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historians who wrote autobiography
Showing 25-32 out of 209 results
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento:
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento: (1811-1888)

politician, journalist, military personnel, diplomat, historian

Viajes en Europa, África y América
Estados Unidos ..
Recuerdos de provincia
Facundo, or, civilization and barbarism
Campaña en el ejército grande aliado de Sud América
Recollections of a provincial past
Conflicto y armonías de las razas en América
Obras completas de Sarmiento
Recuerdos de provincia (Memoria Argentina)
La vida de Dominguito (Colección Autobiografias, Memorias y Libros Olvidados)
North and South America
Conflicto y armon©Øias de las razas en Am©Øerica
Ambas Américas: Revista de Educación, bibliografía I Agricultura
Facundo (Clásicos Universales / Universal Classics)
Facundo, civilización y barbárie
Viajes por Europa, África y Norte América - 1845/1847
Obras completas
Vida de Abran Lincoln, d©Øecimo sesto presidente de los Estados Unidos
Páginas escogidas
Viajes Por Europa, Africa y America 1845-47 (Coleccion Archivos)
Facundo, civilización y barbarie
Facundo: O, civilizacion i barbarie
Conflicto y armonias de las razas en América
El gran Sarmiento
Recuerdos de provincia
Bosquejo de la biografía de D. Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield
El ciudadano arjentino D.F. Sarmiento, electo diputado a la lejislatura del Estado de Buenos-Aires
Recuerdos de provincia
Instruccion para los maestros de Escuela, para enseñar a leer por el método ..
Vida de Abran Lincoln
Vida de Juan Facundo Quiroga (Memorias)
Educación popular
Sarmiento, director de la Escuela Normal, 1842-1845
Facundo (Clásicos Elegidos / Selected Classics)
El general Fray Félix Aldao / The general Fray Felix Aldao (Diferencias / Differences)
Ambas Américas: Revista de Educacion, Bibliografía i Agricultura, Bajo Los Auspicios de Domingo ..
Vida de Abran Lincoln décimo sesto presidente de los Estados Unidos
Recuerdos de provincia (Memoria / Memory)
Viajes por Europa, Africa y América 1845-1847
Vida de San Martín
Civilisation et barbarie
Vida de Abrahm Lincoln
Obras de D. F. Sarmiento
El pensamiento vivo de Sarmiento
Emigracion alemana al Rio de la Plata
Sarmiento en el Instituto Histórico de Francia
Vidas de fray Félix Aldao y El Chacho
El pensamiento de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Los discursos populares de D. F. Sarmiento 1839-1883
Facundo, civilización y barbarie
Epistolario de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Cartas de Sarmiento a la señora María Mann
Vida de Juan Facundo Quiroga
Ideario de Sarmiento
Política de Rosas
Educacion Comun
Cartas y discursos políticos
Correspondencia entre Sarmiento y Lastarria, 1844-1888
Memoria enviada al Instituto histórico de Francia sobre la cuestion decima del programa de los trabajos que debe presentar la 1a clase, "Quelle est la situation actuelle des républiques du Centre et du Sud de l'Amérique."
Facundo, o, Civilización y barbarie
Obras ...
Páginas confidenciales
Campana en el ejercito grande aliado de Sud America
Los Caudillos
Domingo F. Sarmiento
Obras ...
La vida Dominguito
Facundo: civilizacio n y barbarie
Ideas pedagógicas de Domingo F. Sarmiento ..
El Carapachay
Paula Albarracín de Sarmiento en el bicentenario de su nacimiento
Cartas confidenciales de Sarmiento a M.R. García (1866-1872) ..
Epistolario entre Sarmiento y Posse, 1845-1888
Campaña en el ejercito grande ..
Vida de Dominguito
Recuerdos de provincia
Las ciento y una
Bosquejo de la biografía de d. Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield
Plenitud de Sarmiento
Epistolario íntimo
Las ciento y una, [por] Domingo F. Sarmiento
Travels in the United States in 1847
Polémicas literarias
Vida de San Martin
Mi vida ..
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Viajes: Europa, Africa, América
La vida de Dominguito
Epistolario inédito
Campaña en el ejército grande
Obras de D. F. Sarmiento
Facundo - 175 -
Contra Rosas
Discursos parlamentarios
Condición del extranjero en América
Souvenirs de province
Escritos sobre San Martín
A Sarmiento anthology
Antología total de Sarmiento
Recuerdos de provincia
Las carpas
Facundo, o, Civilización y barbarie
Recuerdos de provincia por el autor de Civilizacion i barbarie ..
Obras ...
Polémica literaria
Obras ...
Epistolario de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Recuerdos de provincia
Obras ...
Sarmiento selecto
Obras ...
Obras ...
Vida de Abran Lincoln, décimo sesto presidente de los Estados Unidos
Condición del extranjero en América
Recuerdos de provincia
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Life in the Argentine Republic in the days of the tyrants
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Las carpas
Obras ...
Facundo, civilización y barbarie
De la educacion popular
Educación popular
Viajes por Chile
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Memoria sobre educacion comun
Obras ...
Educación común en el Estado de Buenos Aires
Obras ...
Obras ...
Epistolario inédito Sarmiento-Frías
Facundo, o, Civilización y barbarie en las pampas argentinas
Las escuelas: base de la prosperidad i de la república en los Estados Unidos ...
Discursos populares
Obras ...
Obras ...
Textos fundamentales
Obras ...
Cartas confidenciales de Sarmeinto a M.R. García
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Arjiropolis; o
Mi vida .
Obras ...
Prosa de ver y pensar
Vida de Abran Lincoln, décimo sesto presidente de los Estados Unidos
Viaje a Chile del canónigo Don Juan Maria Mastai-Ferreti oi sumo pontifice Pio, papa IX
Obras ...
Politica de Rosas
Obras ...
Obras ...
Vida de Juan Facundo Quiroga
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
La infancia y educación de Abraham Lincoln
Facundo, o, civilizacion y barbarie
Diario de gastos
Infancia de Sarmiento
Obras ...
Argirópolis o la capital de los estados confederados del Río de la Plata
Las ciento y una
Obras ...
Cuentos ocultos
Obras ...
Obras ...
Ideas pedagógicas
Aldao y el Chacho
Cuatro conferencias
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
La escuela sin la religión de mi mujer
Sarmiento en el destierro
Sarmiento pensaba así
Comentarios de la Constitution de la Confederacion Arjentina
Obras ...
La Escuela, la iglesia, el estado y el municipio
Prosa de ver y pensar
Obras ...
Facundo.  Recuerdos de provincia
Obras ...
Correspondencia de Sarmiento
Obras ...
Obras ...
Campaña en el ejercito grande aliado de Sud America del teniente coronel D. F. Sarmiento ...
Vidas del Chacho
El civilizador; síntesia del pensamiento vivo de Sarmiento
---Y el hombre se hizo verso
Obras ...
Obras ...
P'aginas de Sarmiento
Obras ...
Obras ...
Obras ...
Vida de Facundo Quiroga, i aspecto fisico
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Proceso al Chacho
Correspondencia entre Sarmiento y Lastarria, 1844-1888
Sita Ram Goel
Sita Ram Goel (1921-2003)


  • University of Delhi
How I became a Hindu
Islam vis-a-vis Hindu temples
Calcutta Quran Petition
Hindu temples, what happened to them
Jesus Christ
Pseudo-secularism, Christian missions, and Hindu resistance
Heroic Hindu resistance to Muslim invaders, 636 AD to 1206 AD
Catholic ashrams
Hindu Society Under Siege
Netaji and the CPI
Defence of Hindu society
Mind-murder in Mao-land
In defence of Comrade Krishna Menon
India's secularism, new name for national subversion
Freedom of expression
Catholic ashrams
CPI conspires for civil-war
India's Secularism
History of Hindu-Christian encounters
The Story of Islamic Imperialism in India
Perversion of India's Political Parlance
Time for stock taking, whither Sangh Parivar?
History of Hindu-Christian encounters, AD 304 to 1996
Muslim separatism
Women in Islam
Hindu Temples What Happened to Them Volume II The Islamic Evidence
The China debate
Nehru's fatal friendship
Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them : Part II
Muslim Separatism ; Causes and Consequences
Perversion of India's political parlance
The Calcutta Quran Petition by Chandmal Chopra
How I Became A Hindu
In defence of Comrade Krishna Menon
Hindu Temples What Happened to Them- Vol. 1 Preliminary Survey
The Calcutta Quran Petition by Chandmal Chopra
NETAJI and the C. P. I
Abbas el-Akkad
Abbas el-Akkad (1889-1964)

historian, journalist, poet, literary critic, teacher, philosopher

Dhū al-nūrayn
al- Insān fī al-Qurʼān al-karīm
al- Falsafah al-Qurʼānīyah
Al- taʻrīf bi-Shikisbīr
al- Sīrah al-dhātīyah
Dhikrayātī maʻa ʻāhil al-Jazīrah al-ʻArabīyah
ʻAbqarīyat ʻUmar
al- Islām wa-al-ḥaḍārah al-insānīyah, wa-maqālāt ukhrá
Mā yuqālu ʻan al-Islām
ʻĀlam al-sudūd wa-al-quyūd
Al- Insan fi al-Qur'an al-karim
Athar al-'Arab fi al-hadarah al-Awrubbiyah
Nāzīyah wa-al-adyān al-samāwīyah
The Arab's impact on European civilisation
Tadhkār Jītī
Jawāʼiz al-adab al-ʻālamīyah
Shāʻir Andalusī wa-jāʾizah ʻālamiīyah
The poetical language
Al- 'Abqariyat al-Islamiyah
al- Islām fī al-qarn al-ʻashrīn
Falsafat al-Ghazālī
ʻAbqarīyat al-Imām
Shuʻarāʾ Miṣr wa-bīʾātuhum fī al-jīl al-māḍī
Mawsūʻat ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād al-Islāmīyah
Al- Islām fī al-qarn al-'ishrīn
Ibn al-Rūmī, ḥayātuhu min shiʻrih
Al- Ṣiddīqah bint al-Ṣiddīq
ʻAbqarīyat Khālid
Dhu al-nurayn 'Uthman ibn 'Affan
Tarājim wa-siyar
Muṭāla'āt fī al-kutub wa-al-ḥayāh
Khulāṣat al-yawmīyah
ʻAbqarīyat Muḥammad
Al- Dimuqratiyah fi al-Islam
Al- Ḥarb al-'ālamīyah al-thānīyah
Aʻāṣīr maghrib
Sun Yātsin, Abū al-Ṣīn
Rajʻat Abī al-ʻAlāʾ
ʻAr⁻aʾis wa-shay⁻aṭ⁻in
Afyūn al-shuʻūb
Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan
Abū al-Shuhadā' al-Ḥusayn ibn 'Alī
ʻĀbir sabīl
Fransīs Bākūn
Majmū'at a'lām al-shi'r
al- Islām daʻwah ʻālamīyah
ʻ Alá al-athīr
Khawāṭir fī al-fann wa-al-qiṣṣah
al- Ṣihyūnīyah wa-qaḍīyat Filasṭīn
'Abqarīyat al-Imām 'Alī
'Aqā'id al-mufakkirīn fī al-qarn al-'ishrīn
Falsafah al-Islāmīyah
Ākhir kalimāt al-'Aqqād
ʻ Īd al-qalam wa-maqālāt ukhrá
Abū Nuwās al-Ḥasan ibn Hānī
Khālid aur un kī shakhsyat
al- Ṣihyūnȳah wa-qaḍīyat Filasṭīn
'Abqari al-'islah wa-al-ta'lim
Falāsifat al-ḥukm fī al-ʻaṣr al-ḥadīth
Ḥayāt al-Masīḥ
al- Shuyūʻīyah wa-al-insānīyah fī sharīʻat al-Islām
Ma'a ʻāhil al-Janirah al-ʻArabīyah
Al- Fuṣūl
al- Majmūʻah al-kāmilah li-muʾallafāt al-Ustādh ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād
Al- Mar'ah fī al-Qur'ān
Dīwān min dawāwīn
Bayna al-kutub wa-al-nās
Lā shuyūʻīyah wa-lā istiʻmār
Shu'ara' Misr wa-bi'atu hum fi al-jil al-madi
Buḥūth fī al-lughah wa-al-adab
Ibn al-Rumi
Saʻd Zaghlūl
Ma ba'd al-ba'd
'Abir sabil
Dā'ī al-samā' Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ
Mā baʻda al-baʻd
'Abqariyat 'Umar
Sun Yatsin, Abū al-Ṣīn
Dīn wa-fann wa-falsafah
Qiyam wa-maʻāyīr
Sāʻāt bayna al-kutub
ʻAmr ibn al-ʻĀṣ
Al- Rahhalah Kaf
Murāja'āt fī al-ādāb wa-al-funūn
Hayat qalam
Saʻd Zaghlūl
al- Adab wa-al-naqd
Hadīyat al-karawān
Hādhihi al-shajarah wa-al-insān al-thānī
Bayna al-kutub wal-al-nās
Fatimah al-Zahra'
al- Dīmuqrāṭīyah fī al-Islām
ʻAbd al-Raḥman al-Kawākibī
Fāṭimah al-Zahrāʼ wa-al-Fāṭimīyūn
'Abqariyat Muhammad
'Abqariyat al-Siddiq
Al- Tafkīr farīdah Islāmīyah
Mawāqif wa-qaḍāyā "fī al-adab wa-al-siyāsah"
Rudūd wa-ḥudūd
Ḥaḍārat al-Islām
Rijāl ʻaraftuhum
Maṭla' al-nūr
Turāth ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād
al- Qarn al-ʻishrūn, mā kāna wa-mā sayakūn
Ma yuqalu 'an al-Islam
Ārāʾ fī al-ādāb wa-al-Funūn
al- Lughah al-shāʻirah
Al- Mar'ah fi al-Qur'an
al- Marʼah dhālika al-lughz
Ḍarb al-Iskandarīyah fī 11 Yūliyū
Muʻāwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān fī al-mīzān
Majmaʻ al-aḥyāʾ
al- Dimuqrāṫiyah fi al-Islām
Islā mīyāt
Ma'a 'Āhil al-Jazīrah al-'Arabīyah
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibī
al- Dīwān
ʻAbqarīyat al-Masīh
Ashtat mujtami'at
Fī baytī
Dirāsāt fī al-madhāhib al-adabīyah wa-al-ijtimāʻīyah
A'āṣīru maghrib
At my home and other selections from al-Akkad's works
Baʻda al-aʻāṣīr
Ibrāhīm, abū al-anbiyāʼ
Hādhihi al-shajarah
Haqa'rq al-Islam wa-abāṭīl khusumih
Funūn wa-shujūn
Ḥayāt qalam
Khamsat dawāwīn lil-ʻAqqād
ʻAbqarīyat al-Ṣiddīq
al- Thaqāfah al-ʻArabīyah
Jamīl Buthaynah
عبقرية عمر
Abū Nuwās al-Ḥasan ibn Hāniʼ
Ḥayāt Ibn al-Rūmī
ʻAbqarī al-iṣlāḥ wa-al-taʻlīm
Afyūn al-shuʻūb
Ibn al-Rūmī, ḥayātuh min shiʻrih
Ibn al-Rūmī, ḥayātuhu min shiʻrih
ʻAbqarīyat al-imām ʻAlī
Khulāṣat al-yawmīyah
Ashjān al-layl
Falāsifat al-ḥukm fī al-ʻaṣr al-ḥadīth
ʻAlá al-saffūd
Muṭālaʻāt fī al-Kutub wa-al-ḥayāh
al-Kalimāt al-akhīrah lil-ʻAqqād
أشتات مجتمعات فى اللغة والأدب
ʻAbqarīyat ʻUmar
ʻĀlam al-sudūd wa-al-quyūd
Hadīyat al-karawān
al-ʻAqqād yaḥkī asrār ḥayātih
Yaqẓat al-ṣabāḥ
Madhhab dhawī al-ʻāhāt
Hitlar fī al-mīzān
al-Falsafah al-Qurfānīyah
al-Shaykh al-Raʼīs Ibn Sīnā
Shāʻir al-ghazal
Alwan min al-qiṣṣah al-ṣaghīrah fī al-adāb al-Amirīkī
عبقرية خالد
Ḥaqā'iq al-Islām wa-abāṭīl khuṣūmih
Abū al-Shuhadāʼ al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī
Dīn wa-fann wa-falsafah
ʻĀrāʼ fī al-ādāb wa-al-funūn
Ākhir kalimāt al-ʻAqqād
Wahaj al-ẓahīrah
Baʻda al-aʻāṣīr
Bayna al-kutub wal-al-nās
Qaṣāʼid wa-maqṭūʻat̄
Sāʻāt bayna al-kutub
At my home, and other selections from Akkad's works
مطلع النور، أو، طوالع البعثة المحمدية
Athar al-ʻArab fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Ūrubbīyah
Shuʻarāʼ Miṣr wa-bīʼātuhum fī al-jīl al-māḍī
Afyun al-shuʻub
Dīwān al-ʻAqqād
ʻAbqarīyat al-Ṣiddīq
Athar al-ʻArab fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Ūrubbīyah
الصديقة بنت الصديق
al-Kalimāt al-akhīrah lil-ʻAqqad
ʻAbqarīyat Muḥammad
Fī al-siyāsah wa-al-adab wa-al-fann
Muʻāwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān fī al-mīzān
Dhū al-nūrayn, ʻUthmān ibn ʻAffān
ʻĀlam al-sudūd wa-al-quyūd
Ashbāḥ al-aṣīl
عبد الرحمن الكواكبي
في بيتي
ديوان العقاد
ʻĀbir sabīl
The Arab's impact on European civilisation
al-Ṣiddīqah bint al-Ṣiddīq
ʻAbqarīyat al-Imām
al-Aquādu wa-al-mudhahib
Shuʻarāʾ Miṣr wa-bīʾātuhum fī al-jīl al-māḍī
ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād
المرآة في القرآن،
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibī al-Raḥḥālah "Kāf"
Dāʻi al-samāʼ Bilāl ibn Rabāh, muʼazzin al-Rasūl
al-Maqālāt al-majhūlah
al-Thaqāfah al-ʻArabīyah asbaq min thaqāfat al-Yūnān wa-al-ʻIbrīyīn
Min rasāʼil al-ʻAqqād
Mā yuqālu ʻan al-Islām
Muṭālaʻāt fī al-kutub wa-al-ḥayāh
Aʻāṣīr Maghrib
Muʻāwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān fī al-mīzān
Ḥaqāyiq-i Islām va arājīf-i dushmanānash
Dīwān al-ʻaqqād
al-Qarn al-ʻishrūn
عبقرية محمد
al-Raḥḥālah "Kāf" ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibī
ʻAqāʼid al-mufakkirīn fī al-qarn al-ʻishrīn
al-Islām wa-al-ḥaḍārah al-insānīyah
al-Ṣadīqah bint al-ṣadīq
Mawsūʻat ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād al-Islāmīyah
ʻAbqarīyat al-Masīḥ
Abū al-Shuhadāʼ Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī
ʻAbqarīyat al-Ṣiddīq
ʻAbqarīyat al-Imām
al-ʻAbqarīyat al-Islāmīyah
Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571)

sculptor, medalist, autobiographer, architectural draftsperson, goldsmith, art historian, silversmith, musician

Vita di Benvenuto Cellini
The treatises of Benvenuto Cellini on goldsmithing and sculpture
16th Century, History and Literature
The Life of Cellini (Arts & Letters)
La vita
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini, sculptor goldsmith writer
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini orefice e scultore fiorentino
La vita di Benvenuto Cellini, ad uso delle scuole, con note storiche di lingua e di stile
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
The Life Of Benvenuto Cellini
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
My Life
The life of Benvenuto Cellini written by himself
Benvenuto Cellini
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
The Autobiography Of Benvenuto Cellini
The autobiography
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini, orefice e scultore fiorentino, da lui medesimo scritta, nella quale molte curiose particolarità si toccano appartenenti alle arti ed all'istoria del suo tempo, tratta da un'ottimo manoscritto ..
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine artist
The life of Bevenuto Cellini
The Autobiography of Benyenuto Cellini
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
The LIFE Of BENVENUTO CELLINI Written by Himself. Edited and Translated by John Addington Symonds with a Biographical Sketch of Cellini by the Same Hand Together with aan Introduction to This Edition Upon Benvenuto Cellini, Artist and Writer, by Royal Cortissoz with Reporductions or Forty Original Portraits and Views Illustrating the Life.
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. New Illustrated Edition.
Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
La vita
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
La vita di Benvenuto Cellini
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
The LIFE Of BENVENUTO CELLINI. Written by Himself.
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini: scritta da lui medesimo tratta dal-l'autografo ...
La vita sequita dai trattati dell'oreficeria e della scultura e dagli scritti sull'arte
Benvenuto Cellini
Mémoires de Benvenuto Cellini
Due trattati
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, with introduction, notes and illustrations
Abhandlungen über die Goldschmiedekunst und die Bildhauerei
La vita di Benvenuto Cellini ad uso delle scuole con note storiche
Mi vida
The Perseus statue
Due trattati di Benvenuto Cellini
Drammi pre-Shakespeariani
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini written by himself
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini
Le opere di Benvenuto Cellini
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine artist
Mémoires de Benvenuto Cellini
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini: orefice e scultore fiorentino, da lui medesimo ...
Leben des Benvenuto Cellini
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
La vie de Benvenuto Cellini
Autobiography of Benvenuto cellini [Christmas Summary Classics]
Mémoires de Benvenuto Cellini
Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
L' opera completa del Cellini
The life of Benevenuto Cellini
Due trattati di Benvenuto Cellini, scultore fiorentino
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine Artist: Containing a Variety of ...
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini: orefice e scultore fiorentino
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine artist
La Vita Di Benvenuto Cellini, Ad USO Delle Scuole, Con Note Storiche Di Lingua E Di Stile (Italian Edition)
I trattati dell'oreficeria e della scultura
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini, orefice e scultore fiorentino
Leben des Benvenuto Cellini, florentinischen Goldschmieds und Bildhauers von ihm selbstgeschrieben
La vita
Leben des Benvenuto Cellini
Memoirs [of] Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini / newly translated into English
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
La vita di Benvenuto Cellini
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a florentine artist; written by himself: containing a variety of information respecting the arts, and the history of the sixteenth century
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
I trattati dell'oreficeria e della scultura
I trattati dell'oreficeria e della scultura
Opere ..
La vita di Benvenuto Cellini
Leben des Benvenuto Cellini
Racconti di Benvenuto Cellini
Tratado de Orfebreria, Escultura, Dibujo y Arqui
Vie de Benvenuto Cellini écrite par lui-même
Due trattati di Benvenuto Cellini scultore fiorentino
Abhandlungen über die Goldschmiedekunst und die Sculptur
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
La vita sequita dai trattati dell'oreficeria e della scultura e dagli scritti sull'arte
Mémoires de Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini memoirs
My life
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini, orefice e scultore, scritta di sua mano propria
The treatises on goldsmithing and sculpture
Benvenuto Cellini's Levned
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
Tutta l'opera del Cellini
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini à Paris sous François Ier
Le rime di Benvenuto Cellini
Vlastní životopis
Vie de Benvenuto Cellini
La vita di Benvenuto Cellini
Tutta l'opera del Cellini a cura de Ettore Camesasca.
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
Vita de Benvenuto Cellini
Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini scritta da lui medesimo
Memoirs written by himself
Opere de Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini, opere non esposte e documenti notarili
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
La vita di Benvenuto Cellini scritta da lui medesimo ridotta alla lezione originale del codice Laurenziano
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini scritta da lui medesimo
I trattati dell'oreficeria e della scultura di Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini written by himself
The life of Benvenuto Cellini
La vita
Due trattati
Discorsi sulle arti
Vita e arte nei sonetti di Shakespeare
Benvenuto Cellini à Paris sous François Ier
Traktate über die Goldschmiedekunst und die Bildhauerei
Benvenuto Cellini
Vida (Literatura literatura)
Mein Leben. Die Autobiographie eines Künstlers aus der Renaissance
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini
The memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini 1500-1571
La vita di ... scritta da lui medesimo, restituita esattamente alla lezione originale, con osservazioni filologiche e. brevi note dichiarative at uso dei non toscani
La vita di Benvenuto Cellini
Dve trattati
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini orefice e scultore fiorentino
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini
Vida de Benvenuto Cellini Escrita Por El Mism
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini
Le opere di Benvenuto Cellini
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Zhiznʹ Benvenuto, syna maėstro Dzhovanni Chellini
Oeuvres complètes de Benvenuto Cellini
Josephus (0036-0099)


The Life of Flavius Josephus
The works of Flavius Josephus
Judean antiquities 1-4
Flavii Iosephi opera omnia
De bello judaico
The New Complete Works of Josephus
The works of Josephus
Josephus, the Jewish war ; newly translated with extensive commentary and archaeological background illustrations
Life of Josephus
Complete works
The genuine works of Flavius Josephus
Against Apion
The works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian and celebrated warrior
The Antiquities of the Jews
The genuine works of Flavius Josephus
Josephus' Jewish war and its Slavonic version
Josephus, the essential works
Contro Apione
The Wars of the Jews or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem
Life and Work of Flavius Josephus
The Antiquities of the Jews Volume 1
Antiguedades De Los Judios/ Jewish Antiques
Flavius Josephus: selections from his works
The Complete Works of Josephus
The complete works of the learned and authentic Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus
The life of Herod
Jerusalem and Rome
Aus meinem Leben = (Vita): Kritische Ausg., Folker Siegert
The Life. Against Apion
Contra Apionem
Flavius Josèphe Autobiographie
The works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian
Neged Apyon
Kleinere Schriften
Flavii Iosephi opera
Flavii Iosephi Antiquitatum iudaicarum libri XX
Josephus, the essential writings
The Great Roman-Jewish War
The genuine and complete works of Flavius Josephus..
The whole genuine and complete works of Flavius Josephus ..
Histoire des Juifs
The second Jewish Commonwealth
Collected Works of Flavius Josephus
Oeuvres complètes
The Antiquities of the Jews Volume 3
The genuine works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian
The life
Death Of Caligula By Flavius Josephus
Yeme ʻam ʻolam
Flavius Josephus, translation and commentary
Flavius Josephus
Selections from Josephus
Complete works of Josephus; Antiquities of the Jews, The wars of the Jews, Against Apion, etc. etc
Histoire ancienne des Juifs et la guerre des Juifs contre les Romains, 66-70 ap.J,-C.
Josephus: Jewish Antiquities
Das Leben des Flavius Josephus
Phlabiou Iōsēpou ta heuriskomena
Giosefo il quale, con memorabil' esempio della divina giustitia, co[n]tiene l'assedio, e ultima destrutione di Gierusalem, & tutto'l Regno de gli Hebrei, sotto Vespasiano, e Tito
Our young folks' Josephus
Contre Apion
La prise de Jérusalem
Jewish Antiquities
The Antiquities of the Jews Volume 2
The Fall of Jerusalem
Phlabiou Iōsēpou Hierosolumitou hiereōs ta euriskomena =
The whole genuine and complete works
Josephus teütsch ..
Death of an emperor
Phlabiou Iosepou ta heuriskomena =
The life and works of Flavius Josephus
Flavii Iosephi Opera ex versione latina antiqva ; Edidit, commentario critico instrvxit, prolegomena indicesqve addidit Carolvs Boysen
Les oeuures de Flaue Ioseph fils de Matthias
The whole genuine and complete works of Flavious [sic] Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian, and celebrated warrior
The works of Flavius Josephus to which are added seven dissertations concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's command to Abraham, etc.
Jewish Antiquities (World Literature S.) (World Literature)
Phlabiou Iōsēphou... =
The Jewish war, and other selections from Flavius Josephus
The Works of Flavius Josephus ...: To which are Added, Three Dissertations ..
Los siete libros que el auténtico historiador Flavio Josefo escribió de la Guerra que tuvieron los judíos con los romanos
The great Roman-Jewish war
Les antiquités juives
Flavii Josephi... opera omnia Graecae et Latine
The complete works of Flavius Josephus
The wars of the Jews
Josephus, with an English translation
The works of the learned and valiant Josephus
Josephus, complete works
Antigüedades Judias (Clasica)
Delle antichità e guerre giudaiche, libri 27. divisi in tre parti [di] Gioseffo Flavio
The Jewish history, as well ecclesiastical as civil from the creation of the world, to this present time
The  genuine and complete works of Flavius Josephus, the celebrated war-like, learned, and authentic Jewish historian ..
The Works of Flavius Josephus...: With Three Dissertations, Concerning Jesus ..
The whole genuineand complete works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian and celebrated warrior ..
The Jewish war of Flavius Josephus
Flabiou Iōsēpou Ierosolumitou Iereōs ta euriskomena =
Holl waith ..
The Wars of the Jews; or the history of the destruction of Jerusalem
[Flavii Josephi opera]
The Jewish War (Oxford World Classics)
Fabiou Iōsēpou ta euriskomena =
The whole works of Flavius Josephus
Des Flavius Josephus Werk "Ueber das hohe Alter des jüdischen Volkes gegen Apion"
The whole genuine and complete works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian and celebrated warrior ..
La prise de Jérusalem de Josèphe le Juif
Autobiografia, Sobre La Antiguedad De Los Judios
The great Roman-Jewish war, A.D.66-70
Flabiou Iosepou Ierosolumitou hiereos Ta heuriskomena =
Les Juifs. Histoire ancienne des juifs - La guerre des juifs contre les romains - Autobiographie
Flavii Josephi Jødiske historie
The whole genuine works
The works of Josephus, with a life written by himself
The Life And Works Of Flavius Josephus Part 1
Auswahl aus den Schriften des Flavius Iosephus. Leseheft mit Erläuterungen
Di letsṭe ṭeg fun Yerusholayim
Der jüdische Krieg
A compleat collection of the genuine works of Flavius Josephus
The genuine works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian, and celebrated warrior
Flavii Josephi... opera omnia, graece et Latine
The Destruction of the Jews
The famous and memorable works of Josephus ..
De bello judaico, libri septem
Flavius Josephus, book collection on CD
The history of the siege and destruction of Jerusalem
The complete works of Flavius-Josephus
Flavii Josephi Antiquitatum Judaicarum libri quatuor priores et pars magna quinti Gr. Lat
Les antiquités juives
The Wars of the Jews
The lamentable and tragicall history of the wars and utter ruin of the jewes
Los veynte libros de Flavio Iosepho
Flavii Josephi quae reperiri potuerunt, opera omnia graece et latine, cum notis et nova versione Joannis Hudsoni ..
Ḳadmut ha-Yehudim neged Apyon
Historie der Jooden of alle de werken van Flavius Josephus
Delle antichita giudaiche
The Jewish war of Flavius Joesphus
The famous and memorable workes of Iosephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Ievves
The Jewish War (Classics)
Geschichte des Jüdischen Krieges
Opera Iosephi
Opera quae reperiri potuerunt omnia
Hegesippi qvi dicitvr historiae libri v
The jewish war, books 1V-V11
Geschichte des jüdischen Krieges
Autobiography and Jewish war
The famous and memorable vvorkes of Iosephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Iewes
Die Belagerung und Erstürmung Jerusalems
Works of Flavius Josephus, Part 2
Famous workes of Josephus
The Death Of Caligula
Istorii͡a︡ iudeiskoĭ voĭny
An abridgement of the History of Josephus
The Essenes
The Jewish war
The Genuine works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewis historian
The Complete Works of Philo & Josephus
The famovs and memorable works of Josephus ..
Histoire de Fl. Iosephe
Histoire de Fl. Iosephe, sacrificateur hebrieu
O drevnosti Iudeĭskago naroda protiv Apiona
Hovsepos Pʻlavios, Dion Kassios
Genuine works
Historical works
The famovs and memorable workes of Iosephvs, a man of mvch honovr and learning among the Iewes
Antiquities of the Jews, The
History Of The Destruction Of Jerusalem Or The Wars Of The Jews
Aus meinen Leben (Vita)
Fl. Iosephi omnia, quae extant, Opera ..
Histoire ancienne des Juifs
Opera omnia
Antiguedades De Los Judios Tomo 1
Istorii͡a iudeĭskoĭ voĭny Iosifa Flavii͡a v drevnerusskom perevode
Fl. Josephi Judaei Opera omnia
De Joodse oorlog & Uit mijn leven
Flavii Iosephi Hebraei Opera omnia graece et latine
The Wars of the Jews as related by Josephus adapted to the capacities of young persons
The folly and wisdom of the ancients
Gweithiau Flavius Josephus yn cynwys hynafiaethau yr Juddewon yn nghyda Hanes eu Rhyfeloeddhyd Odinystr Jerusalem ..
Antiguedades De Los Judios Tomo 1
Di Flavio Giuseppe, Dell' antichità de' Givdei
Istoriia o razorenii posliednem sviatago grada Ierusalima
Guerra de Los Judios II y Destruccion del Templo
The famous and memorable works of Josephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Jews. Faithfully translated out of the Latine and French, by Tho. Lodge, Doctor in Physick. Whereunto are newly added the references of the Scriptures throughout the history, and afterwards collected into a table
Phlabiou Iosepou ta euriskomena =
The famous and memorable works of Josephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Jews
Judean Antiquities Books 1-4
Opera omnia quae extant
The works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian, and celebrated warrior
The works of Flavius Josephus, the celebrated warlike, learned, and authentic Jewish historian ..
Flauii Iosephi Hebraei historiographi clariss. opera
De bello Iudaico libb. VII
Les antiquites juives
Alle de werken van Flavius Josephus ..
Flavii Iosephi Hebraei opera omnia, graece et Latine, excusa ad editionem Luduno-Batavam Sigeberti Havercampii cum oxoniensi Ioannis Hudsonii collatam curavit F. Oberthur
Phlabiou Iōsēpou ta euriskomena =
The famovs and memorable workes of Iosephus
Chrestomathia Flaviana sive Loci illustres ex Flavio Iosephio delecti et animadversionibus illustrati a Ioan. Georg. Trendelenburg
The works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian and celebreted warrior
Gioseffo Flavio Historico delle antichita, et Gverre givdaiche, diuiso in vintisette libri ..
The whole genuine works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian, and celebrated warrior
Opera Iosephi iudaeorum doctissimi ac disertissimi, quae ad nostram aetatem pervenerunt omnia, nimirum
Opera, ad multorum codicum latinorum, eorundemq́[ue] uetustissimorum fidem recognita & castigata ..
The whole genuine works of Flavius Josephus ..
Di letsṭe ṭeg fun Yerusholaim
The famous and memorable workes of Iosephus ..
Phlabiou Iōsēphou ... ta heuriskomena
The whole genuine and complete works of Flavious [sic] Josephus ..
The works of Flavius which is added three dissertations concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's command to Abraham
Hegesippi qui dicitur Historiae libri V
Opera, edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Benedictus Niese
Flavii Iosephi Opera ex versione latina antiqva
The wonderful, and most deplorable history of the later times of the Jews
Istorija iudejskoj vojny Iosifa Flavija
The Latin Josephus
Guerra judaica
Toldot milḥemet ha-Yehudim ba-Romaʼim
Works of Flavius Josephus, Part 1
Sobre La Antiguedad De Los Judios/ the Golden Days of the Jews
Istoriia iudeiskoi voiny
The complete works of Flavius-Josephus the celebrated Jewish historian ..
The whole genuine works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian, and celebrated warrior
Libro della historia della gverra hebbono igivdei coromani ..
La guerra giudaica
The Jewish war ...
The works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian
The works of Flavius Josephus
Volgarizzamento della Istoria delle guerre Giudaiche di Josefo Ebreo cognominato Flavio. 2/2
The Works: Comprising the Antiquities of the Jews; A History of the Jewish Wars, and Life of ..
Incomincia il proemio di Iosepho Ebreo nel libro della historia della gverra Hebbono igivdei coromani
Volgarizzamento della Istoria delle guerre giudaiche di Josefo Ebreo, cognominato Flavio: testo ..
Iosippi (Hegesippi qui dicitur) Historiae liber I. (c. I-XIV), [c. XV-XXX]
Di Idishe milh Đomes
The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish Historian: Containing Twenty Books of the ..
The Jewish war ...
The Works of Flavius Josephus, the Learned and Authentic Jewish Historian: To which are Added ..
Los siete libros de Flauio Iosefo los qvales contienen las guerras de los Iudios, y la destrucion de Hierusalem y d'el templo
The Jewish war ...
The Jewish war ...
Contre Apion
The Jewish war ...
Western Civilization Video Tape with Guide
Vom jüdischen Kriege
The Jewish war ...
The wonderful and most deplorable history of the later times of the Jews
Gioseffo Flavio Historico delle antichità, e guerre giudaiche
The Wars of the Jews or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem
Ruffini Aquilensis traductio in Iosephum historiographu[m] clarissimum de bello Iudaico. Iosephi Mathathie filij, Hebrei genere sacerdotis ex Hierosolymis, De antiquitate Iudeorum contra Appionem gra[m]maticum Alexandrinum
Volgarizzamento della Istoria delle guerre Giudaiche di Josefo Ebreo cognominato Flavio
The works of Flavius Josephus...
The Jewish war ...
Ḥaye Yosef
Istorii︠a︡ iudeĭskoĭ voĭny Josifa Flʹavii︠a︡ v Drevnerusskom perevode
Flavius Josèphe Contre Apion
Iosepho della gverra givdaica
Volgarizzamento della Istoria delle guerre Giudaiche di Josefo Ebreo cognominato Flavio. 1/2
Di Iidishe milḥomes̀
Nouvelle traduction de l'historien Joseph
The genuine works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian
Les sept livres de la guerre et captivité des Juifz
Istorija iudejskoj vojny Iosifa Flavija
Opera omnia ab Immanuele Bekkero recognita
The Antiquities of the Jews
The genuine works of Flavius Josephus
Judejske starine
The works of Flavius Josephus ...
Di Yidishe milḥomes̀
The Jewish war ...
Opera, lat
Des Flavius Josephus jüdische Altertümer
Jüdische Altertümer
The Jewish war ...
The complete works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian
The Antiquities of the Jews
Flavii Iosephi Hebraei Opera omnia graece et latine
Historia d'Egesippo tra i christiani scrittori antichissimo de le ualorose iprese fatte da giudei ne l'assedio di Gierusaleme
Юдейски древности. Том 1
Phlabiou Iōsēpou ta heuriskomena =
Les Antiquités juives, tome 3
Ḳadmoniyot ha-Yehudim
Storia Dei Giudei Da Alessandro Magno a Nerone
Юдейската война
Religion Books on CD ROM
La Vie en Christ, tome 2
Arai Hakuseki
Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725)

philosopher, politician, economist, poet, historian

Lessons from history
The sword book in Honchō gunkikō and The book of Samé, Kō hi sei gi of Inaba Tsūriō
Seiyō kibun
The armour book in Honchō-gunkikō
Honchō gunki kō
Arai Hakuseki zenshū
The armour book in Honcho-gunkiko
Oritaku shiba no ki
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
The sword book in Honchō gunkikō
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Shimpen Hankampu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki shū
Teihon Oritaku shiba no ki shakugi
Arai Hakuseki, Motoori Norinaga
Shinpen Hankanpu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Shinpen Hankanpu
Zoku Hakuseki sōsho
Sankō dokushi yoron
Ezo shi
Honchō gunki kō
Ōu kaiunki ; Kinai chikaki
Hakuseki Sensei ibun shūi
Arai Hakuseki shū
Hakuseki Sensei yokō
Arai Hakuseki
Arai Hakuseki nikki
Arai Hakuseki, Fukusawa Yukichi
Ōshū gojūshigun kō
Hakuseki shōhin. Bakuchō kojidan. Hassui zuihitsu. Yōshabako. Ato wa mukashi monogatari. Zokuji kosui
Shinʼan shukan
Shinʼya mondō
Seiyō kibun
Oritaku shiba no ki
Tokushi yoron
Hakuseki sōsho
Shinrei kukai
Eugène Fromentin
Eugène Fromentin (1820-1876)

painter, art historian

The masters of past time
Un été dans le Sahara
The old masters of Belgium and Holland
Les mai tres d'autrefois, Belgique, Hollande
Between sea and Sahara
Les maitres d'autrefois
Correspondance et fragments inédits
Les maîtres d'autrefois, Belgique, Hollande
Une année dans le Sahel
Les maîtres d'autrefois
Rubens et Rembrandt
Die alten Meister (Belgien-Holland)
Etude sur l'Ahasverus d'Edgar Quinet
Œuvres complètes
Étude sur l'Ahasvérus d'Edgar Quinet
Voyage en Égypte (1869)
The old masters of Belgium and Holland (Les mai tres d'autrefois)
Dominique.  Chronologie et introd. par Guy Sagnes
Étude sur l'Athasvérus d'Edgar Quinet
Lettres de jeunesse
Un été dans la Sahara
Sahara et Sahel
Correspondance et fragments
Un été dans le Sahara
Etude sur l'Ahasvérus d'Edgar Quinet
Gustave Drouineau
Un e te  dans le Sahara
The Masters of a past time
Sahara & Sahel
Une année dans le Sahel
Lettres de jeunesse
Les maîtres d'autrefois, Belgigue-Hollande
Die alten Meister
Gustave Drouineau
Un été dans le Sahara
Les Maîtres d'autrefois, Belgique-Hollande
Les plus belles pages consacrées à Pierre-Paul Rubens
Les maitres d'autrefois, Belgique-Hollande
Correspondance et fragments inédits
Voyage en Egypte (1869)
Mistrzowie dawni
Un été dans le Sahara
The old masters of Belgium & Holland
Correspondance et fragments inédits
Sahara et Sahel
Une année dans le Sahel
Sahara et Sahel
Někdejší mistři
Gustave Drouineau
Eugène Fromentin, 1820-1876
Gustave Drouineau
The masters of past time
Correspondance et fragments inédits
Die alten meister, Belgien-Holland
Un éte dans le Sahara
Lettres de jeunesse
Eugène Fromentin : écrivain-peintre
Voyage en Égypte (1869)
Notes sur l'île de Ré
Correspondance d'Eugène Fromentin
Un été dans la Sahara
The old masters of Belgium and Holland
Les Maîtres d'autrefois, Belgique-Hollande
Los maestros de antaño
Lettres de jeunesse
Les maîtres d'autrefois, Belgique - Hollande
Les maîtres d'autrefois, beigique-Hollande
Les Maîtres d'autrefois
Les Maîtres d'autrefois, Belgique-Hollande
Un Eté dans le Sahara
Une année dans le Sahel ; un été dans le Sahara
Les maîtres d'autrefois, Belgique-Hollande
Les Maîtres d'autrefois
Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Nirad C. Chaudhuri (1897-1999)

historian, autobiographer, literary critic, biographer

  • University of Calcutta, Surendranath College
The autobiography of an unknown Indian
Thy hand, great anarch!
Hinduism, a religion to live by
Scholar extraordinary
A passage to England
Clive of India
Three horsemen of the new apocalypse
Culture in the vanity bag, being an essay on clothing and adornment in passing and abiding India
Āmāra debottara sampatti
The continent of Circe
A passage to England
Āmāra deśa, āmāra śataka
Why I mourn for England
Nirbācita prabandha
From the archives of a centenarian
Ātmaghātī Bāṅālī
To live or not to live
The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian (New York Review Books Classics)
The intellectual in India
Biography of an Unknown Indian
The finest story about India - in English
Robert Clive of India
Bāṅālī jībane ramaṇī
Scholar Extraordinary, The Life of Friedrich Max Muller
No Royalty A/C Continent of Circe
The autobiography of an unknown Indian
The Hinduism omnibus
Scholar extraordinary
Passage to England
Robert Clive of India; A Political and Psychological Essay
Culture in the vanity bag
A passage to England
Defence of India
The East is East and the West is West