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academics who wrote biography
Showing 25-32 out of 1170 results
Peter Gay
Peter Gay (1923-2015)

psychologist, cultural historian, historian, autobiographer

  • University College London, Columbia University
Art and act
Reading Freud
My German question
My German question
Moritz Fröhlich-Morris Gay
A life of learning
A life of learning
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment: an interpretation
The Bourgeois experience
Schnitzler's century
Freud for Historians
The Cultivation of Hatred
Style in history
A Godless Jew
The Tender Passion
Modern Europe to 1815
The dilemma of democratic socialism
Education of the senses
Age of Enlightenment (Great Ages of Man)
Pleasure wars
The Enlightenment; a comprehensive anthology
Weimar culture
Historians at work
Voltaire's politics
Savage Reprisals
A loss of mastery
Voltaire's politics
Weimar culture
Age of enlightenment
The cultivation of hatred
Freud for Historians
Sigmund Freud and Art
The Naked Heart (Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud, Vol. 4)
Freud, Jews and Other Germans
The party of humanity
The bridge of criticism; dialogues among Lucian, Erasmus, and Voltaire on the Enlightenment
Modern Europe
The Enlightenment
My German question
Weimar culture: the outsider as insider
The Enlightenment
Schnitzler's Century The Making Of Middle-class Culture 1815 - 1914
Freud, une vie, tome 2
Why the romantics matter
The Bridge of criticism
The Berlin-Jewish spirit, a dogma in search of some doubts
Freud a Life for Our Time
Historians at work
Age of enlightenment
Pleasure Wars (Bourgeois Experience, Victoria to Freud/Peter Gay, Vol 5)
La edad de las luces
The Cultivation of Hatred (Gay, Peter//Bourgeois Experience)
Schnitzler Y Su Tiempo
The rise of modern paganism
Cultivation of Hatred (The Bourgeois Experience Victoria to Freud, Vol 3)
Freud, une vie, tome 1
The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud Volume 1: Education of the Senses (The Bourgeois Experience : Victoria to Freud, Vol 1)
Age of enlightment
The Naked Heart (Bourgeois Experience, Vol. 4)
Das Zeitalter des Doktor Arthur Schnitzler. Innenansichten des 19. Jahrhunderts
Modern Europe
Pleasure Wars: The Bourgeois Experience
Le siècle des lumières
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Eighteenth century studies
Eighteenth century studies
Kult der Gewalt. Aggression im bürgerlichen Zeitalter
Ein gottloser Jude
Deism; an anthology
An introduction to crystal optics
Experiencia Burguesa I - de Victoria a Freud
Die Macht des Herzens. Das 19. Jahrhundert und die Erforschung des Ich
Style in history
Meine deutsche Frage. Jugend in Berlin 1933 - 1939
Freud. Eine Biographie für unsere Zeit
Naked Heart (The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud, Vol. 4)
Un Judio Sin Dios
The party of humanity
UC Mozart
Ein gottloser Jude
Bürger und Boheme. Kunstkriege des 19. Jahrhunderts
Het modernisme
The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud Volume 2: The Tender Passion (The Bourgeois Experience : Victoria to Freud, Vol II)
A loss of mastery
Modern Europe
Experiencia Burguesa de V. Freud, La
Freud a Life for Our Ti-V2
Freud a Life for Our Ti-V1
Weimar bunka
Enlightenment Science of Freedom
The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud Volume 2
The Enlightenment, an interpretation
Weimar culture
Age of Enlightenment (Great Ages of Man)
Sigmund Freud and art
The bridge of criticism
The dilemma of democratic socialism
Freud, Otra Vez
Pleasure wars
Age of enlightenment
Wolfgang Leppmann
Wolfgang Leppmann (1922-2002)

translator, Germanist, teacher

Gerhart Hauptmann
The German image of Goethe
Die Roaring Twenties
In zwei Welten zu Hause
Peter Nicolaisen
Peter Nicolaisen (1936-2013)

literary scholar, scholar of English

Joseph Conrad
William Faulkner
Pick a Poem. Poetry for Young People. Lernjahr 1 - 6.
Cosmopolitanism and nationhood in the age of Jefferson
Ernest Hemingway, Studien zum Bild der erzählten Welt
Die Bildlichkeit in der Dichtung Edward Taylors
Perspektiven der Interpretation
Thomas Jefferson
Paul Preston
Paul Preston (born 1946)

historian, professor, biographer, Hispanist

  • St Edward's College, Oriel College
We saw Spain Die
Doves of War
Mother father deaf
The Last Stalinist
El gran manipulador
Juan Carlos
Las Tres Españas Del 36
Salvador de Madariaga and the Quest for Liberty in Spain
The Coming of the Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Holocaust
The politics of revenge
La Guerra Civil española
The Republic Besieged
La muerte de Guernica
The Spanish Civil War
La Guerra Civil
The Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
Revolution and War in Spain, 1931-1939
The War without End
The Triumph of Democracy in Spain
Spain and the Great Powers in the Twentieth Century
Spain in crisis
A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War
La guerra civil española
The Popular front in Europe
Spain, the EEC, and NATO
A People Betrayed
Las derechas españolas en el siglo XX
The Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War
Elites and power in twentieth-century Spain
The Spanish Right under the Second Republic
Arquitectos del terror
La destrucción de la democracia en España
Increase profits through more effective motor carrier selling
Historia gráfica de la Guerra Civil
Botxins i repressors
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Politics of Revenge
Leadership strategies for health care managers / Paul Preston
British documents on foreign affairs
British documents on foreign affairs
Last Days of the Spanish Republic
España ante la CEE y la OTAN
De la revolución liberal a la democracia parlamentaria
Juan Carlos
La destrucción de la democracia en España
La Guerra Civil espanyola
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Silencios desde la guerra civil española
Paul Preston's Voyages, Travels and Remarkable Adventures As Related by Himself
Destruction of Guernica
Never More Alive
Fighter Fell in Love
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Josep Massot i Muntaner. El combat per la història
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office Confidential Print, Part 3, From 1940 through 1945: Series G, Africa (5 Volumes)
The Alpine guide, or, The veteran of Marengo
British documents on foreign affairs
La Guerra Civil Española
La guerra civil espanola / A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War
Conscience and Conflict
British documents on foreign affairs
The Princess of Viarna, or, The Spanish Inquisition in the reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth
La política de la venganza
España en la guerra civil europea
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
The count's niece, or, The veteran of Marengo
British documents on foreign affairs
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print
Gernot Wolfram
Gernot Wolfram (born 1975)

journalist, cultural studies scholar, media scholar

  • Free University Berlin
Paul Mühsam, der Widerstand der Wörter
Paul Celan, 1920-1970
Birg Mich - Interkultureller Dialog Und Judische Identitat Bei Paul Celan Und Chajim N. Bialik (Begegnung. Judische Studien)
Exporting Culture
Das Wüstenhaus
Samuels Reise
Kulturmanagement und Europäische Kulturarbeit
Kufstein Congress on Sports and Culture 2009
Der Fremdländer
Der leuchtende Augenblick
W. W. Bartley III
W. W. Bartley III (1934-1990)


  • London School of Economics and Political Science, Harvard University
Werner Erhard
The retreat to commitment
Die Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie
Unfathomed knowledge, unmeasured wealth
Morality and religion
Evolutionary epistemology, rationality, and the sociology of knowledge
Wittgenstein, ein Leben
Lewis Carroll's Symbolic Logic
Emilio Castelar
Emilio Castelar (1832-1899)

politician, historian

  • Universidad Central
Life of Lord Byron
Retratos históricos
Galeria histórica de mujeres célebres
Retratos históricos
Historia de un corazón
Recuerdos de Italia
La hermana de la Caridad
Un año en París
Discurso leido en la Academia Española
La fórmula del progreso
Discursos parlamentarios y politicos en la restauracion
Correspondencia 1868-1898
Defensa de La fórmula del progreso
Un viaje á París durante el establecimento de la República
Recuerdos de Italia
Tragedias de la historia
La Rusia contemporanea
Historia del descubrimiento de América
Semblanzas contemporáneas. 1a ser. 12 tom [in 10]
La civilización en los cinco primeros siglos del cristianismo, lecciones
Préface pour servir à L'Histoire d'un crime de Victor Hugo
La civilizacion en los cinco primeros siglos del cristianismo
Discursos: Pronunciados en el Congreso de Diputados durante los períodos legislativos de 1876 y ..
Discursos y ensayos
Estudios históricos sobre la edad media: Y otros fragmentos
Cuestiones políticas y sociales
La cuestion de Oriente
Discursos parlamentarios de Don Emilio Castelar en la Asamblea Constituyente
Discursos parlamentarios de Emilio Castelar en la Asamblea Constituyente
Europa en el último trienio: Historia contemporánea
Historia del año 1883
La cuestión de Oriente
La politique européenne
Vida de Lord Byron
Discursos políticos de Emilio Castelar: Dentro y fuera del Parlamento en los ..
Old Rome and new Italy
Historia del movimiento republicano en Europa
Miscelànea de historia, de Religion, de arte y de política
Cartas sobre politica europea
Crónica internacional
Europa en el último trienio
El suspiro del Moro: Leyendas, tradiciones, historias referentes a la conquista de Granada
Historia del año 1884
Discoursos y ensayos
Historia de un Corazon
Ricardo, novela
Las guerras de America y Egipto
Discurso leido en la Academia Española
Europa en el último trienio
Rede über die Gewissensfreiheit
Un año en Paris
Castelar y el parlamentarismo decimonónico español
Fra Filippo Lippi
La hermana de la Caridad
Un viaje á París durante el establecimento de la República
Discursos y ensayos
Historia del año 1883
Discursos parlamentarios y politicos en la restauracion
Discursos parlamentarios y politicos en la restauracion
La redención del esclavo
La palabra de Emilio Castelar
Tragedias de la historia
Historia del descubrimiento de América
Rede über Religions-Freiheit
Discursos políticos de Emilio Castelar dentro y fuera del parlamento en los años de 1871 á 1873
Historia de un corazón
Fra Filippo Lippi
El ocaso de la libertad
Catálogo de la biblioteca que fué
L'Europe re publicaine
Vida de Lord Byron
Miscelanea de historia, de religion, de arte y de política
Examen crítico de la obra (y de las ideas) de Menéndez Pelayo
Don Alfonso el sabio, rey de Castilla
Historia del movimiento republicano en Europa
Historia del descubrimiento de América
Ensayos literarios
Discurso pronunciado por d. Emilio Castelar en las Camaras españolas el 21 de diciembre de 1872 al presentar al Gobierno la ley para la abolicion de la esclavitud en las colonias españolas
Discursos parlamentarios
Constitución republicana de 1873
Discursos políticos de Emilio Castelar
Recuerdos de Italia
Discursos parlamentarios en la Asamblea constituyente ...
Discurso pronunciado en contra de la esclavitud
La hermana de la caridad
Discursos parlamentarios de Don Emilio Castelar en la Asamblea Constituyente
Recuerdos y esperanzas
George Plimpton
George Plimpton (1927-2003)

journalist, actor, American football player, television actor, film actor

  • Harvard University, University of Cambridge
Paper Lion
Truman Capote
Open net
Mad ducks and bears
The bogey man
Out of my league
The Writer's chapbook
Paper Lion
Writers at work
Writers at work
Paper lion
One more July
Ernest Shackleton
Shadow Box
Out of My League
Writers at work
Truman Capote
Mad Ducks and Bears
Mad Ducks and Bears
Thanks, George!
Pierre's Book
The Paris Review
The X Factor
The curious case of Sidd Finch
Women Writers at Work
The Harper's index book
The best American sports writing, 1997
Writers at work
The Paris Review Book
Pet peeves, or, Whatever happened to Doctor Rawff?
Home run
The Writer's Chapbook
The rabbit's umbrella
Writers at work
A sports bestiary
The man in the flying lawn chair and other excursions and observations
The best of Plimpton
As Told at the Explorers Club
The rabbit's umbrella
Shadow box
Latin American writers at work
The Norton book of sports
One for the Record
The Paris review anthology
The Paris Review/Issue 134 (Paris Review No. 134)
George Plimpton on Sports (On)
The Best American Short Stories of the Century
Poets at work
The Paris Review # 141 Winter 1996
Paris Review #148
One for the record
Playwrights at work
Writers at work
The Best American Movie Writing 1998 (Serial)
The Paris Review, No 135
Writers at work
Writers at work
Graduation day
Writers at work
Poets at work
As told at the Explorers Club
Bogey Man
The Paris Review
Writers at work
Thec urious case of Sidd Finch
Oakes Ames
Writers at work
The curious case of Sidd Finch
Beat Writers at Work
The Official Olympics Triplecast viewer's guide
Open Net
Writers at work
Playwrights at Work
Introducing the great American novel
Home Run
Writers at work
Home Run (Harvest Original)
Curious Case of Sidd Finch
THE BOGEY MAN [First Edition] 1st
Paris Review
Writers at work
Writers at work
Paper Lion
Writers at work
Encyclopedia of great stories, jokes & anecdotes
Open Net
Writers at work
As Told at the Explorers Club
Paper Lion
Writers at work
Gentlemen Volunteers
Women Writers at Work
Chronicles of courage
Paper Lion
Out of my league
The man in the flying lawn chair and other excursions and observations
As Told at the Explorers Club
Ernest Hemingway
The rabbit's umbrella
Shadow Box
Hank Aaron
Curious Case of S. Finch
As Told at the Explorers Club
Paris Review Guide to Good Writing
Beat writers at work
Go Caroline!
Paper Liion
Gentleman Volunteers
Bogey Man
Paris Review Interviews
Hampton Shorts
American Writers
Breaking 90 with Johnny Miller
Frank Sinatra (LIVES)