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sociologists who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 154 results
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)

nurse, statistician, politician, teacher, sociologist

Notes on nursing
Letters from Egypt
Florence Nightingale
Ever yours, Florence Nightingale
'I have done my duty'
The collected works of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale in Egypt and Greece
Florence Nightingale's spiritual journey
[Notes written in pencil]
Florence Nightingale's European travels
Letters of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Una and the lion
Suggestions for thought to the searchers after truth among the artizans of England
Directions for cooking by troops, in camp and hospital
Notes on hospitals
Notes on Nursing: What it Is, and what it is Not
Florence Nightingale to her nurses
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions, together with a proposal for organising an ..
Florence Nightingale's Indian letters
Florence Nightingale in Egypt and Greece
The Friendship of Florence Nightingale and Mary Clare Moore
Una and the Lion
Suggestions for thought
Observations on the evidence contained in the stational reports submitted to her by the Royal commission on the sanitary state of the army in India
Life or death in India
Florence Nightingale on health in India
Florence Nightingale on women, medicine, midwifery and prostitution
Florence Nightingale on hospital reform
The art of nursing
Florence Nightingale's theology
Notes on nursing
A contribution to the sanitary history of the British Army during the late war with Russia
Florence Nightingale in Rome
Notes on Hospitals
                Cambridge Library Collection  History of Medicine
Introductory Notes on LyingIn Institutions
                Cambridge Library Collection  History of Medicine
Selected writings
Florence Nightingale's theology
Notes on Nursing
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale's European travels
Florence Nightingale and the Birth of Professional Nursing (Western Influence on Japan)
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British army
Florence Nightingale's Notes on nursing
Army sanitary administration and its reform under the late Lord Herbert
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
Cassandra and Suggestions for Thought
Selected writings of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale at Harley Street: her reports to the governors of her nursing home, 1853-4
Lunatic asylums and the treatment of the insane
Organization of nursing
Florence Nightingale on women, medicine, midwifery and prostitution
Notes on Nursing What It Is, and What It Is Not
Note on the aboriginal races of Australia
Training of nurses and nursing the sick
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and war
Thermodynamik der Gase
Sanitary statistics of native colonial schools and hospitals
Notes on nursing
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions
The institution of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine
Exercises in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding by Florence Nightingale of the first training school for nurses
As Miss Nightingale said--
Letters of Florence Nightingale to Revd. Mother Clare Moore (co-workers during Crimean War)
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
To the probationer-nurses of the Nightingale Fund School at St. Thomas's Hospital
Construction of hospitals
Hospital statistics and hospital plans
Florence Nightingale's anmerkungen zur krankenpflege
Suggestions on a system of nursing for hospitals in India
Letters from Miss Florence Nightingale on health visiting in rural districts
Proposal for improved statistics of surgical operations
The dumb shall speak and the deaf shall hear, or, The ryot, the zemindar, and the government
Army sanitary administration and its reform under the late Lord Herbert
Sites and construction of hospitals
Health and local government
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army
Suggestions for thought to the searchers after truth among the artizans of England
Florence Nightingale on mysticism and eastern religions
Notes on hospitals
Letters from Greece
Address from Florence Nightingale to the probationer-nurses in the "Nightingale Fund" School at St. Thomas' Hospital and the nurses who were formely trained there, 23rd July, 1874
Our Indian stewardship
Health missioners for rural India
The people of India
Notes on nursing
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and in war
Florence Nightingale à travers ses écrits
Letters of Florence Nightingale in the History of Nursing Archive, Special Collections, Boston University Libraries
On trained nurses for the sick poor
To Her Nurses - Florence Nightingale
A contribution to the sanitary history of the British army during the late war with Russia
Letters from Egypt
The Nightingale pledge
Memorandum of instructions by matron to ward sisters on duties of probationers
Statements exhibiting the voluntary contributions received by Miss Nightingale
Sanitary statistics of native colonial schools and hospitals
Health teaching in towns and villages
Health and local government
Fourteen Nightingale letters
Note on different systems of nursing
Notes on nursing, and, Notes on hospitals
To commemorate Florence Nightingale
Suggestions on the subject of providing, training, and organizing nurses for the sick poor in workhouse infirmaries
Notes on nursing
Address from Miss Nightingale to the probationer-nurses in the "Nightingale Fund" School at St. Thomas' Hospital and the nurses who were formerly trained there
Hospital statistics and hospital plans
To the nurses and probationers trained under the Nightingale Fund
Note on the different systems of nursing
Florence Nightingale on wars and the War Office
Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the regulations affecting the sanitary condition of the army, the organization of military hospitals, and the treatment of the sick and wounded
Rural hygiene
The Holy Bible
How people may live and not die in India
Notes on nursing
Notes on nursing and other writings
Florence Nightingale calendar, 1921
A note on pauperism
Notes on nursing and notes on hospitals
Suggestions for improving the nursing service of hospitals and on the method of training nurses for the sick poor
Miss Nightingale and the War Office
Des soins a donner aux malades
The institution of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine, for the practical training of deaconesses, under the direction of the Rev. Pastor Fliedner, embracing the support and care of a hospital, infant and industrial schools, and a female penitentiary
Florence Nightingale to her nurses
Florence Nightingale on society and politics, philosophy, science, education and literature
Notes On Nursing Custom Imprint Edition
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and in war
Florence Nightingale, curriculum vitae
Training of nurses and nursing the sick
Hospital construction
On trained nursing for the sick poor
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army
Alain Badiou
Alain Badiou (born 1937)

philosopher, playwright, editor, sociologist, mathematician, scientist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Lycée Louis-le-Grand
In praise of love
Plato's Republic
Philosophy and the Idea of Communism
Pocket pantheon
Saint Paul
Infinite Thought
Abrégé de métapolitique
The rebirth of history
Théorie du sujet
Etre et l'événement
Concept de modele
Le fini et l’infini
Lacanian Ink 27 - The Names-of-the-Father
Lacanian Ink 28 - Profane Illuminations
Le concept de modèle
Jacques Lacan Past And Present A Dialogue
Handbook of inaesthetics
Lacanian Ink 29 - Otherness
For a Politics of the Common Good
Second manifesto for philosophy
German Philosophy
On Beckett
Reflections on AntiSemitism
Briefings on existence
What Is a People?
There's No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship
Can politics be thought?
Philosophy and the Event
Logics of Worlds
Badiou and His Interlocutors
Logiques des mondes
The meaning of Sarkozy
The End
Number and numbers
In praise of theatre
To Live and Think Like Pigs
Theoretical Writings
The Meaning of Sarkozy
L'antisémitisme partout
Ahmed the Philosopher
Division III of Heidegger's Being and Time
Pornographic Age
In Praise of Politics
Calme bloc ici-bas
In Praise of Mathematics
Division III of Heidegger`s Being and Time - the Unanswered Question of Being
Les Citrouilles
Manifesto for philosophy
Plato's Republic
Migrants and Militants
Ahmed The Philosopher Thirtyfour Short Plays For Children Everyone Else
Five lessons on Wagner
Manifeste pour la philosophie
Theoretical Writings
Mathematics of the Transcendental
La philosophie et l'événement
Circonstances 1
Rhapsodie pour le théâtre
Pequeno manual de inestética
Democracy in What State?
Ahmed the Philosopher
Incident at Antioch
Ahmed le Subtil
Collapse Volume 1/I
Éloge de la politique
La relation énigmatique entre philosophie et politique
Wittgenstein's Antiphilosophy
Über Metapolitik
알랭 바디우와 철학의 새로운 시작
Althusser et nous
Il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel
Our Wound Is Not So Recent
Peut-on penser la politique?
Petit Manuel d'inesthétique
Se Puede Pensar La Politica?
In Praise of Theatre
Versuch, die Jugend zu verderben
Communist Hypothesis
Plato's Republic
The adventure of French philosophy
Political Writings
The communist hypothesis
Images du temps présent
Petit panthéon portatif
Imagenes y Palabras
Théorie de la contradiction
Lacanian Ink 21
Court traité d'ontologie transitoire
I Know There Are So Many of You
Number and Numbers
What Is to Be Done?
Eloge de l'amour
Jean Borreil
Homme, femme, philosophie
Le nombre et les nombres
Philosophy and the Event
Alain Badiou
De l'amour
Wider den globalen Kapitalismus
Philosophy in the present
Was verstehe ich unter Marxismus?
De l'idéologie
Second manifeste pour la philosophie
True Life
Lacanian Ink 19
Batallas Eticas
Philosophie und Aktualität
Ahmed philosophe, suivi de "Ahmed se fâche"
Una descripción sin lugar
Trajectoire inverse
L'idée du communisme
Breve Tratado de Ontologia Transitoria
Le Concept de modıele, introduction ıa une épistémologie matérialiste des mathématiques
Philosophie und Aktualit at: ein Streitgespr ach
Handbook of Inaesthetics (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
San Pablo - La Fundacion del Universalismo
Deleuze Clamor del Ser
Święty Paweł
Imágenes y palabras
El Siglo
L'echarpe rouge
de Un Desastre Oscuro
Philosophy in the present
Manifiesto Por La Filosofia
L'Hypothèse communiste
Reflexiones Sobre Nuestro Tiempo
L' écharpe rouge
D'un désastre obscur sur la fin de la vérité d'état
Filosofia del Presente
Le siècle
Theoretical Writings (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series)
L'idée du communisme
Ser y El Acontecimiento
Hamid Dabashi
Hamid Dabashi (born 1951)

historian, professor, sociologist, literary historian, literary critic, journalist, film critic, peace activist

  • Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania
Koorosh Shishegaran
Truth and Narrative
Last Muslim Intellectual
Masters & Masterpieces of Iranian Cinema
On Edward Said
Dreaming of Baghdad
Shirin Neshat
Theology of Discontent
Close Up
Authority in Islam
Islamic Liberation Theology
Makhmalbaf at Large
Staging a revolution
Can Non-Europeans Think?
The green movement in Iran
Corpus anarchicum
Brown skin, white masks
Iran the Green Movement and the USA
Emperor Is Naked
Being a Muslim in the World
Europe and Its Shadows
The world is my home
Contemporary Art, World Cinema, and Visual Culture
Expectation of the millennium
The Arab spring
Reversing the Colonial Gaze
Green Movement in Iran
Theology of discontent
Iran Without Borders
The Shahnameh
End of Two Illusions
Iranian Childhood
Ayn Al-Qudat Al-Hamadhani
Fundamental Fear
End of Two Illusions
World of Persian Literary Humanism
Corpus Anarchicum
Truth and Narrative
Theology of Discontent
Islamic Liberation Theology
Iran, the Green Movement and the USA
Expectation of the Millennium
Mashya and Mashyana Unearthed
Islamic Liberation Theology
Dreams of a nation
Authority in Islam
Arab Spring
Masters and Masterpieces of Iranian Cinema
In Search of Lost Causes
World of Persian Literary Humanism
Brown Skin, White Masks
Reversing the Colonial Gaze
Staging a revolution
Authority in Islam
Iranian Childhood
The Persian Prince
Europe and Its Shadows
Last Muslim Intellectual
The world of Persian literary humanism
Theology of Discontent
Forugh Farrokhzad a quarter-century later
Expectation of the millennium
ʻAyn al-Quz̤āt Hamadānī va ḥāl va havā-yi ʻaqlānī-i zamān-i ū
Theology of discontent
Willem van Reijen
Willem van Reijen (1938-2012)

sociologist, philosopher

Grand Hotel Abgrund
Aufenthalte und Passagen
Rationales Handeln und Gesellschaftstheorie
Adorno zur Einführung
De onvoltooide rede
Filosofie als kritiek
Het recht van de moraal
Vierzig Jahre Flaschenpost: "Dialektik der Aufklärung," 1947-1987 (German Edition)
Geteilte Sprache
Ruinen des Denkens, Denken in Ruinen
Die authentische Kritik der Moderne
Horkheimer zur Einführung
Geschichte - Politik - Philosophie
Die Frage nach dem Subjekt
Der Schwarzwald und Paris
Walter Benjamin
Bürgergesellschaft, Recht und Demokratie.
Martin Heidegger
Verstehen der Endlichkeit
Kennis en werkelijkheid
Modernen versus postmodernen
Allegorie und Melancholie
Jutta Ditfurth
Jutta Ditfurth (born 1951)

journalist, politician, sociologist

Ulrike Meinhof
Durch unsichtbare Mauern. Wie wird so eine links?
Der Baron, die Juden und die Nazis
Entspannt in die Barbarei
Feuer in die Herzen
Träumen, Kämpfen, Verwirklichen
Waren Die Grunen
Lebe wild und gefährlich
Die Himmelsstürmerin
Krieg, Atom, Armut
Blavatzkys kinder
Rudi und Ulrike
Zeit des Zorns
Worum es geht
Danilo Dolci
Danilo Dolci (1924-1997)

poet, architect, sociologist

  • Sapienza University of Rome
The world is one creature
Sicilian lives
Report from Palermo
Verso un mondo nuovo
For the young
Creature of creatures
Il limone lunare
Report from Palermo
Gente semplice
Inchiesta a Palermo
Report from Palermo
To feed the hungry
Nessi fra esperienza etica e politica
Racconti siciliani
Creatura di creature
Chissà se i pesci piangono
Enquêtes sur un monde nouveau
Dal trasmettere del virus del dominio al comunicare della struttura creativa
Poema umano
Palpitare di nessi
Da bocca a bocca
Occhi ancora rimangono sepolti
The outlaws of Partinico
Esperienze e riflessioni
La struttura maieutica e l'evolverci
Il Dio delle zecche
Ai più giovani
Banditi a Partinico
Conversazioni contadine
Il ponte screpolato
Non sentite l'odore del fumo?
The World Is One Creature (Wellspring Book)
La legge come germe musicale
La creatura e il virus del dominio
Se gli occhi fioriscono
Chi gioca solo
Banditi a Partinico
Inventare il futuro
Non esiste il silenzio
The man who plays alone
A new world in the making
A new world in the making
Report from Palermo
The outlaws of Partinico
Bernd Rabehl
Bernd Rabehl (born 1938)

political scientist, pedagogue, essayist, sociologist

  • Humboldt University of Berlin
Rudi Dutschke
Strauss, eine Karriere
DKP - eine neue sozialdemokratische Partei
Rebellion der Studenten oder Die neue Opposition
Marx und Lenin
Linke Gewalt
Am Ende der Utopie
Die antiautoritäre Revolte
Geschichte und Klassenkampf
Probleme der Demokratie heute
Marxismus heute
Adam Ferguson
Adam Ferguson (1723-1816)

philosopher, librarian, historian, military personnel, essayist, economist, cleric, sociologist, chaplain

  • University of Edinburgh, University of St Andrews
Biographical sketch
An essay on the history of civil society
The history of the progress and termination of the Roman republic
Institutes of moral philosophy
The morality of stage-plays seriously considered
Sister Peg
The correspondence of Adam Ferguson
Institutes of moral philosophy, 1773
Remarks on Dr. Price's Observations on the nature of civil liberty, &c
Reflections previous to the establishment of a militia
An Essay on the History of Civil Society
The history of the proceedings in the case of Margaret, commonly called PEG, only lawful sister to John Bull, esq
An essay on the history of the civil society
Adam Ferguson
Principles of moral and political science
Institutes of Moral Philosophy for the use of Students in the College of Edinburgh (Thoemmes Press - Scottish Thought and Culture, 1750-1850)
The History Of The Progress And Termination Of The Roman Republic V5
Abhandlung über die Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
ADAM FERGUSON, Saggio sulla storia della società civile (ed. by Alessandra Attanasio)
Essai sur l'histoire de la société civile
Remarks on a pamphlet lately published by Dr. Price
The unpublished essays of Adam Ferguson
The history of the progress and termination of the Roman Republic
An essay on the history of civil society, 1767
Grundsaetze der Moralphilosophie (Thoemmes Press - Thoemmes Library of British Philosophers)
The history of the proceedings in the case of Margaret
The manuscripts of Adam Ferguson
Ideologie nella rivoluzione industriale
ADAM FERGUSON, Saggio sulla storia della società civile (ed. by Alessandra Attanasio)
Principles of Moral and Political Science: Being Chiefly a Retrospect of Lectures Delivered in ..
Principles of moral and political science, 1792
ADAM FERGUSON, Saggio sulla storia della società civile (ed. by Alessandra Attanasio)
Analysis of pneumatics and moral philosophy
Essay on the History of Civil Society
Abhandlung über die Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Essai sur l'histoire de la société civile
Shimin shakaishi
Institutes of moral philosophy
Essay on the history of civil society
An essay on the history of civil society
Versuch über die Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Reflections previous to the establishment of a militia
Remarks on Dr. Price's Observations on the nature of civil liberty, &c