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linguists who wrote biography
Showing 57-64 out of 239 results
Yasmina Reza
Yasmina Reza (born 1959)

actor, linguist, translator, playwright, stage actor, film actor, film director

  • Paris Nanterre University, University of Paris
L' aube le soir ou la nuit
Aube le soir ou la nuit
Adam Haberberg
Conversations After a Burial
The god of carnage
Le dieu du carnage
Happy are the happy
Conversations After a Burial
Homme du hasard
Art. Texte et documents. Sekundarstufe 2.
L'homme du hasard
Trois versions de la vie
Plays one
Felices los felices
La traversée de l'hiver
Un dios salvaje
Nulle part
Eine Verzweiflung
Une désolation
Hammerklavier (Theatre Books)
Une pièce espagnole
Dans la luge d'Arthur Schopenhauer
Hammerklavier. Eine Sonate
Minuit "Double"
En El Trineo de Schopenhauer
Une Desolation
Conversations après un enterrement
Yasmina Reza: Plays 1
Una Desolacion
L'aube, le soir ou la nuit
Das Lachen als Maske des Abgründigen
Uma desolação
L'equation africaine
"Der Gott des Gemetzels"
Dans la luge d'Arthur Schopenhauer
Adam Haberberg (Vintage International)
Anne-Marie la Bella
Obraz ;
L' homme du hasard
Art, 1 CD-Audio (franz.)
Le pique-nique de Lulu Kreutz
God of carnage
Drei Mal Leben
Comment vous racontez la partie
Victor Klemperer
Victor Klemperer (1881-1960)

romanist, scholar of French literature, politician, autobiographer, diarist, journalist, philologist, opinion journalist, translator, Associate Professor

  • Französisches Gymnasium Berlin
Ich will Zeugnis ablegen bis zum letzten
The lesser evil
So sitze ich denn zwischen allen Stühlen
Curriculum vitae
Und so ist alles schwankend
Victor Klemperer
Leben sammeln, nicht fragen wozu und warum
Die romanischen Literaturen von der Renaissance bis zur französischen Revolution
Romanische Sonderart
To the Bitter End the Diaries 45
Geschichte der französischen Literatur im 18. Jahrhundert
Geschichte der französischen Literatur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, 1800-1925
Vor 33 [i.e. dreiunddreissig] - nach 45
To the bitter end
Die französische Literatur von Napoleon bis zur Gegenwart
Die moderne französische Lyrik von 1870 bis zur Gegenwart
Die moderne französische Lyrik von 1870 bis zur Gegenwart
Die Zeitromane Friedrich Spielhagens und ihre Wurzeln
To the Bitter End
Delilles "Gärten"
Die unbewältigte Sprache
Journal (1933-1945 ; coffret deux tomes)
Mes soldats de papier. Journal 1933-1941
Ein Leben in Bildern
Adolf Wilbrandt
Vreau să depun mărturie până la capăt
Idealistische literaturgeschichte
Die moderne französische Prosa (1870-1920)
Romanische Sonderart
Chcę dawać świadestwo aż do końca
Die Zeitromane Friedrich Spielhagens und ihre Wurzeln
Man möchte immer weinen und lachen in einem
Paul Lindau
Die unbewa ltigte Sprache
Vom Geiste neuer Literaturforschung
Idealistische Neuphilologie
Moderne französische Lyrik (Dekadenz, Symbolismus, Neuromantik)
Owen Morgan Edwards
Owen Morgan Edwards (1858-1920)

historian, politician, linguist

  • Welsh Presbyterian Theological College, Aberystwyth University
Cartrefi Cymru
Tro yn Llydaw
O. M. Edwards
Llyfr Del
Syr Owen M. Edwards
Tro yn yr Eidal
O'r Bala i Geneva
Llynnoedd llonydd
A short history of Wales
Er mwyn Iesu
Tro i'r de
Yn y wlad
Hanes Cymru
Er mwyn Cymru
Llyfr Owen (llyfr o straeon)
Yn y wlad ac ysgrifau eraill
Clych atgof
Tro trwy'r Gogledd.Tro i'r De
Clych atgof ac ysgrifau eraill
Cartrefi Cymru ac ysgrifau eraill
Yn y wlad ac ysgrrifau eraill
Clych adgof
Llyfrau ystraeon hanes
Ystraeon o hanes Cymru
Homes of Wales
Teithio'r Cyfandir
Tro trwy'r gogledd
Marcin Kromer
Marcin Kromer (1511-1589)

diplomat, historian, music theorist, Catholic priest, philologist, Catholic bishop

  • Jagiellonian University, University of Bologna
Mowa na pogrzebie Zygmunta I oraz, O pochodzeniu i o dziejach Polaków
Musicae elementa
Musica figurata
Historyja prawdziwa o przygodzie żałosnej książęcia finlandzkiego Jana i królewny polskiej Katarzyny
Martini Cromeri De origine et rebus gestis Polonorum libri XXX
Musicae elementa
Historyja prawdziwa o przygodzie żałosnej książęcia finlandzkiego Jana i królewny polskiej Katarzyny
Marcin Kromer i jego czasy (1512-1589)
Rozmowy dworzanina z mnichem (1551-1554)
Historyja prawdziwa o przygodzie żałosnej ksia̦że̦cia Finlandzkiego Jana i królewny Polskiej Katarzyny
Marcina Kromera ... o sprawach, dzieiach y wszystikich inszych potocznościach koronnych polskich
De falsa Lutheranorum; sive, Evangelicorum nostri temporis et vera Christi religione libri duo, primi... polonica lingua... conscriptis..., nunc recens latina lingua donati & aucti
Mitnächtischer Völckern Historien
Marćina Kromera Biskupa Warmienskiego, O sprawach, dzieiach, y wszytkich inszych potocznosciach koronnych polskich, kśiąg XXX
A notable example of Gods vengeance, vppon a murdering king
Martini Cromeri De origine et rebvs gestis Polonorvm libri XXX. tertiv̀m ab avthore diligenter recogniti ...
De falsa nostri temporis, et vera Christi religione
William Caxton
William Caxton (1421-1492)

linguist, translator, publisher, diplomat, printer

Legenda aurea
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
Dialogues in French and English
The fifteen O's and other prayers
Prologues and epilogues
Prefaces and prologues to famous books
Vocabulary in French and English
Selections from William Caxton
Lyf Of The Noble And Crysten Prynce, Charles The Grete
Caxton's Book of Curtesye
Golden Legend, or, Lives of the Saints; Volume 3
The history of Reynard the Fox
Authors of the Middle Ages: English Writers of the Late Middle Ages
The Tracts Of Clement Maydeston
Caxton's advertisement
Booke of Ovyde Named Metamorphose
Story of Queen Anelida and the False Arcite
Booke of Ovyde Named Methamorphose
The Golden Legend; Lives of the Saints
The Golden Legend
The Golden Legend; Or, Lives of the Saints
William Caxton's prologues and epilogues
Here Begynneth a Lityll Treatise Spekynge of the Arte and Crafte to Knowe Well to Dye
Caxton's Aesop
Le Morte Darthur
Game And Playe of the Chesse
If it plese ony man spirituel or temporel to bye ony pyes of two and thre comemoracio[n]s of saliburi vse ..
Caxton's Book Of Courtesy
The Fables of Aesop
The fifteen O's and other prayers
Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine c. 1489
Game and Playe of the Chesse (A Verbatim Reprint of the First Edition, 1474)
Golden Legend
The history of Reynard the Fox, his friends and his enemies, his crimes, hairbreadth escapes and final triumph; a metrical version of the old English translation
Le Morte Darthur; The History of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table
Game and Playe of the Chesse
Fables of Aesop, As First Printed by William Caxton in 1484, with Those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, Now Again Edited and Induced by Joseph Jacobs; Volume 2
Caxton's own prose
Le Morte d'Arthur
Paris and Vienne
The Legendary History of the Cross
Game and Playe of the Chesse
Ars Moriendi
Vocabulary in French and English
W. Caxtons Infantia salvatoris
The Golden Legend
Ars Moriendi
The Churl and the Bird
Charlemagne and the Admiral of Spain
Morte D'arthur
Three sermons for Nova Festa, together with the Hamus Caritatis
Dialogues in French and English
Godeffroy of Boloyne; or, the Siege and Conqueste of Jerusalem
Morte Darthur; the History of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table
Morte d'Arthur. Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table. the Text of Caxton, Edited, with an Introd. by Sir Edward Strachey
The Golden Legend
Fables of Aesop, As First Printed by William Caxton in 1484, with Those of Avian, Alfonso and Po
The mirrour of the world
The booke of Raynarde the Foxe
Fifteen 0's
The lyf of the noble and Crysten prynce, Charles the Grete
Wm. Caxton's Prologues and epilogues
Morte Darthur
The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. A Facsimile Reproduction of the First Book Printed in England by William Caxton in 1477
Morte Darthur; Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table
The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy; Volume 1
History of Reynard the Fox
Caxton's Eneydes, 1490
Game and Playe of the Chesse
Caxton's mirrour of the world
Dialogues in French and English
Aus Caxtons vorreden und nachworten
The Prologue and Epilogues of William Caxton (Eets, Os Series : No 176)
Renaud of Montauban
Renaud of Montauban
Quattuor sermones
The Doctrinal of sapience
Revival : Caxton's History of Jason
Caxton's Eneydos 1490
The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope
History of Reynard the Fox
Ars moriendi
The history of Reynard the Fox
Tulle of olde age
The Right Plesaunt and Goodly Historie of the Foure Sonnes of Aymon
Morte d'Arthur : King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table : Volume 1 and II
The lyf of the noble and Crysten prynce
In the state of innocensye
The history of Reynard the Fox
A reprint in facsimile of a treatise spekynge of the arte & crafte to knowe well to dye
Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round ..
[Fragments of "Chronicles"]
Caxton's Mirrour of the world
Caxton and Daniel selections
Caxton's mirrour of the world
Sayings of the Philosophers
Paris and Vienne
The right plesaunt and goodly historie of the foure sonnes of Aymon
The Tracts of Clement Maydeston: With the Remains of Caxton's Ordinale
Prefaces and prologues to famous books
The Book of Fayttes of Armes and of Chyalrye (Early English Text Society (Series). Original Series, 189.)
The historye of Reynart the Foxe (1489)
[Here begynneth the hystorye of reinard the foxe]
The history of Reynard the Fox
The fables of Esope
The dictes and sayings of the philosophers
Isoppu gūwashū
Godeffroy of Boloyne, Or, the Siege and Conqueste of Jerusalem (Early English Text Society (Series). Extra Series, 64.)
Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine C. 1489: From Lord Spencer's Unique Imperfect Copy, Completed ..
Parvus Cato, magnus Cato
The booke of Raynarde the Foxe
The right plesaunt and goodly historie of the foure sonnes of Aymon
Here begynnneth a lityll treatise spekynge of the arte & crafte
The history of Reynard the Fox
The Descrypcyon of Englonde
Prefaces and prologues to famous books
The lyf of the noble and Crysten prynce, Charles the Grete
The history of Reynard the Fox
[Here begynneth the book of The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope ...]
The history of Reynard the Foxe
Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine, c. 1489
Barlaam & Josaphat
The Lyf of Seynt Kenelme, kynge and martir
The history and Fables of Aesop
Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round ..
Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of His Noble ..
Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine c. 1489. ?h [microform]
The Game of Chesse
The History of Reynard the Fox: With Some Account of His Family, Friends ..
Caxton's advertisement
Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine c. 1489
Biblia pauperum
Paris and Vienne
The helthe of mannes sowle
The fables of Esope
Paris and Vienne
Naomi Mitchison
Naomi Mitchison (1897-1999)

nurse, poet, linguist

  • Dragon School
You may well ask
Among you taking notes--
Alexander the Great
African heroes
Naomi Mitchison
Mucking around
Margaret Cole, 1893-1980
African Heroes
A life for Africa
Small talk-
You May Well Ask
As It Was
Small talk--: memories of an Edwardian childhood
All change here
Naomi Mitchison (Saltire Pamphlets: Self-portrait Series)
Caught in the Organ Draft
The Corn King and the Spring Queen
Travel light
The blood of the martyrs
Solution three
The bull calves
Memoirs of a Spacewoman
When the bough breaks, and other stories
The blood of the martyrs
Memoirs of a Spacewoman
Sun and moon
The family at Ditlabeng
The blood of the martyrs
The Africans
Cloud cuckoo land
Images of Africa
The Fourth Pig
The Fourth Pig (Oddly Modern Fairy Tales)
When the Bough Breaks and Other Stories
Memoirs of a spacewoman
Sunrise tomorrow
The Conquered
Black Sparta
Early in Orcadia
When the Bough Breaks, and Other Stories
Lobsters on the agenda
The blood of the martyrs
To the Chapel Perilous
The home and a changing civilisation
To the Chapel Perilous
Memoirs of a Spacewoman
The Vegetable War
The Conquered
The Young Alfred the Great
Friends and enemies
Solution three
Kornkönig und Frühlingsbraut
The Big House
Cleopatra's people
Five Men and a Swan
Sea-green Ribbons
Anna Comnena
Return to the fairy hill
Science Fiction Story Reader 10
Memoiren einer Raumfahrerin
Alexander the Great
Phoenix: Among You Taking Notes..
A girl must live
What Do You Think Yourself
Black Sparta
Oil for the highlands?
The far harbour
Cleansing of the Knife and Other Poems
Naomi Mitchison's Vienna diary
Comments on birth control
Memoirs of a spacewoman
Other People's Worlds, and Mucking Around
Judy and Lakshmi
Blood of the Martyrs
Vienna diary
The laburnum branch, poems
Oil for the Highlands?
Vienna diary 1934
The Land the Ravens Found
Barbarian Stories, with the Hostages, and Boys and Girls and Gods
Blood of the Martyrs
Cloud cuckoo land
The Danish teapot
Graeme and the Dragon and Other Stories for Young Readers
Early in Orcadia
The Land the Ravens Found
Cleopatra's People
The land the ravens found
What the human race is up to
Life for Africa
Ketse and the chief
The Conquered
Behold Your King
The family at Ditlabeng
The Kingdom of Heaven
Judy and Lakshmi
Oath-Takers and Sea-Green Ribbons
The Family at Ditlabeng
The Alban goes out
Rib of the Green Umbrella and Karensgaard
When the bough breaks and other stories
The swan's road
Blood of the Martyrs
Fairy Who Couldn't Tell a Lie
Solution Three
The Swan's Road
Five men and a swan
Black Sparta
Return to the fairy hill
The hostages
Judy and Lakshmi
Far Harbour with Henny and Crispies
Friends and enemies
Bull Calves
Not by Bread Alone
Re-educating Scotland
The Oath-takers
Small Talk
Friends and Enemies
Travel Light
Blood of the Martyrs
When the Bough Breaks with Black Sparta
The Barbarian
Beyond this limit
The moral basis of politics
The conquered
Bridges of Understanding
The big surprise
African heroes
Presenting other people's children
Boys and girls and gods
Anna Comnena
The Young Alfred the Great
Presenting other people's children
When we become men
The conquered
When we become men
The Best war stories
Among You Taking Notes
Travel Light
Other people's worlds
Naomi Mitchison's Vienna Diary
The Conquered
What the Human Race is Up to
Barbarian stories
Sun and moon
Lobsters on the agenda
To the Chapel Perilous
The land the ravens found
To the Chapel Perilous
Not by bread alone
What Do You Think Yourself? with a Girl Must Live
Among You Taking Notes...
Alexander the Great (Then & There)
Black Sparta
Behold your king
The big house
Graeme and the dragon
A fishing village on the Clyde
Small talk
Five men and a swan
Men and Herring
The corn king and the spring queen / by Naomi Mitchison ; with four pictures by Z. Stryjenska being decorations of the Polish National Pavilion in the Paris Exhibition of 1926
The far harbour
Six women of the world
The conquered
Comments on birth control
The hostages,and other stories for boys and girls
The Alban goes out
As it was in the beginning
The rib of the green umbrella
Memoirs of a spacewoman
Images of Africa
Saunes Bairos
The bull calves
Nix-nought-nothing ; and Elfen Hill
The delicate fire
Memoirs of a spacewoman
The laburnum branch
Blood of the martyrs
Six women of the world
The powers of light
The Fourth Pig
The price of freedom
We have been warned
What the human race is up to
The Alban goes out
The fairy who couldn't tell a lie
The family of Ditlabeng
The Brave nurse and other stories
The delicate fire
Corn King & Spring Queen
The big house
An end and a beginning; and other plays
When we become men
The Corn king and the spring queen
The laburnum branch
Ketse and the chief
When the bough breaks
The barbarian
Man and herring
Don't look back
As it was in the beginning
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Sylvia Townsend Warner (1893-1978)

linguist, poet, musicologist, translator

Collected Poems
The diaries of Sylvia Townsend Warner
Scenes of childhood
T. H. White:A Biography
Jane Austen
Mr. Fortune's Maggot
Short stories
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
The Music at Long Verney
Stories from the New Yorker, 1950-1960
The innocent and the guilty
The corner that held them
Summer will show
Fahrenheit 451 and Related Readings
One thing leading to another
Swans on an autumn river
Selected poems
Lolly Willowes
I'll stand by you
The element of lavishness
After the death of Don Juan
The innocent and the guilty: stories
Kingdoms of Elfin
One thing leading to another, and other stories
Flint Anchor
Four in Hand
Winter in the air
The cat's cradle-book
Mr. Fortune's Maggot
Scenes of childhood and other stories
True Heart
Kingdoms of Elfin (Handheld Classics Book 5)
A garland of straw
After the Death of Don Juan
A stranger with bag and other stories
The Flint Anchor
Les royaumes des elfes (French Edition)
The true heart
Laura Willowes
A spirit rises
Twelve poems
Jane Austen, 1775-1817
The flint anchor, a novel.
Winter in the air, and other stories
The Museum of Cheats
A Stranger with a Bag and other stories
Swans on an Autumn
Opus 7
Stranger with a Bag
Looly Willowes
Sylvia Townsend Warner Selected Poems
Selected Stories
Sylvia Townsend Warner
The Portrait of a Tortoise
Winter in the Air
Sylvia and David
A spirit rises, stories
Mister Fortunes letztes Paradies
English Climate : Wartime Stories
Of Cats and Elfins
Conversation Gambits
Music at Long Verney
The espalier
Swans on an autumn river
Scenes of Childhood
Kingdoms of Elfin (A Delta book)
Spirit Rises
Mr Fortune's Maggot
Mr. Fortune
Letters Between Sylvia Townsend Warner and Valentine Ackland
A Stranger With a Bag
Doll's House and Other Stories
Warner S a Stranger with a Bag
Jane Austen (Bibliographical series of supplements to British Book News on writers and their work)
Kingdoms of Elfin
Winter in the Air
The Salutation
Sketches from nature
The cat's cradle book
Sketches from nature
The museum of cheats
Two conversation pieces
Elinor Barley
Jane Austen
24 short stories
Some world far from ours
The Barnards of Loseby
A Garland of Straw and other stories
Le coeur pur
Winter in the Air and other stories
Two poems
A spirit rises
Azrael & other poems
Jane Austen
A moral ending and other stories
With the hunted
This our brother
Lolly Willowes, and, Mr. Fortune's Maggot
Time importuned
Two conversation pieces
Mr. Fortune's maggot
Two poems
Whether a dove or a seagull
New collected poems
The museum of cheats, and other stories
Pentti Saarikoski
Pentti Saarikoski (1937-1983)

linguist, politician, poet, translator, lyricist

  • Helsinki Normal Lyceum
Ihmisen ääni
Asiaa tai ei
Poems 1958-1980
Din Pentti
Eino Leino, legenda jo eläessään
Nuoruuden päiväkirjat
Tähänastiset runot
Poems, Nineteen Fifty-Eight to Nineteen Eighty
Nenän pakinat
Punaiset liput
Valitut runot
Nuoruuden runot
Den dunkles danser
Köyhyyden filosofia
Ja meille jäi kiireetön ilta
English­Finnish Dictionary of Electronic Instrumentation  Englantilais­Suomalainen Elektroniikkaja Instrumenttisanasto
Ovat muistojemme lehdet kuolleet
Runoja, 1958-1962
Carta a mi mujer
Laulu laululta pois
Toisia runoja
Onnen aika
Onnen aika
En soisi sen päättyvän
Hämärän tanssit
Euroopan reuna
Rannsakan. Tiden i Prag. Brev till min hustru. Jag blickar ut över huvudet på Stalin. Lyckans tid
Prahan päiväkirjat
The Edge of Europe
Dances of the Obscure
Aika prahassa
Tanssilattia vuorella
Kirje vaimolleni
Kuljen missä kuljen
Nena n pakinoita