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photographers who wrote biography
Showing 17-24 out of 127 results
Heinrich Harrer
Heinrich Harrer (1912-2006)

explorer, photographer, mountaineer, alpine skier, geographer, golfer

  • University of Graz
Seven Years in Tibet (Sieben Jahre in Tibet)
Wiedersehn mit Tibet
Beyond Seven years in Tibet
Mein Leben
Seven years in Tibet
Rinpotsche von Ladakh
Sieben Jahre in Tibet. Mein Leben am Hofe des Dalai Lama
Weisse Spinne
Lost Lhasa
I come from the stone age
Sieben Jahre in Tibet
Seven years in Tibet
Siete años en el Tibet
Der Himalaya blüht
Return to Tibet
Sieben Jahre in Tibet
Die Götter sollen siegen
Sieben Jahre in Tibet
Sieben Jahre in Tibet
Ladakh Gods and Mortals Behind the Himalayas
Erinnerungen an Tibet
Geister und Dämonen
Seven years in Tibet
Die Weiße Spinne. Das Große Buch vom Eiger
Geheimnis Afrika
Das alte Lhasa. Bilder aus Tibet
Entdeckungsgeschichte aus erster Hand
Die letzten Fünfhundert
Wiedersehen mit Tibet
Seven Years in Tibet
I Came from the Stone Age
Reencuentro Con El Tibet
Huka- Huka. Bei den Xingu- Indianern im Amazonasgebiet
Meine Tibet-Bilder
I come from the stone age
The Book of the Eiger
SIete años en el Tíbet
Sedam godina u Tibetu
The white spider
Fifty years after Tibet
Die Weisse Spinne
The Heinrich Harrer limited edition portfolio = Han-rig Ha-rar tshad can par deb kyi par bźi = Das Heinrich Harrer limited edition portfolio
The great escape Tibet and Lhasa
Tibet Is My Country
Mein Leben. 5 CDs. Mit einem Exclusivinterview des Autors
Seven years in Tibet
Ich komme aus der Steinzeit
Seven years in Tibet
Unter Papuas
Wiedersehn mit Tibet
Mein Leben. 4 Cassetten. Mit einem Exclusivinterview des Autors
Walter Bonatti
Walter Bonatti (1930-2011)

mountaineer, explorer, photographer, mountain guide, journalist

The mountains of my life
I miei ricordi
Le mie montagne
Un modo di essere
Magic of Mont Blanc
Montagnes d'une vie
Montagnes d'une vie
On the heights
Terres lointaines
Ascensions dans les Alpes
In terre lontane
The Great Days
Ho vissuto tra gli animali selvaggi
I giorni grandi
Processo al K2
I giorni grandi
Un modo di essere
L'affaire du K2
Barry Goldwater
Barry Goldwater (1909-1998)

politician, military officer, photographer, businessperson, aircraft pilot

  • University of Arizona, Arizona State University
With no apologies
The Eyes of His Soul
The Conscience of a Conservative
Where I stand
The coming breakpoint
The conscience of a majority
Why not victory?
The conscience of a conservative
Goldwater either/or
Delightful journey, down the Green & Colorado rivers
Arizona portraits
Barry Goldwater and the Southwest
Goldwater from A to Z
The state of our industry and raw materials in relation to defense
The face of Arizona
The Conscience of a Conservative (The James Madison Library in American Politics)
China and the abrogation of treaties
People and places
The political principles of Senator Barry W. Goldwater as revealed in his speeches and writings
Barry Goldwater speaks out on the issues
The conscience of a Conservative
Why not victory?
The political principles of Senator Barry W. Goldwater as revealed in his speeches and writings
Vernon Richards
Vernon Richards (1915-2001)

peace activist, photographer, editor, editing staff, publisher

  • King's College London, Emanuel School
George Orwell at Home (and Among the Anarchists)
Life and Ideas
Lessons Of The Spanish Revolution
Weekend Photographers Notebook
The impossibilities of social democracy
Un attimo di verità
Protest without illusions
World War-Cold War
Wilfred Thesiger
Wilfred Thesiger (1910-2003)

explorer, diplomat, historian, military personnel, photographer, traveler, botanical collector

  • University of Oxford, Eton College
The Marsh Arabs
My Life and Travels
Desert, Marsh and Mountain
My Kenya days
The life of my choice
Arabian sands
The last nomad
Danakil Diary
A Vanished World
Among the Mountains
The Marsh Arabs (Travel Library)
La Vie que j'ai choisie
The Thesiger Collection
Crossing the Sands
Desert, Marsh and Mountain (Memoirs of Arabia)
The desert
Visions of a Nomad (Memoirs of Arabia)
Les Arabes des marais irakiens
Les déserts des déserts
Die Brunnen der Wüste. Mit den Beduinen durch das unbekannte Arabien
Visions of a nomad
Désert des déserts
Among the Mountains Travels In Asia
Wilfred Thesiger's photographs
A journey in Nuristan
Desert Marsh + Mnt De Lux
Arabian sands
Wüste, Sumpf und Berge
Carnets dAbyssinie
Arenas de Arabia
On the edge
Ella Maillart
Ella Maillart (1903-1997)

alpine skier, photographer, traveler, opinion journalist, skier

The cruel way
Voyage vers le réel
Turkestan solo
Des Monts Célestes aux Sables Rouges
Forbidden journey - from Peking to Kashmir
Croisières et Caravanes
Gypsy afloat
Parmi la jeunesse russe
Oasis interdites
Forbidden journey
La Vagabonde Des Mers
The Land of the Sherpas
Parmi la jeunesse russe-de Moscou au Caucase en 1930
Cruises & caravans
The cruel way
Oasis Prohibidos
La Voie cruelle
Oasis interdites de Pékin au Cachemire
Geliebte Seidenpfote. Mit einer Katze allein durch Indien
Forbidden journey
Gypsy afloat
Oasis interdites
Verbotene Reise von Peking nach Kaschmir
Voyage Version Le Reel
Oasis interdites
Croisieres Et Caravanes
Cette réalité que j'ai pourchassée
El camino cruel
Ruta Cruel, La
"Cette réalité que j'ai pourchassée"
Kathryn Tucker Windham
Kathryn Tucker Windham (1918-2011)

photographer, journalist

  • Huntingdon College
Twice blessed
A Serigamy of Stories
Odd-egg editor
OddEgg Editor
Spit, Scarey Ann, and sweat bees
Ernest's gift
Alabama, One Big Front Porch
The bridal wreath bush
Spit, Scarey Ann, and Sweat Bees
Southern cooking to remember
Tending the fire
Barbershop Education (What Makes Us Southerners, Vol 2)
At Home With My Daddy's Stories
Thirteen Georgia ghosts and Jeffrey
13 Mississippi Ghosts and Jeffrey
Jeffrey's Latest 13
Jeffrey Introduces 13 More Southern Ghosts
Thirteen Tennessee ghosts and Jeffrey
Thirteen Mississippi Ghosts and Jeffrey
Thirteen Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey
Women to Remember
Thirteen Georgia Ghosts and Jeffrey: Commemorative Edition
Old-Fashioned Words (What Makes Us Southerners)
God Was Just Practicing When He Made Men (What Makes Us Southerners)
Front-Porch Rocking Chairs (What Makes Us Southerners, Volume 3)
Front-Porch Rocking Chairs (What Makes Us Southerners)
Grits (What Makes Us Southerners, Vol 1)
Jeffrey Introduces Thirteen More Southern Ghosts
Alabama : one big front porch
Treasured Tennessee recipes
Treasured Georgia recipes
13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey
Exploring Alabama
Simon went fishing on Sunday
Jeffrey's Latest Thirteen
Jeffrey's favorite 13 ghost stories
Treasured Alabama recipes
A Serigamy of Stories
Jeffrey's Favorite 13 Ghost Stories
13 Tennessee Ghosts and Jeffrey
13 Alabama ghosts and Jeffrey
13 Georgia Ghosts and Jeffrey
Greg Child
Greg Child (born 1957)

mountaineer, photographer, film director

Over the Edge
Postcards from the Ledge
Climbing Free
Climbing Free
Thin air
Thin air
Mixed emotions
Over the edge
Over the Top
Free climber
Sin oxígeno