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diarists who wrote autobiography
Showing 33-40 out of 46 results
Michael Palin
Michael Palin (born 1943)

actor, comedian, diarist, singer, film actor, television presenter, television actor

  • University of Oxford, Shrewsbury School
Travelling to work
Hemingway's chair
Michael Palin's Hemingway adventure
Diaries 1969-1979
Pole to pole with Michael Palin
Full Circle
New Europe
Around the World in Eighty Days
Happy Holidays
More ripping yarns
Time Bandits
Hemingway's chair
Diaries 1969-1979
The Perfect Journey? (Guardian Piccadilly Competitio)
Ripping yarns
The mirrorstone
North Korea Journal
The truth
The Weekend
The Perfect Journey?
Monty Python's Tunisian Holiday
Halfway To Hollywood Diaries 1980 To 1988
The missionary
The truth
Halfway To Hollywood Diaries 19801988
The truth
Sackful of Limericks
The Complete Ripping Yarns
Michael Palin's Travel Compendium
The Pythons' Autobiography By The Pythons
Monty Python at work
The Brand new Monty Python papperbok [sic]
Oxtravels Meetings With Remarkable Travel Writers
New Europe
The mirrorstone
Michael Palin
Cyril and the House of Commons
The truth
May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth
Discovering Kings Cross A Popup Book
Bert Feggs Nasty Book for Boys and Girls
Halfway to Hollywood
Cyril and the dinner party
A Pocketful of Python
Halfway to Hollywood
Michael Palin Diaries 1969-1979
Time bandits
Michael Palin
Pole to Pole
The secret policeman's other ball
Halfway to Hollywood (Reissue) Vol. 2
Small Harry and the Toothache Pills (Magnet)
Cyril and the House of Commons
Golden Age of Railway Posters
Travelling to Work
Great Railways Journey's of the World
Time bandits
Cyril and the House of Commons
Travelling to work
Jack and the Beanstalk (We All Have Tales S.)
Hemingway's Chair
Python Years
The very best of Monty Python
Mirā sutōn fushigina kagami
Diaries 1969-1979
New Europe
Time for a change
Diaries 1999-2010
Small Harry and the Toothache Pills
Complete Michael Palin Diaries
Around the World in Eighty Days
Van pool tot pool
Het nieuwe Europa van Michael Palin
Dr. Fegg's Encyclopeadia of All World Knowledge
D'un pôle à l'autre
De stoel van Hemingway
New Europe
Pole to Pole
Der Spiegelstein
Tony Benn
Tony Benn (1925-2014)

politician, autobiographer, diarist

  • University of Oxford, Westminster School
More Time for Politics
The end of an era
Years of Hope
Parliament, people, and power
Arguments for democracy
Free at last!
A Blaze of Autumn Sunshine
Dare to be a Daniel
Out of the Wilderness
Office without power
Against the tide
Free Radical
Common sense
Conflicts of interest
Free at Last
The Benn Tapes 2
The Benn Tapes 1
The Benn Tapes
The Benn Diaries, 1940-90
Labour and the slump
Fighting back
The Benn Tapes 2
The Sizewell syndrome
Dare to Be a Daniel CD
Arguments for socialism
The Levellers and the English democratic tradition
The right to know
The need for a free press
Little silver bell
The case for party democracy
International Broadcasting Convention, 1990 (I E E Conference Publication)
An Audience with Tony Benn
The energy crisis - one man's view
The Privy Council as a second chamber
A new course for Labour
Dare to Be a Daniel Audio
The government's policy for technology
Industry, technology and democracy
Writings on the Wall
Democracy and human rights
The Future of Socialism (Agenda for the Twenty-first Century)
The power of the Bible today
European Unity
The Speaker, the Commons and Democracy (Spokesman)
The new politics
A future for socialism
Talking about socialism
The case for a constitutional civil service
A ten-year industrial strategy for Britain
The case for a constitutional premiership
Audience with Tony Benn
Writings on the wall
The Crisis and the future of the Left
Text of Parliamentary statement on energy conservation measures made by Mr Tony Benn, Secretary of State for Energy, on December 12, 1977
The energy crisis
Why America needs democratic socialism
Stop the trials in Turkey
Trade unionism
Passing Shadows
The regeneration of Britain
The Benn Diaries 1940-1990
The world you live in
Tony Benn on the Falklands war
[Ministers and civil servants]
X10 Counterpack Common Sense
The Levellers
Trade Unionism
Baby in the Bathwater
Dying for a Drink
The need for a free press
The Levellers and the English democratic tradition
The social and political implications of automation
The case for a constitutional civil service
The New worker co-operatives
European unity
Crows on the Battlefield
Tony Benn on the Falklands war
Crows on the Battlefield
Allen Ginsberg
Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997)

playwright, poet, autobiographer, musician, teacher, photographer, diarist

  • Montclair State University, Columbia University
White shroud
Howl, and Other Poems
Spontaneous Mind
Reality Sandwiches, 1953-60
Gay Day
Mind Breaths
Family Business
The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice
Deliberate prose
Plutonian ode
Indian journals, March 1962-May 1963
As ever
The letters of Allen Ginsberg
The Fall of America
Automatic refinement of expert system knowledge bases
Collected Poems 1947-1980
The Selected Letters of Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder
Allen verbatim: lectures on poetry, politics, consciousness
Allen Ginsberg CD Poetry Collection
Death & fame
Journals Mid-Fifties
Voice of the Poet
Illuminated Poems
Travels With Ginsberg
Cosmopolitan greetings
The Best Minds of My Generation
Planet News, 1961-1967 (Pocket Poets)
First blues
The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice: First Journals and Poems
Straight hearts' delight
Wichita Vortex Sutra
Selected Poems
Howl Kaddish And Other Poems
Chicago trial testimony
Iron Curtain Journals
Allen Ginsburg collected poems, 1947-1997
Allen Ginsberg : Holy Soul Jelly Roll
On the Poetry of Allen Ginsberg
Allen Ginsberg
Wait till I'm dead
The essential Ginsberg
Kaddish and Other Poems, 1958-1960 (Pocket Poets Series)
Reality Sandwiches, 1953-1960 (Pocket Poets Series, No. 18)
South American Journals
Aullido y otros poemas
Souffles d'esprit
Indian Journals
Fall of America Journals, 1965-1971
Programming by questionnaire
Potpourri of Poetry
An application of decision theory to a medical diagnosis-treatment problem
Illuminated Poems
Philip Glass
Journals Early Fifties Early Sixties
KADDISH (A Bengali translation by Malay Roychoudhury ) ক্যাডিশ
Empty mirror
Beat Culture
Hints and Allegations
Notes after an evening with William Carlos Williams
Scenes along the road
As Ever, Collected Correspondence of Allen Ginsberg and Neal Cassady
Allen verbation
Cartas de Amor Ambiguo
First Thought Best Thought
Howl + Auw
Yage Letters
The visions of the great rememberer
Best Minds of My Generation
Journals mid-fifties, 1954-1958
Your reason & Blake's system
Poesia Beat
Kadish ve-shirim aherim
Composed on the tongue
To Eberhart from Ginsberg : a letter about Howl, 1956
Journal, 1952-1962
Allen Verbatim
Planet News
Snapshot poetics
Iron horse
La chute de l'Amérique
Muerte y Fama - Poemas 1993-1997
Luminous Dreams
Linceul blanc
The gates of wrath
Hao jiao =
Old love story
Selected Letters of Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder, 1956-1991
Cosmopolitan Greetings
Amerika'nin Düsüsü
Cosmopolitan Greetings (New Penguin Poetry)
Best minds
Oda plutoniana
Kaddish for Naomi Ginsberg 1894-1956
Howl, Kaddish ve Öteki Siirler
Mind Writing Slogans
Uluma - Howl
Aullido - 1. ed.
Book of Martyrdom and Artifice : First Journals and Poems
Essential Ginsberg
Toplu Halusinasyon
Mostly Sitting Haiku
Collected Poems 1947-1997
Allen Ginsberg and Hiro Yamagata
Literary History of the Beats
Ankor wat
City Lights Journal
Azougue especial
Open head
T.V. baby
T.V. baby poems
Television Was a Baby Crawling Towards That Death Chamber
Maderia and Toasts for Basil Buntings Seventy-Fifth Birthday
Van Gogh's Ear
Reality Sandwiches (Pocket Poets Series, No. 18)
Letters of Allen Ginsberg
Reality Sandwiches Fotografien
Oda Plutoniana y Otros Poemas
Bibliography of Works by Allen Ginsberg
Diario indiano
Poems for the nation
Planet news, 1961-1967
Edebiyat Tarihi; Gördüm Kusagimin En Iyi Beyinlerini
Kaddish, and other poems
Ginsberg Esencial
Urlo & Kaddish
Uluma ve Oteki Siirler
Earthly Paradise
kaddish et autres poemes
Poems all over the place, mostly 'seventies
Yage Mektuplari
Beat Voices
Bixby Canyon ocean path word breeze. -
Antologii︠a︡ poėzii bitnikov
Una carta degli hippies
Diario Beat
Returning to the county for a brief visit
The complete songs of innocence and experience
Ginsberg at Evergreen
Wales visitation
Some mantras
To Eberhart from Ginsberg
Wichita vortex sutra
New year blues
Take care of my ghost, ghost
La caduta dell'America
Kaddish for Naomi Ginsberg, 1894-1956
America today!
Kral Majales
Ankor wat
Plutonian ode
Who be kind to
Scrap leaves
Improvised poetics
The Allen Ginsberg Audio Collection
Airplane dreams
Notes after an evening with William Carlos Williams
Iron horse
Skowyt i inne wirsze
Scrap leaves
Allen Ginsberg reads Kaddish
Testimonianza a Chicago
Minzey marijuana sacrament trial
Collected poems
A strange new cottage in Berkeley
Planet news, 1961-1967
Wales--a visitation, July 29, 1967
Documents on police bureaucracy's conspiracy against human rights of opiate addicts & constitutional rights of medical profession causing mass break-down of urban law & order
Wales - a visitation
Allen Ginsberg fotografier 1947-1987
Allen Ginsberg photographs
Rain-wet asphalt heat, garbage curbed cans overflowing
Howl, and other poems
Kaddish, and other poems 1958-1960
The rune
Sad dust glories
The moments return
Honorable courtship
T.V. baby poems
Pablo Neruda, 1904-1973
"The Fall of America" wins a prize
Entering Kansas City High
Wichita vortex sutra
Making it up
Allen Ginsberg on tour Feb. 16, 1983, with Peter Orlovsky & Steven Taylor
Honorable courtship
Careless love
Ginsberg's improvised poetics
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman (1884-1972)

politician, judge, businessperson, military officer, diarist

  • University of Missouri–Kansas City
The autobiography of Harry S. Truman
Letters home
Where the buck stops
The words of Harry S. Truman
Years of Trial and Hope
The quotable Harry S. Truman
The man from Missouri
Miracle of '48
Off the record
The wit and wisdom of Harry S. Truman
Talking with Harry
Memoirs of Harry S. Truman 1946-1952
Strictly personal and confidential
Year of Decisions
Memoirs. --
Harry S. Truman in his own words
The wit & wisdom of Harry Truman
Memoirs of Truman: Volume I
The Truman years
Mr. Citizen
Affection and Trust
Affection & Trust
The Words of Harry S. Truman (Words of)
Harry S. Truman's musical letters
The quotable Truman
Mr. President
The Truman program
Letters from father
Truman speaks
Map room messages of President Truman (1945-1946)
The Truman administration, its principles and practice
Truman Program; Addresses And Messages, The (History - United States)
Battle line for American industry
State of the Union Addresses of Harry S. Truman
State Of The Union Addresses
A new page in history
Potsdam Conference documents
Working in the U.N., a challenge to better human relations; address
State of the Union Addresses of Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman, 1884-   : chronology-documents-bibliographical aids
Defending the West
Letters from father
Mr. Citizen
Off the record
State of the Union Address
Harry S. Truman
Good old Harry
Peace, freedom, and world trade
President Truman's committee on civil rights
One hundred million listening
The free world and free trade
Harry S. Truman, 1884-1972 (Oceana presidential chronology series [17])
Truman Tapes
A plan for reducing armaments; address
President Truman talks price stabilization
Addresses and statements of Harry S. Truman
Correspondence between President Truman and Pope Pius XII
Letters from father
Freedom and equality, addresses
Harry S. Truman
A new era in world affairs
Harry S. Truman presidential oral history collection
Extracts from a foreign policy address by President Truman at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco on October 17, 1950 on his return from a Mid Pacific conference with General MacArthur
The Truman wit
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen"
Truman Tapes (Swc 2085)
The Truman administration
President Harry S. Truman's office files, 1945-1953
Dinner in honor of our fellow member the President of the United States Harry S. Truman given by the National Press Club at the Statler Hotel
Establishing the Marshall Plan
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman
Mr. Citizen
The Women's National Press Club annual dinner and stunt party
Truman and the United Nations
זכרונותיו של הארי ס. טרומן
Harry S. Truman
Mr. President
Moral re-armament
Memorable Words of the Man From Missouri
Harry S. Truman
Frances Burney
Frances Burney (1752-1840)

diarist, essayist, playwright

The early journals and letters of Fanny Burney
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an heiress
The wanderer, or, Female difficulties
The Journals and Letters
Camilla, or, A picture of youth
The journals and letters of Fanny Burney (Madame D'Arblay)
The early diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778
The diary of Fanny Burney
Dr. Johnson & Fanny Burney
The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay): Volume IX and X
Fanny Burney and her friends
The Diary And Letters of Madame D'arblay
The complete plays of Frances Burney
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an heiress
Diary & letters of Madame d'Arblay, 1778-1840
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an heiress
Camilla, Or, A Picture of Youth
A known scribbler
Evelina Volume II
Memoirs of Dr. Burney
Evelina Volume I
Evelina, or, A young lady's entrance into the world : in a series of letters
The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay): Volume III
The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay): Volume IV
Diary and letters of Madame d'Arblay ... edited by her niece [Charlotte Barrett]
Memoirs of Madame d'Arblay
Cecilia Memoirs of an heiress
Fanny Burney, selected letters and journals
A busy day
Cecilia, Memoirs of an Heiress
Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay) and her friends
Evelina: Or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay): Volume VII
The diary and letters of Frances Burney, Madame d'Arblay
Cecilia, Or Memories of an Heiress
The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay): Volume VI
The wanderer
Camilla A Picture of Youth, Volume II
The diary and letters of Madame D'Arblay (Frances Burney)
Memoirs of Doctor Burney
Camilla A Picture of Youth, Volume III
The Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (The Early Journals & Letters of Fanny Burney)
Camilla A Picture of Youth, Volume V
Stage, Screen and Sandwiches
Diary and letters of Madame d'Arblay, author of Evelina, Cecilia, &c
Camilla A Picture of Youth, Volume I
Camilla A Picture of Youth, Volume IV
Diary & letters of Madame d'Arblay, 1778-1840
The Witlings and the Woman-Hater (Pickering Woman's Classics Series)
Edwy and Elgiva
The Journals And Letters Of Fanny Burney
The Witlings (Early Women Writers 1650-1800, No. 3)
Fanny Burney
A busy day, or, An arrival from India
Selected Letters and Journals (Oxford Letters & Memoirs)
Diary and letters (1778-1840) of Madame D'Arblay
Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's introduction to the world
Camilla: or, A picture of youth, by the author of Evelina
The Witlings and The Woman-Hater (Broadview Literary Texts)
Evelina, Or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world (1778)
Brief reflections relative to the emigrant French clergy
Fanny Burney and the Burneys
Minor British novelists
The famous Miss Burney
The diary of Fanny Burney
The diary
Fanny Burney's diary
The wanderer; or, Female difficulties. By the author of Evelina
Doctor Johnson and Fanny Burney
Camilla, Or, A Picture of Youth.
Oeuvres de Miss Burney
Evelina; or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world / by Fanny Burney
The diary and letters
Evelina: or The history of a young lady's entrance into the world [by F. Burney].
The early diary of Fanny Burney, 1768-1778..
Wanderer, or Female Difficulties (Mothers of the Novel)
The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay): Volume XI and XII: Mayfair 1818-1824 Letters 1180-1354,  and Mayfair 1825-1840 Letters 1355-1521 (Madame D'arblay)
Diary and letters of Madame d'Arblay
Camilla; or, A picutre of youth
Fanny Burney and the Burneys
Memoirs of Doctor Burney
Memoirs of Doctor Burney
Evelina, or, A young lady's entrance into the world
Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world
Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's introduction to the world
Fannie Burney written by herself
Fanny Burney
The early diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778
The diary of Fanny Burney
Evelina; or, A young lady's entrance into the world ...
Johnsoniana: Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson
The diary of Fanny Burney
Diary and letters of Madame D'Arblay
Diary & letters of Madame d'Arblay (1778-1840)
Diary & letters (1778-1840) as edited by her niece Charlotte Barrett
Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance in to the world
The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney
Fanny Burney and her friends
Cecilia, ou Mémoires d'une héritiere
Memoirs of Doctor Burney
Brief reflections relative to the emigrant French clergy
The early diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778
Considerations on Religion and Public Education, With Remarks on the Speech of M. Dupont, Delivered in the National Convention of France
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an heiress by Fanny Burney
Fanny Burney and the Burneys
Fanny Burney and her friends
Fanny Burney's diary
The diary of Fanny Burney
The Early Diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778: With a Selection from Her ...
Ellen Gilchrist
Ellen Gilchrist (1935-2024)

poet, journalist, diarist

  • Millsaps College, University of Arkansas
The writing life
Victory Over Japan
Sarah Conley
A dangerous age
Age of Miracles
The courts of love
Drunk with love
In the land of dreamy dreams
The cabal and other stories
The Anna Papers
Falling through space
I Cannot Get You Close Enough
Flights of angels
Collected stories
Light can be both wave and particle
I, Rhoda Manning, go hunting with my daddy, & other stories
Net of Jewels
Light can be both wave & particle
The annunciation
Nora Jane
Blue-eyed Buddhist and Other Stories
Ellen Gilchrist
The bitch in the house
Acts of God
Light can be both wave and particle
Nora Jane
Nora Jane and Company
A dagerous age
The land surveyor's daughter
In the land of dreamy dreams
I, Rhoda Manning, Go Hunting With My Daddy
The bitch in the house
Muppets #01
Muppets #02
Light Can Be Both Wave and Particle
In the Land of Dreamy Drea
Sar Conley ARC
Two stories
Drunk W/Love
Ellen Gilchrist, Interview
Un air de vérité
Riding Out the Tropical Depression
Sarah Conley Reading Group Companion
The Ammunication
Richard Henry Dana
Richard Henry Dana (1815-1882)

diarist, poet lawyer, lawyer, politician

  • Harvard University, Harvard College
Two Years Before the Mast
Two years before the mast
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle and Related Readings
Men at Sea
The Boston Book: Being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature
Two years before the mast a personal narrative of life at sea
The Oxford Book of American Essays
Two Years Before the Mast
Two years before the mast: or, A voice from the forecastle
Two years before the mast and Twenty-four years after
Two Years Before the Mast: A Personal Narrative
Richard Henry Dana, jr. ... speeches in stirring times, and letters to a son
The seaman's friend
Two Years Before the Mast, and Twenty-four Years After: A Personal Narrative
Speech of Richard H. Dana, Jr., at a meeting of citizens held in Faneuil Hall
Speeches in stirring times and letters to a son
An address upon the life and services of Edward Everett
Two Years Before the Mast
Two years before the mast and other voyages
Richard Henry Dana, Jr
To Cuba and back
To Cuba and Back
Memoir of Major John R. Vinton, U.S.A., who fell at Vera Cruz, March 22, 1847
Two Years Before the Mast and Twenty-Four Years After
The Sailing - Narratives 2-In-1 Special
Two Years Before the Mast
A Yankee in Mexican California, 1834-1836
The seaman's manual
Speech of Richard H. Dana, jr., at Manchester, N.H. on Tuesday evening, February 19, 1861
A tribute to Judge Sprague
Two Years Before the Mast
The journal
Two years before the mast
Two Years Before the Mast
The Bible in schools
The journal of Richard Henry Dana Jr
Collected Works Of Richard Henry Dana, Sr.
Opening address and closing argument of Richard H. Dana, Jr., Esq., counsel for the libellant, (Benj. F. Dalton)
To Cuba And Back
To Cuba and Back. A Vacation Voyage
To Cuba and back, A vacation voyage
Hospitable England in the seventies
Two Tears Before the Mast
Poems And Prose Writings, ( 2 Vols. )
Seaman's Friend
Buccaneer And Other Poems
An autobiographical sketch, 1815-1842
Full report of R.H. Dana's argument for defence in the case of Rev. I.S. Kalloch, pastor of the Tremont-Temple Baptist Church
Two years before the mast, or, A voice from the forecastle
Richard Henry Dana Jr
Collected Works Of Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Remarks of Richard H. Dana, Jr. Esq. before the Committee on Federal Relations
Two years before the mast
Two years before the mast
Two Years Before the Mast a Personal Narrative of Life at Sea
Dos años al pie del mastil
Two Years
Usury laws
Deux Années sur le gaillard d'avant
Certain gentlemen have proposed my undertaking the charge of a class of young ladies in English literature ..
Two years before the mast
The Journal of Richard Henry Dana
The seaman's friend
Two years before the mast
Two years before the mast
Boston slave riot and trial of Anthony Burns
The ether discovery
Voyages and travels
Two Years Before The Mast
Journal of a voyage from Boston to the coast of California
Two years before the mast
Two years before the mast
Argument of Richard H. Dana, jr., on behalf of the United States
Two Years Before the Mast
Two years before the mast; or, A sailor's life at sea
Deux années sur le gaillard d'avant - fermeture et bascule vers 9782228921169
A. C. Benson
A. C. Benson (1862-1925)

poet, academic, diarist

  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
Joyous Gard
Brontë poems
The Upton letters
The Isles of Sunset
At large
Alfred Tennyson
Where No Fear Was
The Child of the Dawn
The Altar Fire
The house of quiet
Until the evening
Edward Fitzgerald
The thread of gold
The trefoil
The reed of Pan
Along the road
The schoolmaster
Father Payne
William Laud
The leaves of the tree
Genealogy of the Family of Benson of Banger House and Northwoods, in the ..
The Letters of Queen Victoria: A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence Between the Years ...
Paul the Minstrel and Other Stories
The life of Edward White Benson
Men of might
The professor
Edwardian excursions
Ghosts in the House
The Silent Isle
The diary of Arthur Christopher Benson
The gate of death
Hugh - Memoirs Of A Brother
Beside still waters
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Memories and friends
The Life Of Edward White Benson, Sometime Archbishop Of Canterbury V1
Thy rod and Thy staff
Life and letters of Maggie Benson
Walter Pater
From A College Window
Escape, and other essays
Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B.A
Chris Gascoyne
Cambridge Essays on Education
Fasti etonenses
Le cahier jaune
Secret Wells
Watersprings (1913)
The orchard pavillion
Ruskin; A Study In Personality
Letters of Queen Victoria 9 Volume Set
The Temple of Death and Other Stories
The happy warrior
The poems of A.C. Benson ..
The house of Menerdue
Collected Works of Arthur Christopher Benson
The letters of one, a study in limitations by Charles Hare Plunkett
The book of the queen's dolls' house
Lord Vyet, and other poems
Magdalene College Cambridge
The Life Of Edward White Benson, Sometime Archbishop Of Canterbury V2
Extracts from the letters of Dr. A.C. Benson to M.E.A
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of A. C. Benson: One Novel 'The Child of the Dawn,' One Novelette 'The Uttermost Farthing' and Eight Short Stories of the Strange and Unusual
Herb Moly and Heartsease
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of A. C. Benson
Cambridge Essays in Education
Rambles and reflections
Essays of to-day and yesterday
Lest we forget
Basil Netherby
The canon
The hill of trouble and other stories
Thomas Gray
A. C. Benson
Everybody's book of the queen's dolls' house
Selected poems
The life of Edward White Benson
Thy rod and Thy staff
The secret of Christ, the essentials of Christianity
The orchard pavillion
Father Payne
Walter Pater
The Upton letters
Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton
A Cluster of Grapes
Life and letters of Maggie Benson
The beauty of life
The child of the dawn
Ode to Japan
Beside still waters
William Laud, sometime Archbishop of Canterbury
Ode in memory of the Rt. Honble. William Ewart Gladstone
Edward Fitzgerald