star
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2010
Story of Tracy Beaker
Mr Cool
Bad Girls by Wilson. Jacqueline ( 2006 ) Paperback
Holiday with Guns (Clippers)
Cat Mummy
Jacqueline Wilson Mixed Lucky Bags Pack
Best Friends
Love Frankie
Longman Book Project
Bad Girls
Suitcase Kid
Jacqueline Wilson Birthday Journal
Diamond Girls
Lola Rose
Tracy Beaker's Thumping H
Lottie's Project
Trois filles
Rose Rivers
Jacqueline Wilson Quiz Book
Story of Tracy Beaker
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2019
Dare Game
Monster Story-Teller
Hetty Feather Journal
Penguin Readers Level 2
Let's Pretend, a Novel of Suspense
World of Jacqueline Wilson
Clean Break
Illustrated Mum; Secrets; Vicky Angel
Jacqueline Wilson Quiz Book
Jacqueline Wilson 12 Books Collection Box Set
Dustbin Baby
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2002
Dancing the Charleston
Girls in Tears
Jacqueline Wilson March
The Tracy Beaker Journal
Clover Moon
I Dare You, Tracy Beaker
3 filles et des torrents de larmes
Bad Girls
The Cat Mummy
This Girl (Lions Tracks)
Jacqueline Wilson Address Book
Staring Tracy Beaker
Best Sleepover in the World
The left-outs
Rose Rivers
Story Of Tracy Beaker
The story of Tracy Beaker
Best Friends
Monster Story-Teller
Love Frankie
Yeladot raʻot
Green Glass Beads
The Power of the Shade (Lions Teen Tracks)
Bad Girls
The Werepuppy/Werepuppy on Holiday (Nash) (C2C Childrens)
Tracy Beaker's thumping heart
Magic Beans
Mi Mamá Es la Bomba / My Mom Is the Bomb
New Novel
Wave Me Goodbye
Jacqueline Wilson Christmas Cracker
Double Act
Get Creative Journal
Story of Tracy Beaker
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2006
Forthcoming 121009
Totally Cool School Diary 20102011
Clover Moon
Tracy Beaker Collection
Love Lessons
Longest Whale Song
Ma meilleure amie
Monster Story-Teller
Werepuppy & The Werepuppy on Holiday
Dustbin Baby
Impact Set B
Trois filles (et neuf bonnes résolutions)
Ask Tracy Beaker and Friends
Clean Break
Top secret journal
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2018
Girls Under Pressure
Video Rose
Bed and Breakfast Star
Lola Rose
The Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2005
Cat Mummy
From Concrete to Cupcakes
Lottie Project
Best Friends Hugs X12 Bookmarks
Magic Faraway Tree
Dancing the Charleston
Little Stars
The Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2009
Mr. Cool
Girls Trilogy
Totally Jacqueline Wilson
Gwen, fy mrawd
Twin Tales
Lily Alone
Dustbin Baby
Tedi Danni
Green Glass Beads
The Monster Story-teller
ha-Sipur shel Ṭresi Biḳer
Falling Apart (Tracks)
Poisson d'avril
I Dare You, Tracy Beaker
The diamond girls
Werepuppy and the Werepuppy on Holiday
Girls Out Late
Ask Tracy Beaker
Lizzie Zipmouth
Lottie Project
Lottie Project
Totally Jacqueline Wilson
The Girls Collection
Take a Good Look (Blackie Thriller Firsts)
Starring Tracy Beaker
Girls in Love
Girls Under Pressure (Girls Quartet, Book 2)
Jacqueline Wilson Hetty Feather Series Collection 5 Books Set
Schlafanzug und Schokotorte. Leseratten
Story Of Tracy Beaker
Opal Plumstead
Jacqueline Wilson's Funny Girls
Best Friends
Vicky Angel
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2007
Girls in Love
Vicky Angel
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2010
Girls in Love - B Format
Untitled 1
La meva mare és la bomba
Twin Tales
Girls in Tears
the illustrated mum
Video Rose and Mark Spark
Sleepovers; Mr. Lucky Bags
Girls in Tears
Hepimiz Birimiz Icin
Diamond girls
Girls under Pressure
The Jacqueline Wilson Address Book
Lizzie Zipmouth
Girls In Tears
Jacqueline Wilson Dream Journal
The Dream Palace
Fabulous Postcards
Dancing the Charleston
Bay Havali
Suitcase Kid (stage Version)
Dinosaur's Packed Lunch
Sapphire Battersea
Hetty Feather's Christmas
Bad Girls
Lola Rose
Opal Plumstead
Suitcase Kid
Candyfloss dreams
Illustrated Mum
Love Lessons
Longest Whale Song
Totally Jacqueline Wilson
Lily Alone
Mark Spark in the Dark and Jimmy Jelly
Story of Tracy Beaker
Love Lessons
Penguin Readers Level 3
Dinosaur's Packed Lunch
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2017
Un nouveau defi pour Jenny B
Suitcase Kid
Buried Alive!
Love Lessons
Vicky Angel
Primrose Railway Children
La Fabuleuse histoire de Tracy Beaker
Worst Thing about My Sister
My sister Jodie
We Are the Beaker Girls
Mr. Cool (I am Reading)
Clover Moon
Monster Story-Teller
My Summer Holiday Journal
Jacqueline Wilson's Biscuit Barrel
Best friends
Ladybird Tales of Adventurous Girls
Double Act
My Sister Jodie
Sevgi Dersleri - Cilekli Pasta Kitaplari Serisi 4
The story of Tracy Beaker (TV tie-in)
Vriendinnen - Verliefd
Clean Break
Girls in Love
Girls Under Pressure (Girlfriends, Part 2)
My Summer Holiday Journal
Pelenni Llygaid Yr Anghenfil
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2009
Totally Cool School Diary 2007/8
Little Darlings
Jacqueline wilson diary 2015
Project Fairy
Untitled (Book 2)
Jacky Daydream
The werepuppy on holiday
Neʻarot be-laḥats
The Party in the Lift (Bears)
Tracy Beaker's Thumping Heart
The Worst Thing About My Sister
the illustrated mum
Diamond Girls
Le site des soucis
Mi Hermana Es lo Peor / the Worst Thing about My Sister
Vriendinnen door dik en dun
Connie and the Water Babies
Waiting for a Jamie Oliver
Hetty Feather's Christmas
Dinosaur's Packed Lunch
Bad Girls
Runaway Girls
Cat Mummy
Clean break
Teddy's adventures
The Longest Whale Song
Złe dziewczyny
How to Survive Summer Camp
Dare Game
Secrets (C2C)
Dare Game
Butterfly Beach
Monster Story-Teller
Girls Out Late (Girls Quartet)
Lizzie Zipmouth; Mr. Lucky Bags
Lizzie Zipmouth
The Werepuppy
Jacqueline Wilson Colouring Book
Diamond Girls
The Jacqueline Wilson Christmas cracker
Totally Cool School Diary 2008/2009
Monster Story-teller
Emerald Star
Jacqueline Wilson annual 2016
Bed and Breakfast Star
Jacky Daydream
My Secret Diary
Maman, ma soeur et moi
Girls under Pressure
Starring Tracy Beaker
Buried Alive
Dancing the Charleston
Totally cool school diary
Jacqueline Wilson's biscuit barrel
Illustrated Mum
Maman Au Bois Dormant (French Edition)
My book about Teddy at the fair
Podwójna rola
Great Books to Read Aloud
Best Friends
the tracy beacker trilogy
Jacqueline Wilson's Happy Holidays
Girls in Love
Daydreams and diaries
Double Act
The Jacqueline Wilson Annual 2017
My Sister Jodie
Dziewczyny się spóźniają
Untitled Jacqueline Wilson - Cancelled
Amigas en Pijama
Untitled 2
Whispers on the Wind
Jacqueline Wilson Slipcase
Best Friends Have Fun! X12 Bookmarks
Best Friends Hugging X5 X12 Nameplates
The party in the lift
Tedi, dere nol!
Nofio? Dim diolch!
Vriendinnen, ruzie!
Girls in tears
Best Friends Phone Call X12 Bookmarks
Ma meilleure amie
Mon amie pour la vie
Altijd prijs!
Beste vriendinnen
Jacqueline Wilson Diary 05 Counterpack (Diary)
Secrets and Dreams
Gra w wyzwania
Beauty and the beast
12 coups de minuit
Jacqueline Wilson Pack 2
Lonely Hearts
Best friends
Buried alive!
Jacqueline Wilson Address Bk X12 Copy Cp (Counterpack)
Un Fratello molto speciale
Dustbin baby
Cari Wyn
Best Friends Biscuits X12 Bookmarks
New Reading 360: Pocket Book: The Wooden Horse: Year 3/level 7
This Girl
Mai besuto furendo
Jacqueline Wilson Pack
I topi ballano
Jacqueline Wilson Stories
Spirit raising
Jacqueline Wilson Quiz Book Counterpack
The Story of Tracey Beaker
La Madre Tatuada
3 filles et 10 kilos en trop
The Wooden Horse
Buried Alive!
I Am Reading:Mr Cool
Monster Eyeballs
Tedi yn y ffair
Podwójna rola
Vriendinnen, op stap
Urodziny Daisy
Malory Towers
Jacqueline Wilson Diary X12 Copy C/Pack (Counterpack)
Mark Spark
Best Friends Gemma X12 Bookmarks
Dziewczyny płaczą
De ster van het hotel
Mijn vader is beroemd (en ik straks ook)
Impact Set C
Story Box
3 filles et 10 kilos en trop
Clean Break Signed Edition
Best Friends Alice X12 Bookmarks
The Cat Mummy
Jacqueline Wilson Storybook
3 filles et 12 coups de minuit
Cari Wyn Ditectif Y Ganrif
De tweeling
Best Friends Jumping X5 X12 Nameplates
The Monster in the Cupboard (Bears)
Marjorie Bowen
Marjorie Bowen (1885-1952)


Reinas del Abismo
Patriotic lady
So evil my love
The Bishop of Hell and Other Stories
Wrestling Jacob
Defender of the faith
The angel of the assassination
For God and the king
The Governor of England
Peter Porcupine
Designing with dye resists, batik and tie-and-dye
Blanche Fury
The lady and the arsenic
"William, by the grace of God"--
The Spectral Bride
The soldier of Virginia
I will maintain
The Viper of Milan
The lady and the arsenic
The scandal of Sophie Dawes
I will maintain
Black Magic
Patriotic Lady
The life of John Knox
The angel of the assassination
Dark Rosaleen
Child of chequer'd fortune
The golden violet
Sundry Great Gentlemen
The debate continues
My grimmest nightmare
This Shining Woman
The spider in the cup
The burning glass
The sword decides
Mary Queen of Scots
Spider in the Cup
The life of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones
William Prince of Orange
Brave employments
Wrestling Jacob
House Of Sorrows
Mary Queen of Scots, daughter of debate
So evil my love
In the steps of Mary, Queen of Scots
The glen o'weeping
Prince and heretic
House by the Poppy Field
Black Magic
Black magic
The Master of Stair
The Governor of England
Master of Stair
Shadows of yesterday
Black Magic
Brave employments
WRESTLING JACOB a study of the life of John Wesley and some members of the family
Third Estate
The viper of Milan
Julia Ballantyne
Collected Twilight Stories
The angel of the assassination; Marie-Charlotte de Corday d'Armont, Jean-Paul Marat, Jean-Adam Lux; a study of three disciples of Jean-Jacque Rousseau
So evil my love
The glen o'weeping
Peter Porcupine
In the Steps of Mary, Queen of Scots.
Collected Twilight Stories - 18 Twilight tales
Master of Stair
The Burning Glass
Black Magic
Defender of the Faith
Carnival of Florence
Exits and farewells
Bishop of Hell and Other Stories (Monster, She Wrote)
Patriotic lady,
The Carnival of Florence
The spectral bride
The Poisoners
Trumpets at Rome
The strange case of Lucile Cléry
Pale Rose
Black Magic
Viper of Milan
Queen's Caprice
William, by the Grace of God
Luctor et emergo : being an historial essay on the state of England at the Peace of Ryswyck, 1697
The soldier from Virginia
Master of Stair
Black Magic - A Tale of the Rise and Fall of the Antichrist
Moss rose
The Quest of Glory
Mr. Washington
William Hogarth
WRESTLING JACOB, A Study of the Life of John Wesley and Some Members of the Family
The Soldier from Virginia
Glen O'weeping
Knight of Spain
Ethics in modern art
Nell Gwyn
The lady and the arsenic
Dark Rosaleen
The Trumpet And The Swan An Adventure Of The Civil War
The soldier from Virginia
Rake's Progress
The Governor of England
Master of Stair Illustrated
Peter Porcupine
Prince and Heretic (Esprios Classics)
The rake's progress
Sundry great gentlemen;
Governor of England
Mary, queen of Scots
The Viper of Milan
God and the king
God and the King
Viper of Milan
Carnival of Florence
Boundless Waters
Crown Derby Plate
Airing in a closed carriage
Blanche Fury
The viper of Milan
Mr. Misfortunate
Dark Rosaleen
King at Arms
Lucile Cléry, a woman of intrigue
Double dalliday
Prince and Heretic
The burning glass
I Will Maintain
Twilight and Other Supernatural Romances
Mr. Misfortunate
Sundry Great Gentlemen; Some Essays in Historical Biography
Blanche Fury, or, Fury's ape
God's Playthings
Captain Banner
The Master of Stair
The Governor of England
The poisoners
World's wonder
The Burning Glass
The life of John Knox
The Rocklitz
Devil Snar'd
King's Favourite
Brave employments
Mary, queen of Scots, daughter of debate
Patriotic lady
Sundry great gentlemen
The glen o' weeping
The story of the Temple and its associations
The angel of the assassination
The veil'd delight
William Hogarth
Crowns and sceptres
Mr. Misfortune
The man with the scales
The cheats
Patriotic lady
The golden violet
Sundry great gentlemen
The third Mary Stuart
Aunt Beardie
The third estate
William Prince of Orange, afterwards King of England
Wrestling Jacob
"Because of these things ..."
William, Prince of Orange
The pagoda =
Crimes of old London
Exits and farewells
I dwelt in high places
The life of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones
Mr. Tyler's saints
The trumpet and the swan
A family comedy (1840)
The carnival of Florence
Julia Ballantyne
Moss Rose
General Crack
The church and social progress
Kecksies and other twilight tales
William, by the grace of God
God and the king
The leopard and the lily
Some famous love letters
The third Mary Stuart, Mary of York, Orange & England
Laura Sarelle ..
The glen o' weeping
The Countess Fanny
The Master of Stair
The quest of glory
"Luctor et emergo"
I will maintain
Peter Porcupine
Sheep's-head & Babylon
Prince and heretic
Ethics in modern art
God and the wedding dress
In the steps of Mary,Queen of Scots
In the steps of Mary,Queen of Scots
World's wonder and other essays
The circle in the water
The third Mary Stuart
William Hogarth
The Governor of England
Dark Rosaleen
The burning glass
The bishop of hell
Mary, queen of Scots
Black magic
The Netherlands display'd
Nell Gwyn
Mary, Queen of Scots
The scandal of Sophie Dawes
World's wonder and other essays
The Bishop of Hell, and other stories
God and the wedding dress
The life of John Knox
The cheats
Mary, queen of Scots, daughter of debate
The bishop of hell
Blanche Fury, or, Fury's ape
William Hogarth, the cockney's mirror
"Because of these things ..."
The viper of Milan
The English paragon
Stinging nettles
Maurice Périsset
Maurice Périsset (1920-1999)

poet, pamphleteer, critic, biographer, politician

E. M. Forster
E. M. Forster (1879-1970)

literary critic, biographer, librettist, essayist

  • Tonbridge School, University of Cambridge
The machine stops and other stories
A Passage to India
Howards End
The Longest Journey
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Two cheers for democracy
The Other Persuasion
Short Stories
Aspects of the novel
Prentice Hall
Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two B
The Hill of Devi
Selected letters of E.M. Forster
The Machine Stops
Great novels and short stories of E.M. Forster
The Life to Come, and Other Short Stories
Commonplace book
A Room with a View
Selected Stories
A Room with a View/Howards End
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
Abinger harvest
The hill of Devi and other Indian writings
The light fantastic
Howards End (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism (Paper))
A Passage to India
A Passage to India
The Life to Come
The manuscripts of Howards End
Three complete novels
Princes Tale and Other Uncollected Writing
A Passage to India
Letters between Forster and Isherwood on homosexuality and literature
The Celestial Omnibus and other stories
Where Angels Fear to Tread (English Library)
Pharos and Pharillon
On Reading, Writing and Living with Books
A Passage to India
Pharos and Pharillon
The Celestial Omnibus (Signature Collection)
Virginia Woolf
Desmond MacCarthy
E.M. Forster's letters to Donald Windham
E.M.Forster Film Omnibus
The manuscripts of A Passage to India
Abinger Harvest (Abinger Edition of E.M. Forster)
Aspects of the novel, and related writings
The Lucy novels
The eternal moment, and other stories
A passage to India
Marianne Thornton (Abinger Editions)
Albergo Empedocle, and other writings
Howard's End and Other Stories
The creator as critic and other writings by E.M. Forster
Route des Indes
Lad's Love
Where angels fear to tread
Pharos and Pharllion
Marianne Thornton
Original Letters From India
Una habitación con vistas
A Passage to India
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The story of the siren
Arctic summer, and other fiction
A passage to India
A Room With a View/A Passage to India Omnibus
Room with a View
The BBC talks of E.M. Forster, 1929-1960
England's pleasant land
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, and related writings
Only connect
Passaggio in India
Pasaje a La India/ A Passage to India
Avec vue sur l'Arno
A room with a view, Where angels fear to tread
A Room with a View and Howards End
Marianne Thornton, 1797-1887
The Story of a Panic
The Longest Journey
A Passage to India
A passage to India
The prince's tale and other uncollected writings
The collected tales
The Celestial Omnibus and other stories
A Room With a View (Twelve-Point)
Government of Egypt, Recommendations by a Committee of the International Section of the labour Research Department, with Notes on Egypt by E.M.Forster (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
Other Kingdom
E. M. Forster: selected writings
Aeneid of Virgil
Aspects of E. M. Forster
A Passage to India (Classic, 20th-Century, Audio)
The feminine note in literature
Howards End and A Room with a View
Where angels fear to tread ; [and], The longest journey ; [and], A room with a view ; [and], Howards End ; [and], A passage to India
E.M. Forster
Alexandria: a history and a guide
Passage to India
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
The Celestial Omnibus and other Stories by E. M. Forster
The Other Side of the Hedge
Sinclair Lewis interprets America
Nordic twilight
Pasaje a la India
The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
A Room with a View (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
A Passage to India (Modern Classics S.)
The Longest Journey (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
The Longest Journey
The Longest Journey (Abinger Edition of E M Forster)
Passage to India (1307)
Pasaje a la India/ A Passage to India
Coll Tales Forster
HOWARDS END V7 (Howards End)
Howards END (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
Great Novels of E.M. Forster
What I believe
Where Angels Fear to Tread
A room with a view, Howards end, Maurice
A Passage to India
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickenson and Related Writings
A Passage To India
The Curate's Friend; the Road from Colonus
James Eyre and Other Genderswitched Stories
A letter to Madan Blanchard
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The government of Egypt
Forster-Masood letters
Collected short stories
Where Angels Fear to Tread
E.M. Forster, centenary revaluations
In the watches of the night
Howard's End
E.M. Forster's letters to Donald Windham
E.M. Forster
Edwin Keppel Bennet
Battersea Rise
Longest Journey Illustrated
The uncollected Egyptian essays of E.M. Forster
La mansión
The Obelisk
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Lucy Novels
T.S. Eliot and his difficulties
A view without a room
Donde los ángeles no se aventuran
A Passage to India
Pharos and Pharillon
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The life and works of D.H. Lawrence
A Passage to India
Marianne Thornton, a domestic biography, 1797-1887
Longest Journey
Where Angels Fear to Tread by EM Forster
A Passage To India
Howards End
Daughter dear
Anonymity, an enquiry
We (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
The new disorder
The development of English prose between 1918 and 1939
Auf der Suche nach Indien
The manuscripts of passage to India
Room with a View
Goldsworth Lowes Dickinson
Der ewige Augenblick
Where Angels Fear to Tread (New Portway Reprints)
Marianne Thornton
Marianne Thornton 1797-1887: a domestic biography
Passage to India
Longest Journey
Overtocht naar India
40 Short Stories 3e & Howards End & Awakening 2e & LiterActive
A Room with a View Illustrated
Een kamer met uitzicht
Room with a View
Ansichten des Romans
Hindistana̓ hir gecit
Life to Come
Tolstoy's War and peace
Howards End
Short Stories of E. M. Forster
The Abinger edition of E. M. Forster
Pharos and Pharillon - A Novelist's Sketchbook of Alexandria through the Ages
Room with a View by E. M. Forster
Room with a View (Illustrated)
Edward Morgan Forster, Collection
Room with a View Annotated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Room with a View Annotated
City of God
Manzarali Bir Oda
Machine Stops Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Tales
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Where Angels Fear to Tread Illustrated
The Machine Stops
ROOM with a VIEW Annoated Edition
Great Novels of E. M. Forster
Howards End :(Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops : Spécial Annotations by
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Machine Stops (19th Century Classics: Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster Illustrated Edition
England speaks, a symposium
Hindistan'a Bir Gecit
A Passage to India (Harbrace Modern Classics)
The Machine Stops
el libro del principe
The Longest Journey
Longest Journey Annotated
Howards End (Illustrated)
Howards End
Celestial Omnibus
A Passage to India
Machine Stops
Longest Journey Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Pharos and Pharillon
Machine Stops (19th Century Classics Illustrated Edition)
Marianne Thornton, a domestic biography, 1797-1887
Room with a View Annotated
Pharos And Pharillon
Life to Come
The Machine Stops
Pasaje a la India
E. M. Forster Collection
Howards End
Life to Come
Howards End Illustrated
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster Illustrated Edition
Howards End
Machine Stops Illustrated
Room with a View (Illustrated Edition)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Machine Stops (Illustrated)
ROOM with a VIEW (Annotated)
Celestial Omnibus, and Other Stories
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Machine Stops Illustrated
Howards End (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Howards End
A Passage to India. Guild edition
E.M. Forster's letters to Donald Windham
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Longest Journey, the - E. M. Forster
Room with a View Annotated Comedic Dramas and Plays
En lo que creo
Longest Journey (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Longest Journey
Machine Stops Illustratedv
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Longest Journey, the - E. M. Forster
Howard's End
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster Illustrated Edition
The novels of E. M. Forster
Passage to India (1924) and the Machine Stops (1909) Unabridged Editions
Virginia Woolf
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster
Room with a View (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Howards End Annoted
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Howards End Illustrated
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
Howards End Annotated
Passage to India
The Machine Stops
The Longest Journey
Howards End Annotated
Longest Journey
The longest journey
The Celestial Omnibus and other Stories
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops (Annotated)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stori
Where Angels Fear to Tread : (Annotated)
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson (UK HB in DJ - 1934)
Longest Journey
Howards End E. M. Forster, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony
Room with a View (100 Copy Limited Edition)
Wiedersehen in Howards End
Room with a View Annotated
Machine Stops Illustrated
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The Machine Stops
Machine Stops
Howards End
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Where angels fear to tread,
Room with a View (annotated)
Penguin Readers Level 4
E.M. Forster's A passage to India
Machine Stops( Illustrated)
Longest Journey Illustrated
Howards End
Room with a View (Illustrated)
Machine Stops Annotated
The Celestial Omnibus, and Other Stories
Machine Stops
Where Angels Fear to Tread : Spécial Annotations by
Room with a View (Illustrated)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Longest Journey Illustrated
Room with a View( Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops (Illustrated)
Room with a View
A Room With a View / Howards End / Maurice
Longest Journey
Howards End Illustrated
Longest Journey
Camera Con Vista
Passage to India : Spécial Annotations by
Howards End
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Machine Stops Annotated
Longest Journey Illustrated
Longest Journey Illustrated
Un viatge a l'Índia
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
The Machine Stops
Howards End Annotated
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Machine Stops : (Annotated)
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster Illustrated Edition
A Passage to India
A Room With a View / Howards End / Maurice
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster (illustrated Edition)
The Longest Journey
Goldworthy Lowes Dickinson
Howards End Annotated
Hill of Devi
Howards End by E. M. Forster ( Annotated)
Howards End Illustrated
Howards End E. M. Forster
Howards End
Machine Stops
Room with a View (AmazonClassics Edition)
Longest Journey
Passage to India
Longest Journey (Illustrated Edition)
Passage to India (Everyman)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Passage to India by E. M. Forster
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Illustrated)
Where angels fear to tread - the original classic edition
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Howards End Illustrated
Room with a View Annotated
E. M. Forster - The Machine Stops
Room with a View : Spécial Annotations by
Machine Stops Illustrated
Basic surgical operations
Cennet Dolmusu
Passage to India (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Howard's End
E. M. Forster
Room with a View (Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster(illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops :(Illustrated Edition)
Room with a View: (Full Illustrated Edition)
Passage to India, A
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories : Spécial Annotations by
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Passage to India
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
The Longest Journey (Penguin Books. no. 1470.)
Passage to India
Machine Stops Annotated
Howards End Annotated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Annotated)
Longest Journey, the - E. M. Forster
Longest Journey Illustrated
Et Rom Med Utsikt
Howards End (Penguin modern classics)
A Passage to India
Die Maschine steht still
Room with a View (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Room with a View Annotated and Illustrated Edition
The Cave and the Mountain
Howards End Annotated
Cartas de la India
Longest Journey Illustrated
Roman Sanati
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
A passage to India
L'omnibus céleste et autres nouvelles
Machine Stops Annotated
Machine Stops Illustrated
Howards End : (Annotated)
Waar engelen schromen te gaan
Room with a View Annoted
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
4 Books by E. M. Forster
Passage to India
Howards End Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Tales
Room with a View (Illustrated)
A Passage to India (Harbrace Modern Classics, No. 1-B)
A Silk Road Journey II 2 A Passage to India and Intriguing India, Music and Images
Passage to India
Howard's End - Penguin Modern Classics No. 311
Room with a View
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Where Angels Fear to Tread Lib/E
Meleklerin Uğramadığı Yer
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Annotated)
The longest journey
Machine Stops Annotated
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster (Illustrated)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Machine Stops (Illustrated)
Room with a View (Illustrated)
el libro del principe
Room with a View
Howards End Illustrated
The Hill of Devi
Longest Journey
A Passage to India
Machine Stops Illustrated
Room with a View
Machine Stops (Annotated)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Machine Stops Illustrated
Room with a View Illustrated
Machine Stops Illustrated
Room with a View Novel by E. M. Forster
E. M. Forster
Room with a View (Annotated) Unabridged Classic Version
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Where Angels Fear to Tread Illustrated
La Máquina se para
Room with a View : (Annotated)
Machine Stops, The
Longest Journey Illustrated Edition
Machine Stops Illustrated
G. K. Chesterton
Howards End
Room with a View (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Longest Journey Classroom Edition
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Annotated)
The Longest Journey
Machine Stops Annotated
Howards End Annotated
Celestial Omnibus
The Longest Journey
Passage to India by E. M. Forster Annotated Novel
Room with a View
Howards End
A Passage to India
Machine Stops
Machine Stops
Where Angels Fear to Tread Illustrated
Room with a View Annotated Edition by E. M. Forster
Longest Journey
Machine Stops
Longest Journey
Howards End Illustrated
Howards End Illustrated
A Passage To India
The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster (19th Century Classics Illustrated Edition)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Annotated)
Room with a View :(Illustrated Edition)
Longest Journey
Room with a View(annotated)
Meleklerin Ugramadigi Yer
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster(illustrated Edition)
Passage to India
Howard's End (The World's Best Reading)
The Machine Stops
Manuscripts of Howard's End
Machine Stops (19th Century Classics Illustrated Edition)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Illustrated)
Room with a View Annotated
Longest Journey
E. M. Forster
Hindistan'a Bir Geçit
Where Angels Fear to Tread
E. M. Forster
Pharos and Pharillon
Celestial Omnibus
Passage to India : (2020)
The longest journey
Machine Stops Annotated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Tales
Longest Journey
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Pharos and Pharillon
Room with a View (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Passaggio in India
Manzaralı Bir Oda
Een Kamer Met Uitzicht (Vertaald 2022)
Machine Stops Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Illustrated)
Passage to India
Longest Journey
A Passage to India
Indo eno michi
Machine Stops Illustrated Edition
Machine Stops
Room with a View
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The Hill of Devi
Longest Journey (Annotated)
Machine Stops
Passage to India
Where angels fear to tread
Machine Stops (Illustrated)
Longest Journey Illustrated
Howards End
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
Longest Journey Illustrated
Machine Stops and Other Stories
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster
A Passage To India
Pasaje A La India
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The Hill of Devi, Being Letters from the Dewas State Senior.
Room with a View (Illustrated)
Room with a View (Diversion Classics)
Room with a View Annotated Teen and Young Adult Classic Literature
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Room with a View Annotated
Howards End (Illustrated Edition)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Annotated)
Uma Passagem para A Índia
Machine Stops
A Passage to India
Room with a View Annotated
Howards End (Illustrated)
Where Angels Fear To Tread
Room with a View - Unabridged
Passage to India (1924) and the Machine Stops (1909) Unabridged Editions by Edward Morgan Forster OM CH
Pharos and Pharillon
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Longest Journey (Annotated)
Room with a View Annotated
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster
Howards End Illustrated
The Longest Journey Classroom Edition
Howards End (a Classics Illustrated Edition)
Passage to India
Longest Journey
Passage to India
Passage to India (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Howards End (Illustrated)
The Hill of Devi, being Letters from Dewas State Senior
Howards End Illustrated Edition
Corinna of England
Room with a View
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
A presidential address to the Cambridge humanists, summer 1959
The new collected short stories
The celestial omnibus
Forrest Reid Memorial
E.M. Forster - K.P. Kavaphēs
Xiao shuo mian mian guan
The longest journey. --
Kaṿanot ṭovot
Where angels fear to tread
The Hill of Devi
De hemelse paardetram en andere verhalen
The celestial omnibus
מסע להודו
Pageant of Abinger. ...
The celestial omnibus and other stories
A passage to India
The longest jouney = El viaje más largo (edición bilingüe)
Where angels fear to tread
Pasaje a la India
Virginia Woolf
The longest journey. --
Where angels fear to tread
Pharos and Pharillon
The true Joan of Arc--Shaw's or France's
Fairy tales for computers
Pessimism in literature
The manuscripts of Howards end
Masaʻ le-Hodu
Passage to India
The celestial omnibus & the eternal moment
The longest journey
The celestial omnibus
The longest journey
The Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society present England's pleasant land
A Garland for E. M. Forster
Guẕarī bih Hind
Room With a View/Cassettes (1285)
Porridge or prunes, sir?
Evaluating Managed Mental Health Services
Ludvig Holberg
Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754)

philosopher, playwright, historian, essayist, autobiographer, poet

  • University of Copenhagen, Bergen Cathedral School
Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum
Peder Paars
Jeppe of the hill and other comedies
Dannemarks riges historie
Erasmus Montanus Rasmus Berg
Jødiske historie fra verdens begyndelse, fortsatt til disse tider
Erasmus Montanus; or, Rasmus Berg
Nogle utrykte breve af Ludvig Holberg
Lvdovici Holbergii ..
Tegner udgave af Ludvig Holbergs samtlige comoedier
The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground (Bison Frontiers of Imagination)
Ludvig Holberg
Adskillige heltinders og navnkundige damers sammenlignede historier
Ludvig Holberg's memoirs
Jeppe on the hill
Onderaardsche reis van Claas Klim behelzende eene nieuwe beschryving van den aardkloot met de historie der vyfde tot nog toe onbekende monarchie; uit het latyn vertaalt
Ludvig Holbergs Epistler
Niels Klims underjordiske rejse
Naturens og folke-rettens kundskab, bygget paa de fornemste juristers principiis
Three comedies
Moralske tanker
Almindelig kirke-historie
Verglichene Geschichte verschiedener Heldinnen und andrer berühmten Damen
An introduction to universal history
Holbergs livssyn
Comedies by Holberg
De Deense wysgeer
Adskillige store heltes og berømmelige maends
Epistola CCXL
Lud.  Holbergs Moralske tanker
Hexeri, eller Blind allarm
Selected essays
The blue-apron statesman
Jubeludgave af Ludvig Holbergs samtlige comoedier
Den danske skueplads
Om kvinder og ægteskab etc.
Ludovici Holbergii Opuscula quaedam latina
Seven one-act plays by Holberg
Niels Klim's Wallfahrt in die Unterwelt
Rappe rim
Lud. Holbergs Epistler
Samlede skrifter
Comedies by Holbert
Den radikale Holberg
De politsche Kannengehter
L. Holbergs Moralske fabler, med hosføyede forklaringer til hver fabel
Ludvig Holbergs memoirer
Jeppe Of The Hill
Den politiske kandstøber
Jeppe paa bjerget
Utrykte Holbergiana i Universitetsarkivet
Den danske Skueplads: eller Ludvig Holbergs samtlige comoedier
Holbergs helte- og heltindehistorier
Kort Betænkning over den nu regierende Øvæg-Syge. -- Danmarks og Norges Søe-Historie (Første Periodus)
Dannemarks og Norges geistlige og verdslige staat
Ludvig Holdbergs comedier
Dannemarks og Norges beskrivelse
Herrn Ludwig Holbergs dänische Reichs-Historie ins Deutsche übersetzt
The Political Tinker
Ludv. friherres af Holberg Dannemarks og Norges geistlige og verdslige staat eller beskrivelse, nu anden gang forandret efter nærværende tiders tilstand, formeret med adskillige merkværdige efterretninger og fortsat med et nyt capitel til slutning
Ind i Holbergs fjerde århundrede
Virtues and faults of some European nations (1743)
Den politiske Kandestøber
L. Holbergs Comedier
Viaje Al Mundo Subterraneo
Four plays by Holberg
Om komedier
Moral reflections & Epistles
Selected essays of Ludvig Holberg
Pernilles korte frøkenstand
Vaerker i tolv bind
Kvinnen og tiden
Jeppe paa bierget
Professor Ludwig Holbergs lifs og lefnets beskrivelse af ham selb
Ludvig Holbergs Comedier
Nachricht von meinem Leben
Ludvig Holbergs comoedier
Des Freyherrn Ludwig von Holberg Dånische und norwegische Staatsgeschichte
Den berømmelige norske handel-stad Bergens beskrivelse
Jeppe paa Bjerget eller Den forvandlede Bonde
Dänische Schaubühne
Jeppe paa Bjerget, eller Den forvandlede bonde
Niels Klims underjordiske reise
Nicolai Klimii iter svbterranevm, novam tellvris theoriam ac historiam qvintæ monarchiæ adhvc nobis incognitæ exhibens, e bibliotheca B. Abelini
Værker i tolv bind
Den pantsatte bondedreng
Dannemarks og Norges geistlige og verdslige Staat
To komedier af Ludvig Holberg
Henrich og Pernille og Den pantsatte bondedreng
Et Hundrede Epigrammer
Den vægelsindede
Barselstuen og tre andre komedier
Henrik og Pernille
Baccalaurprogram og rektortale
Three comedies
Niels Klim's wallfahrt in die Unterwelt
Historiske portrætter i Ludvig Holbergs epistler
Gert Vestphaler
Der politische Kannegiesser
Fabler af Ludvig Holberg
Mester Gert Westphaler, eller Den meget talende barbeer
Der politische kannengiesser
Ludewigs Freyherrn von Holberg Beschreibung der berühmten Haupt und Handelsstadt Bergen in Norwegen
Herrn Ludewig Holbergs ... Vergleichung der Historien und Thaten verschiedener
Samlede populaere Skrifter
Jean de France, eller Hans Frandsen
Samtale imellem tvende Kiøbmænd Montanus og Sylvester. Oplagt igien efter adskillige got Folkes Begiering og formeeret med nye Spørsmaal. [n.p.] 1729. [Faksimilie-tryk
Ludvig Holbergs samlede skrifter
A journey to the world under-ground
Nicolai Klimii iter svbterranevm
Peder Paars, et heroisk-comisk poema
To komedier af Ludvig Holberg
Jeppe paa bierget og tre andre komedier
B. Ludvig Holbergs Trende epistle til ***
Jakob von Tyboe, eller Den stortalende soldat
Comedies by Holberg: Jeppe of the Hill, The Political Tinker, Erasmus Montanus;
Baron Ludvig Holbergs Geographie eller Jordbeskrivelse, forfattet efter det af ham selv udgivne lidet latinske geographiske Compendium; men nu vidtloeftigere udfoert, foroeget med de beste, nyeste og tilforladeligste geographiske Efterretninger, samt ziiret med behoerige Land-Korter og
Den danske Skueplads eller Ludwig Holbergs
Erasmus Montanus, eller Rasmus Berg
Comedier i tre Bind
Herrn Ludwig Freyherrn von Hollberg eigene Lebens-Beschreibung in einigen Briefen an einen vornehmen Herrn
Holbergs Breve
Historiske portraetter i Ludvig Holbergs epistler
Holbergs komedier
Holberg's Jeppe
Niels Klims wallfahrt in die Unterwelt
Three Comedies ... The Transformed Peasant, The Arabian Powder, The Healing Spring. English text and introduction by Reginald Spink
Théâtre de Holberg
Hundrede og tyve af Holbergs epistler
Holbergs komedier
Dänische Schaubühne
Den politiske kandestøber
Den stundeslose
Mindre poetiske skrifter
Huus-spøgelse, eller Abracadabra
Pedar Paars
Den politiske kandstöber: comoedie
Holberg Comoedierne og de populaere Skrifter
Jacob von Thybo og Den stundesløse
Nicolai Klims unterirdische Reise
Ludvig Holbergs mindre poetiske skrifter
Fem komedier ...
Latinske smaaskrifter
Herrn Ludwig Holbergs Freyherrn der Baronie Holberg, etc. Jüdische Geschichte von Erschaffung der Welt bis auf gegenwärtige Zeiten
Diderich v. Menschenschreck
Brev til Hr. Krigs raad og commissionaire Aage Rasmussen Hagen i Trondheim
Holbergs komedier i udvalg
Holbergs ausgewa hlte Komo dien
Mester Gert Westphaler, eller Den meget talende barbeer
Ludvig Holbergs Trende epistler til ***
Erasmus Montanus
Det arabiske pulver
Pedar Paars
Holbergs ausgewählte Komödien
Der politische kannengiesser
Den pantsatte bondedreng
Voyage de Nicolas Klimius dans le monde souterrain, contenant une nouvelle téorie de la terre, et l'histoire d'une cinquiême monarchie inconnue jusqu' à present
Det lykkelige skibbrud
Herrn Ludwig Holbergs ...
De politsche kannengehter
Erasmus Montanus eder Rasmus Berg
Seven one-act plays
Epistler og moralske tanker
Den ellevte Juni
Niels Klim
Holbergs Comedier
Niels Klim's journey under the ground
Le voyage souterrain de Niels Klim
Jeppeyê li serê çîyê
Mann og masker
Jeppe paa Bierget
Gui bian jia
Tre levnedsbreve, 1728-1743
Zes aardige en vermakelyke blyspeelen ..
Ludvig Holbergs ... Metamorphosis, oder, Verwandelungen
Selvportræt samt Castrum doloris
Epigrammatum libri septem
Holbergs Levned fortalt af ham selv i tre latinske Breve til en fornem Herre
Vermischte Briefe
Ludvig Holberg, 300 år
Holberg's Lustspiele
Ludvig Holberg plays