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scientists who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 294 results
Joseph Schumpeter
Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950)

economist, professor, book collector, anthropologist, jurist, political scientist, economist, politician, political scientist

  • University of Vienna, Theresianum
Ten great economists from Marx to Keynes
Ten great economists
Briefe = Letters
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
History of Economic Analysis
Zur Soziologie der Imperialismen
The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Imperialism [and] Social classes
History of Economic Analysis
Economic Doctrine and Method
Power or pure economics?
Can capitalism survive?
Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie
History of economic analysis
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Can Capitalism survive?
Thee conomics and sociology of capitalism
Business cycles
Politische Reden
History of economic analysis
Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Socialwissenschaften
Theory of Economic Development
The American economy in the interwar period
Economic doctrine andmethod
Beiträge zur Sozialökonomik
Economic doctrine and method
Impérialisme et classes sociales
Business cycles
Histoire de l'analyse économique
The nature and essence of economic theory
History of economic analysis
Imperialism and social classes
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Impérialisme et classes sociales
Diez Grandes Economistas
Essays on economic topics of J. A. Schumpeter
The entrepreneur
Can capitalism survive?
Impérialisme et classes sociales
Aufsätze zur Wirtschaftspolitik
Aufsätze zur Soziologie
Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalo konomie
History of Economic Analysis
Economic Doctrine and Method
Dogmenhistorische und biographische Aufsätze
Essays on economic topics of J.A. Schumpeter
Theory of economic development
Can Capitalism Survive?
History of Economic Analysis
Essays on economic topics
The Communist manifesto in sociology and economics
Nature and Essence of Economic Theory
Imperialism [and] Social classes; two essays
Théorie de l'évolution économique
The essence of Joseph Alois Schumpeter
Geschichte der Ökonomischen Analyse
Esquisse d'une histoire de la science économique des origines jusqu'au début du XXe siècle
Aufsätze zur ökonomischen Theorie
Jing ji fa zhan li lun
Des Wesen des Geldes
Business cycles
¿Puede sobrevivir el capitalismo?
Essays of J.A. Schumpeter
Die Finanzkrise des Steuerstaats
Geschichte der O konomischen Analyse
Beitrage zur Sozialokonomik / hrsg., ubers. u. eingeleitet v. Stephen Bohm
Ten great economists, from Marx to Keynes
Théorie de l'évolution économique
Aufsätze zur Tagespolitik
Power or Pure Economics?
Esquisse d'une istoire de la science économique des origines jusqu'au début du 20esiècle
Ten Great Economists
The essence of J.A. Schumpeter
Schriften zur Ökonomie und Soziologie
Imperialisme et Classes Sociales
The nature and essence of economic theory
Economic doctrine and method
Business cycles
Essays on economic topics of J. A. Schumpeter
Imperialism, and social classes
Ten great economists, from Marx to Keynes. --
Ten great economists
Ten great economists
Imperialism and social classes
The theory of economic development
Theory of Economic Development
The nature and essence of economic theory
Benoit Mandelbrot
Benoit Mandelbrot (1924-2010)

mathematician, economist, professor, scientist, computer scientist, engineer

  • lycée du Parc, École polytechnique
The Fractalist
The fractal geometry of nature
Les objets fractals
An eye for fractals
The Colours of Infinity
Fractals and scaling in finance
The (mis)behavior of markets
Fractals and Chaos
Multifractals and 1/f noise
Gaussian self-affinity and fractals
Thinking in Patterns
Fractal geometry and analysis
Fractals in geophysics
Fractales, hasard et finance, 1959-1997
Fractals, graphics, and mathematics education
Fractals in physics
Fractal Geometry and Applications
                Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Fractal geometry and applications
André Gorz
André Gorz (1923-2007)

economist, journalist, philosopher, sociologist, environmentalist, political scientist, opinion journalist

  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
Letter to D
Letter to D
Lettre à D.
D ege ponaen p'yŏnji
Les chemins du paradis
The traitor
Strategy for labor
Ecology as politics
Critique of economic reason
The Immaterial Knowledge Value And Capital
Und jetz wohin?
Reclaiming work
Le traître
Reclaiming Work
Stratégie ouvrière et néocapitalisme
Farewell to the working class
Capitalism, socialism, ecology
Ecology As Politics
Strategy for labor
Strategy for labor
Strategy for labor
Réforme et révolution
Socialism and revolution
André Gorz, pour une pensée de l'écosocialisme
Ecology as politics
Farewell to the Working Class
Misères du présent, richesse du possible
Stratégie ouvrière et néocapitalisme
Fondements pour une morale
Métamorphoses du travail
Critique de la division du travail
The division of labour
Le traître
Critique de la division du travail. Texte de K. Marx [et autres] choisis et présentés par A. Gorz
Adieux au prolétariat
Zur Strategie der Arbeiterbewegung im Neokapitalismus
Socialism and revolution
Adieux au proletariat
Adieux au prolétariat
Manifeste Utopia
Cennetin yollari
Arbeit zwischen Misere und Utopie
Capitalisme, socialisme, écologie
Critique of economic reason
Écologie et politique
Miseres du present, richesses du possible (Debats)
Socialisme difficile
Réforme et révolution
Écologie et politique
Critique of economic reason - 1. edición
Le Socialisme difficile
Abschied vom Proletariat
Miserias del Presente, Riqueza de Lo P. / Whatbs Your Jobb&, Teacher?
Stratégie ouvrière et néocapitalisme
Éloge du suffisant
Bâtir la civilisation du temps libéré
Kapitalizm Sosyalizm Ekoloji
La morale de l'histoire
Ekolojinin Kizil Hatti-Mulakatlar
Manifiesto Utopía
Carta a D.
Der schwierige Sozialismus
Son Mektup -Bir Ask Hikayesi
Vers la société libérée
Wissen, Wert und Kapital
O kologie und Freiheit
Kritik der ökonomischen Vernunft
Ecología y libertad
Ontmanteling van de groei
Le trai tre
Yasadigimiz Sefalet
Kritik der oekonomischen Vernunft
Manifiesto Utopía
Okologie und Politik
Brief an D.
Historia y enajenación
Okologie und Freiheit
André Gorz et l'écosocialisme
Schule und Fabrik
Vers la société libérée
Metamorphoses Du Travail
Réforme et révolution
Ecologie Et Politique
Traidor, El
Sartre y Marx
Reginald Victor Jones
Reginald Victor Jones (1911-1997)

physicist, academic, expert

  • University of Oxford, Alleyn's School
Most Secret War (Wordsworth Military Library)
Carl Levy
Carl Levy (born 1951)

political scientist

  • University at Buffalo, London School of Economics and Political Science
Life and Ideas
Gramsci and the anarchists
The Anarchist Imagination
The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism
Italian regionalism
Socialism and the intelligentsia, 1880-1914
Socialism and the Intelligentsia 1880-1914
Antonio Gramsci
The future of Europe
Italian Regionalism
Anarchism Today
Three postwar eras in comparison
George Michael
George Michael (born 1961)

political scientist

  • Widener University, Temple University
Willis Carto and the American far right
Lone wolf terror and the rise of leaderless resistance
Confronting Right Wing Extremism and Terrorism in the USA
The enemy of my enemy
Theology of hate
Marcello Cini
Marcello Cini (1923-2012)

physicist, environmentalist

Dialoghi Di Un Cattivo Maestro
Un paradiso perduto
Introduction à la mécanique des particules
Dalla biologia all'etica e viceversa
Dionys Burger
Dionys Burger (1892-1987)

mathematician, physicist

  • Utrecht University
Galileo Galilei
De vreemde zeemeermin en andere verhalen
Silvestergespräche eines Sechsecks