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engineers who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 90 results
Luciano De Crescenzo
Luciano De Crescenzo (1928-2019)

film director, actor, engineer, television presenter, director

  • University of Naples Federico II
Sembra ieri
Vita di Luciano De Crescenzo scritta da lui medesimo
Ti porterà fortuna
Tutti santi me compreso
Così parlò Bellavista
Storia della filosofia greca
Il tempo e la felicità
Storia dela filosofia medioevale
Il pressappoco
Der Listenreiche
Zio Cardellino
Die Zeit und das Glück
The Dialogues
La distrazione
Le donne sono diverse
Als Männer noch Helden sein durften. Antike Mythen neu erzählt
Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie. Die Vorsokratiker
Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie. Von Sokrates bis Plotin
Der Listenreiche. Die Odyssee, neu erzählt für den Leser von heute
Also sprach Bellavista. Neapel, Liebe und Freiheit
Tale e quale
Zio Cardellino. Der Onkel mit dem Vogel. Roman
oi dialogoi. Von der Kunst, miteinander zu reden
Storia della filosofia medioevale
Die Kunst der Unordnung
Elena, Elena, amore mio
Oi dialogoi
Storia della filosofia moderna
La Napoli di bellavista
Alles fließt, sagt Heraklit
Und ewig lockt das Weib
Mein Doppelgänger und ich
Cosi` parlo` Bellavista
Croce e delizia
Bellavista und die Liebe
Als wäre es gestern gewesen
Das Urteil des Paris. Antike Mythen neu erzählt
Sokrates, sein Leben und Denken
Panta rei
I grandi miti greci a fumetti
Kleine Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Philosophie
Ainsi parlait Bellavista
Napoli ti voglio bene
The History of Greek Philosophy
La domenica del villaggio
Storia della filosofia moderna
Il dubbio
Ordine e disordine
I pensieri di Bellavista
Les grands philosophes de la Grèce antique
Non parlare, baciami
Oi dialogoi
Historia de la filosofía griega
Stammi felice
Fosse 'a Madonna!
Garibaldi era comunista
Storia della filosofia
Helena, Helena amore mio
Les grands philosophes de la Grèce antique
La distrazione
Il caffè sospeso
Zio Cardellino
Ulisse era un fico
La Napoli di Bellavista
Le donne sono diverse
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter (born 1924)

naval officer, diplomat, politician, farmer, autobiographer, submariner, statesperson, environmentalist, businessperson, engineer, peace activist, human rights activist, humanitarian

  • Georgia Southwestern State University, Georgia Tech
Keeping Faith
An hour before daylight
Everything to Gain
Why not the best?
A remarkable mother
An outdoor journal
Sharing good times
Beyond the White House
Christmas in Plains
The spiritual journey of Jimmy Carter, in his own words
Beyond the White House
Sharing good times
Christmas in Plains
A full life
Bao chi xin xin
Mā warāʼa al-Bayt al-Abyaḍ
Beyond the White House
We can have peace in the Holy Land
The Hornet's Nest
Living faith
Our Endangered Values
Turning point
The hornet's nest
Talking peace
The blood of Abraham
Always a reckoning, and other poems
The little baby Snoogle-Fleejer
The virtues of aging
Sources of Strength
White House Diary
The wit and wisdom of Jimmy Carter
The Nobel Peace Prize lecture
A call to action
A government as good as its people
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
Leading a Worthy Life: Sunday Mornings in Plains
Empower Zone
Measuring Our Success: Sunday Mornings in Plains
Conversations with Carter
The hornet's nest
Negotiation, the alternative to hostility
Faith & Freedom
The personal beliefs of Jimmy Carter
To Assure Pride and Confidence in the Electoral Process
Carter on the arts
Talking Peace A Vision For The Next Generation
Bringing Peace to a Changing World: Sunday Mornings in Plains
United States encyclopedia
State of the Union address
Through the year with Jimmy Carter
As Time Goes by
Niv Lessons From Life Bible Personal Reflections With Jimmy Carter
Kids' letters to President Carter
Public lecture
White House diary
James Carter
444 rūz
State Of The Union Addresses
"I'll never lie to you"
Mémoires d'un président
Family of Wiley Carter
The United States and the Soviet Union : [remarks]
Remarks of President Jimmy Carter at the opening session of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
Hang time
Kingfisher Junior Illustrated Dictionary
Jimmy Carter
Le meilleur de nous-même
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Through the year with Jimmy Carter
National security goals
SALT-2: President Carter's address to Congress
U. S. Law Affecting Americans Living and Working Abroad
The American Revolution
Everything to Gain-LTD
State of the Union Addresses of Jimmy Carter
Public papers of the presidents of the United States
Life after the White House
The Hornets Nest
                Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers
Das Beste geben. Interaktiver Workshop
Everything to Gain
Virtues of Aging (Library of Contemporary Thought)
Trade Agreements Act of 1979
Oral History Interview with Jimmy Carter [exact date unavailable], 1974
Conference for Global Development Cooperation
Living Faith 6cp Counter W/Ris
Mei Zhong jian jiao qian hou
As virtudes de envelhecer
America's African policy
Jimmy Carter
piksel raders
Parlons de paix
America's African policy
1990 elections in the Dominican Republic
Scott Adams
Scott Adams (born 1957)

comics artist, economist, journalist, blogger, engineer

  • Haas School of Business, Hartwick College
Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain!
How to fail at almost everything and still win big
How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big Kind Of The Story Of My Life
Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain!
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel
The Dilbert Principle
The Dilbert future
The Joy of Work
Still pumped from using the mouse
Seven years of highly defective people
Shave the whales
Journey to Cubeville
Build a better life by stealing office supplies
What do you call a sociopath in a cubicle?
Physics (Cliffs Quick Review)
Casual day has gone too far
It's obvious you won't survive by your wits alone
Dilbert gives you the business
God's Debris
Dogbert's clues for the clueless
Please don't feed the egos
It's not funny if I have to explain it
Slapped Together
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel CD
No-- you'd better watch out
Telling it like it isn't
Your Accomplishments Are Suspiciously Hard To Verify
Words you don't want to hear during your annual performance review
Random Acts Of Management:A Dilbert Book
You can't schedule stupidity
The religion war
Dogbert's top secret management handbook
When did ignorance become a point of view?
Dilbert 20 20 Years Of Dilbert
The Dilbert principle
The Dilbert bunch
Work--the Wally way
The boss
Don't step in the leadership
Random acts of catness
Im Tempted To Stop Acting Randomly Dilbert
Fugitive From the Cubicle Police
Access denied
I'm not anti-business, I'm anti-idiot
Alice in blunderland
The fluorescent light glistens off your head
Dilbert (A Dilbert Book)
The Best of Dilbert
Work is a contact sport
Statistics (Cliffs Quick Review)
Another day in cubicle paradise
Dilbert Future. Der ganz normale Wahnsinn geht weiter
Das Dilbert- Prinzip
Don't stand where the comet is assumed to strike oil
Dilbert turns 30
You don't need experience if you've got attitude
God's debris
El principio de Dilbert
Conversations with Dogbert
When body language goes bad
Teamwork Means You Cant Pick the Side Thats Right
                Dilbert Book Collections Graphi
Thriving on Vague Objectives
Casual Day Has Gone Too Far (A Dilbert Book)
Excuse Me While I Wag
Society of the Mind
Prayer in John's Farewell Discourse
I sense a coldness to your mentoring
Go Add Value Someplace Else
Try Rebooting Yourself
CliffsQuickReview Physics
Dilbert - A Treasury of Sunday Strips
This Is the Part Where You Pretend to Add Value
Cal 99 Dilbert
How's that underling thing working out for you?
Mountain Biking Virginia, 3rd
Win Bigly
Problem identified
Pumped and Ready to Send!
What Would Wally Do?
Seven Years Of Highly Defective People Scott Adams Guided Tour Of The Evolution Of Dilbert
Dilbert Dont Step In The Leadership
Dilbert's Guide to the Rest of Your Life
I can't remember if we're cheap or smart
Cubes and Punishment
14 years of loyal service in a fabric-covered box
Dilbert Treasury Fall 2020
CliffsNotes Statistics Quick Review, 2nd Edition
Cubicles That Make You Envy the Dead
Freedom is just another word for people finding out you're useless
Positive Attitude
Optimism Sounds Exhausting
Mountain Biking the Washington, D.C./Baltimore Area, 4th
Les Fourberies de Dilbert
Tanri'nin Enkazi - Bir Dusunce Deneyi
Thriving on Vague Objectives
Dilbert. 2, Bienvenue dans le monde merveilleux de l'informatique
Still pumped from using the mouse
Don't Stand Where the Comet Is Assumed to Strike Oil
I Can't Remember If We're Cheap or Smart
Le Principe de Dilbert
When Body Language Goes Bad
Dogbert, méthodes ultrasecrètes pour diriger une entreprise
Casual Day Has Gone Too Far
Your Accomplishments Are Suspiciously Hard to Verify
Dilbert. 4, Les nouvelles misères de la vie de bureau
Problem Identified
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Dot-Com Bubble
Fluorescent Light Glistens off Your Head
When Did Ignorance Become a Point of View
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
The Dilbert Principle (A Dilbert Book)
How's That Underling Thing Working Out for You?
Freedom's Just Another Word for People Finding Out You're Useless
Cal 99 Dilbert Calendar
Journey to Cubeville
Casual Day Has Gone Too Far
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
Journey to Cubeville
Optimism Sounds Exhausting
Dilbert Turns 30
Manual Top Secret  Gestion Empresarial  Dogbert
Office Is a Beautiful Place When Everyone Else Works from Home
Cómo fracasar en casi todo y aun así triunfar
Eagerly Awaiting Your Irrational Response
Go Add Value Someplace Else
Dilbert 2023 Wall Calendar
I'm Tempted to Stop Acting Randomly
Eagerly Awaiting Your Irrational Response
Alice in Blunderland
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Early Years
Dilbert Meeting Book Exceeding Tech Limits
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel
Mejora Tu Vida Robando Material de Oficina
God's Debris
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Dot-Com Bubble
Dilbert Bunch, the
Chopper and Little Black Pony - Arrive in Sturgis, South Dakota
This Is the Part Where You Pretend to Add Value
What Would Wally Do?
Dilbert 2019 Monthly/Weekly Planner Calendar
God's Debris
Trapped in a Dilbert World
I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot
What Do You Call a Sociopath in a Cubicle? Answer : a Coworker
Positive Attitude
Don't Stand Where the Comet Is Assumed to Strike Oil
Your New Job Title Is Accomplice
Dilbert Gives You the Business
Excuse Me While I Wag
I'm Scheduling Meetings to Fill the Void in My Life, Dilbert Desk Calendar
Dilbert 2014 Day-To-Day Calendar
Cubicles That Make You Envy the Dead
I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot
Always Postpone Meetings - Dilbert
Mountain Bike America: Virginia, 2nd
Dilbert Omnibus
Positive Attitude
Your New Job Title Is Accomplice
Dilbert's Guide to the Real World 6-Copy Display
How the Trump Stole 'Murica
Dilbert 2023 Day-to-Day Calendar
When Did Ignorance Become a Point of View
Dilbert 2019 Mini Wall Calendar
How's That Underling Thing Working Out for You? (PagePerfect NOOK Book)
Optimism Sounds Exhausting
What Do You Call a Sociopath in a Cubicle? Answer : a Coworker
Another Day in Cubicle Paradise
Cal 98 Dilbert the Clue Meter Is Reading Zero
14 Years of Loyal Service in a Fabric-Covered Box
Cal 98 Dilbert Excuse Me While I Panic
Please Don, T Feed the Egos (Mini Dilbert)
I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot [Dilbert]
Another Day in Cubicle Paradise
Dilbert Gets Re-Accomodated
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Boom Years
Washington Baltimore Mountain Bicycle Book
Dilbert Gets Re-Accommodated
Conversations with Dogbert
Dilbert 2019 Day-to-Day Calendar
Cal 96 Dilbert
Words You Don't Want to Hear During Your Annual Performance Review
What Do You Call a Sociopath in a Cubicle? Answer : a Coworker
I Sense a Coldness to Your Mentoring
I'm Tempted to Stop Acting Randomly
Teamwork Means You Can't Pick the Side That's Right
When Body Language Goes Bad
This Is the Part Where You Pretend to Add Value
Try Rebooting Yourself
I Can't Remember If We're Cheap or Smart
Thriving on Vague Objectives
Excuse Me While I Wag
Clues for the Clueless (Dogbert N' Dilbert's Humour at Work)
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Modern Era
Not Remotely Successful
Circuit Hikes In Rothrock State Forest
Office Is a Beautiful Place When Everyone Else Works from Home
Your new job title is "accomplice"
It's Obvius You Won't Survive by Your Wits Al (A Dilbert Book)
Fluorescent Light Glistens off Your Head
Casual Day Has Gone Too Far
Dilbert Desk Calendar 1997
O princípio de Dilbert
Dilbert 2002 Wall Calendar
Random Acts of Management
Don't Stand Where the Comet Is Assumed to Strike Oil
Cubes and Punishment
Teamwork Means You Can't Pick the Side That's Right (PagePerfect NOOK Book)
Dilbert 2020 Day-to-Day Calendar
No...You, D Better Watch Out ! (Mini Dilbert)
Words You Don't Want to Hear During Your Annual Performance Review
I'm No Scientist, but I Think Feng Shui Is Part of the Answer
What Do You Call a Sociopath in a Cubicle? : Answer
Cubes and Punishment
Dilbert Sudoku Comic Digest
Try Rebooting Yourself
This Is the Part Where You Pretend to Add Value
I'm Tempted to Stop Acting Randomly
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Boom Years
Dilbert 2013 Day-To-Day Calendar
Freedom's Just Another Word for People Finding Out You're Useless
Dilbert Gives You the Business
Conversations with Dogbert
CliffsNotes Statistics Quick Review
Cal 97 Dilbert
Esta Claro Que No Sobrevivira Unicamente Gracias a
Cubes and Punishment
Another Day in Cubicle Paradise (PagePerfect NOOK Book)
I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot (A Dilbert Book)
Mountain Bike America Virginia
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Early Years
Problem Identified
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Modern Era
Dilbert Gives You the Business
Le savoir-vivre à l'usage des déboussolés
Not Remotely Working
Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain!
Optimism Sounds Exhausting
Always postpone meetings with time-wasting morons / c Scott Adams
Peleemos Las Ballenas :DILBERT
Words You Don't Want to Hear During Your Annual Performance Review
Dogberts top secret Management-Handbuch. Planung, Beschaffung, Sicherung
Win bigly
I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot
Excuse Me While I Wag
Dilbert 2. 0 : the Boom Years
Dilbert - a Treasury of Sunday Strips : Version 00
When Body Language Goes Bad
Dilbert Future/Dilbert Principle
Dilbert 2018 Wall Calendar
Your Accomplishments Are Suspiciously Hard to Verify
Dilbert 2020 Wall Calendar
Dilbert 2018 Day-to-Day Calendar
Teamwork Means You Can't Pick the Side That's Right
Try Rebooting Yourself
I Sense a Coldness to Your Mentoring
Random Acts of Management
When Did My Happiness Stop Being the Point?
El Placer de Trabajar
Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook
Dilbert - a Treasury of Sunday Strips : Version 00
It's Not Funny If I Have to Explain It
Dilbert Gives You the Business
Religion War
Access Denied - Dilbert
How's That Underling Thing Working Out for You?
I Couldn't Have Failed Without You
The Dilbert Future (Dilbert)
14 Years of Loyal Service in a Fabric-Covered Box
I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot
Dilbert Principle, the
Medical Bibliography in an Age of Discontinuity
Dilbert Meeting Book
I Can't Remember If We're Cheap or Smart (PagePerfect NOOK Book)
It's obvious you won't survive by your wits alone
Dilbert 2. Traedme la Cabeza de Willy el Recadero
What Would Wally Do?
Random Acts of Management
Your Accomplishments Are Suspiciously Hard to Verify
I Couldn't Have Failed Without You
It's Not Funny If I Have to Explain It
Cereal killers
Dilbert 2018 Monthly/Weekly Planner Calendar
Telling It Like It Isn't - Dilbert
I'm No Scientist, but I Think Feng Shui Is Part of the Answer
It's Not Funny If I Have to Explain It
Problem Identified
Dilbert - a Treasury of Sunday Strips : Version 00
14 Years of Loyal Service in a Fabric-Covered Box
Thriving on Vague Objectives
Dilbert 27. What Would Wally Do?
Bike Rides from Beaver Stadium
The Boss: Nameless, Blameless & Shameless
Meetings und andere Grausamkeiten. Ein Dilbert-Buch
Dilbert. Comment devenir chef à la place du chef, tome 3
Dilbert, tome 9
Devenons riches en profitant des faibles
Dogberts Top Secret Management- Handbuch
Dilbert und die Stunde des Wiesels
A Top Secret Project We Can't Tell You about Yet
Het Dilbert principe
Conversaciones Con Dogbert
Step 1:Identify the Problem Dilbert 2003 Block Calendar
Besser leben durch Bürodiebstähle. Bürogeschichten mit Dilbert und Dogbert
Shave the Whales - Dilbert
Boss, the - Nameless, Blameless and Shameless (Mini Dilbert)
El Futuro De Dilbert
Let Me Drop Everything..
Dilbert 2002 Day-To-Day Calendar
What do you call a sociopath in a cubicle?
Dilbert Book of Days
The Dilbert Boxed Gift Set (3 Titles)
Conversations avec Dogbert
Das Dilbert-Prinzip.Die endgültige Wahrheit über Chefs, Konferenzen, Manager und andere Martyrien
Travaillons dans la joie avec Dilbert
Acceso Denegado - Dilbert
Lockruf des Wochenendes. Ein Dilbert- Buch
Dogbert's Management Handbook (Dogbert)
Dilbert 2004 Wall Calendar
Los Escombros De Dios
Dilbert 5 - Fugitivo de La Policia Cubicular
Dilbert et consorts
Dilb Mug Momentum
Geluk op het werk
Auf der Flucht vor der Büropolizei
Dilbert Mental Block Calendar 2003
Dilbert Telephone & Address Book
Mountain Bike Madness in Central Pennsylvania
En Forma Usando El Raton :DILBERT
Dilb Mug Dogbert-Evil Demons Of Stupidity
Dilbert's guide to the rest of your life
Mountain Bike America: Washington, D.C./ Baltimore, 3rd
Journey to Cubeville :DILBERT (A Dilbert Book)
14 years of loyal service in a fabric-covered box
Dilbert. 5, Y a-t-il une vie après le bureau?
Dilbert 1. Aplace Siempre Sus Reuniones
You Can, T Schedule Stupidity (Mini Dilbert)
Dilbert. Muskelkraft durch Mausgebrauch
Dilbert 2004 Mini Wall Calendar
Cubicle Hell 2004 Day-To-Day Calendar
Si Tienes Empuje No Necesitas Experiencia
Dilbert 2004 Desk Calendar
Bai chi zai kai hui, suo yi wo bu zai
Le boss
Pas besoin d'expérience quand on a la grosse tête
You Don, T Need Experience (Mini Dilbert)
Dilbert 2004 Day-To-Day Calendar
Dilbert, tome 1
Full-contact au bureau
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel (Dilbert)
Dilbert 2007 Wall Calendar
Dilbert Book of Postcards
Dilbert Bookmark Wish You Were Here
Work Is a Contact Sport (Mini Dilbert)
Bumper Dilbert
Dilbert 8. Honni soit qui stock-option
Wladimir Kaminer
Wladimir Kaminer (born 1967)

journalist, audio engineer, disc jockey

  • Theater Arts and Technical College
Tolstois Bart und Tschechows Schuhe
Küche totalitär
Es gab keinen Sex im Sozialismus
Schönhauser Allee
Helden des Alltags
Die Reise nach Trulala
Ich mache mir Sorgen, Mama
Schönhauser Allee
Mein deutsches Dschungelbuch
Russian Disco
Mein deutsches Dschungelbuch
La Disco Rusa
La musique militaire
Coole Eltern leben länger
Russian Disco
Onkel Wanja kommt
Das Leben ist kein Joghurt
Das Leben ist (k)eine Kunst
Mein Leben im Schrebergarten
Ich mache mir Sorgen, Mama
Onkel Wanja kommt
Meine kaukasische Schwiegermutter
Meine russischen Nachbarn
Salve Papa!
Ausgerechnet Deutschland
Diesseits von Eden
Die Kreuzfahrer
Frische Goldjungs. Storys.
Meine russischen Nachbarn
Häuser des Jahres
Die Reise nach Trulala
Meine kaukasische Schwiegermutter
Einige Dinge, die ich über meine Frau weiss
Die Wellenreiter
Der verlorene Sommer
Meine Mutter, ihre Katze und der Staubsauger
Liebesgrüße aus Deutschland
Liebesgrüsse aus Deutschland
Goodbye, Moskau
Rotkäppchen raucht auf dem Balkon
Muzyka wojskowa
Ich bin kein Berliner
Ihr lieben Deutschen!
Mein deutsches Dschungelbuch
Pierre Boulle
Pierre Boulle (1912-1994)


  • Supélec
L' îlon
The marvelous palace and other stories
The whale of the Victoria Cross
The good Leviathan
Le sacrilège malais
The photographer
Because it is absurd (on earth as in heaven)
Time Out of Mind
My own River Kwai
Desperate games
Trouble in paradise
A noble profession
La planète des singes
Great War Stories
Ears of the jungle
Le pont de la rivière kwaï
Histoires charitables
An impartial eye
Contes de l'absurde suivis de E=mc²
La planète des singes
La baleine des malouines
William Conrad
Sacrilege in Malaya
Le bon Léviathan
Histoires perfides
La planète des singes
An English Garner Ingatherings from Our History and Literature Vol. 1
Contes du futur
Les Oreilles de jungle
A nous deux, Satan!
L' épreuve des hommes blancs
Sacrilege in Malaya
Time out of mind, and other stories
Les oreilles de jungle
La Planete DES Singes (French Edition)
Contes de l'absurde
Le Professeur Mortimer
Garden on the moon
La baleine des Malouines
Etrange planète
Ears of the jungle
Histoires perfides
Le malheur des uns--
Other Side of the Coin
Planet of the Apes Artist Tribute
La planete des singes. Mit Materialien.
Garden on the moon
L'\Etrange Croisade de Frederic II
Quia absurdum (sur la terre comme au ciel)
Les vertus de l'enfer
The virtues of hell
L' univers ondoyant
Not the glory;
Aux Sources de la Riviere Kwai
L' énergie du déspoir
Planet of the Apes Special Sales
Les vertus de l'enfer
E [equals] mc [square], récits
Face of a hero
Garden on the Moon
Les voies du salut
La Baleine des Malouines
Les jeux de l'esprit
For a noble cause
Les Coulisses du ciel
O planeta dos simios
Le Bon Léviathan
Virtues of Hell
Garden on the Moon
Le sacrilège malais
Le\Boulevard des Illusions
Les oreilles de jungle
Les voies du salut. roman.
Un métier de seigneur
La sacrilège malais, roman
L' Étrange croisade de l'empereur Frédéric II
Face of a hero;
The executioner
Time out of mind
Desperate Games
Les vertus de l'enfu
A Noble Profession
Pour l'amour de l'art
L' énergie du désespoir
Not the glory
Planet of the Apes
Les jeux de l'esprit
Time out of mind, and other stories
Histoires charitables
Le bourreau
Saving Face
Maymunlar Gezegeni
Pour l'amour de l'art
L' epreuve des hommes blancs
O planeta dos simios
The Chinese Executioner
El planeta dels simis
O planeta dos simios
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Quia absurdum
Histoires charitables
The other side of the coin
An impartial eye
La face
Les jeux de l'espirit
White man's test
The other side of the coin
El planeta dels simis
Le sacrilège malaism roman
Un métier de seigneur
THE VIRTUES OF HELL (by the author of Monkey Planet - Planet of the Apes)
In quel memorabile giorno
The Chinese Executioner
Mirrors of the sun
Histoires Perfides  Six Nouvelles
O planeta dos simios
Time out of mind, and other stories
TIME OUT OF MIND AND OTHER STORIES. Selected and Translated from the French by Xan Fielding.
The garden on themoon
Le bon Léviathan
White Man's Test
Desperate Games
Le jardin de Kanashima
The Photographer
Les vertus de l'enfer : roman
La planète des singes
William Conrad
La planète des singes
Les oreilles de jungle
Un Metier De Seigneur
Planet of the Apes Adult Coloring Book
Contes de l'absurde; suives de E=mc2
Sacrilege in Malaya (Fontana books)
S. O. P. H. I. A. ( Sophia )
Un métier de seigneur
L'enlèvement de l'obélisque
La face
המקצוע האצילי
Easy Readers - French
Quia absurdum (sur la terre comme au ciel)
L'Étrange croisade de l'empereur Frédéric II ...
Le bourreau
Contes de l'absurde; suives de E=mc2
William Conrad
De wonderen van de Gargantua
Les voies du salut
הנערה ממלאיה
Les voies du salut
William Congreve
William Congreve (1670-1729)

playwright, poet, translator, engineer, librettist

  • Kilkenny College
Letters & documents
William Congreve
The mourning bride
The Old Bachelor
The works of Mr. William Congreve
The Old Bachelor
Restoration and eighteenth-century comedy
Complete plays
The Way of the World
The Way of the World and Other Plays
The Mourning Bride: A Tragedy
The Double Dealer
Incognita / The Way of the World
The Works of Mr. Congreve: Volume 1. Containing
The mourning bride. A tragedy
Incognita or Love And Duty Reconciled
The Works of Mr. Congreve: Volume 2. Containing
The old batchelor
Love for Love
Four Great Comedies of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century
Amendments of Mr. Collier's false and imperfect citations
The works of William Congreve
An impossible thing
The story of Semele
A Treatise on the General Principles, Powers and Facility of Application of the Congreve Rocket System, as Compared with Artillery
The works of Congreve
A hymn to harmony
The judgment of Paris
The mourning bridge
The Complete Works Of William Congreve
A pindarique ode, humbly offer'd to the Queen on the victorious progress of her majesty's arms, under the conduct of the Duke of Marlborough
The works of Willm. Congreve. Vol. I
Three Restoration Comedies
The way of the world, and Love for love
The old bachelor, 1693
The birth of the muse
Poems upon several occasions
Dramatic works
Collected Works of William Congreve
The works of Mr. Congreve
Comedy of The way of the world
The mourning muse of Alexis
The works; comedies, Incognita, poems
The old batchelour
Old Friends
The birth of a muse
Squire Trelooby
The comedy of Love for love
Amendments of M. Collier's false and imperfect citations, &c
The tears of Amaryllis for Amyntas. A pastoral
Tragedy of The mourning bride
Four English Comedies of the 17th and 18th Centuries
The mouring bride
Restoration Comedy : Three Plays
The dramatic works of Mr. William Congreve. ..
The Judgment of Paris
The Comedies of William Congreve
Complete Plays
The Mourning Bride. A Tragedy. By Mr. Congreve. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Performed at the Theatres- Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent Garden.
Mourning Bride
The old bachelor. A comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
The mourning bride, poems, & miscellanies
Congreve's Comedy of Manners
Plays Written by William Congreve, Esq; in two Volumes. ... of 2; Volume 1
The first-[third] volumes[s] of the works of Mr. William Congreve
Amendments of Mr. Collier's false and imperfect citations, &c
The Comedies of William Congreve
The Old Bachelor
Complete Works, Set
Five plays
Old Bachelor
Mourning-Bride. a Tragedy
Mourning Bride. a Tragedy
A prologue spoken by Mrs. Bracegirdle, at the entertainment of Love for love
Asi va el mundo
The mourning bride, poems, & miscellanies, (The World's classics. 277)
Congreve Gallery
Mr. Congreve's last will and testament
The old Batchelor. A Comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve
Comedies of William Congreve
Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar: With Biographical and Critical ...
Old Batchelour
The library of William Congreve
Semele. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Alter'd from the Semele of Congreve. Set to musick by Mr. Handel
Plays written by William Congreve, Esq; in two volumes. ..
The Old Batchelor. a Comedy
The Works of Mr. William Congreve
The Works of Mr. William Congreve. ... Consisting of His Plays and Poems. the Fifth Editton [sic]. of 3; Volume 1
Complete works
The dramatic works of William Congreve, Esq. ...
Library of William Congreve
Poems upon Several Occasions
( Plays). The complete plays
The comedies of William Congreve
A pindarique ode humbly offer'd to the King on his taking Namure
The poetical works
The comedies of William Congreve in two volumes
Le theatre anglois: Tome III.
The Mourning Bride. a Tragedy. by William Congreve
The old batchelour, a comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve
Works of Mr. William Congreve... . Consisting of His Plays and Poems. the Fifth Editton [sic]. of 3; Volume 3
William Congreve, 1912. By : William Congreve : With introduction By
The old Bachelor. A Comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve. Marked With the Variations in the Manager's Book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
The works of Congreve: Comedies: Incognita: Poems
Way of the World and Other Plays
The Works of Mr. William Congreve. ... of 2; Volume 2
Semele. as It Is Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Alter'd from the Semele of Congreve. Set to Musick by Mr. Handel
William Congreve / edited by Alex. Charles Ewald
The old Batchelor. A Comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve
The works of Willm. Congreve ..
William Congreve - Love For Love
The comedies of William Congreve, (The modern readers' series)
Complete works
Mourning Bride
Amour pour amour
Semele, an Opera, Incognita
William Congreve - The Mourning Bride
The Poetical Works of William Congreve. With the Life of the Author. Cooke's Edition. Embellished With Superb Engravings
William Congreve;
Comedies (World's Classics)
Description of the Sights
The Dramatick Works of William Congreve, Esq; viz. I. The old Batchelor. II. The Double-dealer. III. Love for Love. IV. The Mourning Bride. V. The way of the World
Three Restoration Comedies
[The] Mourning Bride. A Tragedy. Written by Mr. Congreve
The dramatick works of Mr. William Congreve. Containing, The old batchelor. The way of the world. Love for love. The mourning bride. The double-dealer
The dramatick works of William Congreve, Esq; viz. I. The old batchelor. II. The double-dealer. III. Love for love. IV. The mourning bride. V. The way of the world
Letters and Documents.
The works of Mr. William Congreve. Volume the first. Containing The old batchellor [sic]. The double dealer Love for love. And The mourning bride
The Works of Mr. Congreve
Old Bachelor
A letter from Mr. Congreve to the right honourable the Lord Viscount Cobham
The Old Bachelor - A Comedy
Plays Written by William Congreve, Esq; in two Volumes. ... of 2; Volume 2
A pindarique ode, humbly offer'd to the Queen, on the victorious progress of Her Majesty's arms, under the conduct of the Duke of Marlborough. To which is prefix'd, a discourse on the pindarique ode. By Mr. Congreve
The comedies of W. Congreve
The old bachelor. A comedy. By Mr William Congreve
Complete plays
The first [-third] volume of the works of William Congreve
Der Lauf der Welt
The old batchelor
The works of Mr. William Congreve
Comedies of William Congreve
The comedies of William Congreve
The comedies of William Congreve
Der Lauf der Welt
The old batchelour
The way of the world
William Congreve
Restoration Comedy (Drama Classic: Collections S.)
William Congreve
William Congreve
The mourning bride
The first[-third] volume of the works of Mr. William Congreve
דרכו של עולם
The mourning bride
The dramatic works of William Congreve, Esq; in two volumes. ..
The works of Congreve: Comedies: Incognita: Poems
Carlo Emilio Gadda
Carlo Emilio Gadda (1893-1973)

poet, engineer, politician

  • Polytechnic University of Milan
I Luigi di Francia
Giornale di guerra e di prigionia
Per favore, mi lasci nell'ombra
Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana
Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana
That Awful Mess on Via Merulana (Quartet Encounters)
L' Adalgisa
Cognizione del dolore
Le bizze del capitano in congedo e altri racconti
Lettere a Gianfranco Contini
La cognizione del dolore
Giornale di guerra e di prigionia
Il castello di Udine
Il castello di Udine
I viaggi la morte
L' Adalgisa
Eros e Priapo
L' ingegner fantasia
La meraviglie d'Italia. Gli anni
Racconto italiano di ignoto del novecento
L' affreux pastis de la rue des Merles
La Meccanica
Carlo Emilio Gadda e Italo Calvino
Il primo libro delle favole
Il palazzo degli ori
La Connaissance de la douleur
La connaissance de la douleur
Lettere a Piero / Carlo Emilio Gadda . Quattro saggi su Gadda
Novella seconda
That awful mess on Via Marulana
L'affreux pastis de la rue des Merles
Taccuino di Caporetto
Il guerriero, l'amazzone, lo spirito della poesia nel verso immortale del Foscolo
L' Adalgisa
Quev pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana
Eros e Priapo
Gadda al microfono
La meccanica
Le Bizze del Capitano in congedo
Die Erkenntnis des Schmerzes. Roman
Accoppiamenti giudiziosi
L'Art d'écrire pour la radio
I racconti accoppiamenti guidiziosi
Eros et Priape
La Verità sospetta
Le guerrier, l'amazone, l'esprit de la poésie dans les vers immortels de Foscolo
Die Liebe zur Mechanik. Roman
Le meraviglie d'Italia
Quer Pasticcaccio Brutto De VI
L'Adalgisa. Disegni milanesi
Les colères du capitaine en congé libérable
La Madonna dei filosofi
I miti del somaro
L' Adalgisa
Frankreichs Ludwige
Die gräßliche Bescherung in der Via Merulana. Roman
Les merveilles d'Italie
La cognizione del dolore
A un amico fraterno
La cognizione del dolore
La Milano disparsa di C.E. Gadda
Carissimo Gianfranco
Il tempo e le opere
Lettere agli amici milanesi
List und Tucke
Novelle dal ducato in fiamme
Journal de guerre et de captivité
Meditazione milanese
Il tempo e le opere
La Connaissance de la douleur
Cara Anita, caro Emilio
La madonna dei filosofi
Lettere a una gentile signora
Verso la Certosa
Novella seconda
Un fulmine sul 220
Il castello di Udine
Azoto e altri scritti di divulgazione scientifica
Le premier livre des fables
Lettere alla sorella, 1920-1924
Norme per la redazione di un testo radiofonico
Disegni milanesi
Scritti vari e postumi
Les Années - Vers la Chartreuse
Verso la certosa
I racconti
I viaggi la morte
Des accouplements bien réglés
La madone des philosophes
"Col nuovo sole ti disturberò"
Vier t"ochter und jede eine k"onigin
La cognizione del dolore
Il "mio" Gadda
Die Wunder Italiens
Dos Relatos Y Un Ensayo
Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana
Acquainted with grief
Giornale di guerra e di prigionia
Il castello di Udine
Accoppiamenti giudiziosi, 1924-1958
Il primo libro delle favole
Meditazione milanese
Gonnella buffone
Carlo Emilio Gadda
Le Château d'Udine
Saggi, giornali, favole e altri scritti
La meccanica
Quer pasticciaccio brutto de Via Merulana
Un radiodramma per modo di dire e scritti sullo spettacolo
A un amico fraterno
"Se mi vede Cecchi, sono fritto"
Il guerriero, l'amazzone
El zafarrancho aquel de Via Merulana
I racconti accoppiamenti giudiziosi
Cara Anita, caro Emilio
I racconti Accoppiamenti giudiziosi, 1924-158
Le Meraviglie d'Italia
I littoriali del lavoro e altri scritti giornalistici, 1932-1941
Le bizze del capitano in congedo e altri racconti
Eros e Priapo
Romanzi e racconti
El Aprendizaje del Dolor
"Sono il pero e la zucca di me stesso"
La cognizione del dolore, con un saggio introduttivo di Gianfranco Contini
I Luigi di Francia
Opere di Carlo Emilio Gadda
That awful mess on Via Merulana
El zafarrancho aquel de Via Merulana
La casa dei ricchi
Die grässliche Bescherung in der Via Merulana
Il castello di Udine
Bibliografia e indici
I sogni e la folgore
Per Carlo Emilio Gadda, 1893-1993
Accoppiamenti giudiziosi
Apostolos Doxiadis
Apostolos Doxiadis (born 1953)

mathematician, autobiographer, playwright, film director, computer scientist, biographer, comics artist

  • Columbia University, Moraitis School
Logicomix - An Epic Search for Truth
Erasitechnēs epanastatēs
Circles disturbed
Ho theios Petros kai hē eikasia tou gkolntmpach
Vios parallelos
Vios parallēlos
Ta tria anthrōpakia
Apo tēn paranoia stous algorithmous
Legontas kai xanalegontas