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priests who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 148 results
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)

theologian, paleontologist, paleoanthropologist, Catholic priest, geologist, philosopher, scientific collector, stretcher bearer

  • University of Paris, Villanova University
Letters from Egypt, 1905-1908
Letters from a traveller
The letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan
Reconciliation in Christ
The making of a mind
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages, Henri de Lubac, 1919-1955
Lettres de voyage (1923-1955)
Letters from Paris, 1912-1914
Lettres familieĢ€res de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, mon ami
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages, Henri de Lubac, André Ravier, 1919-1955
Milieu divin
The Phenomenon of Man
Cœur de la matieĢ€re
Comment je crois
Groupe zoologique humain
Science et Christ
Avenir de l'homme
Activation de l'eĢnergie
Ecrits du temps de la guerre
Hymne de l'univers
The appearance of man
Le milieu divin
Lettres aĢ€ LeĢontine Zanta
Human energy
On love & happiness
Letters from my friend, Teilhard de Chardin, 1948-1955
Letters to two friends, 1926-1952
Activation of Energy (Helen & Kurt Wolff Book)
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
Directions de l'avenir
Genèse d'une pensée
The Divine Milieu
Le phénomène humain
L' activation de l'eĢnergie
The human phenomenon
Sur la souffrance
How I believe
Let me explain
Dans le sillage des Sinanthropes
The vision of the past
Lettres de voyage (1923-1939)
La place de l'homme dans la nature
La vision du passé
L' avenir de l'homme
Je m'explique
Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin
The Heart of the Matter
EĢcrits du temps de la guerre
Teilhard de Chardin en Chine
L' apparition de l'homme
Nouvelles lettres de voyage
Early man in China
Oeuvres, tome 8
Lettres de voyage
La messe sur le monde
Lettres d'Égypte, 1905-1908
Genèse d'une pensée; lettres 1914-1919
Genèse d'une  pensée ; lettres 1914-1919, présentées par Alice Teilhard-Chambon et Max Henri-Begouën et préc. d'une introd. de Claude Aragonnès
La question de l'homme fossile
Letters from Hastings, 1908-1912
Lettres aĢ€ Jeanne Mortier
Le milieu divin, tome 4
Oeuvres, tome 3
Oeuvres, tome 6
ReĢflexions sur le progreĢ€s
Fossil men
Mon univers
Etre plus ; directives extraits des écrits publiés ou inédits du Père, de sa correspondance ou de ses notes
Oeuvres, tome 11
Science and Christ. Translated from the French by Rene Hague
Geheimnis und Verheissung der Erde
Lettres aĢ€ l'abbeĢ Gaudefroy et aĢ€ l'abbeĢ Breuil
L'e Ģnergie humaine
Le groupe zoologique human
Ai ni tsuite
La place de l'homme dans la nature ; le groupe zoologique humain
Le milieu divin ; essai  de vie intérieure
Le groupe zoologique humain
Oeuvres de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Images et paroles
EĢcrits du temps de la guerre (1916-1919)
El Medio Divino
L' oeuvre scientifique
Oeuvres, tome 2
L' œuvre scientifique, 1905-1955
Etre Plus
Das Teilhard de Chardin Lesebuch
Sur le bonheur
The proboscidians of south-eastern Shansi
Le coeur de la matiere
On love
L'énergie humaine
Accomplir l'homme
Das Herz der Materie. Kernstück einer genialen Weltsicht
On happiness
Accomplir l'homme, lettres inédites, 1926-1952
ReĢflexions et prieĢ€res dans l'espace-temps
Hymne de l'univers ; La messe sur le monde ; Trois histoires comme Benson ; La puissance spirituelle de la matiere ; Pensees Choises par Fernande Tardivel. --
La aparicion del hombre
La milieu divin
Escritos del tiempo de guerra (1916-1919)
On the Cenozoic formations of Kwangsi and Kwangtung
De Activering van de Menselijke Energie
La activacion de la energia
Oeuvres Completes  Le Phenomene Humaine Vol. 1
Lettres d'Egypte (1905 1908)
Notes de retraites (1919-1954)
Lo Que Yo Creo
Les directions de l'avenir
Letters to Leontine Zanta
El Grupo zoologico humano
EĢ‚tre plus
Cavicornia of south-eastern Shansi
Himno del universo. La misa sobre el mundo.  Tres historias a la manera de Benson. La potencia espiritual de la materia. Pensamientos escogidos por Fernande Tardivel. Traducción de Florentino Perez
Das göttliche Milieu. Ein Entwurf des Inneren Lebens
Oeuvres, tome 5. L'Avenir de l'homme
Avec Teilhard de Chardin
Ciencia y cristo
The Post-Villafranchian interval in North China
Notes de retraites, 1919-1954
The prayer of the universe
Die Entstehung des Menschen
Letters from a traveller, 1923-1955
Letters From A Traveler
El porvenir de hombre
L'Avenir de l'homme, tome 5
Le PreĢ‚tre
Oeuvres, tome 1
La aparición del hombre
L' éternel féminin
Bozansko Ozracje
Human Energy (Harvest Book)
Le Christ èvoluteur
Lettres d'Hasting et de Paris, 1908-1914
Der Mensch im Kosmos
Himno del universo
Sauvons l'humaniteĢ
La vision del pasado
El fenomeno humano
Le néolithique de la Chine
Preliminary observations on the Pre-Loessic and Post-Pontian formations in western Shansi and northern Shensi
Le vision du passé
Building the earth and The psychological conditions of human unification
The Cenozoic sequence in the Yangtze Valley
Notes on continental geology
A correlation of some miocene and pliocene mammalian assemblages in North America and Asia with a discussion of the mio-pliocene boundary
L' hymne de l'Univers
Lettres intimes à Auguste Valensin, Bruno de Solages
Le cœur de la matieĢ€re
La energia humana
Fossil mammals from the late Cenozoic of northern China
Teilhard de Chardin album
Ep-Archaean and epi-Sinian intervals in China
Lettres à Edouard Le Roy (1921-1946)
The fossils from locality 12 of Choukoutien
Science et Christ, tome 9
Activation de l'Energie
Le Christ èvoluteur
Lettres de Chine
Early Man in China (Peking Institute De Geo-Biologie)
Lettres de voyage, 1923-1955
Accomplir l'Homme  Lettres Inedites 1926 1952
Oeuvres, tome 7. L'Activation de l'énergie
Lettres Intimes a Auguste Valensin
Lettres d'Egypte, 1905-1908
Cartas de Hastings y de Paris
Ecrits du Temps de Guerre (1916-1919)
Lettres d'Hastings et de Paris, 1908-1914
Construire la terre =
Hymne de l'univers
Ecrits du temps de la guerre, 1916-1919
Yo me explico
Dearest Lucile
Le christ eĢvoluteur
Réflexions sur le Bonheur
Il sacerdote
Le Pretre. --
Reflexions et Prieres dans L'Espace Temps
Science et Christ
Science et Christ. Oeuvres complètes, tome 9
Le\Phenomene Humain
Genese d'une Pensee  Lettres 1914 1919
Sur L'amour
Fenomen čeloveka
Der Mensch im Kosmos
Energie Humaine
Lettres a Leontine Zanta
Toujours en avant
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Maurice Blondel, correspondence
El corazo n de la materia
Le\Groupe Zoologique Humain
Prier 15 jours avec Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
William Fraser McDowell
William Fraser McDowell (1858-1937)

Catholic priest

  • Ohio Wesleyan University
Creative men
The picket line of missions
Creative men, our fathers and brethren
The right sort of men for the ministry
A man's religion
This mind
Good ministers of Jesus Christ
Making a personal faith
In the school of Christ
Them he also called
That I may save some
In all His offices
Effective workers in needy fields
Dangers that beset theological students
Impressions of Southern Asia
Effective workers in needy fields
Effective workers in needy fields
The appeal of the Christian college to men of wealth
The ministry to-day
Why carry a New Testament?
William Deering, 1826-1913
Lorenzo Milani
Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967)

Catholic priest, educator

  • Brera Academy
Lettere di don Lorenzo Milani priore di Barbiana
Lettere in un'amicizia
L' obbedienza non eĢ€ piuĢ una virtuĢ, e gli altri scritti pubblici
I care ancora
Don Lorenzo Milani
La parola agli ultimi
Lettera a una professoressa
L' obbedienza non aĢ€ PiuĢ€ una virtuĢ€
Esperienze pastorali
Don Milani's self defence
Don Lorenzo Milani e la pittura
Lettere alla mamma
L'Obbedienza non è più una virtù
L'obbedienza nella chiesa
A che serve avere le mani pulite se si tengono in tasca
Tutte le opere
Perché mi hai chiamato?
Alexander Balloch Grosart
Alexander Balloch Grosart (1827-1899)

priest, literary editor

  • University of Edinburgh
Representative nonconformists
Robert Fergusson
The spending of the money of Robert Nowell of Reade hall, Lancashire
Songs of the day and night
Songs of the day and night; or, Original hymns for public and private praise and reading
Elizabethan England in gentle and simple life
Complete works of John Davies of Hereford, 15..-1618
Little sins
Miscellanies of the Fuller worthies' library
Notes and notices of Elizabethan-Jacobean-Carolian books ..
Annotated list of the writings of Richard Baxter
The scourge of Venus (1614)
Who wrote 'Brittain's Ida'?
Songs of the Day and Night, or Three Centuries of Original Hymns for Public and Private Praise and Reading
English Jacobite Ballads, Songs, & Satires, Etc: From the Mss. at Towneley ..
The Dr. Farmer Chetham ms
The Works of Michael Bruce ed:with memoir and notes
Joining the Church; or, Materials for conversations between a minister and intending communicants
Hand-list of unique or extremely rare Elizabethan- Jacobean-Carolian books ..
Jesus Mighty To Save
The spending of the money of Robert Nowell of Reade hall, Lancashire
Miscellanies of the Fuller worthies's library
The tragical reign of Selimus, sometime emperor of the Turks
Prospectus of the Puck Library: Being Private and Limited Reproductions, in Integrity, of ..
Poems of Thomas, Lord Vaux; Edward, Earl of Oxford; Robert, Earl of Essex; and Walter, Earl of Essex
Joining the Church, Or, Materials for Conversations Between a Minister and ..
Jesus 'mighty to save': Isaiah lxiii.1 or, Christ for all the world, and all the world for Christ
The Lambs All Safe: Or, the Salvation of Children
Songs of the day and night, or, Three centuries of original hymns for public and private praise and reading
I. Willobie's Avisa, 1594
Songs of the day and night
George W. Childs, M.A.
Occasional issues of unique or very rare books
The pastor
Miscellanies of the Fuller worthies' library
"Mighty to save." <Isaiah lxiii.i.>
The Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness in conflict, or, The Temptation of Christ
Miscellanies of the Fuller worthies' library
Notes and notices of Elizabethan-Jacobean-Carolian books
"Choice, chance and change" (1606)
Completion of the Fuller worthies' library, a series of books (23 vols.) from early English literature
Prospectus of the Puck library
The Huth Library, or Elizabethan-Jacobean unique or very rare books in verse and prose largely from the library of Henry Huth
"Mighty to save." [Isaiah LXIII.I.], or, Christ for all the world, and all the world for Christ
Robert Hugh Benson
Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914)

Anglican priest, Catholic priest, dramaturge, playwright

  • University of Cambridge, Eton College
A modern pilgrim's progress
Confessions of a Convert
Lord of the World
None Other Gods
Come Rack! Come Rope!
By What Authority?
Christ in the church
Paradoxes of Catholicism
The friendship of Christ
The dawn of all
The religion of the plain man
The Necromancers
Papers of a pariah
Ghosts in the House
The King's Achievement
An Alphabet of Saints
The friendship of Christ
Paradoxes of Catholicism
The Necromancers
Lord of the World
The History Of Richard Raynal, Solitary
A Book of the Love of Jesus
By What Authority?
The King's Achievement
By What Authority?
The king's achievement
The Queen's tragedy
A mystery play in honour of the nativity of Our Lord
The Queen's Tragedy
Come Rack! Come Rope!
Lord of the World
Come rack Come rope
A winnowing
A book of essays
Lord of the world
The Queen's tragedy
Confessions of a convert
Saint Thomas
Lord of the World
Ma vie au paradis
The conventionalists
The Coward
Lord of the World
The Dawn of All
Thesaurus fidelium
Lord of the World
The Sentimentalists
The Light Invisible
Lord of the world
A mirror of Shalott
Non-Catholic denominations
The King's Achievement
Sermon notes
Lord of the World
The History of Richard Raynal, Solitary
The Religion of the Plain Man
The upper room
The Supernatural Stories of Monsignor Robert H. Benson
The holy blissful martyr Saint Thomas of Canterbury
By What Authority?
Oddsfish! .  By
Queen's Tragedy
Lord of the world
Lord of the World
Paradoxes of Catholicism
A city set on a hill
The Conventionalists
Confessions of a convert,
Paradoxes of Catholicism
Come Rack! Come Rope!. By : Robert Hugh Benson
Lord of the world. By
Mirror of Shalott : Being a Collection of Tales Told at an Unprofessional Symposium
King's Achievement
Lord of the World
The Mystical Body and its Head (Abridged edition of Christ in the Church)
The upper room
A winnowing
Papers of a Pariah
Padrone Del Mondo
Spiritual letters of Monsignor R. Hugh Benson
The King's achievement . By : Robert Hugh Benson
The Necromancers
Lord of the World Illustrated
Amistad de Cristo
An average man
Vexilla Regis
Sermon Notes; Volume 2
Paradoxes of Catholicism
A winnowing
Spiritual letters of Monsignor R. Hugh Benson to one of his converts
Kings Achievement
Seigneur du Monde
An alphabet of saints
The history of Richard Raynal, solitary
The history of Richard Raynal
Maître de la Terre (1908)
Paradoxes of Catholicism
Life of Saint Teresa
La nouvelle aurore
The King's achievement
Lord of the World Annotated and Unabridged
Come Rack! Come Rope!
Essential Robert Hugh Benson Collection (11 Books)
The history of Richard Raynal, solitary
The conventionalists. By
An Average Man
The Friendship of Christ
Señor del Mundo
The life of Saint Teresa
An average man
Come rack! come rope!
Lourdes and Paradoxes of Catholicism
The Light invisible
King's Achievement
Loneliness? . By : Robert Hugh Benson
Nouvelle Aurore
Come Rack Come Rope
Come Rack!
By what authority?
By What Authority
A mirror of Shalott
Lord of the World
Dawn of All
Dawn of All Illustrated
Friendship of Christ
The light invisible
Lord of the World Illustrated
The Queen's tragedy
The conventionalists
The upper room
Lord of the World, by Robert Hugh Benson
By What Authority?
Sermon Notes; Volume 2
The friendship of Christ [sermons]
Lord of the World Lib/E
Christ in the Church; a Volume of Religious Essays
Christ in the Church
he queen's tragedy (1907 by Robert Hugh Benson
The conventionalists
The Coward
Christ in the church, by Robert Hugh Benson; with a tutorial introduction by F. J. Sheed. 1941 [Leather Bound]
Come rack! Come rope!
The king's achievement
Dawn of All
Light Invisible
Dawn of All
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of R. H. Benson: One Novel 'The Necromancers' and Twenty-Eight Tales of the Strange and Unusual
Seigneur du Monde
LORD of the WORLD, New Edition
Richard Raynal, solitary
Dawn of All (Annotated)
The Coward. By : Robert Hugh Benson
Lord of the World
Come Rack! Come Rope!
Maître de la Terre
The Dawn of All
By what authority?
By what authority?
The Necromancers
The Light Invisible
Richard Raynal, Solitary
Paradoxes of Catholicism . By : Robert Hugh Benson
Come Rack! Come Rope!
Paradoxes of Catholicism
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of R. H. Benson
The coward
Come Rack! Come Rope
Le maître de la terre
King's Achievement
King's Achievement
Come Rack! Come Rope!
A mystery play
Confessions of a convert
More light
The King's achievement
An average man
Richard Raynal, solitary
The holy blissful martyr Saint Thomas of Canterbury
Old Testament rhymes
A mystery play
The religion of the plain man
The maid of Orleans
The dawn of all
The Light Invisible
A book of the love of Jesus
A mystery play in honour of the Nativity of our Lord
By what authority ...
The conventionalists
Heaven and earth
Book Essays
Papers of a pariah
Maxims from the writings of Mgr. Benson
Non-Catholic denominations
Light invisible
The light invisible
Paradoxes of Catholicism
A mystery play in honour of the nativity of Our Lord
By what authority?
By what authority?
The cost of a crown
A child's rule of life
The sentimentalists
The necromancers
The sentimentalists
The upper room
Historie Richarda Raynala
Pan swiata
The holy blissful martyr Saint Thomas of Canterbury
Pan świata
Aelred of Rievaulx
Aelred of Rievaulx (1110-1167)

hagiographer, historian, monk, chronicler, Catholic priest

De spirituali amicitia
Saint Ninian
Quand JeĢsus eut douze ans
Two Celtic saints
The historical works
Vita S. Edwardi regis et confessoris
Speculum caritatis
De institutione inclusarum
The liturgical sermons
Oratio pastoralis
Dialogue on the soul
Aelred of Rievaulx's Spiritual friendship
The way of friendship
The mirror of charity
Treatises ; The pastoral prayer
"Quand Jésus eut douze ans..."
Christian friendship
Of spiritual friendship
Aelredi Rievallensis sermones XLVII-LXXXIV
La Vie de recluse, La Prière pastorale
For CriĢst luve
Samenkörner zur Meditation
Aelredi Rievallensis opera omnia
De anima [by] Ailred of Rievaulx
Le miroir de la charité
Ailred of Rievaulx
Opera omnia
Opera ascetica
The pastoral prayer of St. Aelred of Rievaulx
The works of Aelred of Rievaulx
Dialogus de anima
Sermones inediti B. Aelredi abbatis Rievallensis
Opera ascetica
Ailred of Rieuvaulx: De anima
The liturgical sermons
La vie de recluse
A letter to his sister
Aelred of Rievaulx
Thou knowest my heart, Lord
De anima
Mary most holy
The pastoral prayer of St. Aelred of Rievaulx
On Jesus at twelve years old
Ailred of Rieuvaulx
Aelredi Rievallensis Homeliae de oneribus propheticis Isaiae
Lives of S. Ninian and S. Kentigern
Hengellisestä ystävyydestä
Aelredi Rievallensis sermones I-XLVI
Dialogue sur l'âme
Opera omnia
L'amitié spirituelle
Fernando de Herrera
Fernando de Herrera (1534-1597)

poet, priest

Thomas Moro
Anotaciones a la poesia de Garcilaso/ Annotations to Garcilaso's Poetry
Controversia sobre sus anotaciones à las obras de Garcilaso de la Vega
Additio hymnorum
El protoidioma en la poesiĢa de Fernando de Herrera
Anotaciones a la poesiĢa de Garcilaso
Poesía castellana original completa
PoesiĢa y poeĢtica de Fernando de Herrera
Fernando de Herrera y la escuela sevillana
Algunas obras
Algunas obras (Sevilla, 1582)
Rimas ineĢditas
TomaĢs Moro
L' hymne sur Lépante
Rimas de Fernando de Herrera
Versos de Fernando Herera
Estudio y edición del "Tomás Moro"
Fernando de Herrera
Tomas Moro
Versos De Fernando De Herrera
Rimas de Fernando de Herrera
Algunas obras de Fernando de Herrera
Selected poems
Relación de la guerra de Cipre y suceso de la batalla naval de Lepanto
Tomás Moro
Obras de Garcilaso de la Vega con anotaciones de Fernando de Herrera, [Sevilla, Alonso de la Barrera, 1580]
L'hymne sur Lépante
Poesias escogidas de Fernando de Herrera, Francisco de Rioja, Lup. y Bart. de Argensola, y D. Estevan de Villegas
Algunas obras
Félix-Antoine Savard
FĆ©lix-Antoine Savard (1896-1982)

poet, Catholic priest, priest, literary theorist

Journal et souvenirs
Carnet du soir inteĢrieur
Menaud, maître-draveur
Menaud, maiĢ‚tre-draveur
Le bouscueil
La dalle-des-morts
La Dalle-des-Morts
Le choix de Felix-Antoine Savard
Martin et le pauvre
Journal et souvenirs
Le barachois
Journal et souvenirs
Félix-Antoine Savard
Master of the river
Le choix de FeĢlix-Antoine Savard dans l'œuvre de FeĢlix-Antoine Savard
Le barachois
Menaud, maître-draveur
Master of the river
La dalle-des-morts, drame en trois actes
L' abatis
Menaud, maître-draveur
Boss of the river
Menaud, maître-draveur
Le bouscueil
La minuit
L' abatis ; dessins d'André Morency
Louise de Sinigolle
La Dalle-des-Morts
Symphonie du Misereor
Les acadiennes
L' abatis
Aux marges du silence
Collection classique Canadiens
La minuit
Symphonie de Misereor
La folle
Menaud, maître-draveur
La Folle
Menaud, maître-draveur
Louise de Sinigolle
Menaud maitre-draveur
Le bouscueil
Martin et le pauvre
Menaud, maître-draveur
La minuit
Menaud, maitre draveur
Menaud Maitre Draveur
La dalle-des-morts
Le choix de Félix-Antoine Savard dans l'oeuvre de Félix-Antoine Savard
Master of the river
La dalle-des-morts drame en trois actes
La minuit
Journal et souvenirs, 1961-1962
Journal et souvenirs
Le barachois
Médecins d'autrefois
La Dalle-des-Morts
Carnet du soir interieur
L'Écrivain devant son oeuvre
Le barachois
Martin et le pauvre
Le bouscueil
La minuit
La Dalle-des-Morts
Menaud maître-draveur
Menaud maître-draveur