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priests who wrote biography
Showing 49-56 out of 148 results
José-Apeles Santolaria de Puey y Cruells
José-Apeles Santolaria de Puey y Cruells (born 1966)

Catholic priest, journalist, television presenter, lawyer, lecturer, certified translator, private investigator, sommelier, dressage rider, film actor, television actor, stage actor, singer, television director, military personnel, musical theatre actor, model, celebrity

  • National University of Distance Education, Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Historias de los Papas
El Papa ha muerto ¡Viva el Papa!
El Papa ha muerto, ¡Viva el Papa!
Papi... in libertà
Cants íntims
Records de Barcelona, 1870-1930
Che cosa succede quando muore il Papa?
Apel·les Mestres
Gaziel els sense cor
Vist i sentit
La casa vella
Totes les cançons
Tots els contes
Cuentos vivos
Cuentos vivos
Odas serenas ; y, Novas baladas
Francis Gigot
Francis Gigot (1859-1920)

theologian, priest

Outlines of the life of Our Lord
The message of Moses and modern higher criticism
Christ's teaching concerning divorce in the New Testament
Special introduction to the study of the Old Testament
General introduction to the study of the Holy Scriptures
Outlines of Jewish history from Abraham to Our Lord
General introduction to the study fo the Holy Scriptures
Outlines Of New Testament History
A primer of Old Testament history
Outlines of New Testament history
Biblical lectures
Special introduction to the study of the Old Testament
An introduction to the study of the Holy Scriptures
The Historical Books
Didactic books and prophetical writings
Archange Godbout
Archange Godbout (1886-1960)

historian, genealogist, priest, archivist

Les pionniers de la région trifluvienne
Vieilles familles de France en Nouvelle-France
Les passagers du Saint-André
Origins of French-Canadian families
Origine des familles canadiennes-françaises
Nos ancêtres au 17e sìecle
La liste chronologique de l'Abbé Noiseux
Émigration rochelaise en Nouvelle-France
Enquête sur l'enseignement de l'histoire au Canada français
Les pionniers de la région trifluvienne, 1634-1647
Emigration rochelaise en Nouvelle-France
Alister McGrath
Alister McGrath (born 1953)

theologian, educator, church historian, chemist, philosopher, priest, biochemist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
A life of John Calvin
J.I. Packer
The Blackwell Encyclopedia Of Modern Christian Thought
To Know and Serve God
The Blackwell encyclopedia of modern Christian thought
Thomas F. Torrance
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
Emil Brunner
Emil Brunner
Emil Brunner
C. S. Lewis
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
C.S. Lewis
Reformation thought
Christian theology
In the beginning
Science of God
A passion for truth
I believe
Scientific Theology
Iustitia Dei
What Was God Doing on the Cross?
A Brief History of Heaven
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Evangelicalism and the future of Christianity
The Future of Christianity
The Genesis of Doctrine
Explaining your faith
Christianity's dangerous idea
The journey
The genesis of doctrine
The Unknown God
The Intellectual World of C.S. Lewis
The reenchantment of nature
The making of modern German Christology
Christian spirituality
Understanding doctrine
Science & Religion
Theology for Amateurs
Glimpsing the face of God
Surprised by meaning
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation
Beyond the Quiet Time
A Cloud of Witnesses
The renewal of Anglicanism
Roots That Refresh
The Christian theology reader
The J.I. Packer collection
What was God doing on the cross?
Christian theology
Understanding Jesus
The twilight of atheism
The Living God
The enigma of the cross
Reformation Thought
Niv Bible Handbook
The Open Secret
Chosen ones
Reformation thought
Suffering & God
Power religion
History of Apologetics
Darwinism and the divine
Re-Imagining Nature
The Christian Theology Reader
Understanding the Trinity
The foundations of dialogue in science and religion
The passionate intellect
The making of modern German christology, 1750-1990
A fine-tuned universe
Springboard of Faith
Justification by faith
The Complete Topical Guide to the Bible
The Christian Theology Reader
Lion, the Dove, and the Lamb, Revised Edition
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader Set
Darwinism and the Divine
Christian History: An Introduction
The Unknown God
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader
Iustitia Dei
Darkness shall fall
Narrative apologetics
Faith And Creeds A Guide For Study And Devotion
Christian Literature
Luther's theology of the cross
Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Dawkins delusion
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Christianity's Dangerous Idea
Science and religion
The order of things
Christian Theology
The Christian theology reader
Christian Theology Reader
Christian literature
Dawkins' GOD
Spirituality in an age of change
The Dawkins delusion?
Trinitarian Theology of Nature
Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification
Explaining your faith without losing your friends
Mere Discipleship
The mystery of the cross
Historical Theology
Reformation Thought
Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths
Christian Theology, 6e National EPub Inclusive Access
Roots That Refresh
An introduction to Christianity
Lord and Saviour
Making sense of the cross
Christian History
Territories of Human Reason
Why Are We Here?
Open Secret
Jesus Christ
Theology Set
Christian Belief
Understand your Bible from Adam to Zion
Christian Life and Hope
Territories of Human Reason
Why God won't go away
Chosen Ones
Why Is There Suffering?
Order of Things
Re-Imagining Nature
Doubt in perspective
Darkness Shall Fall
Science and the Doctrine of Creation
Spirit of Grace
Historical Theology
Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis
The Hodder dictionary of Bible themes
Studies in doctrine
Inventing the universe
The Futures of evangelicalism
Intellectuals don't need God and other modern myths
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought
Christian Spirituality
NIV Bible Commentary
The big question
Enriching Our Vision of Reality
Knowing Christ
Why god won't go away
Mere apologetics
Mere Apologetics
Brief History of Heaven
Flight of the Outcasts
The Zondervan handbook of Christian beliefs
The Landscape of Faith: An Explorer's Guide to the Christian Creeds
Roman Catholicism
Doing theology for the people of God
Christian History
Scientific Theology : Nature
Christian Theology
The Blackwell companion to Protestantism
The NIV Bible companion
Dawkins' GOD
The Re-enchantment of Nature
NIV Bible Commentary
The spirit of grace
The Christian life and hope
Bridge Building
El Acompañante biblico NVI
The future of Atheism
Historical theology
The enigma of the cross
Dawkins God
Christian Spirituality
The sunnier side of doubt
Passion for the Gospel
Knowing Christ
The Making of Modern German Christology
Arcic II and justification
Chosen ones
NIV Thematic Reference Bible
Evangelical Anglicans
Doing theology for the people of God
Understanding Doctrine
Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith
Journey Through Suffering
Marcin Kromer
Marcin Kromer (1511-1589)

diplomat, historian, music theorist, Catholic priest, philologist, Catholic bishop

  • Jagiellonian University, University of Bologna
Mowa na pogrzebie Zygmunta I oraz, O pochodzeniu i o dziejach Polaków
Musicae elementa
Musica figurata
Historyja prawdziwa o przygodzie żałosnej książęcia finlandzkiego Jana i królewny polskiej Katarzyny
Martini Cromeri De origine et rebus gestis Polonorum libri XXX
Musicae elementa
Historyja prawdziwa o przygodzie żałosnej książęcia finlandzkiego Jana i królewny polskiej Katarzyny
Marcin Kromer i jego czasy (1512-1589)
Rozmowy dworzanina z mnichem (1551-1554)
Historyja prawdziwa o przygodzie żałosnej ksia̦że̦cia Finlandzkiego Jana i królewny Polskiej Katarzyny
Marcina Kromera ... o sprawach, dzieiach y wszystikich inszych potocznościach koronnych polskich
De falsa Lutheranorum; sive, Evangelicorum nostri temporis et vera Christi religione libri duo, primi... polonica lingua... conscriptis..., nunc recens latina lingua donati & aucti
Mitnächtischer Völckern Historien
Marćina Kromera Biskupa Warmienskiego, O sprawach, dzieiach, y wszytkich inszych potocznosciach koronnych polskich, kśiąg XXX
A notable example of Gods vengeance, vppon a murdering king
Martini Cromeri De origine et rebvs gestis Polonorvm libri XXX. tertiv̀m ab avthore diligenter recogniti ...
De falsa nostri temporis, et vera Christi religione
Andrew of Crete
Andrew of Crete (0660-0740)

priest, poet, composer

Un Eloge de Jacques, le frère du Seigneur
Tou en Agiois Patros ēmōn Andreou archiepiskopou Krētēs ta euriskomena panta =
Graecorum codicum manuscriptorum qui Panormi in R. Bibliotheca asservantur specimen
Velikīĭ pokaęnnyĭ Kanōn
Veliki kanon Svetog Andreja Kritskog
John of Ephesus
John of Ephesus (0506-0579)

church historian, historian, priest

Lives of the Eastern saints
Lives of the Eastern saints
The third part of The ecclesiastical history of John, Bishop of Ephesus
Extracts from the Ecclesiastical history of John Bishop of Ephesus
The third part of the ecclesiastical history
The third part of the ecclesiastical history of John, Bishop of Ephesus
Extracts from the Ecclesiastical history of John Bishop of Ephesus
Extracts from the Ecclesiastical history of John, Bishop of Ephesus
Extracts from the Ecclesiastical history of John, bishop of Ephesus
Extracts from the Ecclesiastical history of John, bishop of Ephesus
Historiae ecclesiasticae pars tertia
The third part of the ecclesiastical history
Extracts from ecclesiastical history
The third part of the Ecclesiastical history of John, bishop of Ephesus
The third part of the ecclesiastical history
Extracts from the Ecclesiastical history of John, bishop of Ephesus, ed
Extracts from the Ecclesiastical history of John, bishop of Ephesus
Joannis Episcopi Ephesi Monophysitae Scripta historica
Third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of John, Bishop of Ephesus
The Third Part of The Ecclesiastical History of John, Bishop of Ephesus
Iohannis Ephesini Historiae ecclesiasticae pars tertia
Iohannis Ephesini Historiae ecclesiasticae pars tertia
Die Kirchen-Geschichte des Johannes von Ephesus
Iohannis Ephesini Historiaeecclesiasticae pars tertia
Francis Godwin
Francis Godwin (1562-1633)

historian, Anglican priest

De praesulibus Angliae commentarius
A catalogue of the bishops of England
A catalogue of the bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island
The Man in the Moon
The Man in the Moon
The Man in the Moone
The Man in the Moon
The man in the moon
The man in the moone, or, A discourse of a voyage thither
To the parson, vicar or curate, of [blank] and to everie of them
The man in the moone and Nuncius inanimatus
Concio habita in domo Capitulari Ecclesiæ Cathed. S. Petri Exon. Aug. 18. 1599
The Man in the Moon
Francisci Godwini, primo Landavensis dein Herefordensis Episcopi, De praesulibus Angliae commentarius
Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII, Edwardo VI, et Maria, regnantibus annales
The Man in the Moon or a Discourse of a Voyage Thither by D. Gonsales (English Exp Ser.; No. 459)
A catalogve of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island, together with a briefe history of their liues and memorable actions, so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity. Wherevnto is prefixed a discourse concerning the first conuersion of our Britaine vnto Christian religion
Annals of England
The strange voyage and adventures of Domingo Gonsales
Annales of England
The character of Thomas Merkes, Bishop of Carlisle
Nuncius inanimatus
A catalogve of the bishops of England
A Catalogve of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island
Rervm anglicarvm Henrico VIII., Edvvardo VI., et Maria regnantibus, annales
The succession of the bishops of England since the first planting of Christian religion in this island
De praesvlibvs Angliae commentarius
Rervm Anglicarvm Henrico VIII
A Catalogve of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian Religion in this Island, Together with a brief History of their liues and memorable actions, so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity. Wherevnto Is prefixed a discourse concerning the first conuersion of our Britaine vnto Chri- stian Religion
The man in the moone
L'homme dans la lune, ou, Le voyage chimerique fait au monde de la lune
Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII Edvvardo VI. et Maria regnantibus, annales
Annales of England
A Catalogve of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this Island, together with a briefe History of their liues and memorable actions, so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity
A catalogue of the bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island, together with a briefe history of their lives and memorable actions, so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity
The strange voyage and adventures of Domingo Gonsales, to the world in the moon ...