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journalists who wrote autobiography
Showing 41-48 out of 604 results
Simon Wiesenthal
Simon Wiesenthal (1908-2005)

Nazis hunter, autobiographer, architect, advocate, opinion journalist, musician, journalist

Recht, nicht Rache
Every day remembrance day
Max und Helen
The murderers among us
Max und Helen
Denn sie wussten, was sie tun
Night with Connected Readings
Projekt--Judenplatz Wien
Le livre de la mémoire juive
Segel der Hoffnung
Simon Wiesenthal
Justice not vengeance
Recht, nicht Rache
Ich jagte Eichmann
Sails of hope; the secret mission of Christopher Columbus
Dangerous diplomacy
Every day remembrance day
The murderers among us
Doch die Mörder leben
Les Assassins sont parmi nous
The murderers
Brak sprawiedliwości wobec zbrodni hitlerowskich
Babi Yar 1941 - 1991
Flucht vor dem Schicksal
Flucht vor dem Schicksal
Sails of hope
Jeder Tag ein Gedenktag
Operacion Nuevo Mundo
Recht, nicht Rache. Erinnerungen
Operacion Nuevo Mundo / La Mision Secreta de Cristobal Colon
Justicia, No Venganza
El Libro de la Memoria Judia
El holocausto y una historia de amor
Fernanda Pivano
Fernanda Pivano (1917-2009)

journalist, translator, blogger, essayist, literary critic, scholar of English

  • University of Turin, Turin Conservatory "Giuseppe Verdi"
I miei quadrifogli
Altri amici, altri scrittori
Amici scrittori
Dopo Hemingway
Beat & pieces
Fernanda Pivano
De André il corsaro
Allen Ginsberg: Beat & Pieces
I miei amici cantautori
The beat goes on
Fernanda Pivano
La mia kasbah
Beat Bible
Kerouac in Milan, 1966
Un po' di emozioni
I miei quadrifogli
Pagine americane
Beat hippie yippie
Diari, 1917-1973
L' altra America negli anni Sessanta
Viaggio americano
Cos'è più la virtù
C'era una volta un beat
Poesia degli ultimi americani
Album americano
La balena bianca e altri miti
Mostri degli anni venti
I miei amici cantautori
America rossa e nera
Francesco Pignatelli
Brigitte Friang
Brigitte Friang (1924-2011)

journalist, French resistance fighter, war correspondent

  • Lycée Molière
Ray Kluun
Ray Kluun (born 1964)


Greg Marinovich
Greg Marinovich (born 1962)

photographer, journalist, war photographer, photojournalist

Philippe Lançon
Philippe Lançon (born 1962)

journalist, literary critic

  • Centre de formation des journalistes
Horacio López
Horacio López (born 1961)

basketball player, journalist

Edmund Yates
Edmund Yates (1831-1894)

playwright, journalist

  • Highgate School
Edmund Yates, his recollections and experiences
Edmund Yates
Celebrities at home
Our miscellany, which ought to have come out, but didn't
The forlorn hope
The yellow flag
Kissing the rod
Broken to harness
Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates and the Garrick Club
The rock ahead
Land at last
A waiting race
Black sheep
Fifty years of London life
The business of pleasure
Dr. Wainwright's patient
Going to the bad
The Impending Sword: A Novel
Dr. Wainwright's patient: A Novel
The impending sword
Dr. Wainwright's patient
Broken to harness
Broken to harness: A Story of English Domestic Life
My haunts and their frequenters
A righted wrong
Nobody's fortune: A Novel
Two, by tricks
Edmund Yates V1
Running the gauntlet
Land at Last a Novel in Three Books
The forlorn hope
The impending sword
Running the gauntlet: A Novel
My friend from Leatherhead
Hit him, he has no friends
Recollections and experiences
Wrecked in port
A night at Notting Hill