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teachers who wrote autobiography
Showing 25-32 out of 88 results
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton (born 1946)

politician, lawyer, diplomat, autobiographer, teacher, statesperson, saxophonist, governor, jurist

  • Walsh School of Foreign Service, University of Oxford
My Life
My life
Back to work
The President is Missing
Putting people first
Health Security
Ripples of Hope
Between hope and history
The Clinton foreign policy reader
Clinton on Clinton
The impeachment and trial of President Clinton
Time Haiti
The President Is Missing: A Novel
My life
Climate change action plan
Preface to the presidency
Mi Vida
Willy Nilly
Reinventing regulation of drugs and medical devices
The new OSHA
Reinventing regulation of drugs made from biotechnology
Back to work
Ma Vie (French edition of "My Life")
Selected speeches of President William Jefferson Clinton
My Life, Part 2
"My friends, amidst all our differences, let us find a new common ground"
Reinventing the regulation of drugs made from biotechnology
National Security Strategy of the United States 1994-1995
My Life, Part 1
Science in the national interest
State of the Union Addresses of William J. Clinton
National Security Strategy 1995-1996
The impeachment and trial of President Clinton
Córka prezydenta
A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement
Fu chu
El presidente ha desaparecido
Reinventing the regulation of cancer drugs
The new SBA
Summary of executive recommendations for the budget, State of Arkansas, fiscal years 1980-1981
Mi vida
Reinventing health care regulations
Technology for America's economic growth
Por uma governanca global democrática
Chemical and Biological Weapons Defense
Public papers of the presidents of the United States, William J. Clinton
Clinton v. New York (1998) (Landmark briefs and arguments of the Supreme Court of the United States)
Mein Leben (German edition of "My Life")
Chemical Weapons Convention
From Red Tape to Results
Health Security Act of 1993
Proceedings of the United States Senate in the impeachment trial of President William Jefferson Clinton
Building the U.S. - Africa Partnership
State Of The Union Addresses
Wo de sheng huo
Federal Financial Management Report, 2000
Weil es um die Menschen geht
Joint Convention On The Safety Of Spent Fuel And Radioactive Waste Management
El pueblo es primero
Zhitʹ otdavai͡a
Economic Report of the President of the United States & the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers 2001
Bill Clinton
Out of Many
U. S. Government Manual, 1994-95
Oral history interview with William J. (Bill) Clinton, June 15, 1974
Convention No. 182 for Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor
Campaign '92: Bill Clinton & Al Gore
A national security strategy for a new century
Mein Leben/my Life
National plan for information systems protection
The President Is Missing: A Novel
President Bill Clinton
Title Not Supplied
Public papers of the presidents of the United States
Statements by President Clinton on the Northern Ireland Peace Process
Photograph and The American Dream, 1840-1940, The
Reinventing Food Regulations
Remarks by the President and Prime Minister Blair upon the Prime Minister's arrival
Text of speeches and press conferences during visit to Britain and Ireland, November 1995
National Security Strategy for a New Century, 1998
Ma vie
Clinton says "peace dividend" needed in Northern Ireland
Comprehensive Readiness Program for Countering Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
The President Is Missing: A Novel
Technology, the engine of economic growth
Blair House Papers
The Climate change action plan
Gershom Scholem
Gershom Scholem (1897-1982)

philosopher, librarian, historian, pedagogue, bibliographer, bibliophile, poet, theologian, Judaic scholar

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Humboldt University of Berlin
Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism
Ursprung und Anfänge der Kabbala
Zur Kabbala und ihrer Symbolik
From Berlin to Jerusalem
On Jews and Judaism in crisis
Walter Benjamin : the story of a friendship
A life in letters, 1914-1982
The Messianic idea in Judaism and other essays on Jewish spirituality
Von der mystischen Gestalt der Gottheit
„…und alles ist Kabbala“
Judaica 1
Es gibt ein Geheimnis in der Welt
Gershom Scholem
Lamentations of Youth
Greetings from Angelus
Shabtai Tsevi
Aux origines religieuses du judaïsme laïque
Devils, Demons and Souls
Über einige Grundbergriffe des Judentums
The Fullness of Time
Sabbatai Ṣevi
ha- Ḳabalah shel Sefer ha-Temunah ṿe-shel Avraham Abulʻafyah
Judaica 2
Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem
On the possibility of Jewish mysticism in our time & other essays
Ra'yon ha-ge'ulah ba-Kabalah
"Der liebe Gott wohnt im Detail" Briefwechsel 1939-1969 : Briefe und Briefwechsel. Band 8
Reshit ha-ḳabalah (1150-1250)
Retsifut u-mered
Judaica 4
Zohar: The Book of Splendor
Mẹḥḳarim u-meḳorot le-toldot ha-Shabtaʻut ṿe-gilguleha
Od davar
Alchemie und Kabbala
ha- Ḳabalah bi-Provans
Walter Benjamin und sein Engel
Meḥḳere Ḳabalah
On the Kabbalah and itssymbolism
Das Buch Bahir
Du frankisme au jacobinisme
Le Nom et les symboles de Dieu dans la mystique juive
Reshit ha-ḳabalah ṿe-sefer ha-Bahir
Mehkere Shabtaut (Kitve Gershom Shalom)
Lenguajes y Cabala / Languages and Kabbalah (Biblioteca De Ensayo / Essay Library)
Avraham Kohen Hirirah, baʻal Shaʻar ha-shamayim
Shedim, ruḥot, u-neshamot
De la création du monde jusqu'à Varsovie
Fidélité et utopie
Kriminologie im Strafprozess: Zur Bedeutung psychologischer, soziologischer und kriminologischer Erkenntnisse für die Strafrechtspraxis (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft) (German Edition)
Walter Benjamin the Story of a Friend
Das Davidschild
Catalogus Codicum Cabbalisticorum Hebraicorum
Frants Rozentsṿaig ṿe-sifro Kokhav ha-geʾulah
Judaica V
Shabtai Tsevi ṿe-Natan ha-ʻAzati
Briefe, 3 Bde., Bd.3, 1971-1982
Ḳabalat ha-Ari
Ha- Ḳabalah be-Geronah
El Misticismo Extraviado
Leḳeṭ margaliyot
Hay Un Misterio En El Mundo
[Ḳovets tadpisim shel maʾamaraṿ ba-Ḳabalah she-nidpesu be-khitve-ʻet shonim.]
Einige kabbalistische Handschriften im Britischen Museum
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-shabtaʾi Rabi Mordekhai Ashkenazi
Mafteḥot le-khitve ha-pulmus ʻEmden-Aibshits
Devarim be-go
ha- Mistorin ha-Yehudi ṿeha-ḳabalah
Walter Benjamin et son ange
Pirḳe-yesod ba-havanat ha-ḳabalah u-semaleha
Conceptos Basicos del Judaismo, Los
Correspondence, 1939 - 1969
ha- Meḳubal Rabi Avraham ben Eliʻezer Haleṿi
Bibliographia Kabbalistica
Osnovnye techenii︠a︡ v evreĭskoĭ mistike
Las Grandes Tendencias de La Mistica Judia
Los Origenes De LA Cabala
ha- Mistorin (ha-misṭiḳah) bikhlal
Jewish gnosticism, Markavah mysticism and Talmudic tradition
Todo Es Cabala
Briefe an Werner Kraft (German Edition)
Studies in mysticism and religion
The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910-1940
Judaica 6
Briefe (German Edition)
Judaica III
Gershom Shalom
Sur Jonas, la lamentation et le judaïsme
ha-Raʻyon ha-meshiḥi be-Yiśraʾel
La cábala y su simbolismo
ha-Shelav ha-aḥaron
Ḳabalot Rabi Yaʻaḳov ṿe-Rabi Yitsḥaḳ bene Rabi Yaʻaḳov Hakhohen
Ḳunṭres eleh shemot
Mi-ḥoḳer li-meḳubal
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-Shabtaʼi R. Mordekhai Ashkenazi
Shirot ṿe-tishbaḥot shel ha-Shabetaʾim
ha-Ḳabalah be-Geronah
De Berlin a Jerusalem
On the Kabbalah and its symbolism
Concetti fondamentali dell'ebraismo
Kabbalistes chrétiens
מגן־דוד: תולדותיו של סמל
Parashat ha-Shabtaʾut
Toldot ha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʼit
Walter Benjamin. Historia de una amistad
Messianic movements after the expulsion from Spain
ha-Meḳubal Rabi Avraham ben Eliʻezer Haleṿi
Kabała i jej symbolika
Shir shel Yiśraʾel Najarah be-fi ha-Shabtaʾim
Masoret ha-berit
Yiśraʾel Sarug-talmid ha-Ari?
[Biḳoret ʻal Ḳaṭalog ḳitve ha-yad shel Ambrozyana be-Milano me-et Ḳarolo Bernhaymer]
Le-ḥeḳer ḳabalat rabi Yitsḥaḳ ha-Kohen
Żydzi i Niemcy
ha-Ḳabalah shel sefer ha-Temunah ṿe-shel Avraham Abulʻafia
Walter Benjamin - Gershom Scholem Mektuplasmalar 1932-1940
Le-aḥar gerush Sefarad
Meḥabro shel ha-maʾamar ha-mezuyaf bi-leshon sefer ha-Zohar
Report of Prof. G. Scholom in his mission to Europe
Mi-Berlin li-Yerushalayim
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-Shabtaʼi Rabi Mordekhai Ashḳenazi
From Frankism to Jacobinism
Kitve Gershom Shalom
Pirḳe-yesod ba-havanat ha-Ḳabalah u-semaleha
Peraḳim le-toldot sifrut ha-ḳabalah
Dr. Yoḥanan Leṿi
קונטרס עלו לשלום
L'idea messianica nell'ebraismo e altri saggi sulla spiritualità ebraica
Shabtai Tsevi ṿeha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʼit bi-yeme ḥayaṿ
On Eduard Morike's Nolten the painter & On Rainer Maria Rilke's The notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Mistycyzm żydowski i jego główne kierunki
Śeride sifro shel Rabi Shem Ṭov Ibn Gaʼon ʻal yesodot torat ha-sefirot
Mi-tokh hirhurim ʻal ḥokhmat Yiśraʾel
Los nombres secretos de Walter Benjamin
Shabtai Tsevi ṿeha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʾit bi-yeme ḥayaṿ
ha-Ḳabalah bi-Provans
שבתי צבי והתנועה השבתאית בימי חייו
The Messianic idea in Judaism
"... und alles ist Kabbala"
גרשם שלום (תרנ״חי־תשמ״ב)
Devarim be-go
Sabbatai Sevi ́
Pirḳe yesod be-havanat ha-ḳabalah u-semaleha
Die Geheimnisse der Schöpfung
Jewish mysticism in the Middle Ages
La kabbale
Das Herz der Kabbala. Jüdische Mystik aus zwei Jahrtausenden.
Annie Ernaux
Annie Ernaux (born 1940)

teacher, film director

  • University of Rouen, University of Bordeaux
Les années
Principles of internal medicine
La femme gelée
La place
Passion simple
Une femme
Journal du dehors
Je ne suis pas sortie de ma nuit
La honte
L' écriture comme un couteau
La Vie extérieure
White Review No. 28
Ce qu'ils disent ou rien
Le jeune homme
Mémoire de fille
Les armoires vides
L' occupation
Regarde les lumières, mon amour
Hôtel Casanova
Écrire la vie
L'autre fille
I Will Write to Avenge My People
Le vrai lieu
Mira las luces, amor mío
Annie Ernaux Boxed Set
Ernaux Collection
L'atelier noir
Wei zhi
Retour à Yvetot
Pasion Femre
Min far & Kvinnan
Pat Conroy
Pat Conroy (1945-2016)

basketball player, teacher

  • The Citadel
The Prince of Tides
My Losing Season
The Great Santini
The Lords of Discipline
South of Broad
Beach Music
The water is wide
The Boo
The WaveDancer Benefit
Prince of tides
Frank Stitt's Southern Table
The Pat Conroy cookbook
The Death of Santini
Beach Music
The great Santini
The water is wide
The Land I'm Bound To
The water is wide
The prince of tides
My Reading Life
The Pat Conroy cookbook
The lords of discipline
Recipes From My Life
Beach music
El Principe de Las Mareas
Prince of the Tides Part 1 of 2
The prince of tides
The Pat Conroy Trade Paperback Boxed Set
Stolz und Ehre
Der große Santini. Bewegendes Familiendrama aus dem amerikanischen Süden
Die Herren Der Insel
Die Herren der Insel. 3 Cassetten. Gekürzte Fassung
Beach Music Part 2 of 2
Le Prince des marées 2
Water is Wide, The
Prince of Tides
Report to the Canadian Congress of Labour on the World Trade Union Conference
Der Gesang des Meeres. Beach Music
The World of Pat Conroy
Le prince des marées
South Of Broad
El príncipe de las mareas
The Great Santini
Música de playa
Southern Living Family Album (In Southern Words)
El primer verano de nuestras vidas
The Lords of Discipline Part 2 of 2
Price of Tides
Prince of Tides (88020/Eighteen Audio Cassettes)
Prince of Tides Part 2 of 2
Beach Music Part 1 of 2
Saison noire
Le prince des marees
Lords of Discipline-V1
Muzyka plaży
The Great Santini (A Novel)
Lords of Discipline-V2
Ken Champion
Ken Champion (born 1934)

teacher, painter and varnisher, graphic designer, bricklayer, poet, reviewer

  • University of East Anglia
Henri Lopès
Henri Lopès (1937-2023)

diplomat, politician, history teacher, poet

  • Sorbonne
Karol Olgierd Borchardt
Karol Olgierd Borchardt (1905-1986)

master mariner, lecturer, soldier, head teacher

  • Vilnius University, The Maritime School in Tczew
Semiya Şimşek
Semiya Şimşek (born 1986)

social pedagogue, pedagogue

  • Fulda University of Applied Sciences