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political scientists who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 119 results
Friedrich Hayek
Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992)

economist, philosopher, historian, political scientist

  • University of Vienna
Hayek on Hayek
The Road to Serfdom
Good Money
Contra Keynes and Cambridge
Rent Control – a Popular Paradox
The constitution of liberty
The Trend of Economic Thinking
The counter-revolution of science
Individualism and economic order
Socialism and war
The Pure Theory of Capital
The Fatal Conceit
A Tiger by the Tail
The collected works of F.A. Hayek
The Fortunes of Liberalism
The sensory order
Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache
The mirage of social justice
Unemployment and monetary policy
Law, legislation and liberty
The Road to Serfdom
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
Money, capital, and fluctuations
A discussion with Friedrich A. von Hayek
New studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas
Good Money
A conversation with Friedrich A. von Hayek
The Pure Theory of Capital (The Collected Works of F.a. Hayek)
Rules and order
The Constitution of Liberty
Business Cycles
Denationalisation of money
Rechtsordnung und Handelsordnung. Aufsätze zur Ordnungsökonomik
The Markets and Other Orders
Unfinished Agenda
Studies in philosophy, politics and economics
Hayek no Brasil
Monetary nationalism and international stability
The Road to Serfdom - Text and Documents
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2
Knowledge, Evolution, and Society
Droit législation et liberté, volume 1
Denationalization of Money
The political order of a free people
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3
Entnationalisierung des Geldes
Ordre sensoriel
Monetary theory and the trade cycle
The Pure Theory of Capital
Profits, interests, and investment, and other essays on the theory ofindustrial fluctuations
Droit, législation et liberté
Business Cycles
Wissenschaft und Sozialismus
Drei Vorlesungen über Demokratie, Gerechtigkeit und Sozialismus
Camino de servidumbre / The Road to Serfdom
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1
Dr. Bernard Mandeville
The Foundations of Entrepreneurship
Prices and production
Collectivist economic planning
1980s unemployment and the unions
Economic freedom
Capitalism and the historians
The Intellectuals and Socialism (Rediscovered Riches 4)
Contra Keynesand Cambridge
Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik. Aufsätze zur Wirtschaftspolitik
The Sensory Order
Nineteen Eighties Unemployment and the Unions
Der Strom der Güter und Leistungen
La présomption fatale
Freiburger Studien
The essence of Hayek
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
Die Irrtümer des Konstruktivismus und die Grundlagen legitimer Kritik gesellschaftlicher Gebilde
Die Anmassung von Wissen
Individualism true and false
The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek
Profits, interest, and investment
Los Fundamentos de La Libertad
The confusion of language in political thought
The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays
Recht, Gesetz und Freiheit
Camino de servidumbre
Collectivist economic planning
Hayek On Mill
Economic freedom and representative government
The constitution of liberty
1980's unemployment and the unions
Missbrauch und Verfall der Vernunft
Social justice, socialism & democracy
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
Choice in currency
The constitution of liberty
Scientisme et sciences sociales
Capitalism and the historians
Die Verfassung der Freiheit
The Economics of F.A. Hayek
Grundsätze einer liberalen Gesellschaftsordnung. Aufsätze zur Politischen Philosophie und Theorie
Rules, perception, and intelligibility
Pianificazione economica collettivistica
Capital and Interest
Denationalisation of Money - The Argument Refined
Profits, interest, and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations
Beitrge Zur Geldtheorie
Geldtheorie und Konjunkturtheorie
Legacy of Friedrich Von Hayek (HAYEK)
Toward liberty
Order--with or without design?
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor
Capitalism and historians
The Loeb collection of Arretine pottery
Sensory Order and Other Writings on the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology
Beiträge zur Geldtheorie
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1
Monetary nationalism andinternational stability
Housing and town planning
Fortunes of Liberalism
Pure Theory of Capital
Der Wettbewerb als Entdeckungsverfahren
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
The three sources of human values
Socialism and War
Scientisme et sciences sociales
Capitalism and the historians
Droit, le gislation et liberte
Prices and production and other works
Full employment at any price?
Road to Serfdom
Individualismus und wirtschaftliche Ordnung
˜L'œ économie dirigée en régime collectiviste
Roads to freedom
Individualism and Economic Order
Die Anmaßung von Wissen
The Intellectuals and Socialism 1949
Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik
In memoriam Friedrich August von Hayek 1899-1992
The confusion of language in political thought, with some suggestions for remedying it
La route de la servitude
Collectivist economic planning
Rent control, myths & realities
Obras Completas - Ensayos de Teoria Monetaria T. 5
A tiger by the tail
legislation and liberty
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2
The condensed version of "The road to Serfdom"
Economic progress in an open society
Profits, Interest and Investment and Other Essays on the Theory of Industrial Relations
Freiheit, Wettbewerb und Wirtschaftsordnung
Geltheorie Und Konjunkturtheorie (International Carl Menger Library)
End of the U. S. Dollar Monopoly Toward Free Market
Verdict on rent control
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 6
Freedom and the economic system
Hanns Martin Schleyer-Preis 1984 und 1985
Precios y Produccion
Sensory Order
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 9 : Geld und Konjunktur. Band II
The Reactionary Character of the Socialist Conception (Lecture Ser : No L-107)
Friedrich A. Hayek, honorary fellow at the Hoover Institution, speaks on the reactionary character of the Socialist conception to the Advisory Committee of the Domestic Studies Program and the 1978-1979 visiting scholars, Stanford University, October 27, 1978
The rule of law
A free-market monetary system
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache
Tao nu i chih lu
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 8 : Geld und Konjunktur. Band I
The political ideal of the rule of law
Fatal Conceit
Prix et production
Nobel prize-winning economist
Collectivist Economic Planning
The road to serfdom
The market and other orders
Friedrich A. von Hayek
Die verhängnisvolle Anmassung
Rent control
Profiles in liberty
Capitalism and the historians
Camino a la servidumbre
Roads to freedom
Precios y producción
Collectivist economic planning
The use of knowledge in society
The rule of law
L'économie dirigée en régime collectiviste
Gesammelte Werke. Band 1-4
Friedrich August von Hayek's draft biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Pravo, zakonodatel'stvo i svoboda
Pour une vraie concurrence des monnaies
La route de la servitude
The economics of F.A. Hayek
Právo, zákonodárství a svoboda
Capitalism and the historians
The road to serfdom
Liberale Marktwirtschaft
Hayek na UnB
Law, legislation, and liberty
Prices and production
Gelncoe Algebra 1 Teacher Wraparound Edition (California) (Glencoe Mathematics)
Das politische Ideal der Herrschaft des Gesetzes
Studije iz filozofije, politike i ekonomij
The intellectuals and socialism (Studies in social theory)
Hermann Heinrich Gossen
The pure theory of capital
Preiserwartungen, monetaere Stoerungen und Fehlinvestitionen
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
Dao nu yi zhi lu
Jing ji, ke xue yu zheng zhi
Friedrich A. von Hayek
Russell Kirk
Russell Kirk (1918-1994)

political scientist, philosopher, literary critic, historian, journalist, peace activist

  • University of St Andrews, Duke University
The Sword of Imagination
Edmund Burke
John Randolph of Roanoke
The Dark Descent
Dark Forces
The Surly Sullen Bell
Eliot and His Age
The Color of Evil
Academic freedom
Old House of Fear
Lord of the hollow dark
A program for conservatives
The American cause
The conservative mind, from Burke to Santayana
Ancestral shadows
The Politics of Prudence
America's British culture
The Century's Best Horror Fiction. Volume 2
The political principles of Robert A. Taft
Decadence and Renewal in the Higher Learning
The princess of all lands
The Essential Russell Kirk
Watchers at the strait gate
Redeeming the Time
Beyond the dreams of avarice
The roots of American order
The wise men know what wicked things are written on the sky
The Portable conservative reader
The conservative mind : from Burke to Eliot / Russell Kirk
Prospects for conservatives
The intemperate professor
The conservative Constitution
The Assault on religion
Rights and duties
Enemies of the Permanent Things: Observations of Abnormity in Literature and Politics
Gateway to the Stoics
St. Andrews
What Shadows We Pursue
A creature of the twilight: his memorials
Randolph of Roanoke
Confessions of a bohemian Tory
The intelligent woman's guide to conservatism
Orestes Brownson
What Is Conservatism?
Fiction # 169
Off the Sand Road
Modern age
Lord Acton on revolution
Muhafazakar Anlayış
Objections to conservatism
Collected Letters of John Randolph to Dr. John Brockenbrough
Government's role in solving societal problems
Russell Kirk's Concise Guide to Conservatism
Robin Morgan
Robin Morgan (born 1941)

poet, journalist, activist, editor, actor, women's rights activist, political scientist, voice actor, political activist

  • Columbia University
Saturday's child
The demon lover
Sisterhood is Powerful
The anatomy of freedom
The word of a woman
Dry your smile
Going too far
Lady of the beasts
Upstairs in the garden
The Mer-Child
Sisterhood Is Global International Women
Monster; poems
A hot January
Death perception
Death benefits
Goodbye to all that
Depth perception
A'sshaaq al shaytaan
Drucilla Cornell
Drucilla Cornell (1950-2022)

philosopher, political scientist, playwright, feminist, jurist

  • University of California, Los Angeles
Albie Sachs and Transformation in South Africa
What Fanon Said
Defending ideals
The imaginary domain
Der Streit um Differenz
Clint Eastwood and issues of American masculinity
The philosophy of the limit
Between women and generations
Beyond Accommodation
Feminism and pornography
Feminism as critique
Moral Images of Freedom
Law And Revolution In South Africa Ubuntu Dignity And The Struggle For Constitutional Transformation
The Dignity Jurisprudence Of The Constitutional Court Of South Africa Cases And Materials
At the heart of freedom
Mandate of Dignity
Symbolic forms for a new humanity
Just cause
Ubuntu and the law
Deconstruction and the possibility of justice
Just Cause
Feminism and Pornography (Oxford Readings in Feminism)
Ethical Feminism
Throwing the Moral Dice
En El Corazon De La Libertad (Feminismos)
Feminism as critique
Law and Revolution in South Africa
Hegel and legal theory
The post-structuralist challenge to the ideal of community
Spirit of Revolution
Dignity, freedom and the post-apartheid legal order
Feminism as Critique (Feminist Perspectives)
Creolizing Rosa Luxemburg
Between Women and Generations
Philosophy of the Limit
Planetary Politics
New Essays on Clint Eastwood
Beyond Accommodation
Varieties of Feminist Liberalism
Symbolic forms for a new humanity
Moral Images of Freedom
Strangers to Nature
Dietmar Herz
Dietmar Herz (1958-2018)

political scientist, jurist

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Thomas Morus zur Einfuhrung
Frieden und Stabilität
Die Amerikaner im Krieg
Die Europäische Union
Das kurze amerikanische Jahrhundert
Die wohlerwogene Republik
Professional education for international organizations
Frieden durch Handel
Von himmlischer Ordnung und weltlichen Problemen
Simulation und Planspiel in den Sozialwissenschaften
Politik, Kommunikation, Kultur
Lexikon ökonomischer Werke
Polityčni rol'ovi igry
Bruce Ackerman
Bruce Ackerman (born 1943)

philosopher, political scientist

  • Harvard University, Yale Law School
Deliberation Day
We the People
The failure of the founding fathers
We the People
Clean coal/dirty air
The stakeholder society
Private property and the Constitution
Perspectives on property law
Is NAFTA constitutional?
Voting with dollars
We the People
The uncertain search for environmental quality
Before the next attack
Reconstructing American law
Case Against Lameduck Impeachment
Bush V. Gore
What Brown v. Board of Education should have said
The temporal horizons of justice
Social justice in the liberal state
El Futuro de La Revolucion Liberal
Het recht van de moraal
The decline and fall of the American republic
La Politica del Dialogo Liberal
Economic foundations of property law
The dilemma of liberal democracy, and its constitutional solution?
Xin xing min zhu de xian zheng gai zao
Fundamentos y alcances del control judicial de constitucionalidad
Julius Mader
Julius Mader (1928-2000)

journalist, jurist, political scientist

  • Humboldt University of Berlin
An geheimer Front
CIA-Operation Hindu Kush
Der Banditenschatz
Hitlers Spionagegenerale sagen aus
Rote Kapelle gegen Hitler
Instruction 37/57
Los nuevos conquistadores: penetración imperialista germanooccidental en América Latina
NATO backing for Southern Rhodesia's racists
Dr. Sorge funkt aus Tokyo
The NATO conspiracy with the South African racists
Neo-colonialist practices of the Federal Republic of Germany in relation to Namibia
Geheimnis von Huntsville
Jagd nach dem Narbengesicht
Yellow list: where is the CIA?
CIA in Europa
Taĭnoe stanovitsi͡a︡ i͡a︡vnym
Who's who in CIA
Gangster in Aktion
Śladami Człowieka z blizną
Die graue Hand
La OTAN y la junta de Pinochet
Kurt Sontheimer
Kurt Sontheimer (1928-2005)

political scientist

Hannah Arendt
Deutschland zwischen Demokratie und Antidemokratie
Thomas Mann und die Deutschen
Grundzüge des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Antidemokratisches Denken in der Weimarer Republik
Das politische System Grossbritanniens
Thomas Mann und die Deutschen
DDR; Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft
Grundzüge des politischen Systems Deutschlands
Von Deutschlands Republik
Der unbehagliche Bürger
Government and politics of West Germany
Deutschlands politische Kultur
Die Adenauer-Ära
So war Deutschland nie
Abschied vom Berufsbeamtentum?
Das Elend unserer Intellektuellen
Grundzüge des politischen Systems der neuen Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Die verunsicherte Republik
Thomas Mann und die Deutschen
Antidemokratisches Denken in der Weimarer Republic
Sehnsucht nach der Nation?
Grundzüge des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland/ Kurt Sontheimer.--
Ernst-Robert-Curtius-Preis für Essayistik
Hannah Arendt: der Weg einer grossen Denkerin
Israel: Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft
Die Adenauer- Ära. Grundlegung der Bundesrepublik
Abschied vom Berufsbeamtentum?  Perspektiven einer Reform des Öffentlichen Dienstes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [von] Kurt Sontheimer [und] Wilhelm Bleek
Ist die Leistungsgesellschaft am Ende?
Reform als Alternative
Grundzu ge des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Handbuch des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Grundzüge des politischen Systems der Bunderrepublik Deutschland
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen liberaler Politik
Grundzu˜ge des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Nationalsozialismus und Die Deutsche Universität
Grundzüge der politischen systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Government and Politics of East Germany