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jurists who wrote biography
Showing 17-24 out of 97 results
Joseph Schumpeter
Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950)

economist, professor, book collector, anthropologist, jurist, political scientist, economist, politician, political scientist

  • University of Vienna, Theresianum
Ten great economists from Marx to Keynes
Ten great economists
Briefe = Letters
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
History of Economic Analysis
Zur Soziologie der Imperialismen
The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Imperialism [and] Social classes
History of Economic Analysis
Economic Doctrine and Method
Power or pure economics?
Can capitalism survive?
Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie
History of economic analysis
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Can Capitalism survive?
Thee conomics and sociology of capitalism
Business cycles
Politische Reden
History of economic analysis
Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Socialwissenschaften
Theory of Economic Development
The American economy in the interwar period
Economic doctrine andmethod
Beiträge zur Sozialökonomik
Economic doctrine and method
Impérialisme et classes sociales
Business cycles
Histoire de l'analyse économique
The nature and essence of economic theory
History of economic analysis
Imperialism and social classes
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Impérialisme et classes sociales
Diez Grandes Economistas
Essays on economic topics of J. A. Schumpeter
The entrepreneur
Can capitalism survive?
Impérialisme et classes sociales
Aufsätze zur Wirtschaftspolitik
Aufsätze zur Soziologie
Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalo konomie
History of Economic Analysis
Economic Doctrine and Method
Dogmenhistorische und biographische Aufsätze
Essays on economic topics of J.A. Schumpeter
Theory of economic development
Can Capitalism Survive?
History of Economic Analysis
Essays on economic topics
The Communist manifesto in sociology and economics
Nature and Essence of Economic Theory
Imperialism [and] Social classes; two essays
Théorie de l'évolution économique
The essence of Joseph Alois Schumpeter
Geschichte der Ökonomischen Analyse
Esquisse d'une histoire de la science économique des origines jusqu'au début du XXe siècle
Aufsätze zur ökonomischen Theorie
Jing ji fa zhan li lun
Des Wesen des Geldes
Business cycles
¿Puede sobrevivir el capitalismo?
Essays of J.A. Schumpeter
Die Finanzkrise des Steuerstaats
Geschichte der O konomischen Analyse
Beitrage zur Sozialokonomik / hrsg., ubers. u. eingeleitet v. Stephen Bohm
Ten great economists, from Marx to Keynes
Théorie de l'évolution économique
Aufsätze zur Tagespolitik
Power or Pure Economics?
Esquisse d'une istoire de la science économique des origines jusqu'au début du 20esiècle
Ten Great Economists
The essence of J.A. Schumpeter
Schriften zur Ökonomie und Soziologie
Imperialisme et Classes Sociales
The nature and essence of economic theory
Economic doctrine and method
Business cycles
Essays on economic topics of J. A. Schumpeter
Imperialism, and social classes
Ten great economists, from Marx to Keynes. --
Ten great economists
Ten great economists
Imperialism and social classes
The theory of economic development
Theory of Economic Development
The nature and essence of economic theory
Annette Gordon-Reed
Annette Gordon-Reed (born 1958)

historian, legal historian, jurist

  • Dartmouth College, Harvard Law School
The Hemingses of Monticello
Vernon can read!
On Juneteenth
The Hemingses of Monticello
"Most blessed of the patriarchs"
Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
Race on trial
Race on Trial
Andrew Johnson : The American Presidents Series
A Slave in the White House
Thomas Jefferson at Monticello
Irki Mahkemeye Cikarmak
Black Man in the Huddle
In the Hands of the People
Black Writers of the Founding Era
Family, Slavery, and Love in the Early American Republic
Race on Trial
Lan Cao
Lan Cao (born 1961)

lawyer, jurist

  • Yale Law School, Mount Holyoke College
Family in Six Tones
Monkey bridge
Culture in Law and Development
The Lotus and the Storm
Joe Biden
Joe Biden (born 1942)

politician, lawyer, diplomat, jurist, president

  • Syracuse University, University of Delaware
Promise Me, Dad
Promises to Keep
Threat of Bioterrorism and the Spread of Infectious Diseases
Soldier slaves
Strategies for Homeland Defense
Hearings to Examine Threats, Responses, and Regional Considerations Surrounding Iraq
How Do We Promote Democratization, Poverty Alleviation, and Human Rights to Build a More Secure Future
International Campaign Against Terrorism
Putin Administration¬s Policies Toward Non-Russian Regions of the Russian Federation
Political Future of Afghanistan
Administration's Missile Defense Program And the Abm Treaty
This Is America's Day
Choosing Equality
Papà, fammi una promessa
Promets-moi, papa
Promets-moi, papa
Tenir ses promesses
Dietrich Wilde
Dietrich Wilde (1909-1984)

politician, jurist, criminal defense lawyer, city manager

In jenen Jahren
Tödlicher Alltag
Constantin Stere
Constantin Stere (1865-1936)

journalist, philosopher, literary critic, politician, lawyer, jurist

  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
În preajma revoluției
I ̂n preajma revoluției
Singur împotriva tuturor
În viață, în literatură--
Scrieri politice și filozofice
Social-democratism sau poporanism?
Documentări și lămuriri politice
Antonin Klášterský
Antonin Klášterský (1866-1938)

poet, translator, jurist

Vzpomínky a portrety
Na českém jihu
Živým i mrtvým
Spadalé listí
Ironické siciliany
Pražské motivy
Chodský písně
Ze zápisníku mrtvého
Srdce i duše
Z cest malých i větších
V záři svobody
Sny a toulky
Na českém jihu
Epické básně
Moderní poesie Americká
Ramon d'Abadal i de Vinyals
Ramon d'Abadal i de Vinyals (1888-1970)

historian, politician, journalist, jurist

  • University of Barcelona, Universidad Central
Els temps i el regiment del comte Guifred el Pilós
Els primers comtes catalans
Els comtats de Pallars i Ribagorça
Els diplomes carolingis a Catalunya
Dels visigots als catalans
Del Reino de Tolosa al Reino de Toledo
Catalunya carolíngia
Dels visigots als catalans [per] Ramón d'Abadal i de Vinyals
El domini carolingi a Catalunya
L' abat Oliba, bisbe de Vic, i la seva èpca
Catalunya fa mil anys
L' abat Oliba, bisbe de Vic, i la seva època
Origen y proceso de consolidación de la sede ribagorzana de Roda
Els precedents antics a la història de Catalunya
Catalunya Carolíngia. Volum 2. Primera part. Els diplomes carolingis a Catalunya
Pere el Ceremoniós i els inicis de la decadència política de Catalunya
Moments crucials de la història de Catalunya