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economists who wrote biography
Showing 33-40 out of 115 results
Antonio Negri
Antonio Negri (1933-2023)

philosopher, politician, economist, sociologist, school teacher, political scientist, essayist, dramaturge, political philosopher, criminal

  • École Normale Supérieure, University of Padua
Diary of an escape
Ghostly Demarcations
The Savage Anomaly
Goodbye mr. socialism
Negri on Negri
The Porcelain Workshop
La gran crisis de la economía global
Political Descartes
Empire and Beyond
Time for revolution
Marx beyond Marx
Marx oltre Marx
Time For Revolution
Dialogo Sobre La Globalizacion, La Multitud y La Experiencia Argentina / Analytic Practice (Espacios del Saber)
Books for Burning
Time For Revolution (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)
Potere costituente
The Winter Is Over Writings On Transformation Denied 19891995
Fine secolo
Subversive Spinoza
Imperio, multitud y sociedad abigarrada
Lavoro di Giobbe
Spinoza For Our Time Politics And Postmodernity
Macchina tempo
Democracy Unrealized
Revolution retrieved
Marx Mas Alla De Marx (Cuestiones De Antagonismo)
Art and multitude
El Trabajo De Dionisos/ Labor of Dionysus.  A Critique of the State Form (Cuestiones De Antagonismo / Questions of Antagonism)
Trilogy of resistance
Imperio - Compacto / Teacher Training at Issue
Kairòs, alma Venus, multitudo
Las verdades nomadas & general intellect, poder constituyente, comunismo (Cuestiones De Antagonismo/ Antagonism Matters)
Reflections on empire
Factory of strategy
La Forma-estado/ The Form of Goverment (Cuestiones De Antagonismo/ Antagonism Matters)
Il dominio e il sabotaggio
Fin del Invierno
Kairos, alma Vénus, multitude
Communists Like Us (Semiotext)
Movimientos En El Imperio/ Movements in the Empire
Los Libros De La Autonomia Obrera (Cuestiones De Antagonismo)
Le Retour
La Anomalia Salvaje
Europa Y El Imperio
L' anomalia selvaggia
Flower of the desert
Time for revolution
Le pouvoir constituant
Del Retorno
La Fabrica De La Estrategia
Guias / Guides
Rückkehr. Alphabet eins bewegten Lebens
El Poder Constituyente
Spinoza Subversivo (Cuestiones De Antagonismo)
Il comunismo e la guerra
Manifattura, società borghese, ideologia
The labor of Job
Il lavoro di Giobbe
Lenta ginestra
Du retour
Spinoza subversif
Job, la force de l'esclave
Le verità nomadi
Antonio Negri
Desiderio del mostro
Arte e multitudo
Proletari e Stato
La fabbrica della strategia
Umherschweifende Produzenten
Biocapitalismo, procesos de gobierno y movimientos sociales
La forma Stato
L' inverno è finito
Europa politica
L'anomalie sauvage
Il dominio e il sabotaggio
Italie rouge et noire
Saggi sullo storicismo tedesco
Il comune in rivolta
Du retour
Il potere costituente
Spinoza e noi
Dominio y sabotaje
Movimenti nell'impero
Contrapoder, una introducción
Proletari e Stato
Marx oltre Marx
Fabrique de porcelaine
The porcelain workshop
Luciano Ferrari Bravo
Subversive Spinoza
Descartes politico o della ragionevole ideologia
John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

philosopher, economist, politician, autobiographer, egalitarianism, clerk, suffragist

  • University College London
Essays on politics and society
Collected Works
Public and parliamentary speeches
Autobiography / Essay on liberty
Autobiography and Literary Essays
Autobiography and other writings
The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
On Liberty
Essays (Nature / Theism / Utility of Religion)
On Liberty / The Subjection of Women
Utilitarianism, On Liberty, Essay on Bentham
On liberty and other essays
Utilitarianism and other essays
Principles of Political Economy
Essays (On Liberty / Representative Government / Utilitarianism)
Considerations on Representative Government
Prefaces to liberty: selected writings
The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill
On Liberty and Other Writings
The ethics of John Stuart Mill
Essays (On Liberty / Utilitarianism)
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 2B --The Victorian Age
The Subjection of Women
The Harvard Classics
Auguste Comte and Positivism
The contest in America
Essays on literature and society
Speech at the National Education League meeting at St. James's Hall, London
Lettres inédites de John Stuart Mill à Auguste Comte
Essays (Essay on Bentham / On Liberty / Utilitarianism)
Inaugural Address
Logic of the Moral Sciences
Philosophy of scientific method
Essays (Nature / The Utility of Religion)
Essays on politics and culture
The basic writings of John Stuart Mill
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Essays (On Liberty / Representative Government / The Subjection of Women)
Personal Representation
Manga de dokuha, On Liberty
Additional Letters
An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
John Mill's boyhood visit to France
Lord Durham and the Canadians
The Utilitarians
The Idea of God in Nature
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Essays (On Socialism / The Subjection of Women)
Suffrage for women
The letters of John Stuart Mill
Essays on ethics, religion and society
John Stuart Mill's Social and Political Thought
John Stuart Mill
Professor Sedgwick's Discourse on the Studies of the University of Cambridge
Essays on poetry
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind; Volume 2
Essential works
The six great humanistic essays of John Stuart Mill
The Right and Wrong of State Interference With Corporation and Church Property
John Stuart Mill
Essais sur Tocqueville et la société américaine
Three centuries of debate on the death penalty
Essays on England, Ireland, and the Empire
On social freedom
The earlier letters of John Stuart Mill
Political Science
Thoughts on parliamentary reform
Scientific Revolution & On Liberty & European Romanticism & Enlightenment & Communist Manifesto
Essays (On Liberty / Representative Government)
John Stuart Mill and Thomas Carlyle
Mill on Bentham and Coleridge
The Utility of Religion
Views of Mr. John Stuart Mill on England's danger through the suppression of her maritime power
Newspaper Writings
John Stuart Mill's Philosophy of Scientific Method
The student's handbook
Essays on philosophy and the classics
True and false democracy
Essays on Economics and Society
Writings on India
Inaugural address
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind; Volume 1
Subjection of Women
On the Present State of Literature
Subjection of Women
The slave power
Ensayos sobre la igualdad sexual
Utilitarianism (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Sobre la Libertad
Works (European Romanticism / France and the Dreyfus Affair / On Liberty)
Considerations on Representative Government
Subjection of Women
Surface phenomena in enhanced oil recovery
Miscellaneous Writings
Two letters on the measure of value
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill Illustrated
Mr. J. S. Mill upon Personal Representation
The Spirit of the Age
Demokratik Yönetim Üzerine Düsünceler
Saggio Sulla Libertà
England and Ireland
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Principles of Political Economy
Dissertations and Discussions
Principles Of Political Economy
The Inequality Between The Sexes
Logic of the Moral Sciences
On Liberty (Squashed Edition)
Literary Essays
Utilitarianism /Der Utilitarismus
Faydaciligin Felsefi Boyutu
Considerations on Representative Government
British Philosophy Collection
The inexpediency of an irredeemable  paper currency
Later Letters of John Stuart Mill 1849-1873
Dissertations And Discussions Political, Philosophical, And Historical, Reprinted Chiefly From The Edinburgh And Westminster Reviews, Volume 2
Principes d'économie Politique
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive : Volume 1
sometimiento de las mujeres
Principles of Political Economy
Cinsiyetler Arasi Esitsizlik
Subjection of Women : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
Subjection of Women Annotated
Armand Carrel
England and Ireland
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Utilitarianism and Other Essays
A System of Logic
On Liberty; Representative Government; the Subjection of Women
The early draft of John Stuart Mill's autobiography
Sobre la Libertad
The Subjection Of Women
Ozgurluk Uzerine
Dissertations and Discussions
John Stuart Mill on education
L'asservissement des femmes_1_ere_ed - fermeture et bascule vers 9782228915663
Essays on Sex Equality
The philosophy of John Stuart Mill as contained in extracts from his own writings
Grundsätze der Politischen Oekonomie Nebst Einigen Anwendungen Derselben Auf Die Gesellschaftswissenschaft. Zweiter Band
Complete Works
Rationale of Judicial Evidence
Miscellaneous writings
Memories of Old Friends: Being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of ...
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Journals and Debating Speeches
Essential works of John Stuart Mill
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
Principles of Political Economy; Volume 2
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Utilitarianism : (Annotated Edition)
Considerations on Representative Government
Considerations on Representative Government
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive : Volume 2
Esclavitud Femenina
Subjection of Women
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill 1812-1848
Utilitarianism Annotated
Adim Adim - Dinozorlar
Kadinlarin Özgürlesmesi
Writings of Alfred De Vigny
John Stuart Mill on Ireland
Socialism : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Ha Ja Ba Ra La
An Examination of Sir William Hamiltons Philosophy, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings
Essays on England, Ireland, and Empire
The Subjection of Women
Escritos sobre Bentham
Of Induction, with Especial Reference to J. S. Mill's System of Logic
Principles of Political Economy With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy
Considerations on Representative Government
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
La Libertà e altri saggi
Treaty obligations
Dissertations and Discussions
De la libertad
El valor de la poesía
Utilitarianism, Liberty and Representative Government
John Stuart Mill
The Letters of John Stuart Mill
Essays on French History and Historians
All About Archeology
Bibliography of the published writings of John Stuart Mill
Özgürlük Üzerine
Subjection of Women : (Annotated Edition)
Utilitarianism Illustrated
Utilitarianism Illustrated
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Newspaper Writings
An Examination of Sir William Hamiltons Philosophy, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings
Correspondance inédite Avec Gustave D'eichthal (1828-1842)-(1864-1871)
On Liberty and Other Essays
Austin on jurisprudence
On Liberty Illustrated by John Stuart Mill
Utilitarianism (Annotated)
Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties
Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill Illustrated Novel
Principles of Political Economy
Utilitarianism (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
De la Liberté
Three Essays on Religion - Nature the Utility of Religion and Theism
Early Essays
Additional Letters
Writings on India
Sexual equality
Auguste Comte ve Pozitivizm
Ethics of John Stuart Mill
Principles of Political Economy
Journals and debating speeches
Subjection of Women Novel John Stuart Mill Annotated
Subjection of Women
On Liberty and Other Essays
Essays on equality, law, and education
On Liberty and the Subjection of Women
Mill's ethical writings
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Mes Mémoires; Histoire de Ma Vie et de Mes Idées
Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land Question
Public and Parliamentary Speeches
Liberale Gleichheit
Kadinlarin Kölelestirilmesi
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Inaugural Address
Gouvernement Représentatif
Essays on Politics and Society
Rationale of Judicial Evidence
Early essays by John Stuart Mill
De l'assujettissement des Femmes
The Science fo Logic / Utilitarianism
Subjection of Women
Dissertations and Discussions V2
Utilitarianism, Liberty, and Representative government
John Stuart Mill
On liberty
System of Logic
Utilitarianism, On Liberty, Essay On Bentham
De la Liberté
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill,
On Liberty (Annotated)(Illustrated)
Three Essays on Religion
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and of the Principal Philosophical Questions Discussed in His Writings
Principles of Political Economy
Writings of Alfred de Vigny
Die Inductive Logik
On Liberty : (Barnes and Noble Library of Essential Reading)
Negro Question
Essays on Politics and Culture
Subjection of Women
Chapters on Socialism
Dissertations and Discussions
The right to property in land
On Liberty Illustrted
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
Of Induction, With Especial Reference to J.S. Mill's System of Logic
Düşünce ve Tartışma Özgürlüğü Üzerine
La esclavitud femenina / La emancipación de las mujeres
On Liberty : (Annotated)(Biography)
El sometimiento de la mujer
The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Prefaces to liberty
Essays on politics and culture (Anchor books)
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Economics I
Considerations on Representative Government
J. S. Mill
Utilitarianism Liberty, and Representative Government
Aanhalingen uit John Stuart Mill's De slavernij der Vrouw, aangeboden aan de lezeressen van "De huisvrouw."
On Liberty, Utilitarianism, Considerations on Representative Government, and the Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill
The London And Westminster Review, Volume 29
Philosophische Bibliothek
Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte
Utilitarianism, Liberty, and Representative Government
On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays
On Liberty and Other Essays
Tres ensayos sobre religión
Principles of Political Economy,
American state papers
On Liberty (The Library of American Freedoms)
Système de Logique déductive et Inductive; Exposé des Principes de la Preuve et des Méthodes de Recherche Scientifique; Volume 2
Subjection of Women
On Liberty and the Subjection of Women
Memories of Old Friends; Being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox from 1835 to 1871, to Which Are Added Fourteen Original Letters from J. S. Mill Never Before Published. Edited by Horace N. Pym; Volume 2
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
On Liberty
La PSYCHOLOGIE ET LES SCIENCES MORALES - Sixième chapitre du système de logique (1843)
Dissertations and Discussions
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Utilitarianism, Liberty & Representative Government
The spirit of the age
Individual Liberty, Legal, Moral, and Licentious
Mill, the Selected Writings of John Stuart
Bentham (Illustrated)
Chapters and speches on the Irish land question
John Stuart Mill on the protection of infant industries
August Comte and Positivism
Inaugural Address
Speech of the late John Stuart Mill at the great meeting held in the Music Hall, Edinburgh, on January 12, 1871, in favor of women's suffrage
Later Letters of John Stuart Mill 1849-1873
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive,
Contest in America
Speech of John Stuart Mill, M.P. on the admission of women to the electoral franchise, spoken in the House of Commons, May 20th, 1867
Considerations on representative government
Utilitarianism on Liberty Essay on Bentham
L' Utilitarisme
Utilitarism (Illustrated)
Rationale of Judicial Evidence
On Liberty
J. S. Mill
Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy
Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy
The subjection of women
England and Ireland
Principles of Political Economy with Some of the their Applications to Social Philosophy
Considerations of a Representative Government 1861
Representative Government
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, Volume 2
On Liberty and the Subjection of Women
Auguste Comte and Positivism
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor, their friendship and subsequent marriage
Sobre la llibertat
Newspaper Writings
Capítulos sobre el socialismo. La civilización
UTILITARIANISM;ON LIBERTY;ESSAY ON BENTHAM-Together with selected writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Analysis of the Phenomenon of the Human Mind, with Notes Illustrative and Critical by alexander Bain, Andrew Findlater, and George Grote
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor
The Nigger Question
Sobre a liberdade
Considerations on Representative Government
Logique des Sciences Morales (Logique, Livre Vi)
Correspondance inédite avec Gustave d'Eichthal (1828-1842)-(1864-1871)
Memorandum of the Improvements in the Administration of India During the Last Thirty Years: And ...
Complete Woks of John Stuart Mill
Système de Logique déductive et Inductive
Subjection of Women
Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy / John Stuart Mill
Early essays by John Stuart Mill
Stuart Mill
Mes Mémoires; Histoire de Ma Vie et de Mes Idées
On Liberty & Utilitarianism
Subjection of Women (1869)
On Liberty/ Utilitarianism/ the Subjection of Women
L'Utilitarisme (Monde) (French Edition)
Dissertations and discussions
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Thornton on Labour and Its Claims (Illustrated)
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
ÉTICA DE LA POLÍTICA EN JOHN STUART MILL Y GEORGE GROTE : J. S. Mill y G. Grote : “El estadista” de Taylor; y J. S Mill
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte
Utilitarianism. Including ON LIBERTY and ESSAY ON BENTHAM and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin
Système de Logique déductive et Inductive; Exposé des Principes de la Preuve et des Méthodes de Recherche Scientifique; Volume 1
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill Published for the First Time Without Alterations Or Omissions From the Original Manuscript
John Stuart Mill, Exchange [microform]
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill, (Signet classic, CT 269)
Considerations on Representative Government
Utilitarianism, Liberty & Representative Government
Essays on French history and historians
Utilitarianism, On Liberty, Essay On Bentham
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind; Volume 1
A system of logic
Essential works
Die Hörigkeit der Frau
August Comte and Positivism
The Rationale of Judicial Evidence, From the Mss. Of Jeremy Bentham
Grundsätze der Politischen Oekonomie Nebst Einigen Anwendungen Derselben Auf Die Gesellschaftswissenschaft. Zweiter Band
Synopsis of the First Three Books of John Stuart Mill's Principles of Political Economy
On Liberty & France and the Dreyfus Affair
System der Deductiven und Inductiven Logik : Eine Darlegung der Principien Wissenschaftlicher Forschung, Insbesondere der Naturforschung
Sobre La Litertad Y Comentarios a Tocqueville
The later letters of John Stuart Mill, 1849-1873
Logique des Sciences Morales (Logique, Livre Vi)
On liberty (The Library of liberal arts)
The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill
Auguste Comte et le Positivisme
John Stuart Mill's Selbstbiographie
On Liberty
On Bentham and Coleridge
On the definition of political economy; and of the method of investigation proper to it
De la Libert�
Literary essays
Utilitarianism, on Liberty, and Considerations on Representative Government
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Utilitarianism, on Liberty, & Representative Governemnt.
American state papers
Philosophy of John Stuart Mill (Modern Library, 322.1)
Principles of political economy
Nature and Utility of Religion
Om Tanke- Och Yttrandefrihet
System der Deductiven und Inductiven Logik : Eine Darlegung der Grundsaetze der Beweislehre und der Methoden Wissenschaftlicher Forschung
J. S. Mill
The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volumes 2-3
Sobre la llibertat
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy; Volume II
Autobiography, and other writings (Riverside editions, B117)
On Liberty and Other Essays
System of Logic
Of the liberty of thought & discussion
The positive philosophy of Auguste Comte by John Stuart Mill.
Considerations on Representative Government
By John Stuart Mill The Logic of the Moral Sciences (Open Court Classics) (New edition)
Del Gobierno representativo
Sobre la Libertad
Selected writings
Considerations on Representative Government
The Early Draft of John Stuart Mill's Autobiography
La utilidad de la religión
Schiavitu' Delle Donne
Principles of Political Economy
Sistema de la lógica Demostrativa e Inductiva
La esclavitud femenina
On Liberty
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Autobiography by John Stuart Mill (Riverside Editions Edited by Jack Stillinger)
Auguste Comte and positivism (Ann Arbor paperbacks)
On liberty
Contest in America
On the logic of the moral sciences
Tres ensayos sobre la religión
La subjugació de les dones
On Liberty (Illustrated)
Sobre la llibertat
American State papers
Principes d'économie Politique
Essais Sur la Religion
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Subjection of Women
Mill on Bentham and Coleridge
Three Essays on Religion - Nature the Utility of Religion and Theism
Professor Leslie on the land question
Considerations on Representative Government
Pour Ou Contre la Peine de Mort ?
Analysis of Mill's Principles of Political Economy
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor
Dissertations and Discussions. Vol IV. Series I
La subjugació de les dones
Ethics of John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill on Bentham and Coleridge
Principles of Political Economy : With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy
Selected Writings of John Stuart Mill (Deluxe Edition) - on Liberty, the Subjection of Women and Utilitarianism
La subjugació de les dones
Essays on Economics and Society
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Correspondance inédite Avec Gustave D'eichthal (1828-1842)-(1864-1871)
On Liberty
On Liberty
On liberty, (The Thinker's library)
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
Auguste Comte and Postivism
England and Ireland by John Stuart Mill
Philosophische Bibliothek uber Die Freiheit
Two letters on the measure of value, (A Reprint of economic tracts)
Selected Writings of John Stuart Mill (A Mentor Book)
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Mill Autobiography
A System of Logic
Of Induction, with Especial Reference to J. S. Mill's System of Logic
John Stuart Mill
Inaugural Address
On Bentham and Coleridge (Harper Torchbook, Series)
La subjugació de les dones
Three Essays on Religion
On Liberty (Penguin Great Ideas) by John Stuart Mill (2010-08-26)
Selected writings of John Stuart Mill
On Liberty (Annotated)
Views of John Stuart Mill on the subject of a double standard and subsidiary coins
Utilitarianism : (Annotated)(Biography)
Contest in America
Principles of political economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy
Sobre la llibertat
Strivings for the faith: a course of lectures, delivered in the New Hall of Science, Old Street City Road
La révolution de 1848 et ses detracteurs
Mes mémoires
John Stuart Mills levned
John Stuart Mill
Sulla libertà
Système de logique déductive et inductive
Lettres inédites de John Stuart Mill à Auguste Comte
The only freedom deserving the, name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way [...]
Auguste Comte et le positivisme
The inexpediency of an irredeemable paper currency, being an abridgement of the chapters from the "Principles of political economy," on money and credit
Three essays on religion
Izbiratelʹnyi︠a︡ prava zhenshchin
John Stuart Mill
The evidence of John Stuart Mill
Mule ming xue
Dissertations and discussions
Principles of political economy
Chayu e ŭi chŭngŏn
ʻAl ha-ḥerut
Grundsätze der politischen Oekonomie
The right of property in land
Bibliography of the published writings of John Stuart Mill
The subjection of women
O naturze
Political writings
Gedachten over vrijheid
Mule jing ji xue yuan li
Great ideas today, 1966
The Influence of the State in the Economic Growth of Nations
Principles of political economy
Chapters on socialism
Utilitarianism / By John Stuart Mill
A system of logic, rationcinative and inductive
The metaphysics of John Stuart Mill
Shinʼyaku Miru jiyūron
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Shiʻabud ha-ishah
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor, their correspondence [i.e. friendship] and subsequent marriage
La philosophie de Hamilton
John Stuart Mill's Philosophy of Scientific Method
Mule ming xue
Gesammelte Werke
System der deductiven und inductiven Logik
Grundsätze der politischen ökonomie
Principles of political economy
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive, being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation
The slave power
Mule zi zhuan
Ueber die Freiheit
Über Freiheit
על החירות
Ozguoluk ustline
The spirit of the age
Inaugural address
The spirit of the age
Dissertations and discussions
Risālah dar bārah-ʼi āzādī
Professor A. Seth Pringle-Pattison introduces the treatise "On liberty"
Strivings for the Faith: A Series of Lectures, : Delivered in the New Hall of Science, Old ...
Personal representation
Memorandum of the improvements in the administration of India during the last thirty years
Suffrage for women
Risāla darbāra-i āzādī
Representative Governments and the Degeneration of Democracy
John Stuart Mill
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
ʻEkronot ha-kalkalah ha-medinit
Suffrage or women
Die hörigkeit der frau
A selection of his works
Views of John Stuart Mill on the subject of a double standard and subsidiary coins
John Stuart Mill: Thomas Carlyle: Characteristics, Inaugural Address, Essay on Scott; With ..
Resumen Sintetico Del Systema de Logica
Utilitarianism, liberty, representative government
John Stuart Mill on tyranny and liberty
J.S. Mill
Qun ji quan jie lun
The English Utilitarians
Principles of political economy
Gesammelte Werke
Principles of political economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy
Miru jiden
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
Considerations on representative government
The letters of John Stuart Mill
Robert James Waller
Robert James Waller (1939-2017)

musician, photographer, economist

  • University of Northern Iowa, Indiana University Kelley School of Business
One good road is enough
Just beyond the firelight
The Bridges of Madison County
Almanac of British Politics
Slow waltz in Cedar Bend
Border music
The Long Night of Winchell Dear
Old songs in a new café
Puerto Vallarta Squeeze
Puerto Vallarta squeeze
A Thousand Country Roads
High Plains Tango
A thousand country roads
Slow waltz in Cedar Bend
The Dukeries transformed
High plains tango
Old songs in a new café
Tango En El Paraiso
Old Songs in a New Cafe
Thousand Country Roads, A
The Almanac of British Politics
The long night of Winchell Dear
Ballads of Madison County
Bridges of Madison County/slow
Der Weg der Liebe
Los Puentes De Madison County
Los viejos puentes de madera
Die Brücken am Fluß / Die Liebenden von Cedar Bend
Die Brucken Am Fluss
Ballads of Madison Co
I Ponti Di Madison County
Love in Black and White
Sur la route de Madison
Los Amantes De Puerto Vallarta
Valse lente à cedar bend
Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend
Los Caminos Del Recuerdo
Bridge of Madison County ('Mai di xun zhi qiao', in traditional Chinese, NOT in English)
Los Puentes de Madison
Valse lente
Border Music
The Writer Speaks
Bridges of Madison County Movie Television Tie
The Atlas of British Politics
Musica de Frontera
Border Music-16 Copy Floor Display
The long night of Winchell Dear
High plains tango
Puerto Vallarta
de Bruggen van Madison county
The Summer Nights Never End Until They Do Life Liberty And The Lure Of The Shortrun
Die Liebenden von Cedar Bend
Los puentes de Madison County
Musica de Frontera - L.E. -
A thousand country roads
Man man chang ye
Damals in Puerto Vallarta
Retour à Madison
Une saison au Texas (Ailleurs) (French Edition)
Lang qiao yi meng
Els Camins del record
Le piège de Puerto Vallarta
Langsamer Walzer für Georgia Ann
Sure la route de Madison
Sur la route de Madison
Niall Ferguson
Niall Ferguson (born 1964)

economic historian, historian, economist, journalist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
The House of Rothschild, Vol. 2
High Financier
The House of Rothschild, Vol. 1 & 2
The World's Banker
The House of Rothschild, Vol. 1
Kissinger : 1923-1968
The ascent of money
The Pity of War
The War of the World
The cash nexus
The great degeneration
Paper and Iron
Virtual History
The shock of the global
Inside the House of Money
Does The 21st Century Belong To China Kissinger And Zakaria Vs Ferguson And Li The Munk Debate On China
Square and the Tower
America's National Security Architecture
Constraints and Room for Manoeuvre in the German Inflation of the Early 1920s
Is This the End of the Liberal International Order?
Hazin Savas 1914 - 1918
Politik ohne Macht. Das fatale Vertrauen in die Wirtschaft
End of the Liberal Order?
Zhongguo jiang cheng ba 21 shi ji ma?
Kissinger : Volume I : 1923-1968
The "thin film of gold"
Blood Borders
Get-Well-Quick Kit Counterpack
Dinero y Poder En El Mundo Moderno 1700-2000
The Arbroath and Forfar Railway (Oakwood Library of Railway History)
Der falsche Krieg. Der erste Weltkrieg und das 20. Jahrhundert
Amy Chua
Amy Chua (born 1962)

lawyer, economist, jurist

  • Harvard College, Harvard Law School
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
Battle hymn of the tiger mother
Wo zai Meiguo zuo ma ma
Khúc chiến ca của mẹ hổ
Day of empire
Day of empire
World on Fire
Day of Empire
The Triple Package What Really Determines Success
El Mundo En Llamas
Political tribes
The triple package
Hu ma de zhan jia
World on Fire Proof
Political tribes
Die Mutter des Erfolgs
Battle of the hymn the tiger mother
Dag Hammarskjöld
Dag Hammarskjöld (1905-1961)

politician, diplomat, economist, poet, philosopher

  • Uppsala University, Stockholm University
To speak for the world
The light and the rock
The servant of peace
To speak for the world
The international civil servant in law and in fact
Från Sarek till Haväng
Markings (Faber Library)
Servant of peace
Från Sarek till Haväng
Servant of Peace
Markings (Translated From Swedish)
The Light and the Rock; the Vision of Dag Hammarskjöld
Prelude to independence
The Linnaeus tradition and our time
Att föra världens talan
The servant of peace
Servant of peace
Zeichen am Weg
Marcas en el camino
Today's world and the United Nations
Sweden's international credit accommodation in 1944 and 1945
Castle hill
From Bretton Woods to full employment
The international civil servant in law and in fact
Zeichen am Weg. Das spirituelle Tagebuch des UN- Generalsekretärs
[Public papers]
Diego Abad de Santillán
Diego Abad de Santillán (1897-1983)

economist, historian, translator, journalist, editor, politician, anarcho-syndicalist, trade unionist

  • Complutense University of Madrid
Memorias, 1897-1936
Ricardo Flores Magón
Ökonomie und Revolution
Por qué perdimos la guerra
Los fundamentos de la geografia economica de America
After the revolution
La F.O.R.A
Historia institucional argentina
História del movimiento obrero español
Historia argentina
Gran enciclopedia de la provincia de Santa Fé
Juan Lazarte, militante social, médico, humanista [por Diego Abad de] Santillán [Angel] Inbali [y Angel J.] Cappelletti
De Alfonso XIII a Franco
La bancarrota del sistema económico y político del capitalismo
Las cargas tributarias : apuntes sobre las finanzas estatales contemporáneas
Alfonso XIII, la II república, Francisco Franco
Historia de la Revolución Mexicana
En torno a nuestros objetivos libertarios
Estrategia y táctica
Diccionario de argentinismos de ayer y de hoy
El organismo económico de la Revolución
Historia institucional argentina
Por qué perdimos la guerra
La revolución y la guerra en España
El anarquismo y la revolución en España
José Echegaray
José Echegaray (1832-1916)

playwright, civil engineer, politician, engineer, mathematician, economist

  • Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
José Echegaray
The Great Galeoto: A Drama in Three Acts and a Prologue
El gran Galeoto
Ó locura ó santidad
Comedia sin desenlace: Estudio cómico-político en tres actos y en prosa
Mariana: A Drama in Three Acts and an Epilogue
El hijo de Don Juan: Drama original en tres actos y en prosa
La última noche
En el puño de la espada
Amor salvaje
Un crítico incipiente
The great Galeoto ; Folly or saintliness
Popular amusements
Mariana: An original drama in Three Acts and An Epilogue
Conflicto entre dos deberes
El gran Galeoto
El primer acto de un drama
El estigma
Irene de Otranto
Conflicto entre dos deberes: Drama en tres actos y en verso
El gladiador de Ravena
La Duda
Correr en pos de un ideal: Comedia en tres actos y en verso
Lo que no puede decirse
La Calumnia por Castigo
Mar sin orillas
Discursos leídos ante la Real academia española en la recepción pública del exemo. sr. d. José Echegaray el día 20 de mayo de 1894
Para tal culpa tal pena
Manantial que no se agota
Cómo empieza y cómo acaba
Dos fanatismos
O locura ó santidad
Haroldo el Normando
Piensa mal ... y acertaras?
El Loco Dios: Drama en cuatro actos, en prosa
El hombre negro
Silencio de muerte
Correr en pos de un ideal
En el pilar y en la cruz
Lo que no puede decirse, drama en tres actos y en prosa
Cómo empieza y como acaba
Bodas tragicas
El poder de la impotencia
Teatro escogido
The great Galeoto
The son of Don Juan
El gran Galeoto
Teoria matematica de la luz
La Duda
A la Orilla del Mar
Conferencias sobre física matemática
Teorías modernas de la física: Unidad de las fuerzas materiales
Un milagro en Egipto
Conflicto Entre Dos Deberes
Para tal culpa tal pena, drama en dos actos y en verso
Lo sublime en lo vulgar
Algunas Veces Aqui
Iris de paz
El gladiador de Ravena; imitacion de las ultimas escenas de la tragedia alemana de Federico Halm (Munch de Bellinghaussen)
A fuerza de arrastrarse
Un Critico Incipiente
En el Puño de la Espada
La duda; drama en tres actos y en prosa: Drama en tres actos y en prosa
Comedia sin desenlace
De mala raza
A la orilla del mar
Vida Alegre y Muerte Triste
Examen de varios submarinos comparados con "El Peral"
En el seno de la muerte
The Son Of Don Juan
El Gran Galeoto
The Great Galeoto
A review ... of Studies in the Old Testament and The preacher and the modern mind, by Rev. George Jackson
Un sol que nace y un sol que muere
Mancha que limpia
Dos Fanatismos
Teatro escogido
El prologo de un drama
Siempre en ridículo
Morir por no despertar
La rencorosa
Los rigidos
El libro talonario
Vida alegre y muerte triste
The son of Don Juan
La realidad y el delirio
Mancha Que Limpia
Manantial Que No Se Agota
El Loco Dios
Obras dramáticas escogidas ..
La esposa del vengador
O Locura O Santidad
El hijo de Don Juan
El poder de la impotencia
Un Sol Que Nace y un Sol Que Muere
Algunas veces aqui
Lo Que No Puede Decirse
La escalinata de un trono: Drama trágico en cuatro actos y en verso
La muerte en los labios
El Gran Galeoto
Algunas veces aquí: Drama en tres actos y en prosa
The son of Don Juan
Amor salvaje
Mancha que limpia
The Madman Divine
Lo que no puede decirse, drama en tres actos y en prosa
Dos fanatismos
La peste de otranto
De Mala Raza
Los rígidos
Great Galeoto
La muerta en los labios
El libro talonario
En el seno de la muerte
Haroldo el normando
O locura o santidad
Correr en pos de un ideal
El loco Dios
De mala razà
O locura ó santidad
Comedia sin desenlace
Lo sublime en lo vulgar
La esposa del vengador
El Gran Galeoto
La duda
El gran galeoto
Teatro Selecto
El gladiador de Ravena
La rencorosa
Dos fanatismos
El hijo de hierro y el hijo de carne
Algunas veces aqui
El preferido y los cenicientos
Marta of the Lowlands ; a Play in Three Acts
Entre dolora y cuento
Piensa mal... ?Y acertarás?
Correr en pos de un ideal
La última noche
El poder de la impotencia
La muerte en los labios
La realidad y el delirio
En el pilar y en la cruz
Sic vos non vobis, ó, La última limosna
El libro talonario
Siempre en ridículo
El libro talonario
Irene de Otranto
Los dos curiosos impertinentes
The Atonement Of Helen
Un sol que nace y un sol que muere
El hombre negro
O locura o santidad
The son of Don Juan
[Dramas de Echegaray]
A la orilla del mar
En el pilar y en la cruz
Cómo empieza y cómo acaba
Para tal culpa tal pena
Iris de paz
La desequilibrada
El prólogo de un drama
A fuerza de arrastrarse
La Calumnia por Castigo
Conflicto entre dos deberes
La cantante callejera
La cantante callejera
El gladiador de Ravena
De mala raza
De mala raza
Ó Locura Ó Santidad... (Spanish Edition)
La desequilibrada
Piensa mal ... y acertaras?
El gran Galeoto
Lo que no puede decirse
Bodas trágicas
El conde Lotario
La peste de Otranto
Son of Don Juan
La última noche
Mar sin orillas
El prologo de un drama
Cómo empieza y como acaba
La escalinata de un trono
Piensa mal y acertarás ; Mancha que limpia
A la orilla del mar
De mala raza
Los dos curiosos impertinentes
Iris de paz
El primer acto de un drama
Bodas tragicas
El primer acto de un drama
El poder de la impotencia
Manantial que no se agota
En el seno de la muerte
El canto de la Sirena
Los rigidos
Vida alegre y muerte triste
El gran Galeoto
El estigma
El Gran Galeoto
Two plays
Un sol que nace y un sol que muere
El poder de la impotencia
El hijo de hierro y el hijo de carne
Great Galeoto
Silencio de muerte
Semíramis, ó, La hija del aire
Conflicto entre dos deberes
Malas herencias
Para tal culpa tal pena, drama en dos actos y en verso
Recuerdos de mi vida
El estigma
El gladiador de Ravena; imitacion de las ultimas escenas de la tragedia alemana de Federico Halm (Munch de Bellinghaussen)
Teatro escogido
A fuerza de arrastrarse
Manantial que no se agota
Bodas trágicas
Malas herencias
Algunas veces aquí
La duda
Un crítico incipiente
El hijo de don Juan
Mancha que limpia
Ó locura ó santidad
El moderno Endymión
Mancha que limpia
Amor salvaje
Mancha que limpia
Iris de paz
Teatro escogido
El estigma
El preferido y los cenicientos
Haroldo el Normando
Lo que no puede decirse
Teatro escogido
Los rígidos
El loco Dios
A la orilla del mar
Comedia sin desenlace
En el puño de la espada
Teatro Selecto
Un crítico incipiente
Two plays
El loco Dios
Discursos leidos ante la Real academia española en la recepción pública del Exemo. Sr. D. José Echegaray, el día 20 de mayo de 1894
A fuerza de arrastrarse
La duda
El teatro
Los tres sueños de Colilla
Teatro escogido
Conflicto entre dos deberes
El gran Galeoto
La muerte en los labios
El poder de la impotencia
El prólogo de un drama
Dos fanatismos
Correr en pos de un ideal
A la orilla del mar
Mancha que limpa, e A morte nos lábios
A fuerza de arrastrarse
En el puño de la espada
La esposa del vengador
The man in black
Morir por no despertar
Teatro escogido
El hombre negro
Los dos curiosos impertinentes
Malas herencias
Morir por no despertar
El hombre negro
La muerte en los labios
Influencia del estudio de las ciencias físicas en la educacion de la mujer
Algunas veces aquí
En el puño de la espada
En el seno de la muerte
El poder de la impotencia
Un milagro en Egipto
Silencio de muerte