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economists who wrote biography
Showing 49-56 out of 115 results
Friedrich Hayek
Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992)

economist, philosopher, historian, political scientist

  • University of Vienna
Hayek on Hayek
The Road to Serfdom
Good Money
Contra Keynes and Cambridge
Rent Control – a Popular Paradox
The constitution of liberty
The Trend of Economic Thinking
The counter-revolution of science
Individualism and economic order
Socialism and war
The Pure Theory of Capital
The Fatal Conceit
A Tiger by the Tail
The collected works of F.A. Hayek
The Fortunes of Liberalism
The sensory order
Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache
The mirage of social justice
Unemployment and monetary policy
Law, legislation and liberty
The Road to Serfdom
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
Money, capital, and fluctuations
A discussion with Friedrich A. von Hayek
New studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas
Good Money
A conversation with Friedrich A. von Hayek
The Pure Theory of Capital (The Collected Works of F.a. Hayek)
Rules and order
The Constitution of Liberty
Business Cycles
Denationalisation of money
Rechtsordnung und Handelsordnung. Aufsätze zur Ordnungsökonomik
The Markets and Other Orders
Unfinished Agenda
Studies in philosophy, politics and economics
Hayek no Brasil
Monetary nationalism and international stability
The Road to Serfdom - Text and Documents
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2
Knowledge, Evolution, and Society
Droit législation et liberté, volume 1
Denationalization of Money
The political order of a free people
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3
Entnationalisierung des Geldes
Ordre sensoriel
Monetary theory and the trade cycle
The Pure Theory of Capital
Profits, interests, and investment, and other essays on the theory ofindustrial fluctuations
Droit, législation et liberté
Business Cycles
Wissenschaft und Sozialismus
Drei Vorlesungen über Demokratie, Gerechtigkeit und Sozialismus
Camino de servidumbre / The Road to Serfdom
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1
Dr. Bernard Mandeville
The Foundations of Entrepreneurship
Prices and production
Collectivist economic planning
1980s unemployment and the unions
Economic freedom
Capitalism and the historians
The Intellectuals and Socialism (Rediscovered Riches 4)
Contra Keynesand Cambridge
Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik. Aufsätze zur Wirtschaftspolitik
The Sensory Order
Nineteen Eighties Unemployment and the Unions
Der Strom der Güter und Leistungen
La présomption fatale
Freiburger Studien
The essence of Hayek
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
Die Irrtümer des Konstruktivismus und die Grundlagen legitimer Kritik gesellschaftlicher Gebilde
Die Anmassung von Wissen
Individualism true and false
The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek
Profits, interest, and investment
Los Fundamentos de La Libertad
The confusion of language in political thought
The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays
Recht, Gesetz und Freiheit
Camino de servidumbre
Collectivist economic planning
Hayek On Mill
Economic freedom and representative government
The constitution of liberty
1980's unemployment and the unions
Missbrauch und Verfall der Vernunft
Social justice, socialism & democracy
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
Choice in currency
The constitution of liberty
Scientisme et sciences sociales
Capitalism and the historians
Die Verfassung der Freiheit
The Economics of F.A. Hayek
Grundsätze einer liberalen Gesellschaftsordnung. Aufsätze zur Politischen Philosophie und Theorie
Rules, perception, and intelligibility
Pianificazione economica collettivistica
Capital and Interest
Denationalisation of Money - The Argument Refined
Profits, interest, and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations
Beitrge Zur Geldtheorie
Geldtheorie und Konjunkturtheorie
Legacy of Friedrich Von Hayek (HAYEK)
Toward liberty
Order--with or without design?
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor
Capitalism and historians
The Loeb collection of Arretine pottery
Sensory Order and Other Writings on the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology
Beiträge zur Geldtheorie
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1
Monetary nationalism andinternational stability
Housing and town planning
Fortunes of Liberalism
Pure Theory of Capital
Der Wettbewerb als Entdeckungsverfahren
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
The three sources of human values
Socialism and War
Scientisme et sciences sociales
Capitalism and the historians
Droit, le gislation et liberte
Prices and production and other works
Full employment at any price?
Road to Serfdom
Individualismus und wirtschaftliche Ordnung
˜L'œ économie dirigée en régime collectiviste
Roads to freedom
Individualism and Economic Order
Die Anmaßung von Wissen
The Intellectuals and Socialism 1949
Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik
In memoriam Friedrich August von Hayek 1899-1992
The confusion of language in political thought, with some suggestions for remedying it
La route de la servitude
Collectivist economic planning
Rent control, myths & realities
Obras Completas - Ensayos de Teoria Monetaria T. 5
A tiger by the tail
legislation and liberty
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2
The condensed version of "The road to Serfdom"
Economic progress in an open society
Profits, Interest and Investment and Other Essays on the Theory of Industrial Relations
Freiheit, Wettbewerb und Wirtschaftsordnung
Geltheorie Und Konjunkturtheorie (International Carl Menger Library)
End of the U. S. Dollar Monopoly Toward Free Market
Verdict on rent control
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 6
Freedom and the economic system
Hanns Martin Schleyer-Preis 1984 und 1985
Precios y Produccion
Sensory Order
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 9 : Geld und Konjunktur. Band II
The Reactionary Character of the Socialist Conception (Lecture Ser : No L-107)
Friedrich A. Hayek, honorary fellow at the Hoover Institution, speaks on the reactionary character of the Socialist conception to the Advisory Committee of the Domestic Studies Program and the 1978-1979 visiting scholars, Stanford University, October 27, 1978
The rule of law
A free-market monetary system
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache
Tao nu i chih lu
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 8 : Geld und Konjunktur. Band I
The political ideal of the rule of law
Fatal Conceit
Prix et production
Nobel prize-winning economist
Collectivist Economic Planning
The road to serfdom
The market and other orders
Friedrich A. von Hayek
Die verhängnisvolle Anmassung
Rent control
Profiles in liberty
Capitalism and the historians
Camino a la servidumbre
Roads to freedom
Precios y producción
Collectivist economic planning
The use of knowledge in society
The rule of law
L'économie dirigée en régime collectiviste
Gesammelte Werke. Band 1-4
Friedrich August von Hayek's draft biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Pravo, zakonodatel'stvo i svoboda
Pour une vraie concurrence des monnaies
La route de la servitude
The economics of F.A. Hayek
Právo, zákonodárství a svoboda
Capitalism and the historians
The road to serfdom
Liberale Marktwirtschaft
Hayek na UnB
Law, legislation, and liberty
Prices and production
Gelncoe Algebra 1 Teacher Wraparound Edition (California) (Glencoe Mathematics)
Das politische Ideal der Herrschaft des Gesetzes
Studije iz filozofije, politike i ekonomij
The intellectuals and socialism (Studies in social theory)
Hermann Heinrich Gossen
The pure theory of capital
Preiserwartungen, monetaere Stoerungen und Fehlinvestitionen
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
Dao nu yi zhi lu
Jing ji, ke xue yu zheng zhi
Friedrich A. von Hayek
Fernando del Paso Morante
Fernando del Paso Morante (1935-2018)

essayist, poet, journalist, playwright, economist, diplomat, painter, caricaturist

  • National Autonomous University of Mexico
Memoria y olvido de Juan José Arreola
News from the Empire
Palinuro de México
Noticias del Imperio
℗ŁHay naranjas y hay limones!
La Muerte Se Va a Granada
Sonetos del amor y de lo diario
Linda 67
Castillos en el aire
Palinure de Mexico
Linda 67. Roman eines Mörders
José Trigo
Viaje alrededor del Quijote
Jose  Trigo
De la A a la Z, por un poeta
Palinuro en la escalera
Ensayo y obra periodística
Paleta de diez colores
Douceur et passion de la cuisine mexicaine. 151 recettes et 46 menus
José Trigo; [novela
Viaje alrededor de El Quijote
Cuentos dispersos
Máximas mínimas de Maximiliano
José Trigo
Amo y señor de mis palabras
2000 caras de cara al 2000
Bajo la sombra de la historia
Fernando del Paso, 2007
Flores en México
Noticias del imperio
Alfred D. Chandler Jr.
Alfred D. Chandler Jr. (1918-2007)

economic historian, historian, economist

  • Harvard University, Phillips Exeter Academy
Geoffrey Heyworth
Hoover's global 250
Scale and scope
Precursors of modern management
Management thought in Great Britain
The Railroads, pioneers in modern management
The Application of modern systematic management
A nation transformed by information
Managerial innovation at General Motors
Pioneers in modern factory management
Hierarquias de gestão
The twentieth century : revolution, war and "totalism"
A future for the city
Readings for 21.04
Administrative coordination, allocation and monitoring
Strategy and structure
Grande impresa e ricchezza delle nazioni, 1880-1990
La mano visibile
Alfred Chandler
Strategia e struttura
The coke, iron and steel industries
La main visible des managers
New England furniture
Stratégies et structures de l'entreprise
La rivoluzione elettronica
Dimensione e diversificazione
Evoluzione della grande impresa e management
An outline of the Mitsubishi enterprises
La mano visible
Lyndon LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019)

politician, peace activist, political activist, presidential candidate, economist

  • Northeastern University
The power of reason, 1988
The power of reason
The Science of Christian Economy
The hostile fantasy-world of Zbigniew Brzezinski
La France après de Gaulle
Will the Soviets rule during the 1980's
Alors, vous voulez tout savoir sur l'Économie ?
Basic economics for conservative Democrats
The economics of the noösphere
The case of Walter Lippmann
The ugly truth about Milton Friedman
How to defeat liberalism and William F. Buckley
In d efense of common sense ; Project A ; The Science of Christian economy
Why Judge Cacheris's position on "confidential sources" is unconstitutional
So, you wish to learn all about economics?
What every conservative should know about communism
There are No limits to growth
The Economics of the Noosphere
Cold fusion
Our economics policy
Deuda externa
Why revival of "SALT" won't stop war
Dialectical economics
La bomba económica mundial y el genocidio de América Latina
In defense of common sense
A fifty-year development policy for the Indian-Pacific Oceans' basin
Was ist eine humanistische Akademie?
The final defeat of Ayatollah Khomeini
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804)

economist, philosopher, military personnel, politician, aide-de-camp, military officer, businessperson, lawyer

  • Columbia College, Columbia University
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
Wings of Night
Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the public conduct and character of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States
Selected writings and speeches of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
Thep apers of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist Papers
The law practice of Alexander Hamilton
Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States
The Federalist Papers
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
Citizen Hamilton
A few of Hamilton's letters
The Federalist, or, The new constitution
The federalist papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The basic ideas of Alexander Hamilton
Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the Proclomation of Neutrality of 1793
Hamilton's Itinerarium
The Federalist papers
The deerslayer
The Federalist papers
Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
Papers on public credit, commerce and finance
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the day
The Works Of Alexander Hamilton V7
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton anticipating his report on manufactures
The letters of Pacificus and Helvidius (1845) with the Letters of Americanus
The Federalist
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of "The history of the United States for the year 1796,"
A defense of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation entered into between the United States of America & Great Britain
Genl. Alexander Hamilton's confidential letter to Robert Morris on the government of New York
The Federalist Papers
Selections from the Federalist
Die Federalist-Artikel
The Federalist papers
A defence of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist papers
Le Fédéraliste, ou Collection de quelques écrits en faveur de la constitution proposée aux États-Unis de l'Amérique, par la convention convoquée en 1787
A full vindication of the measures of the Congress, from the calumnies of their enemies, in answer to a letter, under the signature of A.W. Farmer
The fate of Major André
Documents relating to American economic history
Alexander Hamilton papers
Letters of Pacificus
An act to organize and establish an exchequer of issues as the fiscal agent of the people of the United States
The Federalist
The Federalist
The official and other papers of the late Major-General Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The Federalist
The opinion of Alexander Hamilton on the constitutionality and expediency of incorporating the United States Bank
The essential Hamilton
The federalist
The Federalist papers
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788
federalist PAPERS
The Pacificus-Helvidius debates of 1793-1794
The farmer refuted: or, A more impartial and comprehensive view of the dispute between Great-Britain and the colonies
The official and other papers ..
The Federalist Papers (Mentor Book, Mt328)
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson
The Federalist papers
A full vindication of the measures of the Congress, from the calumnies of their enemies
The argument of the secretary of the Treasury upon the constitutionality of a national bank
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
A few of Hamilton's letters, including his description of the great West Indian hurricane of 1772
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay: with an appendix, containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments made thereto
The Farmer refuted
Letter from Alexander Hamilton
Le fédéraliste (commentaire de la constitution des États-Unis) recueil d'articles écrits en faveur de la nouvelle constitution telle qu'elle à été adoptée
Adultery and apology
The Pacificus-Helvidius debates of 1793-1794 : toward the completion of the American founding
The reports of Alexander Hamilton
Philadelphia, September 26, 1792
The Federalist
Letters to Dr. William Osborn
Colonel Hamilton's second letter, from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the times, in consequence of the peace
The Federalist papers
Hamiltonian principles
The Federalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in 1788
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
A letter from Phocion, to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist
On the American constitution
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the proclamation of neutrality of 1793
Selected Federalist papers
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The nature of the Republic
The federalists
An address to the people of Rhode-Island ..
Amerikanskie federalisty
The Federalist
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The examination of the President's message at the opening of Congress, December 7, 1801
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Observations on certain documents in "The history of the United States for the year 1796,"
Report on the subject of manufactures, made in his capacity of Secretary of the Treasury ... 1791
Alexander Hamilton's pay book
The federalist
American State papers
Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton on finance, credit, and debt
The revolutionary writings of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist on the new constitution
A second letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist, On the New Constitution
Selections from the poetical works of Alexander Hamilton, the poet of Kirkroads
The Federalist
The mind of Alexander Hamilton
Réflexions sur la république
An address to the electors of the state of New York
The Federalist
The Federalist Papers
The Federalist, on the new constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Lian bang dang ren wen ji
The Federalist
The Federalist
The vital federalist papers
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The Federalist
The Federalist
The examination of the President's message, at the opening of Congress December 7, 1801
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in 1788
The Federalist papers
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist
Il Federalista
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788
The Federalist
El Federalista
The Federalist
O Federalista
The Fœderalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay; with an appendix, containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments made thereto
The Federalist papers
Pay No Taxes
The Federalist
Four Flowers
The Federalist
The federalist
El Federalista
The federalist, on the new Constitution
The Federalist
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist papers
Colonel Hamilton's second letter, from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politics of the times, in consequence of the peace
The Federalist
The Federalist
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
A few of Hamilton's letters, including his description of the great West Indian hurricane of 1772
The Federalist and other contemporary papers on the constitution of the United States by Hamilton, Jay, Madison and other men of their time
The Federalist
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist
El Federalista
The Federalist
An address, to the electors of the state of New York
Alexander Hamilton papers
The Federalist on the new constitution
The Federalist
Practical proceedings in the Supreme Court of the State of New York
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
Opinion As to the Constitutionality of T
Selections from the Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The soundness of the policy of protecting domestic manufactures
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of the "Hist. of U.S. for 1796" and a refutation of the charge of speculation
The Federalist
Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The Federalist
The law practice of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
Federalistički spisi
A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, on the politicks of the day
The works of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of a mint
The Federalist, on the new constitution, written in 1778
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
The papers of Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist
The Federalist
The works of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton and the founding of the Nation
The opinion of Alexander Hamilton, on the constitutionality and expediency of incorporating the United States Bank, February 23, 1791
The Federalist
Federalist Papers
The Federalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
Genl. Alexander Hamilton's confidential letter to Robert Morris on the government of New York, and his estimate of the leading men of that state
Propositions of Colonel Hamilton, of New-York, in the Convention for establishing a constitutional government for the United States
The Farmer refuted
The Federalist, a commentary on the Constitution of the United States
The Foederalist
Letter from Alexander Hamilton
The federalist papers, or, How government is supposed to work
New York Conspiracy or a History of the Hebrew Israelite Negro Plot 1741-1742
Federalist Papers
El Federalista
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
Selections from the Federalist
The Federalist
Federalist Papers
The Federalist, on the new Contstiution
The Federalist
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton anticipating his report on manufactures
Adam Ferguson
Adam Ferguson (1723-1816)

philosopher, librarian, historian, military personnel, essayist, economist, cleric, sociologist, chaplain

  • University of Edinburgh, University of St Andrews
Biographical sketch
An essay on the history of civil society
The history of the progress and termination of the Roman republic
Institutes of moral philosophy
The morality of stage-plays seriously considered
Sister Peg
The correspondence of Adam Ferguson
Institutes of moral philosophy, 1773
Remarks on Dr. Price's Observations on the nature of civil liberty, &c
Reflections previous to the establishment of a militia
An Essay on the History of Civil Society
The history of the proceedings in the case of Margaret, commonly called PEG, only lawful sister to John Bull, esq
An essay on the history of the civil society
Adam Ferguson
Principles of moral and political science
Institutes of Moral Philosophy for the use of Students in the College of Edinburgh (Thoemmes Press - Scottish Thought and Culture, 1750-1850)
The History Of The Progress And Termination Of The Roman Republic V5
Abhandlung über die Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
ADAM FERGUSON, Saggio sulla storia della società civile (ed. by Alessandra Attanasio)
Essai sur l'histoire de la société civile
Remarks on a pamphlet lately published by Dr. Price
The unpublished essays of Adam Ferguson
The history of the progress and termination of the Roman Republic
An essay on the history of civil society, 1767
Grundsaetze der Moralphilosophie (Thoemmes Press - Thoemmes Library of British Philosophers)
The history of the proceedings in the case of Margaret
The manuscripts of Adam Ferguson
Ideologie nella rivoluzione industriale
ADAM FERGUSON, Saggio sulla storia della società civile (ed. by Alessandra Attanasio)
Principles of Moral and Political Science: Being Chiefly a Retrospect of Lectures Delivered in ..
Principles of moral and political science, 1792
ADAM FERGUSON, Saggio sulla storia della società civile (ed. by Alessandra Attanasio)
Analysis of pneumatics and moral philosophy
Essay on the History of Civil Society
Abhandlung über die Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Essai sur l'histoire de la société civile
Shimin shakaishi
Institutes of moral philosophy
Essay on the history of civil society
An essay on the history of civil society
Versuch über die Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Reflections previous to the establishment of a militia
Remarks on Dr. Price's Observations on the nature of civil liberty, &c
Arai Hakuseki
Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725)

philosopher, politician, economist, poet, historian

Oritaku shiba no ki
Arai Hakuseki nikki
Oritaku shiba no ki
Lessons from history
The sword book in Honchō gunkikō and The book of Samé, Kō hi sei gi of Inaba Tsūriō
Seiyō kibun
The armour book in Honchō-gunkikō
Honchō gunki kō
Arai Hakuseki zenshū
The armour book in Honcho-gunkiko
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
The sword book in Honchō gunkikō
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Shimpen Hankampu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki shū
Teihon Oritaku shiba no ki shakugi
Arai Hakuseki, Motoori Norinaga
Shinpen Hankanpu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Shinpen Hankanpu
Zoku Hakuseki sōsho
Sankō dokushi yoron
Ezo shi
Honchō gunki kō
Ōu kaiunki ; Kinai chikaki
Hakuseki Sensei ibun shūi
Arai Hakuseki shū
Hakuseki Sensei yokō
Arai Hakuseki
Arai Hakuseki, Fukusawa Yukichi
Ōshū gojūshigun kō
Hakuseki shōhin. Bakuchō kojidan. Hassui zuihitsu. Yōshabako. Ato wa mukashi monogatari. Zokuji kosui
Shinʼan shukan
Shinʼya mondō
Seiyō kibun
Tokushi yoron
Hakuseki sōsho
Shinrei kukai
Rifa'a at-Tahtawi
Rifa'a at-Tahtawi (1801-1873)

translator, journalist, archaeologist, historian, philosopher, economist, scholar, poet, journal editor

  • Al-Azhar University
Nihāyat al-ījāz fī sīrat Sākin al-Ḥijāz
al-Dawlah al-Islāmīyah
Rifāʻah al-Ṭahṭāwī, 1801-1873
al-Tamaddun wa-al-ḥaḍārah wa-al-ʻumrān
An Imam in Paris
Manāhij al-albāb al-Miṣrīyah fī mabāhij al-ādāb al-ʻaṣrīyah
Taḥrīr al-marʾah al-Muslimah
Takhlīṣ al-ibrīz fī talkhīṣ Bārīz
Kitāb manāhij al-albāb al-Miṣrīyah
Kitāb qalāʾid al-mafākhir fī gharīb ʻawāʾid al-awāʾil wa-al-awākhir
al- Murshid al-amīn lil-banāt wa-al-banīn
L'or de Paris
Izvlechenie chistogo zolota iz kratkogo opisanii︠a︡ Parizha, ili, Dragot︠s︡ennyĭ divan svedeniĭ o Parizhe
Mabādiʾ al-handasah
Fī al-dīn wa-al-lughah wa-al-adab
al- Dawlah al-Islāmīyah
Kitāb al-murshid al-amīn lil-banāt wa-al-banīn
Ein Muslim entdeckt Europa, Rifāʻa al-Ṭahṭāwī
Dīwān Rifāʻah al-Ṭahṭāwī
al-Taʻrīfāt al-shāfiyah
Mabādiʾ al-handasah
Kitab manahij al-albab al-Misriyah fi mabahij al-adab al-ʻasriyah
Taʿrīb al-amthāl fī taʾdīb al-aṭfāl
ديوان رفاعة رافع الطهطاوي
Rifāʻah al-Ṭahṭāwī wa-waqfah maʻa al-dirāsāt al-lughawīyah al-ḥadīthah
Kitāb al-maṣābīḥ al-munīrah fī tawārīkh al-qurūn al-akhīrah
al-Taʿrīfāt al-shāfiyah
Rifāʻah al-Ṭahṭāwī wa-waqfah maʻa al-dirāsāt al-lughawīyah al-ḥadīthah
Anwar Tawfīq al-Jalīl fī akhbar Miṣr wa-tawthīq Banī Ismāʻīl
al- Aʻmāl al-kāmilah li-Rifāʻah Rāfiʻ al-Ṭahṭāwī
Mahraǧān Rifāʻa Rāfiʻ al-Ṭahṭāwī
Takhlīṣ al-ibrīz ilá talkhīṣ Bārīz
Bidāyat al-qudamāʾ wa-hidāyat al-ḥukamāʾ
تخليص الإبريز في تلخيص باريز
Hādhā kitāb al-Tuḥfah al-maktabīyah li-taqrīb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Bidāyat al-qudamā wa-hidāyat al-ḥukamā
Takhlīṣ al-ibrīz fī talkhīṣ Bārīz, aw, al-dīwān al-nafīs bi-Iwān Bārīs
Kitāb manāhij al-albāb al-Miṣrī fī mabāhij al-ādāb al-ʻaṣrīyah