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linguists who wrote biography
Showing 25-32 out of 239 results
Viktor Shklovsky
Viktor Shklovsky (1893-1984)

film critic, poet, literary critic, literary historian, film scholar, linguist, literary scholar, critic, essayist

  • Saint Petersburg State University
Sentimentalʹnoe puteshestvie
Lev Tolstoĭ
O Mai︠a︡kovskom
"Eshche nichego ne konchilosʹ--"
Lev Tolstoy
Sobranie sochinenii
Cʼera una volta
Sentimental'noe puteshestvie
Mayakovsky and his circle
Tretʹi︠a︡ fabrika
O teorii prozy
Zoo, or, Letters not about love
Knight's move
Gamburgskiĭ schet
Izbrannoe v dvukh tomakh
Sprache und Stil Lenins
O poezie
The Hamburg score
Minin i Pozharskiĭ
Razvertyvanie si︠u︡zheta =
Gamburgskiĭ schet
Khudozhestvennai͡a︡ proza
Energy of Delusion
Viktor Shklovsky
Literatura i kinematograf
Literature and Cinematography (Dalkey Archive Scholarly) (Dalkey Archive Scholarly)
A sentimental journey; memoirs, 1917-1922
Istoricheskie povesti i rasskazy
Lev Tolstoy
Gamburgskii  schet
Lev Tolstoi
O masterakh starinnykh, 1714-1812
Kapitan Fedotov
La disimilitud de lo similar
Third factory
Rasvertyvanie si͡uzheta
Povesti o proze
Energy of delusion
Khod koni︠a︡
A hunt for optimism
O masterakh starinnykh
Ėnergii͡a︡ zabluzhdenii͡a︡
Sobre la prosa literaria
Za sorok let; [statʹi o kino]
Mater'yal i stil' v romane L'va Tolstogo "Voina i mir"
Theorie der Prosa
Capitaine Fédotov
La Marche du cheval
Schriften zum Film
Sur la théorie de la prose
Za 60 let
Za i protiv
Za i protiv
Pushkin i Gogol
Staroe i novoe
Lettura del Decameron
Khudozhestvennaya proza
Zametki o proze russkikh klassikov
"Tristram Shendi" Sterna i teorii͡a︡ romana
Povestʹ o khudozhnike Fedotove
Voyage sentimental
Chulkov i Levshin
Za i protiv
Zemli razvedchik--Marko Polo
Materʹi͡a︡l i stilʹ v romane Lʹva Tolstogo "Voĭna i mir."
Zhiznʹ khudozhnika Fedotova
Razvertyvanie si Łuzheta
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Khod konya
Zametki o proze russkikh klassikov
Résurrection du mot ; Littérature et cinématographe
O teorii prozy
Technique du métier d'écrivain
Udachi i porozheniia Maksima Gor'kogo
Kratkaya, no doctovernaya povest' o dvoryanine bolotove
Zametki o proze Pushkina
Santimental'noe [t.e.sentimental'noe] puteshestvie
Revoli͡ut͡sii͡a i front
Samoe Shklovskoe
Kratkai Ła, no dostovernai Ła povest £ o dvori Łanine Bolotove
Lev Tolstoi
Povestʹ o khudozhnike Fedotove
Razvertyvanie si︠u︡zheta =
V pustote ... =
O Mayakovskom
Zoo, or Letters Not About Love
Razvertyvanie siuzheta = The unfolding of the ploit
Le Voyage de Marco Polo
Theory of Prose
Zhitie arkhierei skogo sluzhki
Knight's Move
Zhitie arkhiereĭskogo sluzhki
Zametki o proze Pushkina
Matvei  Komarov
Zoo, ili, Pis'ma ne o lyubvi
"Tristram shendi"; Sterna i teorii Ła romana
Tekhnika pisatel £skogo remesla
Zametki o proze Pushkina
Lev Tolstoǐ
Povesti o proze
Zametki o proze russkikh klassikov
Sobre la prosa literaria
Staroe i novoe
Khudozhestvennaia proza
O teorii prozy
Le voyage de Marco Polo [par] Victor Chklovski
Khod koni Ła
Revoliutsiia i front
Tekhnika pisatel'skogo remesla
Literatura i kinematograf
Theorie der Prosa [von] Viktor Šklovskij
Tret'ya fabrika
Za i protiv
Teorie prózy
Von der Ungleichheit des Ähnlichen in der Kunst
Ocherki Po Poetike Pushkina
Erinnerungen an Majakovskij
Mater'iai i stil' v romane L'va Tolstogo "Voǐna i mir."
O teorii prozy
Razvertyvanie si︠u︡zheta
Lettura del Decameron
Schriften zum Film [von Viktor Schklowskij
Tret £i Ła fabrika
Za sorok let
Sur la théorie de la prose
Russian formalist criticism
Provesti o proze
Johan Huizinga
Johan Huizinga (1872-1945)

cultural historian, historian, resistance fighter, linguist, philosopher, art historian, anthropologist

  • University of Groningen, Leiden University
Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen
Homo Ludens
Men and ideas
Dutch civilisation in the seventeenth century, and other essays
Mensch en menigte in Amerika
Herbst des Mittelalters
Nederlands beschaving in de zeventiende eeuw
The assessment of population affinities in man
La crisi della civiltà
In de schaduwen van morgen
In the shadow of tomorrow
Amerika levend en denkend
Dutch civilisation in the seventeenth century
Dutch civilisation in the seventeenth century
Im bann der geschichte, betrachtungen und gestaltungen
Patriotisme en nationalisme in de Europeesche geschiedenis tot het einde der 19e eeuw
Van den vogel Charadrius
J. Heemskerk Azn., 1818-1897
De vidūsaka in het Indisch tooneel
Mr Europe
Le déclin du Moyen Age
Verspreide opstellen over de geschiedenis van Nederland
Im Schatten von Morgan
In the shadow of tomorow
Nederland's beschaving in de zeventiende eeuw, een schets
El problema del Renacimiento
Geschichte und Kultur; gesammelte Aufsätze. Mit sechs Federzeichnungen des Verfassers. Herausgegeben und Eingeleitet von Kurt Köster.
Válogatott tanulmányok
Sir Philip Sidney, MDLIIII - MDLXXXVI
Der Mensch und die Kultur
Geschichte und Kultur
Verzamelde werken
Verspreide opstellen over de geschiedenis van Nederland
Holländische kultur des siebzehnten jahrhunderts
Kulʹtura Niderlandov v XVII veke
Briefe I
Im Schatten von Morgen
De Hand Van Huizinga
Dutch Civilisation in the 17th Century and Other Essays
Verspreide Opstellen over de Geschiedenis Van Nederland
El concepto de la historia y otros ensayos
De hand van Huizinga
Die mittlerstellung der Niederlande zwischen west- und mitteleuropa
In the Shadow of Tomorrow
Das Problem der Renaissance
Über die verknüpfung des poetischen mit dem theologischen bei Alanus de Insulis, von J. Huizinga
Il gioco nella cultura
Geschonden wereld
Über die Verknüpfung des Poetischen mit dem Theologischen bei Alanus de Insulis
Holländische Kultur im siebzehnten Jahrhundert
De mensch en de beschaving
Wenn die waffen schweigen, die aussichten auf genesung unserer kultur
La ciencia histórica
Hoe bepaalt de geschiednis het heden
Dutch civilisation in the seventeenth century, and other essays
Leven en werk van Jan Veth
Nederland's geestesmerk
Mein Weg zur Geschichte
Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen
Leven en werk van Jan Veth
Im Schatten von morgen
Kultur- und zeitkritische Schriften
Dutch Civilisation in the 17th Century and Other Essays
Over de grenzen van spel en ernst in de cultuur
In the shadow of to-morrow
Ortacagin Gunbatimi
Le problème de la Renaissance
De lo lúdico y lo serio
Herfsttij der middeleeuwen
Amerika dagboek
Inleiding en opzet voor studie over licht en geluid
Das Problem der Renaissance ; Renaissance und Realismus
Dutch civilisation in the seventeenth century and other essays
De taak der cultuurgeschiedenis
Psicologia Medica
In the shadow of tomorrow / by J. Huizinga ; translated from the Dutch by J.H. Huizinga
Sobre el estado actual de la ciencia histórica
Schriften zur Zeitkritik
Patriotizmus, nacionalizmus
Holländische kultur im siebzehnten jahrhunderts
Civiltà e storia
Hoe bepaalt de geschiedenis het heden?
Über die Verknüpfung des poetischen mit dem theologischen bei Alanus de Insulis
Geschichte und Kultur
Herbst des Mittelalters
Herbst des Mittelalters
Im Schatten von Morgen
Wege der Kulturgeschichte
Dutch civilisation in the seventeenth century, and other essays
The waning of the Middle Ages
Mijn weg tot de historie
Over eenige euphemismen in het Oud-Indisch
Tien studiën
Wenn die Waffen schweigen
Cultuur-historische verkenningen
Geschonden wereld
Erasmus and the age of Reformation
Bi-setaṿ yeme ha-benayim
Homo ludens
Men and ideas
Het aesthetische bestanddeel van geschiedkundige voorstellingen
Das Problem der Renaissance
יומן אמריקה
In the shadow of tomorrow
Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis (1839-1908)

linguist, poet, journalist, translator, playwright, literary critic, typographer

Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
Rua Cosme Velho, 18
O Pensamento vivo de Machado de Assis
Great Short Stories of the World
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
O alienista
Quincas Borba
The psychiatrist, and other stories
The Devil's Church and other stories
Dom Casmurro
A chapter of hats
The hand & the glove
Philosopher or Dog?
Memorial de Aires (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Varias historias (Portuguese edition)
Cuentos brasileños
A semana
Esau e Jacó
Tu só, to, puro amor ..
Conheça o escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis
Hand and the Glove (Studies in Romance Languages)
Las academias de Siam y otros cuentos
The Devil's Church and Other Stories (Texas Pan American Series)
The Alienist
                Art of the Novella
Casa velha
Psychiatrist and Other Stories
You, love, and love alone
The collected stories of Machado de Assis
Bons dias!
Philosopher Or Dog
O que pensou e disse Machado de Assis
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Machado de Assis afro-descendente
Iaiá Garcia (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
The Hand and the Glove (Studies In Romance Languages)
The wager
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
La montre en or et autres contes
Esaú e Jacó
8 Cuentos de
The Alienist
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Pensamentos e reflexões de Machado de Assis
The heritage of Quinca̧s Borba
Le philosophe ou le chien
Crônicas, crítica, poesia, teatro
Historias sem data
The Wager
O velho Senado
Epitaph of a small winner
La Cartomancienne
Ressurreição (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Critica litteraria
Poemas de amor de Machado de Assis
Teatro de Machado de Assis, Qorpo-Santo e Coelho Neto
Comentários da semana
A economia em Machado de Assis
Library of Latin America
Advogacia pitoresca
The Psychiatrist, and Other Stories
Balas de estalo de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Papéis avulsos
Critica theatral
O espelho
Linha reta e linha curva
Ce que les hommes appellent amour
Novas Relíquias (Ilustrado)
Caixa - Machado de Assis - 3 Vols.
Reliquias de Casa velha
Contos Fluminenses
PapéIs Avulsos (Ilustrado)
Novas Relíquias
Empréstimo de ouro
Mezarimdan Yaziyorum
Um Homem Célebre (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis
Um Homem Célebre
Ao Acaso
Outras reliquias
Um homem célebre
Bons Dias (Ilustrado)
Mao e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
Conto de Escola (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite
A Mão E A Luva - Coleção L&PM Pocket
Crônicas e Contos de Machado de Assis
Páginas Recolhidas (Ilustrado)
PapéIs Avulsos
Polêmicas e Reflexões (Ilustrado)
Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Semana - Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis
Várias Histórias
Machado de Assis
Helena : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Papéis avulsos
O Almada (Ilustrado)
Mariana (Ilustrado)
Trois contes
Uma Por Outra (Ilustrado)
Notas Semanais (Ilustrado)
Páginas Recolhidas
Filozof Kopek
Mão e a Luva
Contos Fluminenses
Quincas Borba
Machado de Assis
Diálogos e reflexões de um relogoeiro
Herança, Valério, Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church
Crisálidas (Ilustrado)
Sonetos Machadianos : (dois Sonetos Literariamente Analisados)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
História de Quinze Dias (Ilustrado)
Cronicas Escolhidas
Box - Todos os Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis Avulsos
Diálogos e reflexões de um relojoeíro
Alienist and Other Stories of Nineteenth-Century Brazil
Cartomante (Ilustrado)
7 Melhores Contos de Machado de Assis
Correspondência de Machado de Assis com Magalhães de Azeredo
Parasita Azul
Textos Críticos (Ilustrado)
The devil's church
The Bons Dias! Chronicles of Machado de Assis
Almas Agradecidas
Histórias Sem Data
Ressurreição : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
O ideal do crítico
Hombre Célebre y Otros Cuentos
Narraciones escogidas
A Mao e a Luva
Marcha Fúnebre (Ilustrado)
Poesias Cronicas E Contos Por Othon Bastos
"El alienista" y otros cuentos
Trio in A-Minor
A Mão e a Luva
Ideias Do Canário (Ilustrado)
50 Contos de Machado de Assis
Herança (Ilustrado)
Las academias de Siam
Contos Fluminenses (Ilustrado)
Mão e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
A Cartomante (Col
Queda que as mulheres têm para os tolos
Papeis Avulsos (Em Portugues do Brasil)
PapéIs Avulsos
Histórias Sem Data (Ilustrado)
Contos Obra Completa
A mão e a luva
Hand and the Glove
A idéia do Ezequiel Maia
Ressurreição : (com Notas)(Biografia)
Quase ministro
O Diplomático, Relíquias Da Casa Velha (Ilustrado)
Igreja Do Diabo (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner
Poesia Obra Completa
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Confissões de Uma Viúva Moça
Dom Casmurro e Os Discos Voadores
Onze contos de Machado de Assis
Histórias da Meia-Noite
The alienist
Encher Tempo (Ilustrado)
Melhores Contos
Um Dia de Entrudo (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church and Other Stories
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Do teatro
Historias Sobre Ética
Americanas (Ilustrado)
Poesias completas
Ocidentais (Ilustrado)
Várias Histórias (Ilustrado)
Parasita Azul (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Brazilian Tales
O Alienista (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner;
Almas Agradecidas (Ilustrado)
Balas de Estalo (Ilustrado)
The psychiatrist
Histórias de Meia-Noite
Esau e Jaco
Contos Fluminenses
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Falenas (Ilustrado)
Carteira e Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Semana (Ilustrado)
Ressurreição (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão (Ilustrado)
Histoires Diverses
Mão e a Luva
Críticas Teatrais (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Mão e a Luva (Ilustrado)
Os Trabalhadores Do Mar
Páginas Recolhidas
Poesias Em Pergaminho
Helena (Ilustrado)
Machado de Assis & Joaquim Nabuco
Misa de Gallo y Otros Cuentos - Cyc -
Ao Acaso (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão
Historias Sem Data
Quase Ministro (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite (Ilustrado)
Suje-Se, Gordo! (Ilustrado)
Crônicas de Lélio
Mão e a Luva
Miss Dollar
Contos Fluminenses
Contos fluminenses
Idéias e imagens de Machado de Assis
Tres Romances
História de Quinze Dias
Valério (Ilustrado)
Uma Por Outra
Histórias Sem Data
Papeis Avulsos
Felicidade Pelo Casamento (Ilustrado)
Contos - Coleção Bom Livro
Machado de Assis
Contos recolhidos
o anjo Rafael Contos fantásticos de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Os Romances de Machado de Assis
Trinta crônicas irreverentes
Reminiscências jurídicas na obra de Machado de Assis
Historias da meia noite
Machado para a juventude
Un hombre ce lebre y otros cuentos
Contos esparsos
O conto de Machado de Assis
A semana
Cartas de Machado de Assis e Euclydes da Cunha, coligidas por Renato Travassos
Papéis velhos e outras histórias
Memorial de aires ; O alienista
Seis contos escolhidos e comentados por José Mindlin
O alienista, e outras histórias
Critica litteraria
Poesias completas: Chrysalidas, Phalenas, Americanas, Occidentaes
Iaiá Garcia
Novas reliquias
Miss Dollar & another story
Obra completa em quatro volumes
Reliquias de casa velha
Obra completa
Conto de escola
Capitu mandou flores
Cuento de escuela (y 17 cuentos más)
Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis avulsos
Histórias sem data
Dom Casmurro
Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas
Aquarelas do Brasil
Posmrtné paměti Bráse Cubase
Poesia e prosa
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Crônicas selecionadas
Machado de Assis
Conceitos e pensamentos
O califa
La Alienisto
Obras ilustradas de Machado de Assis
Três contos fantásticos
Dispersos de Machado de Assis
Relatos de otro milenio
A cartomante
Teatro de Machado de Assis (Dramaturgos Do Brasil)
Dez paródias de Machado de Assis
Contos completos de Machado de Assis
Contos fluminenses
Uns brac̜os ; Conto de escola
Machado de Assis
Contos avulsos
A mão e a luva
Machado para jovens leitores
Paginas recolhidas
O alienista
Helena ; Iaiá Garcia
Esaú e Jacob
Várias histórias
A poesia completa
Histórias da meia noite
Teatro completo
Os melhores contos
Toda poesia de Machado de Assis
Yayá Garcia
Machado de Assis & confrades de versos
Obra completa
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Contos sem data
O alienista e o espelho
História de quinze dias
Esaú e Jacó
Obras completas de Machado de Assis
A olhos vistos
A Mão e a Luva
Contos e crônicas
Páginas recolhidas
Machado de Assis et son oeuvre littéraire
História de quinze dias, História de trinta dias
Recontando Machado
Os melhores contos de Machado de Assis
O mínimo e o escondido
Paginas recolhidas
Contos fluminenses
Contos de Machado de Assis
Historias romanticas
Esaú e Jaco
Machado de Assis, ontem, hoje e sempre
Casa velha
Machado de Assis
A sereníssima república e outros contos
Machado de Assis, romancista
The psychiatrist, and other stories
O jornal e o livro
Brazilian Tales
Contos consagrados
A mão e a luva
Contos esquecidos
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Três romances
Poesias completas
Contos Escolhidos
Capitu e outras Evas
Iaiá Garcia
Obra completa
Nadezhda Mandelstam
Nadezhda Mandelstam (1899-1980)

biographer, poet, teacher, memoirist, linguist, lecturer

Vtorai︠a︡ kniga
Hope Against Hope
Ob Akhmatovoĭ
[Kniga tretʹi͡a︡
Vtoraya kniga
Mozart & Salieri
Hope abandoned
Moe zaveshchanie i drugie ėsse
Tretʹi︠a︡ kniga
Dushi vysokai︠a︡ svoboda
Nadejda Mandelshtam. Tretya kniga
Moĭ muzh - Osip Mandelʹshtam
Chapter 42
Mozart and Salieri
Mozart and Salieri
Vtorai Ła kniga
Contre tout espoir
"Posmotrim, kto kogo pereupri︠a︡mit ..."
Chapter 42 and The goldfinch and other poems
Correspondance avec Alexandre Soljenitsyne et Nadejda Mandelstam
Amos Oz
Amos Oz (1939-2018)

linguist, journalist, translator, essayist, pedagogue, poet

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Gymnasia Rehavia
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
Panter ba-martef
Sipur al ahava ve-hosheh / Povest o lyubvi i tme (In Russian)
Una història d'amor i de foscor
Historia agapēs kai skotous
How to Cure a Fanatic
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
Rrëfim për dashurinë dhe errësirën
Tale of Love and Darkness
Povesta despre dragoste și întuneric
Mikha'el sheli
Ḳufsah sheḥorah
Har ha-ʻetsah ha-raʻah
ʻAd maṿet
Artsot ha-tan
Mi-mordot ha-Levanon
Ḥaruze ha-ḥayim ṿeha-maṿet
Oto Ha-yam
Pitʻom be-ʻomeḳ ha-yaʻar
Israel, Palestine and Peace
Jews and words
Matḥilim sipur
Lengua de tierra
La-da at ishah
מנוחה נכונה
Al tagidi lailah
Dear zealots
Until daybreak
Shetiḳat ha-shamayim
Mathilim sipur
Poh va-sham be-Erts-Yisrael bi-setav
Matsav ha-shelishi
המצב השלישי (Hamatsav hasjlisji)
La-gaʻat ba-mayim, la-gaʻat ba-ruaḥ
Be-or ha-Techelet ha-azah
Contra El Fanatismo
Ben ḥaverim
Makom aḥer
Die Hügel des Libanon. Politische Essays
Edition Suhrkamp, Band 2309: Wie man Fanatiker kuriert
ʻAl midronot har gaʻash
Be-or ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Hasta la muerte
Help us to divorce
Temunot me-ḥaye ha-kefar
My Michael
Sehnsucht. Drei Erzählungen
Elsewhere, Perhaps
Les Voix d'Israël
So fangen die Geschichten an
Verse auf Leben und Tod
Israeli literature
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
Ask ve Karanlik
מיכאל שלי
The Amos Oz reader
Kol ha-tikvot
What Makes an Apple?
Dem Tod entgegen
Shalom, pesharah, ahavah
Kara Kutu
ʻAd mavet
Im Lande Israel. Herbst 1982
Story Begins
Der Berg des Bösen Rates
Bericht zur Lage des Staates Israel
La caja negra
Tocar el agua, tocar el viento
Anashim aḥerim
Un juste repos
Be-ʾor ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Les deux morts de ma grand-mère et autres essais
Ha-matsav ha-shelish
Sumchi. Uma fabula de amor e aventura
Kata tou phantismou
Elsewhere, Perhaps
Una pantera al soterrani
Where the Jackals Howl
Bir kadını tanımak
Black Box
La colline du mauvais conseil
Don't Call It Night
Să cunoști o femeie
Maḳom aḥer
Grandpa Isidore
To Know a Woman
Yahuda'ya Göre İncil
Don't Call It Night
Ahavah meʼuḥeret
Elsewhere, Perhaps
El mateix mar
A Perfect Peace
Een verhaal van liefde en duisternis
Tocar el agua, tocar el viento
Elsewhere, Perhaps
To Know a Woman
Israel und Deutschland
Rien n'est encore joué
Bisikletim ve ilk Askim
Pantere din suberane
Deodată în adăncul pădurii
Poznac kobiete
Lo stesso mare
To Israēl, ē Palaistinē kai ē eirēnē
Una pantera al soterrani
Where the Jackals Howl
Geschichten aus Tel Ilan
De repente en lo profundo del bosque
Chanter et autres nouvelles
Bicicleta de Sumji
Opowiesc o milosci i mroku
To mauro kouti
Entre amis
In the Land of Israel
Hasta la muerte
La caja negra
Quizas en otra parte
Unto Death
Hoe genees je een fanaticus (Dutch Edition)
Yasam ve Ölüm Kafiyeleri
Rhyming Life and Death
Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest
Between Friends
Cuentos hebreos contemporáneos
Unto Death
Rime despre viață și moarte
La colina del mal consejo
Entre amis (Folio) (French Edition)
Dotknij wiatru, dotknij wody
O monte do meu conselho
Minzar ha-shatḳanim
Tale of Love and Darkness (Mandarin Edition)
Een verhaal van liefde en duisternis
La caja negra
Black Box
Czarownik swojego plemienia
Pantera w Piwnicy
Cutia neagră
בין חברים
Ailleurs peut-être
Unto Death
What Makes an Apple?
Scenes from Village Life
Menuḥah nekhonah
Să nu pronunţi
Quizás en otro lugar
Hill of Evil Counsel
Tale of Love and Darkness
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest
La caja negra
Dostlar Arasinda
Černá skříňka
My Michael
Ein anderer Ort. SZ-Bibliothek Band 71
Do fanatykow. Trzy refleksje
Rhyming Life and Death
Be-ʻetsem yesh kan shete milḥamot
Soudain dans la forêt profonde
Perfect Peace
Conoscere una donna
Hacia la muerte
escenas de la vida rural
My Michael
Entre Amigos
Ḥaruze ha-ḥayim ṿeha-maṿet
Has Israel altered its vision?
Between friends
Dear Zealots
Judas (French Edition)
Mi marido Mikhael
A Tale of Love and Darkness
O Mesmo Mar
Conhecer Uma Mulher
Poh ṿa-sham be-Erets Yiśraʾel bi-setaṿ 1982
Una historia de amor y oscuridad
Muntele Sfatului Rău
La-gaʻat ba-mayim, la-gaʻat ba-ruaḥ
Histoire d Amour et Ten
Same Sea
Amos Oz Reader
Un juste repos (French Edition)
Same Sea
Soudain dans la forêt profonde
Pusudaki Panter
Moĭ Mikhaėlʹ
Mulkyŏl ŭl sŭch'imyŏ param ŭl sŭch'imyŏ
My Michael
No Digas Noche
Panther in the Basement
No digas Noche
Nychta sto tel kentar
Michael ile Hannah
To Know a Woman
Scene de viaţă campestră
Rymy zycia i smierci
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
Hill of Evil Counsel
Versos de vida y muerte
My Michael
Cum să lecuiești un fanatic
Koy Hayatindan Sahneler
Between Friends
He nychta tou syggraphea
Maḳom aḥer
Ho Michael mou
Black box
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
He arche tes historias
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 1994 (Tanner Lectures on Human Values)
Panther in the Basement
Aidez-nous à divorcer!
Silence of Heaven
La colline du mauvais conseil
Como Curar Um Fanático (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Jesus et Judas
Be-or ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Anashim aḥerim
Una pantera en el sótano
Jak uleczyc fanatyka
Wzgórze Złej Rady
Supui kajok
Hē teleia galēnē
Contra el fanatisme
Har ha-ʻetsah ha-raʻah
Żydzi i słowa
Inesperadament al fons del bosc
Czarna skrzynka
Među svojima
Israel, Palestine and Peace
Versos de vida y muerte
Mon vélo et autres aventures
Scènes de vie villageoise
De repente en lo profundo del bosque
Black Box. Roman.
Under This Blazing Light
Rhyming Life and Death
V poiskakh lichnosti
Una pantera al soterrani
Artsot ha-tan
Conocer a una mujer
Majkëlli im
Una pantera al soterrani
Scenes from Village Life
Hur man botar en fanatiker och om att skriva
Il senso della pace
Opowieść o miłości i mroku
Tierra de chacales
Quizas en otra parte
La troisième sphère
Mi-mah ʻaśui ha-tapuaḥ?
Chihasil ŭi kŏmŭn p'yopŏm
Mijn Michael
Kol ha-ḥeshbon ʻod lo nigmar
ממה עשוי התפוח?
Plotseling diep in het woud
Stuart Christie
Stuart Christie (1946-2020)

linguist, translator, autobiographer, anarchist, politician, publisher

Granny Made Me an Anarchist
The Christie file
General Franco Made Me a 'terrorist'
Stefano Della Chaie
The Floodgates of Anarchy
We, the Anarchists!
Arena Two
Life for Anarchy
The Angry Brigade - The Cause and the Case
Anarquismo y lucha de clases
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)

linguist, journalist, economist, historian, translator, sociologist, essayist, women's rights activist, philosopher, geographer, suffragist

Autobiography (Nineteenth-Century British Autobiographies)
Life in the sick-room
Biographical sketches, 1852-1875
Biographical sketches, 1852-1868
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Martineau's autobiography
Biographical sketches
Biographical sketches
Society in America
A Round of Stories by the Christmas Fire
Illustrations of political economy
The hour and the man
Eastern life, present and past
The essential faith of the universal church
Letters on mesmerism
Dawn Island
The faith as unfolded by many prophets
Harriet Martineau's letters to Fanny Wedgwood
The 'manifest destiny' of the American union ..
Household education. By Harriet Martineau
Retrospect of Western Travel-3VOLS
A British friendship
Illustrations of political economy
Harriet Martineau
Traditions Of Palestine
Deerbrook, a novel
Harriet Martineau on women
A history of the thirty years' peace, A.D. 1816-1846
The factory controversy
Introduction to the history of the peace, from 1800-1815
Die Gesellschaft und das Sociale Leben in Amerika
Guide To Windermere With Tours To The Neighboring Lakes And Other Interesting Places
The history of England from the commencement of the 19th century to the Crimean War
England and her soldiers
The English lake district
The history of England during the thirty years' peace
History of the peace
A View of the Swamp
Harriet Martineau's writing on British history and military reform
Letters from Ireland
The Crofton boys
The Billow and the Rock
History of England, A.D. 1800-1815
Five years of youth, or, Sense and sentiment
Women, emancipation and literature
Writings on slavery and the American Civil War
Berkeley the banker, or bank notes and bullion
The playfellow
Harriet Martineaus's Autobiography Part Two
How to observe
Poor laws and paupers illustrated
Times of the Saviour
British Rule in India; a Historical Sketch
Suggestions towards the future government of India
Harriet Martineau's writing on the British Empire
What Christmas Is As We Grow Older and Other Stories
A complete guide to the English lakes
Harriet Martineau in the London Daily news
Retrospect of Western Travel-VOL3
The martyr age of the United States of America
The settlers at home
Endowed schools of Ireland
Novelas económicas de H. Martineau
An independent woman's Lake District writings
Devotional exercises
Society In America V1
A description of the English lakes
The History of England From the Commencement of the 19th Century to the Crimean War Volume 4
Health, Husbandry And Handicraft
Forest and game-law tales
Retrospect of Western Travel-VOL1:
Harriet Martineaus's Autobiography Part One
Our farm of two acres
Feats on the fiord, and Merdhin
Society in America; Volume 1
Brooke and Brooke Farm
The English Lakes
Health in the camp
Sowers not reapers
Principle and Practice the Orphan Family
The sickness and health of the people of Bleaburn
Illustrations of political economy
Feats on the fiord or Rolf and Oddo among the pirates
The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte 2 Volume Paperback Set
History Of The Peace V1, Being A History Of England From 1816 To 1854
Sketches from life
For each and for all
The young repealer
Providence as manifested through Israel
French wines and politics
The charmed sea, or, Polanders in Siberia
Illustrations of Political Economy
Illustrations of Political Economy, Taxation, Poor Laws and Paupers
The peasant and the prince, a story of the French revolution
Health in the hospital
Life in the wilds
Ella of Garveloch
The Jerseymen meeting
Views of slavery & emancipation
The hamlets
Illustrations of taxation
Illustrations of Political Economy
Prize Essays
Three English Women in America
The children who lived by the Jordan
Retrospect of Western Travel; Volume 2
The Farrers of Budge-Row
Society in America, Volumes 1-2
Harriet Martineau and America
The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte; Volume 3
Miss Martineau's popular tales
Illustrations Of Political Economy
Illustrations of Political Economy, Issues 5-8
Society in America; Volume 3
Illustrations of Political Economy; Volume 9
Illustrations of Political Economy
Illustrations of Political Economy - Vol VIII
The parish
Miscellanies; Volume 1
The friends
Illustrations of Political Economy
The three ages
The tendency of strikes and sticks to produce low wages, and of union between masters and men to ensure good wages
An epitome of the positive philosophy and religion  explanatory of the Society of Humanity in the City of New York
The rioters
Briery Creek
The tenth haycock
Homes abroad
The land's end
The park and the paddock
Illustrations of Political Economy
Voyage aux États-Unis
Memorials of Old Haileybury College
Harriet Martineau in London Da
The scholars of Arneside
The moral of many fables
Cinnamon and pearls
History of the Thirty Years' Peace. A, Volume 2
The Hampdens
Society in America; Volume 2
Contes choisis sur l'économie politique. Tome 1
The hill and the valley
Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte; Volume 1
[Letters additional]
Life in the Wilds. the Hill and the Valley. Brooke and Brooke Farm
Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek. the Loom and the Lugger. in Two Parts
Manchester Strike. Cousin Marshall. Ireland
Illustrations of Political Economy
English Lake District
Illustrations of Political Economy
Peasant and the Prince
A tale of the Tyne
Society in America, Volumes 1-2
Eastern Life
ha-Mityashvim ʻal ha-i
The children who lived by the Jordan
Prefatory letter to Henry Whitworth, Esq., secretary to the National Assoc. of Factory Occupiers
Harpatḳah ba-Feyord
Two letters on cow-keeping
A Manchester strike
The settlers at home
Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek
[Letter to] My dear friend
Harriet Martineau's autobiography
The moral of many fables
[Letter to] My dear friend
Providence as manifested through Israel
Glen of the echoes
Feats on the fjord
Society in America
Corporate tradition and national rights
Voyage aux États-Unis
On the duty of studying political economy
Illustrations of political economy
De la société américaine
Six letters from a very high personage
The essential faith of the universal church
Berkeley the banker, or bank notes and bullion
The Factory controversy
[Letter to] My dear friend
A complete guide to the English lakes
The hour and the man
Loom and lugger, or, Weavers and smugglers
[Letter to] My dear friend
Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski (1878-1945)

physicist, chemist, biologist, explorer, anthropologist, linguist, cartographer, journalist, geologist, biochemist, mineralogist

  • Imperial St. Petersburg University
Khu̇n, araatan, burkhad
Beasts, Men and Gods
Beasts, Men and Gods
The Breath of the Desert the Account of a Journey Through Algeria and Tunisia
Oasis and Simoon
Puszcze polskie
The Fire of Desert Folk
Slaves of the sun
Beasts, men and gods
In den Dschungeln der Wälder und Menschen
Lenin, god of the godless
De la présidence à la prison
The shadow of the gloomy East
Zwierzęta, ludzie, bogowie
The fire of desert folk
Unter dem Gluthauch der Wüste
Flammendes Afrika
Cień ponurego Wschodu
Sous le fouet du simoun [par] Ferdinand Antoni Ossendowski
From president to prison
Li︠u︡di, bogi, zveri
Beasts, men and gods
Karpaty i Podkarpacie
Sous le fouet du Simoun
Slaves of the sun
Man and mystery in Asia
Sklaven der Sonne
Tiere, Menschen und Go tter =
Lenin, god of the godless
Man and mystery in Asia, in collaboration with Lewis Stanton Palen
The breath of the desert
The shadow of the gloomy East
Im Sibirischen Zuchthaus
The life story of a little monkey
Bestias, hombres, dioses
The shadow of the gloomy East
Beasts, men and gods
V ríši medveďov
Mocni ludzie
Tiere, Menschen und Götter
Život a príhody šimpanzky
The lioness
Slaves of the sun
From president to prison
Man and mystery in Asia
Oasis and simoon