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Military Personnel who wrote autobiography
Showing 25-32 out of 79 results
Richard Marcinko
Richard Marcinko (1940-2021)

military officer, radio personality, sailor, veteran

  • Auburn University, Admiral Farragut Academy
Rogue warrior Seize The Day
Rogue warrior II
Rogue warrior--Green Team
Rogue warrior--Echo Platoon
Rogue warrior--Task Force Blue
Rogue warrior--SEAL Force Alpha
Rogue warrior--violence of action
Rogue Warrior--Vengeance
Rogue warrior--dictator's ransom
Rogue warrior--Designation gold
Rogue Warrior--Holy terror
The Real Team
Rogue warrior--Detachment Bravo
Rogue warrior--Blood lies
Leadership secrets of the rogue warrior
Green Team
Option Delta
Rogue warrior--Detachment Bravo
The Rogue warriorʼs strategy for success
Designation Gold (Rogue Warrior)
Task Force Blue (Rogue Warrior)
Violence of Action
Rogue warrior
Red Cell Rogue Warrior Promotion
Rogue Warrior Detachment Bravo (Rogue Warrior)
Seal Force Alpha
Rogue warrior--Domino theory
Echo platoon
Rogue warrior
Rogue warrior
Rogue warrior--SEAL Force Alpha
Detachment Bravo
Rogue warrior--Task Force Blue
Holy Terror (Rogue Warrior)
Green Team
Red cell
Holy Terror
Rogue Warrior (Reissue) Cassette
Rogue Warrior--Domino theory
Echo Platoon (Rogue Warrior)
The Rogue Warriors Strategy For Success A Commandos Principles Of Winning
Designation Gold Rogue Warrior
Red Cell (Rogue Warrior (Audio))
Rogue Warrior
Green Team
Red cell
Detachment Bravo
Task Force Blue
Echo Platoon
Blood Lies
Violence of Action
Green Team
Seal Force Alpha
Option Delta
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)

television actor, film actor, politician, autobiographer, character actor, military officer, actor, trade unionist, announcer, statesperson, voice actor, diarist, lifeguard, anti-communist, game show host

  • Eureka College
Reagan's path to victory
The Reagan diaries
The uncommon wisdom of Ronald Reagan
Reagan, in his own hand
Ronald Reagan
Quotations from President Ron
Abortion and the conscience of the nation
The Reagan diaries unabridged
An American Life
Ronald Reagan, a man true to his word
The Reagan Diaries
Speaking My Mind
The notes
The Reagan wit
Dear Americans
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Health and Human Services
Veto-- S.J. Res. 316
Veto of H.R. 2466
Proposed legislation--"Medicare Catastrophic Illness Coverage Act"
Proposed legislation--Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1987
Export-Import Bank authority
Deferral of budget authority
Use of United States armed forces in Lebanon
Request for supplemental appropriations
Veto of H.R. 2787
Veto of H.R. 3
Amendment to the 1986 appropriations request for the Department of Commerce
Participation of U.S. armed forces in the multinational force in Lebanon
Veto of H.R. 1096
Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1982
Use of United States armed forces in Lebanon
Where's the Rest of Me? The Autobiography of Ronald Reagan
Veto--S. 2577
B-1B aircraft acquisition
An American life
Grinning with the Gipper
Veto of H.R. 3036
Building peace through strength
Veto of H.R. 4264
Reappropriation and supplemental appropriation language requests
Deferral and revised deferral
Pertaining to additional economic assistance to the Central American democracies
The Reagan Diaries
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
Governing international fisheries agreement with Poland
U.S. binary chemical munitions program
Amendments to request for appropriations, fiscal year 1989
Veto--Senate joint resolution 149
International terrorism--proposed legislation
Proposed legislation--"Low-Income Opportunity Improvement Act of 1987"
Message from the president of the United States transmitting a proposal for legislation to promote economic revitalization and facilitate expansion of economic opportunity in the Caribbean Basin region
Revision to rescission
Extension of Jackson-Vanik waiver
The Enterprise Zone Tax Act of 1982
Waiver extension
Further report on the use of United States armed forces in Lebanon
Defense reorganization
Governing international fishery agreement with the German Democratic Republic
Veto--S. 684
Developments concerning the national emergency with respect to South Africa
Recission and deferrals
Export-Import Bank authority
Budget amendment
Proposed legislation--"Federal Credit Reform Act of 1987"
Veto of H.R. 5922
Economic sanctions against Libya
Further developments concerning the national emergency with respect to South Africa
Program for economic recovery
Renewing the U.S. commitment to peace
Veto of H.R. 3
Veto of H.R. 6682
Veto of H.R. 1404
Civil Rights Commission Reauthorization Act of 1983
Rescission and deferral
Veto of H.R. 6682
Appropriation amendments
Appropriation amendments and amended language
A proposal to transfer the functions of the Department of Energy to other agencies
Veto of H.R. 3384
Veto--S. 557
Economic support for the agreement between the government of Ireland and the government of the United Kingdom
Veto--S. 2577
Governing international fishery agreement with Soviet Union
B-1B aircraft acquisition
Veto of H.R. 4868
Central America Democracy, Peace and Development Initiative Act of 1984
Health incentives reform program
Veto--S. 1503
Revised deferral of budget authority
Veto of H.R. 1154
Veto of H.R. 1062
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
National security strategy of the United States
Designating eleven Caribbean Basin countries as beneficiaries
National security
B-1B aircraft acquisition
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Health and Human Services
Budget amendment
Veto of H.R. 4264
America's commitment to peace
Naval petroleum reserves production
Veto of H.R. 2
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
Import relief of specialty steel
Request for assistance for the Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Veto-- S.J. Res. 316
Use of United States armed forces in Chad
Veto of H.R. 6863
Settlement of the Cyprus question
Export Administration authorization
Nancy Hanks Center
Revision to rescission
Request for supplemental appropriations
Continuing the national emergency with respect to the situation in Iran
Caribbean Basin economic recovery
Amendment to the 1986 appropriations request for the Department of Commerce
Veto of H.R. 3247
The greatest speeches of Ronald Reagan
An American Life
Further report on the situation in Lebanon
Appropriation amendments and amended language
The Enterprise Zone Tax Act of 1982
Amendments to request for appropriations
Proposed legislation-- "Philippines Assistance Act of 1986"
Rescissions and deferrals
Whaling activities of Norway
Waiver extension
Concerning imports of heavyweight motorcycles
A time for choosing
Proposed legislation--President's Pro-Life Act of 1988
Highway construction
The Enterprise Zone Employment and Development Act of 1983
Import relief of specialty steel
Veto of H.R. 2316
Prohibiting imports from Iran
Veto of H.R. 6863
MX missile system basing mode
National emergency with respect to Panama
Veto--S. 1259
Veto of H.R. 1096
Veto of H.R. 1362
The President's tax proposals to the Congress for fairness, growth, and simplicity
In the words of Ronald Reagan
Amendments requesting reductions in foreign aid for fiscal year 1982 (EC 1994)
Proposed legislation--Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1987
Appropriation language
Amendments--the convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972
Waiving certain requirements of the Agricultural Trade and Development Act of 1954
Amendments to request for appropriations
Proposed legislation--Superconductivity Competitiveness Act of 1988
Veto of H.R. 5922
Report on federal pay adjustments
Waiving the fiscal year 1983 ceiling on troops permanently stationed in European NATO countries
A shining city
Building peace through strength
Interim restraint
Prohibition on the import of Krugerrands
Developments concerning the national emergency with respect to Libya
Employment Act of 1983
Extension of nuclear cooperation with the European Atomic Energy Community
Designation of nine Caribbean Basin countries as beneficiaries of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Situation in Grenada
Merit pay system exclusions
Compact of Free Association
Requests for supplemental appropriations
Proposed legislation--Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1987
Quotable Reagan
National emergency with respect to Libya
Proposed sale of arms to Jordan
Expiration of the national emergency with respect to South Africa
Tax-exempt status of certain schools
Intent to designate 32 countries as least-developed beneficiary developing countries
A proposal to transfer the functions of the Department of Energy to other agencies
Veto of H.R. 6198
Veto--S. 742
Transfer authority and appropriation language for fiscal year 1982 and 1983
Rescission and deferrals
Revised rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferral
Proposed legislation--Civil Rights Protection Act of 1988
Request for bipartisan support for aid to Nicaragua
Continuing national emergency with respect to Nicaragua
Proposed legislation--"Medicare Catastrophic Illness Coverage Act"
Participation of U.S. armed forces in the multinational force in Lebanon
Amendments to appropriations request, fiscal year 1988
Governing international fisheries agreement with the Soviet Union
Extension of nuclear cooperation with the European Atomic Energy Community
Use of United States armed forces in Libya
Waiving the fiscal year 1983 ceiling on troops permanently stationed in European NATO countries
Whaling activities of Japan
National emergency with respect to Nicaragua
Review of federal juvenile delinquency programs
Ronald Reagan talks to America
Production of lethal binary chemical munitions
Amendments to the fiscal year 1988 fiscal year appropriations request
Assistance for the Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Whaling activities of the Soviet Union
Veto of H.R. 1562
Building an interim framework for mutual restraint
Veto of H.R. 1
The Reagan Diaries Abridged Selections CD
U.S. policy on ASAT arms control
Summary report Department of Energy sunset review
Appropriation language
Participation of U.S. armed forces in the multinational force in Lebanon
Participation of the United States in the MFO force deployed in the Sinai
Federal pay comparability alternative plan
State of the Union Addresses of Ronald Reagan
Budget amendments
Budget amendments
Health incentives reform program
Aid to the Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Veto of H.R. 3036
Amendments to request for appropriations
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Labor
Veto--S. 973
United States-Bangladesh agreement of peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Extending the international agreement with Poland concerning fisheries off the coast of the United States
Extending the international agreement with Poland concerning fisheries off the coast of the United States
Federal pay rates
Developments concerning national emergency with respect to Nicaragua
Veto of H.R. 2466
President's Emergency Food Assistance Act of 1984
Federalism, the first ten months
The Trade, Employment, and Productivity Act of 1987
The Reagan Diaries Extended Selections CD
Certification of transfer of AWACS aircraft to Saudi Arabia
Appropriation amendments
Veto of H.R. 2787
Veto of H.R. 1154
President Reagan supports Nicaraguan peace process
Waivers to permit expedited construction of the Alaska natural gas transportation system
Designation of Aruba as a beneficiary country under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
District of Columbia budget amendments
Presidential address
Why democracy matters in Central America
Sequestration order for fiscal year 1986
Continuation of export control regulations
Democracy, peace, and progress
Freedom, regional security, and global peace
Initial sequestration report, fiscal year 1989
Continuation of export control regulations
Agencies and units of agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
Fishery agreement with Poland
Appendix to the Fiscal year 1985 arms control impact statements
Recission and deferrals
Veto of H.R. 1062
Veto of H.R. 1371
Minority Enterprise Development Week
Request for supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1987 and amendments to the request for appropriations for fiscal year 1988
Extension of Jackson-Vanik waiver
National energy policy plan
Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1983
NATO's conventional capabilities
District of Columbia fiscal year 1985 operating budget
Amendments to requests for appropriations for fiscal year 1989
The U.S.-Soviet relationship
International terrorism
United States-Bangladesh agreement of peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Oil import levels
Cooperation concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy between United States and Sweden
Extension of waiver authority under the Trade Act
Continuation of national emergency with respect to Nicaragua
Proposed legislation--"Low-Income Opportunity Improvement Act of 1987"
Continuation of national emergency with respect to Libya
Proposed legislation--Superconductivity Competitiveness Act of 1988
The legacy of the Marshall Plan
The 1984 budget supplemental of the District of Columbia
Status of Portugal under the Generalized System of Preferences Program
Veto of H.R. 2
Unified and specified commands
Joint session of Congress
National Productivity and Innovation Act of 1983
South Africa
Federal pay comparability alternative plan
Rescission and deferrals
Continuation of export control regulations
Veto--S. 366
Veto--S. 973
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
The productivity improvement program
Establishment of a free trade area between the United States and Israel
Budget amendments, fiscal year 1982
Request for certain rescissions and repeals of appropriations
Veto--S. 1259
Proposed legislation--Civil Rights Protection Act of 1988
Proposed additions to the National Wilderness Preservation System and to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
Reducing world tensions
Amendments to request for appropriations for fiscal year 1989
Stories in his own hand
National security strategy of the United States
Veto--S. 557
Deferral and revised deferrals
Veto--S. 1503
The speeches of Ronald Reagan
The strategic defense initiative
Removal of Romania and Nicaragua and suspension of Paraguay from the list of general system of preference eligible countries
The president's trade policy action plan
Verifying nuclear testing limitations
Continuing national emergency with respect to Iran
The President's tax proposals to the Congress for fairness, growth, and simplicity
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
Appropriation amendments and amended language
Where's the rest of me?
The 1983 National Energy Policy Plan
Continuation of national emergency with respect to Iran
Caribbean basin initiative
Pension Equity Act of 1983
Decision not to negotiate voluntary production restraints on copper
Strengthening American security
U.S. policy on ASAT arms control
Promoting global economic growth
United States-Canadian crude oil transfers
Deferrals of budget authority
Rescissions and deferrals
Amendments for appropriations for fiscal year 1982 and reduction for fiscal year 1984 appropriations
Adherence to and compliance with arms control agreements
Continuation of the national emergency with respect to South Africa
The Drug Free America Act of 1986
Import relief determination
Requests for supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1985 and amendments to the request for appropriations for fiscal year 1986
Rescission and deferrals
To proclaim that all member coutries of the Caribbean Common Market shall be treated as one country under section 502 (a)(3)
Deferral and revised deferral
Designation of the Bahamas as a beneficiary country under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Federal pay comparability alternative plan
International terrorism--proposed legislation
Fiscal year 1988 supplemental budget of the District of Columbia
Review of United States strategic forces
Fiscal year 1986 budget of the District of Columbia
Budget reductions for fiscal year 1986
Proposed agreement between the United States and Japan concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy
U.S. interests in Central America
Veto of H.R. 2316
The new network of terrorist states
Veto--S. 366
Ronald Reagan's weekly radio addresses
Compact of Free Association between the United States and Palau
Fiscal year 1982 budget revisions
Suspensions of certain litigation against Iran
October 1981 federal pay adjustment
Along wit's trail
Developments concerning national emergency with respect to Iran
Developments concerning the national emergency with respect to Panama
Exclusions of agencies of the government from the performance management and recognition system
NATO's nuclear posture
Block grant proposals
Constitutional amendment
Statement of relationship of 1986 budget to soil and water programs
Maintaining peace and freedom
Progress toward ending the system of apartheid
Relief for the footwear industry
Economic recovery program
Proposed fiscal year 1986 supplemental budget for the District of Columbia
U.S. policy on ASAT arms control
A report on United States-Iranian military engagement
Appropriations amendments, fiscal year 1985
Federal pay rates
U.S. interim restraint policy
Appropriations request for the Drug Free America initiative
Constitutional amendment concerning prayer
Rededication to the cause of human rights
Stikine River Region access study
Ending apartheid in South Africa
Proposed legislation--Truth in Federal Spending Act of 1988 : message from the President of the United States transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to require analyses and estimates of the likely impact of federal legislation and regulations upon the private sector and state and local governments, to provide for deficit neutrality of new spending legislation, and for other purposes
Amendments to the request for appropriations for fiscal year 1986
Proposed legislation--Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1987
Waivers to permit expedited construction of the Alaska natural gas transportation system
Removal of Brunei Darussalam, Bermuda, Bahrain, and Nauru from the list of General System of Preference eligible countries
Continuation of the national emergency with respect to Iran
Generalized System of Preferences
Status of Chile as general system of preference beneficiary
State of the Union message
The binary chemical munitions program
Sequestration order for fiscal year 1986
Appropriation amendments and amended language
Sequestration order for fiscal year 1988
Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1983
Veto of H.R. 6198
International terrorism--proposed legislation
Exercises by U.S. forces in the eastern Mediterranean
France and the United States
Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Veto of H.R. 1362
Developments concerning the national emergency with respect to Iran
Fishery agreement with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Cyprus negotiations
Report on federal pay adjustments
International agreements
Cooperation on the uses of atomic energy between the United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for mutual defense purposes
Ronald Reagan's wisdom for the twenty-first century
Economic progress through individual freedom
A mission for peace
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
E.C. 1273
Natural Gas Consumer Regulatory Reform Amendments of 1983
Report on the nonaligned countries' communique of September 1981
Supplemental budget of the District of Columbia for fiscal year 1982
The new Europe
The U.S. and China
U.S. binary chemical munitions program
Libyan sanctions
Further report with respect to the situation in Lebanon
Actor, ideologue, politician
Veto of H.R. 5922
Veto of H.R. 6863
Fishery agreement with China
Rescissions and deferrals
Extension of waiver authority under the Trade Act
Fiscal year 1985 budget revisions
Youth Employment Opportunity Wage Act of 1984
Federal pay comparability alternative plan
Tax-exempt status of certain schools
National security strategy of the United States
Veto of H.R. 1404
Authorization requests for combatant ships
A historic opportunity for the U.S. and China
To improve equity and quality in American education
Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1983
Promoting freedom and democracy in Central America
Revised deferrals of budget authority
Federal pay adjustments--alternative plan
NATO's nuclear posture
Import relief
National emergency with respect to Iran
Veto of H.R. 4868
Health incentives reform program
Appropriation language change and budget amendments
Quotations Of Ronald Reagan
Veto of H.R. 1
United States Sinai Support Mission
Soviet noncompliance with arms control agreements
National emergency with respect to South Africa
Proposed agreement for cooperation between the government of the United States of America and the government of the Republic of Finland
Investigation on the continued production of the naval petroleum reserves
Veto of H.R. 3564
Rescissions and deferrals
Further extension of waiver authority granted by subsection 402(c) of the Trade Act of 1974
Possible avenues for cooperation with the Soviet Union in the development of capabilities for verifying compliance with nuclear testing limitations
Veto--S. 742
Veto of H.R. 3384
Korean airline massacre
Recissions and deferral
Proposed legislation--"Federal Credit Reform Act of 1987"
United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement
Arms control agreements
Pertaining to additional economic assistance to the Central American democracies
The current state of Soviet-American relations
Superfund legislation
According Greenland preferences
Reductions in travel and transportation, fiscal year 1987
Agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
1985 District of Columbia budget supplemental
Veto of H.R. 3247
Continuing national emergency--Iran
Proposed legislation entitled "The Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1982"
Veto of H.J. Res. 338
Revised rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferral
Proposed legislation--President's Pro-Life Act of 1988
Veto of House Joint Resolution 748
Compact of Free Association
Pay adjustments for federal employees
Amendments--the convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972
Veto of H.R. 1562
Rescission and deferrals
Rescission and deferral
Veto--Senate joint resolution 149
Deferrals and revised deferrals
Veto--S. 684
America's agenda for the future
Continuation of Iran emergency
Fiscal year 1985 budget revisions
Peacekeeper missile
Establishment of an International Space Year in 1992
Agencies and units of agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
Central America and U.S. security
Fiscal year 1985 budget supplemental of the District of Columbia
Progress toward a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus question
Removal of preferences accorded certain countries
National Productivity and Innovation Act of 1983
Energy Security Reserve Amendments of 1984
Continuing the acquisition of the Peacekeeper missile
Nuclear cooperation with the European Community
Addition of Aruba to list of beneficiary developing countries
Proposed legislation entitled "The Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1982"
Tax-exempt status of certain schools
Extension of waiver authority under the Trade Act
The budget, part II, recommendations for executive, legislative, and judicial salaries
District of Columbia budget fiscal year 1983
Veto of H.R. 5118
Geneva summit meeting--November, 1985
Extension of waiver authority under the Trade Act
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
Semiannual report on actions under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act
Veto of House Joint Resolution 357
Report on United States military action
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
Agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
Pension Equity Act of 1983
Prospects for a new era of world peace
Veto of H.R. 6682
The common sense of an uncommon man
Veto of H.R. 2316
Report on Reykjavik
Veto of H.R. 4868
Fiscal year 1983 arms control impact statements
Rescissions of budget authority
A forward strategy for peace and freedom
Proposed legislation entitled "The Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1982"
U.S. interim restraint policy
Alliance security and arms control
Veto--Senate joint resolution 149
Amendments to appropriations request
Fiscal year 1986 arms control impact statements
Veto of H.R. 6682
E.C. 1273
Veto of H.R. 5118
Challenges of world development
Freedom and vigilance
Federalism, the first ten months
America's foreign policy challenges for the 1980's
Proposed budget deferrals
Request for supplemental appropriations, District of Columbia
Navy shipbuilding authorization for fiscal years 1982 and 1983
Health reorganization message of Ronald Reagan, Governor of California
Situation in Poland
United States-Bangladesh agreement of peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Fiscal year 1986 budget of the District of Columbia
Veto of H.R. 1062
Veto of H.R. 1154
The Washington summit
Amendment request for fiscal year 1988 appropriations
Veto--S. 366
Berlin, a message of hope
Waiving the fiscal year 1983 ceiling on troops permanently stationed in European NATO countries
B-1B aircraft acquisition
Endangering our national ideals and interests
Reagan par Reagan : la jeunesse, Hollywood, naissance d'un président
Proposed legislation--"Low-Income Opportunity Improvement Act of 1987"
State Of The Union Addresses
Budget amendments
America's vision of the future
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1984, Book 1
America's new beginning
Fiscal year 1984 arms control impact statements
Tax-exempt status of certain schools
District of Columbia budget fiscal year 1984
Reducing world tensions
Budget supplement ... 1971-1972
Arms control and the future of East-West relations
A foundation for enduring peace
International agreements
U.S. interests in Central America
District of Columbia budget fiscal year 1982
Deferrals and revised deferrals of budget authority
Proposed legislation--Superconductivity Competitiveness Act of 1988
U.S. program for peace and arms control
Amendments requesting reductions in foreign aid for fiscal year 1982 (EC 1994)
America's agenda for the future
Veto of H.J. Res. 338
The agenda of U.S.-Soviet relations
Continuation of national emergency with respect to Iran
The U.S. and China
Progress in Cyprus negotiations
National materials and minerals program plan and report to Congress
Rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferrals
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States Ronald Reagan, 1982, Book 2
Veto of House Joint Resolution 748
California's blueprint for national welfare reform
Extending the international agreement with Poland concerning fisheries off the coast of the United States
The creative society
Compact of Free Association between the United States and Palau
Amendments to the supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1981 (EC 1189)
Amendments request for fiscal year 1988 appropriations
Meeting the challenge
Export-Import Bank authority
Peace and national security
Appropriation amendment
Deferrals and revised deferral
Developments concerning national emergency with respect to Libya
NATO's nuclear posture
Veto of H.R. 1371
Amendments to requests for appropriations for fiscal year 1989
Amendments to request for appropriations, fiscal year 1989
Amendments to reduce the 1988 fiscal year appropriations request
Federal pay rates
Veto of H.R. 3
Veto-- S.J. Res. 316
AIDS initiatives
Recission and deferrals
Amendments to appropriations request for fiscal year 1986
U.S. initiative to Iran
Preserving freedom
Caribbean Basin economic recovery
The significance of Reykjavik
My early life, or, Where's the rest of me?
The quotable Ronald Reagan
Whaling activities of the Soviet Union
America's commitment to peace
Veto of H.R. 3247
Removal of Brunei Darussalam, Bermuda, Bahrain, and Nauru from the list of General System of Preference eligible countries
State of the Union Address
Agencies and units of agencies excluded from the federal merit pay system
Freedom, regional security, and global peace
Revision to rescission
Veto of H.R. 1562
Initial sequestration report, fiscal year 1989
Veto of H.R. 2466
The U.S.-Soviet relationship
Farewell to Reagan
The trade challenge for the 1980s
Ronald Reagan in quotations
According Greenland preferences
Amendment to request for appropriations for fiscal year 1988
Rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferral
Dicta on faith and morality
Federal Housing Administration fund
Tax convention with the Republic of Argentina, with related protocol
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Labor
Sequestration order for fiscal year 1988
A shining city
Establishment of an International Space Year in 1992
Semiannual report on actions under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act
Agenda for peace
Cooperation concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy between United States and Sweden
State of the Union message
Extension of nuclear cooperation with the European Atomic Energy Community
Additions to the national wild and scenic rivers system and the national wilderness preservation system
Fiscal year 1987 supplemental budget of the District of Columbia
U.S. binary chemical munitions program
Progress in the quest for peace and freedom
Letters from the desk of Ronald Reagan
Progress toward ending system of apartheid
Building peace through strength
Economic recovery program
Budget reductions for fiscal year 1986
Confirmation of achievement of deficit reduction
Veto of H.R. 6863
The President's trade policy action plan
Waivers to permit expedited construction of the Alaska natural gas transportation system
Keeping America strong
Budget supplement ... 1973-74
The Deepest and Noblest Aspirations
Verifying nuclear testing limitations
Veto of H.R. 3384
The Youth Employment Opportunity Wage Act of 1985
Proposed legislation--President's Pro-Life Act of 1988
Revised deferrals of budget authority
Amendment to request for appropriations
Message from the president of the United States transmitting a proposal for legislation to promote economic revitalization and facilitate expansion of economic opportunity in the Caribbean Basin region
The alliance at a crossroad
Appropriations amendment requests for fiscal year 1988
Nuclear waste disposal
Veto of H.R. 2787
Promoting democracy and peace
Requests for supplemental appropriations
Welcome Olympians, 1984 Olympic Games, Los Angeles, California
Rescission and deferral
Veto of H.R. 6198
Speaking my mind
Fiscal year 1985 budget supplemental of the District of Columbia
The productivity improvement program
Revised rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferral
Appropriation language
Managing the global economy
Appropriation language change and budget amendments
Veto--S. 1503
Continuation of national emergency with rspect to Nicaragua
Report on federal pay adjustments
A proposal to transfer the functions of the Department of Energy to other agencies
Rescission and deferrals
Whaling activities of Norway
Korean airline massacre
Generalized System of Preferences
Prohibiting imports from Iran
Amendments--the convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972
Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1983
Extension of Jackson-Vanik waiver
Recissions and deferral
Amendments to appropriations request, fiscal year 1988
Budget amendments, fiscal year 1987
National Productivity and Innovation Act of 1983
Veto of H.R. 1096
Appendix to the Fiscal year 1985 arms control impact statements
Veto--S. 2577
Rescissions and deferral
Cooperative strategy for global growth
The Enterprise Zone Tax Act of 1982
A reasonable program for...revenue control and tax reduction
State of California program budget supplement, 1972-1973
Central America at a critical juncture
Requests for supplemental appropriations in fiscal year 1981 and request for amendments to appropriations for fiscal year 1982 (EC 1233)
Deferrals and supplementary deferrals
Stand up Reagan
Veto--S. 742
Project narrative, California Community Work Experience Demonstration Project
Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation (New edition/issue)
Veto of H.R. 3036
Veto--S. 973
Interim restraint
Deferrals of budget authority
Amendments to appropriations requests
Budget supplement, 1974-75
Proposed agreement for cooperation between the government of the United States of America and the government of the Republic of Finland
Veto of House Joint Resolution 357
The Quest for Peace, the Cause of Freedom
United States and Soviet dismantlement and strategic force projections
Revised deferral of budget authority
Pension Equity Act of 1983
Rescissions, deferrals, and revised deferrals of budget authority
Saving freedom in Central America
The Geneva summit
Import relief of specialty steel
Minority Enterprise Development Week
United States-Canadian crude oil transfers
Veto--S. 557
Proposed agreement between the United States and Japan concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Proposed legislation--Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1987
Veto of H.R. 1
Veto of H.R. 3564
Amendment request for fiscal year 1984 appropriations
Veto of H.R. 1362
International terrorism--proposed legislation
Report on United States military action
Amendments to the request for appropriations
Proposed legislation-- "Philippines Assistance Act of 1986"
Defense reorganization
Proposed legislation--Truth in Federal Spending Act of 1988 : message from the President of the United States transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to require analyses and estimates of the likely impact of federal legislation and regulations upon the private sector and state and local governments, to provide for deficit neutrality of new spending legislation, and for other purposes
Prospects for world peace
Revised deferral
Reducing the danger of nuclear weapons
Proposed legislation--Civil Rights Protection Act of 1988
Strategic importance of El Salvador and Central America
Amendments to the fiscal year 1988 fiscal year appropriations request
Central America and U.S. security
Designation of the Bahamas as a beneficiary country under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Implementation of the recommendations of the President's Special Review Board
Import relief determination
Nicaraguan democratic resistance
Participation of U.S. armed forces in the multinational force in Lebanon
Veto of H.R. 1404
Amendments to request for appropriations for fiscal year 1989
Proposed legislation--Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1987
Request for reduction of supplemental appropriations
Rescissions, revised rescissions, and deferrals
Fiscal year 1985 budget revisions
Exercises by U.S. forces in the eastern Mediterranean
Proposed legislation--"Federal Credit Reform Act of 1987"
Offsetting amendments to the request for appropriations for fiscal year 1988
Supplement budget of District of Columbia
Participation of the United States in the MFO force deployed in the Sinai
President Reagan supports Nicaraguan peace process
The Trade, Employment, and Productivity Act of 1987
An American life
Request for certain rescissions and repeals of appropriations
The Reagan Diaries, Leatherbound Edition
Developments in Iran
The new network of terrorist states
Proposed alternative sequestration reductions, Department of Defense, fiscal year 1988
Veto of H.R. 2
Temporary transfer of power
Appropriations requests for fiscal year 1987
France and the United States
Reorganization of the executive branch of California State government
District of Columbia budget authority reductions
Proposed legislation--"Medicare Catastrophic Illness Coverage Act"
Renewing the U.S. commitment to peace
Amendments to the 1987 appropriations request for the Department of Health and Human Services
New deferral of budget authority for the Railroad Retirement Board
Nuclear cooperation with the European Community
Ronald Reagan the Grt Communiator
Veto of H.R. 5922
Appropriations requests
Veto of H.R. 4264
Veto--S. 684
Where's the rest of me?
Request for bipartisan support for aid to Nicaragua
U.S. policy on ASAT arms control
Veto--S. 1259
Amendments request for appropriations for fiscal year 1988
Appropriation amendments
Establishment of a free trade area between the United States and Israel
Opening statement at Cancun Summit
Proposed fiscal year 1986 supplemental budget for the District of Columbia
Paths toward peace, deterrence and arms control
Freedom and Vigilance
Fiscal year 1988 supplemental budget of the District of Columbia
Reagan on Cuba
The quest for peace, the cause of freedom
Paths toward peace, deterrence and arms control
Joint sitting of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann on the occasion of the address by Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, Monday, 4 June 1984
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1988-89, Book 2
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1981
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1987, Book 2
The triumph of the American spirit
Strategic importance of El Salvador and Central America
President Reagan's quotations
Ronald Reagan
Challenges of world development
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1982, Book 1, January 1 to July 2, 1982
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1985: Book 1
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1981, Book 1, January 20 to December 31, 1981
Peace and national security
U.S. program for peace and arms control
The agenda of U.S.-Soviet relations
Business Taxes in Greece
Ronald Reagan, 1986, Book Ii-June 28 to December 31 (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States)
Ronald Reagan, honorary fellow at the Hoover Institution, speaks on United States foreign policy and world realities to the Foreign Policy Association, New York City, June 9, 1977
Cumulated Indexes to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States Ronald Reagan
National Security Strategy of the United States
Promoting democracy and peace
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1986, Book 1
United States foreign policy and world realities
My early life, or, Where's the rest of me?
Reinvigorating our schools
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1987, Book 1
Fiscal year 1985 arms control impact statements
Caribbean basin initiative
Ronald Reagan, The Great Speeches, Vol. I (Greatest Speeches of All Time)
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Freedom and global economic growth
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1983, Book 2
Managing the global economy
U.S. initiative to Iran
Ronald Reagan
Saving freedom in Central America
The official Ronald Wilson Reagan quote book
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1985 Book 2 (Ronald Reagan)
The great communicator
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1984: Book 2
I goofed
The Presidency and separation of powers (The Gauer distinguished lecture in law and public policy)
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1983, Book 1
Endangering our national ideals and interests
Nuclear nonproliferation
Ronald Reagan in quotations
Berlin, a message of hope
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1985, Book 2
How to Save Free Enterprise
The great communicator
Una vida americana
Heinz Guderian
Heinz Guderian (1888-1954)

military personnel

Erinnerungen eines Soldaten
Achtung - Panzer!
Panzer Leader
Panzer Leader
Kann Westeuropa verteidigt werden?
Die Panzertruppen und ihr Zusammenwirken mit den anderen Waffen
Mit den panzern in ost und west
Achtung Panzer Development of Armoured
Panzer Leader
Vospominaniya soldata
So geht es nicht!
Panzer Leader Uk
Die panzerwaffe
Vospominani︠i︡a neme︠t︡skogo generala
Emilio Lussu
Emilio Lussu (1890-1975)

soldier, politician

  • University of Cagliari
Road to exile
A Soldier on the Southern Front
Un anno sull'Altipiano
Sardinian Brigade (Lost Treasures)
Lettere a Carlo Rosselli e altri scritti di Giustizia e libertà
Anno sull'Altipiano
An autobiographical account by a leading Sardinian Republican politician of resistance to Fascism in Sardinia from 1918-1930
L'uomo dell'altipiano
Il cinghiale del Diavolo
Sul Partito d'azione e gli altri
La catena
Enter Mussolini
Marcia su Roma e dintorni
Essere a sinistra
Théorie de l'insurrection
Teoria della insurrezione, saggio critico
Sul brigantaggio in Sardegna / Emilio Lussu
Per l'Italia dall'esilio
La difesa di Roma
Discorsi parlamentari
Il cinghiale del diavolo e altri scritti sulla Sardegna
Enter Mussolini
Un anno sull'Altipiano
Marcia su Roma e dintorni
Diplomazia clandestina
Un anno sull'Altipiano
Su sirboni de su dimoniu
Tutte le opere
Lotte sociali, antifascismo e autonomia in Sardegna
La difesa di Roma di G. L. (9-10 settembre)
Diplomazia clandestina, 14 giugno 1940 - 25 luglio 1943
Corrado Alvaro
Corrado Alvaro (1895-1956)

journalist, poet, theatre critic, military personnel, translator

  • University of Milan
Great Short Stories of the World
Itinerario italiano
L'Uomo è forte
Polsi nell'arte, nella leggenda, nella storia
Quasi una vita
L' uomo è forte
Itinerario italiano
Terra nuova
Colore di Berlino
Man is strong
Colore di Parigi
I maestri del diluvio
Gente in Aspromonte
Memoria e vita
Scritti dispersi, 1921-1956
Corrado Alvaro e il Corriere della sera
Cara Laura
Incontri d'amore
Gente in Aspromonte
Luigi Albertini
L' età breve
Il viaggio
L' uomo nel labirinto
L'e tà breve
Tutto è accaduto
La siepe e l'orto
Il mare
La Calabria
L' Uomo è forte
L' uomo nel labiribto
La moglie e i quaranta racconti
Itinerario italiano
L' età breve
Quasi una vita
La signora dell'isola
L' uomo nel labirinto
Lunga notte di Medea
Lettere parigine, e altri scritti, 1922-1925
Gente in Aspromonte
Il nostro tempo e la speranca
Libri di cento pagine
Opere di Corrado Alvaro
75 racconti
L' amata alla finestra
Tutto è accaduto [romanzo
Lettere parigine e altri scritti 1922- 1925
Gente in Aspromonte
Cronache e scritti teatrali
Il nostro tempo el la speranza
Roma vestita di nuovo
Il nostro tempo e la speranza
Al cinema
Itinerario italiano
La siepe e l'orto
Italienskt panorama
Gente che passa
Ultimo diario, 1948-1956
Viaggio in Turchia
Man is strong
L' Italia rinunzia?
Revolt in Aspromonte
L' Italia rinunzia?
Settantacinque racconti
Gente in Aspromonte
Tutto è accaduto
Azzerare le distanze
Viaggio in Russia
Ultimo diario (1948-1956)
Romanzi brevi e racconti
L'amata alla Finestra
Il meglio dei racconti di Corrado Alvaro
Lettere a "900"
Curia, Forum Iulium, Forum Transitorium
Quasi una vita
Ricordo di Alvaro
L'uomo è forte
L' eta breve
Scritti su Pirandello
Luigi Albertini
L'età breve
La moglie e i quaranta racconti
L'uomo è forte
Un paese e altri scritti giovanili (1911-1916)
La moglie e i quaranta racconti
Karol Olgierd Borchardt
Karol Olgierd Borchardt (1905-1986)

master mariner, lecturer, soldier, head teacher

  • Vilnius University, The Maritime School in Tczew
Pavel Filatyev
Pavel Filatyev (born 1988)

military personnel

Constant von Wurzbach
Constant von Wurzbach (1818-1893)

lexicographer, biographer, poet, military personnel, autobiographer, translator, bibliographer, opinion journalist, official, librarian

  • University of Graz, Lviv University
Die Sprichwörter der Polen historisch erläutert: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss ..
Biographisches lexikon des kaiserthums Oesterreich
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, enthaltend die Lebensskizzen der denkwürdigen Personen, welche seit 1750 in den österreichischen Kronländern geboren wurden oder darin gelebt und gewirkt haben
Joseph Haydn und sein Bruder Michael
Die Sprichwörter der Polen historisch erläutert
Historische wörter, sprichwörter und redensarten
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Enthaltend Die Lebensskizzen der Denkwürdigen Perosnen, Welche Seit 1750 in Den Österreichischen Kronländern Geboren Wurden Oder Darin Gelebt und Gewirkt Haben, Zehnter Theil
Historische Wörter, Sprichwörter und Redensarten in Erläuterungen
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Zweiundzwanzigster Theil
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich. Vierunddreissigster Theil
Biographisches Lexikon Des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Vol. 32
Das Schillerbuch
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich. Sechsundfünfzigster Theil
Glimpf und Schimpf in Spruch und Wort. Sprach- und sittengeschichtliche ..
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Enthaltend Die Lebensskizzen der Denkwürdigen Perosnen, Welche Seit 1750 in Den Österreichischen Kronländern Geboren Wurden Oder Darin Gelebt und Gewirkt Haben, Zweiundzwanzigster Theil
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Enthaltend Lebensskizzen der Denkwürdigen Perosnen, Welche Seit 1750 in Den Österreichischen Kronländern Geboren Wurden Oder Darin Gelebt und Gewirkt Haben. Einundfünfzigster Theil
Bibliographisch-statistische Übersicht der Literatur des österreichischen Kaiserstaates. 1854-55
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Enthaltend Die Lebensskizzen der Denkwürdigen Personen, Welche Seit 1750 in Den Österreichischen Kronländern Geboren Wurden Oder Darin Gelebt und Gewirkt Haben, Volumes 58-59
Die Kirchen der Stadt Krakau
Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Zwanzigster Theil
Biographisches Lexikon Des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, Vol. 14
Das Elisabethen-Buch
Register zu den Nachträgen in Wurzbachs Biographischem Lexikon d. Kaiserthums Österreich
Bibliographisch-statistische Übersicht der Literatur des österreichischen Kaiserstaates. 1854-55 (1856)
Franz Grillparzer
Franz Grillparzer