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economists who wrote biography
Showing 25-32 out of 115 results
John Perkins
John Perkins (born 1945)


  • Boston University, Middlebury College
Confessions of an economic hit man
The secret history of the American empire
Build Your Own Birdhouses
The Stress-Free Habit
Attack Proof
Spirit of the Shuar
Los Chakras En La Prctica Chamnica Ocho Etapas De Sanacin Y Transformacin
The Fruit Of Falling Down
A Day in the Life
Haffertee Goes Exploring
Haffertee Hamster Goes Exploring
El mundo es como uno lo sueña
Making Housing Happen Faithbased Affordable Housing Models
Wheels and Deals
Steam trains to Dundee, 1831-1863
The Tay Bridge disaster
A Prescription For Life
Follow me to freedom
Dream Change
Computer Technology for Conservators
Haffertee Goes to School (The Haffertee Series)
With Justice for All
Haffertee Hamster's New House (Lion Paperback)
Malice In Wonderland
Haffertee Starts School
Ray of Hope
Haffertee Hamster Diamond
Haffertee's First Christmas (Lion Paperback)
Haffertee Starts School (Lion Paperback)
Sagas of the sea
Floral designs for the table
Haffertee's New House
Haffertee's First Easter (The Haffertee Series)
Current Publications by Member Societies
The Historic Ta f valleys
Staffordshire Families
Tool sharpening
Haffertee Goes on Holiday (The Haffertee Series)
Haffertee Goes to Hospital (The Haffertee Series)
Worcestershire Families
Current Publications on Microfilm
Haffertee's New House (The Haffertee Series)
Alan Greenspan
Alan Greenspan (born 1926)

economist, banker, politician, entrepreneur, jazz musician

  • New York University, Columbia University
The age of turbulence
La era de las turbulencias
עידן התהפוכות
The Map and the Territory
Capitalism in America
The map and the territory 2.0
Haran no jidai
Remarks by Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System before the National Association for Business Economics, Washington D.C., March 27, 2001
Capitalism in America
Opening remarks of Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 31 2001
Weapons against inflation
Statement by Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, April 17, 1992
Dong dang de shi jie
Een turbulente tijd
Remarks by Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at the 18th Annual Monetary Conference, Cosponsored by the Cato Institute and The Economist, Washington, D.C., October 19, 2000
Le temps des turbulences
Balance of payments imbalances
Ludwig von Mises
Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

economist, philosopher

  • University of Vienna, Akademisches Gymnasium
Ludwig von Mises, notes and recollections
Notes and Recollections
Notes and Recollections: With the Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises) (The ... Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
Human Action
Omnipotent government
Planned chaos
Selected Writings of Ludwig Von Mises
The ultimate foundation of economic science
Selected Writings of Ludwig Von Mises: Between the Two World Wars
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
The theory of money and credit
The historical setting of the Austrian school of economics
Nation, State, And Economy
Human action
Planning for freedom, and twelve other essays and addresses
The ultimate foundation of economic science: an essay on method
Epistemological Problems of Economics
The Political Economy Of International Reform And Reconstruction
L' Action humaine
Marxism Unmasked
Profit and loss
Economic policy
Economic Policy
On the manipulation of money and credit
The Causes of the Economic Crisis
Money, Method, and the Market Process
[Grundprobleme der Nationalökonomie
Kritik des Interventionismus
Planning for freedom, and sixteen other essays and addresses
Economic Freedom And Interventionism
Money, method, and the market process
Monetary, fiscal, and economic policy problems before, during, and after the Great War
Planning for freedom
The free and prosperous commonwealth
Human action
Epistemological Problems of Economics. Ludwig Von Mises (Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig Von Mises)
Theory and history
The anti-capitalistic mentality
Economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth
Economic policy, thoughts for today and tomorrow
Le socialisme
Planning for Freedom
Economic planning
Im Namen des Staates
Die Ursachen der Wirtschaftskrise
Theory and history
Planning for freedom, and other essays and addresses
Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel
Theorie des geldes und der umlaufsmittel
Collectivist economic planning
Probleme der Wertlehre
La Teoria del Dinero y del Credito
La Accion Humana (Coleccion Club Siglo XXI)
Critica del Intervencionismo - Mito de Tercera Via
Die geldtheoretische und geldrechtliche Seites des Stabilisierungsproblems
Die Wurzeln des Antikapitalismus
Die Gemeinwirtschaft, Untersuchungen über den Sozialismus
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Nationalökonomie, Theorie des Handelns und Wirtschaftens
Theory and History
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Die Entwicklung des Gutsherrlich-Bäuerlichen Verhältnisses in Galizien (1772-1848)
The Theory of money and credit
Human action
Human action, a treatise on economics
Liberty and property
Theory of Money and Credit
Liberalism : a socio-economic exposition
Economic Policy
Geldwertstabilisierung und konjunkturpolitik
Selected writings of Ludwig Von Mises
Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science
Notes and Recollections
A Critique of Interventionism
Nation, State, and Economy
Nation, State, and Economy
Omnipotent Government
Money, Method, and the Market Process
Economic Policy
Epistemological problems of economics
Human Action
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit
Epistemological Problems of Economics
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit
Theory and History
Caixa Von Mises - Box Edicao Premium
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
Grundprobleme der Nationalökonomie
Ação humana
Notes and Recollections with the Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics
Le calcul économique en régime socialiste
Collectivist economic planning
Die geldtheoretische und geldrechtliche Seites des Stabilisierungsproblems
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
Epistemological Problems of Economics
Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and after the Great War
Omnipotent Government
Economic Policy
Omnipotent Government
Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and after the Great War
Die Bürokratie
Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
The International economic order
Economic Policy
Inventory of the private papers of Ludwig von Mises
Theory of Money and Credit
Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science
Theory and history
Theory & history
The ultimate foundation of economic science
The ultimate foundation of economic science
Epistemological problems of economics
Die Gemeinwirtschaft
The free and prosperous commonwealth
Planned Chaos
The theory of money and credit
Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft
Planning for freedom
Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel
The theory of money and credit
Nation, State, and Economy
Epistemological problems of economics
The anti-capitalistic mentality
Human action
Theory and History
Ultimate Found Economics
Omnipotent government
Theory and history
Planned chaos
Thomas DiLorenzo
Thomas DiLorenzo (born 1954)

economist, historian, pedagogue

  • Virginia Tech
Public health profiteering
The Problem with Lincoln
The real Lincoln
Hamilton's curse
Frightening America's elderly
The profits of nonprofits
Unfunded federal mandates
Lessons from abroad
Hidden politics
From Pathology to Politics
The problem with socialism
Austro-Libertarian Critique of Public Choice
Politically Incorrect Guide to Economics
Organized Crime
Adolf Reichwein
Adolf Reichwein (1898-1944)

economist, pedagogue, resistance fighter, high school teacher

  • University of Marburg
Schafft eine lebendige Schule
Ein Pädagoge im Widerstand
China and Europe
China And Europe - Intellectual And Artistic Contacts In The Eighteenth Century
Museumspädagogische Schriften
Adolf Reichwein
Die Rohstoffwirtschaft der Erde
Blitzlicht über Amerika
Ausgewählte pädagogische Schriften
El despertar de Méjico
China and Europe
Schaffendes Schulvolk - Film in der Schule
Die Rohstoffe der Erde im Bereich der Wirtschaft
China und Europa
Film in der Schule
Fritz Machlup
Fritz Machlup (1902-1983)


  • University of Vienna
Essays on Hayek, William F. Buckley, et al.
Essays on Hayek
Würdigung der Werke von Friedrich A. von Hayek
Education and economic growth
International monetary economics
International payments, debts, and gold
Knowledge and knowledge production
Remaking the international monetary system
Selected economic writings of Fritz Machlup
The alignment of foreign exchange rates
The political economy of monopoly
Information through the printed word
The stock market, credit and capital formation
Information Through The Printed Word Volume 4
The economics of information and human capital
International trade and the national income multiplier
The Study of Information
Methodology of economic and other social sciences
The need for monetary reserves
Plans for reform of the international monetary system
Essays on Hayek
Euro-dollar creation
The basing-point system
The economics of sellers' competition
The production and distribution of knowledge in the United States
Essays on economic semantics
The branches of learning
Economic semantics
Die goldkernwährung
Der Aussenwert des Dollars
The book value of monetary gold
Führer durch die Krisenpolitik (Meilensteine der Nationalökonomie)
Involuntary foreign lending
International mobility and movement of capital
Equilibrium and disequilibrium
Maintaining and restoring balance in international payments
A history of thought on economic integration
From dormant liabilities to dormant assets
Hochschulbildung für jedermann
Knowledge, its creation, distribution, and economic significance
World monetary debate
On terms, concepts, theories and strategies in the discussion of greater flexibility of exchange rates
Credit facilities or reserve allotments?
Planes de reforma del sistema monetario international
The price of gold
Führer durch die Krisenpolitik
The transfer gap of the United States
World monetary debate - bases for agreement
Reflections on a troubled world economy
Börsenkredit, Industriekredit und Kapitalbildung
Elasticity pessimism in international trade
Optimum Social Welfare and Productivity
Speculations on gold speculation
An economic review of the patent system
Reflections on a troubled world economy
Lecture on international monetary issues
Relative prices and aggregate spending in the analysis of devaluation
Essays in economic semantics
International monetary systems and the free market economy
International monetary systems
Three concepts of the balance of payments and the so-called dollar shortage
Cloakroom rule of international reserves
Credit facilities or reserve allotments? --
The transfer gap of the United States. --
International trade and the national income multiplier
Economic Integration (International Economic Association)
Speculations on gold speculation. --
The price of gold. --
Real adjustment, compensatory corrections, and foreign financing of imbalances in international payments. --
Wirtschaftspublizistische Beiträge in kritischer Zeit, 1931-1934
International monetary systems and the free market economy. --
Lecture on theory of human capital
Die Pläne zur Reform des internationalen Geldwesens
Die neuen Währungen in Europa
Maintaining and restoring balance in international payments
The Study of information
Érik Orsenna
Érik Orsenna (born 1947)

politician, economist, academic

  • London School of Economics and Political Science, Sciences Po
Portrait d'un homme heureux
André Le Nôtre
La Fontaine
Portrait eines glücklichen Menschen
Grammar is a gentle, sweet song
Exposition coloniale
L'exposition coloniale
Portrait of the Gulf Stream
History of the world in nine guitars
La Isla De Las Palabras (Infantil Y Juvenil)
Une comédie française
La chanson de Charles Quint
The Indies enterprise
Portrait du gulf stream
Loyola's blues
L'entreprise des Indes
Grand amour
La Vie comme à Lausanne
Love and empire
Portrait Of The Gulf Stream In Praise Of Currents An Excursion
Deux étés
L'avenir de l'eau
Voyage aux pays du coton
Histoire du monde en neuf guitares
Discours de réception de Erik Orsenna à l'Académie française et réponse de Bertrand Poirot-Delpech
Rochefort et la Corderie royale
Et si on dansait?
Mali, ô Mali
Mésaventures du paradis
La Exposicion Colonial (premio Goncourt 1988)
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Dernières nouvelles des oiseaux
Sur la route du papier
Portait d'un homme heureux
Andre Le Notre
Les chevaliers du Subjonctif
La grammaire est une chanson douce, lu par Rachida Brakni
Voyage Aux Pays Du Coton Petit Prcis De Mondialisation
La révolte des accents
Rebondir avec la fondation de la 2e chance
La Grammaire Est Une Chanson Douce
Tantos Años
Quels espaces pour demain?
Désir de villes
Dernières nouvelles des oiseaux
Villes d'eaux
Briser en nous la mer gelée
Géopolitique du moustique
La fabrique des mots
Quels espaces pour demain?
Un monde de ressources rares
Una Dama Africana
Portrait du Gulf Stream
Madame Bâ
Dos Veranos
Madame Bâ
Histoire du monde en neuf guitares
L'origine de nos amours
La Historia del Mundo En Nueve Guitarras
Ferdinando Galiani
Ferdinando Galiani (1728-1787)

economist, philosopher

Ferdinando Galiani
Mélanges d'économie politique
Mélanges d'économie politique
Del dialetto napoletano
La bagarre
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani à madame d'Epinay [etc.]
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani à Madame d'Èpinay, Voltaire, Diderot ... [et al.]
Die Briefe des Abbé Galiani
Dei doveri dei principi neutrali
Nuovi saggi inediti di economia
Sentenze e motti di spirito
Dialogues entre M. Marquis de Roquemaure, et Ms. Le Chevalier Zanobi
On money
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani a Madame d'Épinay ... [et al.]
Carteggio (1753-1786)
Correspondance inédite de l'abbé Ferdinand Galiani avec Mme d'Epinay, le baron d'Holbach, le baron de Grimm, et autres personnages célèbres du 18e siècle
Socrate immaginario
Correspondance avec madame d'Épinay, madame Necker etc. Diderot, Grimm etc
Della moneta e scritti inediti
Socrate immaginario
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds. Giusta l'editio princeps del 1770 con appendici illustrative di Fausto Nicolini
Della moneta
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani à madame d'Epinay [etc.]
De la monnaie
Briefe an Madame d'Epinay und andere Freunde in Paris, 1769-1781 [von] Abbé Galiani
Socrate immaginario
Un Napolitain du dernier siècle
Dialogo sulle donne e altri scritti
Correspondance avec Madame d'Epinay, Madame Necker, Madame Geoffrin, etc
Correspondance inédite de l'abbé Ferdinand Galiani ...
Lettres ... à madame d'Epinay, Voltaire, Diderot, Grimm, le baron d'Holbach, Morelle, Suart, d'Alembert, Marmontel, la vicomtesse de Belsunce, etc
Catalogo delle materie appartenenti al Vesuvio contenute nel Museo
Recht der neutralität, oder
Vocabolario delle parole del dialetto napoletano, che più si discostano dal dialetto toscano
Lettres ... à madame d'Epinay, Voltaire, Diderot, Grimm, le baron d'Holbach, Morelle, Suart, d'Alembert, Marmontel, la vicomtesse de Belsunce, etc
Della moneta
Tre scherzi seri
Galiani's Dialoge über den getreidehandel
Correspondance avec Madame d'Epinay, Madame Necker, Madame Geoffrin, etc
Il pensiero dell'Abate Galiani
Un Napolitain du dernier siècle
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds
Catalogo delle materie appartenenti al Vesuvio contenute nel Museo con alcune brevi osservazioni opera del celebre autore de' Dialoghi sul commercio de' grani
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani a Madame d'Épinay, Voltaire, Diderot [etc.]
On money: A translation of Della moneta (Monograph publishing on demand : Sponsor series)
De' doveri de' principi neutrali verso i principi guerreggianti