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philosophers who wrote autobiography
Showing 25-32 out of 143 results
Simone de Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)

political philosopher, journalist, autobiographer, essayist, political activist, diarist, philosopher, literary critic, feminist

  • University of Paris, Lycée Fénelon, Paris
Une mort tres douce
The Second Sex
Lettres à Sartre
La Force des choses
Quand prime le spirituel
Le sang des autres
Cérémonie des adieux
The long march
Les Mandarins
Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée
A transatlantic love affair
The Marquis de Sade
The Woman Destroyed
L Amerique Au Jour Le Jour
Lettres à Nelson Algren
Philosophical writings
She Came to Stay
"The useless mouths", and other literary writings
Simone de Beauvoir et le cours du monde
La mujer rota
All Said and Done
Diary of a philosophy student
Le Deuxieme Sexe Tome 1
Journal de guerre
La Femme indépendante
Eine Gebrochene Frau
Alle Menschen sind sterblich.
Les Belles Images
La femme rompue
Une Mort Tres Douce
L' Amérique au jour le jour (1947)
Tous les hommes sont mortels
Otan to pnevma kyriarhi
Diary of a Philosophy Student
Las inseparables
Les Belles Images
La plenitud de la vida/ The Plenitude of Life (Contemporanea
Mal entendido en Moscú - 2. ed.
Hard Times
Lettres à Nelson Algren
The Works of Simone de Beauvoir
Les bouches inutiles
Femme Rompue  Monologue ­ L'Age de Discretion
America Dia a Dia
Alle Mensen zijn Sterfelijk
Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita syndrome
Feminist Writings
Djamila Boupacha
Pour une morale de l'ambiguite
El Marqués de Sade - 1. edición
Prime of Life, the (Twentieth Century Classics)
Dreams, fears, idols
Briefe an sartre
Nouvelles questions féministes
Écrire Marseille
Beloved Chicago Man
After the War
In den besten Jahren
The Independent Woman
L' invitée
La vieillesse
Jamilah Būbāshā
Political writings
She Came to Stay
A history of sex
Moskovada Yanlis Anlama
What Is Existentialism?
Les mandarins I
la force des choses i
The Long March
La Fuerza De Las Cosas / The Power Of Things
Besteen odola
Memorias de una joven formal
Beloved Chicago Man
Woman Destroyed
La Vieillesse
She Came to Stay
Force of Circumstance
Memorias De Una Joven Formal
La mujer rota
Fiche de lecture Le Deuxième sexe  de Simone de Beauvoir
La Mujer Rota. La Edad De La Discrecion
L' existentialisme et la sagesse des nations
Pleidooi voor een moraal der dubbelzinnigheid
Die Zeremonie des Abschieds. Und Gespräche mit Jean-Paul Sartre August-September 1974
All Said and Done
The Blood of Others
Pyrrhus et Cinéas
La Force des choses
Por uma Moral da Ambiguidade
La Force Des Choses II
Nature of the second sex
Force of circumstance
Diario de Guerra Septiembre de 1939 - Enero de 1941
Fuerza de las cosas, La
Very Easy Death
Memoiren einer Tochter aus gutem Hause
Kadin 1-Genc Kizlik Cagi
Las bellas imágenes
Amerika. Tag und Nacht.
Blood of Others
La force de l'age II
The prime of life
O Segundo Sexo -Box Edicao Comemorativa 1949 - 2019
La Mujer Rota
Simone de Beauvoir
La\Ceremonie des Adieux  Entretiens avec Sartre
By Simone de Beauvoir - The Blood of Others (Penguin Modern Classics) (1986-09-25) [Paperback]
Memoires d'une jeune fille rangee
Die Welt der schönen Bilder
Malentendido en Moscú
La longue marche
La longue marche Essai sur la Chine
Nature of the Second Sex
Besteen odola
La mujer rota
Pour une Morale de l'Ambiguite  Pyrrhus et Cineas
Lettres a Sartre, 1940-1963
Cahiers de jeunesse
Bigarren sexua
Mißverständnisse an der Moskwa. Eine Erzählung
Pewnego razu w Moskwie
Nelson Algren'e Ask Mektuplari
Sie kam und blieb
What Is Existentialism?
The Ethics of Ambiguity. 1948.
Fiche de lecture Le Deuxième sexe  de Simone de Beauvoir
The Marquis de Sade
Veda Töreni
O segundo sexo II
Le Deuxième Sexe 1
Quando tutte le donne del mondo...
L' invite e
Il secondo sesso
Cuando predomina lo espiritual
Besteen odola
Simone de Beauvoir today
La force des choses II
Cartas A Nelson Allgren
Les Bouches Intuiles
America Day by Day
La invitada
Lettres a Sartre, 1930-39
Sessiz Bir Olum
The ethics of ambiguity
Very Easy Death
Les Belles Images
Misverstand in Moskou
Simone de Beauvoir
Second Sex (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Prime of Life
Coming of Age
Les inseparables
Ein sanfter Tod
Hay Que Quemar a Sade?
Eine gebrochene Frau. Literatur für Kopf Hörer. 2 Cassetten.
Les belles imatges
The Mandarins
Wartime Diary
Das Alter
Les mandarins II
Les inseparables
Lettres à Sartre, tome 2
La vieillesse.  Essai
Be Loved, Be Admired, Be Necessary; Be Somebody
La Force de l'age I (Collection Folio, 751)
The Mandarins
O Segundo Sexo - Caixa
Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter
Mes Premieres Decouvertes
Blood of Others
Le Deuxieme Sexe Vol. 2
She came to stay
Correspondance croisée
Alles Wel Beschouwd
My Life Volume 1 Memoirs Of A Dutiful Daughter
Joyce en París
Malentès a Moscou
Besteen odola
Useless Mouths and Other Literary Writings
Long March, The
Ikinci Cinsiyet
Misunderstanding in Moscow
Lettres a Nelson Algren
Memoria de Una Joven Formal
When Things of the Spirit Come First
Soll man de Sade verbrennen. Drei Essays zur Moral des Existentialismus
Das Alter
Memoirs Of A Dutiful Daughter
Bütün İnsanlar Ölümlüdür
Works of Simone de Beauvoir : The Second Sex and the Ethics of Ambiguity:
Fiche de lecture Le Deuxième sexe  de Simone de Beauvoir
Yikilmis Kadin
Amerika, Tag und Nacht
La Forge de L'Age
Ningen ni tsuite
Les mandarins
Gao bie de yi shi
Who shall die?
Tous les hommes sont mortels
L' Amerique au jour le jour, 1947
Les belles images.
Alles in allem
El pensamiento político de la derecha
Les mandarins
Simone de Beauvoir et la lutte des femmes
Conversaciones Con Jean-Paul Sartre (La Ceremonia Del Adios, Agosto-Septiembre 1974)
Zikhronoteha shel naʻarah meḥunekhet
La invitada
Briefe an Sartre 1. 1930 - 1939.
Damam shel aḥerim
Druhé pohlavie
L'Amérique au jour le jour 1947
Liḳrat musar shel du-mashmaʻut
Oeuvres de Simone de Beauvoir
La Cérémonie des adieup suivi de entretiens avec Jean-Paul Sartre Août-Septembre 1974
She Came to Stay
מוות רך מאוד
אישה שבורה
Les belles images.
My life
Nü ren shi she mo
La Plenitud De La Vida (Pocket Sudamericana)
Diario de Guerra - Set. 1939 a Ene. 1941
Les ecrits de Simone de Beauvoir
La Force de L'Age, Vol. 1
La foice des choses
La mujer rota
La\Force Des Choses   Tome II
The coming of age
Todos Los Hombres Son Mortales
La mujer rota
Briefe an Sartre 2. 1940 - 1963.
Konuk kız
Ishah le-vad
Lettres au Castor et a Quelques Autres 1926 - ­1939
Simone de Beauvoir, film de Josée Dayan et Malka Ribowski
L' invite e, roman
Simone de Beauvoir Aujourd'hui/ Six Entretiens
Oeuvres de Simone de Beauvoir
Mujer Rota, La
Olgunluk çağı
La Force des Choses
Cuando predomina lo espiritual
La Invitada
Śliczne obrazki
La Ceremonia del Adios
Nu xing sheng jing
Yikilmis Kabin
Poets & Players
Yikiemis Kalin
La\Force Des Choses   Tome I
Lettres a Sartre, 1930-1939
Les inséparables
La Force de L'Age, Vol. 2
Utsukushii eizō
Invitada, La
Di er xing
Final de Cuentas
Kadinligimin Hikayesi
Een wereld van mooie plaatjes
Lettres d'amitié
L' Americque au jour le jour, 1947
Druga płeć
La longue marche
Daini no sei
Sila obsto︠i︡atelʹstv
Las bellas imágenes
De bloei van het leven
Ishah shevurah
Lettres Au Castor Et a Quelques Autres, 1940-1963
La\Viellesse   Vol. 1
Memoires jeune fille rangee
La\Viellesse   Vol. 2
Memorias de una joven formal. Una muerte muy dulce
Jorge Semprún
Jorge Semprún (1923-2011)

politician, philosopher

  • Lycée Henri-IV
Literature or life
What a beautiful Sunday!
Pensar en Europa
Lecriture Ou La Vie
Communism in Spain in the Franco era
Stavisky ..
Adieu, vive clarté--
Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez
Adios, Luz De Veranos
Veinte años y un día
La Guerre est finie
Espagnol, niveau collège-lycée
The autobiography of Federico Sanchez and the Communist underground in Spain
Grand voyage
La escritura o la vida
Aquel domingo
Semprun, Wiesel
Vivire Con Su Nombre, Morira Con El Mio
Quel beau dimanche
Le grand voyage
La segunda muerte de Ramón Mercader
LA Escritura O LA Vida/Writing of Life
La deuxieme mort de ramon mercader
El largo viaje
Federico Sánchez se despide de ustedes
Netschajew kehrt zurück
Autobiographie de Federico Sánchez
Quel beau dimanche !
El Largo Viaje /Witnesses to War
LA Montana Blanca
El " Stavisky" de Alain Resnais
Mal et modernité
L' écriture ou la vie
L'écriture ou la vie
Aquel Domingo/That Beautiful Sunday
L' homme européen
Le "Stavisky" d'Alain Resnais
The second death of Ramón Mercader
Der weiße Berg
Der zweite Tod des Ramon Mercader
L' Algarabie
Le mort qu'il faut
Adiós, luz de verano--
Autobiographie de Federico Sanchez
La deuxième mort de Ramón Mercader
L' e vanouissement
Der Tote mit meinem Namen
Montand, la vie continue
Les Sandales
Netchaïev ha vuelto
Si la vie continue--
Die große Reise
Autobiografia de Federico sunchez
La montagne blanche
Netchaiev Ha Vuelto
Le retour de Carola Neher
Federico Sanchez vous salue bien
Was für ein schöner Sonntag
Was war und was ist
Netchaiev Ha Vuelto (Fbula)
To megalo taxidi
Die Ohnmacht
LA Algarabia
Unsre allzu kurzen Sommer
Largo Viaje
Αντίο, φως της νιότης
Federico Sanchez Se Despide De Ustedes
Adieu Vive Clarte
Netchaïev est de retou
Freedom to the Barcelona 34
La\Deuxieme Mort de Ramon Mercader
Ejercicios de supervivencia
Netchai ev est de retour
Netchaïev est de retour--
The cattle truck
L'E ́vanouissement
Ha- Masa' ha-gadol
El desvanecimiento
La segunda muerte de Ramón Mercader / Jorge Semprun
La Guerre est finie, scénario du film d'Alain Resnais
Autobiografia de Federico Sanchez
Lettre sur le pouvoir d'écrire
Une tombe au creux des nuages
La segunda muerte de Ramon Mercader
El largo viaje
A une heure incertaine
Vinte anos e um dia
Montand, la vida continua
La guerre est finie
John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

philosopher, economist, politician, autobiographer, egalitarianism, clerk, suffragist

  • University College London
Essays on politics and society
On Liberty
Essays (Nature / Theism / Utility of Religion)
On Liberty / The Subjection of Women
Collected Works
Utilitarianism, On Liberty, Essay on Bentham
On liberty and other essays
Utilitarianism and other essays
Principles of Political Economy
Essays (On Liberty / Representative Government / Utilitarianism)
Considerations on Representative Government
Prefaces to liberty: selected writings
The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill
On Liberty and Other Writings
The ethics of John Stuart Mill
Essays (On Liberty / Utilitarianism)
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 2B --The Victorian Age
The Subjection of Women
The Harvard Classics
Auguste Comte and Positivism
The contest in America
Essays on literature and society
Speech at the National Education League meeting at St. James's Hall, London
Lettres inédites de John Stuart Mill à Auguste Comte
Essays (Essay on Bentham / On Liberty / Utilitarianism)
Inaugural Address
Logic of the Moral Sciences
Philosophy of scientific method
Essays (Nature / The Utility of Religion)
Essays on politics and culture
The basic writings of John Stuart Mill
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Essays (On Liberty / Representative Government / The Subjection of Women)
Personal Representation
Manga de dokuha, On Liberty
Additional Letters
An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
Public and parliamentary speeches
John Mill's boyhood visit to France
Lord Durham and the Canadians
The Utilitarians
Autobiography / Essay on liberty
Autobiography and Literary Essays
The Idea of God in Nature
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Essays (On Socialism / The Subjection of Women)
Suffrage for women
The letters of John Stuart Mill
Essays on ethics, religion and society
John Stuart Mill's Social and Political Thought
John Stuart Mill
Professor Sedgwick's Discourse on the Studies of the University of Cambridge
Essays on poetry
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind; Volume 2
Essential works
The six great humanistic essays of John Stuart Mill
The Right and Wrong of State Interference With Corporation and Church Property
John Stuart Mill
Essais sur Tocqueville et la société américaine
Three centuries of debate on the death penalty
Essays on England, Ireland, and the Empire
On social freedom
The earlier letters of John Stuart Mill
Political Science
Thoughts on parliamentary reform
Scientific Revolution & On Liberty & European Romanticism & Enlightenment & Communist Manifesto
Essays (On Liberty / Representative Government)
Autobiography and other writings
John Stuart Mill and Thomas Carlyle
Mill on Bentham and Coleridge
The Utility of Religion
Views of Mr. John Stuart Mill on England's danger through the suppression of her maritime power
Newspaper Writings
John Stuart Mill's Philosophy of Scientific Method
The student's handbook
Essays on philosophy and the classics
True and false democracy
Essays on Economics and Society
Writings on India
Inaugural address
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind; Volume 1
Subjection of Women
On the Present State of Literature
Subjection of Women
The slave power
Ensayos sobre la igualdad sexual
Utilitarianism (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Sobre la Libertad
Works (European Romanticism / France and the Dreyfus Affair / On Liberty)
Considerations on Representative Government
Subjection of Women
Surface phenomena in enhanced oil recovery
Miscellaneous Writings
Two letters on the measure of value
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill Illustrated
Mr. J. S. Mill upon Personal Representation
The Spirit of the Age
Demokratik Yönetim Üzerine Düsünceler
Saggio Sulla Libertà
England and Ireland
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Principles of Political Economy
Dissertations and Discussions
Principles Of Political Economy
The Inequality Between The Sexes
Logic of the Moral Sciences
On Liberty (Squashed Edition)
Literary Essays
Utilitarianism /Der Utilitarismus
Faydaciligin Felsefi Boyutu
Considerations on Representative Government
British Philosophy Collection
The inexpediency of an irredeemable  paper currency
Later Letters of John Stuart Mill 1849-1873
Dissertations And Discussions Political, Philosophical, And Historical, Reprinted Chiefly From The Edinburgh And Westminster Reviews, Volume 2
Principes d'économie Politique
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive : Volume 1
sometimiento de las mujeres
Principles of Political Economy
Cinsiyetler Arasi Esitsizlik
Subjection of Women : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
Subjection of Women Annotated
Armand Carrel
England and Ireland
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Utilitarianism and Other Essays
A System of Logic
On Liberty; Representative Government; the Subjection of Women
The early draft of John Stuart Mill's autobiography
Sobre la Libertad
The Subjection Of Women
Ozgurluk Uzerine
Dissertations and Discussions
John Stuart Mill on education
L'asservissement des femmes_1_ere_ed - fermeture et bascule vers 9782228915663
Essays on Sex Equality
The philosophy of John Stuart Mill as contained in extracts from his own writings
Grundsätze der Politischen Oekonomie Nebst Einigen Anwendungen Derselben Auf Die Gesellschaftswissenschaft. Zweiter Band
Complete Works
Rationale of Judicial Evidence
Miscellaneous writings
Memories of Old Friends: Being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of ...
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Journals and Debating Speeches
Essential works of John Stuart Mill
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
Principles of Political Economy; Volume 2
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Utilitarianism : (Annotated Edition)
Considerations on Representative Government
Considerations on Representative Government
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive : Volume 2
Esclavitud Femenina
Subjection of Women
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill 1812-1848
Utilitarianism Annotated
The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Adim Adim - Dinozorlar
Kadinlarin Özgürlesmesi
Writings of Alfred De Vigny
John Stuart Mill on Ireland
Socialism : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Ha Ja Ba Ra La
An Examination of Sir William Hamiltons Philosophy, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings
Essays on England, Ireland, and Empire
The Subjection of Women
Escritos sobre Bentham
Of Induction, with Especial Reference to J. S. Mill's System of Logic
Principles of Political Economy With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy
Considerations on Representative Government
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
La Libertà e altri saggi
Treaty obligations
Dissertations and Discussions
De la libertad
El valor de la poesía
Utilitarianism, Liberty and Representative Government
John Stuart Mill
The Letters of John Stuart Mill
Essays on French History and Historians
All About Archeology
Bibliography of the published writings of John Stuart Mill
Özgürlük Üzerine
Subjection of Women : (Annotated Edition)
Utilitarianism Illustrated
Utilitarianism Illustrated
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Newspaper Writings
An Examination of Sir William Hamiltons Philosophy, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings
Correspondance inédite Avec Gustave D'eichthal (1828-1842)-(1864-1871)
On Liberty and Other Essays
Austin on jurisprudence
On Liberty Illustrated by John Stuart Mill
Utilitarianism (Annotated)
Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties
Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill Illustrated Novel
Principles of Political Economy
Utilitarianism (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
De la Liberté
Three Essays on Religion - Nature the Utility of Religion and Theism
Early Essays
Additional Letters
Writings on India
Sexual equality
Auguste Comte ve Pozitivizm
Ethics of John Stuart Mill
Principles of Political Economy
Journals and debating speeches
Subjection of Women Novel John Stuart Mill Annotated
Subjection of Women
On Liberty and Other Essays
Essays on equality, law, and education
On Liberty and the Subjection of Women
Mill's ethical writings
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Mes Mémoires; Histoire de Ma Vie et de Mes Idées
Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land Question
Public and Parliamentary Speeches
Liberale Gleichheit
Kadinlarin Kölelestirilmesi
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Inaugural Address
Gouvernement Représentatif
Essays on Politics and Society
Rationale of Judicial Evidence
Early essays by John Stuart Mill
De l'assujettissement des Femmes
The Science fo Logic / Utilitarianism
Subjection of Women
Dissertations and Discussions V2
Utilitarianism, Liberty, and Representative government
John Stuart Mill
On liberty
System of Logic
Utilitarianism, On Liberty, Essay On Bentham
De la Liberté
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill,
On Liberty (Annotated)(Illustrated)
Three Essays on Religion
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and of the Principal Philosophical Questions Discussed in His Writings
Principles of Political Economy
Writings of Alfred de Vigny
Die Inductive Logik
On Liberty : (Barnes and Noble Library of Essential Reading)
Negro Question
Essays on Politics and Culture
Subjection of Women
Chapters on Socialism
Dissertations and Discussions
The right to property in land
On Liberty Illustrted
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
Of Induction, With Especial Reference to J.S. Mill's System of Logic
Düşünce ve Tartışma Özgürlüğü Üzerine
La esclavitud femenina / La emancipación de las mujeres
On Liberty : (Annotated)(Biography)
El sometimiento de la mujer
The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Prefaces to liberty
Essays on politics and culture (Anchor books)
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Economics I
Considerations on Representative Government
J. S. Mill
Utilitarianism Liberty, and Representative Government
Aanhalingen uit John Stuart Mill's De slavernij der Vrouw, aangeboden aan de lezeressen van "De huisvrouw."
On Liberty, Utilitarianism, Considerations on Representative Government, and the Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill
The London And Westminster Review, Volume 29
Philosophische Bibliothek
Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte
Utilitarianism, Liberty, and Representative Government
On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays
On Liberty and Other Essays
Tres ensayos sobre religión
Principles of Political Economy,
American state papers
On Liberty (The Library of American Freedoms)
Système de Logique déductive et Inductive; Exposé des Principes de la Preuve et des Méthodes de Recherche Scientifique; Volume 2
Subjection of Women
On Liberty and the Subjection of Women
Memories of Old Friends; Being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox from 1835 to 1871, to Which Are Added Fourteen Original Letters from J. S. Mill Never Before Published. Edited by Horace N. Pym; Volume 2
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
On Liberty
La PSYCHOLOGIE ET LES SCIENCES MORALES - Sixième chapitre du système de logique (1843)
Dissertations and Discussions
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Utilitarianism, Liberty & Representative Government
The spirit of the age
Individual Liberty, Legal, Moral, and Licentious
Mill, the Selected Writings of John Stuart
Bentham (Illustrated)
Chapters and speches on the Irish land question
John Stuart Mill on the protection of infant industries
August Comte and Positivism
Inaugural Address
Speech of the late John Stuart Mill at the great meeting held in the Music Hall, Edinburgh, on January 12, 1871, in favor of women's suffrage
Later Letters of John Stuart Mill 1849-1873
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive,
Contest in America
Speech of John Stuart Mill, M.P. on the admission of women to the electoral franchise, spoken in the House of Commons, May 20th, 1867
Considerations on representative government
Utilitarianism on Liberty Essay on Bentham
L' Utilitarisme
Utilitarism (Illustrated)
Rationale of Judicial Evidence
On Liberty
J. S. Mill
Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy
Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy
The subjection of women
England and Ireland
Principles of Political Economy with Some of the their Applications to Social Philosophy
Considerations of a Representative Government 1861
Representative Government
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, Volume 2
On Liberty and the Subjection of Women
Auguste Comte and Positivism
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor, their friendship and subsequent marriage
Sobre la llibertat
Newspaper Writings
Capítulos sobre el socialismo. La civilización
UTILITARIANISM;ON LIBERTY;ESSAY ON BENTHAM-Together with selected writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Analysis of the Phenomenon of the Human Mind, with Notes Illustrative and Critical by alexander Bain, Andrew Findlater, and George Grote
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor
The Nigger Question
Sobre a liberdade
Considerations on Representative Government
Logique des Sciences Morales (Logique, Livre Vi)
Correspondance inédite avec Gustave d'Eichthal (1828-1842)-(1864-1871)
Memorandum of the Improvements in the Administration of India During the Last Thirty Years: And ...
Complete Woks of John Stuart Mill
Système de Logique déductive et Inductive
Subjection of Women
Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy / John Stuart Mill
Early essays by John Stuart Mill
Stuart Mill
Mes Mémoires; Histoire de Ma Vie et de Mes Idées
On Liberty & Utilitarianism
Subjection of Women (1869)
On Liberty/ Utilitarianism/ the Subjection of Women
L'Utilitarisme (Monde) (French Edition)
Dissertations and discussions
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Thornton on Labour and Its Claims (Illustrated)
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
ÉTICA DE LA POLÍTICA EN JOHN STUART MILL Y GEORGE GROTE : J. S. Mill y G. Grote : “El estadista” de Taylor; y J. S Mill
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte
Utilitarianism. Including ON LIBERTY and ESSAY ON BENTHAM and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin
Système de Logique déductive et Inductive; Exposé des Principes de la Preuve et des Méthodes de Recherche Scientifique; Volume 1
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill Published for the First Time Without Alterations Or Omissions From the Original Manuscript
John Stuart Mill, Exchange [microform]
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill, (Signet classic, CT 269)
Considerations on Representative Government
Utilitarianism, Liberty & Representative Government
Essays on French history and historians
Utilitarianism, On Liberty, Essay On Bentham
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind; Volume 1
A system of logic
Essential works
Die Hörigkeit der Frau
August Comte and Positivism
The Rationale of Judicial Evidence, From the Mss. Of Jeremy Bentham
Grundsätze der Politischen Oekonomie Nebst Einigen Anwendungen Derselben Auf Die Gesellschaftswissenschaft. Zweiter Band
Synopsis of the First Three Books of John Stuart Mill's Principles of Political Economy
On Liberty & France and the Dreyfus Affair
System der Deductiven und Inductiven Logik : Eine Darlegung der Principien Wissenschaftlicher Forschung, Insbesondere der Naturforschung
Sobre La Litertad Y Comentarios a Tocqueville
The later letters of John Stuart Mill, 1849-1873
Logique des Sciences Morales (Logique, Livre Vi)
On liberty (The Library of liberal arts)
The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill
Auguste Comte et le Positivisme
John Stuart Mill's Selbstbiographie
On Liberty
On Bentham and Coleridge
On the definition of political economy; and of the method of investigation proper to it
De la Libert�
Literary essays
Utilitarianism, on Liberty, and Considerations on Representative Government
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Utilitarianism, on Liberty, & Representative Governemnt.
American state papers
Philosophy of John Stuart Mill (Modern Library, 322.1)
Principles of political economy
Nature and Utility of Religion
Om Tanke- Och Yttrandefrihet
System der Deductiven und Inductiven Logik : Eine Darlegung der Grundsaetze der Beweislehre und der Methoden Wissenschaftlicher Forschung
J. S. Mill
The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volumes 2-3
Sobre la llibertat
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy; Volume II
Autobiography, and other writings (Riverside editions, B117)
On Liberty and Other Essays
System of Logic
Of the liberty of thought & discussion
The positive philosophy of Auguste Comte by John Stuart Mill.
Considerations on Representative Government
By John Stuart Mill The Logic of the Moral Sciences (Open Court Classics) (New edition)
Del Gobierno representativo
Sobre la Libertad
Selected writings
Considerations on Representative Government
The Early Draft of John Stuart Mill's Autobiography
La utilidad de la religión
Schiavitu' Delle Donne
Principles of Political Economy
Sistema de la lógica Demostrativa e Inductiva
La esclavitud femenina
On Liberty
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
Autobiography by John Stuart Mill (Riverside Editions Edited by Jack Stillinger)
Auguste Comte and positivism (Ann Arbor paperbacks)
On liberty
Contest in America
On the logic of the moral sciences
Tres ensayos sobre la religión
La subjugació de les dones
On Liberty (Illustrated)
Sobre la llibertat
American State papers
Principes d'économie Politique
Essais Sur la Religion
System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Subjection of Women
Mill on Bentham and Coleridge
Three Essays on Religion - Nature the Utility of Religion and Theism
Professor Leslie on the land question
Considerations on Representative Government
Pour Ou Contre la Peine de Mort ?
Analysis of Mill's Principles of Political Economy
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor
Dissertations and Discussions. Vol IV. Series I
La subjugació de les dones
Ethics of John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill on Bentham and Coleridge
Principles of Political Economy : With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy
Selected Writings of John Stuart Mill (Deluxe Edition) - on Liberty, the Subjection of Women and Utilitarianism
La subjugació de les dones
Essays on Economics and Society
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Correspondance inédite Avec Gustave D'eichthal (1828-1842)-(1864-1871)
On Liberty
On Liberty
On liberty, (The Thinker's library)
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
Auguste Comte and Postivism
England and Ireland by John Stuart Mill
Philosophische Bibliothek uber Die Freiheit
Two letters on the measure of value, (A Reprint of economic tracts)
Selected Writings of John Stuart Mill (A Mentor Book)
Auguste Comte and Positivism
Mill Autobiography
A System of Logic
Of Induction, with Especial Reference to J. S. Mill's System of Logic
John Stuart Mill
Inaugural Address
On Bentham and Coleridge (Harper Torchbook, Series)
La subjugació de les dones
Three Essays on Religion
On Liberty (Penguin Great Ideas) by John Stuart Mill (2010-08-26)
Selected writings of John Stuart Mill
On Liberty (Annotated)
Views of John Stuart Mill on the subject of a double standard and subsidiary coins
Utilitarianism : (Annotated)(Biography)
Contest in America
Principles of political economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy
Sobre la llibertat
Strivings for the faith: a course of lectures, delivered in the New Hall of Science, Old Street City Road
La révolution de 1848 et ses detracteurs
Mes mémoires
John Stuart Mills levned
John Stuart Mill
Sulla libertà
Système de logique déductive et inductive
Lettres inédites de John Stuart Mill à Auguste Comte
The only freedom deserving the, name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way [...]
Auguste Comte et le positivisme
The inexpediency of an irredeemable paper currency, being an abridgement of the chapters from the "Principles of political economy," on money and credit
Three essays on religion
Izbiratelʹnyi︠a︡ prava zhenshchin
John Stuart Mill
The evidence of John Stuart Mill
Mule ming xue
Dissertations and discussions
Principles of political economy
Chayu e ŭi chŭngŏn
ʻAl ha-ḥerut
Grundsätze der politischen Oekonomie
The right of property in land
Bibliography of the published writings of John Stuart Mill
The subjection of women
O naturze
Political writings
Gedachten over vrijheid
Mule jing ji xue yuan li
Great ideas today, 1966
The Influence of the State in the Economic Growth of Nations
Principles of political economy
Chapters on socialism
Utilitarianism / By John Stuart Mill
A system of logic, rationcinative and inductive
The metaphysics of John Stuart Mill
Shinʼyaku Miru jiyūron
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
Shiʻabud ha-ishah
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor, their correspondence [i.e. friendship] and subsequent marriage
La philosophie de Hamilton
John Stuart Mill's Philosophy of Scientific Method
Mule ming xue
Gesammelte Werke
System der deductiven und inductiven Logik
Grundsätze der politischen ökonomie
Principles of political economy
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive, being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation
The slave power
Mule zi zhuan
Ueber die Freiheit
Über Freiheit
על החירות
Ozguoluk ustline
The spirit of the age
Inaugural address
The spirit of the age
Dissertations and discussions
Risālah dar bārah-ʼi āzādī
Professor A. Seth Pringle-Pattison introduces the treatise "On liberty"
Strivings for the Faith: A Series of Lectures, : Delivered in the New Hall of Science, Old ...
Personal representation
Memorandum of the improvements in the administration of India during the last thirty years
Suffrage for women
Risāla darbāra-i āzādī
Representative Governments and the Degeneration of Democracy
John Stuart Mill
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
ʻEkronot ha-kalkalah ha-medinit
Suffrage or women
Die hörigkeit der frau
A selection of his works
Views of John Stuart Mill on the subject of a double standard and subsidiary coins
John Stuart Mill: Thomas Carlyle: Characteristics, Inaugural Address, Essay on Scott; With ..
Resumen Sintetico Del Systema de Logica
Utilitarianism, liberty, representative government
John Stuart Mill on tyranny and liberty
J.S. Mill
Qun ji quan jie lun
The English Utilitarians
Principles of political economy
Gesammelte Werke
Principles of political economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy
Miru jiden
A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive
Considerations on representative government
The letters of John Stuart Mill
Gershom Scholem
Gershom Scholem (1897-1982)

philosopher, librarian, historian, pedagogue, bibliographer, bibliophile, poet, theologian, Judaic scholar

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Humboldt University of Berlin
Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism
Ursprung und Anfänge der Kabbala
Zur Kabbala und ihrer Symbolik
From Berlin to Jerusalem
On Jews and Judaism in crisis
Walter Benjamin : the story of a friendship
A life in letters, 1914-1982
The Messianic idea in Judaism and other essays on Jewish spirituality
Von der mystischen Gestalt der Gottheit
„…und alles ist Kabbala“
Judaica 1
Es gibt ein Geheimnis in der Welt
Gershom Scholem
Lamentations of Youth
Greetings from Angelus
Shabtai Tsevi
Aux origines religieuses du judaïsme laïque
Devils, Demons and Souls
Über einige Grundbergriffe des Judentums
The Fullness of Time
Sabbatai Ṣevi
ha- Ḳabalah shel Sefer ha-Temunah ṿe-shel Avraham Abulʻafyah
Judaica 2
Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem
On the possibility of Jewish mysticism in our time & other essays
Ra'yon ha-ge'ulah ba-Kabalah
"Der liebe Gott wohnt im Detail" Briefwechsel 1939-1969 : Briefe und Briefwechsel. Band 8
Reshit ha-ḳabalah (1150-1250)
Retsifut u-mered
Judaica 4
Zohar: The Book of Splendor
Mẹḥḳarim u-meḳorot le-toldot ha-Shabtaʻut ṿe-gilguleha
Od davar
Alchemie und Kabbala
ha- Ḳabalah bi-Provans
Walter Benjamin und sein Engel
Meḥḳere Ḳabalah
On the Kabbalah and itssymbolism
Das Buch Bahir
Du frankisme au jacobinisme
Le Nom et les symboles de Dieu dans la mystique juive
Reshit ha-ḳabalah ṿe-sefer ha-Bahir
Mehkere Shabtaut (Kitve Gershom Shalom)
Lenguajes y Cabala / Languages and Kabbalah (Biblioteca De Ensayo / Essay Library)
Avraham Kohen Hirirah, baʻal Shaʻar ha-shamayim
Shedim, ruḥot, u-neshamot
De la création du monde jusqu'à Varsovie
Fidélité et utopie
Kriminologie im Strafprozess: Zur Bedeutung psychologischer, soziologischer und kriminologischer Erkenntnisse für die Strafrechtspraxis (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft) (German Edition)
Walter Benjamin the Story of a Friend
Das Davidschild
Catalogus Codicum Cabbalisticorum Hebraicorum
Frants Rozentsṿaig ṿe-sifro Kokhav ha-geʾulah
Judaica V
Shabtai Tsevi ṿe-Natan ha-ʻAzati
Briefe, 3 Bde., Bd.3, 1971-1982
Ḳabalat ha-Ari
Ha- Ḳabalah be-Geronah
El Misticismo Extraviado
Leḳeṭ margaliyot
Hay Un Misterio En El Mundo
[Ḳovets tadpisim shel maʾamaraṿ ba-Ḳabalah she-nidpesu be-khitve-ʻet shonim.]
Einige kabbalistische Handschriften im Britischen Museum
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-shabtaʾi Rabi Mordekhai Ashkenazi
Mafteḥot le-khitve ha-pulmus ʻEmden-Aibshits
Devarim be-go
ha- Mistorin ha-Yehudi ṿeha-ḳabalah
Walter Benjamin et son ange
Pirḳe-yesod ba-havanat ha-ḳabalah u-semaleha
Conceptos Basicos del Judaismo, Los
Correspondence, 1939 - 1969
ha- Meḳubal Rabi Avraham ben Eliʻezer Haleṿi
Bibliographia Kabbalistica
Osnovnye techenii︠a︡ v evreĭskoĭ mistike
Las Grandes Tendencias de La Mistica Judia
Los Origenes De LA Cabala
ha- Mistorin (ha-misṭiḳah) bikhlal
Jewish gnosticism, Markavah mysticism and Talmudic tradition
Todo Es Cabala
Briefe an Werner Kraft (German Edition)
Studies in mysticism and religion
The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910-1940
Judaica 6
Briefe (German Edition)
Judaica III
Gershom Shalom
Sur Jonas, la lamentation et le judaïsme
ha-Raʻyon ha-meshiḥi be-Yiśraʾel
La cábala y su simbolismo
ha-Shelav ha-aḥaron
Ḳabalot Rabi Yaʻaḳov ṿe-Rabi Yitsḥaḳ bene Rabi Yaʻaḳov Hakhohen
Ḳunṭres eleh shemot
Mi-ḥoḳer li-meḳubal
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-Shabtaʼi R. Mordekhai Ashkenazi
Shirot ṿe-tishbaḥot shel ha-Shabetaʾim
ha-Ḳabalah be-Geronah
De Berlin a Jerusalem
On the Kabbalah and its symbolism
Concetti fondamentali dell'ebraismo
Kabbalistes chrétiens
מגן־דוד: תולדותיו של סמל
Parashat ha-Shabtaʾut
Toldot ha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʼit
Walter Benjamin. Historia de una amistad
Messianic movements after the expulsion from Spain
ha-Meḳubal Rabi Avraham ben Eliʻezer Haleṿi
Kabała i jej symbolika
Shir shel Yiśraʾel Najarah be-fi ha-Shabtaʾim
Masoret ha-berit
Yiśraʾel Sarug-talmid ha-Ari?
[Biḳoret ʻal Ḳaṭalog ḳitve ha-yad shel Ambrozyana be-Milano me-et Ḳarolo Bernhaymer]
Le-ḥeḳer ḳabalat rabi Yitsḥaḳ ha-Kohen
Żydzi i Niemcy
ha-Ḳabalah shel sefer ha-Temunah ṿe-shel Avraham Abulʻafia
Walter Benjamin - Gershom Scholem Mektuplasmalar 1932-1940
Le-aḥar gerush Sefarad
Meḥabro shel ha-maʾamar ha-mezuyaf bi-leshon sefer ha-Zohar
Report of Prof. G. Scholom in his mission to Europe
Mi-Berlin li-Yerushalayim
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-Shabtaʼi Rabi Mordekhai Ashḳenazi
From Frankism to Jacobinism
Kitve Gershom Shalom
Pirḳe-yesod ba-havanat ha-Ḳabalah u-semaleha
Peraḳim le-toldot sifrut ha-ḳabalah
Dr. Yoḥanan Leṿi
קונטרס עלו לשלום
L'idea messianica nell'ebraismo e altri saggi sulla spiritualità ebraica
Shabtai Tsevi ṿeha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʼit bi-yeme ḥayaṿ
On Eduard Morike's Nolten the painter & On Rainer Maria Rilke's The notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Mistycyzm żydowski i jego główne kierunki
Śeride sifro shel Rabi Shem Ṭov Ibn Gaʼon ʻal yesodot torat ha-sefirot
Mi-tokh hirhurim ʻal ḥokhmat Yiśraʾel
Los nombres secretos de Walter Benjamin
Shabtai Tsevi ṿeha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʾit bi-yeme ḥayaṿ
ha-Ḳabalah bi-Provans
שבתי צבי והתנועה השבתאית בימי חייו
The Messianic idea in Judaism
"... und alles ist Kabbala"
גרשם שלום (תרנ״חי־תשמ״ב)
Devarim be-go
Sabbatai Sevi ́
Pirḳe yesod be-havanat ha-ḳabalah u-semaleha
Die Geheimnisse der Schöpfung
Jewish mysticism in the Middle Ages
La kabbale
Das Herz der Kabbala. Jüdische Mystik aus zwei Jahrtausenden.
David Hume
David Hume (1711-1776)

philosopher, economist, librarian, historian, essayist

  • University of Edinburgh
A treatise of human nature
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Great books of the Western World
The history of England
Philosophical essays concerning human understanding
Essays moral, political, and literary
Dialogues concerning natural religion, the posthumous essays, Of the immortality of the soul, and Of suicide, from An enquiry concerning human understanding of miracles
Essays and treatises on several subjects
An enquiry concerning human understanding ; [with] A letter from a gentleman to his friend in Edinburgh ; [and] An abstract of a Treatise of human nature
Moral and political philosophy
The history of England
Essays and treatises on several subjects
Essays and treatises on several subjects
The history of England
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
Hume and Smollett's history of England abridged, and continued to the accession of George IV
Four dissertations
The philosophical works
The natural history of religion
The history of England
Essays, literary, moral, and political
Geschichte von Grossbritannien
The philosophical works of David Hume
The letters of David Hume
The History of England: From the Invasion of Julius Cæsar to the Revolution in 1688
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Dialogues concerning natural religion and the posthumous essays, Of the immortality of the soul and Of suicide
The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Cæsar to the Abdication of James the Second ..
History of England
The history of England
The essential David Hume
Hume's ethical writings: selections
Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects: In Two Volumes
A treatise on human nature
Theory of politics
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (The Clarendon Edition of the Works of David Hume)
Hume's Treatise of morals
On human nature and the understanding
A History of England: From the Earliest Times to the Revolution in 1688
The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Cæsar to the Abdication ..
A Treatise on Human Nature, Vol. 2
Moral Philosophy
Mélanges d'économie politique
Letters of David Hume to William Strahan
"For Ulster and her freedom"
Hume and Smollett's celebrated history of England, from its first settlement to the year 1760
A Treatise on Human Nature, Vol. 1
The history of England
The Philosophical Works of David Hume
Essais sur le commerce; le luxe [&c.]
The Natural History Of Religion
Does God exist?
Political essays
An enquiry concerning human understanding, and selections from A treatise of human nature
Writings on economics
The History of England: From the Invasion of Julius Cæsar, to the Revolution ..
Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
Ensayos morales, políticos y literarios
Hume on religion
The History Of England V3
The History Of England V8
An enquiry concerning human understanding and other writings
Writings on religion
Dialogues concerning natural religion
The History of England Vol.I. Part D.
The History Of England V1
New letters of David Hume
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James the Second, 1688
Enquête sur l'entendement humain
The History of England
The history of England
Of miracles
The Philosophical Works Of David Hume V4
Exposé succinct de la contestation qui s'est élevée entre M. Hume. Et M. Rousseau
Mélanges d'économie politique
The History of England Vol.I. Part F.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding And Selections From A Treatise Of Human Nature With Humes Autobiography And A Letter From Adam Smith
Well-temper'd Eloquence
The History Of England V4
Social Contract
Hume's ethical writings
The History of England Vol.I. Part B
Essays And Treatises On Several Subjects V2
The History Of England V5
Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects. ..
The History of England Vol.I. Part E.
The Philosophical Works of David Hume ..
An enquiry concerning the human understanding
Hume Selections
Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
The worlds of Hume and Kant
On human nature and the understanding
The History of England Vol.I. Part A
The vision of Hume
The History Of England V6
Elements of mentality
The Life of David Hume
The Philosophical Works of David Hume, Including all the Essays, and ..
An inquiry concerning the principles of morals
Historia Natural de La Religion
The History Of England V7
Hume's political discourses
An enquiry concerning human understanding
An enquiry concerning human understanding
Dialogues sur la religion naturelle
Essays and treatises
A letter from a gentleman to his friend in Edinburgh (1745)
A Treatise on Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental ...
The Essential Philosophical Works
Ren xing lun =
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
The history of Great Britain, under the house of Stuart
The letters of David Hume
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the death of Richard III
Hume on natural religion
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in MDCLXXXVIII
Concise and Genuine Account of the Dispute Between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau
The history of England
Dialogues concerning natural religion ; and, The natural history of religion
David Hume's political essays
On Human Nature and the Understanding
The history of England
Treatise of morals
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James the Second, 1688
Principal writings on religion
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James the Second, 1688
The History Of England From The Invasion Of Julius Caesar To The Revolution In 1688 In 6 Vol Based On The Ed Of 1778 With The Authors Last Corrections And Improvements
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the abdication of James the Second, 1688. By David Hume, esq
The history of England
A true account of the behaviour and conduct of Archibald Stewart ..
The philosophy of Hume
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James the Second, 1688
Enquiries concerning human understanding and concerning the principles of morals
David Hume: philosophical historian
The philosophy of Hume
Exposé succinct de la contestation qui s'est élevée entre M. Hume & M. Rousseau
The philosophical works of David Hume. Including all the essays, and exhibiting the more important alterations and corrections in the successive editions pub. by the author
A treatise on human nature
An abstract of A treatise of human nature, 1740
Dialogues concerning natural religion
An Inquiry Concerning Human Unerstanding
The History of England To 1688 with Portraits Engraved by Worthington
Hume's moral and political philosophy
A true account of the behaviour and conduct of Archibald Stewart, Esq., late Lord Provost of Edinburgh
English philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Anglii Ła pod vlast £i Łu doma Sti Łuartov (1649-1685)
Letters of David Hume to William Strahan, now first edited with notes, index, etc
Hume on religion
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James the Second, 1688
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion;
Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of morals
Essays, Moral, Political and Literary; 1
The History of England
A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau
Philosophical essays on morals, literature and politics
Writings on Economics
Dialogues concerning natural religion in focus
The history of England
Assaigs d'ètica i estètica
Letters of David Hume and Extracts from Letters Referring to Him
Traktat über die menschliche Natur
An essay on miracles
David Hume
The philosophical works of David Hume
The life of David Hume
Of the standard of taste, and other essays
Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand
Private correspondence of David Hume with several distinguished persons, between the years 1761 and 1776
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688
Essential works of David Hume
Hume's Moral and Political Philosophy
Theory of knowledge
Essays and treatises on several subjects
Tratado de la naturaleza humana : autobiografía
Hume and Smollet's celebrated History of England, from its first settlement to the year 1760
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæser to the revolution in 1688
A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion; 0
The student's Hume. A history of England from the earliest times to the revolution in 1688
Lettre d'un gentilhomme a son ami d'Edimbourg
Essential works
The history of England
David Hume
The history of England
The history of England
Political writings
Ren lei li jie yan jiu
Treatise of Morals
Ein Traktat über die menschliche Natur
The history of England
David Hume
The history of England
Political discourses
Essays, moral, political and literary
Letters of David Hume and extracts from letters referring to him
The history of England
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688
The history of England
New letters of David Hume
Essays, moral and political
The philosophy of David Hume
The history of Great Britain
The life of David Hume, Esq
The history of England
An enquiry concerning the human understanding, and An enquiry concerning the principles of morals
Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
The student's Hume
Pensées philosophiques, morales, critiques, littéraires et politiques de M. Hume
Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of morals
Discours politiques
A treatise on human nature
David Hume
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the death of George the Second
The mortality of the soul
Essays: literary, moral, and political
The history of England under the House of Tudor
Four dissertations
Exposé succinct de la contestation qui s'est élevée entre M. Hume et M. Rousseau, avec les pieces justificatives
Selections from 'An enquiry concerning human understanding' and 'A treatise of human nature'; with Hume's autobiography and a letter from Adam Smith
Expose  succinct de la contestation qui s'est e levee  entre M. Hume et M. Rousseau
Letters ... to William Strahan ..
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals
Selections from: An enquiry concerning human understanding
The natural history of religion
Of Money, and Other Economic Essays Illustrated
Enquête sur les principes de la morale
A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau: with the letters that passed between them during their controversy. As also, the letters of the Hon. Mr. Walpole, and Mr. D'Alambert, ... Translated from the French
The sceptic
Dao de yuan ze yan jiu
Three essays, moral and political
Œuvres philosophiques de M. D. Hume, traduites de l'anglois. ..
Hume l'homme et l'experience
An inquiry concerning the principles of morals
Ensayos políticos
Essais et traités sur plusieurs sujets
An enquiry concerning the human understanding, and An enquiry concerning the principles of morals
The Philosophical works
A dissertation on the passions ; The natural history of religion
Traité de la nature humaine
A Treatise on Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental ...
Essays and treatises on several subjects
A Dissertation on Miracles: Containing an Examination of the Principles Advanced by David Hume ...
Philosophical essays
Proposal for publishing a complete history of England
The history of England
Treatise of Human Nature
Essays and treatises on several subjects
History of England
The history of the reign of Henry the Eighth
New letters
The beauties of Hume and Bolingbroke
Ethical writings: selections
Traité de la nature humaine, de l'entendement
Letter from David Hume, Esq. to the author of The delineation of the nature and obligation of morality
Hume Modern Monographs
Ricerche sull'intelletto umano e sui principii della morale
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdiction of James the Second, 1688
Humes essays
The Philosophical works
Disertación sobre las pasiones y otros ensayos morales
L' Homme et l'expérience
Quatre discours politiques
Exposé succinct de la contestation qui s'est élevée entre M. Hume et M. Rousseau
Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand
Davidis Humei, Scoti, summi apud suos philosophi
Pragmateia gia tēn anthrōpinē physē
[The David Hume mss
New letters of David Hume
Eine untersuchung in betreff des menschlichen verstandes
Two essays
Essais politiques
Political essays
Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of morals; reprinted from the posthumous ed of 1777and eited with introduction, comparative tables of contents, and analytical index by L.A.Selby-Bigge
Abrégé du Traité de la nature humaine
Les essais esthétiques
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals
Selections of selected essays; edited by Charles W. Hendel.
A Treatise on Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental ...
A treatise on human nature, being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects, and, dialogues concerning natural religion
Il pensiero di David Hume
The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution of 1688
La règle du goût
Enquête sur les principes de la morale (1751)
The history of England, continued to the change of Ministry, 1859
Essays on suicide and the immortality of the soul
The Life of David Hume, Esq.
Hume's History of England, abridged, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar, to the Revolution in 1688. For the use of schools and young gentlemen. By George Buist, V.D.M
The philosophical works of David Hume
David Hume's Political Essays (The Library of Liberal Arts)
An abstract of a book lately published; entituled, A treatise of human nature, &c. Wherein the chief argument of that book is farther illustrated and explained
A treatise of human nature
Theory of knowledge
Diálogos sobre religión natural
Essays, with biographical introd. by Hannaford Bennett
Saggi e trattati morali, letterari, politici e economici
Traktat über die menschliche Natur
Essays: moral, political, and literary
An inquiry concerning the principles of morals
An inquirty concerning the principles of morals
Essays and treatises on several subjects, in two volumes
Philosophical essays concerning human understanding. By the author of the Essays moral and political
Pictorial history of England
A dissertation on the passions
Hume's Treatise of morals
(Of the) standard of taste
Essays, moral and political
Philosophical essays concerning human understanding
Enquiries concerning the human understaanding and concerning the principles of morals
Histoire de la maison de Plantagenet sur le trône d'Angleterre, depuis l'invasion de Jules César jusqu'a l'avénement de Henry VII
An enquiry concerning human understanding and A letter from a gentleman to his friend in Edinburgh
My own life
Hume's Treatise of morals
History of England Vol. II
Eine Untersuchung über die Principien der Moral
Essays and treatises on several subjects
Four dissertations. I. The natural history of religion. II. Of the passions. III. Of tragedy. IV. Of the standard of taste. By David Hume, esq
Selections from: an enquiry concerning human understanding; and, a treatise ofhuman nature
The history of England
Le génie de M. Hume, ou analyse de ses ouvrages, dans laquelle on pourra prendre une idée exacte des moeurs, des usages, des coutumes, des loix, & du gouvernement du peuple anglois
Philosophical historian
The Ulster Unionist Party, 1972-1992
The life of David Hume, Esq; the philosopher and historian
The empiricists
On religion
Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects Volume 1
Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects Volume v.1
Hume selections / edited by Charles W. Hendel
Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals Illustrated
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. Edited, with Introduction, by H.D. Aiken. Hafner publ. 1948.
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion(Annotated)
Hume on Religion - Selected and Introduced by Richard Wollheim. Collins. 1963.
An Enquiry Concerning The Principles Of Morals
Investigación sobre el entendimiento humano
Treatise of Human Nature
Hume's Dialogues concerning natural religion
Eine untersuchung in betreff des menschlichen verstandes
An enquiry concerning human understanding and selections from A treatise of human nature
An Inquiry concerning human understanding
"To right some things that we thought wrong ..."
Hume selections
Histoire de la Maison de Stuart, sur le trône d'Angleterre
Political discourses
David Hume
Dialogues concerning natural religion
Oeuvres philosophiques
Anfänge und Entwicklung der Religion
Smärre afhandlingar i allmanna hushallningen
The philosophical works
An abstract of A treatise of human nature (1740)
Private correspondence of David Hume
The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James the second, 1688
Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand
The history of England
Of money
Muhammad Asad
Muhammad Asad (1900-1992)

diplomat, journalist, translator, linguist, autobiographer, philosopher

  • University of Vienna
The Road to Mecca
The Message of the Qurʼān
The message of the Qurʾan
The Message of The Quran
Principles of State and Government in Islam
The Unromantic Orient
The book of revelations
The message of the Qurā̓n
The Spirit of Islam
Islam and politics
Islam at the Crossroads
Al- Islām fī al-Ḥukm
Le Chemin de La Mecque
T̤ūfān se sāḥil tak
Tong wang Maijia zhi lu
Al- Islām 'Alā muftaraq al-turuq
Islam on the crossroads
The principles of state and government in Islam
Ham ne Pākistān kiyūn̲ banāyā
al- Islām ʻalā muftaraq al-ṭuruq
The message of the Qura̓̄n
Hadaiq al-ashiq
The unromantic Orient
This Law of Ours and Other Essays
Is religion a thing of the pastà
The road to Mecca
The Principles of State and Government
Muḥammad Asad, ek Yūrapiyan badvī
The road to Makkah
Azas-azas negara dan pemerintah didalam Islam
Islam at the crossroads
al-Ghināʼ fī aqbiyah ʻamīqah
The message of the Qurā̓n
Unromantisches Morgenland
Sahih Al-Bukhari
Message of the Koran
Augustine of Hippo
Augustine of Hippo (0354-0430)

philosopher, theologian, autobiographer, music theorist, preacher, historian, poet, Catholic priest, titular bishop, Catholic bishop

Anne Campbell - Printed Writings, 1500-1640
Sermons pour la Pâque
De civitate Dei
Nicene and post-Nicene fathers
Sermons to the people
Select letters
De libero arbitrio
Fathers of the Church
Political writings
De doctrina Christiana
Enarrationes in Psalmos
On Genesis
Opera omnia
King Alfred's Books
Contra Julianum
On Christian doctrine
De civitate Dei
The confessions and letters of St. Augustin
An Augustine reader
Concerning the city of God against the pagans
Eighty-three different questions
The Problem of Free Choice
Oeuvres de Saint Augustin
The greatness of the soul
Homilies on the Gospel according to St. John
De civitate Dei
Augustine of Hippo
De Genesi ad litteram
City of God
Contra academicos
Tractates on the Gospel of John
The city of God ; an abridged version from the translation by Gerald G. Walsh [and others] with a condensation of the original forward by Etienne Gilson. Edited, with an introd. by Vernon J. Bourke
On the Holy Trinity Doctrinal Treatises Moral Treatises
The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Love
Seventeen short treatises of S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
St. Augustine
Enarrationes in psalmos 101-150
City of God
Fathers of the Church: Saint Augustine
Augustine's commentary on Galatians
Selected writings
The Political Writings
Later works
De Trinitate
De bono coniugali
The essential Augustine
Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament
Expositions on the book of Psalms
Hungering for God
St. Augustin's City of God and Christian Doctrine [A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church - Volume II]
Contra academicos
Early will I seek you
Essential Augustine
Saint Augustine on Christian teaching
Sermones de tempore
Saint Augustin maitre de la vie spirituelle, ou, Formation du chrétien ..
St. Augustin on Sermon on the Mount, Harmony of the Gospels and Homilies on the Gospels
Contro Fausto manicheo
Augustine on Romans
On Christian doctrine
Select letters
On the free choice of the will, On grace and free choice, and other writings
Tractates on the Gospel of John, 112-24
Saint Augustine's childhood
An Augustine synthesis
The preaching of Augustine
De musica
St. Augustin on Homilies on the Gospel of John, Homilies on the First Epistle of John and Soliloquies
The city of God
St. Augustin the Writings Against the Manicheans and Against the Donatists
Selected works
Writings of Saint Augustine, v.4
Four anti-Pelagian writings
The pilgrim city
Confessions and Letters of St. Augustin With a Sketch of His Life and Work
St. Augustin Anti-Pelagian Writings
Les  aveux
Love one another, my friends
Of true religion
Contra sermonem arrianorum praecedit sermo arrianorum
St. Augustine
St. Augustin's Expositions on the Book of Psalms
Augustine of Hippo, selected writings
Sermons 20-50 (Works of Saint Augustine)
La Genesi
The letters of Saint Augustine
St Augustine LifeGuide
King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies
De libero arbitrio libri tres
Saint Augustine's conversion
St. Augustin on the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises and Moral Treatises
On The Profit Of The Believing And On The Creed
On Christian Doctrine
De fide et operibus
Answer to the Pelagians II (Works of Saint Augustine)
The enchiridion of Augustine
Œuvres III, Saint Augustin
Tractates on the Gospel of John 1-10 (The Fathers of the Church, 78)
S. Avreli Avgvstini, hipponiensis episcopi
On The Catechising Of The Uninstructed
The political writings of St. Augustine
Excerpts from the works of Saint Augustine on the letters of the Blessed Apostle Paul
Earlier writings
Expositions of the Psalms 33-50
City of God
Seventeen short treatises of S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
De doctrina Christiana
De beata vita
Againt Julian
De spiritu et littera
On Christian doctrine
Tvorenīi͡a︡ Blazhennago Avgustina, Episkopa ipponīĭskago
The Enchiridion
The Manichean debate
St. Augustine on the Psalms
Le confessioni
Œuvres choisies
Concerning the City of God against the Pagans (Classics)
S. Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis episcopi Epistulae
Enarrationes in Psalmos
The Fathers of the Church
La grandezza dell'anima =
De doctrina Christiana
De diversis quaestionibus ad Simplicianum
The retractations
Commentaire de la première épitre de S. Jean
De musica
Pious brathings
Obras de San Agustín
De trinitate: B ucher VIII - XI, XIV - XV, Anhang Buch V; lateinisch-deutsch
Augustine's Conversion (Listener's Collection of Classic Christian Literature)
On The Holy Trinity
Specchio dei peccatori, attribuito a S. Agostino
Augustine: earlier writings
purses  high quality replica bags
The Rule of Saint Augustine
City of God
Commentary on the Lord's Sermon on the Mount
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De peccatorvm meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvvlorum ad Marcellinvm libri tres
The Confessions of St. Augustine / The Imitation of Christ
Commentary on the Lord's sermon on the Mount, with Seventeen related sermons
De Genesi contra Manichaeos
The works of Saint Augustine
Commentary on the Lord's Sermon on the Mount
Opera omnia
On Christian doctrine ; The enchiridion
The works of Aurelius Augustine
Against the academicians =
Treatises on marriage and other subjects
Nine sermons of Saint Augustine on the Psalms
The City of God
La  Genèse au sens littéral en douze livres.  Trad. introd. et notes par P. Agaesse et A. Solignac =
La  cité de Dieu
City of God
Divine Providence And The Problem Of Evil
Sancti Aureli Augustini Contra academicos libri tres
De Genesi contra Manichaeos
Moral Treatises Of Saint Augustin
Der Gottesstaat
The wisdom of St. Augustine
Doctrinal Treatises Of Saint Augustin
On Faith And The Creed And Concerning Faith Of Things Not Seen
De haeresibus
Saint-Augustin : Oeuvres, tome 2
Saint Augustin, Sermon on the Mount ; Harmony of the Gospels ; Homilies on the Gospels
Faith, hope and charity
Epistolae ex duobus codicibus nuper in lucem prolatae
Augustine essentials
Oeuvres Vol. 2
The Lord's sermon on the Mount
Home□lies sur l'E□vangile de Saint Jean I-XVI
The Augustine Catechism
                Augustine New City Press
Select Anti-Pelagian Treatises Of St. Augustine And The Acts Of The Second Council Of Orange
Sancti Aureli Augustini Contra Felicem
Nature And Grace
Rebuke And Grace
Soliloquies ; and, Immortality of the soul
Thirteen homilies of St. Augustine on St. John XIV
The Anti-Donatist Writings Of St. Augustine
The judgment of the learned and pious St. Augustine
St. Augustine answers 101 questions on prayer
The Lord's Sermon on the mount
What Augustine says
Expositions Of The Psalms 51-72 (Works of Saint Augustine)
Sermones de Vetere Testamento
The Rule of Saint Augustine
La cité de Dieu
Walking in the Light (A Fount Original)
Digitus dei or God appearing in his wonderfull works
St. Augustin, Homilies on the Gospel of John ; Homilies on the first epistle of John ; Soliloquies
Homilies On The First Epistle Of John
Sermons On Selected Lessons Of The New Testament
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De Genesi ad litteram libri dvodecim
Saint Augustine's memory
Man's Perfection In Righteousness
Omnium operum d. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi primus[-decimus] tomus
Sermons on the Liturgical seasons
Oeuvres completes
Treatises on various subjects
Commento al Vangelo di Giovanni
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Operum [tomus primus-]
St. Augustin's City of God and Christian doctrine
The sinners glasse
Oeuvres completes
Against Academicians and the Teacher
La cité de Dieu
Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount drawn from the writings of St. Augustine
Eighty-three different questions
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, Vol. II
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Contra adversarium legis et prophetarum ; Commonitorium Orosii et Sancti Aurelii Augustini Contra Priscillianistas et Origenistas
The city of God :D
The philosophy of teaching
Anti-Pelagian Writings [A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church - Volume V]
Basic Writings Of Saint Augustine
Treatises on various subjects
Pensamientos de San Agustín
Selbstgespräche. Von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele
Oeuvres complétes
Predestination Of The Saints
Unless the grain die
The first catechetical instruction =
The rule of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo. The constitutions / of the Sacred Order of Friars Preachers
Selected sermons
Ars grammatica breviata
On the Trinity
The Gift Of Perseverance
Reigles de Sainct Augustin
The Soliloquies Of St. Augustine
Oeuvres de Saint-Augustin
De dialectica
The Grace Of Christ And Original Sin
The Anti-Manichaean Writings Of St. Augustine
Selected Writings (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Sanctiv Avreli Avgvstini Contra academicos libri tres
Sermons sur Saint Jean
A Select Library Of The Nicene And Post-nicene Fathers Of The Christian Church : St. Augustin
Sancti Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi Opera omnia
Saint Augustine his enchiridion to Laurence, or, The chiefe and principall heads of all Christian religion
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi opera
Late have I loved thee
Opera omnia
S. Avreli Avgvstini Hipponiensis episcopi Epistvlae
Twelue sermons of Saynt Augustine, now lately translated into English by Tho. Paynel
Select anti-Pelagian treatises of St. Augustine
An Augustine synthesis
Sancti Avrelii Avgvstini Enarrationes in Psalmos
The immortality of the soul, The magnitude of the soul, On music, The advantage of believing, On faith in things unseen
La filosofia antica
La cité de Dieu
La cite de Dieu
Lettres de Saint Augustin
Letters of Saint Augustine
The essential Augustine.  Selected and with comment. be Vernon J. Bourke
Marriage And Concupiscence
On Genesis against the Manichees
Speculum peccatoris
Writings of Saint Augustine
Saint Augustine
Sancti Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi ... Opera omnia post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem castigata
Sancti Aurelli Augustini
Verses from St. Augustine
Sermon on the Mount ; Harmony of the Gospels ; Homilies on the Gospels
The city of God
Saint Augustine
La cité de Dieu
Sermon on the Mount - Harmony of the Gospels - Homilies on the Gospels [A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church - Volume VI]
Treatises on various subjects
Explication de l'oraison dominicale
De magistro
Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament
Augustine for Everyone
Saint Augustin, Anti-Pelagian writings
Expos on Psalms (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 1)
De beata vita
The Catholic and Manichaean ways of life
Confessions and Enchiridion
Saint Austins care for the dead, or His book De curâ pro mortuis
The teacher
La gene□se au sens litte□ral en douze livres
Aurelio Agostino, Tutti i dialoghi
On Christian doctrine; The Enchiridion; On catechising; On faith and the Creed
Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany
La civdad de Dios
Seventeen Short Treatises Of St. Augustine, Bishop Of Hippo
Regula sancti doctoris Augustini per hugonez de sancto victore declarata
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De perfectione ivstitiae hominis
De utilitate credendi =
The Proceedings Of Pelagius
Oeuvres completes
Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church : St. Augustin
Tomus primus[-decimus] omnium operum de Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi, ad fidem vetustorum exemplarium summa vigilantia repurgatoru[m] à mendis innumeris ..
The city of God
Saint Augustine, On instructing the unlearned ; Concerning faith of things not seen ; On the advantage of believing ; The Enchiridion to Laurentius, or, Concerning faith, hope, and charity
Introduction to the philosophy of Saint Augustine
Grace And Free Will
Oeuvres Vol. 1
The Merits And Remission Of Sins And The Baptism Of Infants
Augustine day by day II
The Spirit And The Letter
Le maitre/de magistro
La vera religione
Saint Augustin, expositions on the book of Psalms
Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament
Schriften gegen die Semipelagianer
Liber qui appellatur speculum et Liber de divinis scripturis sine speculum quod fertur
Selected Readings from Augustine of Hippo
Augustine day by day
Opera omnia
Homilies On The Gospel Of John
Quaestiones evangeliorum
The confessions.  The city of God.  On Christian doctrine
Pisma świętego Augustyna o małżeństwie i dziewictwie
De utilitate ieiunii
Oeuvres complétes
Against Two Letters Of The Pelagians
Fathers of the Church
The Soul And Its Origin
A pretious booke of heavenly meditations, called, A private talke of the soule with God
St. Augustine on the Psalms
La théologie de saint Augustin
The City of God
Fathers of the Church: St Augustine
Our Lord's Sermon On The Mount
The profit of believing
St. Augustine on marriage and sexuality
Like as the hart
The kernell or extract of the historicall part, of S. Augustins Confessions
Obras selectas
De magistro =
Oeuvres completes
La croce
The Trinity
Oeuvres de Saint Augustin
Augustine De doctrina Christiana
Prier Dieu avec les psaumes
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
St. Augustin's confessions, or, Praises of God
-a De sermone Domini in Monte libros duos
St. Augustine
The political writings of St. Augustine
De magisto. Philosophische und antipagane Schriften. Der Lehrer
Leaves from St. Augustine
De immortalitate animae of Augustine
Les sermons de S. Augustin sur le Nouveau Testament
Basic writings of Saint Augustine
On the Psalms
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church : St. Chrysostom
The Essential Augustine (Essentials)
Love song
Answer to the Pelagians III (Works of Saint Augustine)
Answer to Faustus, a Manichean
Die bedudinghe naden sinne van sunte Augustijns regule, met nota's, glossarium, klankverbeelding, spelwijzen en vergelijkende taksten
The Morals Of The Catholic Church
Answer to the Pelagians, II
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Lettres 1-29
Sermons 94a-150 (Works of Saint Augustine)
Saint Augustine's Confessions
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Ausgewählte Schriften des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Quaestionum in Heptateuchum, libri VII
Meditationes S. Avgvstini, et S. Bernardi aliorúmque sanctorum antiquorum patrum
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Enchiridion theologicum Sancti Augustini
St. Augustine on the psalms. Vol 1
Answer to skeptics
On the Two Cities
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
St. Augustine's Confessions
Sermones selecti dvodeviginti
Regvla beatissmi patris Avrelii Avgvstini hiponensis episcopi de commvni vita clericorvm, cum expositione d. Vgonis de Sancto Victore, adiecta utrique vulgari interpretatione
Pensamientos de San Agustín
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Thoughts of St. Augustine for every day
The solilequies of St. Augustine
St. Augustine's treatise on the City of God
Expositions of the Psalms,1-32 Vol. 1 (Works of Saint Augustine, Vol. III, No. 15)
Saint Augustine on Genesis: Two Books on Genesis Against the Manichees and on the Literal Interpretation of Genesis
Opere di sant'Agostino
Het werk van monniken =
Concerning the teacher (De magistro) and On the immortality of the soul (De immortalitate animae)
The Writings of St. Augustine Against the Donatists
Restless till we rest in you
Rejoice in the Lord (30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher)
Philosophische Spätdialoge
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Exposés généraux de la foi
Arianism and Other Heresies (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century)
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
La cité de Dieu, tome 3
The happy life
A select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Problèmes moraux
Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church Volume 01
Manual of devotion
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Sancti Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi Opera omnia, post lovaniensium theologorum recensionem, castigata denuo ad manuscriptos codices gallicos, vaticanos, beligos, etc., necnon ad editiones antiquiores et castigatiores, opera et studio monachorum Ordinis sancti Benedicti e Congregatione s. Mauri
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Three anti-pelagian treaties of S. Augustine Viz
Commentaire de la Première Épître de S. Jean
Aurelii Augustini opuscula plurima
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Anti-Pelagian writings
A Way to the heart of Christmas
Christian instruction, admonition and grace
St. Augustin the Writings Against the Manicheans and Against the Donatists
Der Jakobusbrief im Schrifttum des heiligen Augustinus
Die Retractationen in zwei Büchern =
A right Christian treatise entituled S. Augustine's praiers
Obras de san Agustín en edición bilingüe
A Select Library Of The Nicene And Post-nicene Fathers Of The Christian Church : Saint Augustin
Teaching Christianity
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Contra Iulianum (opus imperfectum)
Praying with Saint Augustine
Answer to the Pelagians IV (Works of Saint Augustine)
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De perfectione ivstitiae hominis, de gestis Pelagii
Saint Augustine's Enchiridion
Tractates on the Gospel of John 55-111 (Fathers of the Church)
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church; Volume 11
Diui Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Contra pelagianos et celestianos hypnosticon
Commentary on the Lord's Sermon on the Mount
King Alfred's Version of Saint Augustine's Soliloquies
Treatises on marriage and other subjects
De natura boni =
St. Augustine's De musica
The enchiridion on faith, hope and love
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Contra Felicem
Select letters
La vie heureuse
Lectures spirituelles pour Noël et l'Epiphanie
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Qvaestionvm in Heptatevchvm libri VII
Ausgewaehlte schriften
City of God
A pretious booke of heauenlie meditations, called A priuate talke of the soule with God
The essential Augustine
De catechizandis Rudibus
Homilies on the Gospel of John ; Homilies on the first Epistle of John ; Soliloquies
La crise pe□lagienne
On Christian Doctrine
De fide rerum invisibilium
Le visage de l'église
St. Augustine: De fide et symbolo
Saint Augustine's Childhood
Jésus-Christ mort et ressuscité pour nous
Oeuvres de Saint Augustin
König Alfreds des Grossen Bearbeitung der Soliloquien des Augustinus
Prayers from The Confessions
Contra Iulianum
Textos de los grandes filósofos
Six traités anti-manichéens
Les confesions
La cite de Dieu
A select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De vtilitate credendi
De immortalitate animae
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Operum tomus primus[-decimus-octavus, et ultimus]
Diccionario doctrinal de San Agustín
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Answer to the Pelagians I (Works of Saint Augustine)
Philosophie, catéchèse, polémique
The mind and heart of Augustine
Sancti Aureli Augustini Opera
Aux moines D'Adruméte et de provence
Drey Bett Büchlein S. Augustini
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
The confessions of the incomparable doctour S. Augustine, translated into English. Togeather with a large preface, which it will much import to be read ouer first; that so the book it selfe may both profit, and please, the reader, more
Saint Augustine
Expositions on the book of Psalms
City of God
The city of God
Die Unruhe zu Gott
Divi Aurelii Augustini Hippon. Episcopi Meditationes, Soliloquia et Manuale
Augustine of Hippo, Eloquent Wisdom
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Little book of contemplation
Morality, extracted from the Confessions of Saint Austin
Moral instructions, extracted from the works of the glorious Dr. of the church, Saint Augustin. ..
Heavenly Treasure of Comfortable Meditations and Prayers
Marriage and Virginity (Works of Saint Augustine)
Sente[n]tia beati Augustini episcopi ex libro retractat[i]onum ip[s]ius de libris d[e] ciuitate Dei
The happy life
De trinitate libri XV
Natura e grazia
La preghiera
The happy life
St. Augustin on Sermon on the Mount, Harmony of the Gospels and Homilies on the Gospels
De libero arbitrio (libri tres) =
On the Inner Life of the Mind
The Lord's sermon on the mount, tr. by John J. Jepson
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Confessiones. Text. Auswahl aus den Büchern I - X.
Specchio dei peccatori
The City of God against the pagans
Saint Augustine's De civitate Dei
Diui Aurelij Augustini hipponensis episcopi ad Marcellinũ
The Handbook
S. Avreli Avgvstini. De catechizandis rvdibvs liber vnvs
De natura boni
Against the Academicians
Geist und Buchstabe
On Christian Belief: The Works of Saint Augustine
St. Augustin Anti-Pelagian Writings
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
De catechizandis rudibus liber unus
The Rule of St. Augustine
S. Avreli Avgvstini
Operum tomus primus [-decimus] post lovaniensum theologorum recensionem castigatus denuo ad manuscriptos codices gallicanos, vaticanos, anglicanos, belgicos, etc
Sobre la música : seis libros
The immortality of the soul
Predigten zu Neujahr und Epiphanie (Sermones 196/A-204/A)
De moribus ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum libri duo
The Catholic and Manichaen ways of life (De Moribus Ecclesiae Catholiqucae et de Moribus Manichaeorum)
Confessiones. Kommentar. Eine Auswahl aus der ersten zehn Büchern.
Against the academics
De Doctrina Christiana (Oxford Early Christian Studies)
Confessions, 1620
St. Augustin, the writings against the Manichaeans and against the Donatists
The first catechetical instruction
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
St. Augustine
John shines through Augustine; selections from the sermons of Augustine on the Gospel according to Saint John
The city of God, books XVII-XXII
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Milleloquivm veritatis
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
02. St. Augustine
Obras de San Agustin
Praying with your whole heart
Confessions and Letters of St. Augustin with a Sketch of His Life and Work
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De fide et symbolo
The writings against the Manichaeans and against the Donatists
City of God [tr. by Marcus Dods] ; and Christian Doctrine [tr. by J.F. Shaw]
Augustinus' Belijdenissen
Expositions of the Psalms,75-98 Vol 4
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
A Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church Volume XIII
The City of God (Part 1)
St. Augustin : the writings against the Manichaeans and against the Donatists
Faith, hope and charity
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
St. Augustin on Homilies on the Gospel of John, Homilies on the First Epistle of John and Soliloquies
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Enarrationes in Psalmos
On the Trinity
The anti-Pelagian writings of Saint Augustine
A select library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian church
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi
Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
The meditations, soliloquia and manuall of the glorious doctour S. Augustine
St. Augustin's Expositions on the Book of Psalms
La Trinité
The Augustine catechism
Sancti Augustini Confessionum libri tredecim
The Easter sermons
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Die Bekenntnisse des heiligen Augustin
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Scripta contra donatistas
Il combattimento cristiano
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Answer to Faustus, a Manichean* (Works of Saint Augustine)
S. Avreli Avgvstini Hipponensis episcopi Liber qvi appellatvr Specvlvm et Liber de divinis scriptvris sive Specvlvm qvod fertvr S. Avgvstini
Sanctus Aurelius Augustinus, De doctrina Christiana
On free choice of the will
Christian instruction
A woorke of the holy bishop S. Augustine concernyng adulterous mariages written by him to Pollentius, diuided into two bookes, very necessary to be knowen of all men and women
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Augustine on Romans
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Basic writings of Saint Augustine
The St. Augustine LifeGuide
An Augustine treasury
Obras completas de San Agustín
Sermons pour la Pâque
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
St. Augustin's City of God and Christian Doctrine
On Christian belief
The Harmony of the Gospels
Basic writings by Saint Augustine, ed. with an introduction and notes
Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love (Foundations of Faith) (Foundations of Faith)
The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation
Basic writings of Saint Augustine
On the holy trinity ; Docrinal treatises ; Moral treatises
The works of Aurelius Augustine
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
St. Augustine on the psalms. Vol 2
The City of God (Part 2)
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
St. Augustine's Confessions
Saint Augustine against Julian
Saint Augustine's Conversion
La ciudad de dios
Meditationes Diui Augustini Episcopi Hipponensis
On Christian Belief (Works of Saint Augustine (Numbered))
Nine sermons of Saint Augustine on the Psalms
Late Have I Loved Thee
The meditations, soliloqvia, and mnavall of the glorious Doctour S. Augustine
A pretious booke of heavenlie meditations, called, A priuate talke of the soule with God
Choix d'écrits spirituels de saint Augustin
S. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi operum ...
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Saint Augustine's theory of time
Predestinacion of saintes
Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament
L'ascétisme chrétien ...
St. Augustin on the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises and Moral Treatises
De excidio urbis Romae sermo
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi operum
Eine Augustin fälschlich beigelegte Homilia de sacrilegiis
The Manichean Debate
Augustinus over den staat
Concerning the teacher (De magistro) and On the immortality of the soul (De immortalitate animae)
The rule of Saint Augustine
La morale chrétienne
Sermons to the People
Diui Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De summa Trinitate ..
The city of God against the pagans
De libero arbitrio voluntatis
Tractates on the Gospel of John
The Trinity (Fathers of the Church, 45)
Of true religion
Writings of Saint Augustine Volume 2. St. Augustine
Il libro della vita contemplativa
Expositions of the Psalms,51-72 Vol.3 (Works of Saint Augustine (Numbered))
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
St. Augustine's Treatise on the city of God
Thirteen homilies of St Augustine on St John XIV
Confesiones de san Agustín
The happy life
The greatness of the soul. The teacher
S. Augustines manuel
Contre Fauste le Manichéen
Augustin; reflexionen und maximen aus seinen werken gesammelt und übersetzt von Adolf von Harnack
The retractations
Pious Breathings
The greatness of the soul. The teacher
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus Fünfzehn Bücher über die Dreieinigkeit
Obras de San Agustín en edición bilingüe
Tractates on the Gospel of John
Writings in connection with the Donatist controversy
S. Avrelii Avgvstini De civitate Dei libri XXII
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Operum tomus primus [-decimus]
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De gratia & libero arbitrio
Augustinus Vom seligen Leben
The happy life
Eine Augustin fälschlich beilegte Homilia de sacrilegiis
Dreiundachtzig verschiedene Fragen
Opere antieretiche
La ciudad de Dios
Lo mejor de Agustín de Hipona
Liber epistolarum beati Augustini episcopi hipponensis ecclesie
On Christian Doctrine
Textus Eucharistici selecti
Expositions of the Psalms:73-98 Volume 2 (Works of Saint Augustine)
Homilies on the Gospel according to St. John and his first Epistle
Commentaire de la Première Epître de S. Jean
An Augustine synthesis
Diui Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De summa Trinitate ...
Diui Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De gratia & libero arbitrio, ad Valentinum & cu[m] illo monachis, liber vnus ; eiusdem De correptione & gratia ad eundem & cum illo monachis, liber vnus ; quibus praemittuntur epistolae duae Diui Augustini ad Valentinum, contra eos qui negant liberum arbitrium
De vera religione =
Nine sermons of Saint Augustine on the Psalms
St. Augustine, De symbolo
Christian instruction.  Admonition and Grace. The Christian combat.  Faith, hope and charity
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament
Liber de agone christiano et de sermone Christi in monte habito
We are your servants
The Augustine Catechism
D. Aurelii Augustini Hippon Episcopi Libri XIII Confessionum
The anti-pelagian works of Saint Augustine
St. Augustine
A select library of the Nicene and Post-nicene fathers of the christian church
S. Aureli Augustini De beata vita
Sul sacerdozio
On Genesis
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Livro de soliloquio de sancto agostinho (Cod. de Alcob CCLXXIII
Divi Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi
Plough Quarterly No. 17- The Soul of Medicine
A select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church
Saint Augustine
Confessionum libri X
Saint Augustine
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Writings in connection with the Manichaean heresy
La regola
S. Avreli Avgvstini Hipponensis episcopi Liber qvi appellatvr Specvlvm et Liber de divinis scriptvris sive Specvlvm qvod fertvr S. Avgvstini
Saint Augustines's Confessions
Trinity (Works of Saint Augustine)
S. Aureli Augustini libros
The essential Augustine
De baptismo =
Enchiridion of Augustine : Addressed to Laurentius
Pious breathings
Basic Writings of Saint Augustine
The city of God (De civitate Dei) ...
Sancti Aureli Augustini Quaestionum in Heptateuchum libri VII
De trinitate libri XV
Philosophische Fr©ơhdialoge: Gegen die Akademiker
Confessions, Vol. 3
Sancti Aurelii Augustini In Iohannis Evangelium tractatus CXXIV
Commento al Padre nostro
Sancti Aurelii Augustini, Hipponensis Episcopi, Opera Omnia, Volume 11
D. Aurelii Augustini ... Confessionum, libri tredecim
Die Handarbeit der Mönche
The enchiridion on faith, hope and love
Sancti Aurelii Augustini De diversis quaestionibus ad Simplicianum
Sermons Dolbeau 1-10
Il "De Trinitate"
Die Ordnung
Opuscula plurima
The prayers of St. Augustine
Letters 100-155 (Works of Saint Augustine)
Regla del glorioso doctor de la iglesia N.G.P.S. Agustin
König Alfreds des Grossen bearbeitung der Soliloquien des Augustinus
Letters (83-130)
On music
De civitate Dei cum comment
A digest of St. Augustine's City of God
Fede e ricerca filosofica
Three Anti-Pelagian Treaties of S. Augustine Viz
D. Aurelii Augustini ... Tam in Vetus quam in Nouum Testamentum
Saint Augustine, on Instructing the Unlearned; Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen; on the Advantage of Believing; the Enchiridion to Laurentius, or, Concerning Faith, Hope, and Charity
Saint Augustines confessions
Spiritual journey
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
De vera religione =
Treatises on marriage and other subjects
La città di Dio
De doctrina christiana libri quattuor
De beata vita Sancti Aurelii Augustini, hipponensis episcopi
Creat Du Monde Ciel Terr
La cité de Dieu, tome 1
Expositions on the Book of Psalms; Volume 24
Ars grammatica breviata
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... Opera omnia
Aurelius Augustinus Betrachtungen
Sermons de S. Augustin Sur le Nouveau Testament; Volume 2
S. Aureli Augustini Confessionum libri tredecim
Rule of Saint Augustine
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Operum tomus primus [-decimus]
Homilies on the Gospel according to St. John and his first Epistle
Concerning Faith in Things Not Seen
Seventeen Short Treatises of S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo; Volume 22
Operum tomus primus [-duodecimus] post lovaniensium theologorum recensionem castigatus denuo ad manuscriptos codices gallicanos, vaticanos, anglicanos, belgicos &c. nec non ad editiones antiquiores & castigatiores
Polemica con Giuliano
St. Augustine's Treatise on the City of God
Bekenntnisse und Gottesstaat
Sancti Aureli Augustini ... philosophia
De civitate Dei Libri XXII ...
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Earlier writings
De utilitate ieiunii
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
St. Augustine's Treatise on the City of God, Abridged by F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock
Treatise on lying
S. Aurelii Augustini episcopi hipponensis liber De Videndo Deo
A Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Sermones de Vetere Testamento
The City of God. Translated by Marcus Dods Volume 1
On Baptism Against the Donatists
Abrégé de la grammaire de Saint Augustin
Readings from St. Augustine on the Psalms
Basic writings of Saint Augustine
The Passion of SS. Perpetua and Felicity MM
Selected Easter sermons of Saint Augustine
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
Essential Expositions of the Psalms
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
D. Aurelii Augustini Hippon. espiscopi Libri XIII Confessionum ad 3 MSS. exemp. emendati
Sermones sancti Augustini ad heremitas
Des Heiligen Augustinus Zwey und Zwanzig Bücher Von der Stadt Gottes
De consensu quattuor evangelistarum
Traite s anti-donatistes
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
"We Are Your Servants" Augustine's Homilies on Ministry
Faith, hope and charity
Les plus belles homélies de saint Augustin sur les Psaumes
Letters of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
On Christian Doctrine; the Enchiridion
The rule of Saint Augustine
Thirteen homilies of St. Augustine on St. John XIV
S. Aurelius Augustinus, episcopus Hipponensis, De catechizandis rudibus, De fide rerum quae non videntus, De utilitate credendi
The retractations
S. Austin's rule, together with the Constitutions, 1636
Selected writings of Saint Augustine
Saint Augustine, The City of God Against the Pagans ,Books I-III
The first catechetical instruction
Essays by Various Writers
De musica
Divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi Meditationes, Soliloquia, et Manuale
On the Trinity
Lectures or tractates on the gospel according to St. John
Aurelij Augustini Iponensium presulis dignissimi. liber. de. xij. abusiuis seculi incipit feliciter
On the Work of Monks
The Golden Book Of Saint Augustine
Psalmus. xliiij. Cu[m] explanatione Diui Augustini
Saint Augustine Confessions
Expositio in omnes epistolas Pauli
Diálogo sobre o livre arbítrio
Preclarissima inestimabilis doctrine atq utilitatis Divi Aurelii Augustini Sermonu opera
Against Julian (Fathers of the Church (Paper))
The first catechetical instruction
On Christian Doctrine; The Enchiridion
City of God by Augustine of Hippo
Incipiu[n]t sermones sancti Augustini ad heremitas [et] nonnulli ad sacerdotes suos, [et] ad aliquos alios
Il libro della vita comtemplativa
Seventeen short treatises of S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
Introduction to the philosophy of Saint Augustine
Predici la marile sărbători
S. Aurelii Augustini Confessiones
A trindade
La Cité De Dieu, Volume 1... (Latin Edition)
Augustini Hipponenensis Episcopi liber de spiritu, & litera
S. Aurelii Augustini Confessiones
De civitate Dei libri XXII ...
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Contra academicos
Greatness of the Soul
Political Writings of St. Augustine
Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany
La versione in inglese antico dei Soliloqui di Agostino
The meditations, soliloquia, and manuall of the glorious Doctour S. Augustine
The works of Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
Commentaire de la Première épitre de S. Jean
On order =
Commentary on the Lord's Sermon on the Mount
Des heiligen Augustins ...
On Christian doctrine
De dignitate sacerdotum
De virtute psalmorum
S. Aureli Augustinus, Hipponiensis Episcopi Epistulae
S. Augustine on Eucharistic adoration
Divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De immortalitate animae
Les plus belles pages de Saint Augustin ..
Homilies on the Gospel According to St. John
Of the Good of Widowhood : (de Bono Viduitatis)
La crise pélagienne
Manval containing speciall and picked meditations and godlie prayers ...
Liber epistolarum Beati Augustini Episcopi Hipponensis ecclesiae
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
On the Works of Monks : (de Opera Monachorum)
Sancti Aureli Augustini Contra Academicos Libri Tres. de Beata Vita Liber Unus. de Ordine Libri Duo
The city of God, tr. and ed. by Marcus Dods
Confessionum libri XIII
Contre Julien
Opus quaestionum
S. Augustine's Confessions
St. Augustine's Treatise on the City of God, Abridged by F.R. Montgomery Hitchcock
Oeuvres completes
Saint Augustine
On Lying : (de Mendacio)
Die Grösse der Seele
Concerning the city of God against the pagans
Meditations of Saint Augustine
Expositions of the Psalms 99-120 Vol.5 (The Works of Saint Augustine, Vol 19 Part 3)
Ausgewählte schriften nach dem urtexte übersetzt
Explication du Sermon sur la Montagne
Die Bekenntnisse des heiligen Augustinus
On the Trinity
The works of Saint Augustine
Letters 211-270, 1-29 (Works of Saint Augustine)
S. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De civitate Dei libri XXII
Szent Ágoston reguláainak magyar forditása Coelius (Bánffy) Gergelytől (1537)
De magistro liber unus
Selected writings
Liber de catechizandis rudibus
Commento al Vangelo di Giovanni
Soliloquiorum libri duo
De Trinitate
Advent and Christmas wisdom from St. Augustine
D. Aureli Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi De grammatica liber
Tomvs [I-IX]
Confessionum libri XIII
Discorso del Signore sulla montagna
Sancti Aurelli [i.e. Aurelii] Augustini epistulae
Enchiridion ad Laurentium Primicerium, etc
Saint Augustine Against Julian (Writings of Saint Augustine, V. 16) The Fathers of the Church A New Translation. Volume 35
D. Aurelii Augustini ... Libri XIII
Sermons 151-183 (Works of Saint Augustine)
Opera omnia
Sancti Avrelii Avgvstini De doctrina christiana
De fide rerum invisibilium ; Enchiridion ad Laurentium ; De fide et spe et caritate ; De catechizandis rudibus ; Sermo ad catechumenos de symbolo ; Sermo de disciplina Christiana ; Sermo de utilitate ieiunii ; Sermo de excidio urbis Romae ; De haeresibus
S. Aurelii Augustini confessiones
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Confessionum libri tredecim
Commentarii Thomas Valois et Nicolai Triveth super Augustinum
A Right Christian treatise, entituled S. Augustines prayers
Ausgewählte Kostbarkeiten
Enchiridion, or, Manual to Laurentius concerning faith, hope, and charity
A treatise of Saint Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, On the catechizing of the uninstructed
On Christian Doctrine : (de Doctrina Christiana)
The confessions of St. Augustine. The imitation of Christ
La catechesi
Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des heiligen Augustinus
Il discorso della montagna
Commentary on the Gospel of Saint John
Sangdike zhen tan an
Kunnen we God zien?
Treatise Against the Jews- Revised Translation
Opervm, tomus primus [-decimus] cui accesserunt libri, epistolae, sermones, et fragmenta aliquot, hactenus nunquam impressa ... Additus est et index ... Nunc recèns impressus, recognitus, & emandatus
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ...
My mother
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Letters. Volume III (131-164)
St. Avgvstine, Of The Citie Of God
On the Trinity
Confessions and Enchiridion
Grazia e libertà
La cité de Dieu
The city of God against the pagans
De catechizandis rudibus
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
A Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church
Pious breathings
Omnium operum divi Aurelii Augustini, Episcopi Hipponensis Epitome
Sermons On Selected Lessons Of The New Testament
Doctrina de vida espiritual
Sancti ... Augustini ... Opera omnia, post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem ...
On Rebuke and Grace
St. Augustine on the Psalms
The soliloquies of St. Augustine
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Contra Felicem. De natvra boni. Epistvla Secvndini. Contra Secvndinvm. Accedvnt Evodii De fide contra Manichaeos et Commonitorivm Avgvstini qvod fertvr, praefatione vtrivsqve partis praemissa
Bekenntnisse, in neuer Übersetzung
Readings from St. Augustine on the Psalms
Augustine of Hippo, selected writings
O drz avi boz joj =
... De quantitate animae
Saint Avgvstine, Of The Citie of God
Sei Augusutinusu kokuhaku
Hantboecxken ende legende
Divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Meditationes, soliloquia & manuale
Lettere scelte
De vera religione liber unus
Una fede, una chiesa
The Judgment Of The Learned and Pious St.Augustine, Concerning Penal Lavves Against Conventicles, And For Vnity in Religion. Deliver'd in His 48th Epistle to Vincentius. (ornament)
Ṿiduye Ogusṭinus ha-ḳadosh
Contra academicos
Tractates on the Gospel of John, 11-27 (Fathers of the Church (Paper))
De musica, a synopsis
König Alfreds des grossen bearbeitung der Soliloquien des Augustinus
The Trinity
Of True Religion
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
The monastic rules of Saint Augustine
The Catholic and Manichaean ways of life ; De moribus ecclesiae Catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum
Des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus Bekenntnisse
The Works of Saint Augustine 2
Lo spirito e la lettera
Sermons on the liturgical seasons
Opera omnia, post lovaniensium theologorum recensionem
Chan hui lu
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
Esposizioni sui Salmi III
De catechizandis rudibus
Le eresie
Liber ad Petrum diaconum de fide
La ciudad de Dios
Augustin De catechizandis rudibus
The philosophy of teaching
Augustinus De civitate Dei
The first catechetical instruction =
Sancti Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi ... Opera omnia post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem castigata
Sur la Genèse contre les Manichéens
Aurelii Augustini opuscula plurima
Letters of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
S. Augustijns virighe meditatien oft aendachten
Storie di conversioni
On Lying
Basic writings of Saint Augustine
Opere esegetiche
Sancti Aureli Augustini De utilitate credendi. De duabus animabus. Contra Fortunatum. Contra Adimantum. Contra epistulam fundamenti. Contra Faustum
Six traite□s anti-maniche□ens
To Kekragarion
Die Bekenntnisse des heiligen Augustinus
The greatness of the soul
El libro de la vida cristiana
Nine sermons of Saint Augustine on the Psalms
Faith, hope and charity
Unless the grain die
Opusculum multarum bonarum reru[m] refertum
De natura boni
Vingt-six sermons au peuple d'Afrique
Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons
al-Maktabah al-rūḥīyah
Saint Augustine against the Academicians
The City of God. Translated by Marcus Dods; Volume 2
King Alfred's Old English Version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies, Turned into Modern English
Select letters
De dono perseverantiae
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Against Julian
Clásicos de la Fe
Die Bekenntnisse des heiligen Augustinus
Sancti Aurelii Augustini De sermone Domini in monte, libros duos
Polemica con i donatisti
Homilies on the Gospel according to John, and his first epistle
The Enchiridion on faith, hope and love / St. Augustine ; [translated by J. F. Shaw] ; edited with an introd. by Henry Paolucci ; with an analysis and historical appraisal by Adolph von Harnack
Select letters
Saint Augustine Confessions (Fathers of the Church A New Translation Volume 21)
You converted me
Expositions On The Book Of Psalms, Volume 9
L'anima e la sua origine
Soliloquii del diuo padre sancto Augustino volgari ..
Enchiridion de fide
De civitate Dei
Expositions on the Book of Psalms; Volume 2
Schriften gegen die Pelagianer
Agostino d'Ippona
Dao de lun ji
Anonymi Altercationes christianae philosophiae contra erroneas et seductiles paganorum philosophorum versutias
Der freie Wille
Treatises on marriage and other subjects
Sancti Aureli Augustini opera
King Alfred's Old English Version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies
On the Soul and Its Origins
Diui Augustini librorum pars septima
Werke [kritische Edition, lateinisch/deutsch]
La règle de Saint Augustin
City of God
The problem of free choice
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Aurelii Augustini opuscula plu[r]ima, quedam no[n] plus imp[re]ssa
Alla scoperta delle esposizioni sui salmi di Agostino
Concerning the teacher (De magistro) and On the immortality of the soul (De immortalitate animae)
Les Chemins de Saint-Jacques
Morale e ascetismo cristiano
Sancti Aureli Augustini Tractatus sive sermones inediti
Oeuvres complètes de Saint Augustin
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Epistulae LVI-C
Faith, hope and charity
Of Faith and the Creed
On the Soul and Its Origins
Confessionum Libri XIII
Preaching and teaching according to S. Augustine
Les trois personnes
Passion of SS. Perpetua and Felicity, MM
Matrimonio e verginità
Saint Augustin
Love song
Expositio in omnes epistolas Pauli [microform]
Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons, Saint Augustine
The anti-Pelagian works of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
Premières réactions antipélagiennes
La dottrina cristiana
Against the Academicians =
St. Augustin's City of God and Christian doctrine
Soliloquios y manual
Sei Augusutinusu zangeroku
The anti-pelagian works
Discorsi nuovi
Cuiusdā fidelis christiani epistola, ad christianos oēs, eos salubriter admonētis atq ad poenitentiā salutarē adhortātis
The philosophy of teaching
Sancti Aureli Augustini De fide et symbolo
St. Augustine confessions
Meditationes, soliloquia, & manuale
Sancti Aureli Augustini Opera
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Retractationvm libri dvo
King Alfred's Old English Version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies, Turned Into Modern English
On the beatitudes
Instructing beginners in faith
The city of God
De vera religione ed estratti del De civitate dei
Meditationes, soliloquia et manuale
An Augustine synthesis / arranged by Erich Przywara ; introduction by C.C. Martindale
De immortalitate animae
Des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus Vorträge über das Evangelium des hl. Johannes
Confessionum libri tredecim
De vita christiana libri VII
Faith, hope and charity
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Quaestiones evangeliorum cum appendice Quaestionum XVI in Matthaeum
On the free choice of the will, On grace and free choice, and other writings
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Selected sermons of St. Augustine
De civitate Dei
Des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus Fünfzehn Bücher über die Dreieinigkeit
Libri I-XIII : [Enth.
Bekenntnisse / Confessiones
Writings of Saint Augustine
The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
Homélies sur l'Évangile de Saint Jean
Letters 156-210 (Works of Saint Augustine)
Introduction to St. Augustine
Selected writings on grace and Pelagianism
Opera omnia
S. Augustines Manuell, or Litle Booke of the Contemplation of Christ . .
Basic writings of Saint Augustine
Ausgewählte predigten II
Regula sancti doctoris Augustini per hugonez de sancto victore declarata
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Sancti Aurelii Augustini, Hipponensis Episcopi, Opera Omnia, Volume 2
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Enchiridion de fide
Epistolae [microform]
On Christian Doctrine
Locutionum in Heptateuchum libri VII
Trilogy on faith and happiness
Saint Augustin commente la Première lettre de saint Jean
Ausgewählte Schriften des hl. Aurelius Augustinus, Kirchenlehrers
Aurelius Augustinus, De musica liber VI
Readings from St. Augustine on the Psalms
Lectures or tractates on the Gospel according to St. John
Il libro della pace
L'umiltà dall'amore
Mia madre
Retractationum libri II
The happy life
Teaching Christianity (Works of Saint Augustine)
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
The Meditations, Soliloqvia, And Manvall Of The Glorious Doctour S. Augustine
Sancti Aureli Augustini Scripta contra donatistas
De libero arbitrio libri tres
S. Avreli Avgvstini, hipponiensis episcopi, De doctrina christiana libros quattuor
Sancti Aurelii Augustini De diversis quaestionibus octoginta tribus
O pořadku
La regola
Polemica con i manichei
Saint Augustines Confessions translated
S. Aurelii Augustini episcopi Hipponensis De doctrina christiana libros quattuor
St. Augustine
Letters, Volume 6 (1-29) (Fathers of the Church (Paper))
Expositions of Psalms 121-150 Vol.6 (Works of Saint Augustine)
De Civitate Dei
Incipit liber Soliloquiorum Beati Augustini a[n]i[ma]e ad Deum
Homélies sur la première Épître de Saint Jean
Per conoscere sant'Agostino
Thirteen Homilies of St. Augustine on St. John Xiv--Lxxix
On the Spirit and the Letter : (de Spiritu et Littera)
Divi Augustini De correptione et gratia
Fathers of the Church: Saint John Chrysostom
Aufstieg zu Gott
The teacher. The free choice of the will. Grace and free will
Esposizioni sui Salmi
Mélanges doctrinaux
Die Lügenschriften
Augustinus De trinitate
The confessions ; The city of God ; On Christian doctrine
Regla de N.G.P. San Augustin y constituciones de las religiosas del Sagrado Orden de Predicadores
Des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus Zweiundzwanzig Bücher über den Gottesstaat
Il consenso degli Evangelisti
Writings of Saint Augustine
Sinte Avgvstinvs vierighe Meditatien oft aendachten
Regola di s. Agostino per le monache di santa Caterina della Rosa
Writings of Saint Augustine
Sermons, Newly Discovered (Works of Saint Augustine)
Eine Augustin fälschlich beilegte Homilia de sacrilegiis
A Select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church
La speranza
Confessions, 1620
De la Trinit�
Select letters, with an English translation
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi milleloquium veritatis
Sancti Aureli Augustini De genesi ad litteram libri duodecim
Select anti-Pelagian treatises of St. Augustine and the acts of the second council of Orange
Des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus Ausgewahlte praktische schriften-homiletischen und katechetischen inhalts
Nine Sermons of Saint Augustine on the Psalms
Sancti Aurelli [i.e. Aurelii] Augustini epistulae I-LV
On Christian Teaching (Oxford World's Classics (Oxford University Press).)
Sancti Avrelii Avgvstini Enarrationes in Psalmos
Die Sorge für die Toten
The happy life. Answer to skeptics. Divine providence and the problem of evil. Soliloquies
De trinitate
The city of God
Augustinus, ein Lesebuch aus seinen Werken
Expositions on the Book of Psalms; Volume 25
St. Augustine, on education
Aurelii Augustini opera
On Christian doctrine
La cité de Dieu
City of God. Translated by Marcus Dods; Volume 2
Dēmētriou Kydōnē Metaphrasē tou Pseudoaugoustineiou Soliloquia (ti an eipoi psychē monē pros monon ton theon)
A Right Christian treatise, entituled S. Augustines praiers
Works; a New Translation. Edited by Marcus Dods; Volume 12
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi Ad Optatum Episcopi Milevitanum de natura et origine animae epistola secunda ; ac De poenis parvulorum, qui sine baptismo decedunt, epistola altera scripta ad Petrum et Abraham ... ; accedunt novissime in hac editione de iisdem Judicium quod plures Doctores e Societate Sorbonica exhibuere in Epistola ad March Scipionem Maffaeum ; nec non Indiculus operum D. Augustini cura Possidii Ep. Calamensis editus & a Josepho Blanchino ... recognitus & collatus cum codicibus mss...
On free choice of the will
Of Holy Virginity : (de Virginitate)
La vera religione
Sermons 51-94 (Works of Saint Augustine)
The Monastic Rules (The Augustine Series, V. 4)
Sancti Aureli Augustini Confessionum libri XIII
Leaves from St. Augustine
Sancti Augustini confessionum libri tredecim
Enchiridion theologicum Sancti Augustini
Diui Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Meditationes, Soliloquia & Manuale
Expositions on the Book of Psalms; Volume 1
De Perfectione Iustitiae Hominia De Duabus Animabus Contra Fortunatem
Fünf Festpredigten Augustins in gereimter Prosa
On the Profit of Believing : (de Utilitate Credendi)
The teaching of St. Augustine on prayer & the contemplative life
Concerning the city of God against the pagans
Augustinus de ciuitate Dei
Quattuor diui Augustini Libri de Doctrina Christiana
On Christian doctrine ; The enchiridion
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
Epistolae ex duobus codicibus nuper in lucem prolatae
Pisma egzegetyczne przeciw manichejczykom
Expositions of the Psalms, 1-32 Vol.1 (Works of Saint Augustine)
Die Bekenntnisse des heiligen Augustinus buch I-X ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit einer einleitung versehen
Agostino di Ippona, l'amicizia cristiana
Nine sermons of St. Augustine on the Psalms, translated and introduced by Edmund Hill
Iʻtirāfāt al-Qiddīs Ughastīnūs
Expositions on the Book of Psalms; Volume 4
D. Avrelii Avgvstini hipponensis episcopi
Le lettere. Supplemento (1*-29*)
The city of God against the pagans
Seventeen Short Treatises of S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo; Volume 22
St. Augustine's Confessions
Augustins Enchiridion
Libro de las meditaciones y soliloquios y Manual del bienauenturado sant Augustin obipso de Yponia glorioso doctor y lumbre de la santa yglesia
Commento alla Lettera ai Galati
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De Genesi ad litteram libri dvodecim
King Alfred's version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies
Sancti Aurelii Augustini De doctrina Christiana
Praying the Psalms with Augustine and Friends
The Sermon on the mount expounded ; and The harmony of the Evangelists
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponesis Episcopi operum
S. Augustine the Preacher
De correptione et gratia secundum textum Maurinorum
Expositio quarundam propositionum ex epistola ad Romanos ; Epistolae ad Galatas expositionis liber unus ; Epistolae ad Romanos inchoata expositio
The City of God
La cité de Dieu, tome 2
Sinner and Saint. Readings from Confessions of Saint Augustine. (To Know More Series, # 6)
Sanctus Aurelius Augustinus, Confessiones
Three Anti-pelagian Treaties Of S. Augustine Viz
The soliloquies of Saint Augustine
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Opera Omnia...
Liber de contemptu mundi
Writings in collection with the Manichaean heresy
Opere antiariane
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De consensv evangelistarvm libri qvattvor
La regla de San Agustín, nuevamente traducida al castellano
Pious breathings
Earlier writings
Leaves from St. Augustine
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Operum tomus primus [-undecimus]
Qué es el tiempo
Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament
König Alfreds des grossen bearbeitung der Soliloquien des Augustinus
Introduction to St. Augustine
The letters of Saint Augustine
Thesauri christiani hominis
Specchio dei peccatori
La genèse au sens littéral en douze livres = De genesi ad litteram libri duodecim
Stufen des Denkens
A Pretious booke of heauenlie meditations called, A priuate talke of the solue [sic] with God
Sancti Aureli Augustini Contra academicos libri tres
Psalmus contra partem Donati
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
On the Catechising of the Uninstructed : (de Catechizandis Rudibus)
Quaestionum in heptateuchum, libri VII; Locutionum in heptateuchum, libri VII; De octo quaestionibus ex veteri testamento
Confessions, Vol. 2
The Sermon on the Mount expounded
The Works of Saint Augustine
Expositions of the Psalms 99-120 Vol.5 (Works of Saint Augustine)
De civitate Dei libri XXII
The City of God
Select anti-Pelagian treatises of St. Augustine
S. Aurelii Augustini Confessiones
El libre albedrio de San Agustín
De spiritu et littera
John shines through Augustine
De magistro
Selections from Confessions and other essential writings
Saint Augustine
Quaestionum in Heptateuchum Libri VII
Sermones sancti au gustini ad heremitas
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
Augustinus Epistulae 124-184
Les révisions
Tractates on the Gospel of John 112-24
Expositions on the Book of Psalms; Volume 24
City of God
Vingt-six sermons au peuple d'Afrique
Introduction to the philosophy of Saint Augustine
A select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the Christian church [1st series]
Die Auslegungen der Psalmen
City of God
Earlier Writings; Selected and Translated with Introductions by John H. S. Burleigh
Letters vol 1 (Works of Saint Augustine)
Vom Gottesstaat
Les révisions
Works of Aurelius Augustine
Sancti Aurelii Augustini episcopi De ciuitate Dei libri XXII
Regula S. Augustini per Hygonem de S. Victore declarata
La Règle de Saint Augustin
S. Augustine's Confessions
Writings in connection with the Manichæan heresy
Senṭa Ôgasṭīna hyāceṃ pāpanivedana
Les plus beaux sermons de Saint Augustin
De civitate Dei libri XXII
La pace
On the Lord's Prayer
Sancti Aureli Augustini De perfectione iustitiae hominis
S. Avgvstines manuell
On Nature and Grace
Über den Wortlaut der Genesis
Expositions of Psalms 121-150 Vol.6 (Works of Saint Augustine, a Translation for the 21st Century: Part 3 - Sermons (Homilies))
Augustinus prædicans
The city of God
Des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus ausgewählte Briefe
The meditations of Saint Augustin
S. Aureli Augustini Confessionum libri tredecim
La trinité ...
S. Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi De ecclesia Christi opuscula selecta
The city of God
Diui Aug. sermones
The City Of God, Volume 2
De duodecim abusionum gradibus
Saint Augustin maitre de la vie spirituelle, ou, Formation du chrétien ..
Ps. Aurelii Augustini Regulae
Later works
Heresies- Revised Translation
On the Trinity
Choix d'écrits spirituels de Saint Augustin
Der Lehrer
Lectures spirituelles pour Noël et l'Epiphanie
La Genèse au sens littéral, en douze livres
Leaves from St. Augustine
The first catechetical instruction <De catechizandis rudibus> translated and annotated
Opera omnia post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem, castigata. ...
Sancti ... Augustini ...
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi omnium operum primus [-decimus] tomus
Comentarios bíblicos
Bekenntnisse und Gottesstaat
We Are Your Servants
Letters, v.6 (1-29)
Of true religion
The retractions
Manual of devotion
Schriften gegen die Semipelagianer
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
˜Dieœ Sorge für die Toten
On the Trinity : (de Trinitate)
S. Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis episcopi Epistulae
L'ánnee liturgique
Expositions on the Book of Psalms
De quantitate animae
De beata vita
Contra Felicem, De natura boni, Epistula Secundini contra Secundium accedunt, Evodii de fide contra Manichaeos et Commontorium Augustini quod fertur. Praefatione utriusque partis praemissa, recensuit Josephus Zycha
Saint Augustine his enchiridion to Laurence, or, The chiefe and principall heads of all Christian religion
Selected Easter sermons
Sermons de S. Augustin sur les pseaumes
La crise pélagienne
A precious booke of heavenly meditations
Homilie na Ewangelie i pierwszy list św. Jana
S. Aurelii Augustini episcopi hipponensis De civitate Dei contra paganos librii XXII
Diui Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi, Operum, tomus primus-[decimus] ..
Il maestro
S. Aureli Augustini De beata vita
St. Augustine's City of God
La morale chrétienne
Christian instruction ; Admonition and grace ; The Christian combat ; Faith, hope and charity
Selected writings of Saint Augustine
El libre albedrio de San Agustín
Liber de catechizandis rudibus
Primus [-decimus] tomus eximij patris inter summa Latinae Ecclesiae ornamenta ac lumina principis D. Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi
De diversis quaestionibus octoginta tribus ; De octo Dulcitii quaestionibus
Sancti Aureli Augustini Scripta contra Donatistas
St. Augustine's comments on "Imago Dei"
The teacher
Le confessioni [di] Sant'Agostino
Select letters, with an English translation
Christ ist geboren
Of true religion
Certaine sermons of Sainte Augustines
The city of God ; On Christian doctrine
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Episcopi de Civitate Dei Libri XXII
Textus selecti de paenitentia
Sancti Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi ... Opera omnia post ...
De civitate Dei contra paganos ..
La inmortalidad del alma
In Iohannis evangelium tractatus CXXIV
Les chemins de Compostelle
Sancti Aureli Augustini ... philosophia
De fide et symbolo. De fide et operibus. De agone christiano. De continentia, ..
Libri XXII De civitate Dei
Opuscula diui Augustini longe prestantissima cum duplici indicio rursus Parrhysiis coimpressa
Nos hiciste, Se©łor, para ti
St. Augustine against the academics
The golden book of Saint Augustine
The Meditations, Soliloquia, and Manuall
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Opera
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De consensv evangelistarvm libri qvattvor
L' ascétisme chrétien
Love song
Obras de San Agustín
Quaestionum in Heptateuchum, libri VII
St. Avgvstine
Della città di Dio di Santo Aurelio Agostino, volgarizzamento del buon secolo
Saint Augustine's Enchiridion
Traités anti-donatistes
Diui Aurelij Augustini De natura et gratia, liber vnus
Obras de san Agustín en edición bilingüe
Retractationum libri duo
Sancti Augustini opera
The greatness of the soul
The Lord's Sermon on the Mount
De vera religione liber unus
Sul Vecchio Testamento
Sancti Aureli Augustini contra academicos libri tres, de beata vita liber unus, de ordine libri duo
Meditations from St. Augustine
Miscellanea agostiniana
Augustine on the Sunday gospel
Regvla D. Aug. Epi. vna cvm statutis et ordinario monachor. ermitar. congregat. D. Hier. ad vsvm eivsdem congregationis de mandato capituli Generalis edita
Sancti Aurelli Augustini... Operum
Enchiridion de fide spe et caritate =
Primvs[-X.] tomvs opervm
Divin Augustini De correptione et gratia
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De peccatorvm meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvvlorum ad Marcellinvm libri tres. De spiritv et littera liber vnvs. De natvra et gratia liber vnvs. De natvra et originie animae libri qvattvor. Contras dvas epistvlas Pelagianorvm libri qvattvor
Saint avgvstine Of the citie of God
Commento al Vangelo di San Giovanni
A heavenly treasure of confortable meditations and prayers, 1621
Saint Augustine's De fide rerum quae non videntur
Sancti Aureli Augustini opera
Sancti Aurelii Augustini ... opera omnia multis sermonibus ineditis aucta et locupleta
De doctrina christiana libri quattuor
St Augustine's Manuell, or litle booke of the Contemplation of Crhist
Diui Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi Meditationes, Soliloquia & Manuale
Les soliloques, le Manuel, et les Meditationes de Saint Augustin
De Trinitate, libri quindecim
S. Aurelii Augistini confessions
Interpretación literal del Génesis
Die Ordnung
Doctrina De bonis matrimonii
A season of rebirth
Reflexionem und Maximen
S. Patris Avgvstini, Episcopi Hipponensis, libellus De fide & symbolo
Sancti Aurelii Augustini episcopi De civitate Dei libri 22
Sancti Aureli Augustini de peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvulorum ad marcellinum libr tres, de spiritu et littera liber unus, de natura et gratia liber unus, de natura et origine animae libri quattuor, contra duas epistulas pelagionorum libri quattuor
Sancti Avrelii Avgvstini episcopi De civitate Dei libri XXII
Sancti Aureli Augustini De Genesi ad litteram libri duodecim ; eiusdem libri capitula. De Genesi ad litteram imperfectus liber. Locutionum in Heptateuchum libri sep/tem
S. Aurelii Augustini episcopi hipponensis Textus eucharistici selecti
Sancti Aureli Augustini contra felicem de natura boni epistula secundini contra secundinum accedunt evodii de fide contra manichaeos et commonitorium augustini quod fertur praefatione utriusque partis praemissa
Pseudo-Augustini Quaestiones Veteris et Novi Testamenti CXXVII, accedit appendix continens alterius editionis quaestiones selectas. Recensuit Alexander Souter
Drei Bücher über den Glauben
D. Aurelii Augustini ecclesiae doctoris eximii Opusculorum tomus primus[-tertius]
Sancti Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi Opera omnia
Sermons 230-272
"De fide et symbolo". "Sermo ad catechumenos". S. Leo, ad flavianum epistola
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi Meditationes, Soliloquia et Manuale
La Genèse au sens littéral en douze livres
D. Aurelii Augustini... omnium operum primus tomus [etc.]..
Die christliche Bildung.
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Operum tomus primus [-undecimus] post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem castigatus denuo ad manuscriptos codices gallicanos, vaticanos, anglicanos, belgicos, &c. nec non ad editiones antiquiores & castigariores. Opera et studio monachorum ordinis S. Benedicti è congregatione S. Mauri
Opera omnia, post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem, castigata denuo ad manuscriptos codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Belgicos etc. necnon ad editiones antiquiores et castigatiores, opera et studio monachorum ordinis Sancti Benedicti ... Editio Parisina altera, emendata et aucta
Cuiusdam fidelis Christiani epistola ... Subsequitur et divi Augustini de miseria, ac brevitate huius mortalis vitae ... Apud praeclarum Cantabrigiam, anno 21
S. Avgvstines manuell, or, Litle booke of the contemplation of Christ, or of Gods worde, whereby the remembraunce of the heauenly desires whiche is falne asleepe may be quickned vp agayne
Explication de S. Augustin et des autres pères Latins sur le Nouveau Testament
S. Aureli Augustini confessionum
Thirteen homiles of St. Augustine on St John XIV
Seventeen short treatises
Confessions!. The confessions
Il maestro e la parola
[Opera omnia Diui Aurelii Augustini
Sancti Aureli Augustini de consensu evangelistarum
Acta contra Fortunatum Manichaeum
Le divote confessioni del divino padre Santo Agostino
Por que creer?
S. Aurelii Augustini episcopi Hipponensis textus selecti de paenitentia
Des heiligen Kirchenvaters Aurelius Augustinus ausgewählte Schriften
The city of God by
De genesi ad litteram libri duodecim
The meditations, soliloquia, and manuall, 1631
Answer to skeptics
Sancti Augustini ... opera ... post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De vtilitate credendi
Divi Augustini in sacras Pauli epistolas nova et hactenus absco[n]dita interpretatio...
Les révisions
Agostino interprete di Paolo
Sermons 184-229Z (Vol. III/6) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century)
Compelle Intrare
La Vergine Maria
Confessionum Libri XIII
King Alfred's version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies
Divi Aurelii Augustini De natura et gratia liber unus ; item De spiritu et litera liber unus
Sancti Avgvstini ... Opuscula quædam selecta
Concerning the teacher (De magistro) and On the immortality of the soul (De immortalitate animae) by St. Aurelius Augustine, bishop of Hippo... translated from the Latin with the addition of a preface by George G. Leckie
Dialogues philosophiques
Die Gestalt als Gefüge
The Catholic and Manichaean ways of life =
De consensu evangelistarum, libri quattuor
Praying with Saint Augustine
Like as the hart, being his Enarratio Super Psalmum 41 translated by an unknown sixteenth century writer
Essential sermons
Sancti Aureli Augustini retractationum libri duo
Saint Augustine, Of the citie of God
D. Aurelii Augustini opera contra Pelagianos
La morale chrétienne, de moribus ecclesiae catholicae, de agone christiano, de natura boni
[Psalmorum explanatio] Aurelii Augustini prima quinquagena
Dieu et l'ame
Contra academicos libri tres
La cité de Dieu, texte latin et traduction française
Problèmes moraux
A translation of chapters XI-XVI of the pseudo-Augustinian Sermon against Jews, pagans, and Arians, concerning the creed
Del maestro =
La foi chrétienne
Expositio quarundam propositionum ex epistola ad Romanos. Epistolae ad Galatas expositionis liber unus.  Epistolae ad Romanos inchoata espositio
Oeuvres complètes de saint Augustin
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini De perfectione uvstitiae hominis. De gestis Pelagii. De gratia Christi et de peccato originali libri dvo. De nvptüs et concvpiscentia ad Valerivm comitem libri dvo
Schriften gegen die Pelagianer
Prima [-vndecima] pars librorum diui Aurelij Augustini
Saint Augustine against the Academicians (Contra academicos) translation from the Latin, with an introduction
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi omnium operum primus [-decimus] tomus
Primus tomus eximii patris, inter summa Latinae Ecclesiae ornamenta ac lumina principis, d. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi, cuius praestantissima in omni genere monimenta, quae quidem inveniri possunt, universa, denuo ad optimorum & fidelissimorum exemplarium examen revocata, nova eruditissimorum virorum recognitione, multo sunt quam unquam plurimisq́ minime aspernandis accessionibus locupletata
Premières polémiques contre Julien
Exposés généraux de la foi
Psevdo-Avgvstini Qvaestiones veteris et Novi Testamenti CXXVII
The confessions of St. Augustine [and] The imitation of Christ, by Thomas A. Kempis
Select anti-Pelagian treatises of St. Augustine
Sermo Arrianorum
Diui Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Tam in Vetus quam in Nouum Testamentum commentarij
Essential Augustine
Preclarissima et inestimabilis doctrine atq[ue] utilitatis divi Aurelii Augustini Sermonu opera...
Meditaciones, Soliloquios, y Manual
Deux traitez de s. Augustin
Unruhig ist unser Herz
Divine providence and the problem of evil
Amore assoluto e "Terza navigazione"
De magistro liber unus
La charité dans l'enseignement de Saint Augustin
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Qvaestionvm in Heptatevchvm libri VII
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Epistolae ex dvobvs codicibvs nvper in lvcem prolatae
La dignità del matrimonio
The political writings of Saint Augustine
Three anti-pelagiantreaties of S. Augustine Viz
Liebe und tu, was du willst
The Christian combat
The confessions ; The city of God ; On Christian doctrine
Drey Bett Büchlein S. Augustini
Società e ideologie nel tempo di Agostino di Tagaste
De fide et symbolo
S. Aureli Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Liber Qui appellatur Speculum et Liber de divinis scripturis sive Speculum quod fertur S. Augustini
John shines through Augustine
Sancti Aureli Augustini de genesi ad litteram libri duodecim eiusdem libri capitula de genesi ad litteram inperfectus liber locutionum in heptateuchum libri septem
D. Aurelii Augustini... tam in Vetus quam in Novum Testamentum commentarij..
The soliloquies of Saint Augustine
What Augustine says
Saint Augustine's De fide rerum qua non videntur
De Civitate Dei Libri XXII Vol. 1
Seventeen Short Treatises of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
Sancti Aureli Augustini De utilitate credendi
Seventeen short treatises of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
Diui Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi, Meditationes, Soliloquia, Manuale
Question the beauty of the earth
Sancti Aureli Augustini de utilitate credendi de duabus animabus contra fortunatum contra adimantum contra epistulam fundamenti contra faustum
De catechizandis rudibus, liber unus
Anthologion ek tōn ergōn Augoustinou Ippōnos, exellēnisthen hypo Dēmētriou tou Kydōnē
Der christliche Kampf, und, Die christliche Lebensweise
S. Aureli Augustini, hipponiensis episcopi, De doctrina christiani, liber quartus
Enchiridion de fide
The work of religious
The Christian life
The city of God by Saint Augustine
Die Handarbeit der Mönache
Selected sermons of St. Augustine
Meditationes S. Augustine et S. Bernardi
De beata vita liber
Le ritrattazioni
Die Gottesbürgerschaft =
Sancti Augustini Milleloquium veritatis
Confessionem libri XIII
How to help the dead
Ad Consentium epistula
On almsgiving
De Genesi contra Manichaeos, De Genesi ad litteram liber imperfectus
Diui Aurelij Augustini De doctrina Christiana libri IIII : o[mn]ibus Sacra[m] Scripturam vel recte intelligere, vel fructuose populo p[ro]ponere vole[n]tibus perq[uam] vtiles & necessarij ; eiusdem De spiritu & litera ad Marcellinum liber vnus ; eiusdem De fide & operibus lib. vnus ; eiusdem De natura & gratia co[n]tra Pellagianos liber vnus
Omnium operum Diui Aurelij Augustini, Episcopi Hipponensis, epitome
Regula Beati Patris Augustini et Constitutiones ordinis Fratrum Servorum B. Mariae Virginis
Saint Augustine, of The Citie of God: with the learned comments of Io. Lodovicus Vives
Divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi omnium operum primus [secundus ... ] tomus, ad fidem verustorum exemplarium summa vigilantia repurgatorum a mendis innumeris ...
Amore assoluto e "terza navigazione"
Saint Augustines Confessions
The city of God, books 8-16
Sancti Avreli Avgvstini Expositio quarundam propositionum ex epistola ad Romanos epistolae ad Galatas expositionis liber unus epistolae ad Romanos inchoata expositio
Le magistère chrétien
Sancti Augustini, Episcopi Hipponensis, Opuscula quaedam selecta
Letters of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
S. Augustine's Confessions
Enarrationes in psalmos 1-50
Ordine, musica, bellezza
D. Aurelij Augustini tam in Vetus quam in Nouum Testamentum commentarij
S. Aurelii Augustini hipponensis episcopi liber de Catechizandis Rudibus
Opera omnia, post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem
Joachim Heinrich Campe
Joachim Heinrich Campe (1746-1818)

lexicographer, linguist, publisher, theologian, philosopher

  • University of Helmstedt, University of Halle-Wittenberg
Robinson der Jüngere
Entdeckung von Amerika
Histoire de la découverte de l'Amérique
Wörterbuch zur Erklärung und Verdeutschung der unserer Sprache aufgedrungenen fremden Ausdrücke
Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
Briefe aus Paris
Histoire et découvertes de l'Amérique
Sämmtliche Kinder- und Jugendschriften
Histoire et découvertes de l'Amérique
Hernando Cortes
Francisco Pizarro
Histoire de la découverte et de la conquête de l'Amérique
The discovery of America
Polar scenes
Histoire et découvertes de l'Amérique
Die Entdeckung von Amerika
Joachimi Henrici Campe Robinson secundus
Sämmtliche Kinder- und Jugendschriften
An abridgment of The new Robinson Crusoe
Christopher Columbus
Historia del descubrimiento y conquista de América
Sämmtliche Kinder- und Jugendschriften
Die Entdeckung von Amerika
Robinson the younger by Mr. Campe. Illustrated with Danish notes ..
Väterlicher Rath für meine Tochter
J.H. Campe Om opdaelsen af Amerika
Descubrimiento y conquista de la America, o Compendio de la historia general del Nuevo mundo
An abridgement of the new Robinson Crusoe
Sämmtliche Kinder- und Jugendschriften
Briefe aus Paris zur Zeit der Revolution geschrieben
Robinson der Jüngere, zur angenehmen und nützlichen Unterhaltung für Kinder
Robinson the younger
Robinson Crusoe für die Jugend
Histoire de la découverte de l'Amérique
Bibliothèque géographique et instructive des jeunes gens, ou Recueil de voyages intéressants dans toutes les parties du monde, pour l'instruction et l'amusement de la jeunesse
Découverte de l'Amérique
Elementary dialogues
Histoire de la découverte et de la conquête de l'Amérique
Sammlung interessanter und durchgängig zweckmässig abgefasster Reisebeschreibungen für die Jugend
La découverte de l'Amérique
Neues Abeze- und Lesebuch
The new Robinson Crusoe
The new Robinson Crusoe
The ways of the hour
Histoire de la découverte et de la conquête de l'Amérique
[The New Robinson Crusoe]
Elementary dialogues, for the improvement of youth, by J. H. Campe. Translated by Mr. Seymour. Illustrated with sixteen copper-plates
The discovery of America
Historia del descubrimiento y conquista de América
Columbus, or, The discovery of America
Anakalypsis tēs Amerikēs
Voyages des premiers navigateurs, ou Découverte et conquête de l'Amérique
Sammlung merkw©ơrdiger Reisebeschreibungen f©ơr die Jugend
Erfahrung schrieb's und reicht's der Jugend
Handleiding tot de natuurlijke opvoeding
Masʻot ha-yam
Robinson der jüngere zur angenehmen und nützlichen unterhaltung für kinder ...
Maʻaseh Robinsohn ...
Robinson der Jüngere
Masa Kolombus; o, Gilluth ha-erez ha-hadasah ʻal yʻde Kristof Kolombus
Theophron oder der erfahrne rathgeber für die unerfahrne jugend
La découverte de l'Amérique
Tokheḥot musar
Histoire de la découverte de l'Amérique
Robinsons Colonie
Le nouveau Robinson, pour servir a l'amusement et a l'instruction des enfans de l'un et de l'autre sexe, ouvrage traduit de l'allemande
Historia del descubrimiento y conquista de America
Robinsonius minor
Columbus, or, The discovery of America
Briefe von und an Joachim Heinrich Campe
Sammtliche Kinder- und Jugend schriften
Cortes, or, The discovery of Mexico
Über die früheste Bildung junger Kinderseelen
Polar scenes, exhibited in the voyages of Heemskirk and Barenz to the northern regions and in the adventures of four Russian sailors at the island of Spitzbergen
Malyi  Robynzon
Historia del descubrimiento y conquista de América
Oniyah soʻarah
Voyages et conquêtes de Fernand Cortez
Franciszek Pizarro
Kleine seelenlehre für kinder
Pizarro, or, The conquest of Peru
Robinson der jüngere
Theophron, oder, Der erfahrne Rathgeber für die unerfahrne Jugend
Die Entdeckung von Amerika
The new Robinson Crusoe
Väterlicher Rath für meine Tochter
Die Entdeckung von Amerika
Robinson the younger, or, The new Crusoe
Bibliothèque géographique et instructive des jeunes gens, ou, Recueil de voyages intéressants pour l'instruction et l'amusement de la jeunesse
Sammlung interessanter und durchg©Þngig zweckm©Þssig abgefasster Reisebeschreibungen f©ơr die Jugend