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theologians who wrote biography
Showing 49-56 out of 180 results
Eberhard Bethge
Eberhard Bethge (1909-2000)

biographer, resistance fighter, pastor, protestant theologian

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Friendship and resistance
Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Bonhoeffer, an illustrated introduction in documents and photographs
Hans Bethge
In Zitz gab es keine Juden
Wie eine Flaschenpost
Hans Bethge
Costly Grace
Bonhoeffer, exile and martyr
Bekennen und Widerstehen
Erstes Gebot und Zeitgeschichte
Ohnmacht und Mündigkeit
Last letters of resistance
Am gegebenen Ort
Last Letters of Resistance
Versuchung des Glaubens
Prayer and righteous action in the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Theologie und Freundschaft
Zwischen Finenwalde und Tirpitzufer
Hans Bethge: Leben und Werk, 1876-1946
Christliche Freiheit im Dienst am Menschen
Bericht vom Roederprozess, Heilbronn 27. Juli
Freedom and obedience in Dietrich Bonhoeffer
How Bonhoeffer's prison letters survived
Gesichtspunkte zur Gewaltlosigkeit und Gewalt im Tun und Denken Dietrich Bonhoeffers
Mut in böser Zeit
Kirche in Preussen
Gesichtspunkte zur Gewaltlosigkeit und Gewalt im Tun und Denken Dietrich Bonhoeffers
Predigt von Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bethge DD im Gottesdienst zum 36. Gedenktag an den 20. Juli 1944 im Hinrichtungsschuppen Plötzensee am Sonntag den 20. Juli 1980
Glaube und Weltlichkeit bei Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Resistance and terrorism
Letzte Briefe im Widerstand
Status confessionis--was ist das?
Die Deutsche Reformierte St. Paul-Gemeinde, die Deutsche Evangelische Gemeinde Sydenham, die Deutsch Lutherische St. Georgs-Gemeindein den Jahren 1939-1960
Bonhoeffer Gedenkheft
Gegen Vergessen, für Demokratie
Darrell Bock
Darrell Bock (born 1953)


  • University of Aberdeen, University of Texas at Austin
Jesus according to Scripture
Studying the Historical Jesus
Proclamation from Prophecy and Pattern
Key events in the life of the historical Jesus
Key events in the life of the historical Jesus
Jesus the God-man
Jesus according to Scripture
Key events in the life of the historical Jesus
Jesus According to Scripture
Yeshuʻa ṿeha-beśorot ha-ḥadashot
Jesus the God-Man
Proclamation from Prophecy and Pattern
A Biblical theology of the Old Testament
Breaking the Da Vinci Code
A Theology of Luke & Acts
The Missing Gospels
The Gospel According to Isaiah 53
Truth matters
Blasphemy and exaltation in Judaism and the final examination of Jesus
Dispensationalism, Israel and the church
The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel
Who is Jesus?
Descubra los misterios del Codigo Da Vinci
Best Bible Books
Purpose-Directed Theology
Blasphemy and exaltation in Judaism
The Bible Knowledge Word Study
Jesus, Skepticism, and the Problem of History
Interpreting the New Testament Text
Recovering the Real Lost Gospel: Reclaiming the Gospel as Good News
Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond
Jesus in context
The Gospel according to Isaiah 53
The Bible Knowledge Key Word Study
How Would Jesus Vote?
Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Can I trust the Bible? / Darrell L. Bock; [introduction by Ravi Zacharias]
En Defensa de la Verdad
Luke 9:51-24:53 (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Luke (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Luke 1:1-9:50 (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Jesus according to Scripture
Messiah in the Passover
Perspectives on the ending of Mark
Israel, the Church, and the Middle East
The Bible knowledge word study
Can I trust the Bible?
Theology of Luke and Acts, a Video Study
Virtual Reality Church
Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?
Breaking the Da Vinci Code
Descubra Los Misterios Del Código Da Vinci
NIVAC Bundle 6
Counterpoints Library 2. 0 : Complete 38-Volume Set
Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible
Missing Gospels
Quebrando o Código da Vinci
Luke Commentary Collection
Can I Trust the Bible?
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Matthew, Mark
Truth Matters
To the Jew first
The Bible Knowledge Key Word Study (Bible Knowledge)
Purpose-Directed Theology
Comentario Bíblico con Aplicación NVI Lucas
Recovering the Real Lost Gospel
Who Is Jesus?
Cape Town Commitment : a Confession of Faith, a Call to Action
Studying the Historical Jesus
Gospels and Acts
NIV Application Commentary, New Testament Set
Counterpoints Theological Studies Collection One : 9-Volume Set
Parables of Enoch
Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus
Cultural Intelligence
Luke, a Video Study
Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism
Three central issues in contemporary dispensationalism
Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism : The Charge against Jesus in Mark 14
Theology of Luke and Acts
Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Edgar J. Goodspeed
Edgar J. Goodspeed (1871-1962)

translator, Bible translator, theologian, New Testament scholar, papyrologist, orientalist

  • Denison University, University of Chicago
A life of Jesus
As I remember
Strange new gospels
The twelve
Modern apocrypha
Strange new gospels
A life of Jesus
The complete bible
A history of early Christian literature
The Apocrypha
A full history of the wonderful career of Moody and Sankey in Great Britain and America
Index patristicus, sive Clavis Patrum apostolicorum operum
The making of the English New Testament
The Toronto gospels
New solutions of New Testament problems
The junior Bible
The short Bible
The story of the New Testament
Historical and Linguistic Studies in Literature Related to the New Testament
Greek papyri from the Cairo Museum
The story of the Bible
The Harvard Gospels
Problems of New Testament translation
The twelve
The Haskell Gospels
How came the Bible?
The University of Chicago Chapel
The meaning of Ephesians
New chapters in New Testament study
Index apologeticus sive Clavis Iustini Martyris operum aliorumque apologetarum pristinorum
The story of the Old Testament
The Newberry Gospels
The Bixby Gospels
[Greek gospel texts in America
Index patristicus
A Greek papyrus reader
History of Early Christian Literature
The translators to the reader
Christianity goes to press
The formation of the New Testament
The key to Ephesians
How to read the Bible
An introduction to the New Testament
The Apocrypha
A history of early Christian literature
The Gospel of John
The formation of the New Testament,
The Newberry Gospels
Things seen and heard
History of the great fires in Chicago and the West ... to which is appended a record of the great fires in the past. By E.J. Goodspeed
The student's New Testament
The New Testament
The Key to Ephesians
A life of Jesus
Index apologeticus
The story of the Bible
How came the Bible?
The twelve, the story of Christ's apostles
The story of the Apocrypha
Ancient Sermons For Modern Times
The four pillars of democracy
Die ältesten Apologeten
The meaning of Ephesians
Buying happiness
Karanis papyri
The curse in the colophon
The Student's gospels
A Harmony of the Synoptic Gospels (for Historical and Critical Study)
Papyri from Karanis ..
Die altesten apologeten
Chicago literary papyri
Index patristicus sive lavis patrum apostolicorum operum
The complete Bible
A harmony of the synoptic Gospels for historical and critical study
The Apocrypha
The student's Gospels
The complete Bible
Matthew, apostle and evangelist
The Epistle to the Hebrews
A history of early Christian literature
The twelve
The Apostolic Fathers
The Apocrypha; an American translation
The translators to the reader
As I remember
Index patristicus
The Short Bible
The apocrypha
The student's New Testament
The New Testament
The Goodspeed parallel New Testament
The formation of the New Testament
The synoptic Gospels
The New Testament
A Greek papyrus reader, with vocabulary
The book of Thekla
The New Testament
Greek papyri from the Cairo museum, together with papyri of Roman Egypt from American collections
Johann Gottfried Eichhorn
Johann Gottfried Eichhorn (1752-1827)

theologian, historian, literary historian

  • University of Göttingen
Monumenta antiquissimae historiae Arabum
Allgemeine Geschichte der Cultur und Litteratur des neueren Europa
Geschichte der Litteratur von ihren Anfang bis auf die neuesten Zeiten
Einleitung ins Alte Testament. 2e, verbesserte und vermehrte Ausq. 4e ..
Introduction to the study of the Old Testament
Urgeschichte des erlauchten Hauses der Welfen
Die hebräischen Propheten
Geschichte der drey letzten jahrhunderte
Geschichte der Litteratur Von Ihrem Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten; Volume 5
Litterärgeschichte, Volume 2. Zweite Haelfte
Geschichte des Ostindischen Handels Vor Mohämmed
Die Französische Revolution in Einer Historischen Uebersicht. Zweytes Bändchen
Einleitung in das Neue Testament, Erster Band
Geschichte Der Litteratur Von Ihrem Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten
Geschichte der drei letzten Jahrhunderte. (German Edition)
Geschichte der Litteratur Von Ihrem Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten, Zwenter Band
Geschichte der Litteratur Von Ihren Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten, Dritter Band, Erste Abtheilung
Die Hebräischen Propheten
Geschichte Der Litteratur Von Ihrem Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten, Volumes 2-3
Einleitung in das Alte Testament
Neunzehntes Jahrhundert
Geschichte Der Alten Welt
Einleitung in das Alte Testament, Fünfter Band, Vierte Ausgabe
Allgemeine Geschichte der Cultur und Litteratur des Neueren Europa
Account of the Life and Writings of John David Michaelis
Allgemeine Bibliothek der Biblischen Litteratur
Geschichte der Litteratur von ihrem Anfang bis auf die neuesten Zeiten
Einleitung in das Alte Testament, Zweyter Band. Vierte Original-Ausgabe
Einleitung in das Alte Testament, Dritter Band
Geschichte der Litteratur Von Ihren Anfang Bis Auf Die Neuesten Zeiten, Erster Band
Einleitung ins Alte Testament
Commentarius in Apocalypsin Joannis
Einleitung in die apokryphischen Schriften des Alten Testaments
Antiqua historia
Antiqua historia ex ipsis veterum scriptorum latinorum narratonibus contexta
Antiqua historia ex ipsis veterum scriptorum graecorum narratonibus contexta
Geschichte der Litteratur von ihrem Anfang bis auf die neuesten Zeiten
Antiqua historia ex ipsis veterum scriptorum graecorum narrationibus contexta
Martin of Cochem
Martin of Cochem (1634-1712)

theologian, preacher

Cochem's life of Christ
Life of Christ
Żywot Pana i Zbawiciela Jezusa Chrystusa i Boga-Rodzicy Dziewicy Maryi
Explanation of the holy sacrifice of the mass
The four last things
Cochem's explanation of the holy sacrifice of the mass
Heylsames Gesund- und Kranken Buch, oder, Nutzliches und nothwendiges Gebett-Buch
Verbessetre Legend der Heiligen, das ist, Eine schöne, klare und anmüthige Beschreibung des Lebens, Leydens und Sterbens von den lieben Heiligen Gottes
Infirmitatis humanæ præsidium, sive, Libellus infirmorum germanico superadditus ..
Heiliger Zeiten Gebett-Buch
Das allerste zum andern Mahl auffgelegte und mit vierzig neuen Historien aussgebesserte History-Buch
Köstliches Ablasz-Büchlein
Geistlicher Baum, oder, Bluemen-Garten
Guldener Himmels-Schlüssel, oder, Neues Gebett-Buch zur Erlösung der lieben Seelen dess Felfeurs
Goldener Himmel-schlüssel, oder Sehr kräftiges, nützliches und trostreiches Gebeth-buch
Neues Ablasz-Büchlein
Der kleine Himmels-Schlüssel
Heiliger Zeiten Gebetbuch
Goldener Him̃els-Schlüszel, oder, Sehr kraftiges, nützliches und trostreiches Gebeth-Buch, zu Erlösung der lieben Seelen des Fegfeuers
La sainte messe
Goldener Himmel-Schlüssel, oder sehr kräftiges, nützliches und trostreiches Gebetbuch, zur Erlösung der lieben Seelen des Fegfeuers ...
Medulla missae germanica, das ist, Mess-Erklärung über König suss
Der verbesserte grosse Baum-Garten, im grossen Druck
Goldener Himmel-Schlüssel, oder sehr kräftiges, nützliches und trostreiches Gebeth-Buch, zu Erlösung der lieben Seelen des Fegfeuers ...
Grosser Myrrhen-Garten des bittern Leidens u. Sterbens unsers Herrn Jesus Christus
Der grosse Myrrhengarten, abgekürzt in grossem Druck
Erklärung des heiligen Messopfers
Die vier letzen Dinge
Die vier letzen Dinge, "Tod, Gericht, Hölle, Himmelreich"
Der verbesserte grosse Baum-Garten ...
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969)


  • Colgate University
Jesus of Nazareth
The Man from Nazareth as his contemporaries saw Him
The Man from Nazareth at His contemporaries saw Him
The Man from Nazareth as his contemporaries saw Him
The Man from Nazareth
Nazarebito Iesu
The meaning of faith
The meaning of prayer
Dear Mr. Brown
A guide to understanding the Bible
A faith for tough times
The challenge of the present crisis
Twelve tests of character
Christianity and progress
Adventurous religion and other essays
The second mile
A pilgrimage to Palestine
The meaning of service
The manhood of the Master
On being a real person
A book of public prayers
The Power To See It Through
The assurance of immortality
The Meaning of Prayer
The life of Saint Paul
Great voices of the Reformation
A great time to be alive
The value of a great heritage
Successful Christian living
Riverside sermons
The secret of victorious living
The Meaning Of Prayer And The Secret Of Victorious Living
Living under tension
The living of these days
On being a real person
The modern use of the Bible
The meaning of prayer
What is vital in religion
On being fit to live with
The modern use of the Bible
The meaning of being a Christian
The meaning of prayer
As I see religion
Evolution and Mr. Bryan
A Christian conscience about war, by Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D
The meaning of faith
Responsive readings
The three meanings: prayer, faith [and] service
The hope of the world
The Manhood of the Master
Martin Luther
Meaning of Prayer (Festival Books)
The Meaning of Faith
Spiritual values and eternal life
On being a real person
Meaning of Prayer
The real problems of real people
The Meaning of Service
The Riverside Preachers
The Assurance Of Immortality And The Secret Of Victorious Living
Prayer As Communion With God
Learning How To Pray
The meaning of faith
God's Care For The Individual
The Naturalness Of Prayer
Dear Mr. Brown
Christianity and Progress
The Second Mile
Dear Mr. Brown
Above The Average
The Assurance Of Immortality And The Meaning Of Prayer
The power to see it through
Meaning of Service
The manhood of the Master
The Riverside preachers
The Unknown soldier
The meaning of prayer
The Privilege Of Living
The secret of victorius living
Successful Christian living
The Significance Of Immortality
Do we want war in the Far East?
Answers to Real Problems : Harry Emerson Fosdick Speaks to Our Time
Unselfishness In Prayer
Adventurous religion
The second mile
The three meanings
Twelve tests of character ...
Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick's first sermon as pastor elect
The assurance of immortality
Possessing A Past Tense
The greatness of God
On being a real person
Unanswered Prayer
Riverside sermons
A High Opinion Of Oneself
A sermon
Dr. Fosdick urges birth rate control
Progressive Christianity
Long Ropes And Strong Stakes
Manhood of the Master
The manhood of the Master
A Christian crusade against war
A book of public prayers
Responsive Readings
Minding One's Own Business
The Possibility Of Immortality
The challenge of the present crisis
Prayer As A Battlefield
Twelve tests of character
Life of St. Paul
Christianity and progress
The life of Saint Paul
Harnessing The Caveman
The Man from Nazareth, as His contemporaries saw Him
The three meanings
Meditations from the Manhood of the Master
The greatness of God
Christianity and Progress
Seeing The Invisible
Real issues and great choices
Teuare Iesu
Jésus homme
Kristendom og fremskridt
Kristendom och framåtskridande
What religion means to me
Shall the fundamentalists win?
Iesu no jinkaku
A pilgrimage to Palestine
A preaching ministry
Dare we break the vicious circle of fighting evil with evil!
A book of public prayers
Responsive readings
Do we want war in the Far East
Den andre milen
World fellowship in prayer, November 12 to 18, 1922
The assurance of immortality
Yaso no jinkaku
Wulu w'uwandji
Religion and birth control
Den store mester
Religion plus intelligence
Religionen ett vågstycke
National vespers
I mästarens tjänst
A Christian conscience about war
Isu Khrīstanuṃ pūrṇa manushyatva
Ming jing zhi nan
The significance of Christ's death in Christian thought
The naturalness of prayer (from "the meaning of prayer")
Christianity's need of world-wide horizons
Martin Luther (W-23)
As I see religion
A Bíblia em nossa épocha
The farewell sermon of Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick
Five sectors of the peace movement
Erfaringer og Tanker om Bøm
La personalidad del divino maestro
Paramapuruṣa divyalakṣaṇa pradīpamu
Adventurous religion
A pilgrimage to Palestine
A Christian crusade against war
Mushūkyō e no hangyaku
Bibeln och vår tid
What shall we do with Jesus?
The Army and Navy hymnal
The assurance of immortality
The divinity of Jesus
A Christian conscience about war
Twelve tests of character
Världens hopp
Kurunātarīn puruṣattvam
Adventurous religion and other essays
Gendai no Seisho kan
The modern use of the Bible
Shinkō no igi
Finishing the war
Science and religion
The church's message to the nation
The worst sin
The unknown soldier
The three meanings
A guide to understanding the Bible
Xin yang de yi yi
De man van Nazareth zoals zijn tijdgenoten Hem zagen
The open doors
Fu wu de yi yi
The meaning of faith
Religion's debt to science
Spiritual values and eternal life
Fu wu di yi yi
On being civilized to death
Teenimise tähtsusest
A varonilidade do Mestre
Útazás Palesztinában
Sevānuṃ rahasya
John Fawcett
John Fawcett (1739-1817)

pastor, theologian

An account of the life, ministry, and writings of the late Rev. John Fawcett, D.D.
Christ precious to those that believe
Advice to youth
The reign of death
Hints on the education of children
Miscellanea sacra
The constitution and order of a gospel church considered
The sick man's employ
An essay on anger
English exercises, for the use of schools, in two parts: Part 1. Exercises in orthography. Part II. Exercises in orthography and syntax
The cross of Christ
Sermons chiefly designed for the use of families
The history of John Wise, a poor boy
Miscellanea sacra, or, The theological miscellany
Hymns adapted to the circumstances of public worship and private devotion]
Hugh James Rose
Hugh James Rose (1795-1838)


  • University of Cambridge
A new general biographical dictionary
A new general biographical dictionary
A new general biographical dictionary projected and partly arranged
The commission and consequent duties of the clergy
The duty of maintaining the truth
Encyclopaedia metropolitana
An apology for the study of divinity
Christianity always progressive
The state of the Protestant religion in Germany
Christians the light of the world
The state of Protestantism in Germany described
Inscriptiones graecae vetustissimae
Eight sermons preached before the University of Cambridge at Great St. Mary's
The study of church history recommended
Eight sermons preached before the University of Cambridge
The churchman's duty and comfort in the present times
The commission and consequent duties of the clergy, in a series of discourses preached before the University of Cambridge in April, MDCCCXXVI
Inscriptiones graecae
Encyclopædia metropolitana; or, Universal dictionary of knowledge ...
The study of church history recommended
An appendix to The state of the Protestant religion in Germany
Der Zustand der protestantischen Religion in Teutschland