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economists who wrote biography
Showing 73-80 out of 115 results
Murray Rothbard
Murray Rothbard (1926-1995)

economist, philosopher, activist, historian, professor, essayist, economic historian

  • Columbia University
Ludwig von Mises
Man, economy, and state
America's Great Depression
Education, free and compulsory
America's great depression
For a new liberty
A new land, a new people
The case against the Fed
An Austrian perspective on the history of economic thought
The Revolutionary War, 1775-1784
The ethics of liberty
The anatomy of the state
"Salutary neglect"
Advance to revolution, 1760-1775
Individualism and the philosophy of the social sciences
An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought
Power and market
What Has Government Done to Our Money?
The logic of action
A history of money and banking in the United States
Making Economic Sense
Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market
Fora new liberty
Left and Right, the prospects for liberty
Conceived in Liberty
An Austrian perspective on the history of economic thought
Egalitarianism as a revolt against nature, and other essays
The ethics of liberty
Conceived in liberty
The panic of 1819
For a New Liberty
What Has Government Done to Our Money? Case for the 100 Percent Gold Dollar
Anatomy of the state
Economic Controversies
The Logic of Action II
The Case Against the Fed
Freedom, inequality, primitivism, and the division of labor
What has government done to our money?
L'éthique de la liberté
Panic of 1819 Reactions and Policies
The essential Ludwig von Mises
The mystery of banking
Conceived in liberty
The case for a 100 percent gold dollar
Henry Hazlitt
The ethics of liberty
The Irrepressible Rothbard
The panic of 1819: reactions and policies
Government Monetary Power
The Betrayal of the American Right
Für eine neue Freiheit
Money & the Balance of Payments Set
The Essential von Mises
The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 2
America's great depression
Historia del Pensamiento Economico Vol. 1
What is money?
Man, economy and state
Monopoly and Competition (Intro to Free Market Econ Ser 1 Cassette/313)
Man, economy, and state
The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 1
Anatomia do Estado
Inflationary Boom of the 1920s Set
Man, Economy and State
The panic of 1819
Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy
Interest and Capitalization (Introduction to Free Market Economic  Series 1 Cassette/311)
Power and the Market Government and the Economy
Principles of Free-Market Economics (16 audiocassettes)
Banking & the Business Cycle Set
New Deal & Postwar Monetary System Set
Hacia una Nueva Libertad
The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 3
The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. 4 (1990)
Panic of 1819
Power & market
Gold, freedom, and free markets
The origins of the Federal Reserve
For a new liberty
America's great depression
Banking and the Business Cycle (Intro to Free Market Econ Ser/316/1 Cassette)
The panic of 1819
Man, economy, and state
Government's Money Monopoly
Raymond Aron
Raymond Aron (1905-1983)

journalist, philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, professor, economist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Sciences Po
Le spectateur engagé
Sur Clausewitz
Raymond Aron, 1905-1983
Etapes de la pensée sociologique
The century of total war
On war
Plaidoyer pour l'Europe décadente
République impériale
Paix et guerre entre les nations
Penser la guerre, Clausewitz
Sociologie allemande contemporaine
Diversity of worlds
Politics and history
Histoire et dialectique de la violence
Thinking politically
History, truth, liberty
Introduction to the philosophy of history
La philosophie critique de l'histoire
Marxism and the existentialists
La sociologie allemande contemporaine
The committed observer
World technology and human destiny
Gaulle, Israël, et les juifs
France, steadfast and changing
The new economics of health care
The great debate
The industrial society
In defense of political reason
An essay on freedom
Révolution introuvable
La lutte de classes
Political reason in the age of ideology
War and industrial society
Une histoire du vingtième siècle
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire
Opium des intellectuels
Jouir entre ciel et terre
Dix-huit leçons sur la société industrielle
Leçons sur l'histoire
De Giscard a Mitterrand
18 lectures on industrial society
France, steadfast and changing: the Fourth to the Fifth Republic
De Gaulle, Israël et les juifs
La guerre froide
La révolution introuvable
Les articles de politique internationale dans Le Figaro de 1947 à 1977
Clausewitz: philosopher of war
The dawn of universal history
Machiavel et les tyrannies modernes
France, the new Republic
Sociologie des sociétés industrielles
Dimensions de la conscience historique
Les desillusions du progres
Les désillusions du progrès. English
Las Etapas Del Pensamiento Sociologico
The great débate
Démocratie et totalitarisme
Etudes sociologiques
La société industrielle et la guerre
The Soviet economy
République impériale; Les États-Unis dans le monde, 1945-1972
La querelle de la C.E.D.
España en el desarrollo mediterráneo
L' Algerie et la Republique
Asia between Malthus and Marx
La revolution introuvable
Introduction à la philosophie politique
Progress and disillusion
L' opium des intellectuels
Les etapes de la pensee sociologique
Les étapes de la pensée sociologique
De la condition historique du sociologue
La lutte des classes
The Gaullist Republic
Espoir et peur du siècle
La France dans la competition economique
D'une Sainte Famille à l'autre, essais sur les marxismes
Introduction a   la philosophie de l'histoire
Les crises
Power, Modernity, and Sociology
Le Marxisme de Marx
Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique. Montesquieu
L' homme contre les tyrans
Die deutsche Soziologie der Gegenwart
La coexistence
Les dernières années du siècle
Society and Democracy in Germany
Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique. Montesquieu. Comte. Marx. Tocqueville. Durkheim. Pareto. Weber
Über Deutschland und den Nationalsozialismus
Études politiques
D'une Sainte Famille  a l'autre
Les grandes doctrines de sociologie historique
Essais sur la condition juive contemporaine
Le grand débat
Essai sur les libertés
Chroniques de guerre
Scientists in search of their conscience
Les Désillusions du progrès
Essai sur la condition juive contemporaine
Die industrielle Gesellschaft
Essai sur les liberte s
Sosyolojik dusuncenin evreleri
Auguste Comte et Alexis de Tocqueville, juges de l'Angleterre
Les éléctions de mars et la Ve République
Les e lections de mars et la Ve re publique
Social Structure & the Ruling Class
La tragédie algérienne
France and Europe
Raymond Aron, intervista
La Révolution introuvable, réflexions sur les événements de mai
Le développement de la société industrielle et la stratification sociale
Leçon inaugurale faite le ... ler décembre 1970
La trage die alge rienne
Trois essais sur l'âge industriel
Culture and its creators
L' histoire et ses interpre tations
La Philosophie critique de l'histoire, essai sur une théorie allemande de l'histoire
Dix-huit lecons sur la societe industrielle
Raymond Aron et la liberté politique
De l'armistice à l'insurrection nationale ..
The two cultures and the rebellion of the students
Scientists in Search of Their Conscience
D'une sainte famille à l'autre
L' Algérie et la République
Immuable et changeante
Les élections de mars et la Ve République
Essai sur la théorie de l'histoire dans l'Allemagne contemporaine
L'Histoire et ses intè̀rpretations
L' historie et ses interprétations
De mocratie et totalitarisme
Ensayo Sobre Las Libertades
Trois essais sur l'age industriel ..
Les guerres en chaine
Introduccion a la Filosofia de La Historia
Leçon inaugurale faite le mardi 1er décembre 1970
Betrachtungen zur Entwicklung der sozialistischen Idee
Aspects sociologiques des notions de quantité de qualité en fait d'education
L' âge des empires et l'avenir de la France
Imperialism and colonialism
Plaidoyer pour l'Europe decadente
Philosophie mathématique. Troisième cycle et recherche
Main currents in sociological thought
Le socialisme francais face au marxisme
Etudes politiques
Social structure and the ruling class
Le grand schisme
The opium of the intellectuals
Les guerres en chaîne
Estudios Politicos (Seccion de Obras de Politica y Derecho)
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire ; essai sur les limites de l'objectivité historique
Les Guerres en chaîne
Main Currents in Sociological Thought, V
Etapas del Pensamiento Sociologico, Las
As etapas do pensamento sociológico
Les Grandes Heures De La Troisieme Republique
Etapas del Pensamiento Sociologico, Las - 2 Vol
The century of total war
The Tanner lectures on human values
Lecciones Sobre La Historia
Main currents in sociologial thought
Eighteen Lectures on Industrial Society
L'Église sous leurs regards
La lutte de classes ; nouvelles leçons sur les sociétés industrielles
Estudios Sociologicos (Nueva Austral Series : No. 97)
Main currents of sociological thought
Tocqueville et l'esprit de la démocratie
Tragédie algérienne
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire
Hans Mayer zum 19. März 1977
Colloques de Rheinfelden
Sociologie des sociétés industrielles
The Soviet economy
The century of total war
La Démocratie à l'épreuve du XXe siècle
La tragédie algérienne
ha-Ṭragedyah ha-Alg'iraʼit
Essai sur les libertés
Culture, science et développement
The industrial society
Science et conscience de la société
Ekonomia wobec potrzeb ludzkich
Dimensions de la conscience historique
España en el desarrollo mediterráneo
Espoir et peur du siècle
Hat Europa noch Aufbaukräfte?
L'Unification économique de l'Europe
Liberté et égalité
Raymond Aron
Le grand schisme
Main currents in sociological thought
War and industrial society
Lun zhi shi
Opium intellektualov
Ranimer l'Europe
Peace and war
Machiavelli nel V ̊centenario della nascita
E tapy razvitii Ła sot Łsiologicheskoi  mysli
Penser dans le temps
Inventaires III
La Querelle de la C.E.D.
Frnce, the new republic
Introduction to the philosophy of history
Leçons sur l'histoire
The Great Debate; Theories of Nuclear Strategy. Translated From the French by Ernst Pawel
German sociology
Democracia y totalitarismo
Le marxisme de Marx
Les sociétés modernes
L'abécédaire de Raymond Aron
Le France dans la compétition économique
The industrial society
Le développement de la société industrielle et la stratification sociale
Evidence and inference
Paix et guerre entre les nations
Marxismes imaginaires
War and peance between the nation
The century of total war /Raymond Aron
הקידמה ואכזבותיה
La Philosophie critique de l'histoire
Les Rapports russo-américains et les rapports franco-russes, convergences ou contradictions?
Frieden Und Krieg Eine Theorie Der Staat
Widz i uczestnik
Estudos politicos
Démocratie et totalitarisme
The opium of the intellectuals
Estudos sociológicos
Progress and disillusion
La sociologie Allemande contemporaine
James M. Buchanan
James M. Buchanan (1919-2013)


  • University of Chicago, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ideas, Persons, and Events (Collected Works of James M Buchanan)
Economics from the outside in
Better than plowing, and other personal essays
Public finance in democratic process
Ethics and economic progress
The public finances
Cost and Choice
Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory
Debt and Taxes (Collected Works of James M Buchanan)
Choice, Contract, and Constitutions (Collected Works of James M Buchanan)
Public Principles of Public Debt
Moral Science and Moral Order (Collected Works of James M Buchanan)
The logical foundations of constitutional liberty
Federalism, Liberty, and the Law (Collected Works of James M Buchanan)
Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory (Collected Works of James M Buchanan)
The economics and the ethics of constitutional order
Post-socialist political economy
Politics As Public Choice (Collected Works of James M Buchanan)
The demand and supply of public goods
Academia in anarchy
Public debt in a democratic society
The limits of liberty: between anarchy and Leviathan
The power to tax
Economic Inquiry and Its Logic (Collected Works of James M Buchanan)
The Limits of Liberty
Europe's Constitutional Future
L.S.E. essays on cost
What should economists do?
Democracy in deficit
Theory of public choice
The reason of rules
Liberty, market, and state
Essays on the political economy
Fiscal theory and political economy
Economics of Politics 1979 (Readings in Political Economics)
Political economy, 1957-1982
The calculus of consent
Economía y política
The limits of liberty
Collected Works of James M Buchanan
Public finance and public choice
Politics by principle, not interest
Property as a guarantor of liberty
Why I, too am not a conservative
The calculus of consent
Cost and choice; an inquiry in economic theory
The consequences of Mr. Keynes
El sector público en las economías de mercado
The inconsistencies of the National HealthService
James Buchanans konstitutionelle Ökonomik
Public finance in democratic process
The deficit and American democracy
Explorations into constitutional economics
The calculus of consent?
Constitutional economics
Academia in anarchy
Fiscal theory and political economy
The bases for collective action
Freedom in constitutional contract
The demand and supply of public goods
The inconsistencies of the National Health Service
The public finances
El análisis económico de lo político
Fiscal choice through time
The economy as a constitutional order
The economics of earmarked taxes
Collected Works Of James M. Buchanan
Uncertainty, subjective probabilities and choice
Die Begrundung Von Regeln
Cost and choice
The calculus of consent, logical foundations of constitutional democracy
Reason of Rules
Power to Tax Vol. 9
The calculus of consent, logical foundations of constitutional democracy
The demand and supply of goods
I limiti della libertà
Zi you, shi chang yu guo jia
Public finance in democratic process
Cost and choice
The public finances
Calculus of Consent
Fiscal theory and political economy
Ethik des Kapitalismus
Democracy in Deficit
Pierre Rosanvallon
Pierre Rosanvallon (born 1948)

historian, professor, economist, trade unionist, politician, political scientist

  • HEC Paris, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Notre histoire intellectuelle et politique
Le sacre du citoyen
Le peuple introuvable
La nouvelle question sociale
La société des égaux
La contre-d©♭mocratie
La question syndicale
Democracy past and future
La crise de l'Etat-providence
La monarchie impossible
La nouvelle critique sociale
L' âge de l'autogestion
Democracy Past And Future
Pour une nouvelle culture politique
Le capitalisme utopique
The demands of liberty
L' Etat en France de 1789 à nos jours
Democratic legitimacy
Science et démocratie
Le libéralisme économique
Le moment Guizot
La démocratie inachevée
Le libéralisme économique
Le bon gouvernement
Good government : democracy beyond elections
La crise de l'État-providence
Democratic legitimacy
Le Capitalisme utopique. Histoire de l'idée de marché
Pour une histoire conceptuelle du politique
La légitimité démocratique
Democracy past and future
Le parlement des invisibles
Le modèle politique français
Misère de l'économie
Les Conditions de travail
La république "une et divisible"
Benjamin Graham
Benjamin Graham (1894-1976)

economist, financier, investor

  • Columbia University
The memoirs of the dean of Wall Street
Benjamin Graham, the memoirs of the dean of Wall Street
Security analysis
The intelligent investor
The Intelligent Investor
The rediscovered Benjamin Graham
Storage and Stability
The Intelligent Investor
The Intelligent Investor CD
The interpretation of financial statements
Benjamin Graham on investing
The interpretation of financial statements
Security Analysis
Benjamin Graham on the flexible work-year
L' investisseur intelligent
Theory of Common-Stock Investment. The Dividend Factor
Additional Aspects of Security Analysis. Discrepencies Between Price and Value
Survey and Approach
Analysis of the Income Account. The Earnings Factor in Common-Stock Valuation
Storage and stability
Balance Sheet Analysis. Implications of Asset Values
Senior Securities with Speculative Features
World commodities and world currency
L'investisseur intelligent
Benjamin Graham, building a profession
Benjamin Graham Classic Collection
The Renaissance of value
Excerpted from Benjamin Graham, the memoirs of the dean of Wall Street
Interpretation of Financial Statements
The interpretation of financial statements
Bafeite shi ta jiao chu lai de
Zheng quan fen xi
Intelligent Investor
Stockpiles for stability
Kenmeinaru tōshika
Security Analysis
The intelligent investor
Ivan Franko
Ivan Franko (1856-1916)

journalist, poet, cultural historian, playwright, translator, economist, literary critic, politician

  • Lviv University, Chernivtsi University
Ivan Franko--maĭster slova i doslidnyk literatury
Zakhar Berkut
Zur Judenfrage ; До юдейського питання
Лис Микита
Abu Kasymovi kaptsï
Narodna sprava i popy
Fox Mykyta
Boa Constrictor
Batʹkivshchyna i ynshi opovidani͡a︡
Moloda Ukraïna
Budivnychyĭ ukraïnsʹkoï derz︠h︡avnosti
When the animals could talk
Що таке поступ?
Varlaam i Ĭoasaf
Boryslav smiiet'sia
Вічний революціонер
Ivan Vyshensʹkyĭ
Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Ukraine
Z vershyn i nyzyn
The painted fox
Із секретів поетичної творчості
Zivʹi︠a︡le lysti︠a︡
Boryslavs'ki opovidannya
Pansʹki z︠h︡arty
Alʹkaĭ i Sapfo
Apokrify i legendy z Ukraïnsʹkykh rukopysiv
Ivan Franko pro sot︠s︡ii︠a︡lizm i marksyzm
Literaturno-krytychni prat͡s︡i, 1896-1911
Chotyry kazky
O literaturze polskiej
Literaturno-krytychni prat͡s︡i, 1911-1914
O literaturze polskiej
Nazvoznavchi pratsi
Lystuvanni︠a︡ I. Franka i M. Drahomanova
Pryhody Don Kikhota
Pryvit d-ru Ivanu Franku v 25-lïtnïĭ i︠u︡vileĭ lïteraturnoï ĭoho dïi︠a︡ʹnosty
Boa constrictor and other stories
I znovu bachu ti͡a, selo moi͡e rodynne--
Mozaïka, II
Krasa i sekrety tvorchosti
Zibranni͡a︡ tvoriv u p'i͡a︡tdesi͡a︡ty tomakh
Zakhar berkut
Profili ĭ masky
Ivan Franko
Dli︠a︡ domashnʹoho ohnyshcha
Zum Licht sich gesehnt
Ivan Franko, the poet of western Ukraine
Z vershyn i nyzyn
Uvi︠a︡dshie listʹi︠a︡
Miĭ Izmarahd
Literaturni-krytychni prat͡s︡i
Poems and stories
Manïpuli︠a︡ntka ĭ ynʹshi opovidanni︠a︡
Zhi͡e︡nocha nevoli͡a︡ v ruskikh pi͡e︡sni͡a︡kh narodnykh
Literaturno-krytychni prat͡s︡i, 1906-1908
Dobryĭ zarobok i ynʹshi opovidani͡a︡
Lys Mykyta
Short stories
Le bonheur volé
Vybrani statti pro narodnu tvorchistʹ
Pro teatr i dramaturgii͡u︡
Perekhresni stez͡hky
"Tam horod preslavnyĭ Drohobych lez͡hytʹ--"
Druhyĭ zapovit
Do svitla
Szkice o literaturze
Sotvorenni͡a︡ sʹvitu
Davnie  nove
Narys istoriï ukraïnsʹko-rusʹkoï lïteratury, do 1890 r
Ziv'i︠a︡le lysti︠a︡
Radicals and religion
Shevchenkoznavchi studiï
Naĭstarshi pami͡atky nïmet͡sʹkoï poeziï IX-XI vv
Narys istoriï ukraïnsʹko-rusʹkoï literatury
Quand les Bêtes savaient encore parler
Zvʹi͡a︡zky Ivana Franka z chekhamy ta slovakamy
Pro teatr i dramaturhiiu
Karpatorusʹka literatura XVII-XVIII vikiv
When the animals could talk
Dante Alihiieri
Ivan Franko pro sotsiializm i marksyzm
Teren u nozi
Biblïne opovidannie pro sotvorennie svita v svitli nauky
V poti chola
Literaturno-krytychni prat͡s︡i, 1890-1910
Lystuvannia I. Franka i M. Drahomanova
Ukradene shchasti︠e︡
Moses and other poems
Boryslavs'ki opovidannia
Vybrani tvory
Folʹklorystychni prat︠s︡i
I my v Evropi
Turbulent times
Lelʹ i Polelʹ
Prychynky do istoriï Ukraïny-Rusy
Narode miĭ
Koly shche zviri hovoryly
Kamenshchik i drugie rasskazy
Petrii i Dovbushchuky
Kamenschchik, i drugie rasskazȳ, perevod s ukraniskogo
Malyĭ Myron
Vybrani tvory u trʹokh tomakh
Semper tiro
Iz sekretov poėticheskogo tvorchestva
Opovidanni︠a︡ pro diteĭ
Dobrobyt i inshi opovidania
Perekhresni stezhky
Zibranni︠a︡ tvoriv
Izbrannye sochinenii͡a︡
Poésies choisies
Miĭ zlochyn ta inshi korotki opovidanni︠a︡
Ivan Franko, selections
Osnovy suspilnosty
Dobrobyt i inshi opovidani͡a
Misii a  , chuma, kazky i atyry
Boryslavʹski opivdanni͡a︡
Chym pisni͡a︡ z͡h︡yva ?
Tvory v trʹokh tomakh
Lysychka i z︠h︡uravelʹ
Select poems
Poeziï ; Moișeĭ
Pisni︠a︡ i pratsi︠a︡
Drohobychchyna - zemli︠a︡ Ivana Franka
Petriï ĭ Dovbushchuky
Geḳlibene ṿerḳ
Osnovy suspilʹnosti
Iz dniv zhurby
Semper trio
Vybrani tvory
Kovalʹ Bassim
Korolyk i vedmidʹ
Panshchyznianyi khli b i ynshi opovidanidfa
Vybir poeziĭ Ivana Franka, i Korotkyĭ nacherk ĭoho z͡hyti͡a
Velykyĭ shum =
Vybir poeziĭ Ivana Franka
Panski zharty
Velykyĭ kameni︠a︡r
Chym pisnya zhyva?
Vybir poeziï Ivana Franka
Osel i lev
Ne spytavshy brodu
Tvory v dvokh tomakh
Literaturna spadshchyna
Vybir poeziï Ivana Franka i korotkyĭ nacherk ĭohoz︠h︡ytti︠a︡
Dramatychni tvory
Величина і будова звіздяного сьвіта
Z︠H︡inocha doli︠a︡
Vybrani suspilʹno-politychni i filosofsʹki tvory
The master's jests
Vybrani poeziï
Vybir poeziĭ
Vybir iz tvoriv
Behind decorum's veil
Poezii͡a︡ ta dramatychni tvory
Stolpy obshchestva
Borislav smeetsi͡a︡
Opovidanni͡a︡ ta povisti
Shevchenko heroi͡em polʹsʹkoï revoli͡ut͡siĭnoï li͡egendy
Monoloh ateïsta
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956)

economist, politician, constitutionalist, barrister, jurist, sociologist, anthropologist, pedagogue, philosopher, social reformer, journalist, revolutionary, professor, political scientist, scholar, orator, freedom fighter, historian, newspaper editor, civil rights advocate, humanitarian, human rights activist, educational theorist, spiritual leader, peace activist, autobiographer, theologian, painter, women's rights activist, bibliographer, essayist, scholar

  • Columbia University, London School of Economics and Political Science
Asā mī jagalo
The homage
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcī ātmakathā
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Pakistan or partition of India
Annihilation of caste
The essential writings of B.R. Ambedkar
Ranade, Gandhi & Jinnah
The Buddha and his Dhamma
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Hindūñcī jātīprathā va tī moḍaṇyācā mārga
Annihilation of caste with a reply to Mahatma Gandhi
The untouchables
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
States and minorities
Who were the Shudras?
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhārata, 1927-1929, āṇi Mūkanāyaka, 1920
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Ambeḍakarāñcī vilāyatehūna ālelī patre
Maharashtra as a linguistic province
"Janatā" patrātīla lekha
The evolution of provincial finance in British India
Thoughts on linguistic states
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcā janatelā upadeśa va Gopāḷabuvā Valaṅgakara yāñce uccavarṇīyāvirūddhace jagātale pahile vinantī-patraka
The untouchables [by] B.R. Ambedkar
Constitution of India
Dalitānnī ārthika unnatī kaśī sādhāvī?
Annihilation of caste
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
Dalitāñce rājakīya astitva sampushṭāta āṇaṇārā Puṇe karāra
Gandhi and Gandhism
Ambedkar speaks
Poona pact
The problem of the rupee
Ambedkar writes
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables
Mr. Gandhi and the emancipation of the untouchables
Why go for conversion?
Three historical addresess of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
ʻBahishkr̥ta Bhāratāʼ tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarāñce sphuṭa lekha
Thoughts on Pakistan
Federation versus freedom
Social justice and political safeguards for depressed classes
History of Indian currency & banking
Conditions precedent for the successful working of democracy
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
Pakistan or the Partition of India
Bharata ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution
Christianizing the untouchables
Thoughts on Pakistan
Pali sabdakoda
Communal deadlock & a way to solve it
Untouchables and the Indian Constitution
Buddhist revolution and counter-revolution in ancient India
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the man and his message
India and the prerequisites of communism
'Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratā' tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarañce sphuṭa lekha
Pakistan or partition of India
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī bhāshaṇe
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
The essential Ambedkar
Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar's the Kathmandu speech
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī patre
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
100 essential quotations of Babasaheb Ambedkar
Triumph of Brahminism
Annihilation of caste with reply to Mahatma Gandhi
Philosophy of Hinduism
A scheme of political safeguards for the protection of the depressed classes in the future constitution of a self-governing India
Letters of Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Christianising the untouchables
Prajñā mahāmānavācī
Thoughts on Dr. Ambedkar
Dr. Ambedkar, architect of the Indian constitution
Castes in India
Christianizing the untouchables
India and communism
Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
Walter Bagehot
Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)

journalist, economist, political scientist, sociologist, engineer, politician, businessperson, essayist

  • University College London
Biographical studies
Bagehot's historical essays
Biographical studies
The English Constitution, and other political essays
The English constitution
Lombard Street
Physics and politics
Literary studies
Shakespeare the man
The Works of Walter Bagehot
Economic studies
Lombard Street
The collected works of Walter Bagehot
The postulates of English political economy
A practical plan for assimilating the English and American money
Lombard Street
Some articles on the depreciation of silver and on topics connected with it
Shakespeare, the Man: An Essay
Literary Studies: With a Prefatory Memoir
Essays on parliamentary reform
A Practical Plan for Assimilating the English and American Money: As a Step ..
Physics and Politics: Or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "natural Selection ..
The works and life of Walter Bagehot
Estimations in criticism
A practical plan for assimilating the English and American money as a step towards a universal money
Lois scientifiques du développement des nations dans leurs rapports avec les principes de la ..
La constitution anglaise
Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen
The best of Bagehot
The English constitution, and other political essays
Der Ursprung der Nationen: Betrachtungen über den natürlichen Zuchtwahl und der Vererbung auf ..
Historical essays
Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen, a series of articles reprinted by permission principally from the National Review
Literary studies by the late Walter Bagehot
Parliamentary reform
Essays - English and American - Volume 28
The love-letters of Walter Bagehot and Eliza Wilson
Walter Bagehot: a study of his life and thought
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes IX, X, XI
The Postulates of the English Political Economy
Literary Studies V2
The English Constitution (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Walter Bagehot
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes III and IV
The English constitution, by Walter Bagehot
The Works And Life Of Walter Bagehot V10
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes I and II
Works and life
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes VII and VIII
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes V and VI
Collected works
Der Ursprung der Nationen
Economic Studies (The Works Of Walter Bagehot)
The English constitution
Essays on parliamentary reform
Physics and politiics
Lombard street
The postulates of English political economy
Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of natural selection andinheritance to political society
Die englische Verfassung
Literary Studies (The Works Of Walter Bagehot)
Postanak i razvitak naroda
The English constitution
La Constitución inglesa
Lombard Street
Shakespeare the man
Selected essays of Walter Bagehot
Literary studies
Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political science
La costituzione inglese
Lombard Street
Lombard street
Physics and politics
The English constitution, by Walter Bagehot
Der Ursprung der Nationen
The English constitution
Shizen kagaku to seijigaku
Lombard Street
The English constitution
Lombard Street. A Description of the Money Market
Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
The English constitution
Bajotto, Rasuki, Makkīvā
The English Constitution, and other political essays
The English constitution
Lombard street
Lombard Street
Wu li yu zheng li
Literary studies
Early Law and Crime, 87 books on CD
The postulates of English political economy
Dustūr-e salt̤anat-e Inglishīya
The works and life of Walter Bagehot
Economic studies
Lombard Street
Literary studies
Lois scientifiques du développement des nations dans leurs rapports avec les principes de la sélection naturelle et de l'hérédité