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biologists who wrote biography
Showing 73-80 out of 107 results
George Gamow
George Gamow (1904-1968)

physicist, inventor, nuclear physicist, cosmologist, biochemist, astronomer, astrophysicist

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Saint Petersburg University, Odesa University
Thirty years that shook physics
Laughing Space
One, two, three ... infinity
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
A star called the sun
The Expert Dreamers
Matter, earth, and sky
Biography of physics
Mr. Tompkins Gets Serious
The birth and death of the sun
Biography of the earth
The New World of Mr Tompkins
Biografia De La Fisica/ Biography of Physics
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
The creation of the universe
One, two, three ... infinity
The great physicists from Galileo to Einstein
Mr Tompkins in paperback
My world line; an informal autobiography
The moon
Cosmology, fusion & other matters
A Star called the sun
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
One, two, three ... infinity
Biography of physics
Mr. Tompkins explores the atom
The creation of the universe
A plan et called earth
Atomic energy in cosmic and human life
The atom and its nucleus
A planet called earth
Matter, earth, and sky
Mr. Tompkins inside himself
Thirty years that shook physics
Dunyamizin hayat hikayesi
Matter, Earth, and sky
Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transformations
Thirty years that shook physics
Biography of the earth
Physics: foundations and frontiers
Physics: foundations and frontiers
The atom and its nucleus
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
the moon
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland; or, Stories of C, G, and H. Illustrated by John Hookham
Atomic energy in cosmic and human life
Jeux mathématiques
Matière, terre et ciel
Mr Tompkins learns the facts of life
Una estrella llamada Sol
Monsieur Tompkins au pays des merveilles
La gravitation
Matter Earth and Sky
Thiry years that shook physics
Biographie de la terre
A star called the Sun
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland or Stories of c, G, and h
Mr Tompkins in Wonderland, or, Stories of c, G, and h
Monsieur Tompkins s'explore lui-même
Der Bau des Atomkerns und die Radioaktivität
Thirty years that shook physics. The story of quantum theory. Illustrations by the author.
Constitution of atomic nuclei and radioactivity
One, two, three ... infinity
Biography of the earth, its past, present, and future
A star called the sun / George Gamow
Geburt und Tod der Sonne
Un, deux, trois...l'infini
One Two Three..
Mr. Tompkins Inside Himself
La creación del universo
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
Matematiska tankelekar
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
Mr. Tompkins explores the atom
The atom and its nucleus
Mr. Tompkins i Droemmeland eller Historien om lille c, store G og lille h
Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transfomations
Matter, earth, and sky
My world line
The birth and death of the sun
Cong yi dao wu qiong da
Di Qiu gu jin tan
Nacimiento y muerte del sol
Mr Tomkins in wonderland
Wu li shi jie qi yu ji
Mr. Tompkins i Droemmeland eller historien om c, G og h
One, two, three ... infinity
Prikl͡iucheni͡ia mistera Tompkinsa
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
Expanding universe and the origin of galaxies
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
Simon Mawer
Simon Mawer (born 1948)

teacher, zoologist, biologist

  • University of Oxford
Gregor Mendel : planting the seeds of genetics
Mendel's dwarf
The gospel of Judas
The Fall
The glass room
Swimming to Ithaca
Gospel of Judas, The
The glass room
The gospel of Judas
The girl who fell from the sky
A jealous God
Mendel's dwarf
The glass room
The Glass Room
Mendels Zwerg
Prague spring
Gregor Mendel
El evangelio de Judas (The Gospel of Judas)
Prague Spring
Le palais de verre
Place in Italy
De val
The girl who fell from the sky
The Bitter Cross
Swimming to Ithaca
The glass room
Karzeł Mendla
Gospel of Judas Hb Book Club
Prague Spring EPub
La chica que cayó del cielo
De glazen kamer
Carl Peter Thunberg
Carl Peter Thunberg (1743-1828)

botanist, explorer, pteridologist, bryologist, zoologist, ornithologist, physician, lepidopterist, mycologist, philosopher, naturalist

  • Uppsala University
Carl Peter Thunberg, 1743-1828
Flora Capensis
Dissertatio entomologia sistens insecta svecica
Insectorum hemelytrorum tria genera illustrata ..
Periculum entomologicum
Dissertatio entomologica de hemipteris maxillosis capensibus ..
Characteres generum insectorum, variis cum adnotationibus
Voyage en Afrique et en Asie, principalement au Japon, pendant les années ..
Inträdes-tal om de mynt-sorter, som i aldre och sednare tider blifvit slagne och varit gångbare uti kejsaredomet Japan
Florula javanica ..
Ixia ..
Dissertatio botanica de palmis ..
Horti upsaliensis plantæ cultæ ab initio sæculi ..
Florula ceilanica ..
Illustratio animalium Sveciae rariorum
Fauna chinensis
Examen classis monoeciae ..
Dissertatio botanica de moraea ..
De galipea cusparia ..
Flora Capensis: sistens plantas promontorii Bonæ Spei Africes : secundum systema sexuale ..
De nutritione plantarum
Anvisning till de svenska pharmaceutiska växternas igenkånnande ..
Afhandling om de wäxter, som i Bibelen omtalas..
Dissertatio botanica de protea ..
Dissertatio de ricino ..
Piper nigrum, dissertatio medica ..
Iris ...
Dissertatio botanica de hermannia ..
Periculum medicum de utilitate plantarum quarandam svecicarum ..
Dissertatio botanica de hydrocotyle ..
Dissertatio botanica de erica ..
Examen classis polygamiae ..
Restio ..
Genera graminum in Scandinavia indigenorum recognita ..
Travels at the Cape of Good Hope, 1772-1775
Dissertatio botanica de dracæna ..
Anteckningar under och i anledning af en resa ifrån Westergöthland til Stockholm, gjord åren 1796 och 1797
Japan Extolled and Decried
Fauna Novæ Hollandiæ ..
Dissertatio entomologica de hemipteris rostatis capensibus
Dissertatio botanica de blæria ..
De myristica ..
De plantis venenatis ..
[Dissertationes Academiae Upsaliensis]
Plantarum japonicarum novae species ..
Dissertatio botanica de erica ...
Travels in Japan and other countries
De arbuto Uva ursi
Flora Japonica
Botanical observations on the flora Japonica
Om inhemske tråd och buskar
Afhandling om de amphibier och fiskar som i Bibelen omtalas ..
Plantarum brasiliensium
Voyage en Afrique et en Asie, principalement au Japon, pendant les années 1770-1779
Flora Capensis
Dissertatio de phylica ..
Arctotis ..
Flora runstneiensis ..
Arbor toxicaria macassariensis ..
Examen classis gynandriæ ..
Flora Capensis
Ficus genus ..
Dissertatio geographiam plantarum cultarum adumbrans ..
Dissertatio entomologica novas insectorum species, sistens : cuius partem primam [-sextam] : Cons. Exper. Facult. Med. Upsal., publice ventilandam exhibent
Nova genera plantarum...
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae
Dissertatio botanica de melanthio ..
Gladiolus ...
Observations in diætam parcam, vulgo svalt-kur
Tal vid invignings acten af den nya akademiska trågården dess orangerie och samlings-salar
Afhandling om de insekter och mask-kräk som i Bibelen omtalas ..
Dissertatio botanica de drosera ..
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae sub praesidio Carol. Petr. Thunberg
Prodromus plantarum Capensium
D.D. Oxalis
Dissertatio botanica de acere ..
An illustration of the species of Lycium which grow wild at the Cape of Good Hope
Opat[r]um insecti genus ..
Flora Capensis
Om håckars plantering till lefvande gårdes-gårdar ..
Caroli Petri Thvnberg ..
Dissertatio de antholyza ..
Fauna cayanensis ...
Beskrifning pa□ svenske djur
De geo urbano dissertatio  botanico-medica ..
A voyage to Japan
Fauna chinesis ..
Dissertationes academicae Vpsaliae habitae svb praesidio Carol. Petr. Thvnberg ...
De scientia botanica utili atque jucunda ..
Flora gothoburgenesis
Observationes in Pharmacopoeam Suecicam
De pipere cubeba ..
Fructificationis partium varietates
Afhandling om de foglar, som i Bibelen omtalas ..
Fauna surinamensis ..
Observationes in cynanchum ..
Verhandeling over de Japansche natie
Le Japon du 18e siècle vu par un botaniste suédois, Ch.-P. Thunberg
Horti upsaliensis plantæ cultæ 1780-1800
Dissertatio de brunia ..
Botanical observations on the flora Japonica
Dissertatio botanica de Gardenia
Description of such species of Chironia as grow wild at the Cape Hope
Om utlåndske tråd
Voyages de C.P. Thunberg, au Japon, par le cap de Beonne-Espérance, les îsles de la Sonde, &c
Dissertatio de usu Menyanthidis trifoliatae ...
Dissertatio de viribus et usu atropae belladonnae ..
The botanical history of the genus Dillenia
Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made between the years 1770 and 1779
De bardana dissertatio pharmacologica ..
D.D. ampelis
Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, Performed Between the Years 1770 and 1779. ... the Second Edition. by Charles Peter Thunberg,
Plantarum brasiliensium
Dissertatio de daphne ..
Resa uti Europa, Africa, Asia
In genus echitis observationes ..
Fauna Americae meridionalis
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae sub praesidio Carol. Petr. Thunberg
Flora Japonica
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae sub praesidio Carol. Petr. Thunberg
[Dissertationes botanicae]
Examen classis diandriæ in systemate sexuali ..
Dissertatio botanica de borbonia ..
Examen classis dioeciae
Travels in Europe, Africa and Asia, made between the years 1770 and 1779
Flora strengnesis ..
De Krameria dissertatio botanico-medica sistens historiam botanicam generis nec non notiones auctorum circa ratanhiam radicem chemicas et medicas
Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia
Voyages de C.P. Thunberg, au Japon, par le cap de Bonne-Espérance, les îles de la Sonde, &c
De nutritione plantarum
Reise durch einen Theil von Europa, Afrika und Asien
Caroli Petri Thunberg...flora iaponica
Le Japon du XVIIIe siècle vu
Dr Thunberg's journal of a voyage to Japan
Afhandling om de djur, som i Bibelen omtalas
Karl Peter Thunbergs Reise durch einen Thiel von Europa, Afrika und Asien, hauptsächlich in Japan, in den Jahren 1770 bis 1779
Florula ceilanica ...
In genus echitis observationes ...
Voyage en Afrique et en Asie
Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae habitae sub praesidio Carol. Petr. Thunberg ...: Petr ..
Speech on the Japanese nation
Edo sanpu zuikōki
Georg Forster
Georg Forster (1754-1794)

explorer, anthropologist, ethnologist, pteridologist, librarian, translator, ornithologist, revolutionary, biologist, botanist, journalist, entomologist, mycologist, autobiographer, naturalist, art historian, geographer, traveler, scientific explorer

  • Saint Peter's School
Entdeckungsreise nach Tahiti und in die Südsee
Cook, der Entdecker
Weltbürger, Europäer, Deutscher, Franke
Kleine Schriften
Building Organization & Procedures
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Ansichten vom Niederrhein, von Brabant, Flandern, Holland, England und Frankreich, im Jahre 1790 ..
Ansichten vom Niederrhein, von Brabant, Flandern, Holland, England und Frankreich: Im April, Mai ..
Construction Site Studies
A voyage round the world
Ansichten vom Niederrhein
A Journey from Bengal to England: Through the Northern Part of India ..
Georg Forsters Werke
Construction Site Study
Georgo Forsterio laiškai iš Vilniaus
Über die Beziehung der Staatskunst auf das Glück der Menschheit und andere Schriften
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest-und Nordost-Kü ste von Amerika und in dem noFrdlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest-und Nordost-Kü ste von Amerika und in dem noFrdlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Im Anblick des großen Rades
Briefe 1790-1791 (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Die Enzymdiagnostik des Herzinfarktes
Revolutionsschriften 1792/93 (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Briefe an Forster (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
A Voyage Round the World (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Sämmtliche Schriften
Kleine Schriften Zu Kunst Und Literatur/Sakontala (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Briefe 1792 Bis 1794 Und Nachtraege (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest-und Nordost-Kü ste von Amerika und in dem noFrdlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Reise Um Die Welt (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Streitschriften Und Fragmente Zur Weltreise (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Briefe 1. Januar 1784-30 - Juni 1787 (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest-und Nordost-Kü ste von Amerika und in dem noFrdlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest-und Nordost-Kü ste von Amerika und in dem noFrdlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Building organisation and procedures
Ausgewählte kleine Schriften
Kleine Schriften Zur Voelker- Und Laenderkunde (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Georg Forsters Werke
Briefe an Ernst Friedrich Hector Falcke
Ansichten vom Niederrhein
Cook der Entdecker
Magnificat V. toni
Ansichten Vom Niederrhein, Von Brabant, Flandern, Holland, England Und Frankreich Im April, Mai Und Junius 1790 (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Reise um die Welt
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Florulae insularum Australium prodromus
Werke in vier Bänden
Johann Georg Forster's Briefwechsel
Philosophische Schriften
Johann Reinhold Forster's ..
Georg Forster's sämmtliche Schriften
Briefe Bis 1783 (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest-und Nordost-Kü ste von Amerika und in dem noFrdlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Ausgewählte kleine Schriften
Sketches of the mythology and customs of the Hindoos
Entdeckungsreisen nach Tahiti und in die Südsee 1771 - 1775
A voyage round the world, in His Britannic Majesty's sloop, Resolution, commanded by Capt. James Cook, during the years 1772, 3, 4, and 5
Georg Forsters Tagebücher
Briefe Juli 1787-1789 (Saemtliche Schriften, Tagebuecher Und Briefe)
Die Kunst und das Zeitalter
Briefe und Tagebücher, von seiner Reise am Niederrhein, in England und Frankreich im Früjahr 1790
Ausgewählte kleine schriften von Georg Forster
Schriften zu Natur, Kunst, Politik
Ansichten vom Niederrhein, von Brabant, Flandern, Holland, England und Frankreich, im April, Mai und Juni 1790
Ausgewählte Schriften
Revolutionsschriften, 1792/93
Ansichten vom Niederrhein, von Brabant, Flandern, Holland, England und Frankreich, im April, Mai und Junius 1790
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest- und Nordost-Küste von Amerika und in dem nor̈dlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Göttingisches magazin der wissenschaften und litteratur
Der Freiheitsbaum
Erinnerungen aus dem Jahr 1790
Florulae insularum Australium
Georgii Forster, medic. doct. sereniss. poloniae regi a consiliis intimis, etc. De plantis esculentis insularum oceani Australis commentatio botanica
Mémoire sur les albatros
Werke in zwei Bänden
Reply to Mr. Wales's Remarks
Werke in vier Bänden
Mowa Jerzego Forstera, wygłoszona 2 lutego 1785 roku w Szkole Głównej Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w Wilnie pt. Limites Historiae naturalis
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Briefe und Tagebücher Georg Forsters von seiner Reise am Niederrhein
Briefe 1790 bis 1791
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest- und Nordost-Küste von Amerika und in dem nor̈dlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Forsters Werke in zwei Ba nden
Kleine Schriften zu Kunst und Literatur
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest- und Nordost-Küste von Amerika und in dem nor̈dlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
A letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Sandwich
Ansichten vom Niederrhein, von Brabant, Flandern, Holland, England und Frankreich, im April, Mai und Juni 1790
Kleine Schriften: Ein Beytrag zur Völker- und Länderkunde, Naturgeschichte und Philosophie des ..
Kleine Schriften zu Philosophie und Zeitgeschichte
Über Leckereyen und andere Essays
Kleine Schriften und Briefe
Briefe bis 1783
Kleine Schriften zur Völker- und Länderkunde
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest- und Nordost-Küste von Amerika und in dem nor̈dlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Reise um die Welt
Ausgewählte kleine Schriften
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest- und Nordost-Küste von Amerika und in dem nor̈dlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Physiognomie eines Revolutionsjahres
Der belgische Aufruhr unter der Regierung Josefs II. (1789-1790)    ...
Werke in vier Bänden
Georg Forsters tagebücher
Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nordwest- und Nordost-Küste von Amerika und in dem nor̈dlichsten Amerika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long u. a. m. unternommen worden sind
Ansichten vom Niederrhein
Philosophische Schriften
Reisebriefe aus den Niederlanden, 1790
Roy Chapman Andrews
Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960)

explorer, paleontologist, zoologist

  • Columbia University, Beloit College
Under a lucky star
Under a lucky star
On the trail of ancient man
Across Mongolian Plains
The new conquest of Central Asia
In the days of the dinosaurs
All about whales
Meet your ancestors
All about strange beasts of the past
Beyond adventure
All about dinosaurs
Whale Hunting With Gun And Camera
Ends of the earth
Whale Hunting with Gun and Camera: A Naturalist's Account of the Modern ..
Nature's ways; how nature takes care of its own
Camps and Trails in China: A Narrative of Exploration, Adventure, and Sport ...
All About Dinosaurs
Marvels & Mysteries of Our Animal World
Camps and Trails in China
Camps and Trails in China
Camps and Trails in China
Central Asiatic Expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History, Under the Leadership of Roy Chapman Andrews : Preliminary Contributions in ... and Zoology 1918-1925
Central Asiatic Expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History, under the Leadership of Roy Chapman Andrews : Preliminary Contributions in Geology, Paleontology, and Zoology 1926-1929
Central Asiatic Expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History, Under the Leadership of Roy Chapman Andrews: Preliminary Contributions in ... and Zoology 1918-1925: 1926-1930].; Volume I
All about dinosaurs
Heart of Asia
Central Asiatic Expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History, under the Leadership of Roy Chapman Andrews : Preliminary Contributions in Geology, Palaeontology, and Zoology 1918-1925
Central Asiatic Expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History, Under the Leadership of Roy Chapman Andrews : Preliminary Contributions in ... and Zoology 1926-1929
Across Mongolian Plains
Whale Hunting With gun and Camera; a Naturalist's Account of the Modern Shore-whaling Industry, of Whales and Their Habits, and of Hunting Experiences in Various Parts of the World
Quest of the Snow
Beyond adventure
Under a lucky star, a lifetime of adventure
Nature's way
Mit Harpune, Büchse und Spaten, ein Forscherleben unsrer Tage
On the Trail of Ancient Man
All about strange beasts of the past
My favorite stories of the great outdoors
An explorer comes home
Quest of the snow leopard
This business of exploring
Camps and Trails in China
Nature's ways; how nature takes care of its own
Meet your ancestors,
An explorer comes home
Exploring with Andrews
Under A Lucky Star - A Lifetime Of Adventure
Quest in the Desert
Nature's way
This amazing planet
Heart of Asia
In The Days Of The Dinosaurs
Whale Hunting With Gun and Camera
Ends of the Earth
All about whales (Allabout books, 8)
Monographs of the Pacific Cetacea
End of the Earth
Across Mongolian Plains
This business of exploring
Quest in the desert
Quest of the Snow
Urga, the sacred city of the living Buddha
Traveling toward Tibet
In the Days of Dinosaurs
The lure of the Mongolian plains
The wilderness of Northern Korea
Peter Christen Asbjørnsen
Peter Christen Asbjørnsen (1812-1885)

marine biologist, forester, collector of fairy tales

Michael Sars
Tre bukkene Bruse
Norske folke-eventyr
Popular tales from the Norse
Fairy tales from the far North
'Round the yule-log
The man who kept house
East of the sun and west of the moon
Norske huldre-eventyr og folkesagn: Fortalt av P. Chr. Asbjörnsen
Round the Yule Log
Norske folke-eventyr
Fornuftigt madstel
Anton Rosing
Folk and fairy tales
Norske folke-og huldre-eventyr i udvalg
Norske huldre-eventyr og folkesagn
Christmas fireside stories
East o' the sun and west o' the moon and other Norwegian fairy tales / [translated by] George Webbe Dasent
Fiabe norvegesi [di] Asbjørnsen e Moe
The Runaway Pancake
Norge fremstillet i tegninger
Væren og grisen som skulle til skogs og bo for seg selv
De tre bukkene Bruse
The fairy world
Tales from the fjeld
A collection of popular tales from the Norse and North German
Round The Yule Log
Los Tres Chivitos Gruff
Norwegian fairy tales
Eventyrjenter med bein i nesa
Veslefrikk med fela og andre eventyr
Reve-enka ; og, Hanen og reven
East o t̕he sun and west o t̕he moon: Norwegian folk tales
Norwegian Folk Tales
Asbjørnsen og Moes beste eventyr
The Billy Goats Gruff
Folke og huldre eventyr
Three billy goats Gruff; and the wolf and the kids
Trois Barbichu Les, Big Bk
Samlede eventyr
Norske folk-eventyr
Eventyr for barn
Tales from the Norse
A Time for Trolls
The Squire's bride
Norse fairy tales
Norwegian Folktales
The lad and the North Wind
Na vostok ot solnt︠s︡a, na zapad ot luny
The Squire's Bride
Norske Folke og Huldreeventyr
Norske folkeeventyr
Norwegian folk tales from the collection of Peter Christen Asbj©ırnsen, Jorgen Moe
Norse fairy tales
Tales from the Field
The three billy goats Gruff
Norwegian Folk Tales
Tales from the fjeld
East of the Sun and West of the Moon
Norwegian Folk Tales, Fairy Tales and Trolls
Eventyrbok for de små
The three billy goats Gruff
Norwegische Volksmärchen
Norwegische Volksmährchen
Tales from the Fjeld: A Second Series of Popular Tales, from the Norse of P ..
Norwegian fairy tales
Norska folksagor och ventyr
I istoria enos kalopsimenou tiganopsomou
100 klassiske eventyr
Skarvene fra Utrøst
Espen ash lad
Northern fairy tales
Norske huldre-eventyr og folkesagn
Fire eventyr
Exhibition of original illustrations by Erik Werenskiold and Th. Kittelsen for the Norwegian folk tales of P. Chr. Asbjörnsen and Jörgen Moe
Erotiske folkeeventyr
Contes de Norvège, tome 1
Norwegian Folk Tales 2 (Welcome to Norway)
Les trois boucs
Norwegian folk tales (Welcome to Norway)
East of the sun & west of the moon
Los Tres Chivitos Gruff/the Three Billy Goats Gruff
Nordische Volks- und Hausmärchen
Tradisjonsinnsamling på 1800-talet
Norwegian folk tales
Al-Jahiz (0775-0868)

philologist, poet, biologist, zoologist, historian

Min Kitāb al-ḥayawān
Sobriety and mirth
Al- Bukhala'
The book of misers
Chance or creation?
Gli avari
Nine essays of al-Jahiz
The life and works of Jāḥiẓ
Kitāb al-ḥayawān
Tria opuscula, auctore Abu Othman Amr ibn Bahr al-Djahiz Basrensi
Abū ʻUthmān al-Jāḥiẓ
Le livre de la couronne
Nawādir al-Jāḥiẓ
Naẓm al-Qurʾān
Le livre des beautés et des antithèses
Hilâfet ordusunun menkibeleri ve Türkler'in faziletleri
Arabische Geisteswelt
The book of the glory of the black race
Al- 'Uthmaniyah
Le livre des beautés et des antithèses, attribué à Abu Othman Amr ibn Bahr al-Djahiz de Basra
Mā lam yunshar min turāth al-Jāḥiẓ
Le livre de la couronne (Kitab el tadj)
Le Kitab at-tarbi' wa-t-tadwir de Ǧahiz
Tria opuscula, auctore Abu Othman Amr ibn Bagr al-Djahiz Basrensi
al- Maḥāsin wa-al-aḍdād
Le Kitāb al-tarbī' wa-l-tadwīr d'al-Ǧāhiẓ
al- Ğahiz
Al- Mahasin wa al-addad
Thalath rasa'il
Hilâfet ordusunun menkibeleri ve Türkler'in fazı̂letleri
Kitāb al-tabaṣṣur bi-al-tijārah
Salwat al-ḥarīf bi-munāẓarat al-Rabīʻ wa-al-Kharīf
Il principe musulmano
Thalāth rasāʼil
Kitāb al-qawl fī al-bighāl
Falsafat al-jidd wa-al-hazl
Risālat al-qiyān
al-Bukhalāʾ ...
al-Bukhalāʼ ...
Al bukhalaa
Kitāb al-buldān
al-Bayān wa-al-tabyīn
al- ʻIbar wa-al-iʻtibār
The life and works of Jāḥiz
Majmūʻat rasāʾil
al-Mukhtār fī al-radd ʻalá al-Nṣārá
Kitab amal al-amil
Pages choisies de Gāhiz
Al- Dalā'il wa-al-i'tibār
al- Maḥāsiṇ wa-al-aḍdād
Le Kitāb at-tarbīʻ wa-t-tadwīr de Ğāḥiẓ
Libro de los avaros
Al- Bayan wa-al-tabyin wa-ahamm al-rasa'il
al-Bayān wa-al-tabyīn
Burṣān wa-al-ʻurjān wa-al-ʻumyān wa-al-ḥūlān
Pages choisies de Ḡaḥiẓ
Majmūʻ rasāʾil al-Jāhiẓ
al-Bayān wa-al-tabyīn
Al- Bayān wa-al-tabyīn
Kitab al-bayan wa al-tabayyun ...
Kitab al-taj
al- Burṣān wa-al-ʻurjān wa-al-ʻumyān wa-al-ḥūlān
Kitāb al-tāj
Kitāb al-bighāl
Hādhā Kitāb al-ḥayawān
Tahdhīb Kitāb al-ḥayawān
Min Kitāb al-Ḥayawān
Kitāb mufākharat al-jawārī wa-al-ghilmān
Kitb̄ al-burṣān wa-al-ʻurjān wa-al-ʻumyān wa-al-ḥawlān
Kniga o skupykh
Kitāb al-qawl fī al-bighāl
El-Cahiz ve Türklerin faziletleri
Kitāb al-Tabaṣṣur bi-al-tijārah
Kitāb al-dalāʾil wa-al-iʻtibār ʻalá al-khalq wa-al-tadbīr
Le livre des beautés et des antithèses, attribué à al-Djahiz, Abou Othman Amr ibn Bahr, de Basra, + A.H. 255 (A.D. 869)
Le Kitāb al-tarbīʻ wa-l-tadwīr da̕l-Ğāh̲iẓ
John Shaw Billings
John Shaw Billings (1838-1913)

librarian, surgeon, statistician, botanist

  • Miami University, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Memoir of Spencer Fullerton Baird, 1823-1887
An autobiographical fragment, 1905
Physiological aspects of the liquor problem
The national medical dictionary
The human bones of the Hemenway collection in the United States Army Medical Museum at Washington
The history and literature of surgery
Ventilation and heating
The principles of ventilation and heating
The composition of expired air and its effects upon animal life
System of surgery
Suggestions to hospital and asylum visitors
Report on the Mortality and Vital Statistics of the United States as Returned at the Tenth ..
The Liquor problem
Report on the insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind in the United States at the eleventh census: 1890
A Century of American medicine, 1776-1876
Public health and municipal government
Hand book of information regarding the routine procedure of the Bureau of Infectious Diseases 1914
Medical bibliography
Medical museums
Ideals of medical education
The Plans and purposes of the Johns Hopkins Hospital: An Address Delivered at the Opening of the ..
Description of the Johns Hopkins Hospital
On a new craniophore for use in making composite photographs of skulls
Hospitals, Dispensaries and Nursing
Selected papers of John Shaw Billings
The Billings microscope collection of the Medical Musem, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
The King's touch for scrofula
Report on vital and social statistics in the United States at the eleventh census, 1890
Selected papers
Report on the mortality and vital statistics of the United States
On composite photography as applied to craniology
Hospital plans, 5 essays relating to the construction, organization, and management of hospitals ...
Medical education
A report on barracks and hospitals
Forms of tables of vital statistics
The cholera epidemic of 1873 in the United States
Some library problems of to-morrow [microform]
American inventions and discoveries in medicine, surgery, and practical sanitation
Scientific men and their duties
Bibliography (preliminary) of the literature on the physiological and pathological effects of alcohol and alcoholic drinks
Medicine in the United States, and its relations to coöperative investigation
Proceedings at the opening of the William Pepper Laboratory of Clinical Medicine, December 4, 1895
The Military medical officer at the opening of the twentieth century
A report on the hygiene of the United States Army
The progress of medicine in the nineteenth century
Bibliography of cholera