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politicians who wrote autobiography
Showing 33-40 out of 223 results
Russell Means
Russell Means (1939-2012)

actor, musician, autobiographer, film actor, politician, voice actor, television actor, peace activist, political activist

Charles Gavan Duffy
Charles Gavan Duffy (1816-1903)

journalist, politician, poet

  • St Malachy's College
The ballad poetry of Ireland
The revival of Irish literature
Short life of Thomas Davis, 1840-1846
Young Ireland
My life in two hemispheres
Thomas Davis
A bird's-eye view of Irish history
Short life of Thomas Davis
Conversations with Carlyle
The league of north and south
Distribution of patronage by the Duffy government
Four years of Irish history, 1845-1849
An Australian policy
Policy of the new government
The ballad poetry of Ireland
The revival of Irish literature
The Ballad poetry of Ireland
My life in two hemispheres
Young Ireland
What Irishmen may do for Irish literature
Fausto Bertinotti
Fausto Bertinotti (born 1940)

politician, trade unionist

Luigi Settembrini
Luigi Settembrini (1813-1876)

professor, politician, jurist, literary historian

Protesta del popolo delle due Sicilie
Lettere edite e inedite, 1860-1876
Lezioni di letteratura italiana dettate nell\'Università di Napoli
Ricordanze della mia vita
Made in Italy, 1951-2001
Lezioni di letteratura italiana
Lezioni di letteratura italiana, dettate nell'Università di Napoli
Lettere ad Adelaide Capece Minutolo e a Raffaele Masi
Opuscoli politici editi e inediti (1847-1851)  A cura di Mario Themelly
I neoplatonici
Lezioni de litteratura italiana
Lezioni de litteratura italiana
Lettere dall'ergastolo, a cura di Mario Themelly
Opere scelte
Scritti vari di letteratura
Luigi Settembrini
Il palazzo Como
Le più belle pagine di Luigi Settembrini
Lezioni de litteratura italiana
Lezioni de litteratura italiana
Bipin Chandra Pal
Bipin Chandra Pal (1858-1932)

head teacher, politician, freedom fighter

  • Hindu School, Presidency University
Bengal Vaishnavism
Memories of my life and times
Sattara bat̲asara
Saint Bijayakrishna Goswami
Beginnings of freedom movement in modern India
Sir Ashutosh Mookherjea, a character study
The soul of India
An introduction to the study of Hinduism
Indian nationalism
Swadeshi & Swaraj, the rise of new patriotism
Mrs. Annie Besant; a psychological study
Nationality and Empire
Europe asks
Svargīẏa Aśvinīkumāra Datta
Writings and speeches [by] Bipinchandra Pal
Nabayugera Bāṃlā
The Brahmo Samaj and the battle for swaraj in India
Swaraj, the goal & the way
Mārkiṇe cārimāsa
Character sketches
Sattara bat̲sara
Speeches of Bepin Chandra Pal, delivered at Madras
The soul of India
Indian nationalism; its principles and personalities
Speeches of Bepin Chandra Pal, delivered at Madras
Baṅkima cintā
The new economic menace to India
Memories of my life and times
Studies in the Bengal renaissance
A short account of the life of Raja Ram Mohun Roy
Swadeshi & swaraj
Nirbācita prabandha
Nationality and empire
The soul of India
Nicolas Hulot
Nicolas Hulot (born 1955)

journalist, television presenter, photographer, environmentalist, politician, explorer, radio personality, television producer, ecologist

  • Saint-Jean de Passy, Pierre and Marie Curie University
Sir Fitzroy MacLean, 1st Baronet
Sir Fitzroy MacLean, 1st Baronet (1911-1996)

politician, historian, diplomat, military personnel, soldier

  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
Eastern approaches
A concise history of Scotland
To the back of beyond
Take nine spies
Holy Russia
Bonnie Prince Charlie
Eastern approaches
West Highland tales
Eastern approaches
All the Russias
The isles of the sea and other West Highland tales
Nine lives
Escape to adventure
Portrait of the Soviet Union
To Caucasus, the end of all the earth
Josip Broz Tito
The Battle of Neretva
A person from England, and other travellers
The heretic
A person from England
Udha e Arte
Back to Bokhara
Maclean a Person from England
Josip Broz Tito, a pictorial biography
History of the Scottish Clans
Current Soviet trends
Disputed barricade
A concise history of Scotland
A person from England, and other travellers
A person from England, and other travellers
The heretic
Disputed barricade
Dick Gregory
Dick Gregory (1932-2017)

comedian, social activist, social critic, entrepreneur, athletics competitor, politician, autobiographer, political activist

  • Southern Illinois University Carbondale