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priests who wrote biography
Showing 17-24 out of 148 results
Plutarch (0039-0119)

essayist, priest, magistrate, biographer, historian, philosopher

Plutarchi Vitae parallelae
Lives of the noble Greeks
Lives of the noble Romans
Vitae parallelae
Plutarch's lives of Themistocles, Pericles, Aristides, Alcibiades, and Coriolanus, Demosthenes, and Cicero, Caesar and Antony
Plutarch's lives of Themistocles, Pericles, Aristides, Alcibiades, and Coriolanus, Demosthenes, and Cicero, Cæsar and Antony
Eight great lives
Life stories of men who shaped history
Fall of the Roman Republic
Rome in Crisis
The lives of Aristeides and Cato
Essay On the Life and Poetry Of Homer (American Classical Studies, No. 40)
Lives of illustrious men
The boys' and girls' Plutarch
Vidas paralelas
Les vies des hommes illustres grecs et romains
Greek Lives
Ten famous lives
Everybody's Plutarch
Vidas Paralelas 2
Plutarch's lives of Greek heroes
The fourth volume of Plutarch's Lives
Parola di re
The life of Alexander the Great
Vitae Parallelae, vol. IV
Vitae Parallelae, vol. III, fasc. 2
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
A Commentary on Plutarch's Life of Agesilaos
Vitae Parallelae, vol. III, fasc. I
Plutarch lives Pericles and Fabius Maximus. Nicias and Crassus
Plutarch Lives, I, Theseus and Romulus. Lycurgus and Numa. Solon and Publicola
Age of Caesar
Vioi parallēloi
The age of Caesar
Life of Antony
Makers of Rome, nine lives
The fifth and last volume of Plutarch's Lives
Vitae Parallelae, vol. II, fasc. 1
Plutarch's Lives
Vitae Parallelae, vol. II, fasc. 2
Select lives of Plutarch
Vie d'Antoine
Greek and Roman lives
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2
The rise and fall of Athens
Vitae Parallelae, vol. I, fasc. 2
Select lives of Plutarch
Life of Themistocles
Ploutarchou Bioi parallloi
Żywoty sławnych mężów
Biographien des Plutarchs
Plutarchi De Homero
Vidas Paralelas / Parallel Lives
Greek history
Pompée, Crassus, César, ou, L'agonie de la République
The liues of the noble Grecians and Romanes, compared together by that graue learned philosopher and historiographer, Plutarke of Chæronea: translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amiot, abbot of Bellozane, Bishop of Auxerre, one of the Kings priuie counsell, and great Amner of France, and out of French into English, by Thomas North
The children's Plutarch
Biographien des Plutarchs
Plutarchi Vitae parallelae
Biographien des Plutarchs
Julius Caesar
Biographien des Plutarchs
Biographien des Plutarchs
Alexander the Great
The third volume of Plutarch's lives
Biographien des Plutarchs
Vidas semblantes
Plutarch's Lives
Plutarch's lives of Alcibiades and Coriolanus, Aristides and Cato the Censor
Biographien des Plutarchs
Le vite parallele di Plutarco
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 1
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes
Vitae parallelae
Plutarch's lives of illustrious men
Plutarch's lives
Plutarch's Lives for boys and girls
Sravnitelʹnye zhizneopisanii︠a︡
Plutarch's Lives
Plutarch's lives of Cæsar, Brutus, and Antony
Vies des hommes illustres
Great sons of Greece
Vitae illustrium virorum sive Parallelae
Plutarch's Lives in eight volumes
The liues of the noble Grecians and Romains
Selections from Plutarch's Lives
Plutarch's lives of celebrated Greeks and Romans
The second volume of Plutarch's Lives
Plvtarchi Chaeronensis Svmmi et philosophi et historici parallela
Les vies des hommes illustres
Vidas de Galba e Otão ; tradução do grego, introdução e notas de José Luís Lopes Brandão
Plutarchi Chaeronei historici ac philosophi grauissimi, Graecorum, Romanorúmque illustrium uitae
Plutarchs ausgewählte Biographien
The worthies of the world
Cimone ; Lucullo
Plutarch's Lives of illustrious men
Vite di Plutarco Cheroneo de gli huomini illustri greci et romani
The youth's Plutarch's Lives for boys and girls
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes compared together by that grave, learned philosopher and historiographer Plutarke of Chaeronea
Tou sophōtatou Ploutarchou parallēlon bioi Rōmaiōn kai Hellēnōn 49 =
Selected lives fron the Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans
Marcus Antonius
Grosse Griechen und Römer
Vite di Plutarco Cheroneo de gli huomini illustri Greci et Romani
Twelve lives
The fourth volume of Plutarch's lives
The fifth and last volume of Plutarch's lives
Plutarch's lives of illustrious men
Le vite di Cimone e di Lucullo
Vitae parallelae
Four chapters of North's Plutarch
Chaemi ikke p'uro ssu n P'u llut'ak'u  yo ngungjo n
Plutarch's Lives of illustrious men
Les vies des hommes illustres
Les vies des hommes illustres grecs & romains
The lives of the noble Grecians & Romans, compared together
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romains
Grosse Griechen und Römer
Plutarchi Chaeronensis, summi philosophi & historici, Vitae parallelae, seu comparatae
De levens van doorluchtige Grieken en Romeinen onderling vergeleeken
[Tou sophōtatou Ploutarchou Parallelon. Bioi Rōmaiōn kai Hellenōn. 49]
Vitae Plutarchi Cheronei
Vite parallele, Focione, Catone Uticense
Plvtarchii Chaeronensis
Les vies des Grecs illustres
Epitome Vitarum Plutarchi
Rise and Fall of Athens
Annotated Plutarch - Romulus
Eight great lives
Plutarch's Lives of celebrated Romans, condensed
Eight great lives
The second volume of Plutarch's lives·
Het leven van Demosthenes
Fall of the Roman Republic
Fem biografier
Plutarch's Lives of all the most illustrious Greeks and Romans
Plutarch's lives abridged from the original Greek
Plutarchi Chaeronensis omnium quae exstant operum tomus primus
Plutarch's lives of illustrious men
De breuibus clarorum hominu[m] inter se contentionibus a Plutarcho collectis
Ploutarchos Syngrammatōn =
The lives of Epaminondas, of Philip of Macedon, of Dionysius the Elder, and of Octavius Augustus
Twelve illustrious lives
Le vite di Temistocle e di Camillo
Plutarch's life of Julius Caesar in North's translation
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes
The Worthies of the world, or, The Lives of the most heroick Greeks and Romans compared
Vidas parallelas
La fortuna o la virtù di Alessandro Magno e il volgarizzamento di Ludovico Sandeo
Anecdotes selected from the Lives of Plutarch
Les vies des Romains illustres
The third volume of Plutarch's lives·
The age of Alexander
Le vite parallele di Plutarco
Le Vite di Plutarco
Shakespeare's Plutarch
Vitae Graecorum Romanorumq́ue illustrium
[Plutarchus der fürtrefflichste grichische Historien-schreiber
Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque
Plutarchi Vitae parallelae
Sravnitelńye zhizneopisanii͡a
Plutarch's Life of Aratus
Les vies des hommes illustres
Plutarch's life of Julius Caesar
Arte de la biografía
Plutarch's lives·
Ḥaye ishim
Vioi parallēloi
Le vite di Teseo e di Romolo
Vidas paralelas
Xila Luoma ying hao lie zhuan
Plutarchi quae vocantur Parallela
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romans
Plutarch's Lives
Żywoty sławnych mężów
Our young folk's Plutarch
Uitae Plutarchi Cheronei
Select lives
Makers of Rome
Vitae Parallelae. Dion
Demetrio ; Antonio
Ploutarchou Aratos =
Le vite di Demetrio e di Antonio
Vite di Plutarco Cheroneo de gli huomini illustri Greci et Romani
The third volume of Plutarch's lives. Translated from the Greek, by several hands
La fortuna o la virtù di Alessandro Magno
Plutarch's lives of the most select and illustrious characters of antiquity
Żywoty sławnych mężów
Ploutarchou Galvas
Bíoi parálleloi
Plutarch on Sparta
On love, the family, and the good life
Peri deisidaimonias
The Horse Story Megapack
Ploutarchou Bioi parallēloi =: Plutarchi Vitae parallelae
Plutarch's Moralia in sixteen volumes
A tract of Plutarch
Plutarchi Chaeronensis varia scripta quae Moralia vulgo vocantur
Greek History from Themistocles to Alexander: In a Series of Lives from Plutarch
The Complete Works Vol. 3
Nimm's leicht
Plutarch's De Iside et Osiride
Ideal Commonwealths
Plutarch's Nicias and Alcibiades
Esoteric Vegetarianism
Plutarch on the face which appears on the orb of the Moon
Plutarchi Chaeronensis Varia scripta quae Moralia vulgo vocantur: ad optimorum librorum fidem ..
Le vite degli uomini illustri
Plutarch's Romane questions
Moralia, vol. IV: Libelli 46-48
Selected essays and dialogues
Cause dei fenomeni naturali
The pilot that weather'd the storm
L' invidia e l'odio
Plutarch's Moralia in fifteen volumes
Plutarch's essays and miscellanies
Moralia, vol. I: Libelli 1-14
Ploutarchou Themistokles
Plutarchi Chaeronensis
On the daimonion of Socrates
Lives of Galba and Otho: With Introduction and Notes
Shakespeare's Plutarch; being a selection from the lives in North's Plutarchwhich illustrate Shakespeare's plays
Plutarch's Cimon and Pericles
Moralia, vol. VI, fasc. 3
Alexander. Caesar
Plutarch on the delay of the deity in the punishment of the wicked
A Consolatorie letter or discourse
Les Vies Des Hommes Illustres
Plutarchi Vitae parallelae, iterum recogn. C. Sintenis. Ed. stereotypa
The malice of Herodotus =
Vies des hommes illustres
Obras Morales Y De Costumbres VIII
Como Sacar Provecho de Los Enemigos
Obras Morales Y De Costumbres XI
Vie de Cicéron
Les Vies des hommes illustres, grecs et romains
Del mangiare carne
Ploutarkou Alexandros =
Plutarch's Lives Volume 1
Les regles et préceptes de santé, de Plutarque
De Homero
Oeuvres morales t.4-traites 17-19 -417-
Vie de César
Sapere, Bd. 10: Dialog  uber die Liebe
The Rise of Rome
Obras Morales Y De Costumbres XII
Les Oeuvres morales et meslees
Roman problems from and after Plutarch's Roman questions
L' intelligenza degli animali e la giustizia loro dovuta
Vitae Parallelae, vol. I, fasc. 1
Isis y Osiris
Obras Morales y de Costumbres III
Vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque
Morceaux choisis
Morceaux choisis
Isis et Osiris
Œuvres morales, tome 3
La loquacità =
Contre l'inertie
Ideal Commonwealths
Peri tēs Herodotou kakoētheias (romanized form) =
How to study poetry =
uvres morales et uvres diverses
Obras Morales Y De Costumbres VI
Sur le trop parler
A consolatorie letter or discourse sent by Plutarch of Chaeronea unto his owne wife as touching the death of her and his daughter
Moralia, vol. II: Libelli 15-23
Fragmenta et spuria
On Sparta
De Homero
Plutarch Lives, IV, Alcibiades and Coriolanus. Lysander and Sulla
Von der Heiterkeit der Seele. Moralia
Vie de Cicéron et parallèle de Démosthène et de Cicéron
Les Vies des Hommes Illustres Vol. 2
L'Ami véritable
Plutarch - Selected Essays on Love, The Family and The Good Life
How to Be a Leader
Opinions des philosophes
Obras Morales Y De Costumbres VII
Sur les délais de la justice divine, dans la punition des coupables
Ist ' Lebe im Verborgenen' eine gute Lebensregel?
Essays And Miscellanies
Obras Morales y de Costumbres II
Parallel Lives, X, Agis and Cleomenes. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. Philopoemen and Flamininus
Life stories of men who shaped history from Plutarch's lives
Plutarch Lives, VII, Demosthenes and Cicero. Alexander and Caesar
Plutarch on education
Plutarch's Lives, the Complete 48 Biographies (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Quae supersunt, omnia
Vidas Paralelas. Alejandro-cesar, Pericles-fabio Maximo, Alcibiades-coriolano
Plutarch's lives of the Gracchi
Plutarch's Advice to the Bride and Groom and A Consolation to His Wife
Plutarch’s Lives
Vioi parallēloi
Plutarque, 4 volumes
Ideal Commonwealths, Plutarch's Lycurgus, More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City of the Sun, Hall's Mundus Alter Et Idem
Vies parallèles
Quae supersunt, omnia
Obras Morales y de Costumbres IV
Vie d'Alexandre
Parallel Lives, V, Agesilaus and Pompey. Pelopidas and Marcellus
Obras Morales y de Costumbres V
Bavards et curieux
Apophthegmata graeca regvm & ducum, philosophorum item, aliorúmque quorundam
The gouernaunce of good helthe [by] Plutarch
Moralia - Volume X
Pythici dialogi
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 (of 4)
Quae supersunt, omnia
Plutarch's Lives Volume 3 (of 4)
Plutarch Lives, IX, Demetrius and Antony. Pyrrhus and Gaius Marius
Il convito dei sette sapienti
Plutarchi Pythici dialogi tres
Ausgewählte Biographieen
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar with Connections
Plutarch Themistocles (Bryn Mawr Greek Commentaries)
Sur l'E de Delphes
Die Kunst zu leben
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 5
Dialogues pythiques
Vies, tome 2
Plutarch's Moralia
Life of Pericles
De fato
Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, de Consolatione Philosophiae, A. D. 1593
Precetti coniugali
On contentedness of mind, and other Moralia
Parallel Lives, XI, Aratus. Artaxerxes. Galba. Otho. General Index
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Religionsphilosophische Schriften
Great Ideas in Consolation To His Wife
Les Vies des hommes illustres, grecs et romains
Quae supersunt, omnia
Life of Dion
The philosophy commonly called, the Morals written by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greek into English, and conferred with the Latine translations and the French, by Philemon Holland, doctor of physick. Whereunto are annexed the summaries necessary to be read before every treatise. Newly revised and corrected
Se la virtù si debba insegnare
Plutarch's Moralia
Plutharch's Themistocles and Aristides
Vite de Plutarcho
Plutarch's life of Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Plutarchi Vitae
Vidas paralelas
Plutarchi Vitae inter se comparatae
Oeuvres morales et oeuvres diverses
O muzyce
Vies paralleles
Fiumi e monti
De La vertu éthique
Deux vies parallèles
Alexander the Great
No all'usura
Quae supersunt, omnia
Plutarch's Lives, Vol. 2 Lib/E
Greek and Roman Lives
The beauties of Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives
Deux vies parallèles
Plutarch's Lives V6
Plutarch's complete works
Plutarch on the delay of the divine justice
Plutarch's Lives
L'intelligence des animaux
Plutarch's lives of Themistocles, Pericles, Aristides, Alcibiades, and Coriolanus, Demosthenes, and Cicero, Caesar and Anthony
On Writing History from Herodotus to Herodian
Parallel Lives, VI, Dion and Brutus. Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus
Aventures d’amour de Parthénius, et choix des narrations de Conon. Événements tragiques causés par l’amour, traduits de Plutarque
Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque
Obras Morales Y De Costumbres XIII
Quae supersunt, omnia
De la musique
Obras Morales Y De Costumbres
Plutarch's Lives
Römische Fragen
Le démon de Socrate
Traité sur l'Education
Roman Historians
De la curiosité
Quae supersunt, omnia
La Atenas Del Siglo V/ the Athens of the V Century (Clasica)
Parallel Lives, II, Themistocles and Camillus. Aristides and Cato Major. Cimon and Lucullus
Dialogue sur les oracles de la Pythie
Grondvesters van Athene en Rome
Des délais de la justice divine
Isis y Osiris (Tradicion Hermetica)
The Complete Collection of Plutarch's Parallel Lives
Vidas Paralelas/ Parallel Life
Moralia: v. 6 (Loeb Classical Library)
Plutarch's Lives
Quae supersunt, omnia
Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men
Questions grecques et romaines
Quae supersunt, omnia
Quae supersunt, omnia
Ploutarchou ... ta Ethika
Selected Essays and Dialogues
Les Oeuvres morales et meslees
Isis és Osiris
Precetti igienici
Plutarch's essays
Parallela minora
Les platonismes des premiers siècles de notre ère
Plutarchi Chaeronensis Moralia
The lives of the noble Grecians & Romanes compared by that grave learned philosopher and historiogrpaher
La generazione dell'anima nel Timeo
Plutarque Vies
Plutarch's Lives
Les vies des hommes illustres
Ad un governante incolto
La Vie d'Alexandre
Moralphilosophische Schriften
Vita Ciceronis
The Complete Works Volume 3
Deux vies parallèles
Plutarchi Chaeronensis Vita Dionis et comparatio et de Bruto ac Dione iudicium
Oeuvres morales de Plutarque
Les Vies des hommes illustres, grecs et romains
Life of Demosthenes
Deux vies parallèles
Ploutarchou Nikias
Plutarchs Aristides und Cato Maior
Vie de Démosthène
Between Heathenism and Christianity
La fortuna
Plutarch's Lives : Tr. From The Original Greek
Lives of Illustrious Men
Vitae inter se comparatae
Plutarchi Chaeronei philosophi historicique clarissimi, Opuscula (quae quidem extāt) omnia, undequaque collecta, & diligētissime iampridem recognita
Las Vidas Paralelas, Volume 4...
Peri Deisidaimonias : Plutarchus and Theophrastus on Superstition
Plutarch's Lives of Brutus and Coriolanus
Plutarque en France au XVIe siècle
Life of Pericles. with Introduction, Critical and Explanatory Notes and Indices
Plutarch's essays and miscellanies
Plutarch's werke
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 3
Parallel Lives - Vol. 3
The precepts of the excellent clerke [and] graue philosopher Plutarche for the preseruation of good healthe
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 3
Plutarch's Lives; Volume II
Fallof the Roman Republic
Ankunfft/ Leben und wesen/ glück und unglück ... Merckliche warhaffte Historien und Geschichten/ frommer und unfrommer/ hoher/ fürtrefflicher Manns und Frawen personen
Ploutarchou Chaironeōs ta sozomena sungrammata =
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Fourth Volume
Plvtarchi Opvscvla. LXXXXII
The Roman questions
Œuvres morales, tome 15, 2e partie
So Nicht, Epikur!
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 3
Plutarch's Moralia
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 3
Lives Of Romulus, Lycurgus, Solon ... And Others, And His Comparisons
Plvtarchi Chaeronensis Moralia ...
Las Vidas Paralelas de Plutarco, Volume 5...
Plutarchi Chaeronensis regum [et] imperatorum apophthegmata
Ploutarchou Perikles = Plutarch's Life of Pericles
The Plutarch Project Volume Five
Plutarch's morals
Plutarchi Chaeronensis Moralia
Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, Translated from the Greek by John Dryden and Others, The Whole Carefully Revised and Corrected
Makers of Rome
Ploutarchos' Leven van Aratos
Quae supersunt, omnia
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romans
Les vies des hommes illvstres grecs et romains comparees l'vne avec l'avtre
Alcvni opvscvletti de le cose morali del divino Plvtarco in qvesta nvovamente tradotti
Oeuvres Morales de Plutarque, Volume 3...
The education or bringinge up of children
Ploutarchou Granchoi
Las vidas de Plutarco
Scholia in librum Plutarchi ..
Fünf Doppelbiographien. Teil 1 : Alexandros und Caesar. Aristeides und Marcus Cato. Perikles und Fabius Maximus. Teil 2 : Gaius Marius und Alkibiades. Demosthenes und Cicero. Anhang
Parallel Lives Vol. 4
Makers of Rome
Gulchini az kitab Plutarkh
On the daimonion of Socrates
Les oeuures morales de Plutarque
Plutarch's Themistocles and Aristides
Eight Great Lives (The Dryden Translation)
Plutarch's Lives, Volume I (of 4)
A president for parentes
Plutarchi Chaeronensis omnivm quae exstant opervm...
Apoftemmi di Plvtarco
L'arte di ascoltare
Agis und Kleomenes
Our Young Folk's Plutarch
Leben der zehn Redner
Plutarch über die seelenschöpfung im Timaeus
תולדות גדולי יון ורומא
Homeri vita, ex Plvtarcho in Latinum tralata per Io. Rhellicanvm, Tigurinum: unà cum eiusdem annotationibus margina libus, ac epistola nuncupatoria ...
Lives of the Gracchi
Plutarch's Lives Vol. II
Lexicon Plutarcheum
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Second Volume
...Plutarque: Les Romains illustres (choix)
Vite ... de gli hvomini illvstri greci et romani
Plutarch's Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans
Iside e Osiride
[Moralia ... ]
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Plutarchi Chaeronei ... Vitae comparatae illustrium virorum, Graecorum & Romanorum
Plutarchi Vitae Parallelae. Iterum Recognovit Carolus Sintenis; Volumen 3
Plutarch's Life of Publicola
Essays and Miscellanies-Part I
The Lives
Plutarchs Kritik am Aberglauben im Lichte des Neuen Testaments
Les Vies des hommes illustres, grecs et romains
Plutarch's Morals
Age of Alexander
Parallel Lives Vol. 2
Le bestie sono esseri razionali
Le vite di Arato e di Artaserse
Selections from Plutarch
Plutarchi scripta moralia
Complete Essays of Plutarch (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Plvtarchi Chaeronensis qvae exstant omnia
Plutarch's Life Of Themistocles
The beauties of Plutarch
Les Oeuvres morales et meslees
Plutarch -- Great Books of the Western World, Volume 14 -- The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Phythici Dialogi
Quae supersunt, omnia
Ploutarchou Peri Isidos kai Osiridos = Plutarchi de Iside et Osiride liber: Graece et Anglice
Plutarch's Lives 1-4
Moralia - Volume V
Große Griechen und Römer
The Plutarch Project Volume Eight
Twelve lives
[Plutach's Lives, Translated from the Original Greek; with Notes Critical and Historical, and a New Life of Plutarch; Volume 1
Plutarch's Lives Of Nicias, Crassus, Aratus And Theseus by Plutarch (2010-09-10)
Plutarch's Moralia in sixteen volumes
Plutarch's Morals; Volume 4
De audiendis poetis
Plutarch's Lives : Volume I
Lives of the Noble Greeks
Shakespeare's Plutarch : The Main Sources of Antony & Cleopatra, and of Coriolanus
A philosophicall treatise concerning the quietnes of the mind. Taken out of the morall workes written in Greeke, by the most famous philosopher, & historiographer, Plutarch of Cherronea, counsellor to Traian the emperour. And translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amyor Bishop of Auxerre, and great almoner to the most Christian King of Fraunce Charles the ninth. And now turned out of French into English by Iohn Clapham
The Plutarch Primer
Thesus, Romulus, Lykurgus & Numa'nin Hayatlari
Über Isis und Osiris
Rise of Rome
Plutarchi Moralia
Select lives by Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 6
Les oevvres morales de Plvtarqve
Vita Caesaris
Plutarch's Lives Vol. V
Consolation à Apollonios
The Age of Caesar
Lives of Noble Romans
Youth's Plutarch's Lives for Boys and Girls
Lives of Caesar, Brutus, and Antony
Il volto della luna
Le visage qui apparaît dans le disque de la lune
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans - Third Volume, Primary Source Edition
Vite parallele
The Moralia
Plutarch's Lives 11-16
Selected Lives from the Parallel Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
De musica
Plutarchs Aristides und Cato Maior
L' eclissi degli oracoli
L' esilio
Vitae inter se comparatae
De La vertu éthique
Ideal commonwealths
Shakespeare's Plutarch. Edited by C. F. Tucker Brooke; Volume 1
Selected lives and essays
Plutarch�s Three Treatises on Animals
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 2
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans in Two Volumes; Volume I & Volume II
La gloria di Atene
Lives of nine illustrious Greeks and Romans
Vitae parallelae
In Consolation to His Wife
Plutarque de Montaigne
Cimon and Pericles
Lives of Galba and Otho
On the delay of the divine justice
Plutarch's Lives : Volume 1
Parallel Lives - Complete
Lives. Englished by Sir Thomas North in Ten Volumes; 2
Tho. wyatis translatyon of Plutarckes boke, of the quyete of mynde
Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans
The Age Of Alexander : Nine Greek Lives By Plutarch
On Love, Family and Good Life
Las Vidas Paralelas de Plutarco, Volume 3...
Plutarch's Lives Vol. IV
Consolazione alla moglie
Practica Plutarche the excellent phylosopher
Ammaestramenti matrimoniali di Plutarco
( Ploutarchou Chairōneōs Ta sōzomena panta (romanized form)) = Plutarchi Chaeronensis Quae extant omnia
Plutarch's Cimon And Pericles With The Funeral Oration Of Pericles
Plutarch\'s Lives Volume III
Themistokles und Perikles
Les\Vies des Hommes Illustres   Vol. 1
Plutarch's Lives. Translated from the Greek, by Several Hands. in Five Volumes. ... to Which Is Prefixt the Life of Plutarch. of 5; Volume 4
Les vies des hommes illustres grecs et romains: Demosthenes et Ciceron
Plvtarchi ... Graecorvm Romanorvmqve illustrium vitae
Selected Essays of Plutarch
Les Oeuvres morales et meslees
Plutarci, philosophi, De virtutibus mulierum traductio
(Ploutarchou bioi)
Sobre La Vida y Poesia de Homero ..
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 2
Racconti di storia greca; racconti di storia romana
De fato
Lives. the Translation Called Dryden's Corr. from the Greek and Rev. ; Volume 1
Plutarch's lives of Pericles & Fabius Maximus, Demosthenes & Cicero
Oeuvres morales de Plutarque
Life of Theseus
Oeuvres de Plutarque
Über Liebe und Ehe
Plutarch's miscellanies and essays
Gli oracoli della Pizia
De superstitione
Plutarch's Lives Vol. III
Plutarch's Quyete of mynde
Life of Timoleon
Roman Lives
Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans - Fifth Volume
On Isis and Osiris
Lives. with an English Translation by Bernadotte Perrin; 10
Three morall treatises
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 2
Plvtarchi Chaeronei Gryllus siue ...
L'origine del freddo ; Se sia più utile l'acqua o il fuoco
De natura et effectionibus daemonum libelli duo ...
On Sparta
Plutarchi Libellus aure quomodo ab adulatore discernatur amicus
Vitae illustrium virorum sive Parallalae
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Fourth Volume
Ausgewählte Biographieen
Apophthegmata Graeca regvm & ducum
Plutarchi Cheronei opuscula argutissima & ingeniosissima
Vitae illustrium virorum sive Parallalae
Our Young Folk's Plutarch
Lives. Englished by Sir Thomas North in Ten Volumes; 4
Lives Of Illustrious Men
La découverte de l'Amérique par les Hellènes, un texte de Plutarch ..
Ploutarchou Tōn hepta sophōn symposion
Plutarachi Cheronei Opuscula
De curiositate
The Plutarch Project Volume Six
Plutarch's Werke
Il progresso nella virtù
Comment écouter
De gloria Atheniensium
Vitae inter se comparatae
Vitae Plutarchi Cheronei nouissime post Jodocũ Badium Ascẽsium lõge diligentius repositae
Von der Ruhe des Gemütes
Plutarch's Lives Of The Noble Grecians And Romans
The Plutarch Project Volume Seven
Les oeuvres morales & meslees de Plutarque
Plutarch's Lives. the Translation Called Dryden's; Volume 1
Nommer le monde
Römische Fragen
Plutarch's Nicias and Alcibiades
Plutarch  Lives of Illustrious Men
Les Vies des hommes illustres, grecs et romains
Sulla loquacità
Fünf Doppelbiographien. Teil 1 : Alexandros und Caesar. Aristeides und Marcus Cato. Perikles und Fabius Maximus. Teil 2 : Gaius Marius und Alkibiades. Demosthenes und Cicero. Anhang
Plutarch's Lives, Translated from the Original Greek; with Notes Critical and Historical, and a New Life of Plutarch. in Six Volumes. by John Langhorne, D. D. and William Langhorne, M. A. the Seventh Edition, Carefully Corrected, . . of 6; Volume 6
Plvtarchi Cheronei Graecorvm Romanorvmqve illvstrivm vitae ...
Il confronto tra Aristofane e Menandro
Plutarch's Lives
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, First Volume
Peri dysōpias ; kai Peri tychēs
Plutarchi Ethicorum siue moralium pars II
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, First Volume
Plutarch's Lives Vol II
Traduzione delle Amatoriae narrationes di Plutarco
Vite de Plutarcho
( Lives). Shakespeare's Plutarch
L' E di Delfi
Plutarch's Lives Of Illustrious Men, Volume 2
Alejandro Magno / Alexander the Great (Clasica / Classic)
The philosophie
To tou Ploutarchou Xairōneōs biblion Pōs dei ton neon poiēmatōn akouein
The Boys' and Girls' Plutarch; being parts of the "Lives" of Plutarch, edited for boys and girls
Plutarch's Lives
Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, Part 2; Volume 1
Plutarch's Lives; Volume I
Life of Solon
Plvtarchi Chaeronei Philosophi, Et Historici Clariss
Life stories of men who shaped history,
Drei Religionsphilosophische Schriften
Lives of the noble Romans;
Plutarch's Lives - 5/6
Ploutarchou Chairōneōs Peri paidōn agōgēs
Opvscoli morali ...
Moralia Vol. VI
Plutarch's Morals
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Second Volume
Three Selections from Plutarch's Genius of Socrates
On the Cessation of Oracles
Plutarchi Chaeronensis De tranquillitate et securitate animi
Plutarchi Chaeronei De exilio libellus nuper latinus factus, Angelo Barbato interprete
Plutarch's Themistocles and Aristides [microform]; Newly Translated, with Introduction and Notes
Plvtarchi ... Moralia, qvae vsvrpantvr ...
Plutarchus' Biographie van Aemilius Paullus historische commentaar
Dialog über die Liebe
Opvscoli morali ...
Graecorum Romanorumque illustrium vitae
La Vie des Hommes Illustres Vol. 1
Ideal commonwealths
Sit'ne rationis aliqva in bestiis vis
Plutarch's Lives; Volume I
Plutachs Themistokles und Perikles
Nicias and Alcibiades, Translated By Bernadotte Perrin
The Greek questions of Plutarch with a new translation & commentary
Ploutarchou Nikias. Life of Nicias; with Introd. , Notes and Lexicon by Hubert A. Holden
Plutarchi Vitae
Plvtarchi Chȩronei et Aemilij Probi
Praecepta gerendae reipublicae
Four Chapters of North's Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 1
Ideal commonwealths
Plutarchi opuscula LXXXXII
Moralia - Volume XII
Plutarch's Lives : Volume II
How to profit by your enemies =
Rise and Fall of Athens
Sulla curiosità
Plutarchi Chaeronensis Moralia, quae vsurpantur. sunt autem omnis elegantis doctrinae penus
Complete Essays of Plutarch (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Plvtarchi Qvae Vocantvr Parallela
Parallel Lives Vol. 3
Peri mousikēs
Vidas paralelas Alejandro y Julio César
Questioni greche
Plutarch's Lives : Volume II
Peri monarchias kai dēmokratias kai oligarchias
Plutarch's Lives (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Iacopo d'Angelo traduttore di Plutarco
Plutarch's Lives : Volume I
Plvtarchi Cheronei Graecorvm romanorvmquo illvstrivm vitae ... [Device] ...
Les\Vies des Hommes Illustres   Vol. 2
On the e at Delphi
Vitae Graecorvm Romanorvmqve illvstrivm
Epithome Plutarchi
I motti et le sententie notabili de prencipi, barbari, Greci, et Romani da Plutarcho raccolti
Lives of Coriolanus, Caesar, Brutus and Antonius, in North's translation
Plutarchi de educatione liberorum liber
Plutarch's Lives Volume I
Le piacevoli et ingeniose questioni di Plutarcho
Plutarchos Tiberius und Gaius Gracchus
Howe one may take profite of his enmyes [sic], translated out of Plutarche
Plutarchi Chaeronei Ethica, sive Moralia
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, First Volume
Plutarch's 'Lives'
Plutarch's essays
Plutarchi Chaeronensis De musica Carolo Valgulio interprete
Life of Nikias
Römische heldenleben
Le contraddizioni degli stoici
De fluuiorum mōtiumq́ nominibus,  & de ijs, quæ admirabilia in illis inueniuntur
Lives 5/?
Ploutarchou Peri euthymias
Plutarchi Chaeronensis, quae supersunt, omnia
Plutarch's Lives; Volume III
Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Fourth Volume
Plutarch's Lives
De superstitione
Moralische Schriften
Plvtarchi Chaeronei De exilio libellus Angelo Barbato inteprete [!]
Aetia Romana
Les Oeuvres morales et meslees
Plutarchs Themistokles und Perikles
Lives of Coriolanus, Caesar, Brutus, and Antonius
The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as Described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros ..
Plvtarchi Libellvs de svperstitione [ex interpretatione Gvlielmi Xylandri] et Demosthenis Oratio fvnebris ...
M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera ad optimas editiones collata: Praemittitur vita ex Plutarchi graeco ..
Vite Parallele Di Plutarco, Volume 1...
Plutarchi chæronensis moralia
Plutarch's life of Themistokles
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 2
Selected lives and essays
Plutarch's Lives (Complete and Unabridged)
Rome in Crisis
Plutarque de la musique
Ten Famous Lives
Plutarch's "Moralia"
Plvtarchi ... Graecorvm Romanorvmqve illustrium vitae
Life of Theseus and Parallel Stories
ʻAl Shalṿat ha-nefesh
Inimicus amicus
Consolazione alla moglie
Les vies des hommes illustrés de Plutarque
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 4
Isis and Osiris
Lives of the Noble Romans
Age of Alexander
North's translation of Plutarch's life of Julius Caesar
Plutarch's Lives : In Six Volumes
Das Mondgesicht
Euvres morales (Collection des universites de France)
Plutarch's treatise upon the distinction between a friend and flatterer
Plutarch on the Delay of the Divine Justice
Comment tirer profit de ses ennemis
Les Oeuvres morales et meslees
Les oeuures morales [-meslees] de Plutarque
Plutarch's Lives. in Six Volumes. Translated from the Greek. with Explanatory and Critical Notes, from Dacier and Others. to Which Is Prefixed, the ... Written by MR Dryden. ... of 6; Volume 4
Alcuni opusculetti de le Cose morali del diuino Plutarco
Les Vies des hommes illustres, grecs et romains
The governaunce of good helthe
Les Oeuvres morales et meslees
Plutarchus, and Theophrastus, on Superstition
Plutarch in Modern English
Dialogue sur l'amour
...Plutarque: Les Romains illustres (choix)
Plutarch's Lives Vol. 4
Plutarch's Lives in Eight Volumes. Translated from the Greek. to Which Is Prefixed, the Life of Plutarch, Written by Mr. Dryden. of 8; Volume 4
The civil wars of Rome
Vitae parallelae
Plutarch's Morals; Volume 1
Parallel Lives - Vol. 1
Oeuvres morales, tome 5, 1ère partie
Vies parallèles I
Parallel Lives - Vol. 2
[Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata, R. Regio interprete
Homeri vita
Plutarch's Lives Of Nicias, Crassus, Aratus And Theseus
Lives of the noble Roman
Plutarchs Agis und Cleomenes
Plutarchi Chaeronei philosophi, historicíque clarissimi Opuscula moralia
Vitae inter se comparatae
Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque
Plutarchus Chaeroneus De curiositate
Animadversiones In Plutarchi Opera Moralia
Plutarch - Lives of the Noble Greeks
Parallel Lives - Vol. 4
Le Plutarque de Montaigne
The gouernau[n]ce of good helthe, by the moste excellent phylosopher Plutarche, the moste eloquent Erasmus beynge interpretoure..
Plutarchi vitae parallelae
Ploutarchou Demosthenes
Plutarch's Morals
Plutarch über Isis und Osiris
De liberis educandis
De musica
Plvtarchi libellvs ad Erclanum, quomodo aliquis sese laudare sine inuidia possit
La vita di Solone
Sagesse de Plutarque
Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men; Volume 2
A selection of the Lives of Plutarch abridged
Vitae inter se comparatae
De latenter vivendo
Plutarch's Lives, Vol. 2, Part 2
Le vite di Nicia e di Crasso
Plutarch's Lives; Volume II
The Rise and Fall of Athens
Plutarch's Moralia Vol 1. 1 A - 86 A.
Vite Plutarchi Cheronei post Pyladen Brixianum lo[n]ge diligentius reposite : cum maiore verioreq[ue] Indice
Ploutarchou Chairōneōs ta sōzomena syngrammata =
Ploutarchou Peri tēs Erodotou kakoētheias
The education or bringinge up of children
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 2
Opere morali ..
Life of Alexander
Quaestiones convivales
Plutarchi Chaeronensis Moralia
Selected essays of Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 5
Vitae Parallelae
Plutarch's life of Timoleon
Vies des Hommes Illustres de Plutarque
Themistocles et Pericles
Plvtarchi Chaeronei, philosophi, historicíqve clarissimi Opvscvla moralia
Lives of illustrious men (The world's greatest literature)
Three Selections from Plutarch's Genius of Socrates
Plutarch's Lives : Tr. from the Original Greek
La malignità di Erodoto
Plutarch's Lives; Volume 12
Plutarch's Werke
Ploutarchou Perikles
Six of Plutarch's Greek Lives
A tract on the advantage to be derived from one's enemies
Il demone di Socrate
Monarchia, democrazia, ologarchia
Ideal commonwealths
Sur les délais de la justice divine dans la punition des coupables
Ploutarchou tou Chairōneōs ta Ēthikai =: Plutarchi Chaeronensis Moralia, id ..
Plutarchus de pollitica [sic] & imperatoria institutione ad Traianum Imperatorem
Sull'utilità dei nemici
Plutarch's lives of Themistocles, Pericles, Aristides, Alcibiades, and Coriolanus, Demosthenes,and Cicero, Caesar and Antony /cin the translation called Dryden's, corrected and revised by Arthur Hugh Clough ; with introductions and notes
Plutarchi Regum & imperatorum apophthegmata
Plutarch's Lives, Vol 1, Part 1
Apophthegmata graeca regvm & ducum, philosophorum item, aliorúmque quorundam: ex Plutarcho & Diogene Laertio.  Cvm latina interpr.  Loci aliquot in graeco contextu emendati fuerunti aliorum autem quorundam emẽndationē cum nostris editionibus Plutarchi & Laertii atque Stobaei accipies
Lives - 7/11
La fortuna dei romani
Ploutarchou Syllas
Ploutarchou Timoleon =
La Conscience tranquille suivi de "Le Bavardage"
Come distinguere l'adulatore dall'amico
Vita Catonis Maioris, met Aanteekeningen Voorzien door J.H.W. Strijd
Le vice et la vertu
Uber Gott und Vorsehung, Dämonen und Weissagung
Le vite di Licurgo e di Numa
Ploutarchou peri tes Herodotu kakontheias = Plutarchi de Herodoti malignitate
Ploutarchou chairōneōs Apophthegmata basileōn kai stratēgōn
L'esilio (Corpus Plutarchi moralium)
The philosophie, commonlie called, the morals
Detti dei lacedemoni
Les oevvres morales (meslees) de Plvtarqve
Detti di re e di condottieri =
La loquacità = De garrulitate
Plutarch's lives of Galba and Otho
Vita di Flaminino
Selected essays
Vidas Paralelas - 4 Tomos -
I motti et le sententie notabili de prencipi, barbari, Greci, et Romani
Iside e Osiride
L'arte di ascoltare (Piccoli saggi)
Vitae parallelae Lycurgi et Numae
Brutus von Plutarch
Saoghal-ré na nGracchi
Vita Aristidis
The Greek questions of Plutarch
Les Oeuures morales
Plutarchi Chaeronei, philosophi historique clarissimi, Opuscula (quae quidem extant) omnia ..
Quae supersunt, omnia
Ausgewählte Biographieen
Le bestie sono esseri razionali (Corpus Plutarchi moralium)
Leven van Lysander
Ploutarchou peri Isidos kai Osiridos
Plutarch, works on CD
Quae extant opera ... ex vetustis codicibus ... emendata ... Henr. Stephani annotationibus (etc
Sagesse de Plutarque
Grecs et romains en parallèle
Plutarchi Vitae
Detti e vita di Catone maggiore
Vita di Bruto
Vitae inter se comparatae
Alexander et Caesar
Plutarchi chaeronensis omnium quae exstant operum
Narrazioni d'amore
Vie de Thémistocle
Les Oeuvres Morales Et Meslees De Plutarch
Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum
Oeuvres morales, tome I-1
Sur les délais de la justice divine
Thēseus, Lykourgos, Solōn, Themistoklēs
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes compared together
L' arte di ascoltare
Moralia, in sixteen volumes
Le Peri tou prosōpou de Plutarque
Moralia, in seventeen volumes, with an English translation by Harold Cherniss
Manger la chair
Vita di Mario
L' eccessiva arrendevolezza
Apophthegmata Graeca regum & ducum, philosophorum item, aliorumquequorundam
Jak młodzież powinna słuchać poetów
Sur la desparition des oracles
Vitam Arati
Obras Morales Y De Costumbres (Clasica)
Risālat Blūtārkhūs ʻan Izīs wa-Ūzīrīs
Ploutarchou Granchoi
Drei religionsphilosophische Schriften
Vita Caesaris
Plutarchi De educatione liberorum liber: graece et latine
Il desiderio e l'afflizione sono affezioni del corpo o dell'anima? =
Le démon de Socrate [par] Plutarque
Epithome Plutarchi
[Alcuni opusculetti de le cose morali
De la lecture des poëtes =
[Tou sophōtatou Ploutarchou Parallelon Bioi Romaiōn Kai Hellenōn 49]
Thēseus, Lykourgos, Solōn, Themistoklēs
Vite di gli huomoni illustri Greci et Romani co loro paragoni
Fragmenta duo Plutarchi
Peri tēs Hērodotou kakoētheias
Plutarchi Liber contra Coloten
Apophthegmes des Lacédémoniens
Plutarchi Chaeronei In Coloten liber posterior
Greek History: From Themistocles to Alexander
La bramosia di richezza
I detti delle donne spartane
Plutarchi Chaeronensis De puerorum educatione libellus analysi logica, grammatica, ethica, politica & historica
The Boys' and Girls' Plutarch: Being Parts of the "Lives" of Plutarch
Fragmenta et spuria
Il cibarsi di carne
Vita di Coriolano
Lives - 8/8
Apophthegmata regum et imperatorum
The lives of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Pompey
De Iside et Osiride
Plutarchs Themistokles für quellenkritische Übungen
Les vies des hommes illvstres, grecs et romains, comparees l'une avec l'autre par Plutarque de Chaeronee
Cuestiones Romanas (Clasica)
The governaunce of good helthe
The third volume of Plutarch's Morals
Dialogue sur les oracles de la Pythie
L' amore fraterno ; L'amore per i figli
Sul controllo dell'ira
Ploutarchou tou Chairōneōs ta Ēthika: Plutarchi Chaeronensis Moralia, id est ..
The complete works of Plutarch
Plutarchi chæronensis Vitarum parallelarum delectus
Plutarchi ... moralia ... id est, varii libri morales, historici, physici ..
Plutarch's life of Pericles
Ex Plutarcho versa
Valério Publícola e o Advento da República Romana
Lives - 5/5
Sur la disparition des oracles
Agis und Kleomenes
Ploutarchou Dēmosthenēs kai kikerōn
Theseus Et Romulus - Solon Et Publicola - Themistocles Et Camillus - Aristides Et Cato Maior - Cimon Et Lucullus
Démostenés agus Cicero:tuairisc a mbeathadh
Trois traités pour les animaux
A general table of the matters contained in the eight volumes of the Lives of Plutarch
[Les oeuures morales de Plutarque
Ploutarchou Demosthenes
Agide e Cleomene
Ploutarcho tou chairōneōs philosophon l... Periá toū a'koūéin
Leven van Agesilaus, inleiding, tekst, commentaar
Moralia, in fourteen volumes
Plutarch Cheronei De placitis philosophorum naturalibus libri quinq
Plutarchus' Leven van Lysander
Dialogue sur l'amour (Eroticos)
Plutarch's lives of Coriolanus, Caesar, Brutus, and Antonius in North's translation
Peri monarchias kai dēmokratias kai oligarchias
Treatise upon the distinction between a friend and flatterer with remarks
Œuvres morales
Sobre la vida y poesía de Homero
De l'amour des richesses ; De la fausse honte ; De l'envie et de la haine ; Comment se louer soi-même sans exciter l'envie ; Sur les délais de la justice divine
Plutarchi Chaeronensis quae extant omnia
Plutarchs Timoleon, Philopoemen, die beiden Gracchen und Brutus ..
Ploutarchos peri deisidaimōnias
Sur les oracles de la Pythie
L' avidità di ricchezze = De cupiditate divitiarum
Les vies de Hannibal, et Scipion l'Africain, traduittes par Charles De-l'Ecluse
Plutarchi libelli duo politici scripsit Ioannes Frerichs
Plutarch's Lives - 5/11
Plutarchi Chaeronei... opuscula quae quidem extāt omnia
Lives - 10/11
Vitae parallelae, Alexander et Caesar
La conscience tranquille
De l'éducation des enfants: (Texte grec) corrigé d'après les meilleures éditions avec des notes ..
Plutarchi Chaeronei Stoici ac viri clarissimi De his qui tarde a numine corripiuntur libellus
De liberis educandis
Vita di Silla
Vita dei Gracchi
Plutarchus De claris mulieribus
Scripta moralia
To tou Ploutarchou chairōneōs biblion pōs dei ton neon poiēmatōn akouein
Les oeuures morales & meslees
The philosophie, commonlie called, the morals, written by ... Plutarch of Chæronea
Opera, quae extant, omnia Plutarchi Chaeronei, ethica siue moralia complectentia
Waarom God zo lang wacht met straffen ; Over godsdienstige angst
Opuscoli morali
Plutarch's Quyete of mynde
Vita Demetri Poliorcetis
Les vies des hommes illustrés
Se sia ben detto, vivi nascosto
Les vies des hommes illustres grecs et romains: Periclès et Fabius Maximus
Lives of Caesar, Brutus and Antony
Ei kalōs eirētai to lathe biōsas =
La sérénité intérieure
Plutarchi vitae secundum codices parisinos recognovit Theod. Doemner. Graece et latine
Plutarchi Chæronei Opusculum de liberorum institutione
Plutarchi Vitae Parallelae Indices
Atene nei suoi ordinamenti politico-sociale dalle "Vita parallele" di Plutarcho
La virtú etica
Augustin Zubikarai
Augustin Zubikarai (1914-2004)

journalist, Catholic priest

Geoffrey of Monmouth
Geoffrey of Monmouth (1099-1155)

poet, historian, Catholic priest, Catholic bishop

  • University of Oxford
Historia regum Britanniae
Galfredi Monumetensis Historia Britonum
Geoffrey of Monmouth
Brut y brenhinedd
Histories of the kings of Britain
The Historia regum Britanniæ of Geoffrey of Monmouth
The chronicle of the kings of Britain
Life of Merlin
Historia regum Britanniae
Das Leben des Zauberers Merlin
Historia Britonum
Translated by Sebastian Evans
Le devin maudit: Merlin, Lailoken, Suibhne : textes et étude (Moyen Age européen) (French Edition)
The British history of Geoffrey of Monmouth
Britannie vtriusque regu et principum origo & gesta insignia ab Galfrido Monemutensi ex antiquissimis Britannici sermonis monumentis in latinum
Brut y brenhinedd: Llanstephan MS. 1 version
The British history
Geoffrey of Monmouth's life of Merlin
L'estoire de Brutus
De vita et vaticiniis Merlini Calidonii
Das Leben des Zauberers Merlin =
Le roi Leïr
The history of the Kings of Britain
The Historia regum Britannie of Geoffrey Monmouth
The British history of Geoffrey of Monmouth (to 664 A.D.)
The Vita Merlini
Britãnie vtriusque regũ & prĩcipũ Origo & gesta insignia ab Galfrido Monemutensi ex antiquissimis Britannici sermonis monumentis in latinũ sermonẽ traducta: & ab Ascensio cura & impẽdio magistri Iuonnis Cauellati in lucem edita: pstant in eiusdem aedibus
The historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth
The life of Merlin
Histories of the kings of Britain
The history of the Kings of Britain
Brut Dingestow
The history of the kings of Britain
La profezia di Merlino
La légende arthurienne, études et documents
Gottfried's von Monmouth historia regum Britannie
Eusebius of Caesarea
Eusebius of Caesarea (0264-0339)

theologian, priest, historian

Francesc Eiximenis
Francesc Eiximenis (1329-1409)

Latin Catholic priest, philosopher, bishop

  • University of Oxford
Psalterium alias laudatorium
Scala Dei
Regiment de la cosa pública
Lo libre de les dones
Psalterium alias laudatorium Papae Benedicto XIII dedicatum
Lo Crestià
Francesc Eiximenis
Libre dels angels
Regiment de la cosa publica
Libro de los santos angeles
La societat catalana al segle XIV
De Sant Miquel Arcàngel
Dotzè llibre del Crestià
Doctrina compendiosa
Contes i faules
Com usar bé de beure e menjar
Scala Dei
Il dodicesimo libro del cristiano
Exemples i faules
Texto y concordancias del Libro de las donas
Vita Christi
Dotze llibre del Crestia (O.F.E)
Dotzen libre del Crestiá
Excerpts from the works of Francesc Examenis [sic]
Le liure des sainctz anges
James Anthony Froude
James Anthony Froude (1818-1894)

historian, translator, biographer, deacon, essayist, editing staff, priest

  • Oriel College, Westminster School
The divorce of Catherine of Aragon
My relations with Carlyle
Life and letters of Erasmus
Lord Beaconsfield
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle; a history of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835
Froude's Life of Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle; a history of his life in London, 1834-1881
Lord Beaconsfield
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle Vol. 2
Thomas Carlyle Vol. 1
Thomas Carlyle Vol. 1
Life and letters of Erasmus
Thomas Carlyle
Great Cat Tales
The English in the West Indies
Short studies on great subjects
Lectures on the Council of Trent
The Spanish story of the Armada, and other essays
The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth
The nemesis of faith
English seamen in the sixteenth century
Two lectures on South Africa
The two chiefs of Dunboy
Science and theology
The Spanish story of the Armada
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century: Lectures Delivered at Oxford, Easter Terms, 1893-4
The English in the West Indies, or, The bow of Ulysses
Essays in literature & history
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada
Caesar; a sketch
Cæsar: A Sketch
Lectures on the Council of Trent, delivered at Oxford, 1892-3
"Thumping English lies."
Caesar: A Sketch
The reign of Edward the Sixth
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth
Short Studies on Great Subjects
History of England from the fall of Wolsey (to the defeat of the Spanish armada)
Life and Letters of Erasmus. Lectures Delivered at Oxford 1893-94
The Nemesis of Faith
Julius Caesar
The Earl of Beaconsfield
Reply to a Pamphlet Entitled "India & Lord Ellenborough"
Luther, a short biography
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century: Lectures Delivered at Oxford ..
The reign of Mary Tudor
The Spanish Story of the Armada and Other Essays
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
Life and times of Thomas Becket
Calvinism: An Address Delivered at St. Andrew's March 17, 1871
Short Studies on Great Subjects
Life and Letters of Erasmus: Lectures Delivered at Oxford 1893-4
Oceana or England and Her Colonies
The English in the West Indies
The reign of Elizabeth
The divorce of Catharine of Aragon
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada
Life of the Earl of Beaconsfield
Calvinism: an address delivered at St. Andrew's March 17, 1871
The Two Chiefs Of Dunboy Or An Irish Romance Of The Last Century
Inaugural address delivered to the University of St. Andrews, March 19, 1869
Selections from the writings of James Anthony Froude
Theological unrest: discussions in science and religion ...
Historical essays
Thomas Carlyle
English Seaman in the Sixteenth Centuries
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth
Letters And Memorials Of Jane Welsh Carlyle V2
Report of the Copyright Commission, presented to both Houses of Parliament. London: 1878 [and] ... Minutes of the evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Copyright, with appendix. London: 1878
Prose Masterpieces from Modern Essayists
Caesar A Sketch
The English in the West Indies, or, The bow of Ulysses
The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century
Historical and other sketches
History Of England: From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth V2
The Spanish Story Of The Armada And Other Essays
The reign of Mary Tudor
John Bunyan
Science and theology, ancient and modern / by James Anthony Froude. And The sovereignty of ethics / by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The English In Ireland In The Eighteenth Century V2
Short studies on great subjects
Thomas Carlyle V1
The nemesis of faith ; Shadows of the clouds
Letters And Memorials Of Jane Welsh Carlyle Part Two
Lord Beaconsfield
The Reign of Henry the Eighth Volume 1
John Hawkins and the African Slave Trade
Short studies on great subjects
The Froude-Ruskin friendship, as represented through letters
Shadows of the clouds
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century
Gems from Froude
The reign of Elizabeth
The Knights Templars
Life and Letters of Erasmus
The Nemesis of Faith
The Earl Of Beaconsfield
My relations with Carlyle, together with a letter from the late Sir James Stephen, dated December 9, 1886
Life and letters of Erasmus
Short studies on great subjects
The Life And Times Of Thomas Becket
Science and Theology
Thomas Carlyle V2
The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon
Life and letters of Erasmus
My Relations With Carlyle
Saint Hugh of Lincoln
Lectures On The Council Of Trent
Thomas Carlyle
Two Lectures On South Africa
English in the West Indies
Letters And Memorials Of Jane Welsh Carlyle V1
Essays on History and Literature
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle 3 Volume Set
Poems by Zeta [pseud.]
The English In The West Indies Or, The Bow Of Ulysses
The English in the West Indies
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth; Volume 8
Julius Caesar
The English in the West Indies
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 9
Oceana, or, England and her colonies
Lectures on the Council of Trent, Delivered at Oxford 1892-3 / by James Anthony Froude
The divorce of Catherine of Aragon
The Irish Reformation: Or, The Alleged Conversion of the Irish Bishops at the Accession of Queen ...
Oceana: Or, England and Her Colonies
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century
Life and Times of Thomas Becket
The Nemesis of Faith
Two Lectures on South Africa, Delivered Before the Philosophical Institute, Edinburgh, Jan. 6 & 9 1880
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth Vol. 9, Pt. III
My Relations with Carlyle
Short Studies On Great Subjects, Volume 1
Caesar; a Sketch
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 6
Thomas Carlyle
The reign of Mary Tudor.  Introd. by W. Llewelyn Williams
Science and theology, ancient and modern
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth Volume v.9
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada; Volume 10
Theological unrest, discussions in science and religion
Short studies on great subjects
Mary queen of Scots and her latest English historian, a narrative of the life of Mary Stuart ...
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth Vol. 10, P IV
The Reign of Mary Tudor
Julius Caesar
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle; Volume 1
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 10
Thomas Carlyle 2 Volume Set
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth
Short Studies On Great Subjects, Volume 3
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth;
English in the West Indies
Short Studies on Great Subjects; Volume 4
Reminiscences 2 Volume Set
Oceana; or, England and Her Colonies. New Ed
History Of England, Volume 10
The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century
Essays in Literature & History
English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century; Volume 1
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 12
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 10
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish armada
The Knights templars
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth - Vol. V
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 8
Nemesis of Faith
Short Studies on Great Subjects
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
Lectures on the Council of Trent
Short Studies on Great Subjects
The English in the West Indies
Fraser's Magazine
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth, Volume 6
Life and Times of Thomas Becket
The dissolution of the monasteries, and other essays
A biography of Caesar
The reign of Edward VI.  [Introd. by W. Llewelyn Williams]
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 6
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 7
Life and Letters of Erasmus; Lectures Delivered at Oxford, 1893-4
The cat's pilgrimage
Short Studies on Great Subjects
History Of England
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth Vol. 8, Pt. II
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada; Volume 1
Short Studies On Great Subjects, Volume 2
Spanish Armada
Short Studies of Great Subjects Everyman's Library # 13
The reign of Edward VI.  [Introd. by W. Llewelyn Williams]
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 7
The English in the West Indies; or, The Bow of Ulysses
The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon; The Story as Told by the Imperial Ambassadors Resident at the Court of Henry VIII
Thomas Carlyle
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, Volume 5
Shadows of the Clouds
Life and Letters of Erasmus
Life and Letters of Erasmus
Spanish Story of the Armada
The nemesis of faith (and) shadows of the clouds
Short Studies On Great Subjects, Volume 4
The reign of Henry the Eighth
Bunyan (English Men of Letters)
The Reign of Mary Tudor
Thomas Carlyle 2 Volume Set
Lectures on the Council of Trent
Shadows of the Clouds
Divorce of Catherine of Aragon
The English In Ireland In The Eighteenth Century, Volume 3
Life and Letters of Erasmus; Lectures Delivered at Oxford, 1893-4
Life and Letters of Erasmus; Lectures Delivered at Oxford 1893-4
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth, Volume 9
Oceana, Or, England and Her Colonies
Oceana; Or, England and Her Colonies. New Ed
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey
Thomas Carlyle Vol. 2
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth, Volume 4
The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon
The reign of Henry the Eighth
The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century / by James Anthony Froude
The English In Ireland In The Eighteenth Century, Volume 1
The Book of Job
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth, Volume 11
Fraser's Magazine, Volume 6
Short Studies on Great Subjects; Volume 4
Thomas Carlyle
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth 12 Volume Set
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish armada
The book of Job
Science and theology, ancient and modern
The influence of the Reformation on the Scottish character
The nemesis of faith
The two chiefs of Dunboy; or, An Irish romance of the last century
Short stories on great subjects
Short stories on great subjects
My relations with Carlyle
Oceana, or, England and her colonies
Lectures on the Council of Trent
Short studies on great subjects
The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century ...
Historical essays
Short studies on great subjects
Essays in literature & history
Life and letters of Erasmus
Theological unrest
Short studies on great subjects
Short studies on great subjects
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to defeat of the Spanish Armada
The cat's pilgrimage ...
The Knights templars
Fraser's magazine
The Spanish story of the Armada
Short stories on great subjects
The English in the West Indies, or, The bow of Ulysses
On shortening the church services
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth
Oceana, the tempestuous voyage of J.A. Froude, 1884 & 1885
Lectures on the Council of Trent
The Spanish story of the Armada
England's forgotten worthies ...
Thomas Carlyle
English seamen in the sixteenth century
Juan Mari Lekuona Berasategi
Juan Mari Lekuona Berasategi (1927-2005)

poet, priest

Junes Casenave
Junes Casenave (1924-2018)

Catholic priest