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teachers who wrote biography
Showing 25-32 out of 344 results
B. H. Liddell Hart
B. H. Liddell Hart (1895-1970)

journalist, military historian, historian, soldier, military theorist, teacher

  • University of Cambridge, St Paul's School
Scipio Africanus
Great captains unveiled
T. E. Lawrence
Scipio Africanus
Reputations, ten years after
History of the Second World War
The real war, 1914-1918
The Liddell Hart Memoirs, Vol. 1
The German generals talk
The Decisive Wars of History
The sword and the pen
Paris or, The Future of War
Great Battles of the 20th Century
The defence of Britain
History of the First World War
Deterrent or defense
Letters of Private Wheeler, 1809 - 1828
The Liddell Hart Memoirs, Vol. 2
The other side of the hill
Europe in arms
The History of the Second World War, Vol. 1
The Liddell Hart Memoirs
The ghost of Napoleon
World War I In Outline
The Other Side of the Hill (Pan Grand Strategy)
The History of the Second World War, Vol. 2
Defence of the West
Britain and Spain
The war in outline, 1914-1918
The Red Army: the Red Army, 1918 to 1945
The future of infantry
Défense de l'Europe
The revolution in warfare
Through the fog of war
Foch the Man of Orleans
Dynamic defence
The Red Army
The way to win wars
Colonel Lawrence Of Arabia
Why don't we learn from history?
The letters of Private Wheeler 1809-1828
When Britain goes to war
Today and Tomorrow Volume 16 War and Politics
History of the Second World War
Thoughts on war
The British way in warfare
Churchill in war
Hist of the Second W-V2
Uprostena nauka za pekhotna taktika
The Real War
This expanding war
The Memoirs of Captain Liddell Hart Volune Two
Hist of the Second W-V1
Remaking Of Modern Armies, The/Revolution In Warfare, The
Letters of Private Wheeler
The Rommel Papers Part 1 of 2
The remaking of modern armies
Real War
The Rommel Papers Part 2 of 2
Lawrence of Arabia
The British way in warfare
Defense Of The West
A history of the world war, 1914-1918
Reputations Ten Years After
Ei Teikoku hōkai no shinŹ¼in
Reputations Ten Years Afte
The Red Army
The Red Army, 1918 to 1945, the Soviet Army, 1946 to the Present
Les généraux allemands parlent
Deterrent or defence
Foch: Man of Orleans Vol I
The lawn tennis masters unveiled
Sherman Soldier Realist Am
Defense of the West
Sherman: soldier, realist, American
The current of war
The German Campaign in the West 1939-40
Why Don't We Learn from History?
Strateji-Dolayli Tutum
Infanterie von morgen
Scipio Africanus
Soviet Army
Reputations, 10 Years After
Deterrent or defence, a fresh look at the West's military position
Real War
The tanks
The Soviet Army
The Strategy of Indirect Approach
Sherman, the genius of the civil war
The Red Army
Scipio Africanus
Rommel Paper
A History of the World War 1914-1918
T.E. Lawrence in Arabia and after
Defense of the West
The British way in warfare, adaptability and mobility
When Britain goes to war, adaptability and mobility
Lillian Moller Gilbreth
Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972)

industrial engineer, psychologist, teacher, photographer, businessperson, inventor, mechanical engineer, engineer

  • University of California, Berkeley, Brown University
As I remember
The quest of the one best way
The psychology of management
The psychology of management
Living with our children
The psychology of management
The foreman in manpower management
Management in the home
The home-maker and her job
Heim und Arbeit
Living with our children
Benoît Prieur
BenoƮt Prieur (born 1975)

Wikimedian, software engineer, correspondent, radio personality, amateur photographer, OpenStreetMap contributor, geohasher, teacher, chess player

  • Institut d'informatique d'Auvergne, Blaise Pascal University (Clermont II)
Jean Forestier ou la conquête de Paris-Roubaix 1955
Programmation en C#
Informatique quantique
Projets personnels et gestion du temps, pistes d'organisation
Pygame - Initiez-vous au développement de jeux vidéo en Python
Traitement automatique du langage naturel avec Python
PyQt5 - Développez vos interfaces graphiques en Python
Rust - Développez des programmes robustes et sécurisés
Chasten Buttigieg
Chasten Buttigieg (born 1989)

school teacher, LGBTQ rights activist

  • DePaul University, Traverse City West Senior High
Constance Rourke
Constance Rourke (1885-1941)

historian, literary scholar, pedagogue, man of letters

  • University of Paris, Vassar College
Davy Crockett
Troupers of the Gold coast; or, The rise of Lotta Crabtree
American humor
The roots of American culture and other essays
Charles Sheeler, artist in the American tradition
Trumpets of jubilee
The roots of American culture
Trumpets of jubilee
Troupers of the Gold Coast
Audubon ; Mit 12 Farbtafeln nach Originalzeichnungen von Audubon ; Schwarz-Weiss-Zeichnunger von James MaCDonald ; [Deutsch von Helene Ritzerfeld]
American humor
American humor
Jean Orieux
Jean Orieux (1907-1990)

biographer, teacher of literature

  • Ɖcole normale supĆ©rieure de Saint-Cloud, University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
Catherine de MeĢdicis, ou La reine noire
Voltaire, ou, La royauté de l'esprit
Talleyrand ou le Sphinx incompris
Catherine de MeĢdicis, ou, La reine noire
Souvenirs de campagnes
Voltaire ou la royaute  de l'esprit
Talleyrand; ou, Le sphinx incompris
La Fontaine
Catherine de Medicis ou la Reine Noire
L' eĢtoile et le chaos
Voltaire ou la royaute de l'esprit
La mal-marieĢe
Des figues de BerbeĢrie
La mal-mariée
Bussey-Rabutin, le libertin galant homme, 1618-1693
L' aigle de fer
Les Trois-Piliers
Kasbahs en plein ciel
Bussy-Rabutin: le libertin galant homme, 1618-1693
Das Leben des Voltaire
Les trois-piliers
La Fontaine ou La Vie est un conte
Menus plaisirs
L 'eĢtoile et le chaos
Voltaire ou La royauté de l'esprit
Cinq filles et un fusil
Souvenir de campagne
L' aigle de fer
Les Fontagre; roman
La Fontaine ou La vie est un conte
Le lit des autres
Les ciseaux d'argent
Les Fontagre
Piarres Charritton
Piarres Charritton (1921-2017)

politician, essayist, Catholic priest, teacher

  • Faculty of Arts of Paris
Muhammad Idris Kandhlawi
Muhammad Idris Kandhlawi (1899-1974)

'ālim, teacher

  • Mazahir Uloom, Darul Uloom Deoband