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physicians who wrote biography
Showing 73-80 out of 110 results
Mikhail Bulgakov
Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940)

playwright, physician, satirist, librettist, journalist, theatrical director, actor, surgeon, biographer

  • Bogomolets National Medical University
Жизнь господина де Мольера
Manuscripts Dont Burn
Zhizn ̓gospodina de Mole̓ra
Sobranie sochineniĭ v desi︠a︡ti tomakh
Écrits autobiographiques
Мастер и Маргарита
Белая гвардия
Собачье сердце
Записки юного врача
Diaboliad, and other stories
Роковые яйца
Театральный роман
An Anthology of Russian Literature from Earliest Writings to Modern Fiction
Don Kikhot
Molière, or, The union of hypocrites
Зойкина квартира
Notes on the cuff & other stories
The early plays of Mikhail Bulgakov
"И судимы были мертвые..."
Flight & Bliss
Дневник Мастера и Маргариты
Diaboliad and other stories
Diaboliad and Other Stories
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.11, Die Kabale der Scheinheiligen (Moliere)
Великий канцлер
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.5, Die rote Krone
Записки покойника
The Fatal Eggs and Other Soviet Satire
<<Мой бедный, бедный мастер...>>
The heart of a dog and other stories
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.2, Das Leben des Herrn de Moliere
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.7, Ich habe getötet
Кабала Святош
Molière, or The Cabal of Hypocrites and Don Quixote
Cuore di cane
Manuscripts don't burn
Белая гвардия / Собачье сердце
M. Bulgakov
Пьесы 30-х годов
Russian Plays
Zapiski i͡u︡nogo vracha
Дни Турбиных
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.9, Sojas Wohnung
Zapiski Pokojnika
Dʹâvoliada ; Sobačʹe serdce ; Rokovye âjca
La fuite les journées des tourbines
Beyaz Muhafiz
Adam et Eve
Journal confisqué
Oeuvres Vol 1.
Els dies dels Turbin
Adam i Eva
Zapiski unogo vracha
Bielaia gvardiia
I͡A︡ khotel sluzhitʹ narodu--
Corazón de perro. La Isla Púrpura
Konets Beloǐ gvardii
Master i Margarita. Belaia gvardiia
Rannyaya neizdannaya proza
Diaries and Selected Letters
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.6, Teufeliaden
Ecrits sur des manchettes
Ivan Vasil'evich
Tʹma egipetskai͡a︡
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.4, Der schwarze Magier
Poslednie dni
Stücke 2
Glas 5
Gri͡a︡dushchie perspektivy
Pʹesy 1920-kh godov
Dnevnik, pisʹma 1914-1940
Похождения Чичикова
OEuvres, II : Le Maitre et Marguerite et autres romans suivi de Theatre [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade] (French Edition)
Genc Bir Doktorun Anilari
Récits d'un jeune médecin
Olumcul Yumurtalar
Rokovye |i|aĭ|t|sa
Velikii kantsler
I︠U︡mor serʹeznykh pisateleĭ
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.10, Adam und Eva
Sobranie Sochinenii, Tom I
Récits d'un jeune médecin
Köpek Kalbi
Zapiski na manzhetakh
Short Stories (Белая гвардия / Морфий)
Sobranie sochineniĭ v pi͡a︡ti tomakh
J'ai tué
"Mne nuzhno videtʹ svet..."
Great Short Stories
Povesti, rasskazy, fel'etony
Kni︠a︡zʹ tʹmy
Zoĭkina kvartira
ha-Sheleg ha-shaḥor
Moliere or the Cabal of Hypocrites
Rokovye i︠a︡ĭt︠s︡a
Mikhail Bulgakov
Pokhozhdenīi︠a︡ Chichikova
Suns sirdis
Izbrannai︠a︡ proza
Teatral'nyj roman. Sobach'e serdtse (Knizhnaya polka)
Genc Bir Doktorun Not Defteri
Morfina / Relats d'un jove metge
Vida del señor de Molière
Pod pi︠a︡toĭ
Ich bin zum Schweigen verdammt
Rannjaja neizvestnaja proza
רשימות של רופא צעיר
Ranni︠a︡i︠a︡ nesobrannai︠a︡ proza
La guardia blanca
Sobranie sochinenii v pyati tomakh
Master i Margarita. Sobach'e Serdce
Gri︠a︡dushchie perspektivy ; Sobachʹe serdt︠s︡e ; Belai︠a︡ gvardii︠a︡ ; Beg ; Velikiĭ kant︠s︡ler
Diktatöre Mektuplar
Life of Monsieur de Molière
Zapiski pokoinika
Genc Bir Koy Hekimi
Le Maitre et Marguerite
Poloumnyĭ Zhurden (Molʹeriana)
Le  songe de l'ingénieur Rhein
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Rannyaya nesobrannaya proza
Notas en los puños. Iván Vasílievich
Adam i Eva ; Bagrovyĭ ostrov ; Zoĭkina kvartira
"Kogda i͡a︡ vskore budu umiratʹ--"
Poloumnyi zhurden (Mol'eriana)
Teufeliaden: Erzählungen
Mikhail Bulgakov Collection
Corazón de perro
Kn︠i︡azʹ  tʹmy
Kizil Moskova
Son Günler
Kader Yumurtaları
La fuite
Romany. Povesti. Rasskazy
Sobachʹe serd︠t︡se
Maestro y Margarita. Novela Gráfica
O mestre e Margarida
Selected works
Wohnraum auf Rädern und andere Erzählungen
Üstat ile Margarita-Midi Boy
Dom' No.13 = House no.13
Morfina y otros cuentos
An Anthology of Russian Plays, Volume II -- 1890-1960
Flight a Play in Eight Dreams & Four Acts
Adam i Eva ; Bagrovyĭ ostrov ; Zoĭkina kvartira
Morfi. Zapiski yunogo vracha
Osudná vejce
Pismo vrhovnoj vlasti
Sbornik rasskazov
Morfin - Leviathan
Belai︠a︡ gvardii︠a︡
Белая гвардия ; Театральный роман
Hayatimizin Bir Günü
Teatral Bir Roman - Siyah Kar
Le roman théâtral - Pavillons poche - Nouvelle édition 2017
Diablerie, ou, comment des jumeaux causèrent la perte d'un secrétaire
Les âmes mortes
HUEVOS FATALES Losada 70 Aniversario
Zapiski pokojnika. Aufzeichnungen eines Verstorbenen
Bulgakov's Feuilleton
Los huevos fatales
Zvezdnaya sup'
Bir Olunun Anilari
Biała gwardia. Romans
Dramy i komedii
Собачье сердце ; Романы ; Повести ; Рассказы
Selected Works
Koleso sudʹby
Polnoe sobranie sochinenij v odnom tome
Corazon De Perro
Жизнь господина де Мольера ; Театральный роман
Diario de un joven médico
Bulgakov Six Plays
Dom No. 13
Rannjaja nesobrannaja proza
Molière, or the Cabal of Hypocrites
Белая гвардия ; Мастер и Маргарита
Stalin'e Mektuplar
Neizvestnyĭ Bulgakov
Bir Koy Doktorundan Oykuler
Velikiĭ kant︠s︡ler
Rukopisi ne gori͡a︡t
L' île pourpre
ha-Śaṭan be-Mosḳṿah
The life of Monsieur de Molißere
Il maestro e Margherita
Manuskripte brennen nicht
Belaya gvardiya. Zapiski yunogo vracha (Vneklassnoe chtenie)
Sobachʹe serdt︠s︡e
Ivan Vassiliévitch
Notes on the Cuff
Bir Ölünün Anilari
Aforizmy, krylatye vyrazhenii︠a︡, paradoksy Mikhaila Bulgakova
L' Ile pourpre
Master Aur Margrita
Rannjaja neizdannaja proza
Diaries and Selected Letters
Sobranie sochinenij v 8 knigakh. Kniga 8 (Azbuka - klassika)
Moliere Efendi
Kol Mansetinde Notlar
Zapiski na manzhetakh
Notes on a Cuff
Belaja gvardija
Fatal Eggs
Sobranie sochineniy v 8 tomah Tom 8 Pisma
Poloumnyĭ zhurden
Chasha zhizni
Bagrovyĭ ostrov ; Adam i Eva
Peace Plays 2
Izbrannye sochinenii͡a︡ v trekh tomakh
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
The Later Plays of M. Bulgakov
Moskva, dvadt͡satye gody
Dni Turbinykh
Iz luchshikh proizvedeniĭ
Zhizn' gospodina de Mol'era
Mikhail Bulgakov. Izbrannoe
Ranni͡a︡i͡a︡ proza
La fuite de Mikhaǐl Boulgakov
Bagrovyi ostrov
Belai︠a︡ gvardii︠a︡. - Teatralʹnyĭ roman. - Master i Margarita. [Romany. Predisl. K. Simonova]
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.12, Don Quijote
Theatre Stories
Knyaz' t'my
Master i Margarita. Povesti
Peʹsy 1930-kh godov
Dʹi︠a︡voliada. Rokovye i︠a︡ĭt︠s︡a. Sobachʹe serdt︠s︡e. Rasskazy. Felʹetony
Le roman théâtral
Sobachʹe serdt︠s︡e ; Povesti i rasskazy
Rokovye yaitsa
Izbrannaya proza
Teufeleien. Skizzen, Satiren, Grotesken
Gesammelte Werke, 13 Bde. in 15 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.13, Briefe 1914-1940
Ranni︠a︡i︠a︡ nesobrannai︠a︡ proza
Rokovyi︠a︡ i︠a︡ĭt︠s︡a
Koleso sudʹby
Ranni͡a︡i͡a︡ neizvestnai͡a︡ proza
Ranni͡a︡i͡a︡ neizdannai͡a︡ proza
Dve povesti, dve pʹesy
Собрание сочинений в одной книге
Purpurowa wyspa
Khanskii ogon'
Pʹesy 1930-kh godov
Ivan Vasilʹevich
Zapiski pokojnika. Avtobiograficheskaya proza
Mikhail Bulgakov's Dog Heart
Janusz Korczak
Janusz Korczak (1878-1942)

pedagogue, pediatrician, teacher, physician, educator, human rights activist, philosopher, opinion journalist

  • University of Warsaw, Imperial University of Warsaw
Ghetto Diary
When I am little again ; and, The child's right to respect
Ṿen ikh ṿel ṿider zayn ḳleyn
ha- Naʻar ha-ʻaḳshani
ha-Naʻar ha-ʻaḳshani
Yanush Ḳorts'aḳ
Le Droit de l'enfant au respect ; (suivi de) Quand je redeviendrai petit ; (et de) Journal du ghetto
Król Maciuś Pierwszy
Kiedy znów będę mały
Seul à seul avec Dieu, ou, Prières de ceux qui ne prient jamais
Prawo dziecka do szacunku
Kak li︠u︡bitʹ rebenka
Janusz Korczak w getcie
Król Maciuś na wyspie bezludnej
Dziecko salonu
Moyshelekh, Yoselekh, Yiśroeliḳlekh
Begegnungen und Erfahrungen. Kleine Essays
Mośki, Joski i Srule
Allein mit Gott. Gebete eines Menschen, der nicht betet
Bankructwo małego Dżeka ; Kiedy znów będę mały
Kajtuś czarodziej ; Uparty chłopiec ; Opowiadania (1918-1939)
La gloire
Izbrannye pedagogicheskie proizvedenii͡a︡
Na mównicy
Selected Works of Janusz Korczak
Kajtuś czarodziej
Dzieci ulicy ; Dziecko salonu
Jak kochać dziecko ; Momenty wychowawcze ; Prawo dziecka do szacunku
Jozki, Jaskii Franki
Le droit de l'enfant au respect suivi de Quand je reviendrai petit et de Journal du ghetto
Senat szaleńców ; Proza poetycka ; Utwory radiowe
Sława ; Opowiadania (1898-1914)
Szkoła życia ; Obrazki szpitalne ; Artykuły pedagogiczne i medyczne (1900-1912)
How to love a child
Janusz Korczak
Wenn ich wieder klein bin. Und andere Geschichten von Kindern
Bobo. Die Verhängnisvolle Woche. Beichte Eines Schmetterlings. Wenn Ich Wieder Klein Bin. Lebensregeln. Über Die Einsamkeit
El rey Matías I
Themen seines Lebens. Kalendarium
Dat ha-yeled
Bankructwo małego Dżeka
Loving Every Child
Hartnäckiger Junge. Publizistik Für Kinder und Jugendliche. Berichte und Geschichten Aus Den Waisenhäusern
Humoresken. Satiren. Albernes Zeug
Geschichten und Erzählungen. Belehrungen und Betrachtungen. Die Schweizreise
Ven ikh vel vider zayn kleyn
ha- Tehilah
Wie Liebt Man ein Kind. Erziehungsmomente. das Recht des Kindes Auf Achtung. Fröhliche Pädagogik
Ketsad le-ehov yeladim
Pisma wybrane
Wybór pism
Frühling und das Kind. Allein Mit Gott. Unverschämt Kurz. Senat der Verrückten. Die Menschen Sind Gut. Drei Reisen Herscheks. Kinder der Bibel
Kaytek the Wizard
Kodomo no tame no utsukushii kuni
Eindrücke und Notizen Aus Sommerkolonien. Die Mojscheks, Joscheks und Sruleks. Die Józeks, Jasieks und Franeks. Ruhm
In dorf Mikhailoṿḳe
Briefe und Palästina-Reisen. Dokumente Aus Den Kriegs- und Ghetto-Jahren. Tagebuch - Erinnerungen. Varia
Theorie und Praxis der Erziehung
Janusz Korczak in der Erinnerung Von Zeitzeugen
Begegnungen und Erfahrungen
ʻIm ha-yeled
Voice for the child
Kleine Rundschau. Chanukka- und Purim-Szenen
Das Kind lieben
Quando Eu Voltar a Ser Criança
Myśl pedagogiczna Janusza Korczaka
Yaldut shel kavod
Kaytek Le Magicien
Bankrott des Kleinen Jack. Kajtu&#347; der Zauberer
Selected works
Kral Birinji Matiush ; Kral Matiush kimsăsiz adada
Kinder der StraßE. Kind des Salons
King Matt the First
Sozialmedizinische Schriften
Themen Seines Lebens. Kalendarium
Comment aimer un enfant
Listy i rozmyślania palestyńskie
Koszałki opałki
Fragmenty utworów
Sozialkritische Publizistik. Die Schule des Lebens
Moyshelekh, Yoselekh, Yiśroeliḳlekh
Jak kochać dziecko
ha-Melekh Matya ha-rishon
Peshiṭat ha-regel shel Gʼeḳ ha-ḳaṭan
Marysia i Jojne czyli O polsko-żydowskich sprawach w "Małym Przeglądzie" Janusza Korczaka
Pronunciation plus - Practice through Interaction, Teacher's Manual
Si yo volviera a ser niño
Jak kochać dziecko
Wie man ein Kind lieben soll
ʻIm ha-yeled
Yeled ha-ṭeraḳlin
Bankructwo małego Dżeka
ʻIm Elohim aśiaḥ
Peshiṭat ha-regel shel G'eḳ ha-Ḳaṭan
Bene ha-adam hem ṭovim
Król Maciuś na wyspie bezludnej
Chun tian de ge
Ketavim pedagogiyim
ha-ʻIton be-vet ha-sefer
Xing fu de meng
Pamiętnik i inne pisma z getta
Comment aimer un enfant, suivi de "Le droit de l'enfant au respect" (French Edition)
המלך מתיא באי השומם
Xiao guo wang
Das Kind neben dir. Gedanken eines polnischen Pädagogen.
Dat ha-yeled
המלך מתיא באי השומם
Ru he ai hai zi
Dyti͡a li͡udsʹke
König Hänschen auf der einsamen Insel
Sipurim li-yeladim
Kelale ha-ḥayim
ʻIm Elohim aśiaḥ
In dorf Mikhailoṿḳe
Dzʾeḳ ha-ḳaṭan
Yotam ha-ḳasam
Meḥeṿah le-Ḳortsʾaḳ
Carl Peter Thunberg
Carl Peter Thunberg (1743-1828)

botanist, explorer, pteridologist, bryologist, zoologist, ornithologist, physician, lepidopterist, mycologist, philosopher, naturalist

  • Uppsala University
Carl Peter Thunberg, 1743-1828
Flora Capensis
Dissertatio entomologia sistens insecta svecica
Insectorum hemelytrorum tria genera illustrata ..
Periculum entomologicum
Dissertatio entomologica de hemipteris maxillosis capensibus ..
Characteres generum insectorum, variis cum adnotationibus
Voyage en Afrique et en Asie, principalement au Japon, pendant les années ..
Inträdes-tal om de mynt-sorter, som i aldre och sednare tider blifvit slagne och varit gångbare uti kejsaredomet Japan
Florula javanica ..
Ixia ..
Dissertatio botanica de palmis ..
Horti upsaliensis plantæ cultæ ab initio sæculi ..
Florula ceilanica ..
Illustratio animalium Sveciae rariorum
Fauna chinensis
Examen classis monoeciae ..
Dissertatio botanica de moraea ..
De galipea cusparia ..
Flora Capensis: sistens plantas promontorii Bonæ Spei Africes : secundum systema sexuale ..
De nutritione plantarum
Anvisning till de svenska pharmaceutiska växternas igenkånnande ..
Afhandling om de wäxter, som i Bibelen omtalas..
Dissertatio botanica de protea ..
Dissertatio de ricino ..
Piper nigrum, dissertatio medica ..
Iris ...
Dissertatio botanica de hermannia ..
Periculum medicum de utilitate plantarum quarandam svecicarum ..
Dissertatio botanica de hydrocotyle ..
Dissertatio botanica de erica ..
Examen classis polygamiae ..
Restio ..
Genera graminum in Scandinavia indigenorum recognita ..
Travels at the Cape of Good Hope, 1772-1775
Dissertatio botanica de dracæna ..
Anteckningar under och i anledning af en resa ifrån Westergöthland til Stockholm, gjord åren 1796 och 1797
Japan Extolled and Decried
Fauna Novæ Hollandiæ ..
Dissertatio entomologica de hemipteris rostatis capensibus
Dissertatio botanica de blæria ..
De myristica ..
De plantis venenatis ..
[Dissertationes Academiae Upsaliensis]
Plantarum japonicarum novae species ..
Dissertatio botanica de erica ...
Travels in Japan and other countries
De arbuto Uva ursi
Flora Japonica
Botanical observations on the flora Japonica
Om inhemske tråd och buskar
Afhandling om de amphibier och fiskar som i Bibelen omtalas ..
Plantarum brasiliensium
Voyage en Afrique et en Asie, principalement au Japon, pendant les années 1770-1779
Flora Capensis
Dissertatio de phylica ..
Arctotis ..
Flora runstneiensis ..
Arbor toxicaria macassariensis ..
Examen classis gynandriæ ..
Flora Capensis
Ficus genus ..
Dissertatio geographiam plantarum cultarum adumbrans ..
Dissertatio entomologica novas insectorum species, sistens : cuius partem primam [-sextam] : Cons. Exper. Facult. Med. Upsal., publice ventilandam exhibent
Nova genera plantarum...
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae
Dissertatio botanica de melanthio ..
Gladiolus ...
Observations in diætam parcam, vulgo svalt-kur
Tal vid invignings acten af den nya akademiska trågården dess orangerie och samlings-salar
Afhandling om de insekter och mask-kräk som i Bibelen omtalas ..
Dissertatio botanica de drosera ..
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae sub praesidio Carol. Petr. Thunberg
Prodromus plantarum Capensium
D.D. Oxalis
Dissertatio botanica de acere ..
An illustration of the species of Lycium which grow wild at the Cape of Good Hope
Opat[r]um insecti genus ..
Flora Capensis
Om håckars plantering till lefvande gårdes-gårdar ..
Caroli Petri Thvnberg ..
Dissertatio de antholyza ..
Fauna cayanensis ...
Beskrifning pa□ svenske djur
De geo urbano dissertatio  botanico-medica ..
A voyage to Japan
Fauna chinesis ..
Dissertationes academicae Vpsaliae habitae svb praesidio Carol. Petr. Thvnberg ...
De scientia botanica utili atque jucunda ..
Flora gothoburgenesis
Observationes in Pharmacopoeam Suecicam
De pipere cubeba ..
Fructificationis partium varietates
Afhandling om de foglar, som i Bibelen omtalas ..
Fauna surinamensis ..
Observationes in cynanchum ..
Verhandeling over de Japansche natie
Le Japon du 18e siècle vu par un botaniste suédois, Ch.-P. Thunberg
Horti upsaliensis plantæ cultæ 1780-1800
Dissertatio de brunia ..
Botanical observations on the flora Japonica
Dissertatio botanica de Gardenia
Description of such species of Chironia as grow wild at the Cape Hope
Om utlåndske tråd
Voyages de C.P. Thunberg, au Japon, par le cap de Beonne-Espérance, les îsles de la Sonde, &c
Dissertatio de usu Menyanthidis trifoliatae ...
Dissertatio de viribus et usu atropae belladonnae ..
The botanical history of the genus Dillenia
Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made between the years 1770 and 1779
De bardana dissertatio pharmacologica ..
D.D. ampelis
Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, Performed Between the Years 1770 and 1779. ... the Second Edition. by Charles Peter Thunberg,
Plantarum brasiliensium
Dissertatio de daphne ..
Resa uti Europa, Africa, Asia
In genus echitis observationes ..
Fauna Americae meridionalis
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae sub praesidio Carol. Petr. Thunberg
Flora Japonica
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae sub praesidio Carol. Petr. Thunberg
[Dissertationes botanicae]
Examen classis diandriæ in systemate sexuali ..
Dissertatio botanica de borbonia ..
Examen classis dioeciae
Travels in Europe, Africa and Asia, made between the years 1770 and 1779
Flora strengnesis ..
De Krameria dissertatio botanico-medica sistens historiam botanicam generis nec non notiones auctorum circa ratanhiam radicem chemicas et medicas
Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia
Voyages de C.P. Thunberg, au Japon, par le cap de Bonne-Espérance, les îles de la Sonde, &c
De nutritione plantarum
Reise durch einen Theil von Europa, Afrika und Asien
Caroli Petri Thunberg...flora iaponica
Le Japon du XVIIIe siècle vu
Dr Thunberg's journal of a voyage to Japan
Afhandling om de djur, som i Bibelen omtalas
Karl Peter Thunbergs Reise durch einen Thiel von Europa, Afrika und Asien, hauptsächlich in Japan, in den Jahren 1770 bis 1779
Florula ceilanica ...
In genus echitis observationes ...
Voyage en Afrique et en Asie
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae sub praesidio Carol. Petr. Thunberg ...: Petr ..
Speech on the Japanese nation
Edo sanpu zuikōki
Eric Berne
Eric Berne (1910-1970)

military physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, academic

  • McGill University
Principles of group treatment
Games People Play
The Games People Play
What do you say after you say hello?
Beyond games and scripts
Mind in action
Transactional analysis in psychotherapy
Games people play
Sex in human loving
Intuition and ego states
The structure and dynamics of organizations and groups
Principles of group treatment
What Do You Say After Hello?
The structure and dynamics of organizations and groups
Culture Change, Mental Health, and Poverty
Qué dice usted después de decir "hola"?
Transactional analysis in psychotherapy
The structure and dynamics of organizations and groups (An Evergreen Black cat book)
Beyond games and scripts
Culture change,mental health,and poverty
What do you say after you say hello?
Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy
Gruppovai︠a︡ psikhoterapii︠a︡
Games People Play.
The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups
A layman's guide to psychiatry and psychoanalysis
Juegos en que participamos (Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships)
Laymns Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis
Introduccion Al Tratamiento De Grupo/Principles of Group Treatment
What Do You Say After You Say Hello
Analyse transactionnelle et psychothérapie
The structure and dynamics of organizations and groups
W co graja ludzie
Principles of group treatment
Spielarten und Spielregeln der Liebe. Psychologische Analyse der Partnerbeziehung
A layman's guide to psychiatry and psychoanalysis
Laymn Gd Psychthpy&psy
Spiele der Erwachsenen. Psychologie der menschlichen Beziehungen
The happy valley
?Qué dice usted después de decir <<hola>>?
Transactional Analysis
The mind in action
Introduccion Al Tratamiento de Grupo
Transactional analysis in psychotherapy
"Ciao!" ...e poi?
Games Alcoholics Play
The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups             No. 30871
Sex in Human Loving
Insanlarin Oynadigi Oyunlar
Hvad er det vi leger?
What Do You Say After You Say Hello? The Psychology of Human Destiny
Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis
Culture Change, Mental Health, and Poverty
Vvedenie v psikhiatrii Łu i psikhoanaliz dli Ła neposvi Łashchennykh
Principles of group treatment
Miśḥaḳehem shel bene adam
Que Dice Usted Despues De Decir Hola
Juegos En Que Participamos
Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy
Que Dice Usted Despues de Decir Hola? (mitos)
Beyond Scripts and Games
Psychiâtrie et psychanalyse à la portée de tous
Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy by Eric Berne the Author of Games People Play
Ciao! ... e poi?
Group treatment
El análisis transaccional en la psicoterapia
Culture change, mental health, and poverty
What Do You Say After You Say Hello?
Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy
What Do You Say after Yo
Games People Play
?Qué dice usted después de decir <<hola>>?
Was sagen Sie, nachdem Sie Guten Tag gesagt haben?
Sprechstunden für die Seele
Des jeux et des hommes
What Do You Say After You Say Hello? the Psychology of Human Destiny
Beyond Games & Scripts
Grundlagen der Gruppenbehandlung
Insanlarin Oynadigi Oyunlar; Insan Iliskilerinin Psikolojisi
Psychiatrie et psychanalyse à la portée de tous
A Montreal Childhood
A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis by Eric Berne (1971-07-29)
Que dites-vous après avoir dit bonjour?
Principles of group treatment
Igry, v kotorye igraût lûdi
W co graja ludzie
A layman's guide to psychiatry and psychoanalysis
Transactional Analysis Bulletin
The structure and dynamics of organizations and groups
Edzard Ernst
Edzard Ernst (born 1948)

columnist, journalist, physician

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
A scientist in wonderland
Trick or Treatment?
Complementary Therapies for Pain Management
Herbal Medicine
Help Yourself To Health
Complementary Medicine
Back pain
Homeopathy - The Undiluted Facts
The complete book of symptoms & treatments
The Desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine
Oxford handbook of complementary medicine
Healing, Hype or Harm?  The Debate About Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Depresion - Salud Natural
The desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine
Help Yourself to Health: Depression
More Harm than Good?
Don't Believe What You Think
Insomnio - Salud Natural
Biology without mysticism
Well Being Encyclopedia
Help Yourself to Health: Backpain
Complete Medicine for Common Ailments - Back Pain
Charles, the Alternative Prince
Alternative Medicine
Complete Medicine for Common Ailments - Sleepless Nights
Biophysics of the striated muscle
Healing, hype or harm?
Dolor de Espalda - Salud Natural
Healing, Hype or Harm?
So-Called Alternative Medicine (SCAM) for Cancer
Homöopathie - die Fakten [unverdünnt]
Advances in idiopathic low back pain
Bizarre Medical Ideas
Complementary Therapies in Women's Health
Heilung oder Humbug?
Charles, the Alternative King
Die Gymnastik der Hand, Oder Vorschule der Musik und der Verschiedenen Künste und Gewerbe
Praxis Naturheilverfahren
Vorsicht Heilpraktiker
Paul A. Offit
Paul A. Offit (born 1951)

immunologist, physician

  • Tufts University, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Autism's false prophets
The Cutter incident
Do You Believe in Magic?
Bad faith
What every parent should know about vaccines
Breaking the antibiotic habit
Pandora's lab
Deadly Choices
Do You Believe in Magic? : Vitamins, Supplements, and All Things Natural
Killing us softly
Vaccines and Your Child
Plotkin's Vaccines
You Bet Your Life
Bad Advice
Tell Me When It's Over
Tolerance, Democracy, and Sufis in Senegal
Cesare Lombroso
Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)

physician, criminologist, psychiatrist, essayist

  • University of Turin, University of Pavia
La Vita italiana durante la Rivoluzione francese e l'Impero: conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1896
Lombroso y la escuela positivista italiana
The man of genius
The female offender
Crime, its causes and remedies
Delitti vecchi e delitti nuovi
L'uomo delinquente, in rapporto all'antropologia, alla giurisprudenza ed alle discipline carcerarie
Nouvelles recherches de psychiatrie et d'anthropologie criminelle
Sull incremento del delitto in Italia e sui mezzi per arrestarlo
Criminal man
L'homme criminel: étude anthropologique et médico-légale
Ricerche sui fenomeni ipnotici e spiritici
L' anthropologie criminelle et ses récents progrès
Le crime, causes et remèdes
Criminal Woman, the Prostitute, and the Normal Woman
Hypnotisme et spiritisme
L' homme criminel
Studj clinici ed esperimentali sulla natura, causa e terapia della pellagra
L'uomo delinquente in rapporto all'antropologia: alla giurisprudenza ed alle discipline ..
Die Anarchisten
L'uomo bianco e l'uomo di colore, letture sull' origine e le varietà delle razze umane
Lettere politiche e polemiche sulla pellagra in Italia
Der Verbrecher(homo Delinquens) in anthropologischer, ärztlicher und juristischer Beziehung
Moe posi︠e︡shchenīe Tolstogo
Due tribuni studiati da un alienista
L' uomo delinquente in rapporto all'antropologia
Epilessia larvata - pazzia morale
L'uomo di genio in rapporto alla psichiatria, alla storia ed all'estetica
Crime, its causes and remedies
Cesare Lombroso
L' uomo delinquente
Criminal man
Questi tribuni ..
L' anthropologie criminelle et ses recents progrès
After death-what?
Gli Anarchi (History of Political Violence)
Gli anarchici
Der antisemitismus und die Juden im lichte der modernen wissenschaft
Le crime politique et les révolutions par rapport au droit
Palimsesti del carcere
L'uomo delinquente in rapporto all'antropologia, alla giurisprudenza ed alle discipline carcerarie
Le crime
L'homme criminel
Female offender
Der politische Verbrecher und die Revolutionen in anthropologischer, juristischer und staatswissenschaftlicher Beziehung
Antologia lombrosiana
Die Lehre von der Pellagra
Trattato profilattico e clinico della pellagra
Der politische Verbrecher und die Revolutionen: 2 Bd. (1 Vol.)
After Death What? Spiritistic Phenomena And Their Interpretation
Handbuch der Graphologie
Geniusz i obłąkanie
After Death What? 1909
Il momento attuale
Les anarchistes
Criminal Anthropological Writings of Cesare Lombroso Published in the English Language Periodical Literature During the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
In Calabria, 1862-1897
The female offender
L' homme de génie
Lettere politiche e polemiche sulla pelagra in Italia
Man of Genius (The History of hereditarian thought)
L' uomo delinquente in rapporto all'antropologia, giurisprudenza ed alle discipline carcerarie
Genie und Irrsinn in ihren Beziehungen zum Gesetz
Sulla medicina legale del cadavere secondo gli ultimi studi di Germania ed Italia
L' uomo delinquente in rapporto all'antropologia
Nuovi studii sul genio
Delitto, genio, follia
La femme criminelle et la prostituée
L'homme de génie
La donna delinquente
The physiology & psychology of crime
Études de sociologie
The Origin and the Causes of Crime
L'uomo bianco e l'uomo di colore
Neue Verbrecherstudien ..
L'uomo delinquente, in rapporto all'antropologia, alla giurisprudenza ed alle discipline carcerarie
La vita italiana durante la Rivoluzione francese e l'impero
Studi clinici ed esperimentali sulla natura, causa e terapia della pellagra
Hypnotisme et spiritisme
L'uomo delinquente, in rapporto all'antropologia, alla giurisprudenza ed alle discipline carcerarie
Pazzi ed anomali
L'homme criminel : etude anthropologique et medico-legale
L'uomo delinquente studiato in rapporto all'antropologia, alla medicina legale ed alle discipline carcerarie
Gli anarchici
Crime, its causes and remedies
L'homme criminel : criminel né, fou moral, épileptique, criminel fou, criminel d'occasion, criminel par passion
Sul mancinismo motorio e sensorio nel sano, nel pazzo, sordo-muto, cieco nato e nel criminale
The female offender
After death--what?
The man of genius
Les palimpsestes des prisons
Neue Fortschritte in den Verbrecherstudien
Maiz e pellagra in Italia
Nouvelles recherches de psychiatrie et d'authropologie criminelle, par Cesare Lombroso,...
Applications de l'anthropologie criminelle
L'homme criminel
L'uomo delinquente
Langboluosuo shi fan zui xue
After death--what?
Ricerche sui fenomeni ipnotici e spiritici
L'anthropologie criminelle et ses r©♭cents progr©·s
Der Verbrecher (Homo Delinquens)  in anthropologischer
After death--what?
Le più recenti scoperte ed applicazioni della psichiatria ed antropologia criminale
L'anthropologie criminelle et ses récents progrès
Genio e degenerazione
Taĭna kharaktera
Palimpsestes des prisons recueillis
Genīalʹnostʹ i pomi︠e︡shatelʹstvo
Tre tribuni studiati da un alienista
Nuovi studii sul genio
Crime, its causes and remedies
L'uomo alienato
Les applications de l'anthropologie criminelle
L'uomo bianco e l'uomo di colore
L'uomo delinquente in rapporto all'antropologia, giurisprudenza ed alle discipline carcerarie
The female offender
Le crime, causes et rem©·des : Avec un appendice sur les progr©·s de l'anthropologie criminelles pendant les ann©♭es 1895-98
L'opera di Cesare Lombroso nella scienza e nelle sue applicazioni
Basic characteristics of women criminals
Los anarquistas
La donna delinquente
Polemica in difesa della scuola criminale positiva
Di alcuni recenti studi statistici e anatomopatologica dei psichiatri di Olanda, Germania ed Inghilterra
Hypnotische und spiritistische Forschungen
La donna delinquente, la prostituta e la donna normale
Kerker-palimpseste, wandinschriften und selbstbekenntnisse gefangener verbrecher
Pedro Laín Entralgo
Pedro Laín Entralgo (1908-2001)

medical historian, physician, philosopher, politician

  • University of Zaragoza, University of Valencia
Escritos sobre Cajal
Españoles de tres generaciones
Descargo de conciencia (1930-1960)
Más de cien españoles
Gregorio Marañón
Hacia la recta final
La Empresa de Envejecer
Que Es El Hombre - Evolucion y Sentido de La Vista (Colección Jovellanos de Ensayo)
The therapy of the word in classical antiquity
La espera y la esperanza
Teoría y realidad del otro
Menéndez Pelayo
Mis páginas preferidas
Mind and body
Menéndez Pelayo
La curacion por la palabra en la antigüedad clásica
La Generacion Del 98
La Curacion Por La Palabra En La Antiguedad Clasica (Autores, Textos y Temas de Antropologia)
Gregorio Marañón: vida, obra y persona
Panorama histórico de la ciencia moderna
El medico y el enfermo/ The Doctor and the Sick (Humanidades Medicas)
España, cambio de siglo
La antropología en la obra de fray Luis de Granada
Esperanza en tiempo de crisis
El libro como fiesta
Sobre la amistad
Historia universal de la medicina
Ocio y trabajo
Palabras menores
Obras Selectas
Qué es el hombre
Doctor and patient
En este país
España en 1898
La empresa de ser hombre
España como problema
Cuerpo y alma
Nuestro Cajal
Maladie et culpabilité
Historia de la medicina
A qué llamamos España
Estudios sobre la obra de Américo Castro
Menéndez Pelayo y el mundo clásico
Dos biologos
Teatro del mundo
Una y diversa España
Los Relatos más bellos del mundo
La generacion del noventa y ocho
Ejercicios de comprensión
La medicina actual ..
A qué llamamos España
Menéndez Pelayo y el mundo clásico [por] Pedro Laín Entralgo
Doctor and patient [by] P. Lain Entralgo
José Martí
El médico y el enfermo
La universidad
El estado de enfermedad
Los valores morales del nacionalsindicalismo
Grandes médicos
Sobre la universidad hispán[i]ca
Tras el amor y la risa
Alma, cuerpo, persona
Antropología médica
Viaje a Suramérica
El problema de ser cristiano
Doctor andpatient
Cuando se espera
Menéndez Pelayo
Marañón y el enfermo
Los Estudios de un joven de hoy
Le médecin et la malade
Tan sólo hombres
Creer, esperar, amar
Entre nosotros
Ser y conducta del hombre
El problema de la Universidad
La medicina hipocrática
El poder de la mentira
Enfermedad y pecado
Las generaciones en la historia
A qué llamamos España (I. Mosaico multiforme - II. Modos de ser y de vivir - III. Vida conflictiva - IV. A qué llamamos España).
Ciencia, técnica y medicina
El médico en la historia
Mind and body, psychosomatic pathology
La relación médico-enfermo
La curación por la palabra en la antigüedad clásica
Antropología de la esperanza
Idea del hombre
Ciencia y vida