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physicians who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 110 results
Jean-Christophe Rufin
Jean-Christophe Rufin (born 1952)

diplomat, neurologist, physician, humanitarian

  • Sciences Po, Lycée Janson-de-Sailly
Un léopard sur le garrot
Un léopard sur le garrot
The Abyssinian
Sauver Isfahan
Rouge Brésil
Brazil red
L' Abyssin
The siege of Isfahan
La dictature libérale
The red collar
Discours de réception de Jean-Christophe Rufin à l'Académie française et réponse d'Yves Pouliquen
El Abisinio
El abisinio
L' empire et les nouveaux barbares
Sauver Ispahan
Le parfum d'Adam
Sept histoires qui reviennent de loin
Le tour du monde du roi Zibeline
Le parfum d'Adam
Le collier rouge
L'évolution fixe
Les causes perdues
The dream maker
El collar rojo
La salamandre
Notre otage á Acapulco
Sept histoires qui reviennent de loin
Le flambeur de la Caspienne
El abisinio 1
Der Abessinier.
L'Aventure humanitaire
Le grand Coeur
Rouge Brésil
Economie des guerres civiles
Asmara Et Les Causes Per
100 Stunden
Seige of Isfahan
Sept histoires qui reviennent de loin
Immortelle randonnée
Misère urbaine
Le piège
La princesse au petit moi
Sauver Ispahan
Margarete Mitscherlich-Nielsen
Margarete Mitscherlich-Nielsen (1917-2012)

psychoanalyst, physician, woman physician

  • University of Tübingen
Wiener Vorlesungen im Rathaus, Bd. 118: Autobiografie und Lebenswerk einer Psychoanalytikerin
Die Radikalität des Alters
Autobiografie und Lebenswerk einer Psychoanalytikerin
Müssen wir hassen?
Die Unfähigkeit zu trauern
Margarete Mitscherlich
The peaceable sex
Eine unbeugsame Frau
Das Ende der Vorbilder
Wir haben ein Berührungstabu
Über die Mühsal der Emanzipation
Die Zukunft ist weiblich
La femme pacifique
Der Einheitsschock
Das Ende der Vorbilder. Cassette
Identität, Geschlecht und Ideologie. Cassette
Trauer ist der halbe Trost
Die friedfertige Frau
Ist Partnerschaft überhaupt möglich?
Inability to Mourn
Psychoanalyse und Nationalsozialismus
Befreiung zum Widerstand
Eine Liebe zu sich selbst, die glücklich macht
Psychoanalytische Diskurse über die Weiblichkeit von Freud bis heute
Die Radikalität des Alters
Alexander Mitscherlich
Alexander Mitscherlich (1908-1982)

psychologist, historian of Modern Age, chemist, physician, opinion journalist, philosopher, actor, scientist, psychoanalyst

  • Heidelberg University, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Ein Leben für die Psychoanalyse
Auf dem Weg zur vaterlosen Gesellschaft
Thesen zur Stadt der Zukunft
Die Unfähigkeit zu trauern
Die Idee des Friedens und die menschliche Aggressivität
Der Kampf um die Erinnerung
Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Städte. Anstiftung zum Unfrieden
Thesen zur Stadt der Zukunft
Il feticcio urbano
Über Eigentum und Gewalt
Freiheit und Unfreiheit in der Krankheit
Endlose Diktatur?
Über Treue und Familie
Der Kranke in der modernen Gesellschaft
Eine deutsche Art zu lieben
Doctors of infamy
Krankheit als Konflikt
Wege in die städtische Zukunft
Massenpsychologie ohne Ressentiment
Versuch, die Welt besser zu bestehen
Inability to Mourn
Das Ich und die Vielen
Freier Sozialismus
Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit
Bis hierher und nicht weiter
Toleranz, Überprüfung eines Begriffs
Glück, Gerechtigkeit
Vom Ursprung der Sucht
Entfaltung der Psychoanalyse
Das Ich und die Vielen
Wissenschaft ohne Menschlichkeit
Über Feindseligkeit und hergestellte Dummheit
The death doctors
Vers la société sans pères
Massenpsychologie ohne Ressentiment
Hauptworte, Hauptsachen
Addresses at the Frankfurt Book Fair 1969
Toleranz-Überprüfung eines Begriffs
Psycho-Pathographien des Alltags
Das Diktat der Menschenverachtung
Das Beschädigte Leben
Krankheit als Konflikt
Auf dem Weg zur vaterlosen Gesellschaft
Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Stad̈te
Vers la société sans pères
Eine deutsche Art zu lieben
Martin R. Delany
Martin R. Delany (1812-1885)

journalist, physician, abolitionist

  • Harvard Medical School, Washington & Jefferson College
The condition, elevation, emigration, and destiny of the colored people of the United States
Martin R. Delany
The condition of the colored people of the U.S
Search for a place
Principia of ethnology
Search for a place
Condition, Elevation, Emi
The origin and objects of ancient Freemasonry
Search for a place
[Letter to] Mr. Garrison, My Dear Sir
Erasmus Darwin
Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)

biologist, physician, botanist, philosopher, entomologist, poet, physiologist, naturalist

  • University of Edinburgh, University of Cambridge
The Letters of Erasmus Darwin
The botanic garden
Zoonomia, or, The laws of organic life
The Temple of Nature, Or, The Origin of Society: A Poem, with Philosophical ..
The temple of nature
The Botanic Garden: A Poem, in Two Parts; Containing The Economy of Vegetation, and The Loves of ..
The Temple of Nature, Or, The Origin of Society: A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
The Collected Letters of Erasmus Darwin
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The essential writings of Erasmus Darwin
A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools, private families, and public seminaries
The poetical works of Erasmus Darwin
The Collected Writings of Erasmus Darwin
The Temple Of Nature Or The Origin Of Society
The Botanic Garden, Part 1
The golden age
Beauties of The botanic garden
A plan for the conduct of female education in boarding schools
The Botanic Garden.: A Poem, in Two Parts. Part I. Containing The Economy of Vegetation. Part II ..
The Botanic Garden. Part II. Containing The Loves of the Plants
The golden age ; The temple of nature
Marc Quinn
The Botanic Garden (The Economy of Vegetation)
The poetical works
The botanic garden, a poem
A plan for the conduct of female education
A plan for the conduct of female education, 1797
Phytologia; or, The philosophy of agriculture and gardening
The botanic garden. Part II
The botanic garden 1791
The loves of the plants
The conduct of female education in boarding schools
The botanic garden; a poem, in two parts. Part I. Containing The economy of vegetation. Part II. The loves of the plants, with philosophical notes
The botanic garden, a poem. In two parts. Part 1. Containing The economy of vegetation. Part 11. The loves of the plants
The temple of nature or, the origin of society. A poem with philosophical notes
Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life
Zoonomia : or, the laws of organic life
Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin: Chiefly During His Residence in Lichfield ..
A plan for the conduct of female education
The botanic garden
Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic life
Zoonomia : or, the laws of organic life
The temple of nature
The botanic garden. A poem in two parts. Part I. Containing the Economy of vegetation. Part II. the Loves of the plants. With philosophical notes
The temple of nature
The Botanic Garden: A Poem, in Two Parts ; Containing the Economy of ..
The temple of nature or, the origin of society. A poem with philosophical notes
Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic life
Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life. In three parts ... Complete in two volumes ...
Phytologia, or, The philosophy of agriculture and gardening
Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic life
The botanic garden. A poem in two parts. Pt. 1. Containing the Economy of vegetation. Pt. 2. the Loves of the plants. With philosophical notes
Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic life
Les amours des plantes
Zoonomia ; or, The laws of organic life
Sketch of the life and writings of Erasmus Darwin
The botanic garden. A poem in two parts. Pt. I. Containing the Economy of vegetation. Pt. 2. the Loves of the plants. With philosophical notes
Gli amori delle piante
A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools
Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life
Khram pirody
Zoonomia; or, the laws of organic life. Part second
The botanic garden. A poem in two parts. Containing the Economy of vegetation; and the loves of the plants; with philosophical notes
Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910)

physician, essayist, women's rights activist, human rights activist

  • Bedford College, Geneva Medical College
Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women
Pioneer work for women
Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women : autobiographical sketches
Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women
Counsel to parents on the moral education of their children
Address on the Medical Education of Women
Essays in medical sociology
On the decay of municipal representative government
Medicine and morality
Why hygienic congresses fail
Christian socialism
The human element in sex
Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women: Autobiographical Sketches
Scientific method in biology
Rescue work in relation to prostitution and disease
The laws of life with special reference to the physical education of girls
The religion of health
Influence of Women in the Profession of Medicine. Address Given at the ... London School of Medicine for Women. [Microform]
Wrong and right methods of dealing with social evil
The moral education of the young in relation to sex, under medical and social aspects
Religion of Health [electronic Resource]
Medicine as a Profession for Women
The laws of life
Letter to Lady Byron, March 4, 1851
The influence of women in the profession of medicine
Pioneer work for women
Counsel to parents on the moral education of their children
The influence of women in the profession of medicine
A medical address on the benevolence of Malthus
Human element in sex
The Herbal of the Count Palatine
Counsel to parents on the moral education of their children, in relation to sex
The religion of health
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201-1274)

philosopher, scientist, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, polymath, architect, physician, da'i, theologian, marji', poet, translator, politician

Contemplation and action
Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī's Memoir on astronomy =
Paradise of submission
Talkhīṣ al-Muḥaṣṣal
Asās al-iqtibās
Risālat qawāʻid al-ʻaqāʼid /lil-Khawājah al-Ṭūsī ; taḥqīq ʻAlī Ḥasan Khāzim
The Nasirean Ethics
La convocation d'Alamût
The metaphysics of Tusi
Zubdat al-idrak fi hayat al-aflak
Œuvres mathématiques
al-Tadhkirah fi ilm al-hayah
Tansūkhʹnāmah-ʼi Īlkhānī
Metaphysics of Tusi
The Nasirean ethics
Kitāb Ādāb al-mutaʻallimīn
Yantrarājavicāraviṃ śādhyāyī
Awṣāf al-ashrāf
Risālat awṣāf al-ashrāf
Tajrīd al-ʻaqāʼid
The Nasirean ethics
Sharḥay al-Ishārāt
Miʻyār al-ashʻār
Binæ tabulæ geographicæ una Nassir Eddini Persæ
The rawdatu't-taslim
Āghāz va anjām
Risalat Nasir al-Din al-Tusi fi 'ilm al-musica
Shi'i interpretations of Islam
Zubdat al-idrāk fī hayʾat al-aflāk
Binæ tabulæ geographicæ
Kitāb shakl al-qiṭā'
Ḥall-i mushkilāt-i muʻīnīyah
Sharḥ mas'alat al-'ilm
Sih guftār-i Khvājah-i Ṫūsī
Zīj-i Īlkhānī (nuskhahʹbargardān) az rū-yi nuskhah-i khaṭṭī-i kuhan-i Kitābkhānah-i Majlis-i Shūrā-yi Islāmī, shumārah-i 181
Majmūʻah-i az rasāʾil
Sharḥ-i bīst bāb-i Mullā Muẓaffar
Hall-i mushkilat-i mu'iniyah
Risālah-i Jabr va muqābalah
Risalah-i Imamat
Risālah-ʼi bīst bāb dar maʻrifat-i usṭurlāb
Risalah-i jabr va muqabalah
Al- Risalah al-Mu'iniyah
al- Tadhkirah fī ʻilm al-hayʾah
Mutarahat falsafiyah
The Nasirean ethics
Majmūʻ al-rasāʾil
Risalah-i bist bab dar ma'rifat-i istirlab
Akhlāq-i muḥtashimī
Kitāb maʻrifat misāḥat al-ashkāl
Muṣāraʻ al-muṣāraʻ
Tajrīd al-manṭiq
Aghaz va anjam
Āghāz va anjām nivishtah-ʼi Naṣir al-Dīn Ṭūsī ; taʻlīqāt-i Ḥasan Ḥasanʹzādah Āmilī
Risālah-i Jabr va muqābalah
Talkhīṣ al-muḥaṣṣal
al-Risālah al-muʻīnīyah
Sharḥ al-Ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt
آداب المتعلمىن
Ḥall mushkilāt-i muʻīnīyah
Akhloqi Nosirī
Talkhīṣ al-muḥaṣṣal
Taḥrīr-i mutavassiṭāt-i khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī
Akhlaq-e Naseri
Awṣāf al-ashrāf
Sih guftār-i khvājah-ʼi Ṭūsī dar bārah-ʼi chigūnagī-i padīd āmadan-i chand chīz az yikī va sāzish-i ān bā qāʻidah-ʼi āfrīdah nashudan-i bisyār az yikī yā al-waḥid lā yāṣdur ʻanhu illā al-wāḥid
شعر و شاعرى در آثار خواحه نصير الدين طوسى ؛ به انضمام مجموعۀ اشعار فارسى خواحه نصير و متن كامل و منقح معار الاشعار
Majmūʻah-i rasāʼil
Cevher-nâme-i Sultân Murâdî
Mukhtaṣar-i Bīst dar maʻrifat-i usṭurlāb
Risālat baqāʼ al-nafs baʻda fanāʼ al-jasad
Risālah-ʼi imāmat
Ẓāhirāt al-falak li-Iqlīdis, t 270 Q.M
Akhlāq-i muḥtashamī
The Rawdatuʼt-Taslim
Traité du quadrilatère attribué à Nassir-uddin-el-Toussy
Kitāb-i usṭurlāb az Muḥaqqiq-i Ṭūsī
Rawz̤at taslīm (taṣavvurāt)
Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī
Kitāb Rawz̤at al-taslīm, yā, Taṣavvurāt
Naṣīr al-Dīn-i Ṭūsī's contribution to the Arabic-Persian theory of qāfiya
Sharḥ al-ishārāt fī al-ṭabīʻīyāt
Dar maʻrifat-i taqvīm mushtamil bar sī faṣl
Risālat ithbāt al-ʻaql al-mujarrad
Muntakhabi ashʺori Khoja Nasiriddini Tūsī
Muṣāriʻ al-muṣāriʻ
Risālah-ʼi imāmat
Naqd al-muḥaṣṣal
The Arabic version of Tusi's Nasirean ethics
Awṣāf al-ashrāf
Sih risālah az taṣnīfāt-i Khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī
Ḥall mushkilāt kitāb al-Ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt (Shaykh al-raʼīs Abū ʻAlī Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā)
Jawāmīʻ al-ḥisāb bi-al-takht wa-al-turāb
Akhlaq-i Nasiri
Tarjamah-i Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī
Sharḥ-i ṣad kalimah-i Baṭlamyūs
Taḥrīr-i ukar-i minilāʼūs
Miʻyār al-ashʻār
Kitāb rawz̤at al-taslīm, yā, Taṣawwurāt
Tajrīd al-manṭiq
Muntakhab-i Akhlāq-i Nāṣiri ...
Jabr va ikhtiyār
Muntakhab-i Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī barā-yi dabīristānhā
Āghāz va-anjām
Kitāb-i asās al-iqtibās
Akhlāq-e Nāṣerī
Akhlāq muḥtashimī
Majmūʻ al-rasāʼil
Kitāb taḥrīr al-uṣūl li-Uqlidis
أخلاق ناصري
Mariano Azuela
Mariano Azuela (1873-1952)

physician, politician

Mariano Azuela
Pa ginas autobiogra ficas
Páginas autobiográficas
Los de abajo
Two novels of Mexico
Two novels of Mexico
The Underdogs
Underdogs, a Novel of the Mexican Revolution
3 Novelas De Mariano Azuela
Los De Abajo/ Underneath
María Luisa
Two novels of the Mexican Revolution
Three novels
El Jurado/ The Jury (Lunes/ Monday)
Novelas Novelas Cortas Cuentos Relatos Y Sucedidos
Sin amor
Obras completas
Regina Landa
Cien años de novela mexicana
Los de abajo y mala yerba/The Underdogs & Ill Weed (Obras Fundamentales De Marx Y Engels)
Mala Yerba y ESA Sangre
The Underdogs, a Story of the Mexican Revolution
Andrés Pérez, maderista
Las tribulaciones de una familia decente
Los caciques
Los de abajo. Novela de la revolución Mexicana (Grandes Letras)
La mujer domada
Andres Perez, maderista
Memoria del paisaje
Mala yerba
The Underdogs
Páginos escogidas
Los fracasados
Sendas perdidas
Obras completas de Mariano Azuela
The trials of a respectable family, and The underdog
3[i.e. Tres] novelas de Mariano Azuela
Páginas autobiográficas
The underdogs
Dos biografías
El jurado
Nueva burguesia
El padre Don Agustin Rivera
Nueva burguesía
Maria Luisa
Esa sangre
La luciérnaga
La malhora. 3a. edición
El camarada Pantoja
San Gabriel de Valdivias, comunidad indígena
Los des abajo
La maldición
La marchanta
La maldiction
Epistolario y archivo
de Abajo, Los
Los De Abajo/the Underdogs (Penguin Ediciones)
La malhora
San Gabriel de Valdivias
Pedro Moreno, el insurgente
El padre don Agustín Rivera
Mala yerba ; Esa sangre
Cien años de novela mexicana
Two novels of Mexico
Pedro Moreno, el insurgente
Las tribulaciones de una familia decente
Los caciques
Cien años de la novela Mexicana
El padre don Agustín Rivera
Los de abajo
Obras completas
Cuentos sobre la revolución
Mariano Azuela
María Luisa
Los de abajo
3 novelas de Mariano Azuela
Two novels of the Mexican Revolution
Mala yerba
Malay yerba y Esa sangre
Andrés Pérez, maderista
Los de Abajo
Correspondencia y otros documentos
Tres novelas de Mariano Azuela. --
Los de abajo
Las moscas [y] Domitilo quiere ser disputado
Epistolario y archivo