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academics who wrote autobiography
Showing 33-40 out of 241 results
Barack Obama
Barack Obama (born 1961)

politician, lawyer, community organizer, statesperson, jurist, podcaster, academic, memoirist

  • State Elementary School Menteng 01, Punahou School
Dreams from My Father
We are the change we seek
Farewell Speeches
The Audacity of Hope
Our enduring spirit
A Promised Land
Change has come
Change we can believe in
The inaugural address, 2009 ; together with Abraham Lincoln's first and second inaugural addresses and the Gettysburg Address and Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-reliance
Conversations with Myself
Barack Obama in his own words
It takes a nation
Barack Obama in his own words
An American story
Me and My Friend President Obama
The Obama education plan
Barack Obama's speeches =
Of Thee I Sing
Time on Two Crosses
Barack Obama
A more perfect union
Words On A Journey
Barack Obama's Speech on Race
Yes We Did
Inspire a Nation
Barack Obama Speeches
Three speeches by Barack Obama
My Fellow Citizens
Barack Obama
Be Vigilant But Not Afraid
The Complete Book of Presidential Inaugural Speeches
Promise Me Dad By Joe Biden & A Promised Land By Barack Obama 2 Books Collection Set
Essential Guide to Russian Hacking and Malicious Cyber Activity in the 2016 Presidential Election, Intelligence Agency Reports, Role of Putin, Russia Political Warfare Against America and the West
Barack Obama in his own words
Holiday Messages from the Obamas
Barack Obama, en sus propias palabras
Barack Obama : The 60 Minutes Interviews
Obama Talks Back
Barack Obama Selected Speeches
Yes We Can!
Barack Obama
Sur la Guerre et la Paix . Discours de Réception du Prix Nobel de la Paix
Self-Determination and Change in the Middle East and North Africa
44 on the Record - 2016
Discours choisis (Folio 2 €) (French Edition)
Barack Obama on teachers & education
President Barack Obama's Address to the Congress and the Nation - February 24 2009
2013 President Barack Obama Inaugural Address, the 2009 Obama Inaugural Address, and Campaign Speeches from the Presidential Campaign of 2012 Against Republican Mitt Romney
Hoffnung wagen
President Obama the Collected Speeches
Saramŭi maŭmŭl ŏtnŭn mal
Ein amerikanischer Traum: Die Geschichte meiner Familie
Min Far Hade En Drom Memoarer
A Letter to the Texas Governor : The Jade Helm Report
Un mundo mejor para nuestros hijos
Wit and Wisdom of Barack Obama by Barack Obama
What Is Best in America
Le Changement
Un mundo mejor para nuestros hijos (Spanish Edition)
2016 President Barack Obama's Speech at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Japan about the World War II Atomic Bombing of August 1945 - Honoring the Victims of the First Nuclear Weapon
Discours à la Mémoire de Nelson Mandela
2009-2017 Essential History of President Barack Obama - Speeches, State of the Union (SOTU) and Inaugural Addresses, Record on Economy, Health Care, Environment, Social Progress, World Leadership
Aobama zhuo yue yan jiang de mi mi
President Barack Obama's Farewell Address to the Nation (January 10, 2017)
President Barack Obama
Inaugural Address Minibook
The great speeches of Barack Obama
Ziemia obiecana
The gift of hope
Ein amerikanischer Traum
Barack Obama
De la race en Amérique
Yes We Can . Discours de Barack Obama, Candidat la PR'Sidence des Etats-Unis d'Am'rique Nashua (New Hampshire), le 8 Janvier 2008
Essential Guide to Sexual Assault and Rape - Campus and College Student Victimization, Not Alone
Een beloofd land
The plan
Why Adam Kurtz Could Not Crow but Meow?
2014 President Barack Obama's Speech to the United Nations about the Islamic State (IS) and America's War Against ISIS / ISIL Terrorism, Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Palestine, Ebola Outbreak
Le changement, nous pouvons y croire
My fellow citizens
Aharon Appelfeld
Aharon Appelfeld (1932-2018)

physical education teacher

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Story of a Life
ʻAl kol ha-peshaʻim
Blooms of Darkness
Unto the Soul
The Conversion
To the land of the cattails
The immortal Bartfuss
Badenhaim, ʻir nofesh
The Iron Tracks
The age of wonders
Beyond Despair
The healer
Lengua de tierra
Until the dawn's light
The Retreat
All whom I have loved
A table for one
Tzili, the story of a life
Kutonet ṿeha-pasim
Badenheim, ir nofesh
Badenheim, 1939
The Healer (Appelfeld, Aharon)
ʻOd ha-yom gadol
ha- Kutonet ṿeha-pasim
Ḥamishah sipurim
To the Edge of Sorrow
Masot be-guf rishon
Ke-meʼah ʻedim
Kol asher ahavti
Pitʾom ahavah
Adam and Thomas
Ba-gai ha-poreh
For every sin
Ṿeha-zaʻam ʻod lo nadam
Historia De Una Vida
What is Jewish in Jewish literature?
Tor ha-pelaʼot
In the wilderness
Be-ḳomat ha-ḳarḳaʻ
Sipur ḥayim
Ke-ishon ha-ʻayin
Via Ferrea (Narrativa Losada España)
Kefor ʻal ha-arets
Ad she-yaaleh amud ha-shahar
ʻAd ḥod ha-tsaʻar
Layish (Tsad ha-tefer)
Mikhreh ha-kerah
Be-ʻet uve-ʻonah aḥat
Für alle S unden
To the Land of the Reeds (Quartet Encounters)
Masa el ha-horef
Long Summer Nights
Mayim adirim
Mikhṿat ha-or
Lailah ṿe-ʻod lailah
Kefor 'al ha-arets
Meine Eltern
The Retreat (Quartet Encounters)
ha-Ish she-lo pasaḳ li-yeshon
Be-komat ha-karkaʻ
El erets ha-gome
Periḥah peraʾit
Ritspat esh
Shanim ṿe-shaʻot
The Age of Wonders (Quartet Encounters)
Mesilat barzel (Tsad ha-tefer)
Adne ha-nahar
Mikhreh ha-ḳeraḥ
Ha- 'Or veha-kutonet
Pirḥe ha-afelah
Tamiun (Tsad ha-tefer)
Baska Dünyadan Gelen Kiz
Die Eismine
Man Who Never Stopped Sleeping
Für alle Sünden
Horaʼat sifrut ha-Shoʼah
All Whom I Have Loved
Der eiserne Pfad
To the Land of Cattails (Appelfeld, Aharon)
De onsterfelijke Bartfuss
Zeit der Wunder. Roman
Alles, was ich liebte: Roman
Paesaggio con bambina
For Every Sin (Appelfeld, Aharon)
The Immortal Bartfuss (Appelfeld, Aharon)
Ruhun Kuytusunda
Alles, was ich liebte
To the land of the reeds
Zeit der Wunder
ha- ʻOr veha-kutonet
Bis Der Tag Anbricht
Blumen der Finsternis
Der Mann, der nicht aufhörte zu schlafen
Les eaux tumultueuses
Ein Mädchen nicht von dieser Welt
Auf der Lichtung
Madeleine Albright
Madeleine Albright (1937-2022)

diplomat, politician, political scientist, ambassador, opinion journalist, minister, foreign minister

  • Wellesley College, Columbia University
Didier Eribon
Didier Eribon (born 1953)

sociologist, philosopher, research fellow, journalist, opinion journalist

  • University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
Michel Foucault
Une morale du minoritaire
Returning To Reims
Insult and the Making of the Gay Self (Series Q)
Sur cet instant fragile..
Michel Foucault et ses contemporains
Faut-il brûler Dumézil?
Réflexions sur la question gay
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Papiers d'identité
D'une révolution conservatrice et de ses effets sur la gauche française
Echapper à la psychanalyse
De la subversion
Les études gay et lesbiennes
El Infrecuentable Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault. Eine Biographie
Michel Foucault, 1926-1984
Reflexiones Sobre La Cuestion Gay
Michael Foucault y Sus Contemporaneos
Por ese instante fragil / For This Fragile Instant
L’infréquentable Michel Foucault
Claude Lévy-Strauss
Retour à Reims
Una Moral de Lo Minoritario
Ruckkehr nach Reims
Michel Foucault und seine Zeitgenossen
Nevzat Tarhan
Nevzat Tarhan (born 1952)

academic, psychiatrist

  • Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa
Asimetrik savaş
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (1820-1891)

head teacher, professor

  • The Sanskrit College and University, Sanskrit Collegiate School
Unpublished letters of Vidyasagar
Hindu widow marriage
Betāla pañcabiṃśati
Betāla pañcabiṃśati
Apuūrbba itihāsa
Unpublished letters of Vidyasagar
Marriage of Hindu widows
Sanskrit vyakarana ki upakramanika
Śakuntalā o Sītāra banabāsa
Saṃskr̥tabhāshā o Saṃskr̥tasāhityaśāstrabishaẏaka prastāba
Bāṃlādeśe Bidyāsāgara carcā
Bidyāsāgara smāraka-grantha
Bidyāsāgara racanābalī
Bidyāsāgara, nirbācita racanā: sāhitya o samāja
Bidyāsāgara Kaleja, 1872-1972
The exile of Sītā
Sītāra banabāsa
Bidyāsāgarera ciṭhipatra o anyānya prasaṅga
Alfonso Irigoien
Alfonso Irigoien (1929-1996)

professor, essayist, philologist

  • University of Salamanca
Chike Frankie Edozien
Chike Frankie Edozien (born 1970)

journalist, academic