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philosophers who wrote biography
Showing 33-40 out of 622 results
Jorge Semprún
Jorge Semprún (1923-2011)

politician, philosopher

  • Lycée Henri-IV
Literature or life
What a beautiful Sunday!
Communism in Spain in the Franco era
Adieu, vive clarté--
Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez
The autobiography of Federico Sanchez and the Communist underground in Spain
La escritura o la vida
Aquel domingo
Quel beau dimanche
LA Escritura O LA Vida/Writing of Life
Federico Sánchez se despide de ustedes
Autobiographie de Federico Sánchez
L' écriture ou la vie
Adiós, luz de verano--
Montand, la vie continue
Federico Sanchez vous salue bien
Montand, la vida continua
Pensar en Europa
Lecriture Ou La Vie
Stavisky ..
Adios, Luz De Veranos
Veinte años y un día
La Guerre est finie
Espagnol, niveau collège-lycée
Grand voyage
Semprun, Wiesel
Vivire Con Su Nombre, Morira Con El Mio
Le grand voyage
La segunda muerte de Ramón Mercader
La deuxieme mort de ramon mercader
El largo viaje
Netschajew kehrt zurück
Quel beau dimanche !
El Largo Viaje /Witnesses to War
LA Montana Blanca
El " Stavisky" de Alain Resnais
Mal et modernité
L'écriture ou la vie
Aquel Domingo/That Beautiful Sunday
L' homme européen
Le "Stavisky" d'Alain Resnais
The second death of Ramón Mercader
Der weiße Berg
Der zweite Tod des Ramon Mercader
L' Algarabie
Le mort qu'il faut
Autobiographie de Federico Sanchez
La deuxième mort de Ramón Mercader
L' e vanouissement
Der Tote mit meinem Namen
Les Sandales
Netchaïev ha vuelto
Si la vie continue--
Die große Reise
Autobiografia de Federico sunchez
La montagne blanche
Netchaiev Ha Vuelto
Le retour de Carola Neher
Was für ein schöner Sonntag
Was war und was ist
Netchaiev Ha Vuelto (Fbula)
To megalo taxidi
Die Ohnmacht
LA Algarabia
Unsre allzu kurzen Sommer
Largo Viaje
Αντίο, φως της νιότης
Federico Sanchez Se Despide De Ustedes
Adieu Vive Clarte
Netchaïev est de retou
Freedom to the Barcelona 34
La\Deuxieme Mort de Ramon Mercader
Ejercicios de supervivencia
Netchai ev est de retour
Netchaïev est de retour--
The cattle truck
L'E ́vanouissement
Ha- Masa' ha-gadol
El desvanecimiento
La segunda muerte de Ramón Mercader / Jorge Semprun
La Guerre est finie, scénario du film d'Alain Resnais
Autobiografia de Federico Sanchez
Lettre sur le pouvoir d'écrire
Une tombe au creux des nuages
La segunda muerte de Ramon Mercader
El largo viaje
A une heure incertaine
Vinte anos e um dia
La guerre est finie
Jack Halberstam
Jack Halberstam (born 1961)

professor, philosopher, scholar of English, literary scholar, man of letters

  • University of Minnesota, University of California, Berkeley
Female Masculinity
Kiss My Genders
What's Queer about Queer Studies Now?
Rethinking Commodification
Wild Things
Skin shows
Global Divas
The Queer Art of Failure
Posthuman bodies
Racial castration
In a Queer Time and Place
The drag king book
Scotch Verdict
Asian American Sporting Cultures
Rrose is a rrose is a rrose
Monstrous intimacies
Gaga feminism
Bestia y el Soberano / the Beast and the Sovereign
Lorenza Böttner
Alex Da Corte, As Long As the Sun Lasts
Kerstin Drechsel
No church in the wild
Profession 2012
Strange Affinities
So Much Wasted
Animal Within : Creatures in
Time binds
Who Is Queen? 1
Cuvallamanin Queer Sanati
Trans*Positionen zu Geschlecht und Architektur
Rebecca Horn
Desiring China
Isaiah Berlin
Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997)

philosopher, historian, diplomat, historian of ideas, sociologist, political scientist

  • University of Oxford, St Paul's School
Russian Thinkers
Karl Marx
Personal impressions
Trois essais sur la condition juive
Manhiguto shel Ṿaitsman
Chaim Weizmann
Reshamim ishiyim
Karl Marx, his life and environment
Four Essays on Liberty
The sense of reality
The hedgehog and the fox
Against the Current
The proper study of mankind
The magus of the north
Political Ideas in the Romantic Age
The roots of romanticism
The Crooked Timber of Humanity
Three critics of the Enlightenment
The First and the Last
Concepts and categories
The age of enlightenment
The Soviet Mind
Letters, 1928-1946
Washington despatches, 1941-1945
Vico and Herder
Freedom and Its Betrayal
Fathers and children
Isaiah Berlin, en toutes libertés
Essays on J. L. Austin
Historical inevitability
Unfinished dialogue
Two concepts of liberty
The Power of Ideas
Selected writings
Revolutionary Russia
Conversations with Isaiah Berlin
Tolstoy and History
Sobre la libertad
Jewish slavery and emancipation
The life and opinions of Moses Hess
Der Nationalismus
The age of enlightenment; the eighteenth century philosophers
John Stuart Mill and the ends of life
Mr. Churchill in 1940
Chaim Wiezmann
Chaim Weizmann
First Love and Other Stories
Chaim Weizmann as leader
Istorii︠a︡ svobody
Le Hérisson et le Renard
Contra la corriente
Romanticism and liberation [and] Romanticism and social change
Einstein and humanism
História universal dos judeus
Zionist politics in wartime Washington
Historical inevitability
Neged ha-zerem
Two concepts of liberty
John Stuart Mill and the ends of life, etc
Filosofii︠a︡ svobody
Oblicza liberalizmu
Four essays on liberty
ha-Ḳipod ṿeha-shuʻal
Chaim Wiezmann
Fathers and children
The divorce between the sciences and the humanities
Istorii︠a︡ svobody
Tacitus (0053-0119)

historian, politician, military personnel, poet, philosopher, biographer, annalist, jurist

Agricola Germania
Tacitus' Agricola, Germany, and Dialogue on orators
The Agricola and the Germania
-- Annales
Tacitus in five volumes
The Annals Of Tacitus Book 11
Agricola, Germany, Dialogue on orators
Tacitus on Britain and Germany
Pas de poison pour Agrippine
Agricola; Germania; Dialogus
La Germanie
Tacitus historical works
Tibère de Tacite
-- Annales
Dialogus de oratoribus
The works of Cornelius Tacitus
The works of Tacitus
Opera minora
Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri qui supersunt
Libri qui supersunt
The Germania and Agricola
The annals of imperial Rome
The complete works of Tacitus
Opera omnia
Voyages and Travels
The histories of Tacitus
The Germania and Agricola of Caius Cornelius Tacitus
Dialogus, Agricola, Germania
Tacitus, the histories
The modern courtier
The Agricola and Germania
C. Cornelii Taciti opera
The Annals of Tacitus (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries)
The life of Agricola and Germany
Germany =
The complete works of Tacitus
The Histories of Caius Cornelius Tacitus
The Annals of imperial Rome
Dialogvs de oratoribvs
The annals and history of Tacitus
Annalivm ab excessv divi Avgvsti libri
Das Leben des Agricola von Tacitus
Empire and emperors
The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus
Complete Works * The Annals * The History * The Life of Cnaeus Julius Agricola * Germany and its Tribes * A Dialogue on Oratory
Die Germania des Tacitus
Cornelius Tacitus erklaert von Karl Nipperdey
The Germania & Agricola...: With Notes..
C. Cornelii Taciti De vita et moribus C. Iulii Agricolae libellus
Annalium Libri I-IV
Historiarum libri
Oeuvres complètes de Tacits
The Germania of Tacitus
De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae liber
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. I
Libri ab excessu divi Augusti (Annales)
C. Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri quinque. Textum recogn., animadversionibus instruxit T ..
C. Cornelii Taciti opera
A treatise on the situation, manners, and inhabitants of Germany
C. Cornelii Taciti de vita et moribus Cn. Iulii Agricolae liber. Recens. et commentariis ..
C. Cornelii Taciti opera quæ supersunt. Ex ed. J. Gronovii fideliter expressa
Tacitus De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania
Germania, Agricola and First Book of the Annals: With notes from Ruperti, Passow, Walch, and ..
The Works of Tacitus: The Oxford Translation, Revised, with Notes
The History of Tacitus, tr. by A.J. Church and W.J. Brodribb
The Germania and Agricola of Caius Cornelius Tacitus: With Notes for Colleges
C. Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri quinque
The Histories of Caius Cornelius Tacitus: With Notes for Colleges
Cornelii Taciti: Historiarum libri i, ii
Das Leben des Julius Agricola für den Schulgebrauch an Gymnasien: Zunächst für Maturanden
Cornelii Taciti ab excessu divi Augusti libri I-III.: Scholarum in usum ..
C. Cornelii Taciti opera omnia
Cornelii Taciti Ab excessu divi Augusti libri qui supersunt
Cornelii Taciti Vita agricolae
Cornelii Taciti historiarum libri qui supersunt: The histories of Tacitus, with introduction ..
De Germania
The annals of imperial Rome
C. Cornelii Taciti De vita et moribus Cn. Julii Agricolae libellus
De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae
A Dialogue Concerning Oratory
The Madness of Nero
Selections from Tacitus' Histories I-III Teacher's book: The Year of the Four Emperors
P. Cornelii Taciti Agricola. Ex Wexii recens. recogn. et perpetua ..
P. Cornelii Taciti libri qui supersunt
H. Savilivs in Taciti histor. Agricolae vitam, et commentarivs de militia Romana
C. Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri quinque: accedit De Moribus Germanorum ..
The historical annals of Cornelius Tacitus
De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae liber
Cornelius Tacitus
Vida de Julio Agrícola
Tacitus De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae
The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus
Die Römer in England
Historien. Kommentar
C. Cornelii Taciti de vita et moribus Cn. Julii Agricolae liber. Ed. et annotatione illustr. P.H ..
Dialogus De Oratoribus
The Germany
The Germany and Agricola of Tacitus. With Engl. notes by J.T. White
C. Cornelii Taciti opera quae supersunt
Traduction complette de Tacite
Annals and Histories                            Everymans Library Classics  Contemporary Classics
Cornelii Taciti Libri qui supersunt
Selections from Tacitus, Annals II-III
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera qvae exstant
Annalen I - VI
Tacitus annals, book XIV
The Reign Of Tiberius
C. Cornelii Taciti Germaniae; sive, De origine situ moribus ac populis Germanorum liber
Dialogus de oratoribus = Streitgespr ach  uber die Redner
Germania: Bericht uber Germanien
Cornelii Taciti opera minora
Historiarum quae supersunt
Annales, tome 1
The end of Nero and beginning of Galba
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. I, pars 2
The Agricola and Germany of Tacitus
Annalium libri I, II et III
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae exstant
The Annals, book IV
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. II, fasc. 4
C. Cornelius Tacitus ex I. Lipsii
Cornelii Taciti de Germania
The annales of Cornelivs Tacitvs
Opere di G. Cornelio Tacito, Annali, Historie, Germani, e Vita di Agricola
Agricola and Germany and the Dialogue on Oratory
The annals and history of C. Cornelius Tacitus
Annales, tome 4
Cornelii Taciti De vita et moribvs Ivlii Agricolae liber
Opera quae supersunt
Ab excessu divi Augusti quae supersunt libri XIII, XIV, XV
Cornelii Taciti opera
De origine et situ Germanorum
The life of Agricola
Historia De Roma
La Germanie
uvres complètes de Tacite
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. II, fasc. 3
The history of P. Cornelius Tacitus translated into English
Annalium duo libri (primus et secundus)
A treatise on the situation, manners, and inhabitants of Germany and the life of Agricola
The Annals
Oeuvres Completes
The histories
Annales, tome 2
The fight for an empire
Cornelii Tacitii
Cornelii Taciti Libri ab excessu divi Augusti I-VI
A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence
Dialogue, Agricola, Germanaia
Oeuvres complètes de Tacite
The Agricola and Germania of Cornelius Tacitus
Annales (XI-XVI) et Historiae
Oeuvres complètes
On Britain and Germany
Tacitus: Selections from the Histories I-III
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. II, fasc. 1
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. II, fasc. 2
Livre II des Annales
The annals and history of Cornelius Tacitus
Cornelii Taciti Dialogus de oratoribus
P. Cornelii Taciti Annalium ab excessu Divi Augusti libri
Sämtliche erhaltene Werke
Z dějin císařského Říma
P. Cornelii Taciti de Vita et moribus Julii Agricolae liber
P. Cornelii Taciti Ab excessu divi Augusti quae supersunt
Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri qui supersunt. Schulausgabe von dr. Carl Heraeus ..
The Dialogus of Publius Cornelius Tacitus
The ende of Nero and beginning of Galba
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. II, pars 1
P. Cornelii Taciti Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri =
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. I, pars 1
Livres I, II des Histoires
Cornelii Taciti De vita Iulii Agricolae, De origine et moribus Germanorum
The Agricola and Germania of Tacitus
Les oevvres de C. Corn. Tacitvs ..
Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri = The annals of Tacitus
Annals, Book I
De moribus Germanorum
Tacitus on imperial Rome
P. Corneli Taciti annalium libri XI-XII
Historiae Historien
The Agricola and Germania of Tacitus with a revised text, English notes, and maps
Historiarum libri qui supersunt
Cajo Cornelio Tacito
Gli annali di Cornelio Tacito, cavalier romano
Cornelii Taciti Historici grauissimi disertissimiq[ue] fragmenta
Opera minora [de] Tacite
Tacitus De vita Iulii Agricolae and De Germania
The histories
Cornelii Taciti libri qui supersunt
Cornelius Tacitus ab I. Lipsio I.F. Gronovio N. Heinsio I.A. Ernestio F.A. Wolfio emendatus et illustratus
La vie de Cn. Julius agricola, traduite par Mirabeau, avec réflexions préliminaires. Fragment inédit des Oeuvres de Mirabeau, écrites au Donjon de Vincennes en 1779, publié avec introduction par Henri Welschinger, d'après le manuscrit original des Archives des Affaires étrangères, et suivi de pièces complémentaires
The compleat courtier: or, The morals of the famous historian Cornelius Tacitus concerning flattery, &c
The modern courtier: or, The morals of Tacitus upon flattery
Opere di G. Cornelio Tacito, Annali, Historie, Costumi de'Germani
Les oeuvres de C. Cornelius Tacitus, chevalier romain
P. Cornelii Taciti
Les oeuvres de Tacite
P. Cornelii Taciti ab execssu, divi Augusti historiarum
Die Annalen des Tacitus
Libri qui supersunt
The reign of Nero
The Germany of C. Cornelius Tacitus from Passow's text and
Taxituo "li shi"
Annalium libri 11-12
Annali et Istorie di Cornelio Tacito
P. Cornelii Taciti Dialogus de oratoribus
Los anales
The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; with his Account of Germany, and The Life of Agricola
The annals and The histories
Annals of Tacitus
Annals, V & VI
The works of Tacitus
I Cesari
Œuvres complètes de Tacite
Annals IV
The histories, with an English translation by Clifford H. Moore
The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus
The Histories
Tacitus, selections from his works
Dialogue des orateurs
C. Corn. Tacitus ex I. Lipsii editione cum not. et emend. H. Grotii
The letters of Tacitus to the people of Kentucky
Mais où est donc passé Lionel ?
Historiarum libri qui supersunt
C. Cornelii Taciti Germania, Agricola, et De oratoribus dialogus
The Annals
Libri Qui Supersunt, tom. II, pars 2
Anales - Libros XI - XVI
Annalen in Auswahl und der Bataveraufstand unter Civilis
Excerpta Tacitiana
Oeuvres de C. C. Tacite
Tacito español
Germania. Kommentar.
Germania, Agricola, and first book of the Annals
Tacitus on Germany
The Germania and Agricola of Tacitus
Tacitus' Germania
The reign of Nero
Dess C. Corn. Tacitus Beschreibung ..
Dissertation on the manners of the Germans and the life of Agricola
Nero and the Burning of Rome (Classic, 60s)
The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus
Tacitus: historical works
Dialoog over de welsprekendheid ; Agricola ; Germania
Cornelii Taciti De origine et situ Germanorum
The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; With His Account of Germany, and Life of Agricola
-- Annales
Opere di G. Cornelio Tacito
Tacitus Annals I, II
Tacitus on Britain and Germany
Divre ha-yamim
Aforismos [sacados de la Historia Tesoro de diversa lección
Annals 8vo Vol 2
De origine, situ moribus ac populis Germanorum
C. Cornelius Tacitus
Cornelii Taciti libri qui supersunt
The Annals of imperial Rome ; a new translation, with an introduction
De vita Julii Agricolae
The history of Tacitus
Livre IV des Annales
De vita Iulii Agricolae liber
A dialogue concerning the rise and decline of eloquence among the Romans
The histories
Opera C. Cornelii Taciti
C. Cornelii Taciti quae exstant opera
A treatise on the situation, manners, and inhabitants of Germany
C. Corn. Tacitus en J. Lipsii editione cum not. et emend. H. Grotii
Selections from his works
The annals and history of Tacitus
Germania, Tl.2, Arbeitskommentar und Zweittexte
Tacitus: "Annals XIII-XVI - The Reign of Nero"
Die Germanis des Tacitus
The annals
De vita Agricolae
Cornelli Taciti Historiarum libri
C. Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri quinque
Opera C. Cornelii Taciti
Historias - Tacito
C. Cornelii Taciti opera quae extant omnia...
Cornelli Taciti annalium
Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri
C. Cornelii Tacitae Opera quae extant
Cornelii Tacit Annalium ab excessu ..
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, supplementis, notis et dissertationibus
P. Cornelius Tacitus
The histories ... books III, IV and V
Opera qvae exstant
Las obras de C. Cornelio Tacito
Bauernregeln 2004. Postkarten-Kalender
La Germania
The annals of Tacitus, books XI-XVI
Excerpta ex C. Corn. Tacito. De situ, moribus et populis Germaniæ. Etiam Julii Agricolæ vita
Historiarum lib. 2
Das Leben Des Julius Agricola (Schriften Und Quellen Der Alten Welt)
The annals of imperial Rome
Dissertations on the manners of the Germans and the Lifeof Agricola
Il libro XIV degli Annali
Annalen Mit Begleittexten
L'Agricola e la germania de Cornelio Tacito
Cornellii Taciti Annalinm Libir I-IV
The Germany
Annalen. Text.
De vita et moribus lulii Agricolae. Text.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau traducteur de Tacite
Opera quæ exstant ex recensione et cum animadversionibus Theodori Ryckii
Annals, book XIV
Annales I-VI, XI-XVI
The works of Tacitus
Cornelii Taciti de vita iulii agricolae, de origine et moribus Germanorum
The annales ... the description of Germanie
'The  Annals,' and, 'The Histories' of! Tacitus
Opera quae extant omnia
Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri
Taciti Germania seu De situ
Operum quae supersunt
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae exstant
The historical works of Tacitus
Annals Lt
Cornelii Taciti de vita Agricolae
Opera C. Cornelii Taciti
Ope re di C. Cornelio Tacito
Libri qui supersunt
P. Cornelii Tacitus
Complete works
Sämtliche werke
Vida de Julio Agricola, Germania - La
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae extant
Tacitus historical works
The works of Tacitus
P. Cornelii Taciti Ab excessu divi Augusti quae supersunt
P. Cornelius Tacitus Dialogus de oratoribus
P. Cornelii Taciti Annalium
Cornelii Taciti historiarum, liber primus
Germania ; Die Annalen
Cornelii Tacti opera minora
Tacitus on Britain and Germany
C. Cornelii Taciti [opera]
Germania. Erläuterungen, Kommentar.
Annalium libri 1-4
The historical works of Tacitus
Annals, Books I-VI
Dialogus de oratoribus
The annals of Tacitus
Agricola. Germania. Dialogue on Oratory
The annals of Tacitus
Historiarum libri
P. Cornelii Taciti Dialogus de oratoribus =
The works of Cornelius Tacitus
Due opuscoli di C. Cornelio Tacito
P. Cornelii Taciti Dialogus de oratoribus
C. Cornelius Tacitus de moribus Germanorum et de vita Agricolae
Annalivm ab excesso divi augusti libri recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit, C. D. Fisher
Cornelii Taciti Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri; the annals of Tacitus
Annalivm liber XV
Histories, book 1
Le opere di Tacito ..
Annalen XI - XVI.
Cornelius Tacitus
Tacitus, The histories
Tacite Dialogue des orateurs ; Vie d'Agricola ; La Germanie
The Annals of Tacitus, book XIV
The annals and history of Cornelius Tacitus; his account of the ancient Germans, and the life of Agricola. Made English by several hands. With political reflections from Monsieur Amelot de la Houssay; and notes of the learned Sir Henry Savile, Rickius, and others. In three volumes. The second edition, with additions and cuts. ..
De origine et situ Germanorum liber
C. Cornelius Tacitus
P. Cornelii Taciti Ab excessu divi Augusti quae supersunt
Cornelii Taciti Dialogvs de oratoribvs
Annals, book 1
C. Corn. Tacitvs
The Histories
The history, Germania, and Agricola
Historien. Text.
C. Cornelii Taciti que exstant opera
Oeuvres complètes de Tacite
Den aeldre romerske Kejsertid efter Cornelius Tacitus's Aarboeger og Historieboeger
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera qvæ exstant
Agricola and Germania
The Agricola of Tacitus
Cornelii Taciti Historiarvm libri;
Sammlung der neuesten Uebersetzungen der römischen Prosaiker mit erläuternden Anmerkungen. Fünfzehnten Theils. Erster Band. (German Edition)
Cornelii Taciti 0pera minora
P. Cornelii Taciti eqvitis Ro. ab excessv Avgvsti Annalivm libri sedecim
Opera qvae extant
Cornelii Taciti ab excessu divi Augusti libri I-III
C. Cornelii Taciti opera iterum
Germania. Text.
Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri
Dialogues des orateurs ; Vie d'Agricola ; La Germanie
C. Cornelivs Tacitvs
Opera quae supersunt ad optimorum librorum fidem recensuit
Caius Cornelius Tacitus
Historiarum libri qui supersunt
C. Cornelii Taciti De vita et moribus Cn. Iulii Agricolae liber
Cornelii Taciti Annalium libri I-IV. Ed. By H. Furneaux
The Agricola and Germania
C. Cornelius Tacitus de moribus Germanorum, et de vita Agricolæ
P. Cornelii Taciti... Annalium...; siue, Historiae Augustae... libri sedecim... recogniti... per Beatum Rhenanum... libellus de Germanorum populis, dialogus de oratoribus, denique vita Julii Agricolae,... adiunctis... scholiis...; nec desunt aliorum in hunc autorem aule aeditae annotationes praefationesque sive Beroaldi seu Alciati
Tacitus, selections from his works
Desz C. Corn. Tacitus Beschreibung ..
Works of Cornelius Tacitus
Tacitus Dialogus, Agricola, and Germania
Cornelius Tacitus' Werke ..
The history of Tacitus
Cornelii Tacti Annalium libri I-IV
C. Corn Taciti Opera
The History of Tacitus
C. Corn. Tacitus
De origine et situ Germanorum
C. Cornelivs Tacitvs cum optimis exemplaribus collatus adiecti sunt capitulorum numeri
Œuvres de C. C. Tacite
The Agricola and Germania of Tacitus: With a Revised Text, English Notes, and Maps
Cornelivs Tacitvs exacta cvra recognitvs, et emendatvs
P. Cornelii Taciti Opera
Tutte le opere
Annalen. Kommentar.
De origine, situ moribus ac populis Germanorum
Works of Cornelius Tacitus
Historiarum libri quinque ad fidem optimarum editionum expressi
Die historischen Versuche: Agricola, Germania, Diagolus
Cornelii Taciti De vita Agricolae
P. Cornelii Taciti historiarum et annalium libri qui extant
Opere di Gaio Cornelio Tacito
Opurile lui Caiu Corneliu Tacitu
P. Cornelii Taciti Ab excessu divi Augusti quae supersunt
Historiarum libri qui supersunt
The Germania of Tacitus: with ethnological dissertations and notes
Diálogo dos oradores
Oeuvres complètes de Tacite
C. Cornelio Tacito
Cornelii Taciti Annalivm ab excessv divi Avgvsti libri. Ed. By C.D. Fisher
Historiarum quae supersunt
Agricola - Germania / hrsg. Alfons Stadele
Le Couronnement de Poppée, Monteverdi
Dialogue des orateurs, Vie d'Agricola, La Germanie
Geschichte der Regierung
Cornelii Taciti Historiarvm libri
Opera C. Cornelii Taciti
Die Historien
Cornelii Taciti Annalium libri I-IV
C. Corn. Taciti Opera, recognovit, emendavit, supplementis explevit, notis, dissertationibus, illustravit
The letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, on several subjects
Cornelii Taciti De origine et sitv Germanorvm liber
Annalium libri 1-4
Annali, libro XI
Tacitus, Annals 1
The annals, book 14
Cornelii Taciti historiae =
Cornelii Taciti Historiae
Agricola / Germania. Lateinisch und Deutsch
Cornelii Tacili Historiarum libri qui supersunt =
Il libro secondo delle Storie
Annalium liber I
Sifre ha-Shanim
Tacite: Annales ..
The Annals: Books I.-VI
Historical works ..
Libri qui supersunt
Cornelii Taciti Ab excessu divi Augusti quae supersunt
Tacite ... annales
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae exstant omnia
Annales, livres 13-16
Selections from Tacitus Histories I-III
Les œuvres de Tacite
Germania, Tl.1, Text mit Wort- und Sacherläuterungen
P. Cornelius Tacitus
Annalium Liber XV
Cornelii Taciti annalium, ab excessu divi Augusti libri =
Historien. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Lateinisch / Deutsch
The Histories, Volumes I and II
C. Cornelii Taciti opera quæ exstant
The Works of Cornelius Tacitus: With an Essay on His Life and Genius, Notes ..
Cornelii Taciti libri qui supersunt Iterum recognovit Carolus Halm
Tacitus historical works
Cornelii Taciti Annalivm ab excessv divi Avgvsti libri
Le storie e le opere minori
Ab excessu divi Augusti, liber 15
The Sixth Book of the Annals
Agricola and Germany
Cornelii Taciti Annalium libri XIII-XVI
The annals of Tacitus, book XV, chapters 38-74
P. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae supersunt ad fidem codicum Mediceorum ab Io. Georgio Baitero denuo excussorum ceterorumque optimorum librorum recensuit atque interpretatus est Io. Gaspar Orellius
C. Cornelii Taciti opera: from the text of Brotier; with his explanatory notes, as ed. by A.J ..
P. Corneli Taciti Annalium, libri 15-16
Tacitus: Annals Book 1
C. Cornelius Tacitus Iuxta correctius exemplar editus cum adjectis capitulorum numeris
The Histories of Tacitus, Books, III, IV, and V
The Agricola and Germany of Tacitus: And the Dialogue on Oratory
The Histories, Book III
C. Cornelii Taciti quae exstant
The works of Cornelius Tacitus, with an essay on his life and genius, notes, suppls
Cornelii Taciti Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri
Selected works
Annalium Libri XIII-XVI
Histories; books I & II
Annales, livre XIII
Il libro terzo delle Storie
Annali di Tacito
Die Annalen
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: cum indice rerum, ad optimorum liborum fidem ..
Das Gespräch über die Redner. Dialogus de oratoribus
Corneli Taciti Historiarum libri ad fidem codicis medicei
Tibère, ou Les six premiers livres des Annales de Tacite
Libri ab excessu Divi Augusti I-VI
Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri
L' imperio di Tiberio Cesare scritto da Cornelio Tacito nelli Annali
P. Corneli Taciti historiarum lib II
Gli Annali
Cornelii Taciti Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri: The Annals of Tacitus, edited with ..
The histories of Tacitus, Books I and II
Historiarum libri
Vida de Julio Agrícola =
666. 2, Allegro demonio
Annaler I-V
Tacitus Annals, Book II
Annali di C. Cornelio Tacito
Opera quae exstant
Germania, Tl.1-2, Text mit Wort- und Sacherläuterungen
Tacitius on Britain and Germany
P. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae supersunt ad fidem codicum Mediceorum ab Io. Georgio Baitero denuo excussorum ceterorumque optimorum librorum recensuit atque interpretatus est Io. Gaspar Orellius
Annals I
666, tome 5
Il libro primo delle Storie
Mélanges de littérature, d'histoire, et de philosophie
William Godwin
William Godwin (1756-1836)

political philosopher, philosopher, journalist

Maria; or, The Wrongs of Woman
Memoirs of the author of A vindication of the rights of woman
Memoirs of Wollstonecraft
Lives of the Necromancers
Godwin on Wollstonecraft
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
Collected novels and memoirs of William Godwin
Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, author of "A vindication of the rights of woman."
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, the early English poet
Über die politische Gerechtigkeit
The elopement of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
The looking-glass
Lives of the necromancers, or, An account of the most eminent persons in successive ages who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of magical power
Lives of the necromancers, or, An account of the most eminent persons in successive ages who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of magical power
Autobiography ; Autobiographical fragments and reflections ; Godwin/Shelley correspondence ; Memoirs
Lives of the necromancers, or, An account of the most eminent persons in successive ages who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of magical power
St. Leon
An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
Penny Dreadfuls
The Adventures of Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams
The enquirer
Fleetwood, or, The new man of feeling
Political and philosophical writings of William Godwin
Fables, ancient and modern
St. Leon: a tale of the sixteenth century
Enquiry concerning political justice
Italian letters
Godwin & Mary
Italian Letters Or The History Of The Count De St. Julian
History of the Commonwealth of England
The enquirer
The letters of William Godwin
Thoughts on Man, His Nature, Productions and Discoveries
Italian Letters Vols. I and II
Thoughts on man
Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's bills
Damon and Delia
The Plays of William Godwin
A defence of the Rockingham party
Of population
Damon And Delia a Tale
Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's bills
Romantic rationalist
Thoughts occasioned by the perusal of Dr. Parr's Spital sermon, preached at Christ Church, April 15, 1800
Short Works of William Godwin
The history of the life of William Pitt, earl of Chatham ..
L' eutanasia dello Stato
Of population; an enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind
The anarchist writings of William Godwin
Jack and the Beanstalk
                Classics Illustrated Junior
Uncollected writings (1785-1822)
The history of England
Four Early Pamphlets
Memoirs Of Mary Wollstonecraft
Memoirs of M. Wollstonecraft Godwin, author of A vindication of the rights of woman
Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's bills, concerning treasonable and seditious practices, and unlawful assemblies
Cursory strictures on the charge delivered by Lord Chief Justice Eyre to the grand jury
A reply to an Answer to Cursory strictures
Life of Lady Jane Grey, and of Lord Guildford Dudley, her husband ..
Damon and Delia ; Italian letters ; Imogen
The elopement of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
Essay on sepulchres, or, A proposal for erecting some memorial of the illustrious dead in all ages
Enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on morals and happiness
History of the internal affairs of the United Provinces, from the year 1780, to the commencement of hostilities in June 1787
An inquiry concerning political justice
The looking-glass
Lives of Edward and John Philips, nephews and pupils of Milton
On law
Things as they are ; or, the adventures of Caleb Williams
Things as they are
Essay on sepulchres
Tragical consequences
Tragical consequences
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, the early English poet
The book of fables
Vidas de Nigromantes
Enquiry concerning political justice
On population
Instructions to a statesman
Saint Leon
The Shelley Clan on CD
Selections from Political justice
An account of the seminary that will be opened on Monday the fourth day of August, at Epsom in Surrey
The enquirer. Reflections on education, manners, and literature. In a series of essays. By William Godwin. [Two lines from Ovid]
Baldwin's Fables, ancient and modern
Memoirs of M. Wollstonecraft Godwin
Memoirs of the author of A vindication of the rights of woman
The adventures of Caleb Williams, or, Things as they are
Answer to cursory strictures on the charge delivered by Lord Chief Justice Eyre to the Grand Jury
Sketches of history
An essay on trades & professions ...
St. Leon
Uncollected writings (1785-1822); articles in periodicals and six pamphlets; one with Coleridge's marginalia
An enquiry concerning political justice
Das eigentum
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
Imogen A Pastoral Romance From the Ancient British
Deloraine (3 Vols in 2)
Selections from Political Justice
The pantheon
Fables in prose
Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's bills
Four Early Pamphlets, 1783-84
The Political and Philosophical Writings of William Godwin (Pickering Masters)
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
Lives of the necromancers. Or, An account of ... persons ... who have ..
The Book of fables
The history of the life of William Pitt, earl of Chatham
Outlines of English grammar. ...
Four early pamphlets (1783-1784)
Thoughts on Man His Nature, Productions and Discoveries Interspersed with some Particulars Respecting the Author
The Enquirer: Reflections on Education, Manners, and Literature. In a Series of Essays
The herald of literature
Italian Letters, Vols. I and II The History of the Count de St. Julian
The Pantheon, or, Ancient history of the gods of Greece and Rome
The Wrongs of Woman; or Maria and Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Eighteenth Century Literature) (Eighteenth Century Literature)
Essay on sepulchres
Fables ancient and modern
Lives of Edward and John Philips
André Maurois
André Maurois (1885-1967)

philosopher, essayist, historian, literary critic, biographer, critic

  • Lycée Pierre-Corneille
Memoirs, 1885-1967
Magiciens et logiciens
Napoleon and his world
Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo
À la recherche de Marcel Proust
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
Poets and prophets
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac
Édouard VII et son temps
Frédéric Chopin
Les Titans ou les trois Dumas
Aspects de la biographie
Alexandre Dumas
I remember, I remember
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo ; Les trois Dumas
La vie de Sir Alexander Fleming
La vie de Disraëli
Un essai sur Dickens
Don Juan
Le monde de Marcel Proust
Ariel ; ou, la vie de Shelley
Disraeli, a picture of the Victorian age
Napoléon et l'Empire, 1769, 1815, 1821...
Victor Hugo and His World
Bailun de tong nian
al-Lūrd Bayrūn ʻāshiq nafsih
André Maurois, 1885-1985
Ariel, ou, La vie de Shelley
La Vie de Disraëli
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Proust; a biography
Histoire de la France
The art of happiness
General Bramble
Lafayette in America
Patapoufs et Filifers
Un art de vivre
Marshall Lyautey
The Edwardian era
Call no man happy
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble
De Proust a Camus
Cinq visages de l'amour
The collected stories of André Maurois
Introduction à la méthode de Paul Valéry
Die besten Kurzgeschichten
Nouvelles extra-terrestres et imaginaires
The miracle of America
An illustrated history of Germany
En Amérique
La France change de viasage
Histoire des Etats-Unis
D'Aragon à Montherland
Cours de bonheur conjugal
Atmosphere of Love
Portrait de la France et des Français
Le chapitre suivant
To an unknown lady
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble / Nouveaux discours du docteur O'Grady
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
3 letters on the English
Choses nues
Lecture, mon doux plaisir
Ten Droll Tales ...
Cecil Rhodes
Private Universe
Rouen dévasté
Tragédie en France
Journal d'un tour en Amérique latine
J.L. David
Versailles aux lumières
Poésie et action
The miracle of France
Proust: portrait of a genius
Woman without love
Les Anglais
Petite histoire de l'espèce humaine (fragments)
Portrait d'une actrice (Mrs. Siddons)
Les silences du colonel Bramble
My Latin-American diary
Public libraries and their mission
The Chelsea way, or, Marcel in England
Adrienne, ou, La vie de Madame de La Fayette
L' Amérique inattendue
Selections from André Maurois
Chantiers américains
Les roses de septembre
La Conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands
A history of the USA
Conseils a un jeune Français partant pour l'Angleterre
Maurois reader
An illustrated history of England
Points of View
Why France fell
Histoire de l'Angleterre
Andrâe Maurois:Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de
Sentiments & coutumes
De la bruyère a Proust
Prophets and poets
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
Sept Visages De L'Amour
The women of Paris
La jeunesse devant notre temps
Bernard Quesnay
Cercle de famille
La Comtesse de Castiglione
From the New Freedom to the New Frontier
Art of Writing
Les Trois Dumas
États-Unis 39
The battle of France
Captains and kings
Etudes littéraires
Lecture mon doux plaisir
Etudes Litteraires II (2)
Les bourgeois de Witzheim
Au commencement était l'action
The battle of France
De Gide a   Sartre
Discours et Nouveaux Discours du Docteur O'grady...
L' instinct du bonheur
Espoirs et souvenirs
Terre promise
Washington, the life of a patriot
Pis £ma neznakomke
Voyage au pays des Articoles
Les trois Dumas
Études anglaises ..
Etudes Anglaises
Open letter to a young man.
Lafayette in America
The next chapter
Estudios literarios
Ricochets Miniature Tales of Human Life
Etudes littéraires
Memoires I
Shao nian Gede zhi chuang zao
Destins exemplaires
Lian ai yu xi sheng
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Ce que je crois
Meïpe; ou, La delivrance
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire
Amours a Londres
Études littéraires ..
Siskolarla Siskalar
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
Histoire de l'Allemagne
Profiles of Great Men
Memoires Tome II
Morceaux choisis
L' Angleterre romantique
Histoire de l'allemagne
Falanxi zhi bei ju
Prophets and poets
The women of Paris
Louis XIV à Versailles
Le roman de George Sand et de Chopin
Dialogues sur le commandement
Ni ange, ni bête
Prophets and Poets
Lettres a l'inconnue
Toujours l'inattendu arrive
Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Victor Hugo and His World (A Studio Book)
Ai di fen wei
Les mondes imaginaires: Meïpe--Les souffrances du jeune Werther--Par la faute de M. de Balzac--Portrait dúne actrice--Les derniers jours de Pompéi
Le diner sous les marrouniers
La conversation
Open letter to a young man
Retour en France
Les mondes impossibles
La vie de Disraëli
Jahrmarkt in Neuilly
Nu wang de shui tu
Les nouveaux discours du Docteur O'Grady
Pour piano seul
Mes songes que voici ..
Whatever Gods may be
Histoire parallèle des U.S.A. 1917-1960.
Le côté de Chelsea
Sonbahar Gülleri
The rôle of art in life and law
Memoires I
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire, suivi de Le Rôle de l'écrivain dans le monde d'aujourd'hui
"Sur le vif"
Falanxi tong shi
The Ten Commandments
Falanxi de bei ju
Le pays des 36,000 [i.e.trente-six mille] volontés
Le poème de Versailles
Profiles of great men
E ́tudes américaines ..
La machine à lire les pensées
Illustrated History
Nouvelles directions de la littérature française
Falanxi zhan xian
Maurois on Biography
Le peseur d'âmes
Frankrigs Tragedie
Mon ami Léger
Trois portraits de femmes
Prophets and Poets
Weiduoliya shi dai Ying gong wai shi
The miracle of England
Victor Hugo and his world
La Vie de Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte
Histoire de la France
Illustrated History
Stroj na čtení myšlenek
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Rio de Janeiro
Nouvelles directions de la litte rature franc ʹaise
Oeuvres Completes Tome IV - Bernard Quesnay / Terre Promise / Toujours L'Inattendu Arrive (French Edition)
Les origines de la guerre de 1939
Omanut ha-niśuʼin ha-meʼusharim
Les discours du docteur O'Grady
Au commencement était l'action
Aux innocents les mains pleines
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
לבו של ביירון
Oeuvres Completes Tome I - Les Silences du Colonel Bramble / Les Discours du Docteur O'Grady / A La Recherche de Bramble / Les Nouveaux Discours du ... Francais / Ni Ange, Ni Bete (French Edition)
Oeuvres Completes Tome VII - Les Mondes Impossibles / Les Mondes Imaginaires / Tu ne Commettras Point D'Adultere (French Edition)
Verzichte auf das Absolute
Divre yeme Tsarfat
Lettres a L'inconnue
Premiers contes
A time for silence
Sifriyot tsiburiyot u-sheliḥutan
Whatever gods maybe
Ravān sanj
Textes choisis de André Maurois
Discours de réception à l'Académie française et Réponse de M. André Chevrillon
Atarashiki taisen
3 letters on the English
A la recherche de Marcel Proust
Les silences du colonel Bramble
Etats-Unis 39
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Chefs-d'œuvre des aquarellistes anglais
Lyautey ...
The art of living
Lettres à l'inconnue
Prophets and poets
Oeuvres Completes Tome VIII - Chateaubriand / Alain / Tourgueniev (French Edition)
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Toujours l'inattendu arrive et autres nouvelles
O lásce a přátelství
ha-Mishmanaʾim ṿeha-Mirzanaʾim
Antología de poetas franceses contemporáneos
Bernard Quesnay
A history of the U.S.A. from Wilson to Kennedy
André Maurois habla de libros y bibliotecas
Le Tour du monde du rire
Me moires
Portrait d'un ami qui s'appelait moi
Andre Maurois
Kekkon yūjō kōfuku
Ḥug ha-mishpaḥah
Literaturnye portrety
L' Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Oeuvres Completes Tome V - Dialogues sur le Commandement / Lyautey / Mes Songes que Voici / La Conversation (French Edition)
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
The collected stories of André Maurois
Pisʹma neznakomke
La biblioteca pública y su misión
Oeuvres Completes Tome XV - Ariel ou la Vie de Shelley / Prefaces Litteraires / Le Diner sous les Marronniers / Une Carriere (French Edition)
Dialogues des vivants
Oeuvres Completes Tome XVI - Olympio ou la Vie de Victor Hugo (French Edition)
Le cercle de famille ; L'instinct du bonheur
Rozhdenie znamenitosti
Rodinný kruh
Kerem ha-ḳesamim
Illustrated History
Divre yeme Angliyah
Victor Hugo and his world
Die Geschichte Amerikas
Victor Hugo and his world
Lettres à l'inconnue
La conversation
Climats ; Bernard Quesnay, suivi de dix nouvelles
Le cinquantenaire du Colonel Bramble
Le côté de Chelsea
Robert et Elizabeth Browning
Les silences du colonel Bramble
Journal d'un tour en Suisse
Études anglaises
Sept visages de l'amour
Œuvres complètes
Die Kunst zu leben
Illustrated History
Binyamin Franḳlin u-milḥemet ha-ʻatsmaʾut shel Ameriḳah
A Unitarian states his case
Jen člověk
Oeuvres Completes Tome VI - Aspects de la Biographie / Byron (French Edition)
Leonardo Bruni
Leonardo Bruni (1368-1443)

philosopher, translator, historian, politician, humanist, scribe

Le vite di Dante e del Petrarca
Polybii historici primo bellp punico Leonardo Aretino interprete, libri tres
The earliest lives of Dante
Sulla perfetta traduzione
History of the Florentine people
Humanist educational treatises
Istoria fiorentina
History of the Florentine people
Humanistisch-philosophische Schriften
The Humanism of Leonardo Bruni
Leonardi Aretini Historiarum Florentinarum libri XII
Leonardi Aretini Rerum suo tempore in Italia gestarum commentarius
Novella di Lionardo Bruni Aretino
Summa siquier introducción de filosofı́a moral
History of the Forentine people
Opere letterarie e politiche
Canzone di Leonardi Bruni d'Arezzo a laude di Venere
In Praise of Florence
Laudatio Florentine urbis
[La guerra de Ghoti
La historia universale de suoi tempi di M. Lionardo Aretino
Istoria fiorentina
Comedia Poliscene
Storie fiorentine
De le guerre fatte nelli suoi tempi
The historie of Leonard Aretine
Historiarum florentini populi libri xii
Libro della gverra de Ghoti
Leonhardi Aretini de studiis et litteris ad illustrem dominam baptistam de malatesta tractatulus
Leonardi Aretini uiri doctissimi De bello Punico libro [i.e. libri] duo
Leonardi Bruni Arretini Epistolarum libri VIII
Libro della prima guerre delli Carthaginesi con li Romani
Dialogi ad Petrum Paulum Histrum
Il testamento di Leonardo Bruni
Panegirico della città di Firenze.  Testo italiano a fronte di Frate Lazaro da Padova.  Presentazione di Giuseppe De Toffol
Libro della prima guerra deli Carthaginesi con li Romani
Leonardo Bruni Aretino Humanistisch-philosophische schrften mit einer chronologie seiner werke und briefe
Libro della gverra de Ghotti
La prima guerra punica
Humanistisch-philosphische Schriften mit einer Chronologie seiner Werke und Briefe
Epistolae familiares
The Earliest lives of Dante
Leonardo Bruni, Pietro Miani e l'inedita lettera di dedica della traduzione della plutarchiana Vita Pauli Aemilii
The Earliest lives of Dante
Leonardus Aretinus De temporibus suis
The Earliest lives of Dante
Anders Leonard Bygdén
Anders Leonard Bygdén (1844-1929)

librarian, philosopher, biographer, historian

  • Uppsala University
Rättelser och tillägg samt person- och pseudonymregister till Svenskt anonym- och pseudonymlexikon af Leonard Bygdén =
Svenskt anonym- och pseudonymlexikon
Svenskt anonym- och pseudonymlexikon