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businesspeople who wrote biography
Showing 25-32 out of 105 results
Bill Bradley
Bill Bradley (born 1943)

politician, basketball player, businessperson, senior advisor

  • Princeton University, University of Oxford
Time present, time past
Life on the run
Values of the game
Values of the game
The new American story
Double exposure
The journey from here
The fair tax
We can all do better
The new world challenges America faces
Energy security--can we cope with a crisis?
Implications of Soviet new thinking
Less taxing alternatives
Steven Kotler
Steven Kotler (born 1967)

journalist, entrepreneur

West of Jesus
West of Jesus
A Small Furry Hope Dog Rescue And The Meaning Of Life
West of Jesus
West of Jesus
The angle quickest for flight
The Future Is Faster Than You Think
The Rise of Superman
The rise of superman
A Small Furry Prayer Dog Rescue And The Meaning Of Life
A small furry prayer
Stealing fire
Kylie Minogue
Kylie Minogue (born 1968)

singer, actor, entrepreneur, composer, film producer

Kylie Fashion
Kylie Fashion
Kylie the Showgirl Princess Poster X100
Showgirl Princess
Good Dinosaur Calendar 2022
Fever (5358044)
On a night like this - live in Sydney (0927405532)
Kylie and Jason Special
Tyra Banks
Tyra Banks (born 1973)

film actor, model, television presenter, entrepreneur, actor, television actor, businessperson, singer, television producer, game show host, talk show host

  • Harvard Business School, Walsh University
Perfect is boring
Tyra's beauty inside & out
Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights
Barry Goldwater
Barry Goldwater (1909-1998)

politician, military officer, photographer, businessperson, aircraft pilot

  • University of Arizona, Arizona State University
With no apologies
The Eyes of His Soul
The Conscience of a Conservative
Where I stand
The coming breakpoint
The conscience of a majority
Why not victory?
The conscience of a conservative
Goldwater either/or
Delightful journey, down the Green & Colorado rivers
Arizona portraits
Barry Goldwater and the Southwest
Goldwater from A to Z
The state of our industry and raw materials in relation to defense
The face of Arizona
The Conscience of a Conservative (The James Madison Library in American Politics)
China and the abrogation of treaties
People and places
The political principles of Senator Barry W. Goldwater as revealed in his speeches and writings
Barry Goldwater speaks out on the issues
The conscience of a Conservative
Why not victory?
The political principles of Senator Barry W. Goldwater as revealed in his speeches and writings
Jaron Lanier
Jaron Lanier (born 1960)

computer scientist, composer, programmer, essayist, artificial intelligence researcher, businessperson, philosopher, pianist, visual artist

  • New Mexico State University
Dawn of the new everything
Dawn of the New Everything
Dawn of the New Everything: A Journey Through Virtual Reality
Who Owns the Future?
You are not a gadget
Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now
The Future of Public Space
Truth, Technology and the Visual/Virtual World
You are not a gadget
Diez razones para borrar tus redes sociales de inmediato
10 аргументов удалить все свои аккаунты в социальных сетях
Futuro Es Ahora / Dawn of the New Everything
Dez Argumentos Para Você Deletar Agora Suas Redes Sociais
¿Quién controla el futuro?
Dieci ragioni per cancellare subito i tuoi account social
You are not a gadget
Fate of Power and the Future of Dignity
¿Quién controla el futuro?
Information Is An Alienated Experience
Contra el rebaño digital
Buzz Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin (born 1930)

air force officer, fighter pilot, astronaut, autobiographer, engineer, businessperson

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States Military Academy
Reaching for the Moon
Magnificent Desolation
No dream is too high
The return
Encounter with Tiber
First on the moon
Mission to Mars
Men from earth
Guinness World Records 2017
Look to the stars
Welcome to Mars
Return to earth
Reaching for the Moon
Buzz Aldrin Reaching for the Moon
Return to earth
Return to Earth
Paper astronaut
Men From Earth
Return to Earth
Space Atlas
The Everyday Space Traveler Discover 9 Lifeaffirming Insights Into The Wonders Of Inner And Outer Space
To the Moon and Back
Men from Earth-19.95
The Wright Stuff
Men from Earth
Investing in Our Future
Galileo for Kids
Space 2.0 Lib/E
Guinness Dünya Rekorlar Kitabi 2017
Die Rückkehr.
Space Encyclopedia
Space 2. 0
Beyond Flagpoles and Footprints
Return to Earth
Italo Svevo
Italo Svevo (1861-1928)

playwright, translator, businessperson

Vita scritta da Italo Svevo
"This England is so different--"
Samuel Spiers Schüler
Coscienza di Zeno
Una vita
Emilio's Carnival
Further confessions of Zeno
La coscienza di Zeno
Zeno's conscience
James Joyce
Zeno's Conscience (Everyman's Library Contemporary Classics)
La novella del buon vecchio e della bella fanciulla
Confessions of Zeno
As a man grows older
Zeno's Conscience
La Coscienza Di Zeno
A perfect hoax
The Nice Old Man and the Pretty Girl
                Art of the Novella
Confession of Zeno V63
La Conciencia De Zeno/ The Conscience of Zen
Confessions of Zeno
Zeno Cosini. Roman
Short sentimental journey and other stories
Racconti e scritti autobiografici
Wagenbachs Taschenbücher, Ein Mann wird älter
Further confessions of Zeno
Kurze sentimentale Reise. Eine Erzählung
La rigenerazione
A life
As a Man Grows Older (Sun and Moon Classics)
" Faccio meglio di restare nell'ombra"
Le Destin des souvenirs et autres nouvelles
Una vita. Senilità. La coscienza di Zeno. La novella del buon vecchio e della fanciulla ed altri scritti
Court voyage sentimental, texte intégral
Carteggio con gli scritti di Montale su Svevo
Racconti di Murano e altri racconti
Short sentimental journey, and other stories
Opera omnia
La coscienca di Zeno
Der alte Herr und das schöne Mädchen
La Conciencia De Zeno
Confessions of Zeno
Migliora Il Tuo Italiano
Le bon vieux et la belle enfant
Ein Mann wird älter. 5 CDs. Senilita
Kurze sentimentale Reise
Il vegliardo
Ein Mann wird älter. ( Senilita)
Une vie
Edizione critica delle opere di Italo Svevo
La coscienza di Zeno
Le Conscience de Zeno
La Conscience de Zeno
Short sentimental journey
Ein gelungener Scherz
Carteggio con James Joyce, Valery Larbaud, Benjamin Crémieux, Marie Anne Comnène, Eugenio Montale, Valerio Jahier
James Joyce
La Conciencia De Zeno / Zeno's Conscience (Clasicos Elegidos / Selected Classics)
Short stories
Ein Mann wird älter
Teatro e saggi
Vino Generoso, El
Blüthen und Ranken edler Dichtung
De goede oude man en het mooie jonge meisje
Corto Viaje Sentimental
The hoax
Die Novelle vom guten alten Herrn und vom schönen Mädchen
Opere di Italo Svevo
Corto viaggio sentimentale e altri racconti inediti di Italo Svevo [pseud.]
Le favole
Due racconti
Een man wordt ouder
Autobiografisch profiel
Una vita. Senilità. La coscienza di Zeno. La novella del buon vecchio e della fanciulla ed altri scritti
Bekentenissen van Zeno
Corto viaggio sentimentale
A life
Historia del Buen Viejo y La Hermosa Mucha
James Joyce; a lecture delivered in Milan in 1927 by his friend Italo Svevo
Una burla riuscita
Il Buon vecchio e la bella Fanciulla
Saggi e pagine sparse
Kotu bir saka
La novella del buon vecchio e della bella fanciulla e altri racconti
Short sentimental journey and other stories
The nice old man and the pretty girl
Opera omnia
Iyi Yurekli Yasli Adamla Guzel Kizin Oykusu
A Life  (Trieste)
Life (Twentieth Century Classics)
Diario per la fidanzata
Corrispondenza con Valéry Larbaud, Benjamin Crémieux, e Marie Anne Comnène
La coscienza di Zeno
Epistolario [di] Italo Svevo
Diario per la fidanzata (1896) [di] Italo Svevo
Italo Svevo
Historia del Buen Viejo y La Bella Muchacha
Una vita, romanzo di Italo Svevo
La coscienza di Zeno, La rigenerazione, Racconti e altri testi
Scritti su Joyce
L' assassinio di via Belpoggio
Conciencia De Zeno
Una vita
Romanzi : Una vita; Senilità; La conscienza di Zeno
Lettere alla moglie [di] Italo Svevo
As a man grows older
Vino generoso
Commedie [di] Italo Svevo [pseud.]
Romanzi e continuazioni
La coscienza di Zeno
The nice old man and the pretty girl and other stories
Del piacere e del vizio di fumare
Un marito
Una vita
La coscienza di Zeno
Una burla riuscita
Italo Svevo
Die Novelle vom guten alten Herrn und vom schönen Mädchen
La tribù e altri racconti inattesi
Die Kunst, sich das Rauchen nicht abzugewöhnen
Una burla riuscita
Corto viaggio sentimentale
Vino generoso e altri racconti
As a man grows older
James Joyce
La conscience de Zeno
Further confessions of Zeno
La novella del buon vecchio e della bella fanciulla
Ulysse est né à Trieste
Short sentimental journey and other stories
Mein Müssiggang
La coscienza di Zeno
James Joyce
Una burla riuscita
Confessions of Zeno
Masaʻ senṭimenṭali ḳatsar
As a man grow older
Corto viaggio sentimentale
Further confessions of Zena
James Joyce by Italo Svevo
I racconti
Italo Svevo
Scritti giornalistici, saggi postumi, appunti sparsi e pagine autobiografiche
L'assassinio di via Belpoggio
Lettere alla moglie [di] Italo Svevo
Gever mizdaḳen
Ein Mann wird jünger
James Joyce
A life
Italo Svevo
La madre
James Joyce
As a man grows older
Opera omnia
È tanto differente quest'Inghilterra--
Opera omnia [di] Italo Svevo
Conscienza Di Zeno