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political scientists who wrote biography
Showing 33-40 out of 119 results
Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)

journalist, essayist, autobiographer, literary critic, political scientist

  • University of Oxford, The Leys School
The Missionary Position
Thomas Jefferson
The trial of Henry Kissinger
Thomas Jefferson Author Of America
God Is Not Great
No one left to lie to
Unacknowledged legislation
A Long Short War
The Elgin Marbles
For the Sake of Argument
Love, Poverty, and Wer
Imperial spoils
Why Orwell matters
Letters to a young contrarian
Prepared for the worst
The Quotable Hitchens
Thomas Paine's Rights of man
Blood, class and nostalgia
Is Christianity good for the world?
Love, poverty, and war
The Portable Atheist
Thomas Paine's Rights of Man (Books That Changed the World)
The Parthenon marbles
Blood, class, and empire
Hostage to History
The portable atheist
"Vanity Fair's" Hollywood
Letters to a Young Contrarian (Art of Mentoring)
Prepared for the worst
The monarchy
The General
Orwell's victory
The Best American Essays 2010
The monarchy
Ta Elgíneia mármara
Left Hooks, Right Crosses
The Three Hostages
Regime change
Letters to a Young Contrarian (Letters to a Young...)
The Elgin marbles
Widerwort. Eine Verteidigung der kritischen Vernunft
Inequalities in Zimbabwe
Blood, class, and nostalgia
Lettres à un jeune rebelle
Inequalities in Zimbabwe
Juicio a Kissinger
Safe Area Gorazde
Les crimes de Monsieur Kissinger
American Presidents Eminent Lives Boxed Set
Dieu n'est pas grand
Wilfried Loth
Wilfried Loth (born 1948)

historian, political scientist

  • Saarland University
Walter Hallstein
Walter Hallstein, der vergessene Europäer?
Walter Hallstein
Charles de Gaulle
Die Teilung der Welt
Die Sowjetunion und die deutsche Frage
Europe, Cold War and Coexistence, 1955-1965
The Making of Détente
Overcoming the Cold War
Der Weg nach Europa
Theorien europäischer Integration
Sozialismus und Internationalismus
Stalin's unwanted child
Die Stalin-Note vom 10. März 1952
Teilungen überwinden
La gouvernance supranationale dans la construction européenne
Experiencing Europe
Stalins ungeliebtes Kind
Katholiken im Kaiserreich
Building Europe
Geschichte Frankreichs im 20. Jahrhundert
Europas Einigung
Europäische Gesellschaft: Grundlagen und Perspektiven (Forschung Politik) (German Edition)
Helsinki, 1. August 1975
Erster Weltkrieg und Dschihad (German Edition)
Documents on the history of European integration
Das europäische Projekt zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts
Tage deutscher Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
Internationale Geschichte
Verwandlungspolitik: NS-Eliten in der westdeutschen Nachkriegsgesellschaft (German Edition)
Das Kaiserreich. Obrigkeitsstaat und politische Mobilisierung. (Bd. 5)
Crises and Compromises
Ost-West-Konflict und deutsche Frage
Dimensionen internationaler Geschichte
Großer Historischer Weltatlas, 4 Tle. m. Erl.-Bdn., Tl.4, Neueste Zeit
Geschichte der Welt 1945 Bis Heute
Die Anfänge der europäischen Integration 1945-1950
Die Christen und die Entstehung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
Nordrhein-Westfalen in Europa
Entw©ơrfe einer Europ©Þischen Verfassung
Erster Weltkrieg und Dschihad
Geschichte Frankreichs im 20. Jahrhundert
Deutscher Katholizismus im Imbruch zur Moderne
"Freiheit und Würde des Volkes"
Stalin's Unwanted Child
De Gaulle, Deutschland und Europa
Plans for European Union in Great Britain and in Exile 1939-1945 : (Including 107 Documents in Their Original Languages on 3 Microfiches)
Internationale Geschichte
Die Rettung der Welt
Fast eine Revolution
Soziale Reform im Kaiserreich
Transnational Organizations of Political Parties and Pressure Groups in the Struggle for European Union, 1945-1950 : (Including 129 Documents in Their Original Languages on 3 Microfiches)
Struggle for European Union by Political Parties and Pressure Groups in Western European Countries 1945-1950 : (Including 252 Documents in Their Original Languages on 6 Microfiches)
Institutions européennes et identités européennes
Disintegration and Integration in East-Central Europe
Cultures politiques, opinions publiques et intégration européenne
Making of Détente
Wegmarken europäischer Zivilisation
Continental Plans for European Union 1939-1945 : (Including 250 Documents in Their Original Language on 6 Microfiches)
Ilan Pappé
Ilan Pappé (born 1954)

historian, political scientist

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Oxford
The rise and fall of a Palestinian dynasty
Out of the frame
Atsulat ha-arets
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
The forgotten Palestinians
The Idea Of Israel A History Of Power And Knowledge
The Biggest Prison on Earth
The making of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1947-51
On Palestine
Ten myths about Israel
The Israel/Palestine question
A History of Modern Palestine
The modern Middle East
Britain and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1948-51
Gaza in crisis
The modern Middle East
Across the wall
Profil shel sakinai
The Israel/Palestine Question
New Critical Approach to the History of Palestine
Le Champ du Possible
Middle Eastern politics and ideas
Les Démons de la Nakbah
Historical Dictionary of Palestine
Our Vision of Liberation
Peoples Apart
Politics of History in Israel
The Modern Middle East, Second Edition
Middle East and South Asia 2023-2024
La propagande d'israel
Qaṣr al-awānī al-muhashshamah
Palestine in a World on Fire
Researching the Middle East
ʻArvim ṿi-Yehudim bi-teḳufat ha-Mandaṭ
Middle East and South Asia 2022-2023
Ṣūhyūnīyah jadīdah naffāthah
Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic
Human rights and the forgotten histories of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
Robert Paxton
Robert Paxton (born 1932)

historian, political scientist

  • Harvard University, University of Oxford
Le temps des chemises vertes
French peasant fascism
Vichy France
Parades and politics at Vichy
The Anatomy of Fascism (Allen Lane History)
De Gaulle and the United States
Europe in the twentieth century
Vichy France: old guard and new order, 1940-1944
Collaboration and Resistance
Armee de Vichy
La France de Vichy 1940-1944
Europe in the twentieth century
De Gaulle and the United States
La France De Vichy
Parades and politics at Vichy
Parades and politics at Vichy
Anatomia Del Fascismo (Atalaya)
Archives de la vie littéraire sous l'occupation
Europe in the Twentieth Century, 2005 Update
Europe in the 20th Century
La France de Vichy, 1940-1944
Le fascisme en action (French Edition)
Fasizmin Anatomisi
Europe in the twentieth century
Robert Aron
Robert Aron (1898-1975)

historian, philosopher, political scientist

  • Lycée Condorcet, Faculty of Arts of Paris
A boy namedJesus
The Jewish Jesus
Ainsi priait Jésus enfant
Léopold III
Fragments d'une vie
France reborn
Jesus of Nazareth
Histoire de Dieu
The Vichy regime, 1940-44
Les grands dossiers de ĺhistoire contemporaine ...
L' Histoire contemporaine depuis 1945
Lettre ouverte à l'Église de France
An Explanation of De Gaulle
An explanation of De Gaulle
Histoire de l'épuration ..
Histoire de la libération de la France, juin 1944-mai 1945
A boy named Jesus
Victoire à Waterloo
Les origines de la guerre d'Algérie
Histoire de Vichy, 1940-1944 ..
Principes du fédéralisme
Les années obscures de Jésus
Le Judaïsme
Décadence de la nation française
Charles de Gaulle
Ce que je crois
Où souffle l'esprit
Dossiers de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Nouveaux grands dossiers de l'histoire contemporaine
Le socialisme français face au marxisme
La re volution ne cessaire
Retour à l'éternel ..
Le cancer américain
Le piège où nous a pris l'histoire
Histoire de Vichy
Dictature de la liberté
De Gaulle before Paris
Fraternité de Français
Les grands dossiers de lh istoire contemporaine ..
Le cancer américain [par] R. Aron et A. Dandieu
Discours contre la méthode
Histoire des années 40
De Gaulle triumphant
Précis de l'unité française
Les Grandes heures de la Troisième République
Le socialisme franc ʹais face au marxisme
Histoire de la libération de la France
Mors et vita
La révolution nécessaire
Les grands dossiers de l'histoire contemporaine
Une grande banque d'affaires
The Vichy regime, 1940-44
Les Grandes heures de la Troisième République
La révolution nécessaire
De Gaulle before Paris
Histoire de la libération de la France
The God of the beginnings
France reborn
An explanation of De Gaulle
Le théatre Alfred Jarry et les surréalistes
L'Ére des fédérations
The Vichy regime, 1940-44
Histoire de Vichy, 1940-1944 ...
Der Zweite Weltkrieg
Gerhard Kraiker
Gerhard Kraiker (1937-2015)

political scientist, editor

Carl von Ossietzky
Konstitutionsbedingungen des bürgerlichen Staates und der sozialen Revolution bei Marx und Engels
Raum der Freiheit
Einspr uche: Politik und Sozialstaat im 20. Jahrhundert. Festschrift f ur Gerhard Kraiker
[Paragraph] 218
Politischer Katholizismus in der BRD; eine ideologiekritische Analyse
Rowohlt Bildmonographien (Rowohlts Monographien)
Carl von Ossietzky und die politische Kultur der Weimarer Republik
1945, die Stunde Null?
Politischer Katholizismus in der BRD
Adam Ulam
Adam Ulam (1922-2000)

historian of Modern Age, historian, political scientist

  • Harvard University, Brown University
Stalin; the man and his era
In the name of the people
Prophets and conspirators in prerevolutionary Russia
Expansion and coexistence
The unfinished revolution
The Bolsheviks
The fall of the American university
The Kirov affair
Dangerous relations
The Russian political system
Understanding the Cold War
The rivals
Philosophical foundations of English socialism
The rivals
Ideologies and illusions
Titoism and the Cominform
The rivals: America and Russia since World War II
The communists
A history of Soviet Russia
The new face of Soviet totalitarianism
Les Bolcheviks
International negotiation
Die Bolschewiki
Expansion and coexistence ; the history of Soviet foreign policy, 1917-67 [by] Adam B. Ulman
Russia's failed revolutions
Expansion and coexistence: Soviet foreign policy, 1917-73
Lenin and the Bolsheviks
The unfinished revolution
The rivals
Antje Schrupp
Antje Schrupp (born 1964)

journalist, translator, political scientist, blogger, opinion journalist

Victoria Woodhull.
A Brief History of Feminism
Nicht Marxistin und auch nicht Anarchistin
Methusalems Mütter
Reproduktive Freiheit
Was wäre wenn?
Weibliche Spiritualität und politische Praxis