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academics who wrote biography
Showing 33-40 out of 1170 results
Alan Deutschman
Alan Deutschman (born 1965)


  • Princeton University
Zhui sui nei xin
The second coming of Steve Jobs
A tale of two valleys
Winning money for college
Change or Die
Change or Die CD
Walk the walk
Das unglaubliche Comeback des Steve Jobs. Blau. Wie er Apple zum zweiten Mal erfand
Das unglaubliche Comeback des Steve Jobs. Orange. Wie er Apple zum zweiten Mal erfand
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Robert F. Barsky
Robert F. Barsky (born 1961)

biographer, literary theorist

  • McGill University, Brandeis University
Noam Chomsky
the Chomsky effect
Arguing and Justifying
Constructing a Productive Other
Undocumented Immigrants in an Era of Arbitrary Law
Introduction à la théorie littéraire
Zellig Harris
The Budapest poems for Yzabelle Martineau
Clamouring for Legal Protection
Götz Aly
Götz Aly (born 1947)

journalist, historian of Modern Age, historian, political scientist

  • Free University Berlin
Im Tunnel
Vordenker der Vernichtung
Cleansing the Fatherland
Hitlers Volksstaat
Die restlose Erfassung
Nationalsozialistische Vernichtungspolitik, 1939–1945
Unser Kampf
Rasse und Klasse
Macht - Geist - Wahn
Europa gegen die Juden
Aktion T4, 1939-1945
Die Belasteten
Warum die Deutschen? Warum die Juden?
Deutsches Reich und Protektorat September 1939–September 1941
Totgeschwiegen 1933-1945
Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden durch das nationalsozialistische Deutschland, 1933-1945
Das letzte Kapitel
Volk ohne Mitte
Sozialpolitik und Judenvernichtung
Das Zentrale Staatsarchiv in Moskau ("Sonderarchiv")
Biedermann und Schreibtischtäter
Volkes Stimme
Menschenverachtung und Opportunismus
Aussonderung und Tod
Der Wert des Menschen: Medizin in Deutschland 1918-1945 (Reihe Deutsche Vergangenheit) (German Edition)
Staatliche, Jugendpelege und Lebensbedürfnisse von Jugendlichen, eine kritische Analyse der Arbeit des Amtes für Jugendpflege (Jug VI) der Abt. Jugend und Sport des Bezirksamts Spandau von Berlin in den Jahren 1972-1977
Bevölkerungsstruktur und Massenmord
Reform und Gewissen
Der Zweite Weltkrieg
Berlin 1937/1947
Wofür wirst du eigentlich bezahlt?
Technik im Griff?
Manning Marable
Manning Marable (1950-2011)

anthropologist, political scientist, historian, sociologist

  • University of Maryland, Earlham College
W.E.B. DuBois, Black radical democrat
Malcolm X
Black Leadership
The Portable Malcolm X Reader
The Autobiography Of Medgar Evers
Beyond Black and White
Race, reform and rebellion
Black American Politics
How capitalism underdeveloped Black America
From the grassroots
Speaking truth to power
Freedom on my mind
The Crisis of Color and Democracy
Black liberation in conservative America
African-American thought
Beyond Boundaries
Let Nobody Turn Us Around
Souls of W. E. B. du Bois
The great wells of democracy
African and Caribbean politics
Barack Obama and African American empowerment
Seeking higher ground
Beyond Race
African-American thought
The new Black renaissance
Race, Politics and Power
Living Black history
Race matters in the new labor movement
Transnational Blackness Navigating The Global Color Line
The New Black Renaissance
Beyond Black and White
Black politics in transition
Black routes to Islam
New social movements in the African diaspora
Black Genders and Sexualities
                Critical Black Studies
Black America
Black America
What Black America Thinks
Dispatches from the ebony tower
Rethinking the seventies
On being black
Race and Labor Matters in the New U.S. Economy
Speaking Truth To Power
Speaking Power to Truth
Black Leadership
Great Wells of Democracy
Souls, Volume II, No. 3
Souls Vol. 1, Bk. 4
Barack Obama and African American Empowerment
The road toward effective Black power
Race, difference, and the historical imagination
Living Black History
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives
Race and Class 39/4: Black Fundamentalism
Souls Vol. 3
Black Routes to Islam
From the Grassroots
Dispatches from the Ebony Tower
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives
New Black Renaissance
Racializing justice, disenfranchising lives
Souls Vol. 1, No. 2
The destruction of black higher education
The fire this time
Toward independent Black politics
Reaganism, racism, and reaction
Through the prism of race and class
The question of genocide
Obama and African American empowerment macmillan
Race, class and conflict
Maurice Stanley Friedman
Maurice Stanley Friedman (1921-2012)

philosopher, religious studies scholar, literary scholar

  • Harvard University, University of Chicago
Encounter on the Narrow Ridge
Martin Buber's life and work
Martin Buber
Touchstones of reality
To deny our nothingness
Abraham Joshua Heschel & Elie Wiesel, you are my witnesses
Dialogue and the human image
Problematic rebel: Melville, Dostoievsky, Kafka, Camus
The hidden human image
Martin Buber and the eternal
Problematic rebel
Worlds of Existentialism
A heart of wisdom
My Friendship With Martin Buber (Judaic Traditions in Literature, Music, & Art (Hardcover))
The Covenant of Peace
The affirming flame
Religion and psychology
The confirmation of otherness, in family, community, and society
The healing dialogue in psychotherapy
A Dialogue With Hasidic Tales
Contemporary psychology
The modern promethean
Searching in the syntax of things
The human way =
Levinas y Buber
Intercultural dialogue and the human image
Abraham Joshua Heschel--Philosopher of Wonder
Martin Buber
Jean Paris
Jean Paris (1921-2003)

academic, translator, literary critic, poet

James Joyce par lui-me me
William Shakespeare in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Shakespeare par lui-même
L' Annonciation
Hamlet et Panurge
Painting and linguistics
Miroirs de Rembrandt. Le sommeil de Vermeer. Le soleil de Van Gogh. Espaces de Cézanne
La Fuite en Egypte
L' atelier Bellini
Rabelais au futur
Anthologie de la poésie nouvelle
Open city
Saint Jérôme
El Espacio y la miranda
Un otage
Univers parallèles
Noctuelles ; suivi de Planctus
L' espace et le regard
La Critique générative
שקספיר בראי יצירתו
La Peinture
William Shakespeare in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Connaissance de Shakespeare
L'Italie changée
Johann Wolfgang Goethe, dramaturge
L'espace et le regard
Teófilo Braga
Teófilo Braga (1843-1924)

anthropologist, politician, playwright, philosopher, poet

  • Law School of the University of Coimbra
Historia da universidade de Coimbra nas suas relações com a instrucção publica portugueza por Theophilo Braga
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Contos fantásticos
Cantos populares do Archipelago açoriano
Floresta de varios romances
Parnaso portuguez moderno
Bocage, sua vida e epoca litteraria
Os doze de Inglaterra
Trovadores galecio-portuguezes
Historia da poesia popular portugueza ..
Historia Da Litteratura Portugueza Introduccao Theoria da Historia Da ..
Historia da poesia moderna em Portugal
Sciencia das religiões
Bernardim Ribeiro e os bucolistas
Romanceiro geral
Gomes Freire, drama historico
Historia do theatro portuguez
O mar tenebroso
Tristão o enamorado
Epopêas da rac̨a mosárabe
Frei Gil de Santarem
Arcadia lusitana
As modernas ideias na litteratura portugueza
Curso de historia da litteratura portugueza
Eschola de Gil Vicente e desenvolvimento do theatro nacional
O povo portuguez nos seus costumes, crenças e tradições
Historia dos quinhentistas
Theoria da historia da litteratura portugueza
Poetas palacianos
Poesia do direito
Folhas verdes
Antologia portugueza
Bibliographia camoniana
Filinto Elysio e os dissidentes da Arcadia ..
Curso de historia da litteratura portugueza, adaptado ás aulas de instrucção secundaria por Theophilo Braga
Introducção e theoria da historia da litteratura portugueza
Camões e o sentimento nacional
Questões de litteratura e arte portugueza
Os centenarios como synthese affectiva nas sociedades modernas
Recapitulação da historia da litteratura portugueza
Romanceiro geral, colligido da tradição
Cancioneiro portuguez da Vaticana: edição critica restituida sobre o texto diplomatico de Halle ...
Systema de sociologia
O velho do Restello
Visão dos tempos
Historia de Camões
Bernardim Ribeiro e o bucolismo
Contos tradicionaes do povo portuguez
Camillo e Camões
História das ideias republicanas em Portugal
Romanceiro geral portuguez
O martyr da inquisição portugueza, Antonio José da Silva (o judeu)
Visãõ dos tempos: versões
Manuel da Historia da litteratura portugueza, desde as suas origens até ao presente
Teófilo Braga e Inocêncio Francisco da Silva
O baptismo das náos, poemeto
História do romantismo em Portugal
Sá de Miranda e a eschola italiana
História da literatura portuguesa
As lendas christãs
Historia das novellas portuguezas de cavalleria
As theocracias litterarias
Centenario da descoberta da America
Tempestades sonoras
Origens poeticas do Christianismo
Solucões positivas da politica portugueza
Tricentenario da publicacão do Don Quixote, 1605-1905
A patria portugueza
Garrett e os dramas romanticos
Miragens seculares
Traços geraes de philosophia positiva, comprovados pelas descobertas scientificas modernas
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Contos tradicionais a-corianos
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Garrett e a sua obra
Estudos da edade media
Historia da litteratura portugueza
O festival de João de Deus, 8-III-1895
Visão Dos Tempos
Cartas inéditas de Teófilo Braga a Wilhelm Storck, conservadas na Biblioteca da Universidade de Münster
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Gil Vicente e as origens do theatro nacional
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Camões, epoca e vida
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Cancioneiro popular portuguez
Garrett e o romantismo
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Questōes de litteratura e arte portugueza
História da literatura portuguesa
Os criticos da Historia da litteratura portugeza
História da literatura portuguesa
Historia Da Universidade de Coimbra Nas Suas Relações Com a Instrucção Publica Portugueza Por Theophilo Braga; Volume 3
Origens poeticas do Christianismo
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Historia da litteratura portugueza
Obras ineditas de José Agostinho de Macedo: Censuras a diversas obras (1824-1829) Composições ..
Discursos sobre a constituição politica da Republica portugueza
Correspondência de Teófilo Braga
George Saintsbury
George Saintsbury (1845-1933)

literary critic

  • University of Oxford, King's College School
A consideration of Thackeray
Sir Walter Scott
George Saintsbury
Jonathan Swift
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe from the earliest texts to the present day
A history of Elizabethan literature
A history of English prose rhythm
The earlier Renaissance
Miscellaneous essays
The flourishing of romance and the rise of allegory
A short history of French literature
The peace of the Augustans
Essays in English literature, 1780-1860
A history of English criticism
Corrected impressions
Prefaces and essays
George Saintsbury : the memorial volume
A history of nineteenth century literature (1780-1895)
Seventeenth century lyrics
Specimens of English prose style
Elizabethan & Jacobean pamphlets
The English novel
Loci critici
A letter book
Political pamphlets ..
Historical manual of English prosody
A first book of English literature
Minor poets of the Caroline period
A history of the French novel (to the close of the 19th century)
Primer of French literature
Notes on a cellar-book
A short history of English literature
Specimens of French literature from Villon to Hugo
Matthew Arnold
Essays on French novelists
A history of nineteenth century literature (1780-1900)
A short history of French literature (from the earliest texts to the close of the nineteenth century)
The historical character of English lyric
Political verse
A history of English prosody from the twelfth century to the present day
The later nineteenth century
The Earl of Derby
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe
Essays on French novelists
A history of English prosody
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe from the earliest texts to the present day
Some recent studies in English prosody
Collected essays and papers, 1875-1920
A letter book, selected with an introduction on the history and art of letterwriting
The Song of Roland
French lyrics
A history of the French novel
Alexander Pope
The flourishing of Romance and rise of allegory
French lyrics selected and annotated by George Saintsbury
A short history of English literature
A Saintsbury miscellany
French lyrics, selected and annotated by George Saintsbury, with illus. by A. Gérardin
Historical manual of English prosody
A scrap book
French literature and its masters
The collected essays and papers of George Saintsbury
The collected essays and papers of George Saintsbury, 1875-1920
Alain René Le Sage, 1668-1747
A history of nineteenth century literature, 1780-1900
A second scrap book
A short history of English literature
A history of English criticism, being the English chapters of A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe
A history of Elizabethan literature
The Grouse
The historical novel
The memorial volume
Tales of mystery
History of 19th century literature, 1780-1900
Noci critici
The historical character of the English lyric
Essays in English literature, 1780-1860
The English novel
A last vintage
A history of ninetheenth century literature (1780-1900)
A golden book
The Song of Roland
Laurence Sterne
French lyrics selected and annotated by George Saintsbury
Essays in English literature, 1780-1860
Minor poets of the Caroline period ...
French lyrics
A history of European literature
Minor poets of the Caroline period
History of criticism, and literary taste in Europe
Seventeenth century lyrics
A history of Elizabethan literature
The song of Roland
Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. --
Political verse...
Historical manual of English prosody
French lyrics
A last scrap book
A short history of French literature (from the earliest texts to the close of the nineteenth century)
Essays in english literature
The English novel
Seventeenth century lyrics
The song of Roland
The historical character of English lyric
A history of English prosody from the twelth century to the present day
A history of English criticism
Seventeenth century lyrics
Political pamphlets ...
The English novel, by George Saintsbury ...
National rhymes of the nursery
A history of the French novel (to the close of the nineteenth century)
The Song of Roland
A short history of English literature
Matthew Arnold
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe form the earliest texts to the present day
Notes on a cellar-book
A short history of French literature
A History of the French novel. ...