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theologians who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 180 results
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)

theologian, paleontologist, paleoanthropologist, Catholic priest, geologist, philosopher, scientific collector, stretcher bearer

  • University of Paris, Villanova University
Letters from Egypt, 1905-1908
Letters from a traveller
The letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan
Reconciliation in Christ
The making of a mind
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages, Henri de Lubac, 1919-1955
Lettres de voyage (1923-1955)
Letters from Paris, 1912-1914
Lettres familieĢ€res de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, mon ami
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages, Henri de Lubac, André Ravier, 1919-1955
Milieu divin
The Phenomenon of Man
Cœur de la matieĢ€re
Comment je crois
Groupe zoologique humain
Science et Christ
Avenir de l'homme
Activation de l'eĢnergie
Ecrits du temps de la guerre
Hymne de l'univers
The appearance of man
Le milieu divin
Lettres aĢ€ LeĢontine Zanta
Human energy
On love & happiness
Letters from my friend, Teilhard de Chardin, 1948-1955
Letters to two friends, 1926-1952
Activation of Energy (Helen & Kurt Wolff Book)
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
Directions de l'avenir
Genèse d'une pensée
The Divine Milieu
Le phénomène humain
L' activation de l'eĢnergie
The human phenomenon
Sur la souffrance
How I believe
Let me explain
Dans le sillage des Sinanthropes
The vision of the past
Lettres de voyage (1923-1939)
La place de l'homme dans la nature
La vision du passé
L' avenir de l'homme
Je m'explique
Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin
The Heart of the Matter
EĢcrits du temps de la guerre
Teilhard de Chardin en Chine
L' apparition de l'homme
Nouvelles lettres de voyage
Early man in China
Oeuvres, tome 8
Lettres de voyage
La messe sur le monde
Lettres d'Égypte, 1905-1908
Genèse d'une pensée; lettres 1914-1919
Genèse d'une  pensée ; lettres 1914-1919, présentées par Alice Teilhard-Chambon et Max Henri-Begouën et préc. d'une introd. de Claude Aragonnès
La question de l'homme fossile
Letters from Hastings, 1908-1912
Lettres aĢ€ Jeanne Mortier
Le milieu divin, tome 4
Oeuvres, tome 3
Oeuvres, tome 6
ReĢflexions sur le progreĢ€s
Fossil men
Mon univers
Etre plus ; directives extraits des écrits publiés ou inédits du Père, de sa correspondance ou de ses notes
Oeuvres, tome 11
Science and Christ. Translated from the French by Rene Hague
Geheimnis und Verheissung der Erde
Lettres aĢ€ l'abbeĢ Gaudefroy et aĢ€ l'abbeĢ Breuil
L'e Ģnergie humaine
Le groupe zoologique human
Ai ni tsuite
La place de l'homme dans la nature ; le groupe zoologique humain
Le milieu divin ; essai  de vie intérieure
Le groupe zoologique humain
Oeuvres de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Images et paroles
EĢcrits du temps de la guerre (1916-1919)
El Medio Divino
L' oeuvre scientifique
Oeuvres, tome 2
L' œuvre scientifique, 1905-1955
Etre Plus
Das Teilhard de Chardin Lesebuch
Sur le bonheur
The proboscidians of south-eastern Shansi
Le coeur de la matiere
On love
L'énergie humaine
Accomplir l'homme
Das Herz der Materie. Kernstück einer genialen Weltsicht
On happiness
Accomplir l'homme, lettres inédites, 1926-1952
ReĢflexions et prieĢ€res dans l'espace-temps
Hymne de l'univers ; La messe sur le monde ; Trois histoires comme Benson ; La puissance spirituelle de la matiere ; Pensees Choises par Fernande Tardivel. --
La aparicion del hombre
La milieu divin
Escritos del tiempo de guerra (1916-1919)
On the Cenozoic formations of Kwangsi and Kwangtung
De Activering van de Menselijke Energie
La activacion de la energia
Oeuvres Completes  Le Phenomene Humaine Vol. 1
Lettres d'Egypte (1905 1908)
Notes de retraites (1919-1954)
Lo Que Yo Creo
Les directions de l'avenir
Letters to Leontine Zanta
El Grupo zoologico humano
EĢ‚tre plus
Cavicornia of south-eastern Shansi
Himno del universo. La misa sobre el mundo.  Tres historias a la manera de Benson. La potencia espiritual de la materia. Pensamientos escogidos por Fernande Tardivel. Traducción de Florentino Perez
Das göttliche Milieu. Ein Entwurf des Inneren Lebens
Oeuvres, tome 5. L'Avenir de l'homme
Avec Teilhard de Chardin
Ciencia y cristo
The Post-Villafranchian interval in North China
Notes de retraites, 1919-1954
The prayer of the universe
Die Entstehung des Menschen
Letters from a traveller, 1923-1955
Letters From A Traveler
El porvenir de hombre
L'Avenir de l'homme, tome 5
Le PreĢ‚tre
Oeuvres, tome 1
La aparición del hombre
L' éternel féminin
Bozansko Ozracje
Human Energy (Harvest Book)
Le Christ èvoluteur
Lettres d'Hasting et de Paris, 1908-1914
Der Mensch im Kosmos
Himno del universo
Sauvons l'humaniteĢ
La vision del pasado
El fenomeno humano
Le néolithique de la Chine
Preliminary observations on the Pre-Loessic and Post-Pontian formations in western Shansi and northern Shensi
Le vision du passé
Building the earth and The psychological conditions of human unification
The Cenozoic sequence in the Yangtze Valley
Notes on continental geology
A correlation of some miocene and pliocene mammalian assemblages in North America and Asia with a discussion of the mio-pliocene boundary
L' hymne de l'Univers
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages
Le cœur de la matieĢ€re
La energia humana
Fossil mammals from the late Cenozoic of northern China
Teilhard de Chardin album
Ep-Archaean and epi-Sinian intervals in China
Lettres à Edouard Le Roy (1921-1946)
The fossils from locality 12 of Choukoutien
Science et Christ, tome 9
Activation de l'Energie
Le Christ èvoluteur
Lettres de Chine
Early Man in China (Peking Institute De Geo-Biologie)
Lettres de voyage, 1923-1955
Accomplir l'Homme  Lettres Inedites 1926 1952
Oeuvres, tome 7. L'Activation de l'énergie
Lettres Intimes a Auguste Valensin
Lettres d'Egypte, 1905-1908
Cartas de Hastings y de Paris
Ecrits du Temps de Guerre (1916-1919)
Lettres d'Hastings et de Paris, 1908-1914
Construire la terre =
Hymne de l'univers
Ecrits du temps de la guerre, 1916-1919
Yo me explico
Dearest Lucile
Le christ eĢvoluteur
Réflexions sur le Bonheur
Il sacerdote
Le Pretre. --
Reflexions et Prieres dans L'Espace Temps
Science et Christ
Science et Christ. Oeuvres complètes, tome 9
Le\Phenomene Humain
Genese d'une Pensee  Lettres 1914 1919
Sur L'amour
Fenomen čeloveka
Der Mensch im Kosmos
Energie Humaine
Lettres a Leontine Zanta
Toujours en avant
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Maurice Blondel, correspondence
El corazo n de la materia
Le\Groupe Zoologique Humain
Prier 15 jours avec Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)

theologian, philosopher, resistance fighter, poet, parson

  • Union Theological Seminary, Humboldt University of Berlin
Widerstand und Ergebung
Love letters from cell 92
Letters and papers from prison
Berlin, 1932-1933
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Who Am I?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Prisoner for God
The young Bonhoeffer, 1918-1927
Jugend und Studium, 1918-1927
Watch For The Light
Gemeinsames Leben
True patriotism; letters, lectures, and notes, 1939-45
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
SchoĢˆpfung und Fall
Meditating on the Word
Sanctorum communio
Wer ist und wer war Jesus Christus?
Fiction from prison
Voices in the night
A testament to freedom
Von guten MaĢˆchten
Spiritual care
Letters and papers from prison
My Soul Finds Rest
The mystery of Holy Night
A year with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's prison poems
The collected sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Meditations on the Cross
The martyred Christian
Die Antwort auf unsere Fragen. Gedanken zur Bibel
Wondrously Sheltered
The cost of discipleship
Akt und Sein
Life Together
Worldly preaching
Fiction from Tegel Prison (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works)
Discipleship (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Vol. 4)
London, 1933-1935
Theological education underground, 1937-1940
Internationale Bibliographie zu Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Who is Christ for us?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Werke
Barcelona, Berlin, Amerika 1928-1931
Ethics (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works vol. 6)
The way to freedom
Brautbriefe Zelle 92. Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Maria von Wedemeyer 1943 - 1945
Letter and Papers from Prison
The Young Bonhoeffer
Textes choisis ; introduits et édités par Richard Grunow ; traduction de Lore Jeanneret
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffers Hegel-Seminar 1933
Dietrich Bonhoeffer works
The Bonhoeffer reader
Bonhoeffer Brevier
Letters, Lectures and Notes from the Collected Works of Dietric Bonhoeffer: EVol.2: 1935-1939
Das Außerordentliche wird Ereignis. Kreuz und Auferstehung
De la vie communautaire
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's meditations on Psalms
God is in the manger
I want to live these days with you
Brautbriefe Zelle 92
Predigten, Auslegungen, Meditationen 2. 1935 - 1945
Etica - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Gesammelte Schriften
Ecumenical, academic, and pastoral work, 1931-1932
Vida En Comunidad / Life in Community (Nueva Alianza Minor / New Minor Alliance)
Lectures on Christology
No rusty swords, letters, lectures, and notes 1926-1936
Act and Being
                Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Paperback
Das Wesen der Kirche
True patriotism; letters, lectures, and notes, 1939-45
Christmas With Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Widerstand und Ergebung. Briefe und Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft
Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen. CD
The communion of saints
Bonhoeffer for a new generation
Werke, 17 Bde. u. 2 Erg.-Bde., Bd.6, Ethik
Reflections On The Bible
Worte für jeden Tag
Kaiser Taschenbücher, Bd.11, Lesebuch
Plough Quarterly No. 5
Wer bist Du, Christus?
No rusty swords
The way to freedom
Wer ist und wer war Jesus Christus?
Act and being
Konspiration und Haft 1940-1945
Werke, 17 Bde. u. 2 Erg.-Bde., Bd.3, Schöpfung und Fall
Creation and fall
The wisdom and witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer 2003. Worte durch das Jahr. Mit Farbfotos von Klaus Ender
Werke, 17 Bde. u. 2 Erg.-Bde., Bd.5, Gemeinsames Leben; Das Gebetbuch der Bibel
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas sermons
Nachfolge. ( Werke, 4)
The Narrow Path (Modern Spirituality)
Die Mündige Welt
Letters and papers from prison
Cartas de Amor Desde La Prision
The Cost of Discipleship
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906-45
Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
Werke, 17 Bde. u. 2 Erg.-Bde., Bd.2, Akt und Sein
Fragmente aus Tegel
Werke, 17 Bde. u. 2 Erg.-Bde., Bd.4, Nachfolge
Deitrich Bonhoeffer
Ich habe dieses Volk geliebt
Gemeinsames Leben
The Collier Christian Library
The mystery of Easter
God Is In The Manger Reflections On Advent And Christmas
Werke, 17 Bde. u. 2 Erg.-Bde., Bd.1, Sanctorum Communio
El Precio De La Gracia
Meditating on the Word
Akt und Sein
So ist es gewesen
Predigten - Auslegungen - Meditationen
The Psalms
Jeder neue Morgen ist ein neuer Anfang. Gebete
Sanctorum communio
Werke, 17 Bde. u. 2 Erg.-Bde., Zettelnotizen für eine 'Ethik'
I loved this people
Conspiracy and imprisonment, 1940-1945
Illegale Theologen-Ausbildung
Resistencia Y Sumision
Prison Poems of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Schöpfung und Fall
Schweizer Korrespondenz 1941-42
Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen. Buch und CD
Called to Community
Bonhoeffer Brevier
Die Mündige Welt
Bohnhoeffer Auswohl
Vom grossen Kontrapunkt
No rusty swords
Resistencia y sumisión
The collected sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
God is on the cross
Lectures on Christology
El precio de la gracia
Verantwortung und Hingabe
I Want to Live These Days With You
I loved this people
Schweizer Korrespondenz 1941/42
Textes choisis
The cost of discipleship
Widerstand und Ergebung
Gesammelte Schriften
Berlin, 1932-1933
The cost of discipleship
Wonder of wonders
Wer ist und wer war Jesus Christus?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Sociología de la iglesia
Lectures on christology
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Auswahl
Prisoner for God
Ethics. Edited by Eberhard Bethge. [Translated by Neville Horton Smith]
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Lesebuch
Fedeltà al mondo
De la vie communautaire
Sanctorum communio
No rusty swords
Wunder aller Wunder
Auf dem Wege zur Freiheit
Schöpfung und Fall
Wer ist und wer war Jesus Christus?
Brautbriefe Zelle 92
Meditating on the Word
Gemeinsames Leben
Nachfolge / Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Einführung in seine Botschaft
The communion of saints
Een inleiding met kernteksten
The martyred Christian
La Parole de la prédication
No rusty swords
OĢˆkumene, UniversitaĢˆt, Pfarramt, 1931-1932
Kalender, Von guten Mächten
London, 1933-1935
Akt und Sein
Illegale Theologen-Ausbildung
Vorbild im Glauben
A 40-day journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Beten mit der Bibel
Schöpfung und Fall
Das Gebetbuch der Bible
Sprotyv i pokora
Brautbriefe Zelle 92
True patriotism; 1939-45
Das Zeugnis eines Botens
Life together
Sanctorum communio
Auf dem wege zur freiheit
Bonhoeffer Brevier
Widerstand und Ergebung
Fragmente aus Tegel
Creation and temptation
The communion of saints
A testament to freedom
Berlin, 1932-1933
Fragmente aus Tegel
Church and eschatology, (or, Church and kingdom of God)
Werke, 17 Bde. u. 2 Erg.-Bde., Bd.9, Jugend und Studium 1918-1927
I loved this people
Ich habe dieses Volk geliebt
Letters, lectures and notes from the collected works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Treue zur Welt
Creation and fall
The Finkenwald sermons
Gemeinsames Leben / Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Prisoner for God
Das Gebetbuch der Bible
Creation and temptation
Gott kommt zum Menschen
Soprotivlenie i pokornostŹ¹
Berlin, 1932-1933
Das Gebetbuch der Bibel
Widerstand und Ergebung
Das Gebetbuch der Bibel
Widerstand und Ergebung
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906-45
Letters, lectures and notes from the collected works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
Choz denie vsled
Gemeinsames Leben
The way to freedom
Creation and fall
Treue zur Welt
Akt und Sein
Wei ji yu shi jing
Von guten Mächten
William A. Dembski
William A. Dembski (born 1960)

mathematician, theologian, computer scientist, philosopher

  • University of Illinois at Chicago, Princeton Theological Seminary
Tough-Minded Christianity
Tough-minded Christianity
Intelligent design
The end of Christianity
Debating design
Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology
Moral Darwinism
The design revolution
Darwin's nemesis
Debating Design
No Free Lunch
The Design Revolution
No Free Lunch
The design of life
The Design Inference
Being as Communion
Evidence for God
Darwin's Nemesis
What Darwin didn't know
End of Christianity
Uncommon Dissent
The patristic understanding of creation
Debating Design
Evidence for God
Intelligent design uncensored
Design Inference
Intelligent Design? Connor Court Quarterly, No. 14
Fin Del Cristianismo
Signs of intelligence
The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith
Mere creation
Debating design
El Fin Del Cristianismo Descubramos Un Dios De Bondad En Un Mundo De Maldad
Understanding intelligent design
Uncommon dissent
How to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist (or not)
Unapologetic apologetics
Intelligent design uncensored
Diseño Inteligente
Chaos, uniform probability, and weak convergence
Richard Rolle
Richard Rolle (1300-1349)

translator, hermit, theologian

  • University of Oxford, University of Paris
Some minor works of Richard Rolle
Richard Rolle, the English writings
Yorkshire writers
Richard Rolle
The fire of love
English writings of Richard Rolle, hermit of Hampole
Two Revisions Of Rolles English Psalter Commentary And The Related Canticles
The Incendium amoris of Richard Rolle of Hampole
The fire of love, and The mending of life
Judica me Deus
The Incendium Amoris
English prose treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole
Two Revisions Of Rolles English Psalter Commentary And The Related Canticles
The fire of love, and The mending of life; or, The rule of living
Two Revisions Of Rolles English Psalter Commentary And The Related Canticles
The Psalter
Emendatio vitae
De emendatione vitae
The English writings
Richard Role, the English writings
The Fire Of Love And The Mending Of Life Or The Rule Of Living
The pricke of conscience (Stimulus conscientiae)
[rev. D] Rycharde Rolle hermyte of Hampull in his contemplacyons of the drede and loue of god with other dyuerse tytles as it sheweth in his table. [Woodcut beneath title]
Biblical commentaries
Selected works of Richard Rolle
Richard Rolle's English commentary on the Psalter, Psalms 61 to 75
Incendium amoris
Yorkshire writers
English writings of Richard Rolle, hermit of Hampole
An edition of Richard Rolle's English psalter with notes and commentary (Psalms46-60)
The Pricke Of Conscience, Stimulus Conscientiae
Archaeology of the Diquís Delta, Costa Rica
The Fire of love
[rev. D] Explanationes notabiles deuotissimi viri Richardi Hampole heremite sup lectiones illas beati Job
The Tractatus super Psalmum vicesimum of Richard Rolle of Hampole
The "Contra amatores mundi" of Richard Rolle of Hampole
The officium and miracula of Richard Rolle of Hampole
The Fire of Love
The stations of the cross
English prose treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole
Richard Rolle and ©Ź»e holy boke gratia Dei
English writings of Richard Rolle
The Incendium amoris of Richard Rolle of Hampole
Selected writings of Richard Rolle
The Contra amatores mundi of Richard Rolle of Hampole
The pricke of conscience (Stimulus conscientiae)
The pricke of conscience (Stimulus conscientiae)
English writings of Richard Rolle, Hermit of Hampole
Richard Rolle's expositio super novem lectiones mortuorum
The Fire of Love And the Mending of Life
Yorkshire writers
Richard Rolle's Meditatio de passione Domini according to ms
Some minor works of Richard Rolle
The Pricke of Conscience (Stimulus Conscientiae): A Northumbrian Poem
The Psalter
English writings
English prose treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole (Who died A.D. 1349)
English prose treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole
English writings of Richard Rolle
The amending of life
Yorkshire writers
Thomas Nauerth
Thomas Nauerth (born 1961)

theologian, professor, Catholic theologian, opinion journalist

  • University of MĆ¼nster
Untersuchungen zur Komposition der JakoberzaĢˆhlungen
Zeugnis, Liebe und Widerstand
Fabelnd denken lernen
Plough Quarterly No. 11 - Alien Citizens
John Bunyan
John Bunyan (1628-1688)

theologian, preacher, tinker

  • Bedford School
The Pilgrim's Progress
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners
The works of John Bunyan
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners & The life & death of Mr. Badman
The Riches of Bunyan (The Essential Christian Library)
Grace abounding and The pilgrim's progress
The life of John Bunyan, written by himself
The trial of John Bunyan & the persecution of the Puritans
How they found Christ
The holy war
Prentice Hall
Book for boys and girls
The life and death of Mr. Badman
Come and welcome to Jesus Christ
Heavenly footman
Doctrine of the law and grace unfolded
Heart's-ease in heart-trouble
Life and death of Mr. Badman and The Holy War
Dangerous journey
The barren fig-tree
Differences in judgment about water-baptism, no bar to communion
The poems
Pilgrim's Progress, Part 2
The riches of Bunyan
Pilgrim's progress, simplified
Seasonable counsel ; A discourse upon the Pharisee and the publicane
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume 11
Some gospel-truths opened
Backward glimpses
The complete works of John Bunyan
Young people's Pilgrim's progress
Pictorial Pilgrims Progress
The acceptable sacrifice ; Last sermon ; An exposition on the ten first chapters of Genesis ; Of justification by an imputed righteousness ; Paul's departure and crown ; Of the Trinity and a Christian ; Of the law and a Christian ; A mapp shewing the order & causes of salvation & damnation
Israel's hope encouraged ; The desire of the righteous granted ; The saints privilege and profit ; Christ a compleat saviour ; The saints knowledge of Christ's love ; Of Antichrist, and his ruine
The Jerusalem sinner saved ; The Pharisee and the publican ; The Trinity and a Christian ; The law and a Christian, &c
Pilgrims Progress Retold
John Bunyan's dream story
The Pilgrim's Progress (Young Reader's Christian Library)
Christian behaviour ; The Holy City ; The resurrection of the dead
Family Pilgrim's Progress
The pilgrim's progress: for the young ..
The Pilgrim's Progress Part One
Illustrated edition of the select works of John Bunyan
Bunyan's grace abounding to the chief of sinners
Sighs from hell, or, The groans of a damned soul
The holy war and The heavenly foot-man
Profitable meditations fitted to mans different condition
Divine emblems: or, Temporal things spiritualized
Poetical illustrations of that immortal work, The pilgrim's progress [a versification] by an old ..
The barren fig-tree ; The strait gate ; The heavenly foot-man
The Doom and Downfall of the Fruitless Professor
All Loves Excelling
The Jerusalem-sinner saved
Hendrickson Christian Classics Audio Library
My Sojourn in Heaven and Stopover in Hell
The End of the World, The Resurrection of the Dead and Eternal Judgment
The Most Difficult Journey You'll Ever Make: The Pilgrim's Progress
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan ..
Solomon's temple spiritualized ; The house of the forest of Lebanon ; The water of life
A treatise of the fear of God ; The greatness of the soul ; A holy life
Works of John Bunyan
Bunyan's Devotional Works
The acceptable sacrifice
Wuthering Heights / The Pilgrim's Progress / The Peloponnesian War / The School for Scandal
Of Antichrist and His Ruin
A defence of the doctrine of justification by faith ; A confession of my faith, and a reason of my practice ; Differences in judgment about water-baptism, no bar to communion ; Peaceable principles and true ; A case of conscience resolved ; Questions about the nature and perpetuity of the seventh-day Sabbath
A treatise of the fear of God
The water of life, or, A discourse shewing the richness and glory of the grace and spirit of the gospel, as set forth in Scripture by this term, The water of life
The child's Pilgrim's progress
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume XIII
The Greatness Of The Soul
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume XII
The Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate
Israel's hope encouraged
Good news for the vilest of men
The greatness of the soul, and unspeakableness of the loss thereof
Solomon's temple spiritualiz'd
Pilgrim's prayer book
The Intercession of Christ
How to pray in the Spirit
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, John Bunyan, minister of the gospel
The whole works of John Bunyan
The Best of John Bunyan
Some gospel-truths opened ; A vindication of some gospel-truths opened ; A few sighs from hell
Some gospel-truths opened according to the Scriptures, or, The divine and humane nature of Christ Jesus, his coming into the world, his righteousness, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and second comming to judgment, plainly demonstrated and proved
I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also. Or, A discourse touching prayer
No Way to Heaven But By Jesus Christ
The select works of John Bunyan..
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume 3
The Complete Works of John Bunyan
The Works of John Bunyan
Christian Behaviour : A Holy Life the Beauty of Christianity : The Fear of God
All-In-One Curriculum for the Pilgrim's Progress with CDROM
The practical works of John Bunyan..
The holy citie, or, The new-Jerusalem
A holy life, the beauty of Christianity, or, An exhortation to Christians to be holy
Questions about the nature and perpetunity of the seventh-day Sabbath
The Pharisee And The Publican  & Miscellaneous Peices
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume 4
The Narrow Gate and the Heavenly Footman (Living Classics for Today)
The bedside Bunyan
The Story Of The Pilgrim's Progress Told For Young People
The Celestial City
Christian behaviour
The world to come
The Riches of Bunyan
"Venture all for God"
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume 10
Rest for a wearied soul
House of God
Miscellaneous Pieces
The strait gate, or, Great difficulty of going to Heaven
Good news for the vilest of men, or, A help for despairing souls
An Ocean of Grace
Immortality - Pamphlet
The Riches of John Bunyan
True conversion
Pilgrim's progress for devotional reading
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume 7
AssetoĢ„semeheo heamoxovistavaĢtoz (The pilgrim's progress) na hosz MaheoneeĢ„szistotoz (and some Bible portions)
The Complete Works Of John Bunyan Part 1
La Oracion / Prayer
Happiness And Hope - Pamphlet
Praying with the Spirit and with Understanding too
The work of Jesus Christ, as an advocate
A discourse upon the Pharisee and the publican
John Bunyan, an autobiography
Tesoros Espirituales
Bunyan's Pilgrim in verse
The riches of Christ, and glorious treasure of heavenly joys, held forth and expounded to all good Christians
Memoir of John Bunyan
Instruction for the ignorant ; Light for them that sit in darkness ; Saved by grace ; Come, & welcome, to Jesus Christ
Suffering Saints in the Furnace - Advice to Persecuted Christians in Their Trials & Tribulations  (Seasonal Counsel)
The Saints' Knowledge of Christ's Love (The Unsearchable Riches of Christ)
By-Path Meadow
Reprobation asserted, or, The doctrine of eternal election & reprobation promiscuously handled in eleven chapters
The entire works of John Bunyan
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan: Volume 6
The Pilgrim's Progress With A Life Of John Bunyan
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan, late minister of the Gospel and pastor of the congregation at Bedford
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, John Bunyan, minister of the gospel and formerly pastor of a congregation at Bedford
The way to the cross, set forth in rhyming verses, founded upon the allegorical representations of Bunyan
Desire of the Righteous Granted
Works of John Bunyan, Volume 1, Part C
The Works of John Bunyan, Volume 3, Part A
Works of John Bunyan, Volume 1, Part A
The pilgrim's progress, grace abounding and a relation of his imprisonment
Whole Works of John Bunyan 3VOL
Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come
The greatness of the soul, Sighs from hell, and The  resurrection of the dead
Cottage Lectures, Or, the Pilgrim's Progress Practically Explained
Journey to Hell
True Relation of the Holy War, Made by King Shaddai upon Diabolus. Together with the Life of Mr. Badman, Pharisee and Publican, Barren Fig-Tree, &C. 5 Pt. , the 2Nd with a Separate Title-Leaf Dated 1811
Bunyan's awakening works
Works, Volume 1
The Pilgrim's Progress: A Musical Miracle Play for Soli, Chorus & Orchestra ...
The pilgrim's progress told to the children
The pilgrim's progress
The miscellaneous works of John Bunyan
Pilgrim's progress and The Holy war
Saints Knowledge of Christs
Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress, in verse
Bunyan's Inviting Works : The Jerusalem Sinner Saved : Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ
The pilgrim's progress
The Works of John Bunyan; Volume 2
My Imprisonment
Scriptural poems
Bunyan's choice works
A defence of the doctrine of justification, by faith in Jesus Christ: shewing, true Gospel-holiness flows from thence. Or, Mr. Fowler's pretended design of Christianity, proved to be nothing more then to trample under foot the blood of the Son of God
Selections from Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress for every day of the year
John Bunyan, complete works on CD
The works of John Bunyan with an introduction to each treatise, notes and a sketch of his life, times and contemporaries
A relation of thf [sic] imprisonment of Mr. John Bunyan
A confession of my faith and a reason of my practice, or, With who, and who not, I can hold church-fellowship, or the communion of saints
The resurrection of the dead and eternall judgement, or, The truth of the resurrection of the bodies both of good and bad at the last day
A caution to stir up to watch against sin
Instruction for the ignorant
The interpreter's house
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, John Bunyan
The Works Of That Eminent Servant Of Christ, John Bunyan, Volume 1
Seasonable counsel, or, Advice to sufferers
The complete works
The advocateship of Jesus Christ
The Pilgrim's Progress from Earth to Heaven, a Metrical Version of the Allegory by J. Bunyan
La Oracion
Teddy Twins Use Their Every Idle Word for the Glory of God!
God's knotty log
Paul's Departure and Crown
The Works Of That Eminent Servant Of Christ, John Bunyan
Advice to Sufferers
Light for Them that sit in Darkness
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, Heart's Ease in Heart Trouble, the World to Come, or Visions of Heaven and Hell, and the Barren Fig-Tree
Saved by grace
Kitāb Siyāįø„at al-MasÄ«įø„Ä«
The Works Of That Eminent Servant Of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan, Volume 5
Exhortation to Unity and Peace
Minor works of John Bunyan
Upon a penny loaf
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
The whole allegorical works of John Bunyan
Progresso Del Pellegrino
Cante teca
The Works Of That Eminent Servant Of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan, Volume 3
One thing is needful, or, Serious meditations upon the four last things, death, judgment [brace] and [brace] heaven, hell
The whole works of that eminent servant of Christ
Bunyan's inviting works
Order & Causes of Salvation and Damnation (Chart
The Works Of John Bunyan
The Works of John Bunyan, Volume 3 of 3
The pilgrim's progress by John Bunyan every child can read
Light for them that sit in darkness, or, A discourse of Jesus Christ, and that he undertook to accomplish by himself the eternal redemption of sinners
John Bunyan's pilgrimage
Doctrinal Discourses
The spiritual riches of John Bunyan
One thing is needful: or, Serious meditations upon the four last things, death, judgment, heaven, and hell
A discourse of the building, nature, excellency, and government of the house of God
The riches of Bunyan
Des Christen Wallfahrt nach der himmlischen Stadt
Ungende wokuakristu
Bunyan's Grace abounding to the chief of sinners; ; Heart's ease in heart trouble; The world to come, or Visions of heaven and hell; ; and The barren fig-tree
Divine emblems
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come
A discourse upon the Pharisee and the publican
Sayyāhat al-masīhī ...
The complete works of John Bunyan
The Pilgrim's family's progress
The pilgrims progress
The doctrine of the law and grace unfolded, or, A discovery of the law and grace
The pharisee & publican, Paul's departure and crown and the barren fig-tree &c
Bunyan's complete works
Sat nangalyugan kilisyan ud langit
The pilgrim's progress and other allegorical works
Kertomus Hengellisistä kokemuksistan
Bunyan's Consoling works
The Christian pilgrim
The works of that eminent servant of Christ Mr. John Bunyan, minister of the Gospel, and formerly pastor of a congregation at Bedford. With copper-plates adapted to the Pilgrim's progress, the Holy war, & which are now added the Divine emblems, and several other pieces, which were never printed in any former collection...
Bunyan's Doctrinal works
The interpreter's house
Bunyan's Experimental works
The pilgrim in many lands
The Christian pilgrim
The holy war
The riches of Christ or, The glorious treasure of heavenly joys
Cuairt an eilthirich no turas a' chriosdaidh
A book for boys and girls, or, Country rhimes for children
Siyāhat al-masīhi
The pilgrim's progress and the holy war
The select works of John Bunyan
Ein Auszug des Pilgers Reise
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan ...
A-abbig ni Nandalnan nan hi Kamengullug di Kabunyan
Zamlendo Wamkrisitu kwa ana
Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress
A book for boys and girls
Siyāhat al-masīhī ...
The interpreter's house
Sīyāhat-i masīhī az īn jahān bi jahān-i āyanda
The little pilgrim's progress
Na Umayan Cristian ad Langit
John Bunyan's Reise eines Christen nach der seligen Ewigkeit
The Little pilgrim's progress
The pilgrim's progress
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners
Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come, exhibited in a metamorphosis, or a transformation of pictures
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come
Poetic sketches from Bunyan: comprising of the leading incidents in the first part of the Pilgrim's progress
The pilgrim's progress
The pilgrim's progress for the young
The pilgrim's progress
One thing is needful:, or, Serious meditations upon the four last things
Kristoni akwantu
Bunyan's Searching works
Siyāįø„at al-MasÄ«įø„Ä«
A relation of the imprisonment of Mr. John Bunyan, minister of the gospel at Bedford, in November, 1660
The holy war made by King Shaddai upon Diabolus
Jang i muqaddas
Good tiding for sinners
Ka hele malihini ana mai keia ao aku a hiki i kela ao
Prison meditations directed to the hearts of suffering saints and reigning sinners
The allegorical works of John Bunyan..
Truth, the strongest of all, witnessed forth in the spirit of truth, against all deceit: and ...
Guide to the heavenly road
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come
Ch'o llo yo kcho ng
The New Pilgrim's Progress
Cuairt an oilthirich, or, Turus a Chriosduidh
Halikhot oreaįø„
Prayer, Return of Prayer and The Saint's Jewel
The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come
The pilgrim's progress
Saved by grace
Hē proodos tou christianou apodēmountos apo tou kosmou toutou eis ton mellonta
KŹ»ristianosi chambordutŹ»iwně
The giant morbus
The complete works of John Bunyan
Sada TŹ»agaworě Sadayēli dēm Surb paterazm
Grás am pailteas do cheann-feadhna nam peacach
The holy war, made by King Shaddai upon Diabolus, for the regaining of the metropolis of the world
Bunyan's Devotional works
Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress in Marathi
Bunyan's Directing works
The Holy War, Made By Shaddai Upon Diabolus, For the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World. Or, The Losing and Taking Again Of The Town of Mansoul
Rũgendo rũa mũgendi
Nan Inmayan Mamati Id Daya
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come
The complete works
Het leven en sterven van Mr. Kwaad; of, De reis van een goddelooze naar het eeuwig verderf
Eines christen reise nach der seligen ewigkeit
The acceptable sacrifice; or, The excellency of a broken heart ...
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan, late minister of the Gospel, and pastor of the congregation at Bedford. The first volume, containing ten of his excellent manuscripts prepared for the press before his death, never before printed, and ten of his choyce books formerly printed ... Collected and printed by the procurement of his church and friends, and by his own approbation before his death: that these his Christian ministerial labours may be preserved in the world: together with a large alphabetical table, containing the contents of the whole
The complete works of John Bunyan
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners
Every child's Pilgrim's progress
Eachdraidh fhirinneach mu'n Chogadh Naomh
The young folks pilgrim's progress
[Holy war in Bengalese] ...
Siyāhat al-masīhi...
Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress
Solomon's temple spiritualized
The children's John Bunyan
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan
Works of that eminent servant of Christ, John Bunyan
Prayer The Return of prayer
Pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come
The complete works of John Bunyan
Osnaichean bho ifrinn, no, Acain anma damnaite
De tedere ingewanden van Christi liefde
Hen Émméyan Christyan ad Uchu
Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress
The heavenly footman, or, A description of the man that gets to heaven
The practical works of John Bunyan
John Bunyan, an autobiography
Come and welcome to Jesus Christ
Divine emblems
Die Pilgerreise nach dem Berge Zion
The works of that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. John Bunyan
Come, and welcome to Jesus Christ
The pilgrim's progress, exhibited in a metamorphosis, or A transformation of pictures, for the entertainent and instruction of youth
The pilgrim's progress in words of one syllable, by Mary Godolphin
Bunyan's Awakening works
Tian lu li cheng
Ilį»-siwaju èro-mimį»Ģ, lati, Aiye yi si eyi ti mbį» ni ifiwe alá
Uisge na beatha
Siyāhat al-masīhī ...
Ngyend'a mundutianzila ...
Bunyan's Inviting works
De teedere ingewanden van Christi liefde, aan den zondaar open gelegd en vertoond
Kristianasin ou Kristinein samportootioone
The Jerusalem Sinner Saved: the Pharisee and the Publican; the Trinity and a ...
True conversion
A book for boys and girls
The pilgrim children
Grace abounding
The works of John Bunyan
Sheng you ji
Tian lu li cheng tu hua
Grace abounding
The greatness of the soul
The barren fig-tree, or, The doom and downfall of the fruitless professor
The whole works of John Bunyan
The water of life, or, A discourse shewing the richness and glory of the grace and spirit of the gospel
The pilgrim's progress; and The life & death of Mr. Badman
Traethiadau o waith yr enwog Mr. John Bunyan: yn cynnwys, I. Cadwedigaeth trwy Ras: ... II. Y Porth Cyfyng: ... III. Pregeth ddiweddaf yr Awdwr: ..
Differences in Judgment About VVater-Baptism, No Bar to Communion
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come, delivered under the similitude of a dream ...
The work of Jesus Christ, as an advocate
The works of John Bunyan
Uhambo lo mhambi
Het leven en sterven van Mr. Quaat
A race for eternal life
The pilgrim's progress, by John Bunyan. The lives of John Donne and George Herbert, by Izaak Walton. With introductions and notes
Gr am pailteas do cheann-feadhna nam peacach
Thig agus se do bheatha chum Iosa Criosd
Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress
Tian lu li cheng
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners, or, A brief and faithful relation of the exceeding mercy of God in Christ, to his poor servant John Bunyan ...
A Confession of my Faith, And A Reason of my Practice
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come
The complete works of John Bunyan
Ngà hemtahu
Aliyendo la Mukristo
The splendid moving mirror of the Bunyan Tableaux!
A free poetic version of the first part of The pilgrim's progress, in ten books
The works of John Bunyan
Esponiad ar y deg pennod gyntaf o Genesis, a rhan o'r unfed-ar-ddeg. Gan ... Mr. John Bunyan, ..
Bunyan's pilgrim's progress
Pilgrim's progress
Sheng you ji xu ji
Myfyrododau difrifol ar y pedwar peth diweddaf: sef, angee, barn, nef, ac uffern. Gan ... Mr. John Bunyan
The water of life
The complete works of John Bunyan
Pilagarimaza prograisa
Ilį»-siwaju èro-mimį»Ģ, lati, Aiye yi si eyi ti mbį» ni ìfiwé àlá
Christiana's journay
The complete works of John Bunyan (unabridged)
Tian lu li cheng
The select minor works of John Bunyan
The narrative of the pilgrim's progress
The Jerusalem sinner saved
The life and death of Mr. Badman
Putešestvie piligrima
Gerardus Mercator
Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594)

mathematician, geographer, philosopher, theologian, cartographer, inventor, cosmographer, instrument maker

  • Old University of Leuven, Brethren of the Common Life
[Gerhard Mercator, 1512-1594, zum 450. Geburtstag]
Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris à I. Hondio plurimis æneis tabulis auctus et illustratus
Atlas sive Cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mvndi et fabricati figvra
The Mercator atlas of Europe
Atlas minor Geradi Mercatoris à I. Hondio plurimis aeneis tabulis auctus atque illustratus
Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris aĢ€ I. Hondio plurimis aeneis tabulis auctus et illustratus
Historia mundi, or, Mercator's atlas
Map of the world (1569) in the form of an atlas in the Maritiem Museum "Prins Hendrik" at Rotterdam
Atlas or a geographicke description, of the regions, countries and kingdomes of the world, through Europe, Asia, Africa, & America, represented by new and exact maps. The second volume. Translated by Henry Hexham, quarter-maister to the regiment of Colonell Goring
Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas Europæ
Correspondance mercatorienne
Atlas sive Cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mvndi et fabricati figvra
Gerard Mercator en de geografie in de Zuideljke Nederlanden (16de eeuw) =
Atlas; or, A geographicke description of the world
The treatise of Gerard Mercator: Literarum latinarum
Mercator-Hondius-Janssonius Atlas
Tabulae geographicae Cl. Ptolemei ad mentem autoris restitutae & emendate
Literarum Latinarum, quas Italicas, cursoriasque vocant, scribendarum ratio
Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura
Gerhard Mercator Weltkarte ad usum navigantium, Duisburg 1569
Literarum latinarum, quas italicas, cursoriasque vocant scribendarum ratio
Atlas sive Cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mvndi et fabricati figvra.  Dvisbvrgi Clivorvm [1595
Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas
Literarum Latinarū
Gerardi Mercatoris atlas Europae / sous la dir. de Marcel Watelet ; avec des contributions de James R. Akerman, Peter M. Barber, Arthur Dürst, Mireille Pastoureau...[et al.].
Literarum Latinarū, quas Italicas cursoriasque vocāt, scribendarū ratio
Catalogve de la collection Mercator
Atlas, oder, Kosmographische Gedanken über die Erschaffung der Welt und ihre kartographische Gestalt
Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris à I. Hondio plurimis aenis tabulis auctus et illustratus
Gerardi Merc[atoris et] l. Hondii atlas, or, A geographicke description of the regions, countries and kingdomes of the world, through Europe, Asia, Africa, and America
Johannes Valentinus Andreae
Johannes Valentinus Andreae (1586-1654)

theologian, mathematician, poet, astrologer, philosopher

  • University of TĆ¼bingen, TĆ¼binger Stift
Selbstbiographie Joh. Valentin Andreä's
Johann Valentin Andreä, 1586-1654
Reipublicae christianopolitanae descriptio
Theophilus. Lateinisch und Deutsch
Joannis Valentini Andreae Memorialia, benevolentium honori, amori et condolentiae data
Reipublicae Christianopolitanae descriptio
Johann Valentin Andreae's Christianopolis
Mythologiae Christianae, sive, Virtutum & vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum libri tres
Turris Babel, siue, Judiciorum de Fraternitate Rosaceae Crucis chaos
Seleniana augustalia Iohannis Valentini Andreae, S.T.D.
Menippus, sive, Dialogorvm satyricorum centuria
Fama fraternitatis, oder, Entdeckung der Brüderschafft des löblichen Ordens dess Rosen Creutzes
Civis christianus, sive, Peregrini quondam errantis restitutiones
Peregrini in patria errores
Die Bruderschaft der Rosenkreuzer
Menippus, sive, Dialogorum satyricorum centuria inanitatum nostratium speculum
Turbo, sive, Moleste et frustra per cuncta divagans ingenium
[Vom besten und edelsten Beruff
Peregrini in patria errores
Herrn Johann Valentin Andreä, weyland vornehmen Würtembergischen Theologi, Freye Feder vom Ubelstand der Kirchen Gottes
Les noces chymiques de Christian Rosencreutz
[Sereniss. Domus Augustae Selenianae Princip. Juventutis utriusque sexus pietatis, eruditionis, comitatisque exemplum sine pari
Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz Anno 1459
[Fama fraternitatis oder Entdeckung der Brüderschaft des löblichen Ordens desz RosenCreutzes
Die Kämpfe des christlichen Herkules
Joh. Val. Andreae Dichtungen zur Beherzigung unseres Zeitalters
[Fama fraternitatis
Tvrbo, sive, Moleste et frvstra per cuncta divagans ingenivm
Fama fraternitatis (1614)
Warheits-Mund in sinnreichen Anbildungen desz allgemeinen Welt-Wesens
Warheits-Mund in sinnreichen Anbildungen desz allgemeinen Welt-Wesens
Joh. Val. Andreae Dichtungen zur Beherzigung unseres Zeitalters
Arbustum vel arboretum Augustæum
Johann Valentin Andreä
Zerstreute Blätter
Reipublicae Christianopolitanae descriptio