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dramaturges who wrote biography
Showing 49-56 out of 62 results
Mario Vargas Llosa
Mario Vargas Llosa (born 1936)

dramaturge, politician, journalist, essayist, literary critic, playwright, philosopher, opinion journalist, film director

  • National University of San Marcos, Complutense University of Madrid
Diccionario del amante de América latina
El pez en el agua
El viaje a la ficción
La utopía arcaica
El viaje a la ficción
El viaje a la ficción
El viaje a la ficción
El pez en el agua
La Fiesta del Chivo
Conversación en La Catedral
Kathie y el hipopótamo
Elogio de la madrasta
Lituma en los Andes
Contra viento y marea
La civilización del espectáculo
El sueño del celta
Los cuadernos de don Rigoberto
La señorita de Tacna / Kathie y el hipopótamo / La Chunga
Obras completas
La tía Julia y el escribidor
Los cachorros
La ciudad y los perros
¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero?
La casa verde
Travesuras de la niña mala
El hablador
Los cachorros
Los jefes / Los cachorros
El paraíso en la otra esquina
El barco de los niños
The Methuen Book of Contemporary Latin American Plays
Sables y utopías
La orgía perpetua
Pantaleón y las visitadoras
La verdad de las mentiras
Tiempos recios
La llamada de la tribu
Lletra de batalla per Tirant lo Blanc
Dos soledades
Los jefes
La guerra del fin del mundo
Historia de Mayta
El loco de los balcones
El lenguaje de la pasión
La utopía arcaica
Conversas com Vargas Llosa
Diario de Irak
Cartas a un joven novelista
Lo mejor del periodismo de América Latina
Literatura y política
Espejo de escritores
In praise of reading and fiction
Barclay and Crousse
Obras escogidas
Entre Sartre y Camus
La tentación de lo imposible
George Grosz and Mario Vargas Llosa
La señorita de Tacna
Los cuentos de la peste
La chunga
Odiseo y Penélope
Cinco esquinas
Obra reunida
Literatura y política
Historia secreta de una novela
Conversación en Princeton con Rubén Gallo
Edebiyata Ovgu
La vida en movimiento
Los desafíos a la sociedad abierta
Green House
El buitre y el ave Fénix
José María Arguedas, entre sapos y halcones
Kathie y el hipopótamo / La Chunga
La ciudad y los perros / La casa verde
Mario Vargas Llosa
Una historia no oficial
Ciudad, arquitectura y paisaje
Obras escogidas
Los cachorros
Call of the Tribe
García Márquez
Medio siglo con Borges
Elogio de la educación
Mr. President
Antología mínima de M. Vargas Llosa
Desafíos a la libertad
El héroe discreto
La literatura es mi venganza
Entre la libertad y el miedo
A Writer's Reality
La historia secreta de una novela
Global fortune
Le Hérisson et le Renard
Cervantes y la ficción
Fonchito y la luna
La zia Julia e lo scribacchino
El debate
Cubs and Other Stories
Notebooks of Don Rigoberto
El herói discreto
Letters to a Young Novelist
Entretien avec Mario Vargas Llosa, suive de
The Prado Museum
El hablador
El desafio neoliberal
Captain Pantoja and the Special Service
Language of Passion
Book of the Teatro Real
Vargas Llosa
Conferencia magistral
Día domingo
Harsh Times
Las mil noches y una noche
Temps sauvages
Time of the Hero
Fonchito E A Lua
Entrevistas escogidas
Martín Chambi
Who Killed Palomino Molero?
Writer's Reality
In Praise of the Stepmother
Conversation at Princeton
La mirada quieta
Pensar a cultura
Harsh Times
Los cachorros / El desafío / Día domingo
Discreet Hero
Seven stories from Spanish America
La casa verde
Los jefes - Los cachorros
Mistress of Desires
Perpetual Orgy
Literatur ist Feuer
La novela
Fish in the Water
Making Waves
War of the End of the World
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
Bases para una interpretación de Rubén Darío
Conversación en La Catedral
Ojos bonitos, cuadros feos
Death in the Andes
Notes on the Death of Culture
Way to Paradise
I quaderni di don Rigoberto
La Fiesta del Chivo
Real Life of Alejandro Mayta
Les bonnes nouvelles de l'Amérique latine
Bad Girl
In Praise of Reading and Fiction
Día domingo
Elogio de la educación
La novela en América Latina
La Chunga
Los jefes / Los cachorros / Conversación en La Catedral
ha-ʻIr ṿeha-kelavim
The bad girl
Panṭaleʾon ṿe-"sherut ha-mevaḳrot"
La mirada quieta
Sueño y realidad de América Latina
Gerardo Chávez
La civilización del espectáculo
Sueño y realidad de América Latina
ha-Maḥbarot shel don Rigoberṭo
El héroe discreto
Dodah Ḥulyah ṿeha-katvan
La señorita de Tacna. Kathie y el hipopótamo
La ciudad y los perros
Palma, valor nacional
El sueño del celta
Cómo Fujimori jodió al Perú
XVIII Pregón Taurino de Sevilla [2000]
Conversación en la catedral
En torno a los derechos humanos
Mario Vargas Llosa
Historia de Mayta
La verdad de las mentiras
Les cahiers de don Rigoberto
The genesis and evolution of Pantaleón y las visitadoras
Al pie del Támesis
La ciudad y los perros
Ansprachen aus Anlaß der Verleihung des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels 1996. Text teils in deutsch und spanisch
Nationalismus als neue Bedrohung
Izrael - Palestyna
Entrevistas escogidas
Cinco esquinas
Razgovor v sobore
Ojos bonitos, cuadros feos
Het groene huis
Cartas a un joven novelista
Ḥalomo shel ha-Ḳelṭi
Milḥemet sof ha-ʻolam
Semana cultural de La Nación
Orașul și cîinii
De vis in het water
Testigos del olvido
Sables y utopías
Pantaleón y las visitadoras / La tía Julia y el escribidor
Políticos peruanos
El arte de la novela
תעלוליה של ילדה רעה
Ein diskreter Held
Milan Kundera
Milan Kundera (1929-2023)

translator, playwright, poet, dramaturge, essayist

  • Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Velká trojka
L'art du Roman
Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí
Jakub a jeho pán
La lenteur
Směšné lásky
Les testaments trahis
La Fête de l'insignifiance
Valčík na rozloučenou
Le Rideau
Bad Company
Život je jinde
Une rencontre
Kniha smíchu a zapomnění
Milan Kundera
Nechovejte se tu jako doma, příteli
Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins / Die Unsterblichkeit / Die Identität
Granta 11 (Granta: The Magazine of New Writing)
Zneuznávané dědictví Cervantesovo
Třetí sešit směšných lásek
Můj Janáček
Ling hun de chu kou
Kundera Pack 2 - 1998
El Teln Ensayo En Siete Partes
Nespeshnost. Podlinnost. Romany
Caixa o Universo de Milan Kundera - 5 Títulos
Kundera Pack 1 - 1998
Let the Old Dead Make Room for the New Dead
Die Prager Moderne
Verraden testamenten
Der Abschiedswalzer
O hudbě a románu
De traagheid
Croi  na hEorpa
Octave Mirbeau
Octave Mirbeau (1848-1917)

playwright, journalist, dramaturge, essayist, art critic, literary critic, anarchist, theatre critic

La 628-E8
Des artistes
Claude Monet, A. Rodin
Amours cocasses
Le calvaire
Sébastien Roch
La mort de Balzac
Les mauvais bergers
Farces et moralités
El jardín de los suplicios [por] Octavio Mirbeau
Geshefṭ iz geshefṭ
Zshan un Madlene
Rodin, l'affaire du Balzac
Sebastien Roch (Empire of the Senses Ser)
L' abbé Jules
Les affaires sont les affaires
Le foyer
L' épidémie
Lettres de l'Inde
Combats politiques
Sur la statue de Zola
Combats esthétiques
Bibliothèque de Octave Mirbeau
Lettres à Alfred Bansard des Bois
Le Calvaire (Empire of the Senses)
The Diary of a Chambermaid (Decadence from Dedalus)
Romans autobiographiques
Abbé Jules
Gens de théâtre
Vieux ménages, comédie en un acte
Sebastian Roch
The garden of tortures
Oeuvres romanesques, tome 2
Le concombre fugitif
Contes cruels
Paris déshabillé
The Garden of evil
Lettres de ma chaumière
Correspondance avec Claude Monet
Sac au dos
Jardin des Ordres
En el cielo
Claude Monet et Giverny
Notes sur l'art
Vieux ménages
La folle et autres nouvelles
Correspondance avec Auguste Rodin
L' amour de la femme vénale
Nie wieder Höhenluft. oder Die 21 Tage eines Neurasthenikers
Contes de la chaumière
Dans le ciel
Les vingt et un jours d'un neurastherique
Twenty-one days of a neurasthenic
Torture Garden
L' affaire Dreyfus
Calvaire (Empire of the Senses)
Correspondance avec Camille Pissarro
Contes drôles
Un gentilhomme
Société Mourante et L'anarchie
Vacca Picchiettata e Altre Strane Storie
Vieux Ménages, Comédie en un Acte
Calvaire (1887)
Sebastien Roch
La fée Dum-Dum (French Edition)
Contes II
Os malos pastores
Jardin des Supplices
Aristide Maillol
La 628-E8
Chez l'illustre écrivain
Teatre anarquista
La 628-E8
Sébastien Roch
Petits poèmes parisiens
Tout Yeux Tout Oreilles
Le Jardin des suppliers
Abbé Jules Annoté
628-E8 (Annotated)
Jardin des Supplices Illustree
Des Artistes 1. Série 1885-1896
Sebastián Roch
Les mémoires de mon ami
Cocher de maître
Contes de la chaumiére
Les Vingt-et-un jours d'un neurasthénique
Os malos pastores
La cartera
Torture Garden
Chambermaid's Diary,
Farces et Moralités
Les Affaires Sont les Affaires. Comedie en trois Actes.
Abbé Jules (1888)
Le Calvaire
Les 21 jours d'un neurasthénique
Chroniques du diable
Garten der AuftrÄge
Œuvre romanesque
Abbe Jules (Empire of the Senses)
Les affaires sont les affaires
Sebastián Roch
Amants et Vieux ménage
The diary of a chambermaid;
Chambermaid's Diary
Chez L'Illustre Écrivain
Abb� Jules
Contes cruels, tome 2
Jardin des Supplices
Chroniques musicales
Lettres de Ma Chaumi�re
Tagebuch Einer Kellnerin
La Pipe de cidre
Les écrivains
Le foyer; les amants
Le Jardin des supplices et autres romans
Contes cruels
Learn French with The Memories of a Poor Devil
La 628-E3
Octave Mirbeau
Le jardin des supplices. --
Sébastien Roch; Roman de Moeurs. Illus. de H. G. Ibels
Jardin des Supplices
Le portefeuille
Los 21 días de un neurasténico
Le Comédien
Diary of a chambermaid,
Sébastien Roch
Contes III
Abbe Jules
Combats littéraires
I cattivi pastori (Perfect Library) (Italian Edition)
Jardin des Supplices (1899)
Petit abécédaire de l'insolence
Sébastien Roch; Roman de Moeurs. Illus. de H. G. Ibels
Les affaires sont les affaires
Os malos pastores
Premières chroniques esthétiques
Contes cruels, tome 1
Croquis bretons
Jardin des Supplices Annoté
Jardín de Los Suplicios [por] Octavio Mirbeau. Traducción de R. Sempau y C. Sos Gautreau
Memoria de Georges el amargado
Dialogues Tristes
Combats pour l'enfant
Le Jardin des supplices
Journal d'une Femme de Chambre
Lettres de Ma Chaumière
Los malos pastores
Les Amants
Sébastien Roch (1890)
Vieux ménage
Jardin des Supplices
21 Days of a Neurasthenic E-book
abbé Jules
Viejas parejas / Escrúpulos
Abbé Jules
628-E8 Annoté
De tuin der folteringen
Affaires Sont les Affaires; Comédie en Trois Actes
Contes IV
La pipe de cidre
Lettre à Léon Tolstoï (1903)
Journal d'une Femme de Chambre
Os malos pastores
Diario de una camarera
S�bastien Roch
Jardín de los Suplicios
Auguste Rodin et son oeuvre
Les vingt et un jours d'un neurasthénique
Cang fang li de nan zi
Correspondance générale
יומנה של משרתת
Komazukai no nikki
Sad pytok
Maîtres modernes
Contes de la chaumière
La pipe de cidre ...
Plokhie pastukhi
Le foyer
Mi'erpo duan ju ji
Le calvaire
La mort de Balzac
Les vingt et un jours d'un neurasthénique
Les affaires sont les affaires
Le foyer, en collaboration avec Thadée Natanson
Contes de la chaumière
Zshan un Madlene
The experiences of a ladies' maid
Le foyer
Farces et moralités
Correspondance avec Claude Monet
Le comédien
Gli affari son gli affari
Der ṭaysṭer
Shen sheng de tong nian
Abbat Zhi︠u︡lʹ ...
Zshon un Madlene (fabriḳanṭ argand)
A chambermaid's diary
Correspondance avec Auguste Rodin
Correspondance générale
Le calvaire
Les affaires sont les affaires
Gong nu Madelan
Sébastien Roch
Correspondance avec Camille Pissarro
Le jardin des supplices
Les dialogues tristes
Geshefṭ iz geshefṭ
Oeuvres illustrées
La epidemia
La pipe de cidre
Les mauvais bergers
Théâtre complet
Torture garden
Le calvaire
Théâtre complet
Le journal d'une femme de chambre
La grève des électeurs
David Williamson
David Williamson (born 1942)

playwright, dramaturge, scenographer, lighting designer, videographer, film director

  • University of Melbourne, Monash University
Mussolini (Personalities & Powers S.)
The National Portrait Gallery history of the kings and queens of England
Debrett's Kings and Queens of Britain
Kings and Queens
Kings and queens of Britain
Comprehensive Guide for Camera Collectors
Europe and the Cold War, 1945-91
Brilliant Lies
Quantitative modelling for management and business
Scarlett Ohara At The Crimson Parrot Let The Sunshine
The Jack Manning Trilogy
Years of division
Don Parties On
After the Ball (PLAYS)
Dead White Males (Currency Plays)
Debrett's Kings and Queens of Europe
The Removalists (PLAYS)
Aunt Mary's Terrible Secret
Realistic Arms Control Today
Access to History for the IB Diploma : the Cold War
Brewer's British Royalty
Gladstone the Man a Non Political Biography
Debrett's presidents of the United States of America
Before I forget
Enhancing Board Effectiveness
Don's Party
The Great Man (PLAYS)
Third World Blues (PLAYS)
Kings and Queens of England
The Removalists
Up for Grabs
Top Silk (PLAYS)
SIEGE OF MALTA 1940-1942
The Third Battalion Mississippi Infantry and the 45th Mississippi Regiment
Strategic management and business analysis
Sir John Kirk
Influence: Operator
Through Disassembled Houses of Perfect Stones
Crunch Time
Collected Plays
Access to History IB Diploma
Everyday Evangelism
Dose of Lemonade
Opportunities for Crisis Control in a Nuclear Age
Emerald City
Cold War, 1941-95
They're All Dead
The Seventh Black Book of Horror
Debretts Kings and Queens of Britain
Time-domain matrix analysis of nonlinear hybrid control systems
Access to Ib History
Sons of Cain (PLAYS)
Knit Some Deaths
Queen Alexandra; a Biography
Access to History for the IB Diploma : the Cold War
A sermon preached in Edinburgh
47th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
War and Peace
Access to History : War and Peace
Poland Betrayed
Scotland's sin, danger, and duty
David Williamson
Student Manual for Mathematics for Business Decisions
Sanity Clause is Coming...
The mariners of ancient Wessex
The role of models in operations management
Structure of Regulation
Collected Plays (Australian Dramatists)
Dead white males
Flawed to the Core
Cdt In Context
Access to History for Cambridge International AS Level
So Many Christians, So Few Lions
Access to History for the Ib Diploma
Reflections on the Four Principal Religions Which Have Obtained in the World : Paganism, Mohammedism, Judaism, and Christianity; Also on the Church of England, and Other Denominations of Protestants
Siren (PLAYS)
Twelve powers in you
The Fifth Black Book of Horror
The year of living dangerously
Three Plays
Access to History for CIE International History
Siege of Malta 1940-1942
An empirical investigation into strategic planning and the use of strategic models
Rutinas asombrosas
The Sixth Black Book of Horror
Ath IB Diploma Set
President McKinley
Reflections on the Four Principal Religions Which Have Obtained in the World
Access to History
Travelling North (PLAYS)
The Department (PLAYS)
Third Battalion Mississippi Infantry and the 45th Mississippi Regiment
Reflections on the Four Principal Religions Which Have Obtained in the World : Paganism, Mohammedism, Judaism, and Christianity; Also on the Church of England, and Other Denominations of Protestants
Cassell?'s Dict. of British Royalty
Don's Party
Unique Undertaking by Women for Women
Top silk
Brilliant Lies
President McKinley
Emerald City
A sermon preached in Edinburgh at the opening of the General Assembly of this National Church of Scotland
A great revival
Running Out
Student Manual for Mathematics for Business Decisions
Access to History : Europe and the Cold War 1945-1991
Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage 2000
Siege of Malta 1940-1942
We'll Sleep When We Get Home
Descendants of John Rudolph Hanse Keagy and Anna Nancy Kendig of Zurich, Switzerland
Travelling north
Teeny Tiny Farm
Make America Read Again
Tom Holland
Tom Holland (born 1968)

historian, dramaturge, performing artist, podcaster

  • University of Cambridge, Canford School
Æthelflæd : A Ladybird Expert Book
Athelstan, 924-939
Slave of My Thirst
The library book
Persian fire
Lord of the dead
The vampyre
In the shadow of the sword
Lord of the dead
Lord of the Dead
The Marathon Method
Deliver Us from Evil
Persian Fire
The bonehunter
The Bone Hunter
Supping with panthers
Poison in the Blood
The Sleeper in the Sands
Persian Fire
Supping with Panthers
Slave of my thirst
The Vampyre
In the shadow of the sword
Supping with Panthers
In The Shadow Of The Sword: The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World
The 12-Week Triathlete
Dominion : how the Christian revolution remade the world
In the shadow of the sword
Hope for the Nations
Persisches Feuer
Tom Holland
Sometime my love
Stephen King's Thinner
Deliver Us from Evil
Fuego Persa
Persian Fire
Die Botschaft des Vampirs
Contours of Pauline Theology
Forge of Christendom
Supping with Panthers
Tom Holland Spectator S/W
Banquete de sangre
Deliver Us from Evil a Pbp
A la sombra de las espadas
Wolf-Girl, the Greeks, and the Gods
The Headmaster's Son
Fuego persa. El primer imperio mundial y la batalla por Occidente
Beat the Gym
Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Tom Holland
Perzisch vuur
Perzisch vuur
Perzisch vuur
Fuego persa
Het vierde beest
Rubicon (Divulgacion Historia)
Cuentos retorcidos
The Abs Diet Workout
Contours of Pauline Theology
Marathon Method
Dominion Lib/E
Missing Lenses
Sleeper in the Sands a D/Bx18
Bullet Bounty
Let's Talk About Prayer
Micro-Workout Plan
Horse Betting Green Book
My Four-Dimensional Life Under
Sleeper in the Sands a Pbp
Swim, Bike, Run--Eat
Prayer and the Goodness of God
Perzisch vuur
Supping Panth Hb/Vampyre a D/Bx24
Im Schatten des Schwertes
5-Minute Exercise Plan
Mariah Carey Calendar 2022
Sleeper in the Sands
Æthelflæd : a Ladybird Expert Book
Colde Uyuyan Sir
Twisted Tales
La malédiction des pharaons
The Truth About How to Get in Shape
Het vierde beest
Hope for the Nations
La malédiction des pharaons
Perzisch vuur
Het vierde beest
Talking It Over
Vampyre a Pbp
Bikini Girls
Bone Hunter
The Notch
Romans The Divine Marriage Volume 2 Chapters 9-16
A la sombra de las espadas
Der Vampir
Stephen King's the Langoliers
In the Shadow of the Sword
Persian Boy : A Novel of Alexander the Great
Persian Fire
Supping with Panthers Poster
Der Schläfer in der Wüste
Lord of the Dead the Secret History of Byron
Toot and Puddle Scholastic
Supping Panthers X30 Samp Chapter
El sueno de Tutankamon
Alan Watts
Alan Watts (1915-1973)

philosopher, theologian, Anglican priest, dramaturge, musician, videographer

  • The King's School Canterbury, St Hugh's School
In my own way
The Book
The Wisdom of Insecurity
Buddhism, the religion of no-religion
Behold the spirit
Become what you are
Cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown
Nature, Man,& Woman
The essence of Alan Watts
The Tao of philosophy
Beyond theology
Play to live
The joyous cosmology
Myth and religion
The Spirit of Zen
The Way of Zen
The supreme identity
This is it, and other essays on Zen and spiritual experience
The culture of counter-culture
The early writings of Alan Watts
Beat Zen, square Zen and Zen
Zen and the Beat way
The way of liberation
The philosophies of Asia
Seeds of genius
Does It Matter?
Diamond web
Still the Mind
Out of the trap
The Modern Mystic
Qué es la Realidad
What is Tao?
Psychotherapy, East and West
Two Hands of God
The essential Alan Watts
Eastern Wisdom
Uncarved block, unbleached silk
Zen: The Supreme Experience
The “Deep-in” View
Talking Zen
The art of contemplation
Myth and ritual in Christianity
Learning the Human Game - Original Live Recordings on the Tao of Philosophy (The Wisdom of Alan Watts)
Fish Who Found the Sea
Looking east for light
The way of liberation in Zen Buddhism
The Legacy of Asia and Western man
Out of Your Mind
Meaning of Happiness
Philosophical fantasies
Just So
The cosmic drama
The nature of man
Out of Your Mind
The collected letters of Alan Watts
Zen Zen. Die Weisheit des Nichtstuns
Zen Clues
There Is Never Anything But the Present
Do You Do It, or Does It Do You?
Zen Bones
The Alan Watts Essentials
Zen and the Art of the Controlled Accident
Alan Watts - In the Academy
Zen Zen
Leave It Be
Selected Writings of Alan Watts
Summer of Love
Divine Madness
The Essential Alan Watts (Seven Things We Thought We Knew About God and the Cosmos (But Didn't))
What Is Reality
Siddhartha (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Eastern wisdom, modern life
Zen Buddhism
What is zen?
The Love of Wisdom I
¿Qué es el Tao?
The legacy of Asia and western man
The spirit of Zen
Leben ist jetzt. Das Achtsamkeitsbuch.
דרך הזן
Zen Practice, Zen Art
The meaning of happiness
טבע גבר ואשה
Der Lauf des Wassers
Buddhism, man, and nature
The way of Zen
Alan Watts Teaches Meditation
Im Einklang mit der Natur
Psychotherapy, East and West
Myth and ritual in Christianity
This is it
The art of contemplation
The spirit of Zen: a way of life
The joyous cosmology
Maxim Gorky
Maxim Gorky (1868-1936)

playwright, poet, opinion journalist, dramaturge, autobiographer, journalist, diarist, politician, publisher

Moi universitety
Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov & Andreyev
V li͡u︡di͡a︡kh
Vospominanii︠a︡ o Lʹve Nikolaeviche Tolstom
Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Tolstoi
My apprenticeship ; My universities
Gorkī kī āp bītī
Gorky's Tolstoy & other reminiscences
Wo de tong nian
Hui yi Anteliefu
Kniga o russkikh li͡u︡di͡a︡kh
Watakushi no daigaku
Autobiography of Maxim Gorky
You nian shi dai
Detstvo.  V li︠u︡di︠a︡kh.  Moi universitety
Gorʹkiĭ i Sibirʹ
V li︠u︡di︠a︡kh
My childhood
V li︠u︡di︠a︡kh
Tong nian
Literary portraits
O li͡ubvi
Zai ren jian
Wo de da xue =
Thời thơ ấu
Tong nian, Wo de da xue
Erinnerungen an Lew Nikolajewitsch Tolstoi
Great Short Stories of the World
Great Short Stories of the World [30 stories]
Best Russian short stories
Na dne
Easter Stories
Creatures That Once Were Men
Zhiznʹ nenuzhnogo cheloveka
Фома Гордеев
Twenty-six and one
On literature
The story of a novel
L'amour d'une mère
Stories of the steppe
The collected short stories of Maxim Gorky
Untimely thoughts
The life of Matvei Kozhemyakin
The lower depths, and other plays
Suprugi Orlovy
Delo Artamonovykh
Librivox Short Story Collection 034
Twenty-six and One and Other Stories
Best short stories
Zametki iz dnevnika
The man who was afraid (Foma Gordyéeff)
Four Great Russian Plays
Souvenirs de ma vie littéraire
The outcasts, and other stories
Tales of Italy
Orphan Paul
Eguo wen xue shi =
Twenty-six and One: And Other Stories from the Vagabond Series
A. P. Chekhov
Days with Lenin
The Man Who Was Afraid
Orloff and His Wife
My Childhood (Classics)
A night's lodging
The petty bourgeois
Three men
Mi︠e︡shchane: st︠s︡eny v domi︠e︡ Bezsi︠e︡menova : dramaticheskīi ..
Selected Letters
My Apprenticeship
In the World
The Shield, The Jewish Question in Russia
Children of the Sun
The Shield
In America
La Madre
Dvadtsat' shest' i odna, i drugie rasskazy =
Dias de Infancia
Ḳulṭur un reṿolutsye
Culture and the people
V Amerikie
Collected works in ten volumes
V.I. Lenin
Ṿegn der Soṿeṭisher liṭeraṭur
[Mat £ (romanized form)]
Childhood Ed.Holbrook
Reminiscences of Leonid Andreyev
Dos lebn fun Ḳlim Samgin
The Shield
Tales from Gorky
The summer people
Neĭzdannai︠a︡ perepiska s Bogdanovym, Leninym, Stalinym, Zinovʹevym, Kamenevym, Korolenko
Skazki ob Italii
Autobiography of Maxim Gorky (Citadel,)
Eynmol in herbsṭ
Autobiography of Maxim Gorky: My childhood. In the world. My universities
Maximo Gorki
Halkın İçinde
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes] volume four LOVE
The History of the Civil War in the U.S.S.R.
The spy
Sobranie sochinenii
The Judge
A sky-blue life
Ask Ruyasi
The Maxim Gorky 2-In-1 Special
Albergue de noche, en los bajos fondos
The Artamonovs
Les bas-fonds
Na dne =
Thomas Gordeiev
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ. Pisʹma v 24 t
Days with Lenin
Best short stories of Maxim Gorki
My Fellowtraveller
My University Days
The History of the civil war in the U.S.S.R.
Creative labour and culture
A book of short stories
Four modern plays -- second series
Sobranie sochinenii v tridtsati tomakh
M. Gorʹkiĭ i syn
Zhiznʹ Klima Samgina
Gorʹkiĭ i sovetskie pisateli
Nicolai Lenin - the man
Les petits bourgeois
Chelkash and Other Stories
Nursing; The authorised manual of the St.John Ambulance Association of the Order of St.John,the St.Andrew's Ambulance Association,the British Red Cross Society
Corazon ardiente
Twenty-Six Of Us And One Other; The Green Kitten
Dvadt͡satʹ shestʹ i odna, i drugie rasskazy =
Gorʹkiĭ v Samare
Literaturnye portrety
The magnet
One Autumn Night; In The Steppe
L. N. Tolstoy
Lower Depths (Russian Texts)
Selections from Maxim Gorky
Selected works
The last plays of Maxim Gorki
Maxim Gorky Amma
A Rolling Stone; Her Lover; Chums
Anton P. Chekhov 1860-1960
Foma Gordyeff
Gorʹkiĭ i nauka
The three
Po Rusi
Selected Short Stories
Fragments from My Diary (Classics)
V Amerike
O russkom krest'ianstve
Five Plays (Methuen's World Dramatists)
Creatures That Once Were Men
Maksim Gorky
Creatures That Once Were Men
Legendy i opowiadania
Fomá Gordyéeff
Creatures That Once Were Men Kindle Edition (Illustrated)
Wolfgang Heinz inszeniert Gorki, Feinde
The Individualists
Sovetskai͡a︡ literatura
Lenin and Gorky
Unrequited love
Cao yuan shang
Gei qing nian zuo zhe
M. Gorʹkiĭ o detskoĭ literature
Jian xi
O literature
Gu ruo zhi jian
Wo de da xue
Yan chang shang
My Universities (Classics)
Nesobrannye literaturnokriticheskie stat'i
Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ i kulʹtura
Gorʹkovskie vechera
Enemies (A Viking compass book)
Bao wei zu guo
Wassa Żeleznowa
At the bottom
Der bradiaga
Yi Anteliefu
The Artamonovs
Vassa Zheleznova
Jian xi
Creatures That Once Were Men
Di︠e︡ti solnt︠s︡a: drama v 4-kh dieĭstvii͡a kh
Twenty-six men and a girl
Man Who Was Afraid
Mother Illustrated
Besedy s molodymi
Untimely Thoughts Essays on Revolution
V. I. Lenin
Wei le ren lei
Pro Ivanushku-Durachka
Unrequited love
Creatures That Once Were Men
Neizdannai︠a︡ perepiska
Gao'erji lun wen
Last Plays of Maxim Gorki
Falʹshivai︠a︡ moneta
Barbaren. (Varvary)
Man Who Was Afraid
Ḳlim Samgins lebn
Matʹ ; Vospominanii︠a︡
Mang zhuang ren
Maxim Gorky
Preobrazhenie mira
Creatures That Once Were Men Illustrated
9-oe i︠a︡nvari︠a︡
Po Rusi
Geng fu ji zhu ren
Min Barndom
Les vagabonds
Creatures That Once Were Men
Tales of two countries
My Apprenticeship, My Universities
Plays: 2
E mo
Rus Masallari
Varvary: drama v 4-kh di︠e︡istvii︠a︡khʹ
Mother by Maxim Gorky Edition Illustrated
My childhood [by] Maxim Gorky
Mellem Fremmede
Perepiska, statí, vyskazyvanii͡a︡
Mother Illustrated Edition
Reminiscences Of Chekhov
Pisʹma o literature
Esli vrag ne sdaet͡s︡i͡a︡--ego unichtozhai͡u︡t
The Artamonov business
Zhiznʹ nenuzhnago chelovi͡e︡ka
Zen yang xie zuo
Wo de jiao yu
Delo Artamonovykh ; Rasskazy (iz t︠s︡ikla "Po Rusi")
Primer for Environmental Literacy
Wei wan cheng de san bu qu
San tian
Sbornik proletarskikh pisateleĭ
Esli vrag ne sdaetsi︠a︡--ego unichtozhai︠u︡t
Mo luo
El corazón ardiente de Danko
9-oe i︠a︡nvari︠a︡
Zai ren jian
Rozhdenie cheloveka
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Chu lian
Twenty six men and a girl and other stories
O tom kak i︠a︡ uchilsi︠a︡ pisatʹ
Noche de Otoño
Zhil-byl samovar--
Els Vagabunds
Collected Works of Maxim Gorky
Gao'erji jie zuo xuan
Tai yang de hai zi men
Istories apo tin Italia
Autobiography of Maxin Gorky (My Childhood, In the World, My Universities)
Gao'erji jie zuo ji
Through Russia
Gorod Zheltogo Dʹi͡a︡vola
Delo Artamonovykh
Rabochie pishut istoriiu zavodov
Cao yuan gu shi
Qiu ye
Izbrannye literaturno-kriticheskie statʹi
Ge ming he zhan zheng
M. Gorʹkiĭ i R. Rollan
Mother : (Annotated)
Mother by Maxim Gorky ''Student Edition''Annotated Edition''
Nesvoevremennye mysli
Ocherki i razskazy
Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov & Andreyev
Tui fei
Жизнь ненужного человека
The Confession - Translated from the Russian and with an Introduction By Rose Strunsky
Gao'erji ming zhu jing xuan
Through Russia Annotated
O evreĭskom narode
San ren
Die Geschichte eines Verbrechens und andere Erzählungen
V stepi
The Three
Mi Infancia. Por El Mundo. MIS Universidades
Chelkash and Other Stories
Notte D'autunno
Perepiska A. M. Gorʹkogo s zarubezhnymi literatorami
Yegor Buliṭsheṿ
My Fellow Traveler - Stage 1
In the World
Yidali gu shi
Alutamao'aofu jia de shi qing
Mother by Maxim Gorky (Annotated Edition)
Foma Gordyeeff
Aoguluofu Zhen
Devushka i smertʹ
Zi sha
Sluchaĭ iz zhizni Makara
Maxim Gorki
Izbrannye literaturno-kriticheskie proizvedenii͡a︡
Lettre de Maxime Gorki [pseud.] sur les emprunts russes et réponse d'Anatole France
O kavkazskikh sobytīi︠a︡kh
On Literature
Zai ren jian
... Prekrasnai︠a︡ Frant︠s︡īi︠a︡
The Confession - Translated from the Russian and with an Introduction By Rose Strunsky
The Life of a Useless Man [By] Maxim Gorki. Translated by Moura Budberg
Tales from Gorky
Lao dong de yin yue
Fen chang
Creatures That Once Were Men
Pequenos Burgueses (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
The Man Who Was Afraid
Man Who Was Afraid Illustrated
Culture and People
Gor'kii ob iskusstve
Foma Gordyeff
Russkīi︠a︡ skazki
Svobody vechnoe preddverʹe
Za mir i demokratii͡u︡
O Pushkine
Night's Lodging
Mother ''a Historical Novels ''Mother's Love'' Annotated Story
Die Kleinbürger
Through Russia
Er shi liu nan he yi nu
In The World
The lower depths (Nachtasyl)
Twenty-Six Men And A Girl
The confession
Shao nu yu si shen
O russkom krestʹi︠a︡nstvi︠e︡
Aoluofu fu fu
O molodezhi
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Mother. by Maxim Gorky; With eight illustrations
March of Man
El Corazon Ardiente De Danko/Danko's Fiery Heart
Iz literaturnogo nasledii͡a︡
Chou di
Gao'erji bi xia de Meiguo
My childhood
M Gorky
Ma Vie D'enfant
Tales of Two Countries
M Gorky .. childhood
M. Gorʹkiĭ o detskoĭ literature
Maxim Gorki
Vassa Geleznova
Through Russia
Gao'erji xuan ji
Für Frieden und Demokratie
Gao'erji wen yi shu jian ji
Tian lan de sheng huo
Xiao shi min
Ma Vie d'Enfant (French Edition)
Birth of man
The Confession; A Novel
Madre, La
The outcasts
My university days
Motherillustrated Edition
My Apprenticeship (Classics)
Twenty-Six and One and Other Stories
Jia shi
Gor'kii i Leonid Andreev
Izbrannye i proizvedenii︠a︡
Three of them
Through Russia (annotated)
V Ameriki︠e︡
Gorʹkiĭ i russkai͡a︡ zhurnalistika nachala XX veka
Er shi liu ge he yi ge
Zapiski prokhodi︠a︡shchago
A.M. Gorʹkiĭ i M.I. Budberg
Through Russia
Creatures That Once Were Men Stage 4
Selected short stories, 1892-1901
Man Who Was Afraid
Kitchen Hints, Housekeeping Hints, All Around the House
Children of the Sun
Man Who Was Afraid Annotated
Xue sheng zhong de sheng huo
Ai de nu li
Ravzærst uat︠s︡mystæ
Artamonov Business
Mu qin de jie hun
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
My Childhood
Yegor Buliṭsheṿ un andere
The Orloff Couple, and Malva
Gorkī ke saṃsmaraṇa
Through Russia
Detstvo ; V li︠u︡di︠a︡kh ; Moi universitety ; Pʹesy
Letters of Gorky and Andreev, 1899-1912
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡ v trekh tomakh
Ye dian
Three Men
Through Russia Illustrated Edition
A Hero of our Times. Heron Great Masterpieces of Russian Literature
Skuki radi ...
Autobiography of Maxim Gorky
Vassa Zheleznova
M. Gork̓iĭ o detskoĭ literature
Amancî edebiyat
Through Russia (Illustrated)
Creatures That Once Were Men Annotated
Through Russia
Izerugiri bāsan
Mother Illustrated
Gao'erji zuo pin xuan
Gao'erji zao qi zuo pin ji
Literaturnye portrety
Mother (annotated Edition)
W więzieniu
Skuki radi ...
The lower depths [by] Maxim Gorky
Creatures That Once Were Men
Through Russia
Po Rusi ; Delo Artamonovykh
Moi universitety
O tom kak i︠a︡ uchilsi︠a︡ pisatʹ
Kalmykii︠a︡ v nat︠s︡ionalʹnoĭ politike, sisteme vlasti i upravlenii︠a︡ Rossiĭ
[ Through Russia - Large Print by Gorky, Maxim ( Author ) Jul-2003 Paperback ]
Itli diyan Kahanian
Mian bao fang li
Starukha Izergilʹ
Los bajos fondos
Sobranie sochineniĭ v 16 tomakh
Ying xiong di gu shi
Liao yuan
Lower Depths
Philip Vasilyevich's Story
Xin E xiao shuo ming zhu
Mezhdu prochim
Ying xiong de gu shi
Days with Lenin,
Hai yan zhi ge
Al-Um =
Mother Annotated
Twenty-Six and One and Other Stories
Izbrannye literaturno-kriticheskie proizvedenii︠a︡
Izbrannye publit︠s︡isticheskie proizvedenii︠a︡
Literaturnye portrety
Literature and Life
Odin iz koroleĭ respubliki: Intervi︠u︠
Classic Russian Short Stories
Jegor Bułyczow i inni
Mother (annotated)
My Childhood
O literature
ha-ʻAyarah Oḳurov
Five Plays
Gorʹkiĭ i Leonid Andreev
Maxim Gorky Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov and Andreyev
Gao'erji lun wen xuan ji
O detskoĭ literature
Malva and Other Tales (Foreign Classical Romances Series)
Gao'erji de hui yi suo ji
Istoriia russkoǐ literatury
Gao'erji dai biao zuo
Guai ren
Ren jian
Tong zhi ji qi ta
Articles and pamphlets
The Note-Books of Anton Tchekhov
Chan hui
Orphan Paul
Revoli͡ut͡sii͡a i kulʹtura
Gao'erji lun Sulian wen xue
Reirakusha no mure
To American intellectuals
Reminiscences ..
Gao'erji chuang zuo xuan ji
Thomas Gordyeyev
My Fellow Traveller
Perepiska A.M. Gor'kogo s I.A. Gruzdevym
Delo Artamonovykh
Sulian de wen xue
Golubai︠a︡ zhiznʹ
Soviet Short Stories
Gorʹkovskie vechera
Makar Chudra i drugie rasskazy
Matwej Koshemjakin
The Smug Citizen
Dva boga
Ye man ren
Russkīĭ t︠s︡arʹ
Mother Annotated
Kak i͡a︡ uchilsi͡a︡
Yige'er Bulaiquefu
Gao'erji xiao shuo ji
The Life of Matvei Kozhemyakin (Library of Soviet Literature)
Man Who Was Afraid
Literaturnye portrety
Eluosi de tong hua
Sobre la literatura
Ma Vie D'Enfant (1914) : (Traducteur: Serge Persky)
Rannie rasskazy
Easy Russian
Chou di
O rodine
My Childhood
Gor £kii  i Leonid Andreev
Dong nian
Her Lover
Through Russia Annotated
To amartola spiti
The Outcasts & Other Stories
In der steppe
Bu ping chang de gu shi
Krasnai͡a︡ Armii͡a︡
Rikaofu yi jia ren
Shen yuan
Sulian wen xue zhu wen ti
Ḳayin ṿe-Arṭyum
ha-Universiṭaʼot sheli
A Sky-Blue Life and Selected Stories
Z︠h︡enshchina s golubymi glazami
My Childhood
Peterburgskiĭ alʹmanakh
O pisateli︠e︡, kotoryĭ zaznalsi︠a︡
On the art and craft of writing
Falʹshivai︠a︡ monety
Thomas Gordeieff
Xia tian
Tin Janen
Famā Gorudēyefu
Pisʹma k E. P. Peshkovoĭ
M. Gorʹkiĭ i A. Chekhov
Suomofu ji qi ta
Through Russia
Un-Timely Thoughts
Iz literaturnogo naslediya
Gao'erji dai biao zuo
Mother Illustrated
Der Rauster Woska
Na zlobu dni︠a︡: melkīi︠a︡ zapreshchennyi︠a︡ statʹi i ..
Nesobrannye literaturno-kriticheskie statʹi
In the World
The Three (Library of Selected Soviet Literature)
I︠A︡rmarka v Goltvi︠e︡ ...
Vassa Zheleznova
Eluosi lang you san ji
Gorki de panj natak
Cao yuan shang
Les ennemis
Mei yong ren de yi sheng
The masters of life
Wo de da xue
Vospominanii︠a︡ o Lʹve Nikolaeviche Tolstom
The spy [by] Maxim Gorky
My Apprenticeship (Gorky's Autobiographical Trilogy)
Old man
Les petits bourgeois
The courageous one
Gesammelte Werke, erste Reihe
He Liening xiang chu de ri zi
Jian xi
Di︠e︡ti solnt︠s︡a
Xia ceng
The Life of a Useless Man
Pesni︠a︡ o burevestnike
Dan qie de ren
Mother Novel by Maxim Gorky
Mat' Vospominanya
Ṿi azoy ikh hob zikh gelernṭ shraybn
Geṿezene menṭshn
Through Russia
Gao'erji lun xin wen he ke xue
Les Artamonov
Gorki par lui-même
Seven plays of Maxim Gorky
My Apprenticeship 1916
Publit͡s︡isticheskie statʹi
Karsiliksiz Bir Ask
Naynṭer Yanṿar
Ma vie d'enfant
Sovetskiĭ kharakter
La Mère
Through Russia
Der bradyaga
Das blaue Leben
Uma Vida Inútil e Outros Contos
Skazki ob Italii
Other fires
Unter fremden Menschen
Orikkal manushyarayirunna jandukkal
Khudozhestvennye proizvedeniia
The Autobiography of Maxim Gorky
Aşk Rüyası ve Kısa Hikayeler
Through Russi
Lower Depths
Vybrani opovidanni︠a︡
To the workers of Magnitostroi and others
Insanlar Arasinda
Literature and life
Taezhnye pokhody
Yasanmis Hikayeler
Gao'erji wen ji
מפעל בית ארטמונוב
Mayn ḳindhayṭ
Mother (Gorky)
The Specter
Sahin Türküsü - Secme Öyküler 2
The Notebooks of Anton Chekhov  Reminiscences of Chekhov
Izbrannye rasskazy i ocherki
Reminiscences of Leonid Andreyev
The specter
Erinnerungen an Leo N. Tolstoi
Through Russia
Kücük Burjuva Ideolojisinin Elestirisi
On guard for the Soviet Union
Gor'kiǐ kī āp bītī
Küçük Burjuvalar
Mother : a novel in two parts
Ask Rüyasi
Küçük Burjuva Ideolojisinin Elestirisi
Through Russia. Everyman's Library No. 741
A night's lodging
Gao'erji zheng lun za wen ji
Tales from Maxime Gorky
Delo Artamonovykh
A Night's Lodging. Nachtasyl
Literaturno-kriticheskie statʹi
Ṿegn der Soṿeṭisher liṭeraṭur
Erzählungen, Skizzen, Erinnerungen.
The history of the civil war in the U.S.S.R..
Contes d’Italie
Ekmegimi Kazanirken
Das Leben des Klim Samgin
Collected Works of Maxim Gorky
Foma Gordeyev
La Mère
Ekmegimi Kazanirken
Five plays
The outcasts
Tsṿishn menṭshn
La madre
The march of man
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Ded Arkhip i Lënʹka
Ḳayin ṿe-Artem
Four Soviet plays ...
M. Gorʹkiĭ i sovetskai͡a︡ pechatʹ
Por el mundo
Sobranie sochineniĭ
In der sṭepe
Gao'erji er tong wen xue zuo pin xuan
Les enfants du soleil
Secme Öyküler 1
Cuentos de rebeldes y vagabundos
Ekmegimi Kazanirken
Russkiĭ t︠s︡arʹ
Sobranie sochineniĭ v 16 (i. e. shestnad|t|satykh) tomakh
My apprenticeship
Écrits de révolution
Povesti, vospominaniia, publitsistika
V stepi
Dos lebn fun Ḳlim Samgin
My universities
Byli gory vysokoĭ
Orlóff and His Wife
Das Werk der Artamonows
Soldaty: ocherki
The Artamonov Business. Translated from the Russian by Alec Brown
O Pushkine
Caïn et Artème
Reminiscences of My Youth. Trans. By Veronica Dewey
Ehemalige Leute und Andere Erzählungen
Russkīĭ t︠s︡arʹ
My childhood (Penguin classics)
Materialy i issledovanii︠a︡
My childhood
Idushchim v goru
Der brodyaga
A menṭsh ba layṭn
Tolstoy'dan Anilar
Belomorsko-baltĭiskiĭ kanal imeni Stalina
Umeṭ un andere dertseylungen
Reminiscences ..
Gorki - Secilmis Oykuler
Zametki iz dnevnika
Maḳar Tshudra
The Artamanovs
Das Werk der Artanonows (TREDITION CLASSICS) (German Edition)
Gorki Uclemesi 1 - Cocuklugum
Über Weltliteratur
Through Russia
A menṭsh ba layṭn
L' announciateur de la tempête
La madre
Días de infancia
Sobranie sochineniǐ v tridt︠s︡ati tomakh
Izbrannye proizvedeniya v trekh tomakh
Book of Short Stories 1 (Perspectives in Lit : Tchrs ed)
O kavkazskikh sobytīi︠a︡kh
Night's Lodging
Benim Üniversitelerim
Ṿ. I. Lenin
Mayn ḳindeheyṭ
Unrequited Love
Twenty-six and One and Other Stories
Vospominanii︠a︡. Rasskazy. Zametki
La madre
Unter fremden Menschen
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
Théâtre T5 Gorki Maxime
Izbrannye sochineniya
Nachtasyl, Szenen aus der Tiefe, in vier Akten
Januvari ompatu
Ḳulṭur un reṿolutsye
Ein junges Mädchen (Warenka Olessow)
Ertsehlungen un inṭerṿyus
Po Rusi ; Delo Artamonovykh
Ekmeğimi kazanirken
Ausgewählte Werke
Ayaktakimi Arasinda
Fragments from my diary [by] Maxim Gorki
The Man Who Was Afraid
Reminiscences of my youth
Stories, Plays
A Book of Short Stories
Nueva York
Italienische Märchen
A sky-blue life, and selected stories
Maxime Gorki, Contes D'Italie
Ranni︠a︡i︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnai︠a︡ publit︠s︡istika
Histoire de la révolution russe
Lénine et Le paysan russe, traduits du russe avec l'autorisation de l'auteur par Michel Dumesnil de Gramont
The Spy
Die Zerstörung der Persönlichkeit
Letters of Maksim Gorky
Colección Gorki. Tomás Gordeieff
ultur un reolutsie
Through Russia (Everyman's library : Fiction)
Zapiski prokhodi︠a︡shchago
Cagdaslarinin Anilariyla Anton Cehov
El pabellón n.º 6 y otros relatos
Di griṿenḳe
Frühe Dramen
Kinder der Sonne (German Edition)
Reminiscences of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Contes d'Italie
Culture and the people
Drei Menschen
Ṿarenḳe Olyesoṿa
A zamlung dertseylungen
Die Geschichte eines Verbrechens
Seven plays
Enemies [by] Maxim Gorky
Statʹi i pamflety
Pʹesy i st͡s︡enarii
At the bottom
EN GAGNANT MON PAIN - Mémoires autobiographiques
Über Kinder und Kinderliteratur
Foma Gordyeeff
A Book of Short Stories
Starukha Izergil. Na dne. Matʹ
Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Andreev,
Dos lebn fun an iberiḳn menṭsh
Golubai͡a︡ zhiznʹ
Contes D'Italie
On Tolstoy
Rasskazy i skazki
Kecika Parsek Makar Cudra
Tales from Gorky
Stories of the Steppe
My apprenticeship (Library of selected Soviet literature)
Ilya's Childhood and Children
Vybrani opovidanni︠a︡
Eralash i drugie razskazy
A Menṭsh ba laiṭn
Yono naka e dete
M. Gorʹkiĭ o detskoĭ literature
Gorki Secme Öyküler
The mother: the woman clothed with the sun [by A. Kingsford]
Maksim Gorki - Öyküler
My Childhood
Gao'erji xiao shuo lun wen ji (Ge Baoquan yi wen ji)
Pis'ma k pisateliam
On guard for the Soviet Union
Lomir zayn af der ṿakh!
Easy Russian selections from Maxim Gorky
Der vagabund und andere erzählungen
La Madre
On literature
Klim Samgin'in Yasami 40 Yil
Yararsiz Bir Adam
Razskazy i p'esy
Münzevi - Secme Öyküler 4
Ask Rüyasi
Dos geshefṭ fun di Arṭomanoṿs
В Америкѣ
Die Mutter
L.N. Tolstoi =
Buzlarin Cözülüsü - Secme Öyküler 3
Fragments from my diary
Vassa Zheleznova
Book of Short Stories 1
Reminiscences of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Mavi Bir Yasam
Unrequited love and other stories
Per̲r̲a tāyum pir̲anta pon̲n̲āṭum
Povesti i rasskazy
Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov
Foma Gordeev
Ḳultṛur un reṿolutsie
My university days
O tom kak i︠a︡ uchilsi︠a︡ pisatʹ
Thomas Gordéiev
Ṿi ikh hob zikh gelernṭ shraybn
Lenin, Stalin
Khozi͡aeva zhizni
Pisʹma o literature
Three of Them
Taʾaṿah zaʻaṿah
Kucuk Burjuvalar
Anton Tchekhov's Notebooks, Recollections of Tchekhov, Reminiscences of Leotolstoi
Danko's burning heart
Meine Kindheit
V. I. Lenin
Kniga o Leonide Andreeve
Insanlar Arasinda
Odnazhdy osenʹi͡u︡
Tin pindi
Pisʹma v dvadt︠s︡ati chetyrekh tomakh
La culture et le peuple
Mis Universidades
Dray menshen
M Gorky Selected Stories
Benim Üniversitelerim
Werk der Artanonows
Short stories and sketches
Ekmek Iscileri
Gao'erji ju zuo ji
The lower depths
Yaşanmış Hikayeler
Benim Universitelerim
Benim Üniversitelerim
Devushka i smertʹ
Selected short stories
Geschichte des Bürgerkrieges in Russland
MAT'.: Vtoroe Izdanie
קלים סאמגין
The Lower Depths; A Play in Four Acts
Articles and pamphlets
Svezhai︠a︡ voda iz kolodt︠s︡a
Membalas dendam
Izbrannye sochinenii͡a︡
Summer-folk (Datchniki): Scenes from Life
Benim Universitelerim
Los hijos del sol
Fomah Gordeyev
Serapionovy brati︠a︡
Di muter
Bungei hyōron
He Liening xiang chu de ri zi
V. I. Lenin
Zhizn' Klima Samgina
Khudozhestvennȳe proizvedeniya, stat'i, zametki
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ
Socialistisk realisme og russisk digtning
Les derniers
Ein Jahr russische Revolution
M. Gor'kiĭ i A. Chekhov
Ṿ. Lenin
Zemletri͡a︡senīe v Kalabrīi i Sit͡s︡ilīi
O detskoĭ literature
Maloe sobranie sochineniĭ
Histoire de la guerre civile en U. R. S. S.
Dray menshen
Caïn et Artème
Foma Gordeyev
Istorii︠a︡ grazhdanskoĭ voĭny v SSSR
Ekmeḡimi kazanirken
Los ba rbaros
Malṿa un andere dertseylungen
Les estivants
Starukha Izergilʹ ; Na dne ; Matʹ ; V. I. Lenin
Na dne = Lower depths
V li︠u︡di︠a︡kh
Dvadtsat' shest' i odna i drugie rasskazy = Twenty six men and a girl and other stories
Gydens Pionerer
A Night's Lodging: Scenes from Russian Life
Zhizn' i priklyucheniya Maksima Gor'kogo po ego rasskazam
Valitut teokset
Neizdannaya perepiska
Nīlalōcane mattu itara kathegaḷu
Ṭuṭṭade tāre
Der Kleinbürger und die Revolution
O detskoi literature
Egōru Buruichofu to hoka no hitobito
Ḳonoṿaloṿ un andere dertseylungen
Gorʹkiĭ i Leonid Andreev
Los hombres de Stalingrado
Erinnerungen an Zeitgenossen
Der Landstreicher und andere Erzählungen
Geschichte des Bürgerkrieges in der UdSSR
Gorʹkiĭ i sovetskie pisateli
Ren jian
Autobiography. With a new introd
Tong nian
Los bárbaros
Les enfants du soleil
Die kinder der sonne
Khudozhestvennye proizvedeniya; plany; nabroski; zametki o literature i yazyke
Im ughekitsʻě
Taʾaṿah zaʻaṿah
Tuyển tập truyện ngắn
Gei chu xue xie zuo zhe
Tvorchestvo narodov SSSR
O pechati
Dos geshefṭ fun di Arṭamonoṿs
Sobranie sochinenii v 13 tomakh
Mu qin
M. Gorʹkiĭ
Preobrazhenie mira
Malva and other tales
Mu qin
O pechati
Fomá Gordéjef
Tsvishn fremde menṭshn
Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Andreev
Meine Kindheit / Unter fremden Menschen / Meine unis. Autobiographische Romane
Gorikii bungakuron
Perepiska M. Gorʹkogo v dvukh tomakh
Der 9. Januar
I︠A︡kutskie druzʹi︠a︡ A. M. Gorʹkogo
I tre
Familien Artamonov
Qiu ye
La madre
Zai ren jian
Gorkii i ego korrespondenty
interpersonal communication
The smug citizen: scenes in the house of Bezsemenov
The city of the yellow devil
Horacio Quiroga
Horacio Quiroga (1878-1937)

dramaturge, poet, playwright

Quiroga por Horacio
South American jungle tales
Los heroísmos
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Cuentos de terror
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Cuentos de cine
Short stories
Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte
Cuentos de la selva
Los Mejores Relatos Marinos
Relatos escalofriantes
Cuentos de amor
Cuentos de la selva
The Decapitated Chicken and Other Stories
Los desterrados y otros textos
Cuentos de Amor, Locura y Muerte
Diario de viaje a Paris
Los Desterrados.
The exiles and other stories
The Flamingos Stockings
Cuentos de la selva
Cuentos De LA Selva (Intemporales)
Cuentas de la selva
El loro pelado
Quiroga íntimo
The Blind Deer
Las medias de los flamencos
La abeja haragana
El salvaje
Cartas a Isidoro Escalera
El devorador de hombres y otras novelas cortas
El Loro Pelado / The Bare Parrot (Cuentos De La Selva / Jungle Stories)
Pasado amor
Arte y lenguaje del cine
Horacio Quiroga
Cuentos de la selva/ Jungle Tales
The Lazy Bee (Library of Tale)
La Abeja Haragana
El síncope blanco y otros cuentos de horror
Desterrados y Otros Textos, Los
Contes de la forêt vierge
Cuentos De La Selva Y Otros Relatos
Cuentos Amor, De Locura Y De Muerte / Tales of Love, Madness And Dead
El regreso de Anaconda
El salvaje
Historias Inmorales
Cuentos de la selva para los niños
Cuentos de la selva
Cuentos de La Selva
Selección de cuentos
La Tortuga Gigante (Cuentos De La Selva)
Cuentos de la selva
Cartas inéditas y evocación de Quiroga por César Tiempo
La tortuga gigante y otros cuentos de la selva
Las Medias De Los Flamencos (Cuentos De La Selva)
The Giant Turtle
La selva y la ciudad
El salvaje
La Guerra De Los Yacares (Cuentos De La Selva)
La gallina degollada y otros cuentos
A la deriva y otros cuentos
Cuentos de lobisones
Horacio Quiroga (Obras)
La Gama Ciega / The Blind Deer (Cuentos De La Selva / Jungle Stories)
Obras de Horacio Quiroga
Historia de un amor turbio
Los perseguidos
Horacio Quiroga Sus mejores cuentos
Los cuentos de mis hijos
Historia de amor turbio
Los arrecifes de coral
A LA Deriva Y Otros Cuentos (Coleccion Literaria Lyc (Leer y Crear)
Cuenros de la selva
Le désert
Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte
LA Tortuga Gigante Y Otros Guentos De LA Selva
Contes d'amour, de folie et de mort
Las Medias de los Flamencos (The Flamingos Stockings)
Juan Darién
Los desterrados
Los desterrados, tipos de ambiente
Lettres d'un chasseur
El desierto
Cuentos de la selva
Todos Lo Cuentos - Horacio Quiroga
Historia De Dos Cachorros De Coati Y De Dos Cachorros De Hombre / Story of Two Coati Cubs and Two Children of Man (Cuentos De La Selva / Jungle Stories)
Les exilés
La Gama Ciega (The Blind Deer)
Cuentos de la selva
El potro salvaje
Cuentos de la selva/ Jungle Stories (Clasicos Para Ninos/ Classics for Children)
El desierto
El desierto
South American jungle tales
Las sacrificadas
The Decapitated Chicken and Other Stories (Texas Pan American Series)
Los " trucs" del perfecto cuentista y otros escritos
Cartas inéditas de Horacio Quiroga
Cuentos de Animales y Otros Cuentos
Cuentos escogidos
La gallina degollada
Anaconda - El Regreso de Anaconda y Otros Relatos
El mundo ideal de Horacio Quiroga
La Abeja Haragana (The Lazy Bee)
Mas allá
Los perseguidos
Cuentos de Amor de Locura y Muerte
Época modernista
El síncope blanco y otros cuentos de locura y terror
Las Fieras Complices/ The Fierce Accomplices
El Almohadon del Plumas y Otros Cuentos
                Serie Roja Alfaguara
La Abeja Haragana (Cuentos De La Selva)
Pasado amor
El Devoradorde Hombres
Sus mejores cuentos
El Paso Del Yabebiri / The Yabebiri Way (Cuentos De La Selva / Jungle Stories)
Cuentos de la selva (para niños)
Cuentos de horror
Anaconda y Otros Cuentos de la Selva
Los perseguidos
La Tortuga Gigante (The Giant Turtle)
Dos Cachorros De Coati Y Dos Cachorros De Hombre
Novelas Y Relatos Completos Horacio Quiroga (Obras)
The Lazy Bee
El Hombre Muerto
El desierto
Le Dévoreur d'hommes
El Sincope Blanco
Todos Los Cuentos
Los desterrados
Vous avez dit "bizarre"?
El hombre muerto y otros relatos (Colección Literatura latinoamericana)
El Hombre Frente
Cuentos de La Selva
Cine y literatura
El salvaje y otros cuentos
Cronicas del Bosque
Tres cuentos de la selva
Selección de cuentos
Cuentos y Otros Escritos
El Cuento argentino
Cartas inéditas de Horacio Quiroga
Cuentos escogidos
Cuentos De La Selva/ Stories of the Jungle
Novelas completas
Cuentos De Armor
El mas allá
Cuentos de animales
Textos políticos extraviados & dispersos
Cartas desde la selva
Lo que no puede decirse y otros textos
Cuentos de amor, de locura, y de muerte. --
El desafío de las Misiones
Mas Alla - 258 -
Para noche de insomnio
Cartas inéditas [de] Horacio Quiroga y Evocación de Quiroga
De la vida de nuestros animales
Cuentos Para Mis Hijos
Historia de un amor turbio ; Los perseguidos
El devorador de hombres y otras novelas cortas
Más allá
LA Gallina Degollada Y Otros Cuentos
El mas alla. --
Historia de DOS Cachorros de Coati
Cuentos escogidos
Cuentos de amor, locura y de muerte
Cuentos completos
Historia de un amor turbio
Nuevos Cuentos de La Selva - 2
Novelas completas
Quiroga - Nivel II
El mundo ideal de Horacio Quiroga
Obras inéditas y descondocidas
Las fieras cómplices
Epoca modernista
Nuevos Cuentos de La Selva - 3
El hombre muerto
El desafi o de las Misiones
S. Fragoso Lima, novelas breves de Horacio Quiroga
Cuentos de la selva
Los Mejores Cuentos de Horacio Quiroga
Cuentos de mis hijos
Salvaje, El
Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte
Cartas de un cazador
La Guerra de Los Yacares
Cartas inéditas [de] Horacio Quiroga y Evocación de Quiroga
Los desterrados; tipos de ambiente
Nuevos Cuentos de La Selva - 1
Cartas desde la selva
Contes d'amour, de folie et de mort
Quiroga íntimo
El vampiro
Cuentos de la selva
En la noche
Cuentos completos
De los perseguidos, de amor, de locura y de muerte
El regreso de Anaconda
Obras inéditas y desconocidas
11 historias de fútbol
Quiroga - Nivel I Cuentos de La Selva y Otros Cuen
Los Robinsones del bosque y otras historias
Gama Ciega, La
South American jungle tales
Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte (Kapelusz)
Cuentos de la selva para los niños
Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte (Buró)
Los cuentos de mis hijos
Cuentos completos
Las Medias de Las Flamencos
Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte ; Cuentos de la selva
Peligro En La Selva
Cuentos escogidos
El Loro Pelado y Otros Cuentos de La Selva
El ma s alla
El salvaje y otros cuentos. --
Cartas de un cazador
Desterrados, Los
Anaconda y Otros Relatos
Los desterrados
Paso del Yabebiri, El
Abeja Haragana, La
Cuentos de amor, de locura, y de muerte
Historia de un amor turbio
De la vida de nuestros animales
Pasado Amor - 183 -
La gallina degollada y otros cuentos
El más allá
La vida en Misiones
Sobre literatura
Más allá