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scientists who wrote autobiography
Showing 49-56 out of 78 results
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Doris Kearns Goodwin (born 1943)

journalist, historian, political scientist

  • Harvard University, Colby College
Leadership In Turbulent Times
Team of Rivals
Lyndon Johnson and the American dream
The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys
Wait Till Next Year
No Ordinary Time
The Winchester Reader
Great God Pan
Every four years
Wait Till Next Year Reading Group Guide
No Ordinary Time Reading Group Guide
Leonard Mlodinow
Leonard Mlodinow (born 1954)

physicist, mathematician

  • University of California, Berkeley
Feynman's Rainbow
A Briefer History of Time
The Drunkard's Walk
The Grand Design
The last dinosaur
Stephen Hawking
Euclid's Window
The Upright Thinkers
War of the Worldviews
Stephen Hawking
Titanic Cat
O andar do bêbado
Moyez Gulamhussein Vassanji
Moyez Gulamhussein Vassanji (born 1950)

publisher, physicist

  • University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A Place Within
The in-between world of Vikram Lall
The book of secrets
The assassin's song
Contemporary African Short Stories
Mordecai Richler
No new land
Uhuru Street
The gunny sack
The magic of Saida
The Magic of Saida
A Meeting of streams
Everything There Is
And home was Kariakoo
Elvis, Raja
The assassin's song
World of Wonders
Benedict Anderson
Benedict Anderson (1936-2015)

political scientist, anthropologist, philosopher, historian

  • Eton College, Cornell University
A life beyond the boundaries
Imagined communities
Under Three Flags
The spectre of comparisons
Mythology and the tolerance of the Javanese
The Fate of Rural Hell: Asceticism and Desire in Buddhist Thailand
In the mirror
Language and power
Violence and the State in Suharto's Indonesia
Coming To Terms With The Nation Ethnic Classification In Modern China
Exploration and irony in studies of Siam over forty years
Indonesia Journal
Java in a time of revolution
Indonesia Journal
Pramoedya Ananta Toer and his work
City in Transgression
Culture and politics in Indonesia
Indonesia Journal
Bibliography of Indonesian publications
Mencari demokrasi
Buried Cities
A preliminary analysis of the October 1, 1965
Indonesia - April 1994
In the Mirror
Why counting counts
Mapping the Nation
Buried City
Indonesia Journal
A Preliminary Analysis of the October 1, 1965 Coup in Indonesia
Long-distance nationalism
Java in a Time of Revolution
Spectre of Comparisons
Indonesia - April 2003
Java in a time of revolution
Indonesia Journal - April 2006
Indonesia Journal - October 2007
City in Geography
Imagined communities revisited
Indonesia Journal - April 2007
Life Beyond Boundaries
Some Aspects of Indonesian Politics Under the Japanese Occupation
Xiang xiang de gong tong ti
City in Transgression
City in Geography
Sinirlari Asarak Yasamak - Bir Sosyal Bilimcinin Yasamindan Anilar
Indonesia Journal - April 2008
Buried City, Unearthing Teufelsberg
Indonesia Journal - October 2006
Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia
Indonesia Journal, October 1969, Volume 8
Indonesia - April 2004
Interpreting Indonesian politics
Religion and social ethos in Indonesia
Some aspects of Indonesian politics under the Japanese occupation: 1944-1945
Indonesia - October 2003
Sukarno, Marxisme, dan Bahaya Pemfosilan
Jaron Lanier
Jaron Lanier (born 1960)

computer scientist, composer, programmer, essayist, artificial intelligence researcher, businessperson, philosopher, pianist, visual artist

  • New Mexico State University
Dawn of the new everything
Who Owns the Future?
You are not a gadget
Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now
The Future of Public Space
Truth, Technology and the Visual/Virtual World
Dawn of the New Everything
You are not a gadget
Diez razones para borrar tus redes sociales de inmediato
Dawn of the New Everything: A Journey Through Virtual Reality
10 аргументов удалить все свои аккаунты в социальных сетях
Futuro Es Ahora / Dawn of the New Everything
Dez Argumentos Para Você Deletar Agora Suas Redes Sociais
¿Quién controla el futuro?
Dieci ragioni per cancellare subito i tuoi account social
You are not a gadget
Fate of Power and the Future of Dignity
¿Quién controla el futuro?
Information Is An Alienated Experience
Contra el rebaño digital
Pavel Florensky
Pavel Florensky (1882-1937)

mathematician, inventor, physicist, philosopher, engineer, priest, poet

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow Imperial University
Obretai︠a︡ putʹ
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Beyond vision
La perspective inversée ; L'iconostase et autres écrits sur l'art
Opravdanie Kosmosa
The pillar and ground of the truth
Arest i gibelʹ
Sochinenii͡a︡ v chetyrekh tomakh
Perepiska svi︠a︡shchennika Pavla Aleksandrovicha Florenskogo so svi︠a︡shchennikom Sergiem Nikolaevichem Bulgakovym
Vse dumy -- o vas
Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny
Maloe sobranie sochineniĭ
Analiz prostranstvennosti i vremeni v khudozhestvenno-izobrazitelʹnykh proizvedenii͡a︡kh
Salt of the earth, or, A narrative on the life of the Elder of Gethsemane Skete, Hieromonk Abba Isidore
Izbrannye trudy po iskusstvu
Perepiska svi︠a︡shchennika Pavla Aleksandrovicha Florenskogo i Mikhaila Aleksandrovicha Novoselova
Pawel Florenski
Vse dumy--o vas
La colonna e il fondamento della verità / Pavel Florenskij ; traduzione dal russo di Pietro Modesto ; introduzione di Elémire Zolla
Deti͡a︡m moim
La prospettiva rovesciata e altri scritti
Predpolagaemoe gosudarstvennoe ustroĭstvo v budushchem
Taĭna imeni
Die umgekehrte Perspektive
Iz istorii antichnoĭ filosofii
[Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny
Pavel Florenskiĭ i simvolisty
Le porte regali
Cartas de la prisión y de los campos
Filosofii͡a kulʹta
Werke in zehn Lieferungen
Sobranie chastushek Kostromskoĭ gubernii Nerekhtskogo uezda
Smisao idealizma
[U vodorazdelov mysli
Svi︠a︡shchennoe pereimenovanie
Stolp i utverzhdenīe istiny
Bogoslovskie trudy
U vodorazdelov mysli
Troit︠s︡e-Sergieva lavra
La colonne et le fondement de la vérité
John Tyndall
John Tyndall (1820-1893)

physicist, glaciologist, mountaineer, inventor, philosopher

  • University of Marburg
Faraday as a discoverer
Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection
The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers
Lectures on light
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Fragments of science
New fragments
Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat: A Series of Memoirs Published ..
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Light and Electricity: Notes of Two Courses of Lectures Before the Royal Institution of Great ..
Six Lectures on Light: Delivered in America in 1872-1873
Heat, a mode of motion
Essays on the floating-matter of the air
Light and Electricity: Notes of Two Courses of Lectures Before the Royal ..
The glaciers of the Alps, & Mountaineering in 1861
Sound: A Course of Eight Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain
Fragments of Science: A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action
The glaciers of the Alps
Lectures on Light: Delivered in America in 1872-1873
Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat: A Series ..
Scientific use of the imagination and other essays
New Fragments: By John Tyndall, F. R. S
Address delivered before the British Association assembled at Belfast
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution, 1875-6
Essays on the Floating Matter of the Air: In Relation to Putrefaction and Infection
On radiation
The Forms of Water in Clouds & Rivers, Ice & Glaciers
The Fee for Exaltation
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on Electrical Phenomena and Theories ..
A Library of Universal Literature
Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion: Being a Course of Twelve Lectures Delivered at the Royal ..
The Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers: with thirty-five illus. drawn and ..
Scientific addresses
Select works
The Glaciers of the Alps: Being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an ..
Advancement of science
Mountaineering in 1861
Fragaments of science
The science of sound
Sound: A Course of Eight Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of ..
Heat a mode of motion
Light and electricity
Notes of a course of six lectures (adapted to a juvenile auditory ) on ice, water, vapour, and air
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Fragments of science for unscientific people: A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews
Lectures and essays
Early Mathematics and Physics, books on CD
Fragments of science: a series of detached essays, addresses and reviews
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Professor Tyndall on party politics
Faraday As a Discoverer
Fragments Of Science - Vol II
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
Hours of Exercise in the Alps
Lighthouse illuminants
The forms of water in clouds and rivers
Faraday und seine Entdeckungen
Essays On The Floating Matter Of The Air
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution
Fragments Of Science - Vol I
John Tyndall, natural philosopher, 1820-1893
Lectures addressed to teachers on preparation for obtaining science certificates and the method of teaching a science class
Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion
Heat. A Mode of Motion
Essays On The Use And Limit Of The Imagination In Science
Six Lectures on Light
Address of John Tyndall
The Forms of Water in Clouds And Rivers, Ice And Glaciers
Fragments of Science a Series of Detached Essays, Addresses and Reviews
On the importance of the study of physics as a branch of education for all classes
The authoritarian state
On science and man
Count Rumford
Count Rumford, originator of the Royal Institution
New Fragments
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 2
The Glaciers Of The Alps
On The Study Of Physics
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena andtheories
Fragments of Science
Lessons in electricity
Lessons In Electricity
The case for economic nationalism
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light
Remarks on an article entitled "Energy" in "Good words"
Further researches on the polarity of diamagnetic force
Remarks on the dynamical theory of heat
Antidote to Morisonianism, or, The Way of life, by the Rev. John Kirk, shewn to be the way of death
On the influence of magnetic force on the electric discharge
Experiments on the vibrations of strings
Eleventh Hour
On the physical basis of solar chemistry
Les glaciers et les transformations de l'eau
On some of the eruptive phenomena of Iceland
Comparative view of the cleavage of crystals and slate rocks
On a new series of chemical reactions produced by light
Programme d'un cours en sept leçons sur les phénomènes et les théories électriques
Hours of exercise in the Alps
A record of the scientific work of John Tyndall
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes on a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories... Royal Institution... April 28-June 9 1870
Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Faraday As A Discoverer
Death in the Jordan
The electric light
The Prayer-gauge debate
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
On the scientific use of the imagination
Der Schall
On radiation
Lectures on light, delivered in the United States in 1872-73
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories Tyndall ..
Les microbes
Lessons in elecricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-6
Das Wasser in seinen Formen als Wolken und Flüsse, Eis und Gletscher
On a magnetic experiment
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action, including the question of diamagnetic polarity
Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefacation and infection
On some physical properties of ice
Essays on the Floating-Matter of the Air in Relation to Putrefaction and Infection
On the blue colour of the sky, the polarization of skylight, and on the polarization of light by cloudy matter generally
On radiation through the earth's atmosphere
Miracles and special providences
Death in the Lebanon
The forms of water
Notes on scientific history
A vacation tour in Switerland
Atoms, molecules, and ether waves
Antología de la poesía latinoamericana, 1950-1970
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories, delivered at the Royal Institutionof Great Britain, April 28- June 9, 1867
On the structure and motion of glaciers
Scientific addresses
The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers
The forms of water in clouds [and] rivers, ice [and] glaciers
The beginnings of things, or, Science versus theology
On radiation
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
On the scientific use of the imagination
New fragments
Lessons in electricity
The glaciers of the Alps
Le son
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat
Fragments of science
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science
Tyndall, Huxley and Owen
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Elektrische erscheinungen und theorien
A'erbi de bing he
Address delivered before the British Association assembled at Belfast
Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution, 1875-6
Le son
The culture demanded by modern life
Fermentation and its bearings on the phenomena of disease
La lumière
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories
Six lectures on light delivered in America in 1872-1873
The Prayer-gauge debate
Fragments of science
Fragments of science : a series of detached essays, addresses, and reviews
Further researches on the deportment and vital persistence of putrefactive and infective organisms from a physical point of view
Heat considered as a mode of motion
Six lectures on light : delivered in America in 1872-1873
Light and electricity
Arupusu no tabi yori
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
On radiation
Selected works of John Tyndall
Das Licht
Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action
Lessons in electricity at the Royal Institution, 1875-6
Six lectures on light
Address of John Tyndall, F.R.S.,..., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution, President
Fragments of science for unscientific people
Arupusu kikō
Hours of exercise in the Alps
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869
Heat a mode of motion
Lectures and essays
Fragmente aus den Naturwissenschaften
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 8-June 3, 1869
On the atmosphere as a vehicle of sound
Essays on the floating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection
Scientific memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science, and from foreign journals
On the scientific use of the imagination
Augusto Boal
Augusto Boal (1931-2009)

theatrical director, politician, playwright, scientist, director

  • Columbia University, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Hamlet and the baker's son
Legislative theatre
The rainbow of desire
Jeux pour acteurs et non-acteurs
Teatro del oprimido y otras poéticas políticas
Theatre of the Oppressed
Aesthetics of the  Opressed
Teatro del oprimido
Aqui ninguém é burro!
O teatro como arte marcial
Hamlet e o filho do padeiro
Il teatro degli appressi
O suicida com medo da morte
Técnicas latinoamericanas de teatro popular
Categorías de teatro popular
Theater of the oppressed
Milagre no Brasil
Théâtre de l'opprimé
Theatre of the Oppressed
L'Arc-en-ciel du désir
Ejercicios y juegos para el actor y para el no actor con ganas de decir algo a través del teatro
Teatro del oprimado
Arena conta Tiradentes
Augusto Boal
Coffret "augusto boal" jeux pour acteurs et non acteurs - theatre de l'opprime (coffret 2 vol.)
Stop: C'est magique!
Stop, cést magique!
Il teatro degli oppressi
Teatro legislativo
Aqui ninquen e burro
A deliciosa e sangrenta aventura latina de Jane Spitfire, espiã e mulher sensual!
Tecnicas latinoamericanas de teatro popular
Theater der Unterdrückten
The Sartroville experience
Tres obras de teatro
A estética do oprimido
Teatro de Augusto Boal
Théâtre de l'opprimé
Documents of the theatre of the oppressed
Murro em ponta de faca
Juegos para actores y no actores/ Games for Actors and Non Actors (Artes Escenicas/ Scenic Arts)
Der Regenbogen der Wünsche. Methoden aus Theater und Therapie
O corsário do rei
Teatro de Augusto Boal
Crónicas de nuestra América
A deliciosa e sangrenta aventura latina de Jane Spitfire
Teatro do oprimodo e outras poéticas políticas
A tempestade ; As mulheres de Atenas
3 [i.e. Tres] obras de teatro