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economists who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 115 results
José Luis Sampedro
José Luis Sampedro (1917-2013)

economist, politician

  • University of Madrid
Escribir es vivir
Sala de espera
La senda del drago
La estatua de Adolfo Espejo
Los mongoles en Bagdad
Real Sitio
Octubre, octubre
Las regiones españolas ante la asociación con Europa
El amante lesbiano
La sonrisa etrusca
Mar al fondo
La sombra de los días
Homenaje al profesor Sampedro
Conciencia del subdesarrollo veinticinco años después
Economía humanista
Dulce cintura de América
Las fuerzas económicas de nuestro tiempo
La vieja sirena
El río que nos lleva
La inflación
Cuarteto para un solista
José Luis Sampedro
El mercado y la globalización
Mientras la tierra gira
Conciencia del subdesarrollo
Diccionario Sampedro
Monte Sinaí
El caballo desnudo
Estructura económica
Congreso en Estocolmo
La ciencia y la vida
Un sitio para vivir
Mientras la tierra gira
Economía eres tú
La vida perenne
Principios prácticos de la localización industrial
La segunda ampliación de la C.E.E.
Perfiles económicos de las regiones de España
Los círculos del tiempo (Estuche)
La paloma de cartón / Un sitio para vivir / El nudo
El reloj, el gato y Madagascar
La estatua de Adolfo Espejo / La sombra de los días
Sobre política, mercado y convivencia
Avraham Barkai
Avraham Barkai (1921-2020)

historian of Modern Age, historian, economist

Oscar Wassermann und die Deutsche Bank
Liʾo Beḳ
Erlebtes und Gedachtes
Wirtschaftssystem des Nationalsozialismus
Branching Out
Vom Boykott zur „Entjudung“
Jüdische Minderheit und Industrialisierung
Wehr Dich!
Hoffnung und Untergang
Tiḳṿah ṿe-khilayon
Das Wirtschaftssystem des Nationalsozialismus
Das Wirtschaftssystem des Nationalsozialismus
Das Wirtschaftssystem Des Nationalsozialismus: Ideologie, Theorie, Politik
Wehr dich!: der Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbprger J udischen Glaubens (C.V.) 1893 - 1938
Nazi Economics
ha-Kalkalah ha-Natsit
Yehude Germanyah
Deutsch-jüdische Geschichte in der Neuzeit
Robert Sobel
Robert Sobel (1931-1999)

chess player, historian, economist

  • City College of New York, New York University
The entrepreneurs
Trammell Crow, master builder
The United States Executive Branch
Biographical directory of the United States executive branch, 1774-1989
The worldly economists
Biographical directory of the United States executive branch, 1774-1977
Trammell Crow, Master Builder
Biographical directory of the United States executive branch, 1774-1971
Biographical directory of the governors of the United States, 1789-1978
The worldly economists
Biographical directory of the governors of the United States, 1789-1978
Biographical directory of the governors of the United States, 1789-1978
Car wars
Panic on Wall Street
When Giants Stumble
IBM vs. Japan
Inside Wall Street
The Pursuit of Wealth
Mister X
The new game on Wall Street
Dangerous dreamers
The rise and fall of the conglomerate kings
The Big Board
The age of giant corporations
Herbert Hoover at the onset of the Great Depression, 1929-1930
The fallen colossus
The great bull market
For Want of a Nail
The Great Bull Market Wall Street In The 1920s
The last bull market
They satisfy
Niccolo Machiavelli's The prince, also
Inside Wall Street
The Peloponnesian War, Thucydides.
The curbstone brokers
Biographical Directory of the Governors
Salomon Brothers, 1910-1985
Panic on Wall Street
The money manias
Inside Wall Street
American Revolution
The great boom, 1950-2000
The pursuit of wealth
The Life and Times of Dillon Read: 2
The manipulators
The Challenge of freedom
Dangerous dreamers
The French Revolution
The manipulators
French Revolution
The origins of interventionism
Conquest and conscience
Niccolo Machiavelli's The prince and the discourses
Curbstone brokers
The automobile makers
Great Boom 1950-2000
Amex: a history of the American Stock Exchange, 1921-1971
The Collier quick and easy guide to American history
The rise and fall of the conglomerate kings
The Putnam collegiate guide to American history
The VISIT [visual simulation in time] system
Thomas Watson, Sr
I.B.M., colossus in transition
Panic on Wall Street
For Want of a Nail
The French Revolution
The Big Board
Monarch Notes on Voltaire's Candide and Philosophies
Panic on Wall Street
I.B.M., colossus in transition
Machines and morality
American history
The Challenge of freedom
The money manias
The Challenge of Freedom
Paul Mattick
Paul Mattick (1904-1981)

economist, trade unionist

Die Revolution war für mich ein grosses Abenteuer
Kritik der Neomarxisten und andere Aufsätze
Marxism, last refuge of the bourgeoisie?
Krisen und Krisentheorien
Critique of Marcuse
Anti-bolshevik communism
Marx og Keynes
Economics, Politics and the Age of Inflation
Crises et théories des crises
Economics, politics and the age of inflation
Marxisme, dernier refuge de la bourgeoisie ?
Beiträge zur Kritik des Geldes
Kapitalistischer Reproduktionsprozess und Klassenbewusstsein
Return of Inflation
What Is Communism?
Marxism--Last Refuge of the Bourgeoisie?
Capitalismo e fascismo verso la guerra
Theory As Critique
Marxism: Last Refuge of Bourgeoisie ?
Crisis económica y teorías de la crisis
Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory
Crises et théories des crises
Arbeitslosigkeit und Arbeitslosenbewegung in den USA
Ueber einen Fall von Maul- und Klauenseuche beim Menschen
Rebels, and renegades and other essays
Le marxisme hier, aujourd'hui et demain
Ribelli e rinnegati
Ribelli e rinnegati
Crisi e teorie della crisi
Arbeitslosigkeit und Arbeitslosenbewegung in den USA, 1929-1935
Arbeitslosigkeit und Arbeitslosenbewegung in den USA 1929-1935
Economic crisis and crisis theory
Rebeldes y renegados
Spontaneität und Organisation
The inevitability of communism
Werner Abelshauser
Werner Abelshauser (born 1944)

economist, economic historian, historian

  • Ruhr University Bochum
Nach dem Wirtschaftswunder
Ruhrkohle und Politik
Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1945-1980)
The Dynamics of German Industry
Wirtschaft und Rüstung, Souveränität und Sicherheit
Das Ruhrgebiet im Industriezeitalter: Geschichte und Entwicklung (German Edition)
Die langen fünfziger Jahre
Der Ruhrkohlenbergbau seit 1945
Staatliche Umverteilungspolitik in historischer Perspektive
Dynamics of German Industry
Kulturkampf. Der deutsche Weg in die Neue Wirtschaft und die amerikanische Herausforderung
Kulturen der Weltwirtschaft
Deutschland als Modell?
Wirtschaft und Rüstung, Souveränität und Sicherheit (Anfänge westdeutscher Sicherheitspolitik, 1945-1956) (German Edition)
Wirtschaftliche Integration und Wandel von Raumstrukturen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Wirtschaftsgeschichte Der Bund
Geschichte in Perspektiven
Ordungspolitische Weichenstellungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Wirtschaft in Westdeutschland 1945-1948
Wirtschaft in Westdeutschland 1945-1948
Nach dem Wirtschaftswunder
German Industry and Global Enterprise : BASF
Wirtschaftspolitik in Deutschland 1917-1990
German industry and global enterprise
Die Wirtschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Workers' information and consultation in European banks
Konflikt und Kooperation
"Zur Vorbeugung der Armuth--"
Bibliographie zur Wirtschaft Ostwestfalen-Lippes seit 1815
Deutsche Sozialgeschichte 1914-1945
Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte im Industriezeitalter
Die Weimarer Republik als Wohlfahrtsstaat
Revolution in Rheinland und Westfalen
Paolo Savona
Paolo Savona (born 1936)

economist, politician

  • University of Cagliari
Charles P. Kindleberger /.
Global financial crisis
The New Architecture of the International Monetary System (Open Economies Review)
Gli enigmi dell'economia
Eurodollars and international banking
Governing global finance
Alla ricerca della sovranità monetaria
World trade
Financing development
Eurodollars and international banking
Strategic planning in international banking
Ideas for the future of the international monetary system
Strategic planning in international banking
La sovranità monetaria
Luigi De Rosa economic historian
Sviluppo, rischio e conti con l'esterno delle regioni italiane
Il Settore lattiero-caseario in Sardegna
Sylos Labini
Global financial crisis
The new architecture of the international monetary system
L'esprit d'Europe
Il governo dell'economia globale
La grande riforma mancata
Geopolitica economica
La gestione del rischio di credito
Robert Lomas
Robert Lomas (born 1947)

economist, biographer, historian

  • University of Salford
The Man Who Invented the Twentieth Century
Tesla - övjek koji je izumio dvadeseto stoljeĕ :.
Turning the Solomon Key
Turning the Templar Key
The Hiram Key
The invisible college
Uriel's machine
Turning the Hiram Key
Uriel's Machine
Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science
The book of Hiram
L'homme qui inventa le vingtième siècle - Nikola Tesla, le génie oublié de l'électricité
Secrets of Freemasonry
Uriel's Machine
The second messiah
The Hiram key
Literary Selections for Practice in Spelling
Turning the Hiram Key
Methodist Characters of Mold
La clave masónica
Unter den Tempeln Jerusalems
Uriel's machine
The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation
El segundo Mesías. Los templarios, la Sábana Santa de Turín y el gran secreto de
Tapinakcilarin Gizemi
Book of Hiram
Lost Key
Chisel of Understanding #1
The second Messiah : Templars, the Turin shroud, and the great secret of Freemasonry.
La clave masónica
Second Messiah
Secret Power of Masonic Symbols
Daniel Owen's Ten Nights in the Black Lion
Templar Genesis of Freemasonry
Life in the Circle
El segundo Mesías. Los templarios, la Sábana Santa de Turín y el gran secreto de
Masonic Tutor's Handbooks
Mastering Your Business Dissertation
Turning the Solomon Key
Masonic Tutor's Handbooks - Vol 2
Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science
Invisible College
Uriel's Machine
Freemasonry for Beginners
La clave masónica
La clave masónica
Suleyman'in Anahtari
Secret Science of Masonic Initiation
The Pant Glas Children
Lost Key
Benoy Kumar Sarkar
Benoy Kumar Sarkar (1887-1949)

economist, sociologist, editor

  • Presidency University, Malda Zilla School
Ācārya Binaẏakumāra Sarakāra
The futurism of young Asia
Love in Hindu literature
Chinese religion through Hindu eyes
The positive background of Hindu sociology
The science of history and the hope of mankind
The Bliss of a Moment
Hindu achievements in exact science
Creative India
The positive background of Hindu sociology
Hindu art
The folk-element in Hindu culture
Parājita Jārmmāṇi
The sociology of races, cultures, and human progress
The equations of world-economy in their bearings on post-war reconstruction
Chinese Religion Though Hindu Eyes
Jarjja Oẏāśiṃṭana, Huiṭamyāna, o Mārkiṇa naranārīra dhāt
Magaja merāmatera hātiẏāra
Education for industrialization
The sociology of population, with special reference to optimum, standard of living, and progress
The folk-element in Hindu culture
Villages and towns as social patterns
Imperial preference vis-a-vis world economy
Secular & social strata in Buddhist thought
The political institutions and theories of the Hindus
The sociology of population
Studies in applied economics
Morals and Values in Indian Education
Imperial preference vis-à-vis world-economy in relation to the international trade and national economy of India
Steps to a University
Biplabīra bīrabandanā
The politics of boundaries and tendencies in international relations
Dominion India in world perspectives, economic and political
Economic development
The beginning of Hindu culture as world-power (A.D. 300-600)
Folk Elements of Hindu Culture ; A Contribution to Socio-Religious Studies in Hindu Folk Institutions
Indian currency and reserve bank problems
India in America
The war-economy and Indian industrialism
The expansion of spirituality as a fact of industrial civilization .
A scheme of economic development for young India
The beginning of Hindu culture as world-power
The Sukranîti
Strukturelle erneuerung in der indischen industrie und wirtschaft .
Inland transport and communication in Mediaeval India
Indian currency and reserve bank problems (1926-33)
India in exact science old and new
The hindu theory of the state
Greetings to young India
Social insurance
The political philosophies since 1905
Chinese religion through Hindu eyes
Villages and towns as social patterns
Introduction to the science of education
The political philosophies since 1905, their origins and their tendencies