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literary critics who wrote autobiography
Showing 33-40 out of 114 results
Jean-Paul Sartre
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980)

playwright, epistemologist, biographer, literary critic, essayist, resistance fighter, philosopher, peace activist, opinion journalist, intellectual, sociologist, lyricist

  • Lycée Henri-IV, École Normale Supérieure
Les mots
The words
L'idiot de la famille [5/5]
Etre et le néant
No Exit (and Three Other Plays)
Best Short Stories -- Advanced Level
Les mouches
Réflexions sur la question juive
Sartre on theater
Saint Genet
Diable et le bon Dieu
Les mains sales
The psychology of imagination
Le sursis
L' imaginaire
On genocide
Jean-Paul Sartre
The aftermath of war (Situations III)
Huis clos
The Family Idiot
L'existentialisme est un humanisme
Saint Genet, actor and martyr
Le diable et le bon Dieu
Saint Genet, actor and martyr
Huis clos, suivi de Les mouches
War diaries
The age of reason
Age de raison
The Devil & the Good Lord, and two other plays
Hope now
Literature & existentialism
A Kind Of Touching Beauty Photographs Of America
War diaries
Witness to my life
Doce textos fundamentales de la Ética del siglo XX
La p ... respectueuse
The Freud scenario
The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre
Critique de la raison dialectique
The Freud scenario
The philosophy of existentialism
Quiet moments in a war
Le mur
La nausée
Hope Now
Les  carnets de la drôle de guerre
Huis Clos, suivi de Les Mouches
Orphée noir
L' existentialisme est un humanisme
Transcendance de l'ego
The philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
Les carnets de la drôle de guerre
The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre (The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. XVI)
No exit, and three other plays
Les jeux sont faits
Saint Genet, actor and martyr
Three plays
Les jeux sont faits
Mallarmé, or, The poet of nothingness
The emotions, outline of a theory
Lettres au Castor et à quelques autres
Sartre by himself
Questions de méthode
La mort dans l'âme
L'age de raison
Qu'est-ce que la littérature?
La mort dans l'âme
Quiet moments in a war
War diaries of Jean Paul Sartre
Colonialism and neo-colonialism
Sartre visita a Cuba
L' idiot de la famille, Gustave Flaubert de 1821 à 1857
Les séquestrés d'Altona
The condemned of Altona
Three plays
L’être et le néant
Existentialism Is a Humanism
Truth and existence
Réflexions sur la question juive
Der Ekel
Existential psychoanalysis
Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume Two (Critique of Dialectical Reason)
What is Literature?
L' existentialisme est un humanisme
Search for a method
L'espoir maintenant
Remembering Sartre, 1905-1980
Existentialism is a humanism
Die ehrbare Dirne. Das Spiel ist aus. Im Räderwerk. Erläuterungen und Materialien.
The Last Chance
Essays in existentialism
Les Jeux Sont Faits
La reine Albemarle, ou, Le dernier touriste
Lettres au Castor et à quelques autres
The spectre of Stalin
Un Théâtre de situations
Situations, tome 2
Literary essays
The Psychology of the Imagination
L' Engrenage
Saint Genêt
Qu'est-ce que la littérature?
Modern Times
Between existentialism and Marxism
Les mains sales
Reflexions Sur La Question Juive
War diaries of Jean-Paul Sartre
Existential psychoanalysis
Dorogi svobody
Le scénario Freud
Existentialism and human emotions
We Have Only This Life To Live Selected Essays Of Jeanpaul Sartre 19391975
L' idiot de la famille
Between existentialism and Marxism
Critiques littéraires
Carnets de la drole de guerre, septembre 1939-mars 1940
Séquestrés d'Altona
Vérité et existence
Situations, I-VII
Le mur
The Emotions
Between Existentialism and Marxism (Radical Thinkers)
Mallarme, or the Poet of Nothingness
Truth and Existence
The Writings of Jean-Paul Sartre Volume 2
La putain respectueuse
Carnets de la drôle de guerre
Mort dans l'âme
The philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
Le scénario Freud
Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions
Critique of dialectical reason, theory of practical ensembles
Baudelaire; précédé d'une note de Michel Leiris
Le sursis
Oeuvres Romanesques
Selected Prose
La mort dans l'ame
Oeuvres Romanesques
Huis Clos and Other Plays
"What is literature?" and other essays
Les\Sequestres d'Altona
Les jeux sont faits. Texte et documents.
El Engranaje
Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume One
Mallarmé, or, The poet of nothingness
Conversations with Jean-Paul Sartre (Conversations With)
Reflexiones Sobre La Cuestion Judia
L' espoir maintenant
Huis clos. Texte et documents.
The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre
Les chemins de la liberté
A Puerta Cerrada / La Puta Respetuosa (Nueva Edicion)
La transcendance de l'Ego et "Conscience de soi et connaissance de soi" précdés de "Une idée fondamentale de la phénoménologie de Husserl : l'intentionnalité"
Le Mur.
Politics and literature
Of human freedom
Sartre e la filosofia del suo tempo
La Mauvaise Foi
Les carnets de la drôle de guerre
El Ser Y La Nada (Obras Maestras Del Pensamiento)
Essays in existentialism
The wall
Sartre in the seventies
Les mains sales. Piece en sept tableaux.
It Is Right to Rebel
Das Spiel Ist Aus
Sartre in the seventies
Notebooks for an ethics
Essays in aesthetics
The Transcendence of the Ego
Profil Huis Clos
The wall (Intimacy) and other stories
L'e ̂tre et le néant
Saint Genêt
Critique de la raison dialectique
War crimes in Vietnam
The family idiot
Saint Genet, actor and martyr
Les Mains Sales
L' engrenage
"What is literature?" and other essays
Les Mains Sales. Vocabulaire et documents.
Muertos Sin Sepultura
L' affaire Henri Martin
The ghost of Stalin
The reprieve
Critique of Dialectical Reason, Vol. 1
Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions
Las moscas
Troubled sleep.
Political Fictions
Les mains sales
Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions
La transcendance de l'ego
In camera
Un Theatre De Situations
Ouragan sur le sucre
Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions
Troubled sleep
Le Mur
De muur
Profil d'une oeuvre
Situations, tome 6
Anti-semiteand Jew
L' idiot de la famille
Lage De Raison Chemins De La Liberte 1
Gesammelte Werke. 8 Bände. Schriften zur Literatur
Le mur
The Wall (Modern Voices)
Question de méthode
War Diaries Notes From A Phoney War November 1939march 1940
The Thief's Journal
Les Mouches.
Existential psychoanalysis
Lektürehilfen Sartre Huis Clos.
Briefe an Simone de Beauvoir und andere 1. 1929 - 1939
Ecrits de jeunesse
Séquestrés d'Altona
La Edad De La Razon (Biblioteca Clasica Y Contempornea:  Los Caminos De La Libertad)
Reflexiones Sobre La Cuetion Judia
Le sursis
War crimes in Vietnam [by] Jean-Paul Sartre and Vladimir Dedijer
+que Es La Literatura? (Ensayo)
L' etre et le neant
Morts sans sépulture
Entretiens sur la politique
Les chemins de la liberté
O Ser e O Nada (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Die Zeremonie des Abschieds und Gespräche mit Jean- Paul Sartre. August - September 1974
Offertory prayers
L' existentialisme est un humanisme
La nausée
On Poetry
Situations, X
Philosophical Library Existentialism Collection
Portrait de l'aventurier
Die Troerinnen des Euripides. Stück in zwölf Szenen
The flies (Les mouches)
Questions de méthode
L' être et le néant, essai d'ontologie phénoménologique
La Náusea
Entretiens sur la politique [par] J.P. Sartre, David Rousset [et] Gérard Rosenthal
The chips are down
Die Kindheit eines Chefs. Erzählungen
Le Di able et le bon Dieu
Huis Clos (Dramau'r Byd)
Situations I
Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions
Der Existentialismus ist ein Humanismus und andere philosophische Essays 1943 - 1948
What Is Subjectivity?
Der Aufschub
Geschlossene Gesellschaft
Critique de la raison dialectique, précédé de Question de méthode
Le mur
Die Wörter. ( Autobiographische Schriften, 1)
Huis Clos
Die respektvolle Dirne
Las Palabras
Plaidoyer pour les intellectuels
La transcendance de l'ego
The ghost of Stalin
Cahiers pour une morale
De teerling is geworpen
Betrachtungen zur Judenfrage
Le Muir
Le Sursis (Les Chemins de la Liberté, Vol. 2)
L' imagination
L' imaginaire, psychologie phénoménologique de l'imagination
Being and Nothingless
Alberto Giacometti
La mort dans l'âme
L' imagination
On genocide
Villes d'Amérique
War Diaries of Sartre
Les Mains sales
La reine Albemarle ou le dernier touriste
Critique de la laison dialectique
Baudelaire. Ein Essay
Bosquejo de Una Teoria de Las Emociones
Literature and existentialism
Freud. Das Drehbuch
Existentialism and humanism
La P... respecteuse
Las Manos Sucias Kean (Biblioteca Clsica Y Contempornea)
Literary and philosophical essays
Huis Clos
Situations, VIII
The wisdom of Jean-Paul Sartre
Fragen der Methode
Les Séquestrés d'Altona
Visages, précédé de Portraits officiels
Du rôle de l'intellectuel dans le mouvement révolutionnaire
La P Respectueuse Suivi De Morts Sans Se
Un Theatre de Situations
Troubled sleep
Lucifer and the Lord
Die Transzendenz des Ego. Philosophische Essays 1931 - 1939
Situations philosophiques
Lo Imaginario
La transcendance de l'égo
Portrait of the anti-Semite
Autobiographische Schriften, Bd.2, Sartre über Sartre. Aufsätze und Interviews 1940 - 1976
Le diable et le bon Dieu
Loser wins (Les séquestrés d'Altona)
No Exit and Three Other Plays
On Camus
Theatre De Situations
Im Räderwerk
Der Teufel Und Der Liebre Gott
Anti-Semite and Jew
The condemned of Altona
Bosquejo De Una Teoria De Las Emociones
Altona and other plays
Verdad Y Existencia/ Truth and Existence
The Wall (Intimacy) and other stories
Situations, II
On Modern Art
La Responsabilité de l'écrivain
Die schmutzigen Hände. Stück in sieben Bildern
The philosophy of existentialism
Existential psychoanalysis / by Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated by Hazel Barnes ; introduction by Rollo May
Being and Nothingness
Autobiographische Schriften, Bd.3, Sartre - ein Film
On Revolution
Die letzte Chance
On Bataille and Blanchot
What is literature?  Translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman
In the mesh
Jean Paul Sartres No Exit and the Flies
Œuvres romanesques
The wall
The Emotions
Existentialism and humanism
Qu'Est CE Que La Litterature?
Der Pfahl im Fleisch. Roman. ( Die Wege der Freiheit, 3)
L' existentialisme est un humanisme / Jean-Paul Sartre
A Puerta Cerrada / La Mujerzuela Respetuosa (Biblioteca Clásica y Contemporánea)
Transcendence of the Ego
Oeuvres romanesques
Königin Albemarle oder Der letzte Tourist. Fragmente
Briefe an Simone de Beauvoir 2 und andere. 1940 - 1963. ( Gesammelte Werke in Einzelausgaben)
Age of Reason
No exit, Huis clos
Le Diable et le bon dieu
Qu'est-ce que la litterature?
The Imaginary
The flies (Les mouches) and In camera (Huis clos)
Zeit der Reife
Existentialism and humanism
Das Sein und das Nichts
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Die Eingeschlossenen von Altona. Stück in fünf Akten in neuer Übersetzung
Wahrheit und Existenz
The Devil & the good lord
Sartre on Theater
L'Existentialisme Est UN Humanisme (NRF essais)
The Transcendence Of The Ego A Sketch For A Phenomenological Description
Philosophische Schriften 1
Was ist literatur?
Les Mots
Situations, tome 10
Five plays
Psychology of the Imagination
Nausea Jean-Paul Sartre
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L'Idiot de la famille, tome 3
Loser wins
Caminos de La Libertad 1 - La Edad de La Razon
Literary and philosophical essays
Being and nothingness : a phenomenological essay on ontology
Existentialisme est un humanisme
Critical Essays
Gesammelte Werke
Sartre on Cuba
Entretiens sur la politique, par J.P. Sartre, D. Rousset, G. Rosenthal
Saint Genet
De jaren des onderscheids
Les jeux sont faits
Oeuvres complètes
Die Suche nach dem Absoluten. Texte zur bildenden Kunst
L'Age de Raison
Plaidoyer pour les intellectuels
Oeuvres complètes, tome 4
Sartre. Ausgewählt und vorgestellt (Philosophie jetzt)
To Freedom Condemned
On Novels and Novelists
Tote ohne Begräbnis
Of human freedom
Condemned of Altona
Occasional Writings on Philosophy
Bariona / Die Fliegen
Les chemins de la liberte
Huis Clos
The reprieve
What is literature?  Tr. by Bernard Frechtman
Intimacy, and other stories
Cahiers pour une morale
Kind of Touching Beauty
L'Imagination (Nauveau Coll. Scientifique)
Lucifer and the Lord, a play in eleven scenes
Venice and Rome
Post-War Reflections
Existentialism And Human Emotions (A Philosophical Library Book)
Un théâtre de situations
L'Idiot de la famille, tome 2
Saint Genêt, actor and martyr
Critical Essays (The French List)
The transcendence of the ego
Crítica de la razón dialéctica
Critica De La Razon Dialectica (Obras Maestras Del Pensamiento)
Marxismus und Existentialismus. Versuch einer Methodik. (Übersetzung von Herbert Schmitt [of] “Question de méthode” in “Critique de la raison dialectique”)
El Fantasma de Stalin
The Psychology of imagination
Le Sursis
Les sequestres d'Altona
Edebiyat Nedir?
Literary and philosophical essays;
Huis clos, suivi de Les mouches =
Náusea, La
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Search for a method
Altona Mahpuslari
The Communists and peace
L'\Idiot de la Famille   Vol. 3
Les Chemins De La Liberté, 3
Reflexions sur la question juive. --
Écrits de jeunesse
Les Mains Sales
The Philosophy Of Jean Paul Sartre
Die Wörter
Notebooks for an Ethics
Nidone Alṭonah
Varlik ve Hiclik
Aftermath of War
The psychology of imagination
Los caminos de la libertad 1
La mort dans l'âme
Being and Nothingness
Being and Nothingness
L'Idiot de la famille. Gustave Flaubert de 1821 à 1857. Tome I
Las Palabras
LITERARY ESSAYS [First Edition] 1st
Imagination a Psychological Critique
Situations, tome 7
Two Plays
Literary and philosophical essays
Critique de la raison dialectique
Réflexions sur la question juive
Sartre on Cuba
A engranaxe
Caminos Libertad II - 341 -
Troubled Sheep
The Age of Reason
The reprieve
Sartre ile Sartre Hakkinda
The Age of Reason (Bantam Classics)
Sartre visita a Cuba
L' age de raison
Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions
Saint Genêt, actor and martyr
Being & Nothingness 1ST Edition Us
The Reprieve (His The roads to freedom)
Huis clos suivi de les mouches
Esquisse d'une the orie des e motions
L'\Idiot de la Famille   Vol. 2
L'\Idiot de la Famille / Gustave Flaubert (1821 1857) 2
Critique de la raison dialectique, precede de Question de methode. --
Colonialism and Neocolonialism
Essays in Aesthetics
The chips are down = Les jeux sont faits
The Flies & In Camera
Saint Genet
Paris unter der Besatzung. Artikel, Aufsätze und Reportagen 1944 - 1945
Yöntem Arastirmalari
The Transcendence of the Ego
Anti-Semite and Jew;
Saint Genet, actor and martyr
Krieg im Frieden 1. Artikel, Aufrufe, Pamphlete 1948 - 1954
LaMort dans l'Ame
Antisemite and Jew
Existentialism is a humanism (l'existentialisme est un humanisme)
The ghost of Stalin
Le sursis
Troubled Sleep
A engranaxe
Huis Clos; Les Mouches
Sartre par lui-même
Three plays. Kean ... Nekrassov ... The Trojan women, etc. Eng (Penguin plays. no. 83.)
Krieg im Frieden 2. Reden, Polemiken, Stellungnahmen 1952 - 1956
Critique of Dialectical Reason
What is literature? (Harper colophon books)
ha-Sifrut mah hi?
Réflexions sur la question Juive
Schwarze und weiße Literatur
Mains Sales
Entwürfe für eine Moralphilosophie
le sursis
The psychology of imagination.
What Is Literature?
Le Sursis (Les Chemins de la Liberté II)
Chemin de la liberte
La\Putain Respectueuse  Morts Sans Sepulture
Nekrasof - Kean
No exit
Lucifer and the Lord
la Nausee (En Francais - French Language Edition)
Situations  Problemes du Marxisme Pt. 1
Jean-Paul Sartre
Literary essays
No Exit (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Theatre I
Troubled sleep
Sartre no Brasil
Le fantôme de Stalin
Situations   Vol. 2
The wall and other stories (The Collected stories of the world's greatest writers)
The reprieve
Maids and Deathwatch
Esquisse d'une Theorie des Emotions
Critique de la raison dialectique
A Puerta Cerrada
Situations, I (Essais Critiques)
Bi-delatayim segurot
Critique de la raison dialectique
The Condemned of Altona
Konigin Albemarle oder Der letzte Tourist
Politics and Literature
Being & Nothingness
Esquisse d'une the orie des e motions
Les séquestrés d'Altona
Iron in the Soul
Iron in the soul
Situations  Portraits Vol. 4
As moscas
The respectable prostitute
Gesammelte Dramen. Die Fliegen. Bei geschlossenen Türen. Tote ohne Begräbnis. Die ehrbare Dirne.
L'\Idiot de la Famille   Vol. 1
Le Mur
L' âge de raison
Der Intellektuelle als Revolutionär. Streitgespräche
Critica de La Razon Dialectica II
Obras 1 - Novelas y Cuentos
Chemins de la Liberte
Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions
Les mots
Sketch For a Theory of Emotions
Magie en emotie
The Words
Les Mains Sales
Intimacy & Other Stories
The Trojan Woman
The Age of Reason (Modern Library #335)
De vliegen ; Met gesloten deuren ; De eerbiedige lichtekooi ; Vuile handen
Situations, VI, Problemes Du Marxisme, 1
Situations, VII ( problemes du Marxisme, 2)
L'idiot de la famille
Toplu Oyunlar 2
The philosophy of existentialism
El Existencialismo Es UN Humanismo (Losada Breve)
El existencialismo es un humanismo
Das Sein und das Nichts. Versuch einer phänomenologischen Ontologie
Estetik Üstüne Denemeler
Literary and Philosophical Essays (Radius Bks.)
Situations  Problemes du Marxisme Pt. 2
Essays in aesthetics
Saint Genet
Les Chemins De La Liberte I - L'Age De Raison (roman)
Jean-Paul Sartre Nausea
The psychology of imagination
Mains Sales
La Transcendance de l'ego
L 'existentialisme
The Words
Essays in aesthetics
Huis Clos (No Exit) intermediate+ classroom ed, 1962 sc
Séquestrés d'Altona
La mort dans l'âme
The Reprieve A Novel
Iron in the Soul
Essays in Aesthetics. Sel. And Trans. By Wade Baskin.
Communists and peace
Situations, III
La rausee
L'idiot de la famille
Marxisme et existentialisme
Situations. Trans. by Benita Eisler
No Exit & Three Other Plays
The Reprieve
Akil Cagi
Die Fliegen/Die ehrbare Dirne/Die schmutzigen Hände/Die Eingeschlossenen
Transcendence of the Ego
Portret van een antisemiet
Gesammelte Erzählungen (German)
Baudelaire (Directions)
L'Idiot de la famille. Gustave Flaubert de 1821 à 1857 [Volume I Only]
San Genet Comediante y Martir
Search for a method
J. P. Sartre
Was kann Literature? Interviews, Reden, Texte, 1960-1976
L' âge de raison ; roman =
Oeuvre Romaesques Set 5 tomes
Les mouches
The flies (Les mouches) and In camera (Huis clos)
Shate xiao shuo xuan
The Philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre (Modern Library, 370.1)
Andrej Tarkovskij
Colonialism and Neocolonialism
Mallarmés Engagement : Mallarmé
Séquestrés d'Altona
Le mur
Die Eingeschlossenen. (5745 969).
Iron in the Soul
No Exit
Existentialisme Est un Humanisme
Le Sursis
Lettres au castor et à quelques autres
Nausea (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Flies (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
principles of money credit  and banking
Sartre on Theater
L'age De Raison
Huis clos et les Mouches
Un Teatro de Situaciones - 442
Situations I (in French) (French Edition)
Baudelaire; précédé d'une note de Michel Leiris
Le diable et le bon Dieu
Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions
Les Chemins de la Liberte III La Mort dans l'Ame
L'être el le néant
Sketch for a theory of the emotions
The Devil and the Good Lord
El Existencialismo Es Un Humanismo
The problem of method
The Words - The Autobiography of JEan Paul Sartre
Les peintures de Giacometti
Troubled Sleep. Translated from the French by Gerard Hopkins.
The Age of Reason
The Emotions Outline of a Theory
The Devil & The Good Lord And Two Other Plays.
Los Secuestrados de Altona
L'idiot de la famille
¿Qué es la literatura?
Politics and Literature (Scottish Library)
Troubled Sleep V840
Væren og intet
Anti-Semite and Jew
The communists and peace, with A reply to Claude Lefort
Ghost of Stalin
Les Séquestrés d'Altona
Heyecanlar Üzerine Bir Kuram Taslagi
Reflexions sur la question juive
Les chemins de la liberté
Iron in the Soul
Jean-Paul Sartre
Muro, El
La\Putain Respectueuse
Politics and Literature
Saint Genet, actor and martyr
Huis Clos Sarte (Profile Literature)
Der Mensch und die Dinge
Questions de methode
Essays in aesthetics
Nausea (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Yasanmayan Zaman - Ízg³rl³k Yollari 2
Crime Passionnel
Five Plays
Being and nothingness
The flies
Praxis des Intellektuellen. Ausgewählte Texte
Hirhurim ba-sheʾelah ha-Yehudit
Les mains sales, pièce en sept tableaux
The imagination
Intimacy and other stories
L' imaginaire
Huis Clos Les Mouches by Jean Paul Sartre
Le diable et le bon dieu
Existentialism and Human Emotions
Situations, II
El Muro
Théâtre I
תקווה עכשיו
The Trojan women(Euripides)
L'\Idiot de la Famille / Gustave Flaubert (1821 1857) 3
Die Wörter. Dt. von Hans Mayer.
Muertos sin sepultura / El diablo y dios
Les Communistes ont peur de la révolution
L' etre et le neant, essai d'ontologie phenomologique. --
Les Mains Sales
A Puerta Cerrada La Puta Respetuosa Las Manos Sucias
Existentialism and Human Emotions - The Wisdom Library, Book WL 11
Mains sales
Jean-Paul Sartre
Situations  Colonialisme et Neo Colonialism Vol. 5
The respectable prostitute.  Lucifer and the Lord
Literature & existentialism
El Existencialismo es un humanismo
Baudelaire Les Fleurs Du Mal
Sketch for a theory of the emotions
Crime passionnel
Venecia, Tintoretto
Tuhaf Savasin Guncesi
What Is Literature
Iron in the Soul
Intimacy, and other stories
Le Diable et le bon Dieu
Qu'est-Ce Que la Conscience?
The Reprieve
La\Transcendance de L'Ego  Esquisse d'une Description Phenomenologique
The reprieve; (His The roads to freedom)
La Muerte En El Alma
Sartre par lui-meme
Sartre par lui-même
Huis Clos. Les Mouches. Le Livre De Poche, No. 1132
Tanker om jødespørsmålet
Yadayim melukhlakhot
L'âge de raison
What Is Literature?
Questions de Methode
Colonialism and Neocolonialism
Psychology of the Imagination
Les Mains Sales [Le Livre De Poche 10]
Muertos Sin Sepultua
Critiques littéraires
Huracán sobre el azúcar
E Nautia
Critique de la raison dialectique, precede de, Questions de methode
Le diable et le bon Dieu
Mallarmé, or the Poet of Nothingness
Essays in Aesthetics
L'enfance d'un chef
Literary essays
Situations Philosophique
As moscas
Chemins de la liberte
L'âge de raison
Saint Genet, Komödiant und Märtyrer
The Devil & the Good Lord, and two other plays
Los caminos de la libertad II. El aplazamiento
The words
Situations IV
On American Fiction
Huis Clos
The philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
Existentialism and Human Emotions-[English]
No Exit & Three Other Plays
Om anti-semitisme
Les jeux sont faits
The spectre of Stalin
The psychology of imagination
Communists and Peace
Mythos und Realität des Theaters. Schriften zu Theater und Film 1931-1971
The flies (Les mouches) and In camera (Huis clos)
La P...respectueuse suivi de, morts san sepulture
Gesammelte Werke. Autobiographische Schriften, Briefe, Tagebücher
Huis Clos Les Mouches
Le mur
Situations, V
Situations  Politique et Autobiographie Vol. 10
French Theater Since 1930, Six Contempory Full Length Plays 6. Machine Infernale; La Guerre De Troie N'Aura Pas; Voyageur Sans B
Die Mauer
Being And Nothingness
Les chemins de la liberté II
O Muro
Sartre par lui-meme
Flies (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Maṿet ba-lev
Kolonialismus und Neokolonialismus
Théâtre complet
Materialismo filosófico y ralismo artístico
El Ser y La NADA
L' age de raison
L' existentialism est un humanisme. --
Yahudi Sorunu
Sartre par lui-même
Baudelaire; précédé d'une note de Michel Leiris
Sartre, le Sursis, les chemins de la liberte, II
L'a  ge de raison
Literature and Existentialism
L' âge de raison, roman
War crimes in Vietnam
The Reprieve
Huracan sobre el azucar
Theatre I
Psychology of the Imagination
La Nausée
On Genocide. and a Summary of the Evidence and the Judgments of the International War Crimes Tribunal,
Saint Genet
Gil ha-tevunah
Literary and Philosophical Essays. Trans. By Annette Michelson
Les Jeux Sont Faits
The Reprieve
Manos Sucias, Las
Being and nothingness;
O existencialismo é um humanismo
Varlik ve Hiçlik
The words
Der Intellektuelle und die Revolution
Les\Communistes ont Peur de la Revolution
L' être et le néant
No exit (Huis clos)
Three Plays by Jean-Paul Sartre
What Is Literature
La mort dans L`ame (französischsprachig)
Questions de méthode
L'Idiot de la Famille
La mort dans l'ame
Huis clos. Lektüreschlüssel für Schüler
L'Imaginaire / Psychologie Phenomenologique de l'Imagination
The Novice
Entretiens sur la politique
Iron in the Soul
Huis-clos suivi de Les mouches
No Exit (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
LaTranscendance de L'Ego
Family Idiot
Les Mains Sale
Age of reason
Du rôle de l'intellectuel dans le mouvement révolutionnaire
Le Mur
Überlegungen zur Judenfrage
Last Chance
Existentialism and human emotions
Jean-Paul Sartre Theatre 1
Iron in the Soul
Situations. Trans. by Benita Eisler
Troubled Sleep
Los caminos de la libertad. 3. Con la muerte en el alma
The age of reason
Crime Passionel (Modern Plays)
Of Human Freedom
Situations, II
Literary essays (The Wisdom library)
The Diary of Antoine Roquentin
On Merleau-Ponty
Critique of Dialectical Reason
LA Suerte Esta Hechada (Biblioteca Clsica Y Contempornea)
Le diable et le bon Dieu
Witness My Life Titled Thought
Trojan Women
As palabras
Essays in Aesthetics
La transcendance de l'égo
Huis clos. Texte et documents
Aydinlar Uzerine
Magie en emotie
Moscas, Las
Edebiyat Nedir
The Condemned of Altona
Saint Genet
Sequestres d'Altona
Respectable Prostitute
L'ésser i el no-res
Kean (Clarendon French)
O Quarto
Tankar i judefrågan
La transcendance de l'ego
Sartre Lesebuch. Den Menschen erfinden
Modern Classics Reprieve
Jean-Paul Sartre
Three Plays
Toplu Oyunlar - Jean Paul Sartre
Infancia de Un Jefe, La
Oeuvres de Jean-Paul Sartre
Search for a method
Wir sind alle Mörder
Words. Reminiscences of a Precocious Childhood Spent Within the Confines of French Provincialism Before the First World War
The wall, and other stories
La trascendenza dell'ego
Kean, Nekrassov and les Troyennes
The age of reason; (His The roads to freedom)
Crime passionel
Huis clos suivi de les mouches
Le Sursis
Search for method
Situations   Vol. 3
The age of reason
Le mur.
Essential Jean-Paul Sartre
The Age of Reason
La trascendencia de ego
Reina Albermarla, La
Sartre par lui-meme
Situations  Autuor de 1968 Vol. 8
Situations  Melanges Vol. 9
Sartre. Textes choisis et présentés par Marc Beigbeder et Gérard Deledalle
Freud. Das Drehbuch
Critique of Dialectical Reason (Sartre, Jean Paul//Critique of Dialectical Reason)
La nausée (Folio)
Die transzendenz des Ego
The respectable prostitute ; Lucifer and the Lord
War Diaries Sartre
Lidiot De La Famille 2
Le mur
Le sursis
Les sequestres d'Altona, piece en cinq actes
Huis clos
Nekrassov : a farce in eight scenes
Reflexiones sobre la cuestión judía
Situations, VI
On genocide
Portrait d'un inconnu
No eḳsit
Les mains sales
Jean-Paul Sartre and/et Simone de Beauvoir
Rūspī-yi buzurgvār
The emotions
Nekrassov, pie  ce en huit tableaux
u fool,stupid
Essays in aesthetics
Iron In The Soul
No exit & The flies
Black Orpheus
Black Orpheus
Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et malgache de langue française
Les mouches
Politics and literature
ha-Sifrut mah hi?
Les chemins de la liberté
The condemned of Altona
Choix de textes
The Devil & the Good Lord, and two other plays
Search for a method
The condemned of Altona
Der Ekel
The age of reason
Das Sein Und Das Nichts
Oeuvre romanesque
De dood in het hart
Oeuvre romanesque
Existentialismus und Marxismus
Existential psychoanalysis
La putain respectueuse
Yadayim melukhlakhot
The philosophy of existentialism
Jean-Paul Sartre
Théatre I
Kār az kār guzasht
Dnevniki strannoĭ voĭny
Essays in existentialism
Loser Wins
Testing Types
Le mur
No exit, and three other plays
ילדותו של מנהיג
Situations, VII
Les mains sales
The Devil & the Good Lord, and two other plays [Kean, base based on the play by Alexandre Dumas, and Nekrassov
Que e a literatura?
Sketch for a theory of the emotions
The philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
Nueva mirada a medio oriente
Qu'est-ce que la littérature
Les mains sales; piece en sept tableaux
In the mesh
Mivḥar ketavim
Culture et independance nationale
Sartre par lui-même
Crime passionnel
Troubled sleep
No exit & The flies
Sketch for a theory of the emotions
The ghost of Stalin
Visages, précédé de Portraits officiels
La nausée
Qu'est-ce que la subjectivité
L' engrenage
Les Séquestrés d'Altona, pièce en cinq actes
Los secuestrados de Altona
Morts sans sépulture
The problem of method
The wall and other stories
The philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
first words
Literary and philosophical essays
Huracán sobre el azucar
Il Muro
L' âge de raison
L'existentialisme est un humanisme
The philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
Réflexions sur la question juive
Questions de méthode
Being and nothingness
Les jeux sont faits
Les mots et autres écrits autobiographiques
The Devil & the Good Lord, and two other plays
La mort dans l'âme
The reprieve
Buson nôn
Widmo Stalina
La mort dans l'a me
L' âge de raison / Jean-Paul Sartre
Yadayim mezohamot
csgo skin betting sites
La nausée
La mauvaise foi
Iron in the soul
The transcendence of the ego
The reprieve
L'être et le néant
The respectable prostitute ; Lucifer and the Lord ; In camera
Critique de la raison dialectique, précedé de Question de methode
Literary and philosophical essays
La náusea
Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions
The psychology of imagination
No exit
Notebooks for an ethics
Les jeux sont faits
L'age de raison
מתים ללא קבורה
No exit
L'esistenzialismo è un umanismo
Les mouches
Immagine e coscienza
Les jeux sont faits
Mai '68 und die Folgen
L'âge de raison
No exit (Huis clos) & The Flies (Les Mouches)
Les mouches
L'existentialisme est un humanisme
L'éxistentialisme est un humanisme
Simone de Beauvoir
Search for a method
Suerte Esta Echada, La - 432 -
No exit
De woorden
De duivel en God & over het existentialisme
ha-Ḳets la-ḳeṭel be-Ṿiʼeṭnam
Huis clos
Deste pisekan
The reprieve
Diablo y Dios
Sur les écrits posthumes de Sartre
Textes choisis et présentés
ha-Naʻarah ṿeha-kushi
The a tre
Of human freedom
Sate zhe si lu
Nidone Alṭonah
Literary and philosophical essays
La mort dans l'ame
The Communists and peace
Sartre par lui-même
Les temps modernes
Textes choisis et présentés
Existentialism and humanism
No exit (Huis clos) a play in one act
Les séquestrés d'Altona
The Transcendence of the ego
Cartas al Castor 1940-1963
Les Communistes ont peur de la révolution
Les se questre s dA ltona
Anti-Semite and Jew
The chips are down =
Théâtre complet
Öznellik nedir?
Troubled sleep
The imaginary
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Critica de la razon dialectica (Marxismo y existencialismo)
The wisdom of Jean-Paul Sartre
La putain respectueuse
L'existentialisme est un humanisme
Szkic o teorii emocji
Het oponthoud
The problem of method
Troubled sleep
What is literature?
Buôn nôn
Oeuvres de Jean-Paul Sartre
Sartre par lui-même
Widmo Stalina
El Conflicto árabe-israelí
Sate xi ju ji
Retrato del antisemita
El muro
Troubled sleep
Search for a method
The respectable prostitute; [and] Lucifer and the Lord
Literary and philosophical essays
annabelle in the haunted house
The reprieve
The words
La p ... respectueuse
Cartas al Castor 1926-1939
Les Mains sales, pièce en sept tableaux
Les mouches
El muro
Politics and literature
Frei d
Ideología y revolución
Les mouches
Ralph Ellison
Ralph Ellison (1914-1994)

essayist, autobiographer, literary critic, music critic, journalist, critic, literary scholar

  • Tuskegee University
The Selected Letters of Ralph Ellison
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Words of Ages
Going to the territory
Invisible Man
Flying home and other stories
Shadow and act
Twice-Told Tales
Trading twelves
The collected essays of Ralph Ellison
Living with Music
Conversations with Ralph Ellison
Shadow and act
Three Days Before the Shooting ...
Homme invisible pour qui chantes-tu ?
Ralph Ellison papers
Ralph Ellison's Invisible man
Three Days Before the Shooting ...
The Black Ball
Three days before the shooting--
Flying Home and Other Stories
Gorulmeyen Adam
Flying Home and Other Stories
Juneteenth (Revised)
The Nation, Volume 7
Juneteenth Reading Group Guide
Black Ball
Juneteenth : a novel
Shadow and act
Edmund White
Edmund White (born 1940)

journalist, literary critic, biographer, memoirist, essayist, playwright

  • University of Michigan, Cranbrook Schools
The unpunished vice
The Unpunished Vice
The Other Persuasion
Nocturnes for the King of Naples
The Darker Proof
The Farewell Symphony
City Boy
A Boy's Own Story
Marcel Proust
States of Desire
Forgetting Elena
Gay Travels
My lives
Sketches from memory
Skinned alive
Inside A Pearl
The burning library
My Lives
Our Paris
Fresh men
The Beautiful Room Is Empty
The Penguin Book of Gay Short Stories
Jack Holmes and his friend
Our Paris
The flâneur
Forgetting Elena
Loss within Loss
The flaneur
Our young man
Terre haute
A boy's own story
The married man
Hotel de Dream
Arts and letters
The Faber book of gay short fiction
Inside a pearl
The Faber book of gay short fiction
Faber book of gay short fiction
A boy's own story ; and, The beautiful room is empty
The burning library
Nocturnes for the King of Naples
De gehuwde man
States of desire
Corps à corps
La historia particular de un muchacho
The first men
The farewell symphony
A Previous Life
La sinfonia dell'addio
Skinned alive
Sacred monsters
Parizh, progulki po Gorodu vechnoĭ vesny
Intrigue in the shadow of the guillotine
Forgetting Elena
La symphonie des adieux
Record time
A boy's own story
Oublier Elena
States of desire revisited
Klaus Mann
Klaus Mann (1906-1949)

translator, literary critic, journalist, poet, autobiographer

  • Wilhelmsgymnasium
Escape to life
Pathetic symphony
Fromme Tanz
Der fromme Tanz
Kind dieser Zeit
The turning point
The other Germany
Heart of Europe
André Gide and the crisis of modern thought
Journal, t.2
Die zerbrochenen Spiegel
Auf der Suche nach einem Weg
Homosexualität und Faschismus
Der Vulkan
Siblings ; and, The children's story
Woher wir kommen und wohin wir müssen
Tagebücher 1931 bis 1933
Der Wendepunkt
Andre Gide und die Krise des modernen Denkens
Briefe und Antworten
Der siebente Engel
Der fromme Tanz
Mit dem Blick nach Deutschland
André Gide
Abenteuer des Brautpaars
Tagebücher, 1940 bis 1943
Symphonie pathétique
Treffpunkt im Unendlichen
Die neuen Eltern
Journal, t.1 : les annees brunes
Das innere Vaterland
Prüfungen; Schriften zur Literatur
Alexander (Modern Voices)
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe)
Jugend und Radikalismus
Das Buch von der Riviera
Fluch und Segen
Alejandro (Modernos Y Clasicos)
Vor dem leben
Le Tournant
In meinem Elternhaus
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe) an anthology of creative writing in Europe, 1920-1940
Symphonie Pathetique. Ein Tschaikowsky- Roman
La danse pieuse
Tagebücher, 1944 bis 1949
Tagebücher, 1936 bis 1937
Die Heimsuchung des europäischen Geistes =
Flucht in den Norden
Zahnärzte und Künstler. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1933 - 1936
Auf verlorenem Posten
De Wendepunkt
Jane Eyre. Eine Autobiographie. Roman
Tagebücher, 1934 bis 1935
Heute und morgen
Gedichte und Chansons
Anja und Esther
Letzes Gespra ch
Symphonie Pathe tique
Vergittertes Fenster
Die zerbrochenen Spiegel
Le volcan
Novela de Ninos
Siblings and the Children's Story/a Play and a Novella
Das Wunder von Madrid. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1936 - 1938
Lieber und verehrter Onkel Heinrich
Zweimal Deutschland. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1938 - 1942
Fuite au nord
Tagebücher 1931 - 1949
Tagebücher 1931-1949, 6 Bde. Ln, 1938-1939
Distinguished visitors
Alexander, roman der Utopie
Ventana Enrejada, La
Schlaf und Schlafstörungen
Andre  Gide and the crisis of modern thought
The 5th child
Journey into freedom
Der Vulkan. Roman unter Emigranten
Escape to Life. Deutsche Kultur im Exil
Der Bauchredner
Rundherum. Abenteuer einer Weltreise
André Gide, die Geschichte eines Europäers
André Gide und die Krise des modernen Denkens
El Volcan
Tagebücher, 1938 bis 1939
Tagebücher 1931-1949, 6 Bde. Ln, 1940-1943
Fuir pour vivre
Briefe und Antworten 1922 - 1949
Der fromme Tanz
Briefe und Antworten, 1922-1949
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe) an anthology of creative writing in Europe, 1920-1940
Letztes Gespräch
Symphonie pathétique
Klaus Mann, Eduard Bargheer
Distinguished Visitors. Der amerikanische Traum
Rejse til nattens ende
Heart of Europe
Na povorote
Blagochestivyĭ tanet︠s︡
Symphonie pathétique
Desorden y Dolor Precoz - Novelas de Ninos
Abenteuer des Brautpaars
Symphonie pathétique
Ich glaube, wir verstehn uns
Klaus Mann zum Gedächtnis
Elke Heidenreich
Elke Heidenreich (born 1943)

television presenter, journalist, radio personality, literary critic, voice actor

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Hamburg
José de Alencar
José de Alencar (1829-1877)

journalist, politician, lawyer, literary critic

  • Law School, University of São Paulo
Cartas e documentos de Jose  de Alencar
O guarani
Como e porque sou romancista
O tronco do ipê
A polêmica Alencar-Nabuco
O demonio familiar
Crónicas da coluna Ao correr da pena [por José de Alencar
Lucíola (Ilustrado)
Antologia SM
El sertanero
O Rio de Janeiro verso e reverso
O gaúcho
Cartas a favor da escravidão
O nosso cancioneiro
Guerra dos mascates
A pena de ouro
Romances regionais
Romances indianistas
A pata de gazela
El sertanero
Verso e reverso
Obra completa
Cinco minutos
O sertanejo, romance brasileiro
Systema representativo
Alma Do Lázaro (Ilustrado)
O Que é o Casamento? (Ilustrado)
As Asas de Um Anjo (Comédia) (Ilustrado)
Romances ilustrados
O garatuja
A polêmica Alencar-Nabuco
Romances indianistas
As Minas de Prata (Romance) Primeira Parte (Ilustrado)
As Minas de Prata (Vol. 1)
O jesuita
Iracema, lenda do Ceará e Cartas sobre "A Confederação dos Tamoios"
Cartas e documentos de José de Alencar, no centenário do romance Iracema
As Minas de Prata (Romance) Terceira Parte (Ilustrado)
O Teatro de JosÉ de Alencar
O ermitão da glória
Pareceres de José de Alencar
Senhoras e senhores
O guaraní
La vidvineto
A viuvinha
Teatro de José de Alencar e Joaquim Manuel de Macedo
Alma Do lázaro e Mãe (Ilustrado)
Alma Do Lázaro
Cartas de Erasmo
The Jesuit
As Minas de Prata (Romance) Segunda Parte (Ilustrado)
Ficção completa e outros escritos
Obra completa
A pata da gazella
Mãe (Ilustrado)
O ermitão da gloria
BÊnÇÃo Paterna : (Prefácio de Sonhos D'ouro)
Escritos políticos
José de Alencar
A alma do Lázaro
Antiguidade da América
As minas de prata
As minas de prata
Ao correr da penna
A propriedade
Sonhos d'ouro
Ao Correr Da Pena (folhetins Inéditos)
Iraçéma, the honey-lips
Romances ilustrados, de José de Alencar
El guaraní
Dois escritos democráticos de José de Alencar
José de Alencar, discursos parlamentares
Teatro completo
Cartas e documentos de José de Alencar
Robert Graves
Robert Graves (1895-1985)

poet, translator, playwright, military personnel, literary critic, mythographer, theatre critic

  • King's College School, University of Oxford
Good-Bye to All That
The Twelve Caesars
I, Claudius
The Penguin Book of Horror Stories
Robert Graves
Prentice Hall
The white goddess
The Greek myths
The long week-end
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Story of Marie Powell, wife to Mr. Milton
King Jesus
Hebrew myths
Claudius the god and his wife Messalina
The reader over your shoulder
Lawrence and the Arabs
Count Belisarius
Claudius the God
Hercules, My Shipmate
Greek gods and heroes
Robert Graves and the white goddess, 1940-85
Heroic War Stories
A survey of modernist poetry
A. E. Housman, the scholar-poet
The big green book
Collected short stories
The light fantastic
Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth
I, Claudius & Claudius the God
Robert Graves
Homer's daughter
Sergeant Lamb's America
Mammon and the black goddess
On English poetry
Complete poems
An ancient castle
The Greek Myths (Volume 1)
Poems about war
Poems 1965-1968
The siege and fall of Troy
They hanged my saintly Billy
Antigua, Penny, Puce
The use and abuse of the English language
Chamber of Horrors
New Larousse Encyclopedia Of Mythology
Poems about love
Proceed, Sergeant Lamb
<I>King Jesus</I> and <I>My Head! My Head!</I>
Fairies and fusiliers
New poems
Claudius, the god and his wife Messalina
Goodbye to All That
Between moon and moon
The Greek Myths, Volume 1
English and Scottish ballads
The golden fleece
Mrs. Fisher
The Real David Copperfield
The English ballad
Difficult questions, easy answers
Adam's rib
Short stories
Robert Graves the Assault Heroic 19
The Golden Fleece and Seven Days in New Crete
Los Mitos Griegos
The Anger of Achilles
Collected poems, 1959
Claudio, El Dios
Oxford addresses on poetry
Two wise children
King Jesus
Claudius, the god and his wife Messalina
Claudius, the god and his wife Messalina
Wife to Mr. Milton and The Isles of Unwisdom (The Millennium Graves)
Robert Graves and the White Goddess
The Greek Myths (Lives & Letters: the Millennium Graves)
Count Belisarius and Lawrence of the Arabs
The crane bag
Poetic craft and principle
The Greek Myths, Volume 2
The Centenary Selected Poems (Robert Graves Programme: Poetry)
The pier-glass
Moi, Claude, empereur, tome 3
Ich, Claudius, Kaiser und Gott
On poetry
Conversations with Robert Graves
The Penny fiddle
The Greek Myths (Volume 2)
Love respelt
The Nazarene Gospel restored
My head! My head!
Ann at Highwood Hall
Good-bye to all that
Yo, Claudio / I, Claudius
Adam's rib
The penny fiddle
Poetic unreason and other studies
I, Claudius
Robert Graves, the assault heroic, 1895-1926
Watch the Northwind rise
Complete Short Stories
Mitos Griegos 1, Los
In broken images
Poems selected by himself
The Greek Myths, Vol 1
Proceed, Sargeant Lamb
Goodbye to All That and But It Still Goes On
Das Zauberbuch
Poetic craft and principle: lectures and talks
The isles of unwisdom
Translating Rome
Yo, Claudio
Los Mitos Griegos
A Year and a Day Engagement Calendar 1994
Claudio el dios y su esposa Mesalina
The whole art of tachygraphy: or, Short-hand writing made plain and easy
Dioses y Heroes de La Antigua Grecia
The white goddess
Yo, claudio
Long Weekend a Social History of Great B
Entre luna y luna
Collected writings on poetry
The crowning privilege
The poor boy who followed his star, and children's poems
Grand Livre Vert
The Greek myths
I, Claudius
Lars Porsena
King Jesus ; and, My head! My head!
El Conde Belisario
Rostbraun, gezähnt
New poems
El Sello de Antigua
Majorca observed
The common asphodel
La Hija de Homero
Poems about love
Le Cri
Robert Graves
The common asphodel ; collected essays on poetry, 1922-1949
Winter in Majorca
Claudio el dios y su esposa Mesalina
Los Mitos Griegos / Greek Myths
The Long Weekend and The Reader Over Your Shoulder
Poems, 1938-1945
New Larousse encyclopedia of mythology
Some speculations on literature, history, and religion
Les Mythes grecs
Robert Graves collected poems
Goodbye to All That (Csa Word Classic)
Robert Graves: Volume 2
Goodbye to All That
Lawrence and the Arabian adventure
On English poetry
Claudius the God, Sequel to I, Claudius
Robert Graves Reads the White Goddess and Selected Poems
Homer's Daughter and the Anger of Achilles (The Millennium Graves)
Moi Claude
Adios a Todo Eso/Goodbye to All That
Dear Robert, Dear Spike
I, Claudius and Claudius the God (Graves, Robert, Selections.)
Griechische Mythologie. Quellen und Deutung
The Islands of Unwisdom
La Diosa blanca
The reader over your shoulder ; a handbook for writers of English prose
Los Mitos Griegos / The Greek Myths (Humanidades / Humanities)
The crowning privilege ; collected essays on poetry
The long week end
The Greek myths
Collected poems, 1955
El Gran Libro Verde/the Big Green Book
Antigua, Penny, Puce and They Hanged My Saintly Billy
La Historia de Mary Powell
Selected poems
Watch the north wind rise
Die Weiße Göttin. Sprache des Mythos
The poor boy who followed his star
Les mythes celtes
Letters to Ken
On English poetry, being an irregular approach to the psychology of this art, from evidence mainly subjective
Adios A Todo Eso
A Year and a Day Engagement Calendar 1995
The complete poems in one volume
Selected Letters
The Greek Myths      Vol. 2
Adieu à tout cela
Der Schrei
Ancient Castle
Beyond giving
The song of songs
Hija de Homero, La
Moi/ Claude (Moi/ Claude/ Empereur/ I)
Count Belisarius Part 2 of 2
The poems of Robert Graves
Lawrence and the Arabs
The Claudius novels
Count Belisarius Part 1 of 2
Claudius the God
Los Mitos Hebreos
The Seige and Fall of Troy/Greek Gods
Love respelt
Claudius the God-V02
Larousse Encyclopedia of Myth
Robert Graves Reads from His Poetry and the White Goddess (Swc 10661)
The meaning of dreams
King Jesus Part 2 of 2
Count Belisarius
Anger of Achilles Homers
Poetic unreason
The future of swearing and improper language
The long weekend
Poems, abridged for dolls and princes
King Jesus Part 1 of 2
The original Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Hanged My Saintly Billy
The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
English and Scottish ballads
The more deserving cases
No more ghosts
Mitos Griegos 2, Los
The green-sailed vessel
La Isla de Las Imprudencias
They hanged my saintly Billy. --
La hija de Homero
The story of Marie Powell
Another future of poetry
La branca morta de l'arbre d'Israel
Contemporary techniques of poetry
The Long Week-End
Fairies and Fusiliers (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Greek myths and legends
Advice to Colonel Valentine
The Long Week-End Part 1 of 2
The Greek myths
Lars Porsena
                Oneworld Classics
Seven days in New Crete
They Hanged My Saintly Bil
Country Sentiment (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Claudius the God-V01
John Kemp's wager
Faber War Poets Collection - 6 Books
Comida de Los Centauros y Otros Ensayos
At the gate
THE LONG WEEKEND. A Social History of Great Britain 1918-1939
Nine hundred iron chariots
New collected poems
I︠A︡, Klavdiĭ
The long week-end; a social history of Great Britain, 1918-1939
The Pier-Glass (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Yesterday Only and Other Poems
Yo, Claudio - Claudio El Dios - 2 Tomos -
Across the gulf
Ultimas Aventuras de Sargento Lamb Bol
I, Claudius
English and Scottish ballads
5 pens in hand
Long Week-Enda Social H-V1
The Long Weekend
Over the brazier
Lars Porsena, or, The future of swearing and improper language
Count Belisariu
King Jesu
More poems, 1961
Timeless meeting: poems
Robert Graves reads (selected poems)
The shout, and other stories
Yo Claudio
Country sentiment
Ahorcaron a Mi Pobre Billy
The Song of songs
Man does, woman is
A pocket conspectus of the London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias
But it still goes on
(Twenty three poems)
John Skelton, Laureate
Treasure Box (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Myths of ancient Greece
El Vellocino de Oro
UN Castillo Antiguo/an Ancient Castle
Los Mitos Griegos 2
Rey Jesus
Las Aventuras del Sargento Lamb
Yo claudio
Food for centaurs
The centenary selected poems
Claudius the God V537
The White Goddess
The Long Week-End
Jesus in Rome
The Long Week-End Part 2 of 2
The English ballad, a short critical survey
Over the brazier
Goliath and David (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
George Sand in Majorca =
Long Week-Enda Social H-V2
The less familiar nursery rhymes
Siege And Fall Of Troy, The/ Greek Gods And Heroes
Over the Brazier (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
No Royalty A/C Reader Over Your Shoulder
Antigua, Penny, Puce
The owl
The reader over your shoulder
Poetic unreason
Sergeant Lamb's America
Robert Graves reading his own poetry
Myths of Ancient Greece
Love respelt again
Wife to Mr. Milton
Lawrence and the Arabs
Poems selected by Robert Graves and Anthony Thwaite
The Isles of Unwisdom
Collected short stories
Le Grand livre vert
Wife to Mr. Milton
But it still goes on
The English ballad, a short critical survey
Good-bye to all that
White Goddess
Greek myths
Another future of poetry
The bird of paradise
Collected poems, 1965
Poems, 1929
Selected poems
Man does, woman is
Collected short stories
Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth. --
The Nazarene gospel restored
Goliath and David
Food for centaurs
The Nazarene Gospel restored
Sergeant Lamb's America
Ḳlodiyos ha-el ṿe-ishto Misalinah
Wife to Mr. Milton
Hercules, my shipmate
The crowning privilege
Ten poems more
Klaudiusz i Messalina
Collected poems
New Poems
Life of the poet Gnaeus Robertulus Gravesa
Madame Milton
Seven Days in New Crete
Moi, Claude, empereur, tome 2
New poems, 1962
Watch the north wind rise
Mock Beggar Hall
Collected poems, 1966
Les Mythes hébreux
Siege and Fall of Troy and Greek Gods and Heroes
Poems, 1929
Collected poems (1914-1947)
No more ghosts
Robert Graves reads from his poetry & from The White Goddess
Elim ṿe-giborim ba-mitologyah ha-Yeṿanit
The reader over your shoulder
The shout
The White Goddess
Watch the north wind rise
The owl
The poor boy who followed his star, and [3] children's poems
Poems, 1970-1972
Collected poems, 1959
Lawrence and the Arabs
Gizat ha-zahav
Collected poems (1914-26)
The real David Cooperfield
La historia de Eliseo y la sunamita
Eleven songs
קלודיוס האל ואשתו מיסאלינה
Adam's rib
Mify drevneĭ Gre︠t︡sii
The Marmosite's miscellany
New poems, 1962
Klaudiusz i Messalina
The White Goddess
The golden fleece
I, Claudius
The feather bed
Collected poems, 1959
The siege and fall of Troy
Adam's rib
Poems, 1926-1930
Claudius the god and his wife Messalina
Ovid in defeat
The crane bag and other disputed subjects
Greek Myths, the
Proceed, Sergeant Lamb. --
The crowning privilege
Lawrence and the Arabian adventure
The marmosite's miscellany
New Larousse encyclopedia of mythology
Robert Graves
Poems, 1930-1933
Les Mythes grecs
The reader over your shoulder
I, Claudius
Lawrence et les arabes
Ani Ḳlaʼudyus
Mock Beggar Hall
Proceed, Sergeant Lamb. --
Lars Porsena, or, The future of swearing and improper language
Queen-Mother to the new Queen
The rock below
Contemporary techniques of poetry
Wife to Mr. Milton
Fairies and fusiliers
Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth. --
To whom else?
Nausikaa und ihre Freier
Loving Mad Tom
Claudius azisten
Adam's rib, and other anomalous elements in the Hebrew creation myth
Robert Graves reading selected poems
No more ghosts
Poems (1914-26)
Welchman's hose
Seventeen poems missing from Love respelt
David Copperfield
The Antigua stamp
Oxford poetry 1921
Ani Ḳlodiyus
Adam's rib, and other anomalous elements in the Hebrew myth
The white goddess
The common asphodel
The crowning privilege
Selected poetry and prose
Treasure box
Wife to Mr. Milton
Contemporary techniques of poetry
Oxford addresses on poetry
Lawrence et les Arabes
The green-sailed vessel: poems
Cynics and romantics
Essays from Epilogue 1935-1937 (Lives & Letters: the Millennium Graves)
Belisar der Ruhmreiche
Claudius the god and his wife Messalina
Collected poems 1966
Good-bye to all that
Poems, 1953
Selected poetry and prose
Welchman's hose
Ich, Claudius, Kaiser und Gott
Love poems
DOS Ninos Sabios/Two Wise Children (La Nube En Pantalones)
Griekse mythen
No more ghosts
Mitosim ʻIvriyim
The white goddess
Poems and satires, 1951
Arabia no Rorensu
Poezje wybrane
The greek myths
Oxford addresses on poetry
Food for centaurs
To whom else?
Sergeant Lamb's America
The Isles of Unwisdom
Poems (1914-1927)
A Survey of Modernist Poetry and a Pamphlet Against Anthologies
The feather bed
The isles of unwisdom
Seven days in New Crete
The white goddess
They hanged my saintly Billy. --
Belai͡a bogini͡a
The White Goddess
Colophon to Love respelt
Hebrew myths
At the gate
Córka Homera
Ich, Claudius, Kaiser und Gott
At the gate
Over the brazier
King Jesus
The feather bed
Occasions of love
John Masefield, O.M., 1885-1967
Illustrated catalogue of the gallery of paintings, sculpture, bronzes, and other art objects belonging to the estate of the late Robert Graves
A ntigua,penny,puce
Selected poetry and prose of Robert Graves
Collected short stories
Selected poetry and prose
Wife to Mr. Milton
The Winter owl
Giovanni Papini
Giovanni Papini (1881-1956)

poet, journalist, literary critic, biographer, philosopher

Antología de la literatura fantástica
Watch For The Light
Un uomo finito
Selected works
Life of Christ
Life of Christ. Freely translated from the Italian by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Labourers in the vineyard
Storia di Cristo
Il crepuscolo dei filosofi
The Failure
Dante Vivo
Laborers in the vineyard
The failure (Un uomo finito)
L' altra meta
Dante vivo
Il non finito
Ritratti stranieri (1908-1921)
La leggenda di Dante
Four and Twenty Minds
Il diavolo
Le memorie d'Iddio
L'uomo Carducci
Pagine scelte
The letters of pope Celestine VI to all mankind
Scritti postumi
Der heilige Augustinus
Saint Augustine
I nipoti d'Iddio
Storia di Cristo
Saint Augustine
El Libro Negro/the Black Book
Historia de Cristo
Chiudiamo le scuole!
Life of Christ
Poeti d'oggi (1900-1920)
The story of Christ
Giorni di festa
Il libro nero
Storia di Cristo
Giovanni Vailati, 1863-1909
Buffonate, Satire e fantasie
Le felicità dell'infelice
L' uomo Carducci
Carteggio Papini-Signorelli
Lettere domestiche agli amici della Valtiberina (1909-1951)
Italiener vor dem Jüngsten Gericht
The memoirs of God
Life and myself
Storia di Cristo
Histoire du Christ
24 cervelli
... Santi e poeti
Diario 1900
Il Diavolo
Eresie letterarie (1905-1928)
Sant' Agostino
Parole e sangue
A man--finished
Italia mia
L' esperienza futurista, 1913-1914
Concerto fantastico
Storia di Cristo
Histoire du Christ
Carteggio (1914-1941)
Jacopone da Todi
Un uomo finito
Danite vivo
Michelangiolo und sein Lebenskreis
Rapporto sugli uomini
Il tragico quotidiano
Passato remoto
Giovanni Papini, Giuseppe Prezzolini
La spia del mondo
Passato remoto, 1885-1914
Storia di Cristo
4 And 20 Minds
Gli operai della vigna
Svedkovia utrpenia
The story of Christ; transl. from the Italian by M.P. Agnetti.
Gog, El Libro Negro
Scrittori e artisti
Las Almas Cambiadas / The Changed Souls (Benteveo)
Un homme fini
Carteggio, 1904-1925
E Istoria tou Christou
Storia di un'amicizia, 1900-1924
Dante vivant
Grandezze di Carducci
Vita di Michelangiolo nella vita del suo tempo
Cento pagine di poesia
24 [Ventiquattro] Cervelli
Ritratti italiani (1904-1931)
Lettere agli uomini di Papa Celestino VI
Saint' Agostino. --
Strane storie
Un uomo finito
Figuras humanas
Opera prima
Giorni di festa (1916-1918)
Lo specchio che fugge
[Historia de Cristo]
24 cervelli
La leggenda di Dante
L'imitazione del padre
Grandezza di Carducci
Figure umane
Vita de Michelangelo nella vita del suo tempo
The story of Christ
L' inquietudine di un secolo
Il sacco dell' orco
Gli amanti di sofia (1902-1918)
Stroncature (1904-1931)
Giudizio universale
Io, Papini
Polemiche Religiose
Life of Christ
Poeti d'oggi (1900-1925)
Le memorie d'Iddio
Vecchio e nuovo nazionalismo
Diario (1916-1953)
Filosofia e letteratura
Poesia in prosa
Istoria tou Hristou
Foglie della foresta
Tutte le opere di Giovanni Papini
24 [ i.e. Venti quattro] cervelli
Poesia e fantasia
Świadkowie meki
La corona d'argento
Racconti di gioventù
I testimoni della Passione
Incontriamo Papini
Città Felicità: Firenze
Tutte le opere
Le crépuscule des philosophes
Das Wesen der Renaissance
La loggia dei busti
Storia di un'amicizia
Italia mia
Storia della letteratura italiana ..
L' uomo Carducci
The devil, notes for a future diabology
El Diablo
Giorni di festa
Lettres aux hommes du pape Célestin VI
La seconda nascita
A prayer for fools
The Story of Christ
L' Altra metà
Felicità di Giacomo Leopardi
Pane e vino
Michelangelo, his life and his era
Le livre noir
Modlitba ke Kristu
... Dante vivo
La spia del mondo
Memuarn fun Reboyne sheloylem
Prose morali
Le pazzie del poeta
Opera prima, venti poesie in rima e venti ragione in prosa
Dante vivo
Le disgrazie del libro in Italia
Poeti d'oggi
Sefer zikhronotaṿ shel ha-Elohim
Cento pagine di poesia
Storia di un'amicizia, 1900-1924
Poesia in prosa
Giovanni Papini
Giorni di festa
Diario, 1916-1953
Poesia in versi
Pagine scelte
Life of Christ
Giovanni Papini, 1881-1981
Historia de Cristo
Il crepuscolo dei filosofi
Laborers in the vineyard
Scritti postumi di Giovanni Papini
L'inquietudine di un secolo
Polemiche religiose (1908-1914)
Storia di Cristo
Saint Augustine
Città Felicità
Carteggio, 1939-1956
El libro negro. - 2. ed.
Le felicità dell'infelice
Ritratti italiani (1904-1931)
Ḥayāt al-Masīḥ
I racconti
Four and twenty minds
Life of Christ
24 [i.e. Ventiquattro] cervelli
Poesia e fantasia
I carteggi di Giovanni Papini
Le ombre di Parnaso
Carteggio, 1904-1925
... tutto il presente era da loro sacrificato a un futuro che a sua volta sarebbe diventato presente e sacrificato a sura volta a un altro futuro e cosi fino all'ultimo presente, fino alla morte
La oracion del buzo
... Il mio futurismo
Cento pagine di poesia