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politicians who wrote autobiography
Showing 41-48 out of 223 results
Bruno Le Maire
Bruno Le Maire (born 1969)

politician, diplomat

  • École Normale Supérieure, École nationale d'administration
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1919-1980)

politician, monarch

  • Institut Le Rosey
Answer to history
Mission for my country
The Shah's story
Dīndārī va jahāndārī
Tarjamah-yi Safarnāmah-yi Yūrap Aʻlāḥaz̤rat Shāh-i Īrān
Iran, philosophy behind the revolution
Inqilāb-i sifīd
Iran's foreign policy
Iran's domestic and foreign policy
Shahanshah of Iran on oil
The white revolution of Iran
Pāsukh bih tārīkh
Sukhanān-i Shāhanshāh
Twelve speeches by His Imperial Majesty Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi Aryamehr, Shahanshah of Iran, on ideological basis of Iran's national and international policy
Qānūn va 'adālat az naẓar-i Shāhanshāh-i Īrān
Maʼmūrīyat barā-yi vaṭanam
al- Thawrah al-bayḍāʾ
Mémoires du Chah d'Iran (Mission of my country)  Traduit de l'anglais par Michel Chrestien et Françoise Cousteau
Toward the great civilization
Answer to History
An address to my countrymen
For the establishment of a nuclear-free zone in the region of the Middle East
Bar'guzīdah'ī az nivishtah'hā va sukhanān-i Shāhanshāh Āryāmihr
Den hvide revolution
The white revolution
Riz̤ā Shāh-i Kabīr
Bi-sū-yi tamaddun-i buzurg
Pāsukh bih tārīkh
Ma'mūrīyat barāyi vaṭanam
Ak devrim
A translation of the historic speeches of His Imperial Majesty Shahanshah Aryamehr
Majmū'ah-'i nuṭqhā
Māmūrīyat barā-yi vaṭanam
Muṣāḥabahʹhā-yi maṭbūʻātī dar pīshgāh-i Aʻlāḥaz̤rat Humāyūn Muḥammad Riz̤ā Shāh Pahlavī, Shāhanshāh-i Īrān
Le lion et le soleil
Antonio Alonso Ríos
Antonio Alonso Ríos (1887-1980)

politician, teacher

Monaldo Leopardi
Monaldo Leopardi (1776-1847)

politician, philosopher

La città della filosofia
"Ammonimenti de uno sapiente omo" ed altri pensieri
Lettere inedite di Monaldo Leopardi al figlio Giacomo
Monaldo Leopardi e la cultura marchigiana del suo tempo
Viaggio di Pulcinella
Catechismo filosofico
Autobiografia e Dialoghetti
Composizioni drammatiche del Conte Monaldo Leopardi
Lo stampatore e lo scrivano
Godabarish Mishra
Godabarish Mishra (1886-1956)

politician, poet

  • Ravenshaw College, University of Calcutta
Terenzio Magliano
Terenzio Magliano (1912-1989)

politician, partisan

Nilakantha Das
Nilakantha Das (1884-1967)

politician, autobiographer

  • University of Calcutta
Laxman Mane
Laxman Mane (born 1949)

politician, autobiographer