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economists who wrote biography
Showing 41-48 out of 115 results
Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)

philosopher, politician, journalist, economist, literary critic, historian, sociologist, opinion journalist, theatre critic

  • University of Turin, Lc G.M.Dettori-Cagliari
Lettere dal carcere
Gramsci's Prison Letters
Prison Letters (Pluto Classic)
Ikite iru Guramushi
Quaderni del carcere
Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci
Passato e presente
Prison notebooks
Further selections from the prison notebooks
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
Quaderni del carcere
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
A Gramsci reader
Selections from political writings (1910-1920)
Letters from prison
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Grammatica e linguistica
The modern prince, and other writings
Selections from cultural writings
Lettere dal carcere
Il Risorgimento
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
The modern prince
The Gramsci reader
Selections from political writings (1921-1926)
Favole di libertà
Selections from political writings (1921-1926)
Socialismo e fascismo
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Dante e Manzoni
Letters from Prison
Note sul Machiavelli, sulla politica e sullo stato moderno
Räte in Saclay? - Räte in Turin
Il Risorgimento
Prison Notebooks Volume II
                European Perspectives A Series in Social Thought  Cultural Criticism Paperback
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
La questione meridionale
Ecrits politiques, tome 1
Note sul Machiavelli sulla politica e sullo stato moderno
The Modern Prince and Selected Writings
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
An Antonio Gramsci Reader
Aydinlar ve toplum
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Risorgimento italiano
Selections from political writings (1910-1920), with additional texts by Bordiga and Tasca
Scritti, 1913-1926
Scritti politici
Il Pensiero di Gramsci
Soviets in Italy
L' ordine nuovo, 1919-1920
La Questione Meridionale
Politik og kultur
Southern Question
Soviets in Italy
Ecrits politiques
Sotto la mole, 1916-1920
La questione meridionale
La religione come senso comune
Quaderni del carcere
L' albero del riccio
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Cartas desde la carcel
Selection from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
I consigli e la critica operaia alla produzione.
Escritos (Antología)
Tjuremnye tetradi
Letteratura e vita nazionale
Il pensiero di Gramsci
Cara compagna
Passato e presente
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Modern Prince
Elementi di politica
La formazione dell'uomo
Erziehung und Bildung.
The study of philosophy
Note sul Machiavelli
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
La nostra città futura
History, philosophy and culture in the young Gramsci
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
Cahiers de prison
Croce e Gentile
I «Quaderni del carcere» di Antonio Gramsci
La política y el Estado moderno
Introduccion a la Filosofia de La Praxis
Caro Delio, caro Julik
Selections from cultural writings
La formazione dell'uomo
Letteratura e vita nazionale
Arbejderkontrol, arbejderraad, arbejderstyre
Lettere del carcere
Americanismo e fordismo
Antonio Gramsci
En kollektiv intellektuell
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
La città futura, 1917-1918
La costruzione del Partito comunista, 1923-1926
Per la verità
Odio gli indifferenti
Sul fascismo
Americanismo e fordismo
Piove, governo ladro!
Piove, governo ladro!
Scritti dalla libertà, 1910-1926
La formazione dell'uomo
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
Arte e folclore
Il Compromesso storico
Philosophie der Praxis
Quaderni miscellanei
Pensare la democrazia
Scritti giovanili, 1914-1918
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Forse rimarrai lontana--
2000 [i.e. Duemila] pagine di Gramsci
Note sul Machiavelli
Scritti di economia politica
Nuove lettere di Antonio Gramsci con altre lettere di Piero Sraffa
Marxismo e letteratura
La politica e Machiavelli
Antonio Gramsci
Introduccio n al estudio de la filosofi a
Il Risorgimento
Gramsci dans le texte
La questione meridionale
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
L'albero del riccio
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia de Benedetto Croce .
Lettres de prison
Il nostro Marx, 1918-1919
Passato e presente
Lettere ai figli
Risorgimento italiano
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Cronache torinesi, 1913-1917
Piove, governo ladro!
La filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
Introducción a la filosofía de la praxis
Cronache teatrali
Socialismo e fascismo
L'alternativa pedagogica
Nel mondo grande e terribile
Lettere dal carcere
Passato e presente
The open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci, vergessener Humanist?
Scritti sulla Sardegna
Yu zhong zha ji
Il Risorgimento
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Forse rimarrai lontana--
Antonio Gramsci
The Southern question
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Sotto la mole, 1916-1920
Odbrani tekstovi
Quaderni di traduzioni (1929-1932)
L'ordine nuovo, 1919-1920
La alternativa pedagógica
Elementi di politica
The southern question
Antonio Gramsci e la questione sarda
Scritti scelti
Lettere, 1908-1926
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
Il lettore in catene
Antologia degli scritti
La costruzione del Partito comunista, 1923-1926
Scritti 1915-1921
Forse rimarrai lontana
Antonio Gramsci
Gramsci a Roma, Togliatti a Mosca
Chichi kara kodomotachi e
Note sul Machiavelli
Maquiavelo y Lenin
Pirandello, Ibsen e il teatro
Le lettere dell'albero del riccio
La rivoluzione italiana
Favole di libertà
La quistione meridionale
Lettere dal carcere
Scritti rivoluzionari
Sul Risorgimento
Quaderno 22, americanismo e fordismo
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
Concepção dialética da história
Disgregazione sociale e rivoluzione
The modern prince
Lettere dal carcere
Il Lorianismo
Scritti politici
La lotta per l'edificazione del Partito comunista
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Prison Notebooks
Selections from political writings
Gunter Pauli
Gunter Pauli (born 1956)

economist, environmentalist, entrepreneur

Crusader for the future
The second wave
International marketing
La haute croissance
Double-digit growth
Steering business toward sustainability
L' Assaut japonais sur la finance
Perspectives on selected industry sectors in the EC
New perspectives for economic development in Andorra
Els serveis del futur
Toward a united Europe
European business top 500
The blue economy
The blue economy
Peter Kropotkin
Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921)

geographer, explorer, philosopher, autobiographer, journalist, economist, anarchist, zoologist, politician

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Saint Petersburg University, Page Corps
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Dnevnik P.A. Kropotkina
Kropotkin escapes
Dnevniki raznykh let
Autour d'une vie
Gesetz und Autorität
Internat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ sbornik posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ desi︠a︡toĭ godovshchine smerti P. A. Kropotkina
Autour d'une vie
Dnevnik, P. A. Kropotkina
Zikhronot shel revolutsyonar
Eka krāntikāranī ātmakathā
Kakumeika no omoide
Mutual Aid
La conquête du pain
Поля, фабрики и мастерские
Russian Literature, Ideals and Realities
La Grande Révolution
Science moderne et l’anarchie
V russkikh i frant︠s︡uzskikh ti︠u︡rʹmakh
The state, its historic role
Paroles d’un révolté
The place of anarchism in socialistic evolution
Anarchistes en exil
Law and authority
La morale anarchiste
Evolution and environment
Orographie de la Sibérie
Selected writings on anarchism and revolution
The essential Kropotkin
L' agriculture
Act for yourselves
The terror in Russia
The conquest of bread and other writings
Anarchist communism, its basis and principles
Revolutionary studies
Di anarkhisṭishe filozofye
Origen y evolución de la moral
Idealen un ṿirḳlekhḳayṭ in der Rusisher liṭeraṭur
Aux jeunes gens
The wage system
Fugitive writings
The Commune of Paris
Selected Readings on Anarchism and Revolution
The coming revival of socialism
¿Y el arte?
Syndikalismus und Anarchismus
In Rusishe un Frantsoyzishe ṭurmes
Khli︠e︠b i voli︠a︠
Anarchism and Anarchist Communism
Khli︠e︡b i voli︠a︡
Perepiska Petra i Aleksandra Kropotkinykh
Direct Struggle Against Capital
Rechi buntovshchika
Haandens og Hjaernens Arbejde
Anarchists and War Between States
Polia, fabriki i masterskii︠a︡
Nravstvennyia nachala anarkhizma
The Direct Action of Environment and Evolution
Die Vorläufer
Spravedlivostʹ i nravstvennostʹ
Revolutionary government
Khleb i voli︠a︡ ; Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhii︠a︡
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Werter fun rewalutsioner
Socialism and politics
Zi zhuan
Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets
Das menschliche recht
Fugitive Writings (Collected Works of Peter Kropotkin,)
Marxism. Anarchism. Communism
Die Entwicklung der anarchistischen Ideen
Der Wohlstand für alle
Un siècle d'attente, 1789-1889
Anarchist Communism
The essential Kropotkin
Jin shi ke xue he Annaqi zhu yi
Izbrannye trudy
Estestvenno-nauchnȳe rabotȳ
Milḥomeṡ un kapitalizm
Nuzhna li voĭna?
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhizm
Die Entwiklung fun's treid yunionizmus
Communisme et anarchie
Pisʹma o tekushchikh sobytīi︠a︡kh
Wo di zi zhuan
In Russian and French Prisons (The Collected Works of Peter Kropotkin, 6th V)
El anarquismo expuesto por Kropotkin
Gerechtigkeit und Sittlichkeit
Anarchism, Anarchist Communism, and the State
Curious One
Petr i Aleksandr Kropotkiny
Rus Edebiyati Üzerine 1
La literatura rusa
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Landwirtschaft, Industrie und Handwerk, Oder, Die Vereinigung Von Industrie und Landwirtschaft, Von
Kuropotokin zenshū
Anarchism and the State
L'idée révolutionnaire dans la révolution
Botsuraku no daigi seitai
L'anarchie dans l'évolution socialiste
Nōkōgyō no chōwa
Peter Kropotkin Collection
Di role fun anarkhizmus
Unzere ashires̀
Mutual aid among savages
Ai Giovani
Khli︠e︡b i voli︠a︡
Revolutionary pamphlets
Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow
Eguo wen xue shi
Ai Giovani
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Kommunizm i anarkhīi︠a︡
Poli︠a︡, fabriki i masterskīi︠a︡ (zemledi︠e︡līe, promyshlennostʹ i remesla)
Anarchist communism
Die freie Vereinbarung
Den russiske litteraturens historie
Revolutionary studies
l'Organisation de la Vindicte appelee Justice
The Commune of Paris
The State
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Tuo'ersitai lun
Lavoro Intellettuale e Lavoro Manuale
Broyṭ un frayhayṭ
Les Temps nouveaux
The black flag
On Russian Literature Vol 1
Uzakonennai︠a︡ mestʹ nazyvaemai︠a︡ pravosudīem ...
ʻEzrah hadadit be-ʻolam ha-ḥai ṿeha-adam
Raspadenīe sovremennago stroi︠a︡
Die Pariser Kommune
Politicheskii︠a︡ prava
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Roshia bungaku kōwa
Ri︠e︡chi buntovshchika
Den anarkistiske kommunisme
La loi & l'autorité
Ṿerṭer fun a reṿolutsyoner
Der Anarchismus in Russland
Iber der anarkhisṭisher beṿegung in Rusland
Memoirs of a Revolutionist; Volume II
Mian bao yu zi you
Pan no ryakushu
Ideario anarquista
Di geshikhṭe fun der groyser Frantsoyzisher reṿolutsye
Lun li xue di qi yuan he fa zhan
La Révolution sera-t-elle collectiviste?
Der Staat
Guo jia lun
Zapiski revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionera
Spravedlivostʹ i nravstvennostʹ
Ostatnie zapiski
Zapiski z ostatnich dni
Organised Vengeance Called 'Justice.'.
Davar el ha-dor ha-tsaʻir
Pamiati Petra Alekseevicha Kropotkina
Aux jeunes gens
Vzaimnai︠a︡ pomoshchʹ sredi zhivotnykh i li︠u︡deĭ
Di eṭiḳ
Aux jeunes gens
Paroles d'un révolté
La guerre
Russian literature,
Rus Edebiyati Üzerine 2
Memoirs of a Revolutionist; Volume 2
Khleb i voli︠a︡
Small Communal Experiments And Why They Fail
Ostatnie zapiski
Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin
Bir Isyancinin Sözleri
Nashi bogatstva
Paroles d´un RÉvoltÉ
Russian literature
Der Anarchismus
Reṿolutsyonere regierung
Rapporti al Congresso di Parigi
Die Gefängnisse
In Russian and French Prisons (Studies in the Libertarian and Utopian Tradition)
Worte eines Rebellen
Lebens beshraybung
ha-Musar shel anarkhyah
Tsum yungen dor
Redes fun a bunṭar
Den Store Franske Revolusjon
Sbornik stateĭ posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ pami︠a︡ti P.A. Kropotkina
Revolutionäre Regierungen
Selected Writings
Die Große Französische Revolution 1789–1793
Revolutionary government
Tsum yungen dor
Memoiren Eines Revolution�rs
Zapiski revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionera
La Moral anarquista y otros escritos
Le salariat
My Life : Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Eguo wen xue shi
Reṿolutsyonere regierung
Hōritsu to kyōken
On Russian Literature Vol 2
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡tsii︠a︡ i anarkhizm
Russian Literature
Esprit de révolte
Guo jia lun
Di enṭṿiḳlung fun's treyd yunyonizmus
Fields, Factories and Workshops : (Graphyco Editions)
Gezamelṭe shrifṭen
Le salariat
Eguo wen xue shi
Gerechtigkeit und Sittlichkeit
Le procès de Solovieff
Mian bao yu zi you
Die Große Französische Revolution 1789–1793
Otryvki iz dnevnika Dmitrīi︠a︡ Bri︠a︡nskago
La literatura rusa
Terror in Russia
A los jóvenes
Mutual Aid
Khleb i voli︠a︡
Bilim ve Anarsizm
In Russian and French Prisons
Paroles d'un Révolté
Russian literature,
Bir Devrimcinin Anilari
Memoirs of a revolutionist
Lo spirito di ribellione
Primary Sources, Historical Collections
Ekmegin Fethi
Fields, Factories, and Workshops; or, Industry Combined with Agriculture and Brain Work with Manual Work
La moral Anarquista
Polia, Fabriki I Masterskiia; Zemledielie, Promyshlennost I Remesla
Novyĭ Internat︠s︡īonal
A los jóvenes
Bhūkhamarāno upāya
Cagdas Bilim ve Anarsi
La moral Anarquista
Fields, Factories and Workshops or Industry Combined with Agriculture and Brain Work with Manual Work
Karþilikli Yardimlaþma - Evrimin Bir Faktörü
Law and Authority
Khleb i volia
Law and authority
Pisʹma o tekushchikh sobytīi︠a︡kh
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡tsīi︠a︡ i anarkhizm
Gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi︠a︡
Vzaimnai︠a︡ pomoshch' sredi zhivotnykh i li︠u︡deĭ
Raspadenīe sovremennago stroi︠a︡
The wage system
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhizm
The conquest of bread
La loi et l'autorité
Memoiren eines revolutionärs
Khlieb i volia
Esprit de révolte
Бунтовской дух
The place of anarchism in socialistic evolution
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhii︠a︡
La conquête du pain
Zavoevanīe khli︠e︡ba
L'anarchie dans l'évolution socialiste
Rasprostranenīe radikalʹno-sot︠s︡īalisticheskikh ideĭ
Petropavlovskai︠a︡ kri︠e︡postʹ i moĭ pobi︠e︡g
The wage system
Historia de la revolución francesa
Ethics, origin and development
Ssylka v Sibirʹ
Ideals and realities in Russian literature
Государство, его роль в исторіи
Un siècle d'attente, 1789-1889
An appeal to the young
Les prisons
V russkikh i frant︠s︡uzskikh ti︠u︡rʹmakh
The Commune of Paris
Rasprostranenīe radikalʹno-sot︠s︡ialisticheskikh ideĭ
Velikai︠a︡ frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ 1789-1793
Gosudarstvo, ego rolʹ v istorīi Petra Kropotkina
Le salariat
Pisʹma iz Vostochnoĭ Sibiri
Moi vospominanīi︠a︡ o Peterburgi︠e︡
Vzaimnaia pomoshchʹ, kak faktor evoliutsii
Ti︠u︡rʹmy, ssylka i katorga v Rossīi
William Smart
William Smart (1853-1915)


John Ruskin: his life and work
John Ruskin
Taxation of land values and the single tax
The return to protection
Studies in economics
Women's wages
An introduction to the theory of value
Economic annals of the nineteenth century
Second thoughts of an economist
The distribution of income
A disciple of Plato
An introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, Wieser, and Böhm-Bawerk
The sugar bounties
Factory industry and socialism
The fiscal policy
The effects of consumption of wealth on distribution
Toynbee Hall
Factory industry and socialism
An introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, Wieser, and Bohm-Bawerk
An introduction to the theory of value, on the lines of Menger, Wieser, and Böhm-Bawerk
An introduction to the theory of value
An introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, Wieser, and Böhn-Bawerk
Julian Simon
Julian Simon (1932-1998)


  • Booth School of Business, Harvard University
A Life against the Grain
Good mood
Population matters
Basic research methods in social science
The economics of population growth
Getting into the mail-order business
Developing Decisionmaking Skills for Business
The economic consequences of immigration
The great breakthrough and its cause
The Art of Empirical Investigation
The ultimate resource 2
Basic research methods in social science
The Ultimate resource
Effort, opportunity, and wealth
Hoodwinking the nation
The Resourceful earth
How to start and operate a mail-order business
The effects of income on fertility
Applied managerial economics
How to startand operate a mail-order business
Population matters
The economics of population
Hoodwinking the Nation
Economics Against the Grain
Economics Against the Grain Volume Two
Issues in the economics of advertising
Economics against the grain
The state of humanity
Population and development in poor countries
Theory of population and economic growth
A reconciliation of the population-push and invention-pull theories of demographic-economic history
The management of advertising
The effect of immigrants on natives' incomes through the use of capital
Research in Population Economics
The economic consequences of immigration
The Economics of Population
Basic research methods in social science
The effect of population growth on agricultural saving in irrigation
The State of humanity
The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause (Economics, Cognition, and Society)
What immigrants take from, and give to the public coffers
Simon and Lechleiter family history
The Economics of Population
The welfare effect of an additional child cannot be stated simply
The influence of population growth on per-worker income in developed economies
The effect of husband's income and wife's education upon various birth orders
Issues in the economics of advertising
The only impending shortage is a shortage of bad news
Basic research methods in social sciences
The relationship between population and economic growth in LDC's
How immigrants affect Americans' living standard
What do Zielske's real data really show about pulsing?
The present value of population growth in the western world
Basic research methods in social science ; the art of empirical investigation [by] Julian L. Simon
Global 2000 revised
Firm size and market behavior
The Resourceful Earth
Is population growth really bad for LDC's in the long run?
The ultimate resource
Research in population economics
A constant long-run K/Y ratio is a meaningless observation / Julian L. Simon...
How do immigrants affect us economically?
The important economic implications of learning-by-doing for population size and growth
The technological progress function and labor force size
Basic research methods in social science
L'homme, notre dernière chance
The price effects of monopolistic ownership in newspapers
The overall effect of immigrants upon natives' incomes
The economics of population
Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling
Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling (1740-1817)

economist, veterinarian, surgeon

  • University of Strasbourg
Theorie der Geister-Kunde
Heinrich Stillings Jugend, Jünglingsjahre, Wanderschaft und häusliches Leben
The autobiography of Heinrich Stilling
Henrich Stillings Häusliches Leben
Henrich Stillings Wanderschaft
Heinrich Stillings Alter. Eine wahre Geschichte, Oder, Heinrich Stillings Lebensgeschichte, Sechster band
Versuch eines Lehrbuchs der Landwirthschaft der ganzen bekannten Welt in so fern ihre Produkten in den europäischen Handel kommen
Briefe an Verwandte, Freunde und Fremde aus den Jahren 1787 bis 1816
Sachgerechtes Wirtschaften
Briefe eines reisenden Schweizers über die Einrichtung der pfälzischen Fruchtmärckte
Das Heimweh
Bildungsfehler und Überfeinerung
The life of John Henry Stilling
Stahlhandel, Metallverarbeitung und Mechanisierung im Bergischen Land
Antwort durch Wahrheit in Liebe auf die an mich gerichteten Briefe des Herrn Professor Sulzers in Konstanz über Katholicismus und Protestantismus
Wirtschaftslehre und Landeswohlstand
Jung Stilling
Gesellschaft, Leben und Beruf
Sieben lezten Posaunen oder Wehen
Versuch eines Lehrbuchs der Fabrikwissenschaft zum Gebrauch akademischer Vorlesungen
Gesellschaftliche Missstände
Sequel to Heinrich Stilling
Briefe Jung-Stillings an seine Freunde
Mehr Wohlstand durch besseres Wirtschaften
Theorie der Geisterkunde in einer Natur-Vernunft-und Bibelmässigen Geantwortung der Prage ..
D. Johann Heinrich Jungs gemeinnütziges Lehrbuch der Handlungswissenschaft
Apologie der Theorie der Geister-Kunde
Die Siegsgeschichte der christlichen Religion
Rede über den Werth der Leiden
Johann Heinrich Jung's (genannt Stilling) Lebensgeschichte
Jung-Stilling-Lexikon Wirtschaft
Briefe an die St. Gallerin Helene Schlatter-Bernet
Geschichte meiner Staar Curen und Heylung anderer Augenkrankheiten
Sämmtliche Schriften
Jung-Stilling-Lexikon Forsten
Erster Nachtrag zur Siegsgeschichte der christlichen Religion
Lehrbuch der Staats-Polizey-Wissenschaft
Sämmtliche werke
Der grau [sic] Mann eine Volkschrift, oder, Stilling's [Blick] in die Verganenheit, Gegenwart, und Zukunft ..
Sequel to Heinrich Stilling, containing Stilling's old age a fragment
Taschenbuch für Freunde des Christenthums
Scenen aus dem Geisterreiche
Methode den grauen Staar auszuziehen und zu heilen, nebst einem Anhang von verschiedenen andern Augenkrankheiten und der Cur-Art derselben
Die Siegsgeschichte der Christlichen-Religion; in einer gemeinnützigen Erklärung der Offenbarung Johannis
Sämmtliche Schriften
Johann Heinrich Jung's Lebensgeschichte ..
Der Schlüssel zum Heimweh
Et Brev, skrevet fra en reisende Jøde i Fortiden, da Christus omvandrede her paa Jorden
Aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Lebensgeschichte von Heinrich Stilling (sonst Heinrich Jung genennt) ..
Heinrich Stillings Jugend
Die Geschichte Florentins v. Fahlendorn
Scenes in the world of spirits
Heinrich Stillings
Dr. Joh. Heinr. Jung's theoretiske og practiske handels-system
Theobald, oder, Die Schwärmer
Die siebenlezten Posaunen oder Wehen ...
Der Christliche Menschenfreund
Heinrich Stilling ...
Anleitung zur Cameral-Rechnungs-Wissenschaft nach einer neuen Methode des doppelten Buchhaltens
Ugroz svi︠e︡tovostokov
Heinrich Stillings Lehr-Jahre ...
Über die Ursprünge von Gebirgen und Erzgängen
Wenn die Seele geadelt ist
Lehrbuch der finanz- wissenschaft
Heinrich Stillings jugend
Scenen aus dem Geisterreiche
Theobald, oder, Die Schw©Þrmer
Gedichte von D. Johann Heinrich Jung, genannt Stilling
Henrich Stillings Jugend, 1777. Henrich Stillings Jünglingsjahre, 1778. Henrich Stillings Wanderschaft, 1778. Rückblick auf Stillings bisherige Lebensgeschichte, 1804
Prikli︠u︡chenīi︠a︡ po smerti
Henrich Stillings Jugend, Jünglingsjahre, Wanderschaft und Häusliches Leben
James G. March
James G. March (1928-2018)

sociologist, economist, political scientist

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison, Yale University
Models of a man
Rediscovering Institutions
A behavioral theory of the firm
Ambiguity and choice in organizations
On Leadership
Decisions and organizations
Handbook of organizations
The pursuit of organizational intelligence
The economics of choice, change, and organization
Autonomy as a factor in group organization
Democratic governance
A primer on decision making
Urban Processes as Viewed By the Social Sciences
Handbook of Organizations (RLE: Organizations)
The ambiguities of experience
How we talk and how we act
Explorations in organizations
Political Science
Aging--stability and change in the family
Organisation und Individuum
The business firm as a political coalition
Ambiguity and command
Roots, Rituals, and Rhetorics of Change
Maqi lun guan li
Aging--biology and behavior
Introduction to Models in the Social Sciences
Df-Ambiguities of Experience Z
George Tucker
George Tucker (1775-1861)

politician, economist, lawyer, historian, biographer

  • College of William & Mary
The life of Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States
A Voyage to the Moon
Progress of the United States in population and wealth in fifty years
Political economy for the people
The theory of money and banks investigated
Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson
Valley of Shenandoah or Memoirs of the Graysons (Chapel Hill Books)
The history of the United States, from their colonization to the end of the Twenty-sixth Congress, in 1841
The Valley of Shenandoah
A century hence
The Life Of Thomas Jefferson, Third President Of The United States V1
Speech of Mr. Tucker, of Virginia on the Restriction of Slavery in Missouri
Progress of the United States in Population and Wealth in Fity Years
A Voyage to the Moon
The History of the United States
The Life of Thomas Jefferson
The Life Of Thomas Jefferson, Third President Of The United States V2
A letter to a member of the General Assembly of North Carolina
The theory of money & banks investigated (1839) With the article "National debts" (1815) and an introductory essay, "George Tucker and economic growth"
Progress of the United States in population and wealth in fifty years, as exhibited by the decennial census
The history of the United States
Essays on Subjects of Taste, Morrals and National Policy
The laws of wages
The valley of the Shenandoah
Letters from Virginia
The theory of money & banks investigated (1839)
Autobiography of George Tucker, 1775-1861
To the freeholders of the counties of Campbell, Pittsylvania and Halifax
The life and philosophy of George Tucker
The valley of Shenandoah, or, Memoirs of the Graysons
To James Madison, fourth president of the United States. Sir, your long intimacy with Mr. Jefferson, your accordance with him in the principles of civil government ... In submitting to you the biography of that friend ..
The laws of wages, profits, and rent, investigated
Speech of Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri
Speech of Hon. Henry St. George Tucker
The valley of Shenandoah
Essays on various subjects of taste, morals, and national policy
Memoir of the life and character of John P. Emmet, M. D., professor of chemistry and materia medica in the University of Virginia
The theory of money and banks investigated
A discourse on the progress of philosophy and its influence on the intellectual and moral character of man
A voyage to the moon
Letters from Virginia
Speech of Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri
To the freeholders of the counties of Campbell, Pittsylvania and Halifax ...
The history of the United States
Political economy for the people
Progress of the United States in population and wealth in fifty years, as exhibited by the decennial census from 1790 to 1840