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priests who wrote biography
Showing 41-48 out of 148 results
William Pinkney
William Pinkney (1810-1883)


  • St. John's College
Address delivered at the funeral of Robert M. Beale
Memoir of John H. Alexander, LL.D
The nation's truest shield
The life of William Pinkney
The life of William Pinkney
Webster & Pinkney
An address delivered by the Right Rev. William Pinkney, D.D., LL.D., at the funeral of Rear Admiral L.M. Goldsborough, February 22, 1877, in the Church of the Ascension, Washington, D.C
Ernest Murray, or, A dream of life
Memoir of John H. Alexander, LL.D
An address delivered at the funeral of Mrs. Louise Morris Eustis on the 17th of February, 1868
Songs for the seasons, from Advent to Trinity
The establishment at the national capital of a church school for girls
A sermon delivered at the institution of the Rev. J. Sebastian B. Hodges, as rector of St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, on the 15th of December, 1870
The life of William Pinkney
Pierre Haubtmann
Pierre Haubtmann (1912-1971)

Catholic priest, theologian

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
La philosophie sociale de P.-J. Proudhon
Proudhon, Marx et la penseĢe allemande
P.-J. Proudhon; genèse d'un antithéiste
Marx et Proudhon
Luisito Bianchi
Luisito Bianchi (1927-2012)

Catholic priest, missionary

Le quattro stagioni di un vecchio lunario
I miei amici
Dialogo sulla gratuitaĢ€
I contadini salariati nella Bassa padana
Jean François Paul de Gondi
Jean FranƧois Paul de Gondi (1613-1679)

Catholic priest, memoirist, politician, Catholic bishop

  • LycĆ©e Louis-le-Grand
MeĢmoires ; preĢceĢdeĢs de, La conjuration du comte de Fiesque
Mémoires. La conjuration du comte Jean-Louis de Fiesque. Pamphlets
Œuvres complètes
Memoires du cardinal de Retz
Memoires du cardinal de Retz
Memoires du cardinal de Retz
Mémoires ; La conjuration du Comte Jean-Louis de Fiesque ; Pamphlets
Mémoires du Cardinal de Retz
Memoirs of Jean François Paul de Gondi, cardinal de Retz
Œuvres du cardinal de Retz
Cardinal de Retz ..
Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz
Oeuvres du cardinal de Retz
Memoirs Of Cardinal De Retz
Me moires
Anecdotes, sceĢ€nes et portraits extraits des MeĢmoires
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz
Secret Memoirs of Cardinal De Retz
France no friend to England, or, The resentments of the French upon success of the English. As it is expressed in a most humble and important remonstrance to the King of France, upon the surrendring of the maritime ports of Flanders into the hands of the English. Wherein, much of the private transactions between Cardinal Mazarin and the late Protector Oliver, are discovered
The memoirs of Cardinal de Retz
Me moires
MeĢmoires du cardinal de Retz
Mémoires du cardinal de Retz
Œuvres du cardinal de Retz
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz, containing the particulars of his own life, with the most secret transactions of the French Court and the Civil Wars
The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz (Complete)
The Entire Memoirs Of Cardinal De Retz
The Memoirs of Cardinal De Retz
The memoirs of Cardinal de Retz
La conjuration de Fiesque
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz
Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz [Ed. du Grand Trianon]
Conjuration du comte de Fiesque [adapted from the Ital. of A. Mascardi].
Memoires du cardinal de Retz
La conjuration de Fiesque
Le Cardinal de Retz
MeĢmoires, pamphlets, Conjuration de Fiesque, correspondance
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz Containing the Particulars of his own Life, With the Most Secret Transactions at the French Court During the ... Mazarin, To Which are Added Pieces, v 3 of 4
Memoirs of Jean FrancĢ§ois Paul de Gondi
Mémoires, adressés à Madame de Caumartin
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz, Containing All the Great Events During the Minority of Lewis XIV. and Administration of Cardinal Mazarin. Done Out of French
Discours sur l'hypocrisie
Mémoires du cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli, et de la duchesse de Nemours
Censvre de Monseignevr l'illustrissime & reverendissime Archeuesque de Paris, contre le Liure intitule , Epitome de l'Histoire, ou Chronique d'Ademarus & les notes & additions sur iceluy, auec sa continuation depuis l'an 1032 iusques a   l'an 1652
Censvre d'vn livre intitvle  Apologie povr les casvistes, &c
Mémoires du cardinal de Retz contenant ce qui s'est passé de remarquable en France pendant les premieres années du Regne de Louis XIV
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz. Containing, the Particulars of His Own Life, with the Most Secret Transactions of the French Court and the Civil ... French. in Four Volumes. ... of 4; Volume 3
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz. Containing the Particulars of His Own Life, with the Most Secret Transactions at the French Court During the Administration of Cardinal Mazarin of 4; Volume 4
La Fronde
Anecdotes, sce  nes et portraits extraits des me moires du Cardinal de Retz
La conjuration du comte de Fiesque
Histoire de la conjuration du comte Jean-Louis de Fiesque
Memoirs of Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz
Mémoires du cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli, et de la duchesse de Nemours
Me moires du cardinal de Retz
Anecdotes, scènes et portraits
MeĢmoires (extraits)
Memoirs of Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz
Mémoires, La conjuration du Comte Jean-Louis de Fiesque, pamphlets
Conjuration Comte de Fiesque
Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz
Aduis important et necessaire a monsieur de Beaufort et monseiur le coadiuteur
La responce de Monseignevr le Cardinal de Retz
Mémoires du cardinal de Retz
Mémoires; la conjuration du comte Jean-Louis de Fiesque. Pamphlets
Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz, complete
Mémoires du Cardinal de Retz adresses à Madame de Caumartin
La veritable harangve faite av roy
Mémoires, adressés à Madame de Caumartin
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz. Containing, the particulars of his own life, with the most secret transactions of the French court and the civil wars. Translated from the French. In four volumes. ..
Apologie des frondevrs
Oeuvres du cardinal de Retz
Oeuvres du cardinal de Retz
France No Friend to England. Or, The Resentments of the French upon the Success of the English. As it is Expressed in a most Hum- ble and Important Remonstrance to the King of France, upon the Surrendring of the Maritime Ports of Flanders into the hands of the English. Wherein, Much of the Private Transactions between Cardinal Mazarin and the late Protector Oliver, are discovered. Translated out of French
Harangue faite au roy par monseigneur le cardinal de Retz en presence de monseigneur le nonce du pape, assisté de messieurs du clergé, pour la paix general
Œuvres du Cardinal de Retz
Deffence de l'ancienne et legitime Fronde
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz, containing all the great events during the minority of Louis XIV, and administration of Cardinal Mazarin. Done out of French
Discours libre et veritable sur la conduite de Monseigneur le prince, et de Monseigneur le coadiuteur
Le vray-semblable svr la condvite de monseignevr le cardinal de Retz
Advis de monseignevr le coadivtevr prononcé av Parlement pour l'esloignement des creatures du cardinal Mazarin le 12 iuillet 1651
Mémoires, adressés à Madame de Caumartin
Les contre-temps du sieur de Chauigny, premier ministre de Monsieur le prince
Mémoires, adressés à Madame de Caumartin
Mémoires, adressés à Madame de Caumartin
Memoirs of Jean François Paul de Gondi, cardinal de Retz
Le vray et le faux de Monsieur le prince, & de Monsieur le cardinal de Retz
Des kardinals von Retz Histoire de la conjuration du comte Jean Louis de Fiosque. Nach der ausg. von 1682
Aduis desinteressé sur la conduite de Monseigneur le coadiuteur
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz
Le vray et le favx de monsieur le prince, & de monsieur le cardinal de Retz
Response au seditieux escrit intitulé L'esprit de paix fait en faueur du Mazarin & semé par toute la ville, pour décrier la conduite de Messieurs les princes & du Parlement ...
Mémoires of Jéan François Paul de Gondi, cardinal de Retz
Mémoires du Cardinal de Retz
Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz
Harangue faite au roi par Monseigneur le cardinal de Retz
Mémoires du Cardinal de Retz
Lettre du bourgeois des-interesseĢ.
Lettres aux princes qui veulent nous gouverner
Rabanus Maurus
Rabanus Maurus (0779-0856)

theologian, philosopher, Catholic priest, entomologist, Catholic deacon

The life of Saint Mary Magdalene and of her sister Saint Martha
Život Blažené Maří Magdaleny i sestry její Svaté Marty
In honorem sanctae crucis
De institutione clericorum libri tres
Rabani Mauri Expositio in Matthaeum
Commentario al libro di Giuditta
De sermonum proprietate
[Homiliary fragments
Domesticum Orchester-Katalog
Expositio in Matthaeum
H-rabani Mauri ... Opera quæ reperiri potuerunt omnia in sex tomos distincta
B. Rabani Mauri fuldensis abbatis et moguntini archiepiscopi
Liber de laudibus sanctae crucis
De institutione clericorum =
Magnencij Rabani Mauri De laudib[us] sancte Crucis opus erudicione versu prosaq[ue] mirificum
Rabani Mauri Martyrologium
Magnentii Hrabani Mauri ex abbate Fuldensi, archiepiscopi Sexti Moguntini, Opera, quæ reperiri potuerunt omnia, in sex tomos distincta
Magnencij Rabani Mauri De Laudibus sancte Crucis opus. erudicione versu prosaque mirificum
Rabani Mauri moguntinensis Archiepiscopi, de Clericorum institutione & ceremonijs Ecclesiae, ex Veteri & Novo Testamento, ad Heistulphum Archiepiscopum libri III
De laudibus Sanctae Crucis
De clericorum institutione & ceremonijs ecclesiae
Rabani Mauri martyrologium ; de computo
Le cena di Cipriano
De universo
Magnencij Rabani Mauri De laudib[us] sancte Crucis opus
La formazione dei chierici
Allegorie sulla Scrittura
Rabani Mavri Mogvntinensis Archiepiscopi, uiri arcanarum literarum peritissimi Commentaria, antehac nunquam typis excusa, In Genesim libri IIII, Exodum libri IIII
Rabani Mavri Mogvntinensis Archiepiscopi, uiri arcanarum literarum peritissimi Commentaria, antehac nunquam typis excusa, In Numeros libri IIII, Deuteronomium lib. IIII
De institutione clericorum
In honorem sanctae crucis
Rabani Mauri de Institutione Clericorum
Expositio Hieremiae prohetae
Magnencij Rabani Mauri De laudib sancte Crucis opus, erudicione versu posaq[ue] mirificum
Adam Naruszewicz
Adam Naruszewicz (1733-1796)

poet, historian, Catholic priest, Catholic deacon, Catholic bishop

  • Jesuit College in Pinsk, Akademia Wileńska
Korespondencja Adama Naruszewicza, 1762-1796
Historya narodu polskiego
Korespondencja Adama Naruszewicza, 1762-1796
Wiersze różne
Liryki wybrane
Gwido hrabia Blezu
Liryki wybrane
Poezje wybrane
Adam Naruszewicz
Historya narodu polskiego
Dyjaryjusz podróży jego królewskiej mości na sejm grodzieński
Historya Narodu Polskiego od początku Chrześcianstwa
Historya Narodu Polskiego od początku Chrzescianstwa
Historya Narodu Polskiego - Z rękopisma Biblioteki Puławskiéy i Józefa hrabiego Sierakowskiego, staraniem i nakładem Towarzystwa Królewskiego Warszawskiego Przyiaciół Nauk wydana
Kraków za Stanisława Augusta
Poezje zebrane
Richard Harris Barham
Richard Harris Barham (1788-1845)


  • University of Oxford, St Paul's School
Personal reminiscences
The Garrick Club
The Garrick Club
The Ingoldsby legends
The Ingoldsby legends
The Ingoldsby legends
The Ingoldsby legends, or, Mirth and marvels
The Ingoldsby legends; or, Mirth and marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby
The Ingoldsby legends
The jackdaw of Rheims
The life and letters of the Rev. Richard Harris Barham, author of the Ingoldsby legends
The Ingoldsby lyrics
The Ingoldsby legends
Personal reminiscences
The Ingoldsby legends or, Mirth & marvels
Some account of my cousin Nicholas
The Garrick Club
Martin's vagaries: a sequel to 'A tale of a tub', ed. by Scriblerus Oxoniensis
My cousin Nicholas
The jackdaw of Rheims
The Ingoldsby legends of mirth and marvels
Ingo ldsby legends in verse
Some account of my cousin Nicholas
Life and letters
The jackdaw of Rheims
The Ingoldsby legend
Grey dolphin
The Ingoldsby legends
The smuggler's leap
The Ingoldsby legends, or Mirth and marvels
The Ingoldsby lyrics
Cousin Nicholas
The Ingoldsby legends
The witches' frolic
Baldwin, or, A miser's heir
The Ingoldsby legend
The Ingoldsby legends
The Life and Letters of the Rev. Richard Harris Barham
The nonpareil Victoria Ingoldsby
The Ingoldsby legends
The Ingoldsby legends
Anders Fryxell
Anders Fryxell (1795-1881)

historian, priest, theologian, philosopher, lyricist, pedagogue, protestant theologian

  • Uppsala University, Tingvallagymnasiet
Geschichte Gustav Adolf's
Berättelser ur svenska historien
Berättelser ur svenska historien
Berättelser ur svenska historien: Till ungdomens tjenst utgifven af And ..
Gustav Adolf og trediveaarskrigen
Berättelser ur svenska historien
Handlingar rörande Sverges Historia
Bidrag till Sveriges historia efter 1772
Berättelser ur svenska historien ..
Geschichte Karl des Zwölften
Bidrag till Sveriges historia efter 1772
Histoire de Gustaf II Adolphe
The history of Sweden
Bidrag till sverges litteratur-historia