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philosophers who wrote autobiography
Showing 73-80 out of 143 results
Lewis Mumford
Lewis Mumford (1895-1990)

architect, historian of technology, historian, sociologist, literary critic, philosopher, journalist, urban planner, architectural theoretician, art historian

  • City College of New York, New School
"In old friendship"
The human prospect
The culture of cities
Technics and civilization
The condition of man
In the name of sanity
Herman Melville
The city in history
The myth of the machine
The pentagon of power
The highway and the city
The brown decades
The urban prospect
The city in history: its origins, its transformations, and its prospects
Interpretations and forecasts, 1922-1972
The story of Utopias
The golden day
Roots of contemporary American architecture
Art and technics
Sticks and stones
Mumford on modern art in the 1930s
The letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn
Lewis Mumford and Patrick Geddes
Men must act
The Lewis Mumford reader
Sketches from life
The conduct of life
Sticks and Stones
Sidewalk critic
Art and Techniques (Bampton Lecture Ser. in American : No.4)
Findings and keepings
The South in architecture
Architecture as a home for man
The myth of the machine
The Lewis Mumford/David Liebovitz letters, 1923-1968
Tecnica y Civilizacion
Faith for living
The culture of cities
City development
Arts in Renewal
The Arts in renewal
Technics and Civilization
City development; studies in disintegration and renewal
Herman Melville. A study of his life and vision
Transformations of Man
Art and Technics (Bampton Lectures in America)
Art and technics
la cultura de las ciudades
My works and days
Looking Backward from 2000 to 1888 (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Mumford on Modern Art in the 1930s
America & Alfred Stieglitz
The transformations of man
Social Theories of a City
Faith for living
Sticks and Stones
Technics and Human Development
From the Ground Up
The city in history
The Myth Of The Machine - The Pentagon Of Power
Essential Issues in Management Accounting
La cité à travers l'histoire
Herman Melville
The future of technics & civilization
The city in history
A Century of Early Ecocriticism
The Condition of man
Green memories
Transformations of Man
The urban prospect
The myth of the machine
The Human Prospect ... Edited by Harry T. Moore and Karl W. Deutsch. [A selection from the writings of L. Mumford.].
The Arts in renewal
The Conduct of Life (Harvest Book, Nb 34)
From the ground up
Values for Survival
The human way out
La cité à travers l'histoire
The plan of London county
Herman Melville
Man as interpreter
The myth of the machine
Art and Technics
The Urban Prospect [Harvest Book HB 156]
The transformation of man
Roots of Contemporary American Architecture
Highway and City
In the name of sanity
The Highway Anf The City
Art and technics (Bampton lectures in America)
The role of the creative arts in contemporary society
The Condition of Man
South in Architecture
From the Ground Up. Observations on Contemporary Architecture, Housing, Highway Building, and Civic Design
Lewis Mumford
The Conduct of Life
Sticks and Stones
The story of Utopias (Compass books)
From the Ground Up
The human prospect (Beacon paperbacks)
The City in History
The conduct of life
Les transformations de l'homme
The morals of extermination
Mythos der Maschine
Technique et Civilisation
Regional planning and the small town
The conduct of life / Lewis Mumford
The Brown Decades, A Study of the Arts of America 1865-1895
City in History
Memoirs of Waldo Frank
Faith for living
Herman Melville
The Story of Utopias (C112: Compass Books Edition)
Technics and Civilization
Condition of Man
Man as interpreter
Herman Melville 1929
The Highway and the City (A Harvest book)
Povijest utopija
La Cultura Delle Città
Le Déclin des villes
Programme for survival
The Ecological Basis of Planning
Sticks and stones;
American taste
Geijutsu to gijutsu
Tarih Boyunca Kent - Kokenleri, Gecirdigi Donusumler ve Gelecegi
The golden day;
Regional planning in the Pacific Northwest
The story of Utopias (Compass books)
The brown decades
The Conduct of Life The Making of Man
The brown decades;
Insanin Durumu
The Brown Decades; a Study of the Arts in America, 1865-1895
The Story of Utopias
The city in history
Atomic war--the way out
Transformations of Man
The Conditions of Man
La Ciudad En La Historia
Aesthetics, a dialogue
Sticks and Stones, a Study of Amercian Architecture and Civilization
Pentagon of Power
The Culture of Cities
The South in architecture
Stocks and stones
Le declin des villes
City Development
Story of Utopias
Technics and Civilization
Alternatives to the H-bomb
Green memories
The Highway and the City
The culture of cities
The letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn
Brown Decades a Study of the Arts of 2ND Edition
Vom Blockhaus zum Wolkenkratzer. Eine Studie über amerikanische Architektur und Zivilisation
The brown decades
The social foundations of post-war building
The Brown Decades, A Study of the Arts of America 1865-1895
Two Chicago fairs
The highway and the city
Whither Honolulu?
Technics and civilization
The seventh New Yorker album
Thomas Beer
New world theme
The morals of extermination
The story of Utopias
The golden day
Technics and civilizations
Aesthetics, a dialogue
Faith for today
The transformations of man
The Story of Utopias
The story of Utopias, ideal commonwealths and social myths
Progamme for survival.
Art and technics
De sociale grondslagen van het na-oorlogsche bouwen
The story of Utopias
Sticks and stones
The golden day
Architecture and civilization
The sky line
The conduct of life
Values for survival
Art and technics
The Arts in renewal
The story of Utopias
The social foundations of post-war building
Men must act
Herman Melville
Vom Blockhaus zum Wolkenkratzer
Art and technics
Faith for living
The letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn
The myth of the ma
The letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn
Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth
Sticks and stones
Regional planning in the Pacific Northwest
Toward a free world
The culture of cities
How war began
The transformations of man
Faith for living
The myth of the machine
The highway and the city
The theory and practice of regionalism ...
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius (0121-0180)

politician, philosopher, monarch

The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius
The Apology, Phaedo and Crito of Plato; Golden Sayings of Epictetus; Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
The emperor's handbook
D. Imperatoris Marci Antonini Commentariorum quos sibi ipse scripsit libri xii, cum ..
The Emperor Marcus Antoninus
Marcus Aurelius in love
Ad Se Ipsum Libri XII
Marcus Aurelius
M. Antoninus imperator ad se ipsum
Wie soll man leben?
The fourth book of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Pensées pour moi-même
De rebus suis, sive, De eis qu©Œ ad se pertinere censebat, libri XII
Pensieri ; a cura di Antonia Marchiori ; note di Maria Luisa Gambato
The Fourth Book of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Helpful thoughts from the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Wege zu sich selbst
The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome, together with his speeches and sayings
The thoughts of the Emperor M. Aurelius Antonius
Markou Antõninou autokratoros Ta eis heauton
Pensées de Marc-Aurèle
... Wisdom of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius' Golden Book
Marci Antonini Commentariorum quos sibi ipsi scripsit libri xii
Selections from the Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius for every day in the year
A se stesso
Marco Aurelio latino
Markou Antōninou autokratoros tōn eis eauton biblia 12 =
Marci Antonini Imperatoris De rebus suis
Pensées pour moi-même [par] Marc-Aur̀ele, suivies du Manuel d'Épict̀ete et du Tableau [de la vie humaine] de Céb̀es
Maximas y ensenanzas
Marc-Aurèle pensées
Markou Antōninou tōn eis heauton viveia dōdeka
The commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus, containing his maxims of science and rules of life, wrote for his own use and address'd to himself
Sonnets from Marcus Aurelius
The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome
Markou Antōninou autokratoros Tōn eis heauton biblia 12
Soliloquios o reflexions morales
The thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
The Emperour Marcus Antoninus
Pensées pour moi-même, suivies du Manuel d'Epictète et du Tableau de Cébès
De rebus suis ... Libri XII
To himself
Libro Aureo de la Vida y Cartas de Marco Aurelio Emperador, y eloquentissimo Orador, nuevamente corregido y emendado
The golden book of Marcus Aurelius
Markos Antōninou autokratoros Ta eis heauton =
D. imperatoris Marci Antonini Commentariorum
Liber de Moralitatibus
Scritti di Marco Aurelio
Leven in het Heden
Commentariorum quos sibi ipsi scripsit libri XII
Les pensées de marc-Auréle
The thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus Aurelius
Soliloquios de Marco Aurelio
The commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus. Containing his maxims of science, and rules of life. ... Translated from the original in Greek, by James Thomson, Gent. With a short preface by the translator, ..
Wie soll man leben? Anton Cechov liest Marc Aurel
The golden book of Marcus Aurelius, tr. out of the Greek by Meric Casaubon
Markou Antōninou tōn eis heauton
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Soliloquios o reflexiones morales
emperor of Rome. M. Antonius imperator ad se ipsum. Ed. By I.H. Leopold
Les pensées de marc-Auréle
[Golden boke]
Myšlenky Marka Aurelia
Marci Antonini imperatoris in semet ipsvm libri XII
Raʻyonot Marḳus Avrelius
Manuel tiré d'Epictéte et de l'Empereur Marc Aurele
Chen si lu
Marci Antonini imperatoris eorum quae ad seipsum libri XII
Three wise men
Mark Aurel's selbstgespräche
Communings with himself, together with his speeches and sayings
De seipso et ad seipsum libri XII
I ricordi
The commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus. Translated from the Greek, by Mr. Thomson
The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome
Marcus Aurelius and his times
Tōn e is heauton biblia 12
The golden book of Marcus Aurelius
The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome
Words of the Ancient Wise, from Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius
Leaves of comfort from Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Chen si lu
Markou Antōninou autokratoros tōn eis heauton biblia [12] =
The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius
The XII books of Marcus Aurelius the emperor
Pensées de l'empereur Marc-Aurele-Antonin
Pensées de Marc-Aurèle
Ricordi dell'imperatore Marc'Aurelio Antonino
Marco Aurelio
M. Antoninus imperator ad se ipsum
Marci Aurelii Antonini Ad se ipsum libri XII
Happiness (Illuminations)
The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the emperor
Psychiatric Emergency Part 3 (Psychiatric Emergencies)
D. imperatoris Marci Antonini Commentariorum: quos sibi ipsi scripsit libri XII
Marcus Aurelius' Golden Book: Selections
The Spiritual Teachings of Marcus Aurelius
The Emperor Marcus Antoninus: His Conversation with Himself. Together with ..
Marc Aurels Selbstbetrachtungen
Psychiatric Emergency Part 2 (Psychiatric Emergencies)
Commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus
Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius
M. Cornelii Frontonis et M. Avrelii Imperatoris Epistulae
Gennaro Sasso
Gennaro Sasso (born 1928)

philosopher, politician

  • Sapienza University of Rome
Le autobiografie di Dante
Niccolò Machiavelli
Machiavelli e gli antichi e altri saggi
Machiavelli e Cesare Borgia
Il progresso e la morte
Tempo, evento, divenire
Il guardiano della storiografia
Le Porcellane Europee Della Collezione de Tschudy
Il principio, le cose
Storia, filosofia e letteratura
Filosofia e idealismo
Profilo di Federico Chabod
Machiavelli e Cesare Borgia
Essere e negazione
La potenza e l'atto
Il pensiero politico di Niccolo   Machiavelli
Per invigilare me stesso
Variazioni sulla storia di una rivista italiana
In margine al V centenario di Machiavelli
Ernesto De Martino fra religione e filosofia
Machiavelli e i detrattori antichi e nuovi di Roma
Tramonto di un mito
La storia d'Italia di Benedetto Croce
La verità, l'opinione
Dante, Guido e Francesca
Niccolò Machiavelli, storia del suo pensiero politico
Dante, l'imperatore e Aristotele
Studi su Machiavelli
L' illusione della dialettica
Per Francesco Guicciardini
La fedeltà e l'esperimento
Le due Italie di Giovanni Gentile
Discorsi di Palazzo Filomarino
L'essere e le differenze
Discorsi di Palazzo Filomarino
Il logo, la morte
L' essere e le differenze
Il logo, la morte
Tramonto di un mito
Jaron Lanier
Jaron Lanier (born 1960)

computer scientist, composer, programmer, essayist, artificial intelligence researcher, businessperson, philosopher, pianist, visual artist

  • New Mexico State University
Dawn of the new everything
Who Owns the Future?
You are not a gadget
Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now
The Future of Public Space
Truth, Technology and the Visual/Virtual World
Dawn of the New Everything
You are not a gadget
Diez razones para borrar tus redes sociales de inmediato
Dawn of the New Everything: A Journey Through Virtual Reality
10 аргументов удалить все свои аккаунты в социальных сетях
Futuro Es Ahora / Dawn of the New Everything
Dez Argumentos Para Você Deletar Agora Suas Redes Sociais
¿Quién controla el futuro?
Dieci ragioni per cancellare subito i tuoi account social
You are not a gadget
Fate of Power and the Future of Dignity
¿Quién controla el futuro?
Information Is An Alienated Experience
Contra el rebaño digital
Peter Marshall
Peter Marshall (born 1946)

historian, philosopher

  • University of London, University of Sussex
William Godwin
Nature's Web
Demanding the Impossible
Cuba Libre
Riding the wind
The Magic Circle of Rudolf II
Europe's Lost Civilization
World Astrology
Cuba libre
The Theatre of the World
Riding the Wind
William Godwin
Celtic Gold
The Mercurial Emperor
Between Earth and Empire
William Blake, visionary anarchist
The philosopher's stone
La Piedra Filosofal
Romantic Rationalist
The Philosopher's Stone
Spectrum Guide to the Maldives (Spectrum Guides)
Nature's Web
Around Africa
Anarsizmin Tarihi
Mercurial Emperor
Theatre of the World
Cuba Libre
Anthropology, Ecology, and Anarchism
Bir Anarşist Olarak William Blake
Archaeology and Environment in Northumberland
Riding the Wind
The theatre of the world
Riding the Wind
Spectrum Guide to Maldives (Spectrum Guide)
Alfred Schütz
Alfred Schütz (1899-1959)

philosopher, sociologist, musicologist

  • University of Vienna
Philosophers in exile
Reflections on the problem of relevance
On phenomenology and social relations
On Phenomenology and Social Relations (Heritage of Sociology Series)
Collected papers
The theory of social action
Strukturen der Lebenswelt
The phenomenology of the social world
Life forms and meaning structure
Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt
Essais sur le monde ordinaire
Eine Freundschaft, die ein Leben ausgehalten hat
Studies in phenomenological philosophy
Alfred Schütz, Aron Gurwitsch
Estudios Sobre Teoria Social
Theorie der Lebensformen
Studies in social theory
The problem of social reality
Alfred Schutz
Strukturen der Lebenswelt
Das Problem der Relevanz
Don Chisciotte e il problema della realtà
Collected papers [of] Alfred Schutz
The phenomenology of the social world
Collected papers
Strukturen der Lebenswelt
Phenomenology as a dialogue
Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt
Ecrits sur la musique
Phenomenology and social reality
Sinn und Zeit
Thomas of Cantimpré
Thomas of Cantimpré (1201-1270)

hagiographer, philosopher, friar, Catholic priest

The life of Margaret of Ypres
Vita Christinae Mirabilis
The life of Christina of Saint Trond
Vita Lutgardis
Liber de natura rerum
Die gynäkologie des Thomas von Brabant; ein beitrag zur kenntnis der mittelalterlichen gynäkologie und ihrer quellen
Thomas of Cantimpré
Vie de Sainte Ludgarde
Les exemples du "Livre des abeilles"
Thomae Cantipratani ... Bonum universale de apibus
De natura rerum (lib. IV-XII)
Die Gynäkologie des Thomas von Brabant
Eine altfranzösische moralisierende Bearbeitung des Liber de monstruosis hominibus Orientis
De disciplina scholarium cum notabili commento
Pal. lat. 1066
Thomae Cantipratani ...
Miracvlorvm et exemplorvm memorabilium sui temporis libri dvo ...
Thomae de Cantipratani, s. theol. doctoris, ordinis praedicatorum, et episcopi suffraganei Cameracensis, bonum universale de apibus
Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage (1791-1871)

mathematician, computer scientist, inventor, economist, philosopher, engineer, astronomer

  • University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
Charles Babbage
The works of Charles Babbage
The economy of machinery and manufactures
The exposition of 1851
Decline of Science in England
The ninth Bridgewater treatise
Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers, from 1 to 108000
Observations on the temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli near Naples
Thoughts on the principles of taxation, with reference to a property tax, and its exceptions
A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives
Examples of the solutions of functional equations
The analytical engine and mechanical notation
Ninth Bridgwater Treatise Fragment
Abstract of a paper entitled Observations on the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli
Science and reform
Passages from the life of a philisopher
Memoirs of the Analytical Society
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 9
Demonstration of a theorem relating to prime numbers
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 3
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 5
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 10
Abstract of a Paper entitled. Observations on the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli
The Exposition of 1851; or, Views of the industry, the science, and the government of England
Examples of the Solutions of Functional Equations
The history of science and technology
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 1
Geometry and Faith: A Fragmentary Supplement to the Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
Charles Babbage and his calculating engines
Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 2
How to invent machinery
A letter to sir Humphry Davy, Bart. president of the Royal Society, etc. etc. on the application of machinery to the purpose of calculating and printing mathematical tables
Observations on the measurement of heights by the barometer
On the theoretical principles of the machinery for calculating tables
Charles Babbage on the Principles and Development of the Calculator and Other Seminal Writings
On the advantage of a collection of numbers, to be entitled the constants of nature and of art
Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
On machinery for calculating and printing mathematical tables
Babbage's occulting telegraph
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 8
Report of the Committee, appointed by the Council of the Royal Society, to consider the subject refferd to in Mr. Stewart' Letter, relative to Mr. Babbage's Calculating machine, and to report thereupon / [I.T.W. Herschel]
Reflections on the Decline of Science in England
Memoir of the life and labours of Charles Babbage ..
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 11
An examination of some questions connected with games of chance. By Charles Babbage ..
On the Principles and Development of the Calculator and Other Seminal Writings
Examples of the Solutions of Functional Equations
Preussens Deutsche Politik und Ihre Gegner
On the application of analysis to the discovery of local theorems and porisms. By Charles Babbage ..
Works of Charles Babbage
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 6
Babbage's Calculating Engines
Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
The Exposition of Eighteen Fifty-One
Tables of logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108,000
The difference engine and table making
Charles Babbage and his calculating engines
Exposition Of 1851
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 4
On the advantage of a collection of numbers, to be entitled the constants of nature and art / by Charles Babbage
A chapter on street nuisances
Mathematical papers
An examination of some questions connected with games of chance
La macchina analitica
Ninth Bridgwater Treatise Fragment
Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. a Fragment
Observations on the analogy which subsists between the calculus of functions and other branches of analysis. By Charles Babbage ..
Observations on the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli Near Naples; With an Attempt to Explain the Causes of the Frequent Elevation and Depression of Large ... Prove That Those Causes Continue in Action at
Laws of mechanical notation (for consideration) / [C. Babbage]
Scientific and miscellaneous papers
Account of the repetition of M. Arago's experiments on the magnetism manifested by various substances during the act of rotation. By C. Babbage ... and J. F. W. Herschel ..
The Exposition of 1851
Table of logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108,000
Table of Logarithms of the Natural Numbers
Barometrical observations made at the fall of the Staubbach
Minutes of the Council of the Royal Society relating to the report of the Committee on Mr. Babbage's Calculating machine. February 12, 1829
On currency, on a new system of manufacturing, andon the effet of machinery on human labour
Observations on the discovery in various localities of the remains of human art
Specimen of logarithmic tables printed with different coloured inks on variously coloured papers
Essay on General Principles Which Regulate the Application of Machinery to Manufactures
A letter to T.P. Courtenay, on the proportionate number of births of the two sexes under different circumstances
Table of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers
Works of Charles Babbage Vol 7
Scientific and miscellaneous papers II
Thoughts on the principles of taxation
The ninth Bridgewater treatise
Of the constants of nature
A chapter on street nuisances
Charles Babbage on the principles and development of the calculator
Table of logarithms of the natural numbers
The Exposition of 1851
The ninth Bridgewater treatise
On the influence of signs in mathematical reasoning
An analysis of the statistics of the Clearing House during the year 1839
Thoughts on the principles of taxation, with reference to a property tax, and its exceptions
Charles Babbage and his calculating engines
Observations addressed at the last anniversary, to the President and Fellows of the Royal Society, after the delivery of the medals
Scientific and miscellaneous papers I.
A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives
The ninth Bridgewater treatise
The Exposition of 1851, or, Views of the industry, the science, and the government, of England
The Exposition of 1851, or, Views of the industry, the science, and the government, of England