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scientists who wrote autobiography
Showing 57-64 out of 78 results
Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)

philosopher, historian, political scientist, essayist, sociologist, political theorist, resistance fighter

  • Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Marburg
Hannah Arendt
Eichmann in Jerusalem
The Origins of Totalitarianism
The Human Condition
Between past and future
Rahel Varnhagen
Men in dark times
On violence
Essays in understanding, 1930-1954
Between Friends
On revolution
Crises of the Republic
Love and Saint Augustine
The Promise of Politics
Lectures on Kant's political philosophy
The Portable Hannah Arendt
The life of the mind
Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin
The Jewish Writings
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers correspondence, 1926-1969
" Édifier un monde"
Gespräche mit Hannah Arendt
The Jew as pariah
Responsibility and Judgment
Hannah Arendt/Heinrich Blücher
Thinking without a banister
Briefe 1925 bis 1975
Within four walls
The Life of the mind (in 2 vols.)
Vor Antisemitismus ist man nur noch auf dem Monde sicher
--in keinem Besitz verwurzelt
Conferencias Sobre La Filosofia Politica de Kant
Les Origines du totalitarisme, tome 1
Hannah Arendt, Kurt Blumenfeld
Wahrheit und Lüge in der Politik
Les Origines du totalitarisme, tome 2
La Tradicion Oculta
Letters, 1925-1975
Hannah Arendt
Correspondence 1926-1969
Walter Benjamin, Bertolt Brecht
Was ist Politik?
The Life of the Mind (Combined 2 Volumes in 1)
Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Briefwechsel, 1926-1969
Reflections on Literature and Culture (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Que Es La Politica? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo)
Die verborgene Tradition
Bayna al-māḍī wa-al-mustaqbal
Die ungarische Revolution und der totalitäre Imperialismus
Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten
Arendt und Benjamin
Der Briefwechsel 1967-1975
La vida del espiritu
Reflections on literature and culture
Vita activa, ili O dei︠a︡telʹnoĭ zhizni
La disobbedienza civile
Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben
Hannah Arendt - Diario Filosofico - Vol 2
Was ist Existenzphilosophie?
Bayna al-māḍī wa-al-mustaqbal
Origenes del Totalitarismo 3
Qu'est-ce que la politique ?
Ich will verstehen
De La Historia a La Accion
Macht Und Gewalt
Una Revision De La Historia Judia
Una Revision de La Historia Judia y Otros Ensayos
Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik
Revolutionary Russia
Origenes del Totalitarismo 1 - Antisemitismo
La Philosophie de l'existence et autres essais
Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers
Lettere 1925-1975
Im/Ts Kreise
Vies politiques
La última entrevista y otras conversaciones
Diccionario de Derecho Civil   Vol. 1
Vida del Espiritu, La
La crise de la culture
La nature du totalitarisme
Que Es La Politica/What is Politics? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo)
I Anthropini Kalastasi
LA Tradicion Oculta/the Hidden Tradition
Hombres En Tiempos de Oscuridad
Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft
Eichmann en Jerusalén
Freedom to Be Free
Die Freiheit, frei zu sein
Briefwechsel 1926-1969
Denken ohne Geländer
Essays und Kommentare 1. Nach Auschwitz
Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik
Che cos'è la filosofia dell'esistenza?
Rede am 28. September 1959 bei der Entgegennahme des Lessingpreises der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Verdad y mentira en la política - 1. edición
Über das Böse
Origens do totalitarismo
Música para Água Ardente (Portuguese Edition)
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie de l'existence ? Suivi de "L'Existentialisme français"
Participar del món
Between Past and Future
Zwischen Vergangenhei und Zufunft
Istina i laž u politici
Walter Benjamin 1892-1940
Journal de pensée
Vita activa. La condizione umana
Correspondance, 1926-1969
Ensayos de comprensión
Verantwoordelijkheid en oordeel
Considérations morales
Verdade e Política
La condició humana
Briefe 1936-1968
On Lying and Politics
The burden of our time
Denktagebuch. Bd. 1: 1950-1973. Bd. 2
Sobre a Violência
Qualitat Des Lernens Im Internet
Sobre la violència
Sulla rivoluzione
Entre o passado e o futuro - between past and future of the great books of Hannah Arendt in Portuguese
Menschen in finsteren Zeiten
La Promesa De La Politica
Entre el pasado y el futuro
Entre Amigas - Correspondencia
Korzenie totalitaryzmu
OASE 106 : Table Settings
Crises of the Republic
Disput |ber den Totalitarismus: Texte und Briefe (Berichte Und Studien) (German Edition)
Denktagebuch  (2 B ande)
The Modern Challenge to Tradition
On Violence
Zur Zeit. Politische Essays
Escritos judíos
Kant'ın Siyaset Felsefesi Üzerine Dersler
Ich will verstehen
Pensar sem corrimao - Compreender 1953-1975
Life of the Mind
Vom Leben des Geistes. Das Denken / Das Wollen
Crises of the Republic
Insanlik Durumu
Zihnim Yasami; Secme Eserler 9
Über die Revolution
Una revisión de la historia judía y otros ensayos
Wir Juden
Siyasette Yalan
In der Gegenwart. Übungen im politischen Denken 2
Auschwitz et Jérusalem
Eichmann Em Jerusalem
Philosophie contemporaine
Eichmann y el Holocausto
Zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Übungen im politischen Denken 1
Eichmann en Xerusalén
Totalitarizmin Kaynaklari 1 - Antisemitizm
The Life of the Mind (2 vols. Volume I: Thinking, Volume II: Willing)
What Remains
La vie de l'esprit
Totalitarizmin Kaynaklari 2 - Emperyalizm
Fragwürdige Traditionsbestände im politischen Denkender Gegenwart
Das Urteilen. Texte zu Kants politischer Philosophie
LM/Wk Kreise
Hannah Arendt papers
Life of the Mind
La pluralidad del mundo
Im Vertrauen. Briefwechsel 1949 - 1975
Los hombres y el terror
Freedom to Be Free
Set Grote Klassieken – Arendt en Seneca
Siddet Uzerine Secme Eserler 6
Eichmann war von empörender Dummheit
La libertad de ser libres
Eichmann Jerusalemen
Devrim Uzerine
Penser l'événement
Hannah Arendt und Patrizia Nanz über Wahrheit und Politik
Hombres en tiempos de oscuridad
¿Qué es la política?
Crisis De La Republica
El valor de pensar
Kotulugun Siradanligi
La liberté d'être libre
Tiempos presentes
Besuch in Deutschland
Entre amigas
Sur l'antisémitisme :les origines du totalitarisme
Les origines du totalitarisme
Der Liebesbegriff Bei Augustin
Kanto seiji tetsugaku no kōgi
Eichmann in Jerusalem
La mentira en política
Sorumluluk ve Yargı
Wir Flüchtlinge
Sobre la revolución
La promesa de la política / The Promise of Politics
Der Briefwechsel
Diario filosófico 1950-1973
Entre El Pasado Y El Futuro
La vita della mente
"Ich bin Dir halt ein bisschen zu revolutionär"
Eichmann la Ierusalim
Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten
חליפת מכתבים
Ketavim Yehudiyim
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Briefwechsel, 1926-1969
Sechs Essays
Die verborgene Tradition
Skrytai͡a tradit͡sii͡a
Sur l'antisémitisme
Hartsaʼot ʻal ha-filosofyah ha-poliṭit shel Ḳanṭ
Schreib doch mal hard facts über dich
Rahel Varnhagen
Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin
Wie ich einmal ohne Dich leben soll, mag ich mir nicht vorstellen
Eichmann w Jerozolimie
Desobediència civil
Yesodot ha-ṭoṭaliṭariyut
We Refugees
Journal de pensée
Ich selbst, auch ich tanze
Eichmann Jerusalemen
Fritjof Capra
Fritjof Capra (born 1939)

physicist, environmentalist, documentary participant

  • University of Vienna
The science of Leonardo
The Tao of Physics
The turning point
The web of life
The Hidden Connections
Uncommon wisdom
Green politics
Turning Point, The
Learning From Leonardo Decoding The Notebooks Of A Genius
Fritjof Capra in conversation with Michael Toms
Verborgene Zusammenhänge
The Systems View of Life
Belonging to the universe
Le temps du changement
Green Politics
El Punto Crucial
Das Tao der Physik
Green politics
The new vision of reality
El Tao E La Fisica /tao And the Physique
Turning Point (W) Op
Lebensnetz. Ein neues Verständnis der lebendigen Welt
Las Conexiones Ocultas
Wendezeit. Bausteine für ein neues Weltbild
Das neue Denken
Steering business toward sustainability
Tao of Physics, The
Sabiduria Insolita - 2b0 Edicion
Ratus Poche : Francette top secrete
El Tao de La Fisica
Tao de la physique
Einstein and the Buddha
Il Tao della fisica
La botanica di Leonardo
Rivista Bioarchitettura®  - numero 67
Le Tao de la physique
Metaphors of consciousness
Uncommon Wisdom
Wendezeit. Bausteine für ein neues Weltbild. Sonderausgabe
El Punto Crucial
Hope Is an Imperative
Reframing complexity
La scienza della vita
The ecology of law
Belonging to the universe
O Ponto de Mutação
Patterns of Connection
Belonging to the Universe
Metaphors of Conciousness
The Tao of Physics / Tao shizengaku
Verborgene Zusammenhänge
Das neue Denken by Capra, Fritjof
Wertewandel, Demokratie, Gesellschaft
Das Neue Denken
Das Tao der Physik
Yeni Cagin Siradisi Bilgeleri
Synthese. Neue Bausteine für das Weltbild von morgen.
The Edible Schoolyard
Wendezeit im Christentum
Systems View of Life
Learning from Leonardo
La ciencia de Leonardo
Ecology of Law
Hukuk Ekolojisi
ha-Madaʻ shel Leʼonardo
O ponto de mutacao
Der blinde Tanz zur lautlosen Musik
New Age
Patterns of Connection
Alan Lightman
Alan Lightman (born 1948)

physicist, astrophysicist

  • California Institute of Technology, Princeton University
The diagnosis
Einstein's dreams
Dance for two
Good Benito
Great ideas in physics
The Discoveries
Time for the stars
Song of two worlds
A Sense of the Mysterious
The discoveries
Time travel and Papa Joe's pipe
A modern day Yankee in a Connecticut court
Problem book in relativity and gravitation
The Accidental Universe
The best American essays 2000
Ancient light
The Best American Science Writing 2005
Quantum Legacies
Beauty and the Brain
Die Diagnose
Searching for stars on an island in Maine
Probable Impossibilities
Zeit für die Sterne
In praise of wasting time
Screening room
Southern Writers on Writing
Mr G A Novel About The Creation
Living with the Genie
Revealing the universe
Screening Room
Good Benito
Searching for stars on an island in Maine
Ancient Light
Searching for Stars on an Island in Maine
The world is too much with me
Mr g
Song of Two Worlds
Ada and the Galaxies
Mr. g
Yildizlarin Zamani
Good Benito
Los sueños de Einstein
Living with the Genie
Dance for Two
Senhor D.
Bay Tanri
Einstein'in Dusleri
The accidental universe
Shuang ren wu
Những giấc mơ của Einstein
Searching for Stars on an Island in Maine Lib/E
Ta oneira tou Ainstain =
Einstein's Dreams
In Praise of Wasting Time
Revealing the universe
Luz antigua
Aḥlām Aynshtāyin
Three Flames
Timothy Snyder
Timothy Snyder (born 1969)

historian, literary critic, political scientist, academic

  • Brown University, University of Oxford
The Red Prince
On Tyranny
The Road to Unfreedom
Our Malady
Black earth
Thinking the Twentieth Century
The Reconstruction of Nations
Nationalism, Marxism, and modern Central Europe
Sketches from a secret war
Power of the Powerless
Understanding Ukraine
The Wall around the West
The Balkans as Europe, 1821-1914
Journey into the Land of the Zeks and Back
Stalin and Europe
Toward Xenopolis
On Freedom
Getting Lead-Bottomed Administrators Excited about School Library Media Centers
Rėkanstrukt͡syi͡a nat͡syĭ
Inhuman Land
Eddie Dying
Tautų rekonstrukcija
Sobre la tirania
Under Swiss Protection
Peter Schweizer
Peter Schweizer (born 1964)

historian, political scientist

  • University of Oxford, George Washington University
The Bushes
Throw them all out
Do As I Say (Not As I Do)
Clinton cash
Reagan's war
Architects of ruin
Clinton Cash
Friendly spies
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Reagan's war
Reagan's War
Architects of ruin
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Secret Empires
Makers and takers
Secret empires
Der Schutz der Rechtsverwirklichung im anglesächsischen Rechtskreis
Profiles in Corruption
Shepherds, workers, intellectuals
Systematisch Lösungen finden. Ein Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk für Praktiker
Systematisch Lösungen realisieren
Landmark speeches of the American conservative movement
Imago Imperatorum
The Bushes
Secret empires
Les nouveaux espions (Friendly Spies)
The Bushes
Architects of Ruin
Architects of ruin : how big government liberals wrecked the global economy--and how they'll do it again if no one stops them
Victory, czyli, Zwycięstwo
The Bushes
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Siddhartha Mukherjee (born 1970)

essayist, oncologist, academic, scientist

  • Stanford University, University of Oxford
A cancer in the family
The Emperor of All Maladies
The Gene
The Best American Science Writing 2003
The Song of the Cell
The best American science and nature writing 2013
The laws of medicine
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived
Lisa Yuskavage
Process Engineering and Plant Design
In the Sum of the Parts
Science Mind Box Set
The Gene
Thomas Henry Huxley
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895)

biologist, linguist, paleontologist, translator, ichthyologist, zoologist, carcinologist, anatomist, photographer, philosopher, anthropologist, physiologist, naturalist, evolutionary biologist

  • University College London, Charing Cross Hospital
Evolution and ethics
Evidence as to man's place in nature
Science and education
A manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals
The major prose of Thomas Henry Huxley
A course of elementary instruction in practical biology
Method and results
Selections from the essays of Thomas Henry Huxley
Science and Christian tradition
Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews
Lessons in elementary physiology
Science and Hebrew tradition
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 2B --The Victorian Age
Man's place in nature, and other anthropological essays
Science and Christian Tradition: Essays
American addresses
Discourses biological and geological
A Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals
Agnosticism and Christianity, and other essays
Autobiography and Selected Essays
Critiques and addresses
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays
Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy
The crayfish
Autobiography and essays
A course of practical instruction in elementary biology
Science et religion
On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature
Method and Results: Essays
On the physical basis of life
A Library of Universal Literature in Four Parts, Comprising Science, Biography, Fiction and the ..
Les problèmes de la géologie et de la paléontologie
Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
Lectures and Essays
A manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals
Social diseases and worse remedies
Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews: By T.H.Huxley
On the origin of species, or, The causes of the phenomena of organic nature
Physiography: An Introduction to the Study of Nature
Science and culture
An introduction to the classification of animals
Handbuch der Anatomie der Wirbelthiere
Essays upon some controverted questions
Science and culture, and other essays
Lessons in Elementary Physiology
On the Origin of Species, Or, The Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature: A Course of Six ..
The essence of T. H. Huxley: selections from his writings
The oceanic Hydrozoa
Darwiniana: Essays
Selected essays and addresses of Thomas Henry Huxley
Evolution And Ethics
Huxley's autobiography and selected essays from lay sermons
Fish Diseases
Evolution and Ethics
Hume, with helps to the study of Berkeley
Mr. Darwin's critics
Readings from Huxley
Selections from Huxley
On the physical basis of life
Man's Place in Nature (Modern Library Science)
The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley
The elements of physiology and hygiene
The Advance of Science in the Last Half-century
Science and culture and other essays: And Other Essays
On the origin of species
Man's Place in Nature, and Other Anthropological Essays
The scientific memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley
Inaugural Meeting of the Fishery Congress
The Bible and modern criticism
American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology
Collected Essays V4
The crayfish
T. H. Huxley's diary of the voyage of H. M. S. Rattlesnake
The Evolution of Theology
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Essays upon some controverted questions
An introduction to the study of zoology
The crayfish
Evidence As to Man's Place in Nature
Science and culture and other essays
A half-century of science
Readings from Huxley, ed., with introduction
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley 3 Volume Set
Aphorisms and reflections
Darwin and Humboldt
On a piece of chalk
Collected Essays V1
Selections from the essays
An Introduction To The Study Of Zoology Illustrated By The Crayfish
American Addresses, With a Lecture on the Study of Biology
Evidence as to man's place in nature
Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews
A course of practical instruction in elemetary biology
Touchstone for ethics, 1893-1943
Collected Essays of T. H. Huxley
Man's Place in Nature; The Evolution Debate, 1813-1870 (Volume VII)
Aphorisms and reflections from the works of T. H. Huxley
Huxley's Autobiography and Essays
Lectures & lay sermons
Essays - English and American - Volume 28
The Crayfish
Critiques And Addresses
Education and Child Rearing
The Lights of the Church and the Light of Science
On the origin of the species
Evolution and ethics, 1893-1943
Man's place in nature
Lectures and Essays
Lay sermons, addresses and reviews
Select Works Of Thomas H. Huxley
Sir Josiah Mason's Science College
Darwiniana; essays
Science & Education (Essays)
Collected Works of Thomas Henry Huxley
A Course Of Elementary Instruction In Practical Biology
The Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century
Collected Essays Volume V
Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews
Science and Christian tradition
Autobiography And Selected Essays By Thomas Henry Huxley (The Riverside Literature)
Evolution & ethics
Origin of Species
Christianity and agnosticism
On the animals which are most nearly intermediate between birds and reptiles
Lectures on Evolution
Zeugnisse f©·ur die stellung des menschen in der natur
Hume With Helps To The Study Of Berkely
Evolution and Ethics
Collected Essays: Volume 8. Discourses
A manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals
Collected Essays of Thomas Huxley
Christianity And Agnosticism
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays
The Rise Of Progress Of Paleontology
T. H. Huxley on education
A Liberal Education and Where to Find It
Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews
Hasisadra's Adventure
Life and letters of Thomas Huxley
Lessons in elementary physiology
The crocodilian remains found in the Elgin sandstones
Stern [microform]
Collected Essays of Thomas Huxley
Man's Place In Nature And Other Anthropological Essays
Animal automatism, and other essays
Science and Hebrew Tradition Essays
Discourses (Biological and Geological Essays)
Hume, with helps to the study of Berkeley : essays
Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews
Autobiography of Charles Darwin (bound with) Thomas Henry Huxley's Autobiography
Man's place in nature
On The Reception Of The Origin Of Species
On the Method of Zadig
Diary of the voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake
Evolution and Ethics
Evolution and ethics
Autobiography and Selected Essays by Thomas Henry Huxley
The Interpreters of Genesis and the Interpreters of Nature
Almondbank in the Second World War
Mr. Gladstone and Genesis
On the zoological relations of man with the lower animals
[Collected essays. Authorized ed.]
David Hume
On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals
Evidences As To Man's Place In Nature
The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley: Supplementary Volume
Hasisadra's Adventure
Science And Hebrew Tradition (1893)
Collected Essays
Hume, with helps to the study of Berkeley
The advance of science in the last half-century
Charles Darwin: Memorial Notices Reprinted from "Nature."
Exploring the past in the Almond Valley
Essays Upon Some Controverted Questions
                Cambridge Library Collection  Life Sciences
Lectures & lay sermons
Method And Results
Autobiography and Selected Essays
Lectures on Evolution
T.H. Huxley's diary of the voyage of H.M.S. Rattle snake
The crocidilian remains found in the Elgin sandstones
Critiques and Addresses
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley; Volume 3
On the Advisableness of Improving Natural Knowledge
Method and Result
Science & Education
Readings From Huxley, Ed., With Introduction
Lay sermons, addresses and reviews
Man's place in nature and other essays
Origin of Species
Autobiography and Selected Essays
Science and Hebrew Tradition
Science and Culture and Other Essays
Defending Darwin
A Course of elementary instruction in practical biology
Science and Culture and Other Essays
The essence of T.H. Huxley
Collected Essays V9
Man's place in nature
The physical basis of life and lectures on evolution
Hume; with helps to the study of Berkeley
Method and results; essays
Allgemeine Einführung in Die Naturwissenschaften
Science and Christian Tradition
Oceanic Hydrozoa
Selections from the Essays of T. H. Huxley
Collected Essays (1893)
Autobiography and essays by Thomas Henry Huxley (Living literature series)
Advance of Science in the Last Half Century
The scientific memoirs  Supplementary volume
Science and culture
Evolution and ethics, 1893-1943
The scientific memories of Thomas Henry Huxley
Science & education, essays
Discourses : biological & geological : essays
De l'application des lois de l'évolution à la classification des vertébrés
Essays, ethical and political
Collected Essays; Volume 6
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays
A liberal education
Science & Education
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley; Volume 1
Man's Place in Nature 1863
Thomas H. Huxley
Critiques and Addresses
Critiques and Addresses
L' accueil fait à l'"Origine des expèces"
Collected essays (1893-1894)
Selections from the essays of Thomas Henry Huxley
Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
Man's Place in Nature
Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and Development of the Brain in Man and Apes
Collected Essays V5
A Critical Examination of the Position of Mr. Darwin's Work, "On the Origin of Species"
On The Origin Of Species
Evolution and Ethics
T. H. Huxley's diary of the voyage of H. M. S. Rattlesnake
Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals
Evolution and ethics and other essays. by Thomas H. Huxley.
Collected Essays; Volume V
Collected Essays V6
On a piece of chalk
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Grundzüge der Anatomie der wirbellosen Thiere
Critiques and addresses
Evolution and Ethics
Origin of Species
Allgemeine Einführung in die Naturwissenschaften
On the agamic reproduction and morphology of Aphis
American Addresses: With a Lecture on the Study of Biology
Man's Place in Nature and Other Anthropological Essays
A manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals
Discources biological and geological
Evidence As to Man's Place in Nature
A Scientific Education
Evolution and Ethics, and Other Essays
Evolution and Ethics
More criticisms on Darwin
Selections from the Essays
Darwiniana : essays
On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature
Grundzüge der Physiologie
De la place de l'homme dans la nature
Hume, with Helps to the Study of Berkeley [electronic Resource]
Lectures and essays
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley, Volume 2
Life And Letters Of Thomas Henry Huxley, Volume 1
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays
Lessons in elementary physiology
Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy... on the classification of animals and the vertebrate skull
Lessons in Elementary Physiology, by Thomas H. Huxley ... ed. for the use of American Schools and Colleges by Frederic S. Lee ..
Touchstone for Ethics
Collected essays
Lectures on Evolution
Evolution and Ethics
Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays
Lay Sermons Addresses and Reviews
Evidence As to Man's Place in Nature
Method and results
A manual of the anatomy of the vertebrated animals
Hume : with Helps to the Study of Berkeley
Collected Essays  Volume
Collected Essays, Volume V Science and Christian Tradition
Evidence as to man's place in nature
Charles Robert Darwin ..
On a piece of chalk
Physiography New Edition
Collected Essays; Volume 6
An elementary atlas of comparative osteology
The Darwinian Hypothesis
The elements of physiology and hygiene
Lectures and Essays
Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century
Science and Hebrew tradition
Autobiography and Selected Essays
Technical education and other essays
Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century
Christianity and agnosticism
Review of Hume and Huxley on Miracles
Aphorisms and Reflections from the works of T. H. Huxley
An introduction to the classification of animals
Evolution and ethics and other essays
Lessons in Elementary Physiology
Lectures on Evolution
Aphorisms and Reflections
Éléments d'anatomie comparée des animaux invertébrés
Selected works of Thomas H. Huxley
The Darwinian Hypothesis
On the educational value of the natural history sciences
Notes on the Invertebrata for the use of students of zoology
Science and Christian tradition
Boys and Girls in Biology
Autobiography and Essays
Readings from Huxley
Science and Christian Tradition
Lectures and Essays
Animal automatism and technical education, with other essays
Evolution and ethics, 1893-1943
On the Origin of Species
American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology
Collected Works of Thomas Henry Huxley
American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology
Evidence As to Man's Place in Nature
Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
The Origin of Species
Science and Hebrew Tradition
Lessons in elementary physiology
Figures and descriptions illustrative of British organic remains
Critiques and Addresses
Lectures and Essays
Hume : (English Men of Letters Series)
A Manual Of The Anatomy Of Invertebrated Animals
Autobiography and Selected Essays
Lessons in elementary physiology, by Thomas H. Huxley ... ed. for the use of American schools and colleges by Frederic S. Lee ..
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley; Volume 1
Lessons in elementary physiology
Collected Essays V3
American addresses, with a lecture on the study of biology
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays
Collected Essays; Volume 1
Science and Christian Tradition
Essays upon Some Controverted Questions
Manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals / by Thomas H. Huxley
Darwinian Hypothesis
The essence of T.H. Huxley
Darwiniana Essays -- Volume 02
Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
Aphorisms and Reflections from the Works of T. H. Huxley
Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals [electronic Resource]
American Addresses
Lectures and Essays
Introducción al estudio de las ciencias
Science et religion
Collected Essays : Volume 6, Hume
Aphorisms and reflections ..
Collected Essays; Volume V
Autobiography and Essays
Physiography; an introduction to the study of nature
Essays upon Some Controverted Questions
Possibilities and impossibilities
Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays
Introduction to the Study of Zoology
On the Origin of Species or, the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature
Science and culture, and other essays
Mr. Darwin's Critics
Hume (English men of letters)
T.H. Huxley on education
Address delivered by Professor Huxley, at a meeting held in the Town Hall, Manchester, Nov. 29th, 1887
Man's Place in Nature and Other Anthropological Essays
Evolution Debate 1813-1870
Autobiography and Selected Essays
Evolution and Ethics
Collected essays
Collected Essays - 'Man's Place in Nature' and Other Essays
Essays upon some controverted questions
Collected Essays V2
The Evolution of Theology
Lessons in elementary physiology
Methods and Results Essays
American Addresses with a Lecture on the Study of Biology
Evidence As to Man's Place in Nature
The essence of T. H. Huxley
Collected Essays V7:
Essays upon Some Controverted Questions
Science and Christian Tradition
Collected Essays Volume V
Lectures & Lay Sermons
More criticism on Darwin
Science and Christian Tradition
Further remarks upon the human remains from the Neanderthal
Collected Essays V8
Man's Place in Nature and Other Anthropological Essays
More criticisms on Darwin, and administrative nihilism
Science primers
Method and results. Essays
Evidence As to Man's Place in Nature
Essays upon Some Controverted Questions
Collected Essays : Volume 8, Discourses
Hume, with helps to the study of Berkeley (Collected essays by T.H. Huxley, vol. VI)
Collected Essays 9 Volume Set
Evolution och etik
Critiques and Addresses
Hasisadra's Adventure
William Harvey
On the Origin of Species
The essence of T.H. Huxley
Man's Place in Nature
Discourses Biological and Geological Essays
Evolution & ethics and other essays
Lay Sermons Addresses and Reviews
On the Origin of Species
Critiques and Addresses
Man's Place in Nature
Man's Place in Nature
Science and the Christian tradition
Collected Essays
T. H. Huxley's diary of the voyage of H. M. S. Rattlesnake
Remarks on the classification of the animal kingdom
Man's place in nature; and other anthropological essays
Origin of Species
Discourses biological & geological
American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology
Discourses biological and geological
Tian yan lun
The scientific memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley
On the anatomy and development of Pyrosoma
Lectures and lay sermons
Course of Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology
Animal automatism
Éléments d'anatomie comparée des animaux vertébrés
La lucha por la existencia en la sociedad humana
Man's place in nature and other anthropological essays
Man's place in nature
On a piece of chalk
Prof. Huxley in America
Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews
Science and Christian tradition
Discourses biological and geological
Lay sermons, addresses and reviews
Discourses biological and geological
Yan Fu jiang tian yan lun
Collected essays
Technical education
Method and results : essays
Method and results
Lectures and lay sermons
Science and Christian tradition
Lectures & lay sermons
Science and Hebrew tradition
Method and results
Science and Christian tradition
Method and results
On the origine of species
Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy
An elementary atlas of comparative osteology ...
Hume, with helps to the study of Berkeley
Evolution and ethics and other essays
Evolution and ethics, and other essays
Man's place in nature
Lessons in elementary physiology
More criticisms on Darwin; and, Administrative nihilism
Man's place in nature
Man's place in nature
Lectures addressed to teachers on preparation for obtaining science certificates and the method of teaching a science class
Hume : with helps to the study of Berkeley : essays
An elementary atlas of comparative osteology in twelve plates
Methods and results
Lessons in elementary physiology
Technical education and other essays
Discourses biological and geological
The Scientific Memoirs Of Thomas Henry Huxley V4
Evolution and ethics and other essays
Scientific memoirs
Science and Christian tradition
Hexuli tian yan lun
American addresses
Darwin and Humboldt: their lives and work
Hume, with Helps to the study of Berkeley
Upon animal individuality
Science and culture
Science and Hebrew tradition
Science and Christian tradition
Hume, with Helps to the study of Berkeley
Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews
Evidence as to man's place in nature
The elements of physiology and hygiene
Science and Christian tradition
Man's place in nature
Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews
Aphorisms and reflections from the works of T.H. Huxley
Lectures and essays
Evolution and ethics and other essays
Evolution and ethics and other essays
Essays upon some controverted questions
On the theory of the vertebrate skull
Man's place in nature
Essays upon some controverted questions
Essays, ethical and political
Scientific memoirs
On the ethnology and archaeology of North America
On the physical basis of life
On the geographical distribution of the modifications of mankind
Lessons in elementary physiology
Half hours with modern scientists
Discourses: biological & geological
Reden und Aufsätze naturwissenschaftlichen, pädagogischen und philosophischen Inhalts
The Priestley memorial at Birmingham, August, 1874
Soziale essays
A manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals
Method and results
Essays upon some controverted questions
A manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals
The crayfish
Charles Darwin
Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Methods and results
Address delivered by Professor Huxley, F.R.S., at a meeting held in the town hall, Manchester, Nov. 29th, 1887
On the ethnology of Britain
50 Great Americans
Lessons in elementary physiology
Lessons in elementary physiology
Method and results
Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Xian dai sui bi ji
Man's place in nature ; and a supplementary essay
Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science
Readings from Huxley
Science and Hebrew tradition
Zeugnisse für die stellung des menschen in der natur
Collected essays, 1893-1894
More criticisms on Darwin, and administrative nihilism
Lessons in elementary physiology
Evidence as to man's place in nature
General address on the connection of the biological sciences with medicine
Christianity And Agnosticism
Man's place in nature and other anthropological essays
Elementos de fisiología é higiene
Review of Charles Darwin's Origin of species
On the physical basis of life
Lay sermons, addresses and reviews
Collected essays
Science and education
Science and Hebrew tradition
On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature
Evolution and ethics
The crayfish
Social diseases and worse remedies
The essence of T. H. Huxley
On the osteology of the genus Glyptodon
Science and Christian tradition
Scientific memoirs
Lessons in elementary physiology
Sensation and the unity of structure of sensiferous organs
Discourses, biological and geological
Discourses biological and geological
C. P. Snow
C. P. Snow (1905-1980)

physicist, politician, literary critic

  • University of Cambridge, University of Leicester
The physicists
The two cultures
The sleep of reason
Death under Sail
In their wisdom
The search
The conscience of the rich
Time of hope
Strangers and brothers
Corridors of power
Last things
The light and the dark
The malcontents
Variety of men
The new men
Trollope, his life and art
The masters
Science and government
A coat of varnish
The state of siege
The realists
Stories from modern Russia
Public affairs
The Two Cultures
C. P. Snow, a spectrum
C.P. Snow: Strangers and Brothers
Strangers and Brothers
Last Things (Strangers and Brothers)
The Masters (Strangers and Brothers)
5 coat of varnish
The New Men (Strangers and Brothers)
Corridors of Power (Strangers and Brothers)
George Passant (Strangers and Brothers)
C.P. Snow
Science and Government
Homecomings (Strangers and Brothers)
The Light and the Dark (Strangers and Brothers)
The Two Cultures
Time of Hope (Strangers and Brothers)
The two cultures and the scientific revolution
Affair (Affair Hre)
The Sleep of Reason (Strangers and Brothers)
Reader's Digest Family Treasury of Great Biographies. Volume II
The Realists: Eight Portraits
Winter's tales
Stories from Modern Russia
Variety of men
Strangers and Brothers, Volume 2 (The Masters, The New Men, Homecoming, and The Affair)
Dve kul'tury
The masters
Appendix to Science and Government
Recent thoughts on the two cultures
The Masters
The Conscience of the Rich
Time of Hope
The Conscience of the Rich (Strangers and Brothers)
Coat of Varnish (Coat of Varnish SL Ppr)
Die zwei Kulturen
Richard Aldington
LIGHT AND THE DARK (Light & Dark Hre)
George Passant
Trollope an Illustrated Biography
George Passant
The Masters
The Masters
The Conscience of the Rich
Strangers and Brothers Vol.3
The search. --
Last things
The Two Cultures and a Second Look, an Expanded Version of the Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution
The search. --
The affair
The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution
The new men
The Masters
Strangers and brothers
The Conscience Of The Rich.
New Men
The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution
The masters; a novel
Variety of Men
Videnskab og stat
Va y Viene - Cuantos Hay..
The light and the dark
Selections from C. P. Snow
The light and the dark
The Masters. Penguin Fiction No. 1089
STRANGERS AND BROTHERS (Strangers & Brothers Hre)
Kinds of excellence
Zeit der Hoffnung
As dúas culturas
New lives for old
Las DOS Culturas
The Conscence of the Rich
Time of Hope, 1st, First Edition
The search
The Affair (Strangers and Brothers) by C.P. Snow (2000-12-08)
Corridors of Power
Corridors of power
Strangers and brothers
C.P. Snow
Strangers and Brothers.
The Light and The Dark
Writers and readers of the Soviet Union
A coat of varnish
Conscience of the Rich by C. P. Snow (1958-06-06)
Les dues cultures
Les dues cultures
Strangers and brothers
The Masters
The Conscience of the Rich
Corridors of Power
The Search by C. P. Snow (1958-12-05)
Variety of Men [By] C. P. Snow
Science And Government - The Godkin Lectures at Harvard University 1960
Les Deux cultures
TIME OF HOPE (Time of Hope Hre)
The New Men
Strangers and Brothers, Volume 3 (Corridors of Power, The Sleep of Reason, Last Things)
Science and Government
The Masters (Masters Hre)
Va y Viene - Lo Contrario de..
Variety of men
The Masters (Penguin)
Les dues cultures
De to kulturer
Mi Gran Libro de Los Colores - Formas-Numero
Variety of men
The Search
The Conscience of the Rich
Masters Snow CP
The Sleep of Reason
Time of Hope. Book on Tape Collector's Edition
The search / by C.P. Snow
Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution
The Search
The conscience of the rich
Last Things by C.P. Snow
A postscript to science and government
Death Under Sail
Iki Kültür
Strangers and Brothers 3 Volume Set
Strangers and Brothers
Science and Government
Time of Hope
The new men
The two cultures and the scientific revolution (The Rede lecture, 1959) (The Rede lecture, 1959)
The Sleep of Reason by C. P. Snow (1968-10-06)
Strangers and Brothers
The Affair
Les dues cultures
Last Things by C. P. Snow (1970-10-22)
Science and government
The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution (#4951)
The light and the dark
Last Things [By] C. P. Snow
The affair / by C.P. Snow
The stage of siege
Va y Viene - Quien Vive Aqui ?
Two Cultures
The Masters
The two cultures; and, A second look
Va y Viene - Colores y Formas
Death under Sail
The sleep of reason (His Strangers and brothers, 10)
Variety of Man
Two Cultures
A postcript to Science and government
The new man
C.P. Snow
Time of hope
The conscience of the rich
The two cultures and the scientific revolution
Variety of men
Richard Aldington
Time of hope
The two cultures: and a second look
The masters
The two cultures
Appendix to Science and government
The light and the dark
The conscience of the rich