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physicists who wrote biography
Showing 41-48 out of 86 results
Fritjof Capra
Fritjof Capra (born 1939)

physicist, environmentalist, documentary participant

  • University of Vienna
The science of Leonardo
ha-Madaʻ shel Leʼonardo
The Tao of Physics
The turning point
The web of life
The Hidden Connections
Uncommon wisdom
Green politics
Turning Point, The
Learning From Leonardo Decoding The Notebooks Of A Genius
Fritjof Capra in conversation with Michael Toms
Verborgene Zusammenhänge
The Systems View of Life
Belonging to the universe
Le temps du changement
Green Politics
El Punto Crucial
Das Tao der Physik
Green politics
The new vision of reality
El Tao E La Fisica /tao And the Physique
Turning Point (W) Op
Lebensnetz. Ein neues Verständnis der lebendigen Welt
Las Conexiones Ocultas
Wendezeit. Bausteine für ein neues Weltbild
Das neue Denken
Steering business toward sustainability
Tao of Physics, The
Sabiduria Insolita - 2b0 Edicion
Ratus Poche : Francette top secrete
El Tao de La Fisica
Tao de la physique
Einstein and the Buddha
Il Tao della fisica
La botanica di Leonardo
Rivista Bioarchitettura®  - numero 67
Le Tao de la physique
Metaphors of consciousness
Uncommon Wisdom
Wendezeit. Bausteine für ein neues Weltbild. Sonderausgabe
El Punto Crucial
Hope Is an Imperative
Reframing complexity
La scienza della vita
The ecology of law
Belonging to the universe
O Ponto de Mutação
Patterns of Connection
Belonging to the Universe
Metaphors of Conciousness
The Tao of Physics / Tao shizengaku
Verborgene Zusammenhänge
Das neue Denken by Capra, Fritjof
Wertewandel, Demokratie, Gesellschaft
Das Neue Denken
Das Tao der Physik
Yeni Cagin Siradisi Bilgeleri
Synthese. Neue Bausteine für das Weltbild von morgen.
The Edible Schoolyard
Wendezeit im Christentum
Systems View of Life
Learning from Leonardo
La ciencia de Leonardo
Ecology of Law
Hukuk Ekolojisi
O ponto de mutacao
Der blinde Tanz zur lautlosen Musik
New Age
Patterns of Connection
Roger Penrose
Roger Penrose (born 1931)

mathematician, physicist, philosopher, astronomer, astrophysicist

  • University College London, University of Cambridge
What is life? The physical aspect of the living cell
Hermann Weyl
The Road to Reality
Shadows of the mind
The large, the small and the human mind
The Emperor's New Mind
The nature of space and time
Spinors and space-time
Stephen Hawking
Cycles of Time
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013
Three Princeton Lectures on the Mathematics and Physics
Techniques of Differential Topology in Relativity
Nature and the Greeks
Les ombres de l'esprit
Droga do rzeczywistości
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe
Les ombres de l'esprit
Les deux infinis et l'esprit humain
White Mars
On space and time
Spinors and Space-Time
Collected works
On Space And Time
Cosmology of Consciousness
Analytical and numerical approaches to mathematical relativity
Hermann Weyl
White Mars; or, the Mind Set Free
Einstein's Miraculous Year
Spinors and Space-Time, Volume 1
Ciclos del tiempo
Ciclos del tiempo
El camino a la realidad
Der Weg zur Wirklichkeit
Conversations with Einstein
Cycles of Time
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
Zyklen der Zeit
Zihnin Gölgeleri
Fizigin Gizemi Kralin Yeni Usu 2. Cilt
Techniques of differential topology in relativity
Artificial Intelligence Versus Natural Intelligence
Science, spirituality, and the nature of reality
Zaman Döngüleri
Gercegin Yollari
A la découverte des lois de l'univers
Consciousness and the Universe
Quantum gravity 2
Kralin Yeni Akli
Twistor Symmetries and Particle Physics
Us Nerede? Kralin Yeni Usu 3. Cilt
Emperor's New Mind
Mr Tompkins in Paperback
Consciousness and the universe
Kralin Yeni Akli
La Mente Nueva del Emperador
Evrenin Yeni Fiziğinde Moda, İnanç ve Fantezi
Emperor's Guide to the Physical Universe
The Emperor's New Mind - Concerning Computers , Minds , and the Law of Physics
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
L'esprit, l'ordinateur et les lois de la physique
Lo grande, lo pequeno y la mente humana
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
Altair Design
Bilgisayar ve Zeka Kralin Yeni Usu 1. Cilt
Moda, fe y fantasía en la nueva física del universo
How Consciousness Became the Universe
Quantum gravity
Schatten des Geistes: Wege zu einer neuen Physik des Bewußtseins (German Edition)
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson (born 1958)

astrophysicist, science communicator

  • Harvard University, Columbia University
Letters from an Astrophysicist
The Sky Is Not The Limit
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
Welcome to the Universe
The Pluto Files
Merlin's Tour of the Universe
Space chronicles
Cosmic Queries
Death by black hole : and other cosmic quandaries
Just visiting this planet
Universe down to Earth
Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry
StarTalk Young Readers Edition
Accessory to War
Welcome to the Universe In 3D
Starry Messenger
Merlins Reise zur Erde. Neue Fragen und Antworten zum Universum
American Museum of Natural History and How It Got That Way
Death by Black Hole
Death by Black Hole
Exploring the Invisible
Welcome to the universe
Cosmic Odyssey
A study of the abundance distributions along the minor axis of the galactic bulge
Space Chronicles
My Favorite Universe - (The Great Courses)
Death by Black Hole
Neil deGrasse Tyson - Starry Messenger - Signed Edition Book
Warum funkeln die Sterne. Das Rätsel des Universums
Cosmic horizons
Mensajero de las estrellas
Passeport Pour L'univers
Brief Welcome to the Universe
Cheikh Anta Diop
Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986)

anthropologist, politician, egyptologist, nuclear physicist, historian, linguist, chemist, philosopher, biologist, theorist, astronomer, sociologist, engineer

  • Paris-Sorbonne University - Paris IV
Cheikh Anta Diop
Cheikh Anta Diop et la signification de son oeuvre
The cultural unity of Negro Africa
L' antiquité africaine par l'image =
Towards the African Renaissance
L' Afrique noire pré-coloniale
Nouvelles recherches sur l'égyptien ancien et les langues négro-africaines modernes
African origin of civilisation
Nations négres et culture
Les Fondements économiques et culturels d'un état fédéral d'Afrique noire
Civilisation ou barbarie
Alerte sous les tropiques
Le Laboratoire de radiocarbone de l'IFAN
Black Africa - the economic and cultural basis for a federated state
Cheikh Anta Diop
Physique nucléaire et chronoglogie absolue
Les fondements culturels techniques et industriels d'un futur état fédéral d'Afrique noire
Parenté génétique de l'égyptien pharaonique et des langues négro-africaines
The Peopling of Ancient Egypt & the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script
Le Bogolan
Parenté génétique de l'égyptien pharaonique et des langues négro-africaines
L'épopée du Kajoor
Philosophie, science, religion
Antériorité des civilisations nègres
Egypte ancienne et Afrique noire
Sciences et philosophie
Lexique scientifique bilingue
Civilization or barbarism An Authentic Anthropolgy
Nations nègres et culture
Philosophie, science, religion
John William Draper
John William Draper (1811-1882)

chemist, photographer, physicist, historian, philosopher, physiologist

  • University College London, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Life of Franklin
History of the conflict between religion and science
History of the intellectual development of Europe
Thoughts on the future civil policy of America
History of the American Civil War
Human physiology, statical and dynamical
A treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants
Scientific memoirs
A text-book on chemistry
Scientific memoirs, being experimental contributions to a knowledge of radiant energy
A text-book on natural philosophy
Science in America
A text-book on physiology ..
History of the conflict between religion and science
Human physiology, statistical and dynamical
Gennai͡a inzhenerii͡a rasteniĭ
The indebtedness of the city of New-York to its university
Human physiology, statical and dynamical, or, The conditions and course of the life of man
Thoughts on the future civil policy of America
A text-book on chemistry
The historical influence of the medical profession
The historical influence of the medical profession
History of the intellectual development of Europe
A text-book on natural philosophy for the use of schools and colleges
Thoughts on the future civil policy of America
Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry
The influence of physical agents on life
An introductory lecture on oxygen gas
Niza-yi ilim ve din
Human physiology, statistical and dynamical; or, The conditions and course of the life of man
Niza'i 'ilim ve din
University of New-York, Medical department
Niza'i 'ilim ve din
Istorīi͡a︡ umstvennago razvitīi͡a︡ Evropy
Geschichte der Conflicte zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft
Istoriia borotby viry z naukoiu
Niza'i 'ilim ve din
Christianity and civilisation
History of the intellectual development of Europe
Researches in actino-chemistry
A text-book on natural philosophy
History of the intellectual development of Europe
History of the conflict between religion and science
Experiments on absorption
[Medical education
History of the conflict between religion and science
Istorii Ła borot £by viry z navkoi Łu
History of the conflict between religion and science
History of the conflict between religion and science
Human physiology, statical and dynamical, or, The conditions and course of the life of man
Experiments on solar light
An introductory lecture on oxygen gas
History of the conflict between religion and science
History of the conflict between religion and science
Zong jiao yu ke xue zhi chong tu
John William Draper family papers
A treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants
A text-book on chemistry
A text-book on natural philosophy for the use of schools and colleges
Les Conflits de la science et de la religion
John Tyndall
John Tyndall (1820-1893)

physicist, glaciologist, mountaineer, inventor, philosopher

  • University of Marburg
Faraday as a discoverer
A record of the scientific work of John Tyndall
Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection
The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers
Lectures on light
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Fragments of science
New fragments
Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat: A Series of Memoirs Published ..
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Light and Electricity: Notes of Two Courses of Lectures Before the Royal Institution of Great ..
Six Lectures on Light: Delivered in America in 1872-1873
Heat, a mode of motion
Essays on the floating-matter of the air
Light and Electricity: Notes of Two Courses of Lectures Before the Royal ..
The glaciers of the Alps, & Mountaineering in 1861
Sound: A Course of Eight Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain
Fragments of Science: A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action
The glaciers of the Alps
Lectures on Light: Delivered in America in 1872-1873
Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat: A Series ..
Scientific use of the imagination and other essays
New Fragments: By John Tyndall, F. R. S
Address delivered before the British Association assembled at Belfast
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution, 1875-6
Essays on the Floating Matter of the Air: In Relation to Putrefaction and Infection
On radiation
The Forms of Water in Clouds & Rivers, Ice & Glaciers
The Fee for Exaltation
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories ..
A Library of Universal Literature
Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion: Being a Course of Twelve Lectures Delivered at the Royal ..
The Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers: with thirty-five illus. drawn and ..
Scientific addresses
Select works
The Glaciers of the Alps: Being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an ..
Advancement of science
Mountaineering in 1861
Fragaments of science
The science of sound
Sound: A Course of Eight Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of ..
Heat a mode of motion
Light and electricity
Notes of a course of six lectures (adapted to a juvenile auditory ) on ice, water, vapour, and air
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Fragments of science for unscientific people: A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews
Lectures and essays
Early Mathematics and Physics, books on CD
Fragments of science: a series of detached essays, addresses and reviews
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Professor Tyndall on party politics
Faraday As a Discoverer
Fragments Of Science - Vol II
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
Hours of Exercise in the Alps
Lighthouse illuminants
The forms of water in clouds and rivers
Faraday und seine Entdeckungen
Essays On The Floating Matter Of The Air
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution
Fragments Of Science - Vol I
John Tyndall, natural philosopher, 1820-1893
Lectures addressed to teachers on preparation for obtaining science certificates and the method of teaching a science class
Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion
Heat. A Mode of Motion
Essays On The Use And Limit Of The Imagination In Science
Six Lectures on Light
Address of John Tyndall
The Forms of Water in Clouds And Rivers, Ice And Glaciers
Fragments of Science a Series of Detached Essays, Addresses and Reviews
On the importance of the study of physics as a branch of education for all classes
The authoritarian state
On science and man
Count Rumford
Count Rumford, originator of the Royal Institution
New Fragments
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 2
The Glaciers Of The Alps
On The Study Of Physics
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena andtheories
Fragments of Science
Lessons in electricity
Lessons In Electricity
The case for economic nationalism
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light
Remarks on an article entitled "Energy" in "Good words"
Further researches on the polarity of diamagnetic force
Remarks on the dynamical theory of heat
Antidote to Morisonianism, or, The Way of life, by the Rev. John Kirk, shewn to be the way of death
On the influence of magnetic force on the electric discharge
Experiments on the vibrations of strings
Eleventh Hour
On the physical basis of solar chemistry
Les glaciers et les transformations de l'eau
On some of the eruptive phenomena of Iceland
Comparative view of the cleavage of crystals and slate rocks
On a new series of chemical reactions produced by light
Programme d'un cours en sept leçons sur les phénomènes et les théories électriques
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories... Royal Institution... April 28-June 9 1870
Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Faraday As A Discoverer
Death in the Jordan
The electric light
The Prayer-gauge debate
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
On the scientific use of the imagination
Der Schall
On radiation
Lectures on light, delivered in the United States in 1872-73
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories Tyndall ..
Les microbes
Lessons in elecricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-6
Das Wasser in seinen Formen als Wolken und Flüsse, Eis und Gletscher
On a magnetic experiment
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action, including the question of diamagnetic polarity
Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefacation and infection
On some physical properties of ice
Essays on the Floating-Matter of the Air in Relation to Putrefaction and Infection
On the blue colour of the sky, the polarization of skylight, and on the polarization of light by cloudy matter generally
On radiation through the earth's atmosphere
Miracles and special providences
Death in the Lebanon
The forms of water
Notes on scientific history
A vacation tour in Switerland
Atoms, molecules, and ether waves
Antología de la poesía latinoamericana, 1950-1970
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories, delivered at the Royal Institutionof Great Britain, April 28- June 9, 1867
On the structure and motion of glaciers
Scientific addresses
The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers
The forms of water in clouds [and] rivers, ice [and] glaciers
The beginnings of things, or, Science versus theology
On radiation
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
On the scientific use of the imagination
New fragments
Lessons in electricity
The glaciers of the Alps
Le son
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
Fragments of science
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
Tyndall, Huxley and Owen
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Elektrische erscheinungen und theorien
A'erbi de bing he
Address delivered before the British Association assembled at Belfast
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution, 1875-6
Le son
The culture demanded by modern life
Fermentation and its bearings on the phenomena of disease
La lumière
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Six lectures on light delivered in America in 1872-1873
The Prayer-gauge debate
Fragments of science
Fragments of science : a series of detached essays, addresses, and reviews
Further researches on the deportment and vital persistence of putrefactive and infective organisms from a physical point of view
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Six lectures on light : delivered in America in 1872-1873
Light and electricity
Arupusu no tabi yori
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
On radiation
Selected works of John Tyndall
Das Licht
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action
Lessons in electricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-6
Six lectures on light
Address of John Tyndall, F.R.S.,..., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution, President
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Arupusu kikō
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Heat a mode of motion
Lectures and essays
Fragmente aus den Naturwissenschaften
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
On the atmosphere as a vehicle of sound
Essays on the floating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection
Scientific memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science, and from foreign journals
On the scientific use of the imagination
Lawrence M. Krauss
Lawrence M. Krauss (born 1954)

astronomer, physicist, astrophysicist, theoretical physicist

  • Carleton University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Quantum Man
Quantum Man Richard Feynmans Life In Science
1000 Lashes
Quantum Man
A Universe from Nothing
The  physics of Star trek
What Are You Optimistic About?
Beyond Star Trek
Fear of Physics
The Greatest Story Ever Told - So Far
Hiding in the Mirror
Fear of physics
ريتشارد فاينمان
Fear of physics
The greatest story ever told--so far
Baryon number violation at the electroweak scale
Hiding in the mirror
Beyond Star Trek
The fifth essence
Miedo a la Fisica
The fifth essence
The Greatest Story Ever Told--So Far
Historia de Un Atomo
La physique de Star trek, ou, Comment visiter l'univers en pyjama
Greatest Story Ever Told--So Far, The
CMB Anisotropies Two Years after Cobe
De wereld van Star Trek
Quantum Man : Richard Feynman's Life in Science
Fear of Physics
Richie Doodles
Known Unknowns
Study Guide
Beyond Star Trek
Ein Universum aus Nichts
Edge of Knowledge
The Physics of Climate Change
War on Science
Şimdiye Kadar Anlatılmış En İyi Hikaye
Kuantum Adam
"Nehmen wir an, die Kuh ist eine Kugel .̤"
Jan Terlouw
Jan Terlouw (born 1931)

physicist, politician, astrophysicist, nuclear physicist

  • Utrecht University
Naar zeventien zetels en terug
How to become king
Winter In Wartime
Invierno En Tiempo de Guerra
Oosterschelde windkracht 10
Carta En Clave, La
Voor alle kinderen
Barrotes de Bambu/ Bars of Bambu
Morgen brengen
Tony van Verre ontmoet Jan Terlouw
Eigen rechter
Tio Willibrord El - B.V.N
De kloof
Nu het nog kan
Barrotes de Bambu
Keuzen maken
Zoektocht in Katoren
De Derde Kamer
Piotr - B.V.R -
Rey de Katoren, El
Gevangenis Meet Een Open Deur
Hoed u voor mensen die iets zeker weten
En broederschap?
Rí na Catóire