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politicians who wrote autobiography
Showing 25-32 out of 223 results
Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott (born 1957)


  • University of Sydney, University of Oxford
Our Common Challenges
Two Nations
The Minimal Monarchy
Saad el-Shazly
Saad el-Shazly (1922-2011)

diplomat, military officer, politician

  • Egyptian Military College
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders (born 1941)


  • University of Chicago, Brooklyn College
Outsider in the House
The speech
Bernie Sanders guide to political revolution
Bernie Sanders
Outsider in the White House
Where we go from here
Absolutely absurd
Bernie Sanders guide to political revolution
Karol Modzelewski
Karol Modzelewski (1937-2019)

historian, politician, trade unionist, medievalist, dissident, political prisoner, science administrator

  • University of Warsaw
Otto von Bismarck
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898)

politician, diplomat, jurist, military officer, volunteer serving one year

  • Plamannsche Erziehungsanstalt, Evangelisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster
Bismarck, the man and the statesman
Gedanken und Erinnerungen
The memoirs
Die Politischen Reden des Fürsten Bismarck
Fürst Bismarck
Bismarckreden, 1847-1895
Bismarck's letters to his wife from the seat of war, 1870-1871
Bismarck's letters to his wife
Kaiser- und Kanzler-briefe: Briefwechsel zwischen Kaiser Wilhelm I. Und Fürst Bismarck
Gedanken und errinerungen
Werke in Auswahl
Vier Reden zur äusseren Politik
Bismarckbriefe 1836-1873
Politische Briefe Bismarcks aus den Jahren 1849-1889
Bismarck's table-talk
The Kaiser vs. Bismarck
Politische briefe Bismarcks aus den jahren 1849-1889
Fürst Bismarck
The Speeches of Count Bismarck in the Upper House and the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament ..
Erinnerung und Gedanke
Briefe Ottos von Bismarck an Schwester und Schwager
Fürst Bismarcks Reden
The love letters of Prince Bismarck
Fürst Bismarck's Briefe an seine Braut und Gattin
The correspondence of William I. and Bismarck
Bismarck und der Staat
Fürst Bismarcks Briefe an seine Braut und Gattin, herausgegeben vom fürsten Herbert Bismarck
Bismarck und Österreich
Prince Bismarck's letters to his wife, his sister, and others
Die Reden gehalten im Reichstag des norddeutschen Bundes nebst den Reden im Abgeordnetenhause über die Einverleibung Schleswig-Holsteins und den Grenzverkehr mit Russland
Was all die dürren Winde nicht erkälten
The love letters of Bismarck
Fürst Bismarcks Briefe an seine Braut und Gattin
Bismarck's speeches and letters
Die politischen berichte des fursten Bismark aus Petersburg und Paris (1859-1862)
Reden Bismarcks nach seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amte
Setzen wir Deutschland in den Sattel
Anhang zu den Gedanken und Erinnerungen
Der Kanzler Otto von Bismarck in seinen Briefen, Reden, Erinnerungen
Otto von Bismarck
Bismarck, die gesammelten Werke
Fürst Bismarck als Redner
Briefe an seine Braut und Gattin
The speeches of Count Bismarck in the Upper house and the Chamber of deputies of the Parliament on January 29, and February 13, 1869
Bismarck und die Revolution
Preussen im Bundestag 1851 bis 1859
Anhang zu den Gedanken und Erinnerungen von Otto Fürst von Bismarck
Fürst von Bismarcks gesammelte Reden
Preussen im Bundestag 1851 bis 1859. Documente der K. Preussischen Bundestags-gesandtschaft ..
New chapters of his autobiography
Gesammelte Werke
The Kaiser Vs. Bismarck
Eine pädagogische studienreise nach Bosnien und der Herzegovina
The correspondence of William I. & Bismarck, with other letters from and to Prince Bismarck
Ich sehe so viel Schönes, leider ohne Dich. Briefe an Johanna
Bismarck, The Man And The Statesman V1
Bismarck auf der Reise durch Ungarn
Bismarck's table-talk. Edited with an introduction and notes
Die politischen Reden
New chapters of Bismarck's autobiography
Die politischen Berichte des Fu rsten Bismarck aus Petersburg und Paris, 1859-1862
Mein Leben
Bismarckbriefe, 1836-1872
Bismarck: the Man and the Statesman
Gedanken und Erinnerungen
Deutscher Staat
Lettres politiques confidentielles de M. de Bismarck, 1851-1858
The memoirs, being the reflections and reminiscences of Otto, Prince von Bismarck
Briefe an seine Gattin aus dem Kriege 1870/71
Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck. Bismarcks Briefwechsel mit dem Minister Freiherrn von Schleinitz 1858 -1861 (German Edition)
Correspondance diplomatique de m. de Bismarck (1851-1859)
Bismarcks Briefwechsel mit dem Minister Freiherrn von Schleinitz, 1858-1861
Reflections and reminiscences
Bismarck's Speeches And Letters
Politische Briefe aus den Jahren 1849-1889
Bismarcks Briefe an den General Leopold v. Gerlach
Bismarck's Table-Talk
New chapters of Bismarck's autobiography
Letters to his wife from the seat of war, 1870-71
Fürst Bismarcks Briefe an seine Braut und Gattin
Bismarcks Staatsrecht
Die reden des grafen von Bismarck-Schönhausen
Fürst Bismarck's gesammelte Reden
Die politischen Reden
Was sagt Bismarck dazu?
Bismarck Gespräche
Politische Briefe aus den Jahren 1849-1889
Bismarck's letters to his wife from the seat of the war 1870-1871
Neue Tischgespräche und Interviews
Erinnerung und Gedanke
Die politischen berichte des fůrsten Bismarck aus Petersburg und Paris (1859-1862)
Gedanken und Erinerrungen
Briefe an seine Baraut und Gattin
Die gesammelten Werke
Kampf um das Reich
Bismarcks politik nach seinen staatsschriften und reden
Preussen im Bundestag 1851 bis 1859: Documente der K. Preuss. Bundestags-gesandtschaft
Ausgewählte reden des fürsten von Bismarck
Mysli i vospominanii︠a︡
Otto von Bismarck - Gesammelte Werke. Neue Friedrichsruher Ausgabe. Abteilung IV - Gedanken und Erinnerungen
Bismarcks briefe an seine gattin aus dem kriege 1870/71
Bismark, Grösse und Grenze seines Reiches, in Selbstzeugnissen und Berichten zon Zeitgenossen
(Bismarcks) Briefe an Schwester und Schwager
The love-letters of Prince Bismarck
On the uses and applications of cavalry in war, from the text of Bismark
Kaiser und Kanzler-Briefe
Die Kunst des Möglichen
Bismarcks Briefe an den General Leopold von Gerlach
Gedanken und Erinnerungen
Die grossen Reden
Fürst Bismarck nach seiner Entlassung: Leben und Politik des Fürsten seit ...
Werke in Auswahl... Jahrhundertausgabe zum 23. September 1862
Memoires et carnet sur la campagne de Russie
(Bismarcks) Briefe an Schwester und Schwager
An Johanna von Bismarck
Selbstzeugnisse zu Bauerntum und Natur
Letters to his wife from the seat of war, 1870-1871
Register zu Fürst Bismarcks Gedanken und Erinnerungen
Briefe an seine Baraut und Gattin
Pervez Musharraf
Pervez Musharraf (1943-2023)

politician, financier, military personnel

  • Forman Christian College, Pakistan Military Academy
In the Line of Fire
Sab se pahle Pākistān
[Press conferences]
President Musharraf's vision for a properous Pakistan and concept of enlightened moderation
Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964)

politician, autobiographer, barrister, trade unionist, freedom fighter

  • City Law School, University of Cambridge
The discovery of India
The Vintage Book of Indian Writing 1947-1997
Jawaharlal Nehru, an autobiography
Letters from a father to his daughter
Glimpses of world history
Jawaharlal Nehru
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Mahatma Gandhi
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Toward freedom
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Nehru on world history
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Jawaharlal Nehru
Toward freedom
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Jawaharial Nehru
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
The  Oxford India Nehru
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 19
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 21
Letters to Chief Ministers 1947-1964: Volume 3
Nehru, the first sixty years
A bunch of old letters
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 20
Independence and after
Letters to Chief Ministers 1947-1964: Volume 4
Dzhavakharlal Neru
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 15
Jawaharlal Nehru, an anthology
Nehru's letters to his sister
Letters to the Chief Ministers 1947-1964: Volume II
The story of the world
China, Spain, and the war
Inside America
Glimpses of World History
Nehru and Sri Lanka
An Autobiography
The unity of India
Speeches that Changed the World
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 23
Jammu and Kashmir 1949-1964
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 17
Before freedom
Years of struggle
Recent essays and writings
The Cripps mission
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 14
An Autobiography
Rūsa kī saira
Letters to chief ministers, 1947-1964
The quintessence of Nehru
Toward freedom
Wit and wisdom of Jawaharlal Nehru
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Letters to Chief Ministers 1947-1964: Volume 5
The unity of India
Wit and wisdom
Nehru and the North-East
Presidential address, Indian National Congress, forty-ninth session, April 1936, Lucknow
Jawaharlalni atmakatha
Jawaharlal Nehru on the Cripps mission
India's Freedom
Military alliances
The Discovery of India.
Points of view
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru on police
Glimpses of world history
Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru on socialism
The question of language
Eighteen months in India, 1936-1937, being further essays and writings
Where are we?
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
India's freedom
Letters for a Nation
India, what next?
Nehru-Jinnah correspondence
Letters to the PCC presidents
India and the world
Presidential address
Nehru-Jinnah correspondence
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Before and after independence
Selected writings
Visit to America
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
The philosophy of Mr. Nehru, as revealed in a series of intimate talks with R.K.Karanjia
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru on world history
The discovery of India
India-China relations
India's spokesman
Merī kahānī
Soviet Russia
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Prime Minister Nehru's visit to U. S. A. November 1961
Nehru, in his own words
Peace and India
The life & speeches of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru
La découverte de l'Inde
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 29
The discovery of India
A modern seer
Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru on communalism
Letters to Chief Ministers 1947-1964: Volume I
Chinese aggression in war and peace
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
The philosophy of Mr. Nehru
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru 1 September31 October 1958
Fascism and empire
What India wants
Nehru on Gandhi
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Asian-African conference, Apr. 18-24, 1955
Jawaharlal Nehru on co-operation
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Jammu and Kashmir 1949-64
The mind of Mr. Nehru
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Eighteen months in India, 1936-1937
India's independence and social revolution
The Discovery of India
The parting of the ways, and the Viceroy-Gandhi correspondence
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru 130 April 1959
                Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru
India on the march
Important speeches
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru 1 May30 June 1959
                Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Hindustāna kī samasyāyeṃ
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series: Volume 16
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
The story of the world
The discovery of India
Don't spare me Shankar
What India wants
Letters to his sister
Nehru on War Danger
Zabān kā masʾalah
China, Spain and the War
Thoughts from Nehru
Report to the All-India Congress Committee
Nehru on World History
Selections from Jawaharlal Nehru
The eight days interlude
An Anthology
Jawaharlal Nehru's speeches
Nehru's letters to his sister, edited, with an introd. by Krishna Nehru Hutheesing
Speeches in Parliament, November 16-December 7, 1956
Indien und die Welt im Umbruch
Report of the national planning Committee, 1938
Turkiye ve Bati Asya Tarihi
Weltgeschichtliche Betrachtungen
Nehru on society, education & culture
Toward freedom; the autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru
O problema de Gôa
Presidential address, All-India States' Peoples' Conference, February 1939, Ludhiana
Prime Minister on Sino-Indian relations
Jawaharlal Nehru's Speeches
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Prime Minister Nehru's letter to Premier Chou En-lai
Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda
Nehru on Ghandi
Jawaharlal Nehru, tribes, and tribal policy
Great Leaders
Jawaharlal Nehru on community development and panchayati raj
The Prime Minister comes to America
Glorious thoughts of Nehru
India-China relations
Toward Freedom the Autobiography of Jawa
A bunch of old letters
Nehru, The First Sixty Years
Mahatma Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru's The discovery of India
A bunch of old letters written mostly to Jawaharlal Nehru and some written by him
Toward freedom;
Report submitted to the All India Congress Committee, Haripura, February 1938
Jawaharlal Nehru
Toward freedom; the autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru
The Unity of India Collected Writings 1937-1940
India and the world
Glimpses of world history
Kashmir, 1947-1956
Jawaharlal Nehru's speeches
India and the world
Letters from a father to his daughter
Jawaharlal Nehru on international co-operation
Correspondence, 1903-47
Mari jivanj katha
Min al-sijn ilā al-ri'āsah
Nehru's Letters to His Sister
Nehru and Africa; extracts from Jawaharlal Nehru's speeches on Africa, 1946-1963
The quintessence of Nehru
Press conference, 1954
Can India Get Togathar [sic!]? Yes - Says Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru .
The quintessence of Nehru.
Jawaharlal Nehru: An autobiography with musings on recent events in India ; illustrations
Dokumente zu einer Freundschaft 1927-1939
Nehru's India
Statements, speeches and writings
Glorious thoughts of Nehru
Āzādī ke satraha kadama
Jawaharlal Nehru, an autobiography;
Toward Freedom Jawaharal Nehru
Independence and after
Nehru flings a challenge
The parting of the ways and the Viceroy-Gandhi correspondence
Congressmen's primer for socialism
On community development
Indian Images
Mahatma Gandhi
An autobiography; with musings on recent events in India
Jawaharlal Nehru
Talks with Nehru
The Emerging world
The first sixty years
Letters from a Father to His Daughter ( [Paperback] JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU
India today and tomorrow
Points of View Some Brief Extracts from Toward Freedom The Autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru1941
The Vision of Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru, legacy and legend
Jawaharlal Nehru, an autobiography
India rediscovered
A bunch of old letters written mostly to Jawaharlal Nehru and some written by him
One nation, one heart
Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru, an autobiography
India and the world
Nehrū abhinandana-grantha
Jawaharlal Nehru on community development, panchayati raj and co-operation
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
India and the world
Report to the All-India Congress Committee
The discovery of India
Neru chasŏjŏn
The immersion of the ashes
מכתבים מבית הכלא
Speeches 1949-1953
Jawaharlal Nehru on Assam
Jawaharlal Nehru, an autobiography
Before and after independence
Recent essays and writings on the future of Indian communalism, labour and other subjects
Visit to America
Jawaharlal Nehru, an autobiography
Glimpses of world history
Congressmen's primer for socialism
Independence and After
Glimpses of world history
Nehru and India's labour movement
Jawaharlal Nehru
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru
Letters to chief ministers
Indian economic thought and development
Bāp ke ḵẖat̤ beṭī ke nām
The quintessence of Nehru
'Who is Bharat Mata?'
Nihelu gei nu er de xin
Selected speeches
Jag bītī
Chŏngŭi ŭi tojŏn
Talāsh-i Hind
Pʻyŏnji ro ingnūn segye yŏksa
Nehru abhinandan granth
Nature and environment
Important speeches of Jawaharlal Nehru
Nihelu zi zhuan
Speeches of Jawaharlal Nehru in America
Selected writings of Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru commemoration volume, 1964
India's quest
Freedom and beyond
Nehru, the first sixty years
Indian economic thought and development
One nation, one heart
Ravābiṭ-i Hind va Īrān va chand as̲ar-i dīgar
Rāshṭrabhāshākā savāla
Nehru and South Africa
Planning and development
Nehru, in his own words
Mahatma Gandhi
The philosophy of Mr. Nehru
India today and tomorrow
Yu zhong ji gei Ying'er de xin
Nehru and Manipur
Letters to chief ministers
India's freedom
Rāshṭrabhāshāno savāla
Toward freedom
Jawaharlal Nehru on co-operation
The unity of India
The discovery of India
Marcos Pontes
Marcos Pontes (born 1963)

astronaut, engineer, fighter pilot, politician

  • Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Naval Postgraduate School