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biologists who wrote biography
Showing 25-32 out of 107 results
Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin (born 1947)

zoologist, academic, activist, biologist

  • Franklin Pierce University, Arizona State University
Thinking in Pictures
Emergence, labeled autistic
The Autistic Brain
Animals make us human
Animals in translation
Way I See It
Developing talents
The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships
Making Animals Happy How To Create The Best Life For Pets And Other Animals
Livestock Handling and Transport
Improving animal welfare
Survey of stunning and handling in federally inspected beef, veal, pork, and sheep slaughter plants
Interpretar a Los Animales
Humane Livestock Handling
Good management practices for animal handling and stunning
Pensar Con Imagenes
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Recommended animal handling guidelines for meat packers
Beef cattle handling and facilities design
Ma vie d'autiste
Atravesando Las Puertas Del Autismo
Ware jiheishō ni umarete
The ADHD-Autism Connection
Jiheishō no sainō kaihatsu
Maria Sibylla Merian
Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717)

entomologist, lepidopterist, botanist, naturalist, painter, illustrator, scientific illustrator, botanical illustrator, graphic artist, artist

New book of flowers
Maria Sibylla Merian, 1647-1717
Metamorphosis insectorum surinamensium
La flora de Indias =
Maria Sibylla Merian
Insects of Surinam =
Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandlung und sonderbare Blumennahrung
Maria Sybilla Meriaen Over de voortteeling en wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaamsche insecten
Insects & flowers
The wondrous transformation of caterpillars
Das kleine Buch der Tropenwunder
Die schönsten Tafeln aus dem grossen Buch der Schmetterlinge und Pflanzen, Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium
Flowers, butterflies, and insects
De Europischen insecten
Insects of Surinam
Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium 1705
Postkarten-Set Maria Sibylla Merian
Der rupsen begin, voedzel en wonderbaare verandering
De Europische insecten.
Schmetterlinge und Leidenschaft
Erucarum ortus, alimentum et paradoxa metamorphosis, in qua origo, pabulum, transformatio ... tempus, locus et proprietates erucarum, vermium, papilionum, phalaenarum, muscarum, aliorumque hujusmodi exsanguium animalculorum exhibentur
Leningrader Aquarelle
Mariæ Sibillæ Merian Dissertatio de generatione et metamorphosibus insectorum Surinamensium
Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandelung und sonderbare Blumen-Nahrung
Over de voortteeling en wonderbaerlyke veranderingen der Surinaamsche insecten
Schmetterlinge, Käfer und andere Insekten
Leningrad watercolours
De Europische insecten
Merian's Antique Botanical Prints
Das Insektenbuch
Erucarum ortus, alimentum et paradoxa metamorphosis
Pierre Galet
Pierre Galet (1921-2019)

ampelographer, botanist

  • University of Montpellier
Une vie au service de la vigne
Grape varieties
A practical ampelography
Cépages et vignobles de France
Précis de viticulture
Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages
Précis d'ampélographie pratique
Les maladies et les parasites de la vigne
Iolo Williams
Iolo Williams (born 1962)

presenter, ornithologist, television presenter, zoologist

  • University of East London
Blwyddyn Iolo
Birds in Wales
Cyfres Cynefin
Early English Watercolours and Some Cognate Drawings by Artists Born Not Later Than 1785
Y Wiwer
Oliver's Birds
Wild Places - Wales' Top 40 Nature Sites
Wild Places Uk
Cynefin Glan y Môr
Blwyddyn Fan Hyn a Fan Draw
Y Fferm
Alister McGrath
Alister McGrath (born 1953)

theologian, educator, church historian, chemist, philosopher, priest, biochemist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
A life of John Calvin
J.I. Packer
The Blackwell Encyclopedia Of Modern Christian Thought
To Know and Serve God
The Blackwell encyclopedia of modern Christian thought
Thomas F. Torrance
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
Emil Brunner
Emil Brunner
Emil Brunner
C. S. Lewis
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
C.S. Lewis
Reformation thought
Christian theology
In the beginning
Science of God
A passion for truth
I believe
Scientific Theology
Iustitia Dei
What Was God Doing on the Cross?
A Brief History of Heaven
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Evangelicalism and the future of Christianity
The Future of Christianity
The Genesis of Doctrine
Explaining your faith
Christianity's dangerous idea
The journey
The genesis of doctrine
The Unknown God
The Intellectual World of C.S. Lewis
The reenchantment of nature
The making of modern German Christology
Christian spirituality
Understanding doctrine
Science & Religion
Theology for Amateurs
Glimpsing the face of God
Surprised by meaning
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation
Beyond the Quiet Time
A Cloud of Witnesses
The renewal of Anglicanism
Roots That Refresh
The Christian theology reader
The J.I. Packer collection
What was God doing on the cross?
Christian theology
Understanding Jesus
The twilight of atheism
The Living God
The enigma of the cross
Reformation Thought
Niv Bible Handbook
The Open Secret
Chosen ones
Reformation thought
Suffering & God
Power religion
History of Apologetics
Darwinism and the divine
Re-Imagining Nature
The Christian Theology Reader
Understanding the Trinity
The foundations of dialogue in science and religion
The passionate intellect
The making of modern German christology, 1750-1990
A fine-tuned universe
Springboard of Faith
Justification by faith
The Complete Topical Guide to the Bible
The Christian Theology Reader
Lion, the Dove, and the Lamb, Revised Edition
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader Set
Darwinism and the Divine
Christian History: An Introduction
The Unknown God
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader
Iustitia Dei
Darkness shall fall
Narrative apologetics
Faith And Creeds A Guide For Study And Devotion
Christian Literature
Luther's theology of the cross
Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Dawkins delusion
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Christianity's Dangerous Idea
Science and religion
The order of things
Christian Theology
The Christian theology reader
Christian Theology Reader
Christian literature
Dawkins' GOD
Spirituality in an age of change
The Dawkins delusion?
Trinitarian Theology of Nature
Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification
Explaining your faith without losing your friends
Mere Discipleship
The mystery of the cross
Historical Theology
Reformation Thought
Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths
Christian Theology, 6e National EPub Inclusive Access
Roots That Refresh
An introduction to Christianity
Lord and Saviour
Making sense of the cross
Christian History
Territories of Human Reason
Why Are We Here?
Open Secret
Jesus Christ
Theology Set
Christian Belief
Understand your Bible from Adam to Zion
Christian Life and Hope
Territories of Human Reason
Why God won't go away
Chosen Ones
Why Is There Suffering?
Order of Things
Re-Imagining Nature
Doubt in perspective
Darkness Shall Fall
Science and the Doctrine of Creation
Spirit of Grace
Historical Theology
Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis
The Hodder dictionary of Bible themes
Studies in doctrine
Inventing the universe
The Futures of evangelicalism
Intellectuals don't need God and other modern myths
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought
Christian Spirituality
NIV Bible Commentary
The big question
Enriching Our Vision of Reality
Knowing Christ
Why god won't go away
Mere apologetics
Mere Apologetics
Brief History of Heaven
Flight of the Outcasts
The Zondervan handbook of Christian beliefs
The Landscape of Faith: An Explorer's Guide to the Christian Creeds
Roman Catholicism
Doing theology for the people of God
Christian History
Scientific Theology : Nature
Christian Theology
The Blackwell companion to Protestantism
The NIV Bible companion
Dawkins' GOD
The Re-enchantment of Nature
NIV Bible Commentary
The spirit of grace
The Christian life and hope
Bridge Building
El Acompañante biblico NVI
The future of Atheism
Historical theology
The enigma of the cross
Dawkins God
Christian Spirituality
The sunnier side of doubt
Passion for the Gospel
Knowing Christ
The Making of Modern German Christology
Arcic II and justification
Chosen ones
NIV Thematic Reference Bible
Evangelical Anglicans
Doing theology for the people of God
Understanding Doctrine
Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith
Journey Through Suffering
Paul de Kruif
Paul de Kruif (1890-1971)


  • University of Michigan
Microbe hunters
Hunger fighters
Men against death
Uomini contro la fame
ha-Loḥamim ba-maṿet
Hunger fighters
Men against death
The male hormone
The sweeping wind
The fight for life
Kaiser wakes the doctors
Why keep them alive?
Our medicine men
Health is wealth
Microbe hunters
Activities of the National foundation for infantile paralysis in the field of virus research
Kinder rufen nach uns!
A man against insanity
Toward a healthy America
Seven iron men
Gesundheit ist wohlstand
Männer die den Tod besiegen
Hunger fighters
Cazadores de microbios
Tsayade ha-ḥaydaḳim
Mikrop avcĭlarĭ
The fight for life
Otto Schmeil
Otto Schmeil (1860-1943)

botanist, zoologist, carcinologist, biologist, pedagogue

  • Leipzig University
Leben und Werk eines Biologen
Text-book of zoology
Pflanzen der Heimat
Lehrbuch der Botanik für höhere Lehranstalten und die Hand des Lehrers
Text-book of zoology
Leitfaden der Botanik
Leitfaden der Botanik
Grundriss der Naturgeschichte
Leitfaden der Tierkunde
Der mensch
Lehrbuch der Botanik
Lehrbuch der Zoologic
Text-Book of Zoology
Lehrbuch der botanik
Tabellen zum Bestimmen von Pflanzen
Leitfaden der tierkunde
Flora von Deutschland und seinen angrenzenden Gebieten
Flora von Deutschland
Flora von Deutschland und angrenzender Länder.
Deutschlands freilebende Süsswasser-Copepoden
Flora von Deutschland
Der menṭsh
Leitfaden der Botanik
Grundriss der Pflanzenkunde
Daniel Solander
Daniel Solander (1733-1782)

botanist, librarian, naturalist, scientific explorer

  • Uppsala University
Daniel Solander
Banks' florilegium
Captain Cook's florilegium
The natural history of many curious and uncommon zoophytes, collected from the various parts of the globe by the late John Ellis